2015高考英语(unit 4 global warming)一轮复习题

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2015高考英语(unit 4 global warming)一轮复习题

Unit 4 Global warming Ⅰ.语法单句填空 ‎1.The crazy song Gangam Style is really turning into ________ global phenomenon, which gives some old people ________ surprise.‎ 答案:a;a 考查冠词。句意:疯狂的江南Style这首歌正在变成一个全球现象,这成为一些老年人吃惊的事情。第一空表泛指;第二空a surprise是不可数名词的具体化,表示“一件令人吃惊的事情”。‎ ‎2.—He said he would finish it on time.‎ ‎—Well,maybe ________ is not what he says but what he does that counts.‎ 答案:it 考查强调句型。句意:——他说他会按时完工。——可能重要的不是他说的话而是他的行动。由句意可知,答语是强调句型,由强调句型的构成可知,应填it。‎ ‎3.________ these circumstances, you might agree with us that it is rather difficult for your products to set foot in this market.‎ 答案:Under/In 句意:在这种情况下,你们会同意我们的看法,你们的产品在这个市场上很难立足。under these circumstances“在这种情况下”。‎ ‎4.Patience,without ________ you can't do the work well,is a kind of quality.‎ 答案:which 句意为:耐心是一种品质。没有了耐心,你不能做好工作。此处考查了定语从句中“介词+which”的情况,which指代的是先行词patience。‎ ‎5.The accident that resulted ________ the death of two passengers resulted ________ careless driving.‎ 答案:in;from 句意:导致两名乘客死亡的事故起因于粗心驾驶。result in后跟结果,意思是“导致”;result from后跟原因,意思是“由……造成;因……而产生”。‎ ‎6.Was it because of the heavy snowstorm in Europe ________ the flight had to be put off?‎ 答案:that 考查强调句。这是强调句的一般疑问句,正常的语序是:“It was because of the heavy snowstorm in Europe that the flight had to be put off.”,被强调部分是表示原因的状语。‎ ‎7.Many residents are opposed to ________ (build) the motorway. It is not a wise decision.‎ 答案:building 句意:许多居民反对修建那条高速公路的计划,那可不是个明智的决定。be opposed to中的to为介词,其后需跟名词或动词ing形式作宾语。‎ ‎8.An average of about 100 emails a week ________(be) received. Such ________(be) the case with Martin at present.‎ 答案:are;is 考查主谓一致。an average of+可数名词复数时,其后的谓语动词应该用复数;the average of+可数名词复数时,其后的谓语动词则应该用单数。such是指代前面的这样一件事,所以视为单数,故其后谓语动词应该用单数。‎ ‎9.After a quick stare________ at the bill, she paid it.‎ 答案:at 句意:迅速地扫了一眼账单后,她就付了钱。glance at“匆匆看一眼;粗略地扫一眼”,符合题意。‎ ‎10.—The patient looks much better. ________ is it that has made him ________ he is today?‎ ‎—I think it is the medicine and patient care.‎ 答案:What;‎ ‎ what 句意:——病人看起来好多了,是什么使得他成为今天这个样子的?——我觉得是药物和耐心照料(的缘故吧)。如果将问句变为陈述句,则出现It is ________ that has made him ________ he is today.很明显,第一个空考查强调句型中的特殊疑问词;第二个空则要引导从句作宾补,从句中缺少表语,故用关系词what。‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎(2013·江西九校联考)‎ Around 200 million years ago, the earth was 18 degrees warmer than it is now. That might be a bit hot for humans, but it was just right for the giant dinosaurs that wandered about the earth during the Mesozoic (中生代的) era. A new study found that planteating dinosaurs may have contributed to the warming of the earthby releasing significant amounts of methane (甲烷).‎ The study, published in science journal Current Biology, focused on sauropods, longnecked herbivores (食草动物) that munched (用力咀嚼) on the top of trees. They were the largest of the dinosaurs; food broke down in their stomachs for long periods of time. The researchers estimate that a sauropoda released 2,675 liters of methane per day—adding up to a large amount of the greenhouse gas being pumped from dinosaur's gut into the atmosphere.‎ Plant eaters naturally release methane as part of their digestive process. The larger the animal, the more methane it produces. Methane, a greenhouse gas, traps heat and remains in the atmosphere for approximately 915 years, which warms the atmosphere.‎ Today, some animals, such as cattle, goats and sheep, produce large amounts of methane as a byproduct to their food digestion. Methane is also released from human—influenced sources such as landfill, agricultural activities, coal mining and other industrial practices—which all contribute to today's climate change, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.‎ The researchers estimate that earth's sauropods would have produced about 520 million tons of methane per year—similar to the total amount of methane produced today by natural and manmade sources. However, the researchers warn that their numbers are estimates based on multiple assumptions about the digestive systems and populations of dinosaurs.‎ The author of the study David Wilkinson says the emission of methane from dinosaurs would have been just one of the causes of warm climate during the Mesozoic era. Other causes include gases produced from volcanoes, swamps, shallow seas and so on. Still, Wilkinson says,“ The amount of methane from dinosaurs is large enough to have a measurable effect.”‎ 文章大意:一项研究发现,中生代全球变暖很可能是因为恐龙释放出了大量的甲烷。‎ ‎1.Scientists think dinosaurs may have led to the global warming because ________.‎ A.they ate everything they found B.they usually had a good appetite C.they released a lot of methane D. there were too many dinosaurs on earth 答案:C 细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句可知,恐龙导致全球变暖是因为它们释放出了大量的甲烷。‎ ‎2.What do we know about dinosaurs from Paragraph 2?‎ A.Sauropods fed on plants.‎ B.Sauropods were of medium size.‎ C.Dinosaurs used to live on trees.‎ D.Dinosaurs digested food quickly.‎ 答案:A 细节理解题。根据第二段的内容可知,蜥脚类恐龙是长脖子食草动物,体形硕大。故A项正确。‎ ‎3.Which of the following activities doesn't produce methane?‎ A.Coal is dug out by machine.‎ B.Trees and flowers are planted.‎ C.Goats digest grass under the tree.‎ D.Food is being processed in the factory.‎ 答案:B 细节理解题。根据第四段可知,动物消化食物时,会释放出甲烷。而且,在废物填埋、农业活动、煤矿开采以及其他工业生产过程中,都会产生甲烷。因此B项符合题意。‎ ‎4.How does the author make his writing reliable?‎ A.By listing some facts.‎ B.By making predictions.‎ C.By citing figures.‎ D.By using mind pictures.‎ 答案:C 推理判断题。作者在文中多次引用数字,以提高文章内容的可信度。‎ ‎5.David Wilkinson seems to believe that ________.‎ A.methane had little effects on the earth B.many other factors contributed to warm climate C.other causes for warm climate were worth considering D.dinosaurs were mainly to blame for global warming 答案:B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,David Wilkinson认为除了恐龙排放的甲烷之外,还有其他一些因素导致全球变暖。‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 ‎(2013·武汉市部分学校联考)‎ It was January 25th, 2008: Nisha and Akshaye's __1__ anniversary. But things had changed since their marriage. The couple __2__ about small things. Yet they still loved each other.‎ Nisha thought her husband might have __3__ about their anniversary. When door bell rang, Nisha was __4__ happy that Akshaye had finally remembered. She ran to open the door. Indeed, Akshaye was standing outside and __5__ a bunch of flowers. They started to have a(n) __6__ night. But then the phone started ringing. Nisha went to __7__ it up. There was a man on the other __8__ of the phone. “Hello, madam. I am calling from the __9__ station. Is this Mr. Akshaye Malhotra's number?”‎ ‎“Yes, it is.”‎ ‎“There was an __10__ , and a man died. We got your number from the man's __11__. We need you to come here and __12__ the body.”‎ Nisha's heart __13__. “Whhhaat? B...but my husband is here with me.”‎ ‎“Sorry, madam, the accident took place at 3:00 pm.”‎ She had heard that the soul of the dead person would come to meet you before it __14__. She ran to the sitting room. Akshaye was not there. Had something bad really happened? If she had been given __15__ chance, she would have mended all her __16__. She was about to lose her senses. __17__ Akshaye came out of the bathroom, saying, “Dear, my wallet was __18__ while I was __19__ my way home this afternoon.”‎ Life might not give you a __20__ chance. So never waste a moment when you have the chance to make up for your deeds.‎ 文章大意:Nisha夫妇婚后虽然仍然爱着对方。但是却经常为小事争吵。在结婚纪念日,一个偶然的事情使他们意识到,在有机会纠正自己的缺点时,应该马上去做。‎ ‎1.A.marriage        B.engagement C.divorce D.birth 答案:A 从下一句可知,应该是他们的“结婚”纪念日。marriage“婚姻”;engagement“订婚”;divorce“离婚”;birth“出生”。‎ ‎2.A.talked B.argued C.quarreled D.agreed 答案:C 结婚后,事情有了很大变化。他们经常为小事“争吵”。quarrel“争吵”;talk“交谈”;argue“争论,争辩”;agree“同意”。‎ ‎3.A.remembered B.memorized C.reminded D.forgotten 答案:D Nisha认为她的丈夫可能已经“忘记”了他们的结婚纪念日。forget“忘记”;remember“记得”;memorize“记忆”;remind“提醒”。‎ ‎4.A.friendly B.luckily C.surprisingly D.fortunately 答案:C 当门铃响起的时候,Nisha认为丈夫记起来他们的结婚纪念日所以非常“惊”喜。surprisingly“令人吃惊地”;friendly“友好的”;luckily“幸运地”;fortunately“幸运地”。‎ ‎5.A.giving B.holding C.carrying D.delivering 答案:B 事实上,她的丈夫站在门外,手里“举着”一束花。hold“举着,握着”;give“给”;carry“运送”;deliver“接生,发表,递送”。‎ ‎6.A.gentle B.romantic C.extraordinary D.normal 答案:B 他们开始度过一个“浪漫的”夜晚。romantic“浪漫的”;gentle“轻微的”;extraordinary“非同寻常的”;normal“正常的,标准的”。‎ ‎7.A.pick B.put C.get D.give 答案:A 这时,电话响了。Nisha去“接电话”。pick up“接听”;put up“举起,搭建”;get up“起床”;give up“放弃”。‎ ‎8.A.beginning B.end C.line D.call 答案:B 在电话的“另一端”是一位男士。on the other end“在另一端”。‎ ‎9.A.post B.bus C.police D.railway 答案:C 从后文可知,交通事故后应该由“警察局”通知。‎ ‎10.A.incident B.affair C.event D.accident 答案:D 由13空后的那一段可知,是“交通事故”。accident“事故”;incident“小事,事变”;affair“事物”;event“大事”。‎ ‎11.A.ID card B.passport C.license D.wallet 答案:D 此处与18空前的wallet照应。‎ ‎12.A.realize B.know C.achieve D.identify 答案:D 我们需要你来警局“确认”死者身份。identify“确认身份”;realize“意识到”;know“知道”;achieve“获得”。‎ ‎13.A.sank B.drowned C.shocked D.beat 答案:A Nisha的心“一沉”。sink“下沉”;drown“淹没”;shock“震惊”;beat“打败”。‎ ‎14.A.departed B.arrived C.appeared D.recovered 答案:A Nisha听说过人的灵魂在“离开”前会来见你。depart“离开”;arrive“到来”;appear“出现”;recover“恢复”。‎ ‎15.A.the other B.other C.another D.one 答案:C 如果“再”给她一次机会,她会纠正自己所有的“缺点”。another“再一,又一”;the other“两者中的另一者”;other“其他的”;one“一个”。‎ ‎16.A.mistakes B.failure C.faults D.disadvantages 答案:C fault“缺点,失误”;mistake“错误”;failure“失败”;disadvantage“不利条件”。‎ ‎17.A.Suddenly B.Luckily C.Unfortunately D.Sadly 答案:A “突然”,她丈夫从厕所出来。suddenly“突然”;luckily“幸运地”;unfortunately“不幸地”;sadly“悲哀地”。‎ ‎18.A.thrown B.stolen C.dropped D.attached 答案:B “在回来的路上”,我的钱包被“偷”了。steal“偷”;throw“扔”;drop“滴落”;attach“连接”。‎ ‎19.A.in B.on C.above D.over 答案:B on one's way home“在回家的路上”。‎ ‎20.A.nice B.third C.satisfied D.second 答案:D 生活可能不会“再”给你机会。a second“再一,又一”。‎ Ⅳ.语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ A:What kind of work do you want to do__1__you finish university? ‎ B:I want to work__2__the banking industry. I've always been__3__(interest) in working for an international bank. I'd like to help people__4__(invest) their money. ‎ A:That's a job that pays well. If you're__5__(luck), you might have opportunities to travel__6__. Have you applied to any banks yet? Our course will end soon. ‎ B:Yes. I've sent letters to several banks. A few have invited me for__7__(interview) after we take our examinations. ‎ A:Well done! I haven't sent__8__my job applications yet. ‎ B:Which field would you like to work in? Have you decided yet? ‎ A:I'd like to work in marketing. I think I could have__9__good career in that field. ‎ B:Perhaps you should apply to banks as well. They need people to market their service.__10__you said, the banking industry pays well. ‎ A:That's a great idea. ‎ 答案:‎ ‎1.when 2.in 3.interested 4.invest 5.lucky ‎6.as well 7.interviews 8.off 9.a 10.As

