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中考1600词汇详解 A 1. a (an) art. 一个,某个,任何一个 ‎2. able adj. 有才干的;有能力的,能够的 反义词: unable ‎ n. ability 能力;才干;才能 adj. disabled 肢体残疾的 ‎★be able to do sth有能力做某事 ★be unable(=not able) to do sth ‎ ‎★ have the ability to do sth 有做某事的能力 ‎3. about prep. 对于,关于;大约;在….周围; adv. 处处,到处 ‎★be about to do即将做某事 ‎ ‎★ be about to do when + 句子 . 正打算做某事就在这时……‎ We were about to go when it suddenly rained.‎ ‎◆. look about = look around环顾四周 3. run about 到处跑 ‎★. What/How about + n. / pron. / doing? 用来征求意见 ‎★a book about …. 一本关于…..的书 ‎4. above prep. adj. 在…之上;超过;大于,多于; 上面的; 反义词:below ‎★ above all 最重要的 Above all, the work must be finished before nine by ourselves.‎ 最重要的是工作必须在九点之前由我们自己独立完成。‎ ‎5. abroad adv. 在外国 ‎◆ from abroad 从国外,从海外 ★ go abroad 出国 ‎★ study abroad 留学 ◆ news abroad and at home 国内外新闻 ‎6. accept:主观上“接受、认可“的意思,是收到并接受;‎ receive: 客观上“收到”但不一定接受 I received a lot of gifts on my birthday, but I didn’t accept any.‎ 生日那天我收到许多礼物,但是我并没有收下任何礼物。‎ ‎7. accident n. 事故; 偶然 adj. / adv. accidental(ly) 偶然的(地),意外的(地)‎ ‎★. by accident= by chance = accidentally 意外地,偶然地 ‎★ a traffic accident 交通事故 Many traffic accidents were caused by careless driving.‎ ‎8. according to prep. 根据…;依照 (to是介词)‎ ‎9. achieve v. 实现;达到;完成 n. achievement 成就 ‎★achieve your dream = realize your dream = make your dream come true 实现你的梦想 ‎ Translate:你的梦想会实现的。‎ ‎ Your dream will be achieved./realized.‎ ‎ Your dream will come true.‎ You will achieve /realize your dream = make your dream come true.‎ ‎10. across prep.在…对面, 横过 着重指从路线或物体表面的一边到另一边(表面) ‎ ‎★ across the country / the world 全国 / 世界 ‎★go / walk across the street = cross the street ‎★ swim across the river A new bridge will be built across the river.‎ ‎★ across the bridge ‎ ‎ ★across from 在……的对面 ‎11. act n. & v. 行为;举动; ‎ 词性转换:‎ ‎1) actor/actress n. 男演员/女演员 2) action n. 行动;行为;‎ ‎3) active adj. 积极的;活跃的 4)activity n. 活动 (复数)activities ‎★ take action(to do sth)采取行动 Let’s take action now!‎ We should take action to protect the environment. Let’s begin with small things ‎★ take( an active) part in : (积极)参加 ‎ I don’t think everyone should take an active part in the social activities.‎ ‎★ act as… 扮演….‎ ‎12. add v. 添加;增加;‎ ‎1). add up 加起来 add up these numbers 把这些数字加起来 ‎2).add up to合计 They add up to 25 他们加起来是25‎ ‎3). add…to…把…. 添加到…. Please add some salt to the noodles.‎ ‎13. address n. 地址;住址 pl. addresses ‎ ‎14. advantage n. 优点;有利之处 (可数)‎ 反: disadvantage 劣势,缺点,不利之处 短语:take advantage of 利用 ‎ Playing computer games has its advantages and disadvantages.‎ ‎15. advice n. 建义,劝告; (不可数名词) ‎ ‎★ a piece of advice 一条建议 ★ask for advice 征求建议 ‎★give sb some advice about / on…向某人提出关于……建议 ‎★take/follow one’s advice接受、遵照某人的建议 ‎16. advise v.t建议 ‎ ‎★ advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 ★ be advised to do sth ‎ ‎★ advise doing sth建议做某事 ‎★ advise that sb. (should )+ do sth. 建议某人做某 ‎17. afford v. 支付得起 (…的费用等),承担得起(后果),买得起 ‎ ◆ 常与can/can’t 连用 ★ afford sth/ afford to do sth.‎ ‎ 1) I can’t afford (to buy ) the house. 2)We can’t afford to wait to take action now.‎ ‎18. afraid adj. 惊慌的;恐怕的 ‎★ be afraid of sth./ doing sth. 害怕 …. ‎ Don’t be afraid of asking for help from others.不要害怕向别人求助。‎ ‎ ★ be afraid to do sth. 不敢做某事 ‎ ★ I’m afraid that ….. 恐怕……(+句子)‎ ‎ ★I’m afraid so / not. 恐怕如此 / 不是这样。‎ ‎19. after adv., prep & conj. 在…之后;晚于 ‎★ after all 终究,毕竟 ★ look after ★take after 长得像 ‎20. afternoon n. 下午;午后 ‎ ‎★ in the afternoon在下午 ★ on Monday afternoon在周一下午 ‎ ‎★on the afternoon of May 1在…的下午 ★ on a cold winter afternoon ‎ ‎21. again adv. 再一次;加之,此外; again = once more ‎★ again and again= over and over again 一次又一次地,反复地,再三地 I called him again and again, but he didn’t answer the telephone. ‎ ‎22. against prep. ‎ ‎1) 对着,反对 (反) be for 支持,同意 If no one is against this plan, let’s carry it out.‎ 如果没有人反对这个计划,那我们就开始吧。‎ ‎ ★ be against sth/doing sth 反对…/反对做某事 ‎ ★ have nothing against doing sth. 不反对 ‎ ★ play against…与……打比赛 ★ fight against…和…打仗 ‎ 2) 倚着,靠着 stand against the wall 靠墙站着 ‎ 3) 相反,逆着 I ran against the wind ‎ 4) 违背 ‎★(be)against the law/rules 违反法律、规则 ‎ ★ against one’s wishes违背某人的愿望 ‎ 5) The storm beat against the window heavily.‎ ‎23 . age n. 年龄;时期;‎ ‎ ★ at the age of…= at age … 在…岁时 ★ 和…同岁 the same age as…‎ ‎★ at an early age 在很小的时候 ★ from a very yong age 从很小的时候 ‎ Teenagers should be educated to take care of themselves from a very young age.‎ ‎24. ago adv. 以前;以往; ‎ ‎★ long ago 很久以前,从前:‎ ‎ ★ a moment ago. 刚才 He was here a moment ago.他刚才还在这儿。‎ ‎ ★ two years ago 两年前 ‎ ★ He has studied in this school since three years ago.‎ ‎25. agree v. 意见一致;赞成;适合;‎ n. agreement. 同意;一致;协议 反: disagree(ment)‎ ‎ ★ agree with + 人、意见、看法 I don’t agree with what you said. 我不同意你说的话。‎ I don’t agree with your idea/you. 我不同意你的主意。‎ ‎★ agree to do sth. 同意做某事 ‎ He didn’t agree to help us. 他不同意帮助我们。‎ ‎★ be in agreement (with…) 一致,同意 ‎26. air n. 大气;天空;态度 ‎ ‎★ by air =by plane 乘飞机 ★ in the open)air 在户外 ‎★ take in fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气 ‎27 airport n.机场;航空港 an airport ‎★ at the airport ★ go to the airport ‎28. alive adj. 活着,有生气的 ‎ ◆ keep…alive 使….活着/使…永存 ‎29 . all adj. & pron.全部的,所有的;‎ ‎ 用法:所包含的数量:三个及以上 否定:none ‎★ all day 整日 ★ all kinds of 各种各样的;‎ ‎★ all over 遍布 all over the world all over his face 满脸 ‎★ all right 行,可以 ★ not at all 一点也不 ★ all in all 总之 ‎★ in all = in total 总共 ★ all the time 一直 ‎★ Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你!‎ ‎30. allow v.准许;允许; ‎ ‎★ allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 ★ be allowed to do sth.‎ ‎★ allow doing允许做某事 ‎ Smoking isn’t allowed in public places.‎ ‎31. almost adv. 几乎,差不多;将近 ( 同义词:nearly)‎ ‎ Almost everyone knows about it.‎ ‎32.alone adj. 独自的;单独的;仅仅; 只 ‎ ★ be alone + 地点 独自一人在….. He was alone in the room.‎ ‎ ★ Leave sb. alone 把某人单独留下, 别理某人,别打扰某人 ‎ ★ do sth alone 独自一人做某事 ‎ 1) He lives alone. 他独居. 2)I finished the task alone.‎ ‎ 3)This year alone, hundreds of children died from traffic accidents. 仅今年,‎ ‎33.along adv. & prep沿着;向前;共同,一起;‎ ‎★along with = together with 和…..一起,连同 ‎1.Yesterday I went along with my brother to the shop.‎ 昨天我和我的弟弟一道去了那家商店。‎ ‎2. He along/together with his parents has gone to America.‎ ‎★★get along (well/ badly) with = get on with 与某人相处融洽(不好)‎ ‎★come along 出现 ★ all along 一直,始终 ‎ ‎★★ (walk) along the street 沿着大街(走)‎ ‎34. aloud adv. 出声地;大声地 (强调把声音发出来)‎ ‎★★ read aloud朗读 ★ call aloud for help 高声喊叫求救 ‎35. already adv.早已;早;‎ already: 完成时态;肯定句中;否定句中,表示“惊讶,不相信” ‎ yet : “尚(未),已经”:用于完成时态的否定句、疑问句中 ‎36.also adv. 而且;还 ‎1. 放在肯定句句中(be,助动词,情态动词后,行为动词前)‎ ‎ He has also finished it.‎ ‎ ★2. 而且 = besides = What’s more 置于句首,后有逗号 ‎ ‎ It is very cold. Also,it is raining heavily.‎ ‎ ★ not only …but (also)…. (连接主语,谓语动词就近原则)‎ ‎ Not only Lucy but also her parents are going to take a vacation .‎ ‎37. although = though conj.虽然;尽管 ‎◆ 不和but 同用在一个句子中 ‎ Although he worked hard, he made little progress.‎ ‎ He worked hard, but he made little progress.‎ ‎38. always adv.永远;总是;经常 ‎ ◆ 常用于一般现在时和一般过去时,表示动作发生的频率,用how often 提问 ‎ ★ be always doing sth.表示赞扬、责备、憎恶等情绪 ‎ ‎ He is always getting up late.‎ ‎39. America / the USA 美国 American adj.美洲的;美国人 ‎ ◆ an American (city) ◆ North / South / central America ‎40. among prep.被…所包围;其中, 在….中间 ‎ ‎◆用于“三者或三者以上之间” ,句子常用最高级 He is the tallest among the students.‎ ‎★ be popular among / with 受…的欢迎 ‎41. ancient adj. 古老的,古代的 ‎ ★ 在古代 in ancient times / days ‎ ★ China is an ancient country 中国是一个古老的国家 ‎42. and conj.和;及; ‎ ‎★ and so on 等等 This book tells about food, fruits, dishes and so on.‎ ‎◆◆ 祈使句,and +陈述句 (主语+ 一般将来时)‎ Think it over and you will find a good way.‎ ‎ ★★ both … and … (谓语用复数) ‎ ‎43. angry adj.生气的;愤怒的 (angrier/est)‎ ‎ n. anger 生气 adv. angrily生气地 ‎★be angry with sb. (at/about sth.) ★feel angry ‎ ‎44 . animal n.动物;牲畜 ◆ an animal hospital 动物医院 ‎45. another adj. & pron.别的;另一的;‎ ‎ ◆三者或以上(不定数)中的另一个 ‎ Would you like another cup of tea?‎ ‎ ◆ another + 基数词+ 名词 =基数词+more +名词 表示在原有的基础上增加 ‎ another two books = two more books 再要两本书 ‎ ★ one another 彼此,互相 ‎46.answer v. 回答; n. 答案 ,回答 ‎◆ the answer(=reply/key) to the question ‎◆ answer my question = reply to my question ★ answer the telephon接电话 ‎47. ant n. 蚂蚁 an ant ‎48. any pron. & adj每一的;任何一个的. ‎ ‎49.anybody pron. 任何人;重要人物 ‎ ‎50. anyone pron. 任何人 ‎51.anything pron. 任何事;无论何事 ‎52.anyway adv.不管怎样;无论如何 ‎ Anyway, you must work harder to get better grades.‎ ‎53.anywhere adv.不管在(到)什么地方 ‎54.appear v. 出现;好像,发生 n. appearance 出现,外貌,外表 ‎ (反)disappear 消失 ‎55. apple n.苹果 an apple an apple tree banana trees The apples on his farm were picked yesterday.‎ ‎56. April n. 四月 ‎ ‎ ◆ in April ◆ on April Fool’s Day ‎ ‎ Transalte: 每年四月在我们城市都植树。‎ ‎57.area n. 面积;地区;范围 ‎58. arm n.胳臂;袖子 ‎59.army n.陆军;军队;‎ ‎ ★join the army He joined the army two years ago.‎ ‎ ◆ (be) in the army He has been in the army for two years.‎ ‎60.around prep.围绕;环绕;在…四周/ adv. 大约 ‎ ‎◆ at around(=about) six o’clock.‎ ‎★ show sb. around 领某人参观….. ★ look around 环顾,往四下里看 ‎61. arrive vi. 到达;抵达; ‎ ‎★arrive at +小地方/arrive in + 大地方 arrive home /here /there ‎62. art n.艺术;艺术品 ‎ (an)artist 艺术家 ‎63. article n.商品;物品;文章 an article ‎64. as adv., conj & prep 作为;同样地;与……一样;‎ ‎ ★ as…as…(用于比较)与…一样;not as/so …as…‎ Tom is as tall as his brother. 汤姆和他弟弟一样高。‎ ‎★ as a result 结果:‎ He works hard all day, as a result, he got a good mark in his English exam. ‎ 他整日努力学习,因此在英语考试中取得了优异的成绩。‎ ‎★as long as conj. 只要,(同级比较)和……一样长:‎ You will do well in your English study as /so long as you keep on. ‎ 只要坚持下去,你一定能学好英语 。‎ ‎ ★. as well 也;肯定句句尾 ‎ My class went to the cinema and I went there as well.‎ ‎65.Asia n亚洲 Asian a & n. 亚洲人;亚洲的 ‎ ‎ China is an Asian country with a long history. ‎ ‎66. ask v. 问;询问;请求 ‎ ‎★ ask sb (not) to do sth be asked (not) to do ‎★ ask(sb.) for sth. (向某人)要、要求……★ ask sb. about ….. 询问关于…..‎ ‎67. asleep adj.睡熟(的)‎ ‎★ fall asleep 入睡:‎ Though it is 12 in the night. I still find it hard to fall asleep.‎ 尽管已经是夜里12点钟了,我发现还是很难入睡。‎ ‎68. at prep.在;在…里 (短语见3·2P 98)‎ ‎69. attend v. 参加,出席(会议,宴会等)‎ ‎ 他昨天没去上学。 He didn’t attend school yesterday. ‎ ‎70. attention n.专心;注意 ‎ ‎★ pay ( much/ no / tons of ) attention to (to是介词)‎ ‎71.August n.八月 ‎72. aunt n. 姑妈;姨妈;婶母 ‎73. Australia n.澳大利亚的 Australian 澳大利亚人,澳大利亚的 ‎74. autumn n.秋季; fall (同义词)‎ ‎★ mid-autumn 中秋 ★ in autumn ★ the Mid-autumn Festival 在中秋节 ‎★ in the autumn of 2016 / on an autumn morning ‎ ‎75. avoid n.避开;回避,避免 ★ avoid sth. / doing sth ‎76. awake adj.醒着的 ★be awake (表示状态)‎ ‎ He has been awake for half an hour.‎ ‎77. away adv. 向…走开;逝去 ‎ ◆ be away (from…) 是leave 的延续性动词 ‎ Translate: 他已经离开中国 3年了。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎78. awful adj. 很坏的,讨厌的 ‎ an awful picture 一张难看的图画 adv. awfully ‎ What an awful smell!‎ B 1. baby (pl. babies )n. 婴儿;幼兽;小型 a baby panda 小熊猫 2. back n. 背部,背面,反面,后部 ‎ ‎★ in/ at the back of the classroom 在教室(内部)的后面 ‎ adj. 后面的,后部的 the back cover 背面 the back door后门 ‎ adv. 在后,向后 walk back 往回走 ‎★ give sth back to sb. = return sth to sb. 归还…‎ ‎★ get back / come back (终止性动词) 回来 be back (延续性动词)‎ ‎★ 拿回,取回get sth. back / take sth. back ‎★ 在归途中 on the way back ( home / to…)‎ ‎3. background n.背景;远景; 出身;个人背景。‎ background music背景音乐 ‎ 4. bad ( worse, worst) adj. 坏的, 恶劣的 词性变化: adv. badly .坏;差;非常严重地 (worse, worst)‎ ‎ ★★ be bad for= be harmful to…= do harm to … 对… 有害 ‎★ go bad变质 Milk goes bad easily in summer.‎ ‎★ What bad luck! 真倒霉!‎ ‎◆ It’s bad manners (= impolite)to talk in class. 上课说话是无礼的。‎ 5. bag n.袋;包;囊 6. ball n.球; 舞会 go to the ball 去参加舞会 7. balloon n.玩具气球;气球; ◆ fly balloons 放飞气球 8. bamboo n.竹;竹竿 pl. bamboos 9. banana n.香蕉;香蕉树 10. bank n.河岸;滩 ;银行;储蓄所;‎ ‎ ◆ on both banks/ each (either) bank of the river在河两岸上 ‎ ◆ the Bank of China中国银行 11. baseball n棒球; 棒球运动 ◆ play baseball 12. basic adj.基本的;根本的;初级的;‎ ‎ 基本能力basic ability 初级英语basic English ‎ ‎13.basket n. .篮;篓;筐 ‎ ★ a basket of apples ★ make five baskets 投进五个球 ‎14.basketball n篮球;.篮球运动 ★ play basketball ‎15. bathroom n. 浴室;厕所; ‎ ‎16. be (is,am,are) v.存在;发生;位于 ‎17 beach(es) n.海滩;沙滩 ◆ go to the beach/go to the beaches 去海边 ‎18. bear n. 熊 V. 忍受 ,生孩子 (bore,born)‎ ‎19.beat (beat, beaten) v. & n. 打;击;敲打;(心脏、脉搏)跳动;打败 ‎ 1). He felt his heart beating fast when he heard the news.‎ ‎★ beat sb.打败某人 be beaten ‎ ‎ 2) The rain beat against the window heavily. 雨猛烈拍打着窗子。‎ ‎20. beautiful adj美好的;优美的; ‎ n. beauty 美; 美丽 ◆ more / most beautiful ‎ ‎21. because conj.因为;由于 ;‎ because+ 句子;because of + 名词/ 名词词组 / doing ‎ ‎22. become v. 成为;变得 ‎ ◆ become – became –become ‎ ★ become + adj. become interested in ‎23. bed n.床 ★ go to bed 上床睡觉 ★ ill in bed卧病在床 ★ lie in bed ‎ ★ Don’t read in bed. It’s bad for your eyes.‎ ‎24. bedroom n.寝室 ;卧室 ‎25. beef n. 牛肉;菜牛 (不可数名词) beef soup / noodles ‎26. before prep. adv. & conj.在…之前;在前;以前; ‎ ‎★ the day before yesterday 前天 ‎◆ 常用于现在完成时 He has read these books before.‎ ‎27. begin v. 开始;着手;‎ ‎ ◆ begin –began –begun ◆beginning n.开端;起点;起源 ◆ beginner.‎ ‎★ at the beginning of… 在…开始的时候 at the end of….‎ ‎★ begin with = start with 以…开始(后接名词,代词)‎ ‎★ to begin with = to start with 首先 ‎★ begin/ st art to do sth begin/ start doing sth ‎ We can begin with small things to protect the earth.‎ ‎28. behind prep.在…背后; ‎ There is a big garden behind the house.‎ ‎ ★ fall behind 落后 If you don’t work hard, you’ll fall behind others.‎ ‎★leave …behind 超过,把…落在后面 ‎ If you don’t work hard, I will leave you behind.‎ ‎◆behind the time /age 落后于时代 ‎29. believe 相信;认为;猜想 ‎ 词形变化:believable (adj. 可信的) unbelievable (adj. 不可信的)‎ ‎ ◆ believe sb相信某人的话 believe in sb = trust sb. 信任某人的人品 ‎ ★人们相信……. People believe that ….. / It is believed that …..‎ ‎30. bell n.铃;钟 ◆ There goes the bell . 铃响了。 ◆ ring the bell .按铃 ‎31.below prep.在…下;低于 ‎32. beside prep 在……旁边;在……附近 ‎ ‎ sleep beside the teddy bear.睡在玩具熊的旁边 ‎33. between prep 在……之间;(两者) ‎ ‎★ between…and…. 在…..和…..之间 ‎1)What is the difference between the two words?这两个词的区别是什么?‎ ‎ 2)There is a break betwween classes. 课间有休息。‎ ‎34. big adj.大的;巨大的 ‎◆ big – bigger - biggest ‎ ‎◆ a big man = an important man 大人物,要人 ‎ ★ It’s not a big deal. 不是什么大事 ‎35 bike =bicycle n自行车;摩托车 ‎★go to school by bike / on a bike / ride a bike to school ‎36. bill n.帐单;法案 ◆ pay the bill结账,付账 ‎ ‎37. bird n. 鸟;禽 ‎38. birth n.出生;开始;出身 ‎ ★ give birth to生孩子 She gave birth to a healthy boy.‎ ‎ ◆ from birth 从出生 ◆ at birth 在出生时 ‎39. birthday n. 生日;周年纪念日 生日蛋糕 a birthday cake ‎ ★ on my ninth birthday 在我9岁生日时 ‎40. biscuit n.饼干 (可数)‎ ‎41. bit n.一小块;少量 ‎ ‎ ◆ a bit of = a little + 不可数名词 一点儿 ‎ ‎ ★ a little = a bit = a little bit+ adj. /adv. 的原形、比较级 ‎42. black adj. & n.黑色的 black tea 红茶 ‎ ‎ ★ the girl in black 穿黑衣服的女孩 ‎43. blackboard n. 黑板; ‎ ‎◆ on the blackboard. 在黑板上 ★look at the blackboard ‎ ‎★ clean the chalk off the blackboard ‎44. blind adj.瞎的;失明的;盲目的 ‎◆ be blind to… 对…视而不见或看不到 ‎ The young man was blind to the accident.‎ ‎◆ the blind 盲人 the deaf 聋子 the disabled 残疾人 (代指一类人) ‎ ‎45. block n. 大块,街区 v. 阻挡,堵塞 ‎ My home is two blocks away from the school.‎ ‎46. blood n.血;血液;激情(不可数名词) bleed v. 流血 ‎ ‎47. blouse n. (女式)衬衫 ‎48. blow v吹气;吹走;刮; ‎ ‎ ★ blow – blew- blown The wind is blowing strongly tonight.‎ ‎★.blow out 吹灭;‎ Close the windows or the wind blow the candle out.‎ He blew out the candles in one go.‎ ‎49.blue n. 蓝色; adj.蓝色的;悲伤的 ‎ He is feeling blue/ feeling sad these days.‎ ‎50. board n.薄木板;牌子 a boarding school 寄宿学校 ‎ ‎51. boat n.小船;船 v. 划船 ★ by boat乘船 ★ take the boat ‎ ‎52.body n. 主体;身体;躯体 ‎ ‎1. body language 身势语; 肢体语言 ‎2. He does exercise to have a strong body. ‎ ‎53.book n书籍 ;著作;本;册. v. 预定;订(房间、车票、座位等) ‎ ‎ Have you booked a room in the hotel?‎ ‎◆ bookcase 书箱 bookshelf书架 bookmark 书签 bookshop /bookstore ‎ ‎★ read a book 看书 ‎54.boring adj .无聊的;讨厌的 ‎ bore (Vt. )---bored adj. 感到厌烦的 (人做主语)‎ ‎--boring= uninteresting adj. 乏味的,无聊的,令人厌烦的 (sth 做主语)‎ ‎ ★ be /feel bored a boring book ‎◆ be/get bored with sth 对某事厌倦的 ‎ ‎55.born adj. & v 出生的; 出生 ‎ ‎★ be born in + 年/月 ★ be born on + 日期 ★be born with …天生具有…‎ ‎★ be born + adj. He was born blind.‎ ‎56.borrow v.借入;采用.‎ ‎★borrow …from… ★ borrow 的延续性动词: keep ‎ How long can I keep the library book?‎ ‎57.boss n.老板;工头 pl. bosses ‎58 . both pron. & adj. 两者都…;双方的 反: neither ‎ ◆ both 放在be、助动词、情态动词之后,实意动词前 ‎ We were both born in a poor family.‎ ‎ ◆ both 放在人称代词后,做同位语 ‎ They both like reading books. / I like them both.‎ ‎ ◆ both of + 人称代词宾格 ★★ both … and….‎ ‎59.bottle n. 瓶;罐;奶瓶 a bottle of ‎ ‎ The bottle is filled with water.‎ ‎60.bottom n.底部;基底 ★ at the bottom of ‎61.bowl n.碗;钵; a bowl of… 一碗… a fish bowl 鱼缸 ‎62.box n.盒子;箱;匣 V. 拳击 a box of apples/ two boxes of apples ‎ ‎63.boy n.男孩;儿子;小伙子 ‎ ‎ ◆ pl. boys ★ a boy student ten boy players ‎64.brain n.脑;脑浆;智者 ★ shut off your brain 关闭大脑 ‎65.brave adj.勇敢的;无畏的 (braver,bravest) ◆ adv. bravely ‎66. bread n.面包 (不可数) ◆ a piece of bread = a slice of bread 一片面包 ‎67.break n.(工间、课间、比赛中间的)休息 v. 打破;损坏 ,弄坏;违背 ‎◆( break – broke -- broken ‎★ break down (机器等)出故障, (身体)垮掉 ‎ 1)If you work day and night in a row, you will break down sooner of later.‎ ‎ 2)His car broke down on the way to work.‎ ‎★break off 中断 ★ break the law/ the school rules违反法律 / 破坏校规 ‎ ‎★ break chairs and desks破坏桌椅 ★break one’s promise 违背诺言 ‎3)We’ve worked 24 hours without a break.我们已经工作24小时没有休息了 ‎4)Someone was advised to take a break from running by the teacher.‎ ‎68.breakfast n. 早餐 before/ after breakfast 早饭前 ‎★ have breakfast 吃早饭 ★ .have…for breakfast,早饭吃….‎ ‎◆What a delicious breakfast! 多丰盛的早餐!‎ ‎69.bridge n. 桥梁;纽带 There is a bridge over/ across the river.‎ ‎ ★ go through the bridge ‎70.bright adj.发光的;明亮的 ;聪明的 ◆adv. brightly ‎ ◆ Wish you a bright future! 祝你前途光明!‎ ‎71.bring (brought, brought) v. 带来;拿来;导致; ‎ ‎ ◆ 主语从远处或别处把人或物带到说或者处 ‎★bring sth to sb = bring sb. sth. ★ bring…here ‎★bring out 使显现,使表现出 ★ bring back 恢复, 使想起, 归还,带回 ‎ ‎72. Britain n. 不列颠 British adj. 不列颠的 the ‎Great Britain ‎73.brother n. 兄弟;同伴;‎ ‎74.brown n. & adj. 棕色的;晒黑的 ‎75.brush n. 刷子;画笔;v. 擦;轻抹 (pl. brushes)‎ ‎ ◆We should brush teeth at least twice a day.‎ ‎ ◆ brush off 擦掉,刷掉 ‎76.build v 建造,.建筑;修建;‎ ‎ ◆ build – build – built n. building / builder ‎★build up one’s body 增强体质 ‎ An office building will be built next year in our school. ……一幢办公大楼 ‎ ‎77. burn v. 烧掉;发光;烫伤 ◆ burn – burnt / burnt /burned ‎ ‎ ◆ get sunburnt 晒伤 ◆ a burning bulding 正在燃烧的大楼 ‎78 .bus n.公共汽车;汽车 pl. buses ‎★ by bus,=on a bus 乘汽车 ★ take a / the bus (to school)‎ ‎◆ at the bus stop 在汽车站 ◆ a bus driver ‎79. business n.事务;工作;职业;要务 ,商行 ‎ ‎★ on business 在出差 He went to Beijing on business.‎ ‎★ do business 做生意 ◆ It’s none of your business. 别多管闲事。‎ ‎80. busy adj.忙碌的;繁忙的 ‎◆ busy – busier / busiest n. business adv. busily ‎ ‎★ be busy (in) doing something.忙着做…… ★be busy with sth. 忙于……‎ ‎81. but conj.但是;然而 ‎ ◆ but 后无逗号 ‎ ★ not only… but also … (就近原则) ★ not … but… 不是…而是….‎ ‎82. buy v 买;购;收买 ‎ ‎ ◆ buy – bought / bought ◆ buy的延续性动词: have ‎★.buy sb sth/ buy sth for sb Translate: 这辆车我都买了3年了。‎ ‎83. by prep.靠近;在……旁边,通过,凭借 ‎ ★by the river/ window… ★ by doing sth ★by the way ★ pass by ‎ ‎ I learn English by communicating with people in America.‎ C ‎1. cake n.蛋糕;块状物 ‎2. calendar n. 日历 ‎3. call v. / n. 呼喊;叫; 打电话 ‎ ‎★ call in 召见, 召来 ★ call back 叫回,召回;回电话 ‎★ call…for help 喊……帮忙;‎ ‎★ a boy called = named Tom 一个叫汤姆的男孩 ‎ ‎★ give sb. a call / call sb. (up) 打电话给某人 ‎◆ He call me Alice. call sb. sth ‎ ‎4. camera n.照相机 Did you see the woman with a camera?‎ ‎5. camp n. 军营;营地 v. 露营,宿营,野营 ‎★ go camping 野营度假 ★ go to summer camp 去夏令营 ‎6. can v能;会;可能 n. 罐头 ‎7. Canada n.加拿大 ‎ ‎8. Canadian adj. 加拿大的,加拿大人的 ‎9. cancel vt. 取消 ‎ ‎◆ cancel - cancelled/cancelling He cancelled his trip to China as he fell ill ‎10 . candle n.蜡烛; ‎ ‎◆ light candles点蜡烛 ◆ blow out the candle 吹灭蜡烛 ‎11. candy n. 糖果 ‎12. cap n.帽子 ‎13. capital n.首都;省会 ‎ ‎★ the capital of China 中国的首都 ‎◆ After all, we are the capital of clocks and watches.‎ ‎14. car n.轿车, 小汽车 , (火车)车厢 ‎ ★ by car / take a car ★give sb a lift / ride in his car 让某人搭他的车 ‎ We should stop riding in a car.‎ ‎15. card n厚纸片;卡片. ‎ ‎★(an)ID card 身份证 ★ play cards打扑克 ‎16. care n/ v.关心;注意;照料:喜欢;‎ ‎ ◆ 词形变化:‎ ‎ adj. careful. 仔细的;谨慎的 : adv. carefully ‎ ‎ careless 粗心的,不认真的 adv. carelessly n. carelessness ‎ caring 体贴他人的,体谅人的 ‎★ take care of 照顾,照管: ‎ He was well taken care of when he was ill.‎ ‎★ care for 关心, 喜欢 ★ care about 在意 ‎★ take care = be careful 小心,留心, ‎ ‎ ★ be careful about 对…..谨慎、认真、小心 ‎17. carrot n. 胡萝卜 ‎ Eating more carrots is good for your eyes. ‎ ‎18. carry v.携带;提;抱;背 搬送,输送;拿,抬 ‎ ‎ ◆ carry –carried / carrying ‎★carry away 拿走,运走 ★carry out 实行,履行 , 实现 ‎19. cartoon n. 卡通片,动画片 ‎20. cat n.猫;猫科动物 ‎21. catch v. 捉住;理解;赶上 ,染上(疾病)‎ ‎◆ catch - caught/ caught ★.catch up with 赶上 ‎ ‎★ catch the bus 赶上公交车 ★ catch a cold / have a cold ‎◆Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said. 没听明白你所说的话 ‎◆ We should catch any chace to practice speaking English.‎ ‎22. cause n. 原因;理由 vt. 造成,使发生,引起,导致 ‎ the cause of the fire /the reason for being late cause sth. 造成….‎ cause sb. sth. =cause sth for sb.给某人造成…..‎ ‎◆cause sb to do sth.致使某人做某事;造成某人做某事 ‎★ cause trouble / make trouble 惹是生非,惹麻烦 ‎23. celebrate v. 庆祝;举行n. celebration 庆祝,庆祝会 ‎ A party will be held to celebrate New Year. ‎ ‎24. cent n.分 ‎25. centre n.中点;圆心 ◆ adj. central ‎ ‎ in the certer of …. a shopping centre ‎ ‎26. century = one hundred years n. 百年;世纪 ‎ ‎★ in the.21st century 在21世纪 ◆ 5 centuries ago 五世纪前 ‎27. certain adj. 确信的;某一的 ★ for certain 毫无疑问 ‎ He had to be absent from the meeting for a certain reason.‎ ‎28. certainly adv. 无意地;毫无疑问 ‎ ★ -- May I watch TV for a while ? --- Certainly = Of course = Sure ‎29. chair n. 椅子; chairman/woman n.会议主席;女人 ‎30. chalk n.粉笔 ★ as pale as chalk 苍白 ‎31. chance n. 碰巧; 机会;可能性: ‎ ‎★.by chance = by accident 偶然的,意外地:‎ I met him in the street quite by chance.我在街上很偶然地遇见了他。‎ ‎★ have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事 ‎32. change v. / n. 变化;转变;改变;n. 找回的零钱,找头;‎ ‎★ change into 变成:change…into… ★ change one’s mind 改变主意 ‎◆ Great changes have taken place in our city in the past ten years.‎ ‎ In the last three years in junior high school, I have changed a lot.‎ ‎◆ Here is your change. 这事找给你的零钱。‎ ‎33. cheap adj. 廉价的;合算的 = inexpensive adv. cheaply ‎ ◆ My bike is cheap . = The price of my bike is low. ‎ ‎34. check n. & v.核查;查明;核对: check out 检查 ‎ ‎ ★ check in 办理登记 入住 ★ check one’s homework / paper 检查作业/ 试卷 ‎35. cheer n. & v. 喝彩;情绪;欢呼:‎ ‎ ★ Cheer up! 高兴点儿! ★cheer sb up= make sb. happy ◆Cheers! 干杯 ‎36. chemistry n. 化学;‎ ‎ adj. chemical 化学的,化肥,化学品 chemist 化学家,药剂师 ‎37. chess n. 国际象棋; ◆ play chess下象棋 ‎38. chicken n.小鸡;家禽(可数)鸡肉(不可数) ‎ ‎39. child n. 小孩;没经验的人;‎ ‎ ◆ pl. children ★ Children’s Hospital ★on Children’s Day ‎ ◆ books for chidren 儿童读物 ‎40. China n.中国;‎ ‎41. Chinese adj.& n. 中文的;中国的;中国人,汉语 ‎ ★ in Chinese ★ speak Chinese ◆ Chinese 中国人 – 单复数相同 ‎42. chocolate n. 巧克力;巧克力饮料 ‎ ‎43. choose v.挑选;选择;‎ ‎ ◆ choose – chose – chosen n. choice 选择;选择权 ‎★make a choice做出选择 ★ have no choice but to do sth.除….之外别无选择 ‎★ choose to do sth ★ choose …from ◆ choose … as… 选择…当….‎ ‎44. chopsticks n.筷子 a pair of chopsticks. 一双筷子 ‎ ‎◆ It’s impolite to use chopsticks to hit an bowl in Chian.‎ ‎45. Christmas n.圣诞节 ‎ ‎◆Christmas Eve 平安夜. ★ on Christmas Day 在圣诞节那天 ‎ ‎★ at /during Christmas在圣诞节期间 ‎ ‎46. cinema n. 电影院;电影 ★go to the cinema =go to the movies 去看电影 ‎47. circle n. 圆圈;圆形v 圈出 ‎◆stand in a circle站成一圈 ◆circle correct answers 圈出正确答案 ‎48. city n.城市;都市 (pl. cities ) in the city / go to the city ‎49. class n. 种类;等级;阶级;班级;(一节)课;‎ ‎ 1) We have 8 classes a day. 2)We usually have a break between classes. ‎ ‎ ★ take part in after-class activities ‎ ◆ We must listen carefully in class. 在课堂上 ‎50. classmate n. 同班同学 ‎51. classroom n.教室 ‎52. clean adj.清洁的;爱干净的;V.. 清理,打扫 ‎ ‎★clean up 清除,收拾干净 clean off / clean out ‎ ‎★ keep….clean 保持….的干净 ★ do some cleaning Translate: 我们的教室每天打扫。‎ ‎53. clear adj. (天气)晴朗的;清楚的;(水或天空)清澈的, 明显的,显然的 ‎★ clear up 整理,清理, (天气) 放晴 They were clearing up this room to welcome the visitors .‎ ‎ ◆ It was clear that he knew nothing about it. ‎ ‎54. clearly adv. 清楚地 清晰地 We can’t see the blackboard clearly. ‎ ‎55. clever adj.聪明的;灵巧的;‎ ‎◆ cleverer/cleverest ; more clever,the most clever ‎56. climb v.攀登;爬上 climber ‎ ‎◆climb up/down 爬上/下 ◆climb over the wall 翻墙 ‎★go climbing 去爬山 / climb the mountain ‎57. clock n. 时钟;里程表 ‎ ‎ A clock has three hands – an hour hand, a minute hand and a second hand. ‎ ‎58. close adj. 密切的;近的;亲密的; v. 关;结束 adj. closed ‎ ‎★ close down= shu down 关闭,倒闭 The factory closed down last year.‎ ‎★ be close= near to 离…近 ◆They are close friends 他们是亲密的朋友 ‎ ‎59. clothes n.衣服 ‎ ‎60. cloud n.乌云;云雾;烟尘(可数名词) ‎ adj. cloudy adj. 有烟的;多云的 ‎61. club n.俱乐部 ‎ I plan to join the school swimming club when I get into the senior high.‎ ‎62. coach v.辅导,训练; n 教练;旅客车厢 (pl. coaches) v. 训练 ‎63. coal n.煤;煤块儿 burn coal 烧煤 ‎64. coast n.沿海地区;海岸 in the northern coast ‎ ‎65. coat n. 大衣;外套 ‎66. coffee n. 咖啡;咖啡树 ‎ ‎★ a coffee cup ◆ I like coffee with milk.‎ ‎67. coin n. 硬币;钱币 ‎ ◆ Every coin has its two sides. 事物都有正反面。‎ ‎68. cold adj.. 冷的;冷淡的;不友好的; n. 寒冷;伤风;感冒;‎ ‎ ★ have/catch a cold ★ on a cold winter day ‎69. collect v.收集;采集 ‎ ◆collector n. 收集者,收藏家 n. collection n. 收藏,收集 ‎★ collect stamps / coins / information ‎70. college n.专科学院;学院 ★ go to college. 去上大学 ‎ ‎71. colour /color n. & v. 色;彩色 v.给…着色 ‎◆adj. colorful 色彩丰富的、 多彩的 ‎ ‎◆ I took part in all kinds of after-class activities to make my school life colorfull.‎ ‎ ◆ Can you color the paper red?‎ ‎72. come (came, come) v. 来;来临;实现;‎ ‎◆ come along 来到,出现,赶快: ◆ come down 下来,落;‎ ‎ ◆ come into (wide) use 开始;被(广泛) 使用:‎ Now computers has come into wide use in many fields.‎ ‎ ★ Come on! (表示激励)加油!快! ★ come true 实现 ‎ ★ come out 发行,出版;指(花儿)开放,出来 ‎ ‎ ★ come up with 找到,提出(答案、解决办法等)。‎ ‎73.comfortable adj.使舒服的; 反:uncomfortable adj. 不舒服的 ‎ ◆ adv. comfortably ◆be comfortable doing sth ‎ ‎74.common adj.通常的;普通的 a common worker 一个普通工人 ‎★ in commom 共同地 ★ have…. in commom有….共同之处 ‎★ It is common to do sth. 做…很普遍 ‎ ‎75. communicate v.交流、沟通 n. communication n.传达;信息 ‎★ communicate with sb. 与…..交流、沟通 ‎76. community n. 社区,社团 ‎77. compare v.把……比做;对照,比较 ‎ ‎★compare… with…. 把…与…进行比较 ★ compare…to…把…比作…‎ ‎78. competition n. 竞争;比赛 ‎ v. compete竞争 n. competitor 竞争对手 ‎ He won several prizes in English competions.‎ ‎79. complete adj. 完整的;十足的,完全的 v.完成 ‎ adv. completely 完整地;十足地,完全地 ◆ I didn’t compeletely understand what you said.‎ ◆ You are completely wrong.‎ ◆ complete doing 完成某事 ‎80. computer n.电脑; ‎ ‎ Teenagers shouldn’t spend too much time playing with the computer.‎ ‎81. concert n.音乐会; ★ go to the concert 去听音乐会 ‎82. condition n. 条件;状况 ◆ be in good / poor condition 处于好的/坏的状况 ‎83. connect v.连接;联想 ★ connect…with…‎ ‎84. consider v.考虑;认为 ‎ ‎★ .consider doing 考虑做….‎ ‎◆ consider it + adj to do sth. 认为做某事….‎ ‎ I consider = think it is wrong to speak loudly in the library.‎ ‎85. continue v. 坚持不懈;待续 ‎ ‎★continue doing 继续做….. / continue to do sth. ‎ ‎86. control n & v.指挥;控制;管理 (‎ ‎◆control - controlled/ controlled ;controlling ‎◆be in control 管理,支配 / .be out of control失控 ‎87. conversation n. 会话 ;会谈 ★ have/ make a conversation ‎88. cook v. & n. 烹调;做饭; n. 厨师 ◆ cook a meal / do some cooking ‎89. cooker n. 厨具;蒸煮用具;‎ ‎90. cookie n. 曲奇饼 ‎91. cool adj. 凉的;凉快的; ★ keep one’s cool = keep cool 保持冷静 ‎92. copy n.复制品;副本;拷贝;v. 复印;印刷;抄写 copyright版权 ‎ a copy of newspaper 一份报纸 ‎93. corn n. 玉米 ‎94. corner n. 角儿;屋角 ‎ ‎★at / on the coner of the street 在街道拐角处 ★ in the corner of the room ‎◆ English corner ‎95. correct adj. 正确的= right ;v 改正, 纠正 ‎ ‎◆ adv. correctly 正确地 ◆ He was brave to correct his mistakes.‎ ‎96. cost v. 耗费;花费; n. 定价, 代价,费用 ‎◆ Sth. cost sb. some money to do sth. 某物花费某人多少钱做某事 ‎◆ at the cost of ….以….价格、代价 ‎97. cough v. & n. 咳嗽;吐露 ‎ ‎★.have a bad cough / cough badly 咳得很厉害 ‎ ‎98. could modal v. 有可能 , 能够的 ‎ ★ Could you please + V…? ◆Could you help me? ‎ ‎99. count v. 计数,数数 , 要紧 ‎◆count down倒计时 ◆count from one to ten ‎100. country n国土;乡村,国家 ‎101. countryside n.农村地区;农村 ‎◆ in the country = in the countryside ◆ go to the countryside ‎102.couple n. 两个;一对 ‎ ‎103. courage n.勇气,信心 ★ have courage to do sth / lose one’s courage Vt. encourage 鼓励 ★ encourage sb to do sth be encouraged to do sth ‎ encouragement n. 鼓励 ‎104. course n. 过程,课程,路线 ‎ ★ of course 当然可以 ◆ in the course of 在…..过程中 ‎105. cousin n.堂兄弟;表兄弟 ‎106. cover v.覆盖;铺盖 n. 盖子,封面,封皮 ‎ ‎★ cover…. with…. 用…覆盖… ★ be covered with 被…覆盖 ‎ The street is covered with snow. ‎ ‎◆ the cover of the book 输的封皮 ‎107. cow n.奶牛;母牛 ‎108. crayon n.彩色粉笔;绘画铅笔 ‎109. crazy adj.发疯的;着迷的 ,疯狂的 ‎ ‎★ be crazy about .. 对..痴迷、疯狂 ★ drive/ make sb. crazy 使某人发狂 ‎110. create v.创造, 创作 ‎ 词型转换:creation n..创造 creative adj. 有创造力的 ‎ ‎ creativity 创造力,创造性 ‎111. cross v. 横过 n. 十字架;十字形 crossing 十字路口 ‎ ★ cross the street = go /walk across the street ‎112. cry n. & v. 呼喊;哭泣 ;诉说 ★cry for help 呼救 ‎113. culture n. 文化;文明 ‎ ‎◆ adj. cultural Different countries have different cultures.‎ ‎ ★ traditional culture ★ cultural differences 文化差异 ‎114. customer n. 顾客 ‎115 cup n.杯子;杯形物 a tea cup a cup of tea ‎116. cut v. & n. 切;砍; ‎ ‎◆ cut – cut / cut –cutting ◆paper-cutting 剪纸 ★ cut off 割掉,砍掉 ‎★ cut down 砍倒;减少 ,缩减 ★cut up 砍碎★cut out 删掉 ‎★cut off 切割,切断(水、点等) ★ cut …into 把….切成…‎ ‎117. cute adj. 可爱的 = lovely ‎ D ‎1. daily adj. adv. 每日的;经常 n. 日报 ‎★in one’s daily life/lives = everyday life/lives 日常生活 ◆ China Daily ‎2. dance v. & n.跳舞 n. dancer ‎ ‎◆ dance music舞曲 ★ dance to music 随音乐跳舞 ‎3. danger n. 危险物;危险; ‎ ‎★ in danger 在……危险之中 ★ out of danger 脱离危险。‎ The building is in danger of collapse (倒塌)。这楼房要塌了、‎ After the treatment, he is now out of danger. 经过治疗,他已经脱离危险了。‎ ‎3. dangerous adj. 危险的;引起危险的 ‎ ‎ ★ It’s dangerous for sb. to do sth. 做某事是危险的 endangered adj. 濒临灭绝的,濒危的 ‎4. dark adj. & n. 暗的;黑暗的 ,深色的 dark blue 深蓝色 ‎◆before / after dark 天黑之前/之后 ‎★ He can see things in the dark.‎ ‎◆ It’s getting darker and darker. Let’s turn on the light.‎ ‎5.date n. 日期;年份; ◆ out of date 过期 ‎ ‎★ --What’s the date today? – It’s Monday, Setempber 2,2018.‎ ‎6. daughter n. 女儿;女性后裔 granddaughter孙女 ‎7. day n. 白昼;日光; 天,日子 ‎ ‎◆ day by day 一天天地,逐日:‎ Spring is coming and the weather is getting warmer day by day.‎ ‎ ★ one day (过去或将来的)某一天:‎ You will regret one day if you don’t work hard.‎ One day, he met his old friend by accident . They were happy to se each other.‎ ‎ ★ the other day 在不久前 (常用语一般过去时)‎ He can’t be abroad, I met him on the street the other day. ‎ ‎ ★ the day before yesterday 前天 ‎ ★ the day after tomorrow 后天 ‎ ★ these days 如今 (常用于现在进行时或现在完成时)‎ ‎ ★ day off 休息日 have two days off 休息两天 ‎8. die v. 枯死 ;结束;死 die- died /dying ‎ 词性变化:adj. dead 死亡的;麻木的 n. death 死亡;结束 ‎★ die from/ die of 死于。。。‎ ‎★ be dead 死了(持续性词组, 是die的延续性)‎ ‎◆ pass by 是die的委婉表达 ‎ 1)他的去世让他的家人悲痛万分。‎ ‎ 2)他已经去世两年了。‎ ‎9. deaf adj. 聋的; ‎ ‎10. deal –dealt / dealt v. 处理;交往;对待;n. 交易 ‎★ deal with 对付,处理,应付 ‎1)How will you deal with problem? 2) I don’t know how to deal with him.‎ ‎◆ It’s not a big deal. 不是大事。‎ ‎11. dear adj.心爱的,亲爱的,昂贵的(= expensive)‎ ‎12. December n.十二月 ‎13. decide v.决定;下决心 n. decision ‎ ‎★ .decide on sth/doing sth. 决定 ★ decide to do sth.决定做某事 ‎★ make a decision (to do sth)作出决定 I havev’t decided which to buy.‎ ‎14. deep adj. & adv.深的;有……深的 adv. deeply 深深地 ‎15. degree n. 程度;等级;度数, 学位 ten degrees below / above zero ‎16. delicious adj.美味的;芬芳的 more / most ~‎ ‎17. depend v. 取决于;依赖 ★ depend on 取决于, 依赖于 ‎ 1)Which senior high school you will get into depends on how hard you work .‎ ‎ 2)Teenagers are not supposed to depend on parents too much. ‎ ‎18. describe v. 描述;描写 description n. 描述;描写 ‎19. desk n. 书桌;办公桌 at the desk 在桌边 ‎20. develop v. 使发展;培育;生长;发育; ‎ 词型转换:★ developing发展中的 developed发达的 development n. 开发;发展;‎ ‎1)The development of the medicine industry will take several years. ‎ ‎★With the development of 随着….的发展 ‎★ form /develop a good habit of ….. 养成一个良好的….习惯 ‎2)It is important for chidren to develop a good habit of reading.‎ ‎21. dialogue (dialog ) n.对话;对白 ★ make a dialogue 编个对话 ‎ I like films which have funny dialogue.‎ ‎22. diary n. 日记;日记薄 pl. diaries ‎★ keep a diary记日记 ‎ Keeping diaries in English can help improve your English ‎23. dictionary n. 字典 pl. dictionaries ‎ ‎★.look up …in the dictionary 在字典里查阅..‎ ‎ When you are reading ,don’t look up every new word in the dictionary. Try to guess.‎ ‎ ◆ an English- Chinese dictionary 一本英汉字典 ‎24. difference n. 差异;不同 ‎ ‎★ make a difference to… 对…有影响,有作用,有意义 ‎ Listening carefully in class makes a great difference to your study.‎ ‎25. different adj.不同的;不一致的 ★ be different from 与 。。。。。不同 ‎26. difficult adj. 困难的;复杂的;艰难的;more/ most ~‎ ‎27. difficulty n.困难;障碍; ‎ ‎ ★ have difficulty (in) doing sth. ★have difficulty with sth.‎ We have difficulty (in) passing the exam. 要通过这次考试,我们有困难。‎ ‎28. dig -- dug,/ dug /dugging v.挖;掘 dig a hole ‎29. dining v. 就餐,吃饭 dinning hall 餐厅,食堂 ‎30. dinner n. 正餐;宴会 ★at dinner在吃饭 ★ have dinner ‎ ‎31. direct adj. & v. 直接的; Vt. 指引;导演; directly adv. 径直地 I directed the traveler to the college.我告诉了这个旅行者去学院的路。‎ ‎ Who directed the film “Gone with wind?” 电影《飘》是谁导演的?‎ ‎32. director n. 主任;主管;导演 ‎33. direction n.指挥;指导;说明 ;方向 ‎ ◆ in all directions 向四面八方 ‎34. dirty adj. 肮脏的 dirtier / est n. dirt 脏污, 尘土 ‎35. discover v. 找到;发现 (本身就存在的事物)‎ ‎36. discovery n.发现;发觉 ‎37. discuss v. 讨论;议论 ◆discuss sth. = talk about sth. 讨论… ‎ n. discussion n. 谈论;议论 ‎ ‎★ have a discussion(about / with...)谈论 ◆ under discussion正在讨论中 ‎38. dish(es) n. 碟;盘;菜 ◆wash dishes ◆ do the dishes ‎ ‎39. divide v. 分开;分配; n. division ‎★ divide…into… 把…分成….. ★ be divided into… 被分成….‎ ‎40. do – did- done / does v做;干; ‎ ‎★ do a good job 干得不错。 ‎ He did a very good job in the exams. 他的考试成绩考得很好。‎ ‎ ★ do one’s best (to do sth) 尽自己最大努力;‎ ‎ ★ do some shopping/ reading / cleaning ‎ ‎ ★ do well in 在……方面干得好;‎ He did badly in English , but he does well in it now .‎ ‎ ★ do with 处置,对付 what to do with ‎41. doctor n. 大夫;医生;博士 ★see a doctor 看医生 ‎ ‎42. dog n.犬;狗 Every dog has his day人人皆有得意日 ‎43 dollar n.美元 ‎44. door n.门;家 ◆ out of doors 在户外 ◆ at the door ‎45. double adj. & n.双的;两倍的;V. 翻倍 ‎46. doubt n. & v. 不肯定;怀疑 ‎ ‎★ without doubt 无疑地 ★ There is no doubt that +句子 无疑……‎ ‎47. down adv. & prep.向下;朝下 ‎ downstairs adv. 顺楼梯而下fall downstairs 从楼梯上摔下 upstairs adv. 往楼上;在楼上go upstairs 上楼 ‎ ★ turn down 调小,拒绝 ★ write down ★ sit down ★ get down ‎ ‎★ put down ★ pull down 推到,拆毁 ★take down 拿下来,记下 ‎ ‎★ cut down ★ fall down ★ look down upon ★ let …down ‎ ‎48. draw – drew – drawn v.画画, 吸引 drawing n.制图;素描画 ‎49. 4dream –dreamed/ dreamt v. & n. 梦;理想 ‎◆ have a day dream 做白日梦 ★ dream of /about ‎ ‎50. dress v.给……穿衣;打扮; n. 连衣裙 ‎◆.dress oneself 自己穿衣服 ★ dress sb ★ be/get dressed (in sth)‎ ‎★ dress up (as….) 打扮(成…..)‎ ‎51. drink --drank—drunk ) v. 饮;喝;干杯 n. 饮料 短语:1.drink up 喝光 ‎ Would you like something to drink?‎ ‎52. drive - drove—driven / driving / driver v. 驾驶 ‎ ‎★ driving license 驾照 / a driver’s license驾照 ‎53. drop (dropped/dropped; dropping )v. 坠落;落下;掉下,放弃 n 滴 ‎ ‎◆ a drop of water ★ drop English = give up English ‎ ‎54. dry adj. 干的;无水分的;(drier—driest ) v. 把…弄干 ‎ ‎55. duck n. 鸭肉(不可数);野鸭 ‎56. dumpling n.饺子 ★ make dumplings 包饺子 Making and eating dumplings is Chinese tradition during the Spring Festival.‎ ‎57. during prep.在…整个期间 ‎ ★ during the last few years (完成时态) during the winter holiday E ‎1. each adj. & pron 各个;各自;每一个 ★ .each other彼此 ‎2. ear n. 耳朵;听觉 .ear-ring 耳环 have oen’s ears pierced 扎耳洞 ‎3. early adj. 早的 adv. 提早;早 ‎ ‎◆ in early spring在早春 ★at an early age 在小的时候 ★get up early ‎4. earth n. 地球, 泥土 ‎ ‎★ on the earth 在地球上 ◆ in the earth 在地球内部,在泥土里 ‎★ on earth 究竟,到底 What on earth do you like?‎ ‎5. earthquake n. 地震 ‎ An erathquke happened in my city last night. Luckily, no one was hurt.‎ ‎6. east n.& adj.东方;东部 adj. eastern 东方的;东部的 ‎ ★ in/ to / on the east of ….. ★ China is an ancient eastern country.‎ ‎7. easy adj.容易的;不费劲的,舒适的 easier / easiest / easily ‎ ‎★ take it easy 放松点, 别紧张 ★ live an easy life. 过着无忧无虑的生活。 ‎ ‎★ feel uneasy=uncomfortable 感觉不自在 ‎◆ Easy come , easy go 来得容易去得快 ‎8. eat -- ate-eaten—eating v. 吃 ‎◆ eat up 吃光 ◆ eat out出去吃 ◆a good eating habit有健康的饮食习惯 ‎ ‎9. education n.教育;传统教育 ‎ adj. educational 有教育意义的 v. educate 教育 educator 教育者 ‎◆1.further education 深造 ◆ an educational book.一本有教育意义的书 ‎10. (an)egg n. 蛋;卵 ‎11. eight num.八;八号 eighth 第八 eighteen(th) (第)十八 ‎ eighty 八十 ◆eightieth 第八十 ◆ in one’s eighties 在某人八十几岁时 ‎★ an eight –month –old baby ‎ ‎12. either adj. conj & adv. (两者间)任意一个; 也 ‎ ◆ 放在“否定”句尾 I don’t like music that is too loud, either.‎ ‎ ◆ either … or … 或者。。。。或者。。。。, 不是 。。。。。。就是。。。。(就近原则)‎ Either you or I am right .要么是你对,要么是我对。‎ ‎13. electronic adj. 电子的 an electronic dictionary 电子词典 ‎14 . elephant n. 象 an elephant 一只大象 ‎15. eleven num. 十一(的);十一号 ◆ an eleven-year-old boy ‎16. else adj. & adv. 此外;其他人 ‎ ‎1) What else do you like? 2) You may ask somebody else ‎17. email= e-mail = electronic mail n.电子邮件 V. 邮电子邮件 ‎ ‎★send an -mail发电子邮件 ★ by email ‎ ‎18. empty adj. 空的;空荡荡的 ◆an empty room.‎ ‎ v. 倒空 empty the box 倒空箱子 ‎ empty – emptier/est /ied ‎19. end n. 末尾;终点 adj endless.无穷无尽的 n. ending 结局 ‎ ‎◆ (have /with)a happy ending 有一个美满的结局 ‎★ .in the end最后 ★ by the end of 到…末为止 ‎ ‎★ at the end of…在…结束时/尽头/末 at the end of the year在年底at the end of the road 在路的尽头 v. 结束 终止 ‎ 晚会以跳舞结束。 The party ends up by dancing.‎ ★ end up doing sth. 以做…而结束 He end up becoming a teacher.‎ ★ end up with ‎ ‎20. enemy n.敌人;敌国 ◆ an ~ / enemies ‎21. engineer n.;工程师;技师 ◆ an engineer一位工程师 ‎22. England n. 英国 ‎23. English n. & adj. 英国的;英语的 ,英语 ‎★ an English-speaking country ★speak English ★ say sth. in English ‎24. enjoy v. 欣赏;喜爱 ‎ ‎★ .enjoy doing 喜爱做… ★enjoy oneself(in doing sth) 过得快乐 ‎25. enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的 ‎ ‎ My junior high life has been very enjoyable ‎26. enough ‎ ‎1) adj. 足够的;充足的 名词前后均可 We have enough books for everyone. 我们有足够的书给每一个人。‎ ‎2) pron. 足够 I’ve heard enough. 我听的足够多 ‎ ‎3) adv. 足够地 放于形容词副词后 The book is easy enough for kids to read. 这本书够容易孩子们可以读 You don’t practice enough at the piano. 你钢琴练习的不够。‎ ★ be + adj + enough to do sth He is old enough to look after himself.‎ He is not old enough to look after himself. = He is too young to look …‎ ‎27. enter = come / go into vt. 进入;参加 n. entrance 进入,入口 ‎★ enter the classroom 进入教室 ★enter senior high 进入高中 ‎28. environment n. 环境 adj. environmental ‎ ‎★ protect the environment保护环境 / environmental protection / problems ‎ ◆ provide a good environment for the children.‎ ‎29. eraser n. 消除用具;橡皮擦 an eraser ‎ ‎30. especially adv. 尤其;格外 I like all sujects, especially chemistry.‎ ‎31. Europe n. 欧洲; in Europe European adj 欧洲(人)的; n. 欧洲人 ‎ ‎◆ a European journey a European 一个欧洲人 ‎32. even adv. 甚至; 更加 ‎ ‎◆ 修饰adj/adv比较级) even better甚至更好 ★ even if /though 即使,纵然 ‎33. evening n. 傍晚;晚上 ‎ ‎★.in the evening 在晚上 ★on Sunday evening / on the evening of…..‎ ‎34. ever adv. ‎ ‎◆用在否定句、疑问句、条件状语从句中, “曾经,在任何时候”;‎ ‎ I hardly ever see him going to work by bike nowadays. ‎ 我近来很少到他骑车上班。‎ ★ ever since 从那时起 (句子用现在完成时)‎ ★ ever 常用于现在完成时 Have you ever been to the city? ‎ ‎35. every adj. 每个;每隔 ‎ ◆ every + 可数名词单数, 所包含的数量是“三个及以上”,谓语用三单 ‎ ◆ every day (week…): 常用语一般现在时或一般过去时 ‎ ◆ every two years (every + 基数词+ 可数名词复数) 每两年 ‎ The Olympic Games are held every four years.‎ ‎36 everybody = everyone pron. 每个人;人人 ◆ 谓语用“三单”‎ ‎37. everyday adj. 每天发生的;日常的 everyday English ‎38. everything pron. 一切;全部 ◆ 谓语用“三单”‎ ‎ Is everything going well? 一切进展顺利吗?‎ ‎39. everywhere adv.处处;到处 = here and there ‎40. exact adj. 确切的,准确的 Can you give me an exact answer?‎ adv. exactly 精确地;恰好地 He exactly told me the answer.‎ ‎ Exactly speaking, he did much better in English.‎ ‎41. exam =examination n. 检查;详查,考试 ‎ ‎ ★ have an exam 举行考试; ★ take an exam参加考试;‎ ‎★ pass an exam考试及格; ★ fail (in)an exam考试不及格 ‎42. examine v. 检查;调查 examine one’s eyes. 检查眼睛 ‎43. example n.例证;榜样 ★ for example (通常一个例子) ‎ ‎◆ give sb. an example给某人举个列子 ‎★ set a good example(for sb. ) 树立好榜样 ‎◆ follow one’s example效仿某人 ‎44. excellent adj. 极为出色的;特别优秀的 an~ student ‎ ‎45. excite vt. 使兴奋;引起 ‎ 词形变化:n. excitement ◆ in excitement 激动地 adj. excited 兴奋的;激动的 ★sb. + 系动词 + excited (about…)‎ ‎ adj. . exciting 令人兴奋的、激动的 ◆ What exciting news!‎ ‎46. excuse v. 原谅;谅解; n. 原谅,借口 ‎◆ make an excuse for为…制造/找借口 ‎ ‎ ◆ Excuse me! Can you tell me how to explain the word clearly?‎ ‎ He got up late. But I think it was only his excuse . In fact, he doesn’t like school.‎ ‎47. exercise v. & n. 运动;锻炼 (不可数);练习题 (可数);做操(用复数) ‎ ‎★ .take more exercise多运动 You should exercise more.‎ ‎★ do morning/ eye exercises 做早操 、眼保健操 ‎★ I have many English exercises to do every day.‎ ‎◆ Many people play basketball for exercise, while some for fun. ‎ ‎48. expect vt.预料;期望, 预估 ‎ ◆ expect to do ◆ expect sb to do sth. ‎ ‎★ be expected to do sth. 被期待做..‎ ‎49. expensive adj.昂贵的 ;价高的 ‎ ‎ 反: inexpensive / cheap an ~ car ‎50. experience n. 经历,体验(可数); 经验(不可数)v. 经历;体验 ‎ ‎ experienced adj. 有经验的 ‎ ‎ He is an experienced teacher = He is a teacher(who is ) full of experience.‎ ‎ He will never forget fhis experience of working in Paris.‎ ‎51. explain v. 解释;阐释 ,说明 n. explanation ‎ ‎ ★ explain sth to sb. ‎ ‎52. express v. 表达;表述 , 表示 n. expression 表达,表情 ‎ He expressed his thanks to me.‎ ‎53. eye n.眼睛 ◆ keep an eye on…关注../盯着看 F ‎1. face n. 脸;面孔; v. 面对;面向 ‎ ‎◆ face to face 面对面地 ★in (the) face of (difficulty / danger…)面对….‎ They stand face to face talking.他们面对面地站在那里谈着。‎ ‎ ★ make a face 做鬼脸 ◆face south 朝南 ‎2. fact n. 事实;真相; ★ in fact 事实上,实际上 ‎3. factory n.. 工厂;制造厂 ★ (pl. factories ) in/ at the factory ‎4. fail v. 失败;忽视 n. failure 失败;不成功 ‎ ‎★ fail in sth. ‎ I passed the maths exam but failed(in) the French one.‎ ‎★ fail to do sth. 没能做某事 ‎ Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.‎ ‎ I faied to pass my driving test.‎ ‎5. fair n. 集市;交易会,博览会 adj. 公平的;公道的 ‎ It is unfair to him. ‎ ‎6. fall (fell, fallen) v. 落下;摔倒;‎ ‎★ fall asleep 入睡 ★ fall behind 落后 ◆ fall ill 患病,病倒 ‎ ‎★fall in love with 喜欢/爱上 ‎ I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. ‎ 我去年去的上海,我喜欢上了这座城市。‎ ‎★fall off 摔下来 He fell off his bike. 他从车上摔了下来。‎ ‎★ fall down 摔倒, 掉落 ◆ fall down from = fall off 从….摔下来 ‎◆ fall into water 掉进水里 ‎ ◆ n. fall (US)= autumn 秋天 ; ◆ (pl.) 瀑布Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布 ‎7. family n.. 家庭;家族 family name 姓 family tree 家谱 ‎8. famous (= well-known) adj. 著名的;出名的; n. fame 名声,名望 ‎★ be famous for 因为。。。。。。而出名”。‎ ‎★ be famous as 表示“作为……身份而出名” ‎ ‎9. fan n.. 扇子,迷 ,粉丝 football fans 足球迷 ‎10. fantastic adj. 极好的 ‎11. far -- farther, farthest /further, furthest) adj. & adv.遥远地;远隔, ….得多 ‎ ◆ far away 很远,遥远。‎ The new music teacher lives far away. 新来的音乐教师住得很远。‎ ‎ ★ be far away from 离……远 ‎★ as far as 远至….. ‎ ‎★ As far as I know, he has been to the town only once. 据我所知,……‎ ‎ ★ so far迄今为止 (现在完成时)‎ So far the work has been easy到目前为止,这工作很容易。‎ ‎12. farm n.农场;种植场 ★ on the farm 在农场 ‎13. farmer n.农场主;农夫 ‎14. fast adj. & adv.快的;偏快的; fast food 快餐 ‎ ★ How fast time goes by! = How time flies!‎ ‎15. fat -- fatter/ fattest adj. 肥的;肥胖的 n. 脂肪;肥肉 (不可数名词)‎ ‎ If you eat too much chocolate you’ll get fat.吃太多巧克力会发胖 ‎16. father n..父亲;爸爸 on Father’s Day ‎17. favorite adj. & n.最受喜爱的 ‎ Who is your favorite writer? 你最喜欢哪位作家?‎ ‎ These books are great favorites of mine. 这些是我最爱的书。‎ ‎18. fear n. & v. 恐怕;恐惧;害怕 ‎19. February n.. 二月 in February 在二月 ‎20. feed -- fed/ fed v .喂养;饲养 ‎ ◆ feed sb./ sth. =feed sth to sb. =feed sb. on sth.给(人或动物)食物;喂;喂养 ‎ Have you fed the cats? 你喂过猫没有?‎ ‎ She has a large family to feed . 她要养活一大家人。‎ ‎ He feeds his pet dog twice a day.‎ ‎21. feel -- felt/ felt v. 感知,觉得, 认为, 摸起来觉得 ‎ ★ feel + adj. Silk feels soft. I feel much better today.‎ ‎ ★ feel like doing 想要……, 感觉要…= want to do/ would like to do ‎ I feel like having a drink .我想喝点酒。 ‎ ‎22. feeling n.知觉;触觉,感情,情绪 ‎23. festival n.节日 ‎ ★ the Spring Festival 春节 the Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 ‎ The Dragonboat Festival 龙舟节 / 端午节 ‎24. fever n.发烧;发热 ★have a (low/ high)fever 发烧 ‎ ‎25. few pron. & a.不多的;很少的 : 修饰可数名词的复数 few 是否定词,意思是“没有几个、很少数”,‎ a few 的意思是“有几个、少数”,是肯定词 ‎26. field n. 田;地;牧场;领域 ,运动场,场地 ‎ ‎★ in the field 在田野 run through the field 穿过田野 ‎ ‎★ in the field of science 在科学领域 ‎27 fifteen num. 十五 ‎28. fifteenth num. 第十五 ‎29. fifth num.第五(的);第五个(的)‎ ‎30. fifty num.五十(的) ★ in one’s fifties在50多岁时 ‎31. fight – fought/ fought v. & n战斗;打架, 奋斗 ‎ ★ fight with /against sb. 搏斗;打架;打仗;作战 ‎ We must fight against the enemy. 我们必须与敌人作战。‎ ‎ We should try very hard to fight against pollution.‎ ‎32. fill vt.装满;布满 ‎ ‎◆ fill …with… 充满;装满 fill a hole with sand 用沙子把洞填满 ‎◆ fill in 填充 fill in a form 填表格 ‎★ be filled with .. = be full of 充满。。。。。。‎ ‎33. film n.薄层;胶片;电影 ◆develop films 冲洗胶卷 ‎★ see a film = see a movie 看电影 ★ make a film 拍电影 ‎34. final adj.最后的;最终的 the final result 最终结果 ‎★ adv . finally 最后地.= in the end = at last ‎ ‎35. find – found/ found vt .发现;找到 finding 发现, 发现物,调查结果 ‎ I found a lot of happiness in reading. 我从读书上获得了很多快乐。‎ ‎ ★ find out 发现, 查明 You must find out who broke the window ‎ ‎36. fine adj. 优秀的,精美的; 晴朗的 ;身体好的 n. 罚金 ‎ I’m fine. What fine weather!‎ ‎37. finger n. 手指;指状物 ‎38. finish v. 结束;完成 finishes ‎★ finish sth/ doing sth finish reading a book 读完一本书 ‎◆ finishing line 终点线 ‎39. fire n. 火,火灾,炉火,火焰;V. 燃烧, 点燃 ‎ ★ .light a fire / make a fire 生火 ‎◆on fire 燃烧, 着火 The house is on fire. 房子着火了。‎ ‎ ◆catch fire 着火 ★ put out the fire 扑灭大火 ‎40. first num, adj. & adv. 最先的;第一的;‎ ‎★ first of all = first = firstly首先; ★ at first 起初 开始时 ‎ ‎★ first name 名字 ★ for the first time 首次 ‎41. fish n. 鱼(活鱼,可数,单复数同行);鱼肉 (不可数)v. 捕鱼 ‎ ★go fishing ‎ ‎42. fisherman n. 渔民;钓鱼者(pl. fishermen)‎ ‎43. fit adj. 合适的;健康的 反:unfit ‎ The food was not fit to eat. 这食物不适合吃。‎ ‎ ★ be fit for 适合 He isn’t fit for the job.‎ ‎ ★ keep fit = keep healthy 保持健康 v. 使适合 These shoes don’t fit me. ‎ ‎44. five num. 五;五个; ★ fifth 第五 ‎45. fix (es) v. 使牢固;钉牢;修理 ‎ ‎★ fix up 修理 He is fixing up his bike.他正在修车。‎ ‎46. flag n. 旗;国旗 five-star Red Flag 五星红旗 ‎47. floor n. 地板;楼层 ‎ ‎★on the floor 在地板上 ★ on the second floor 在二楼 ‎ ★ go to the fifth floor 到五楼 ◆sweep the floor 拖地 ‎48. flower n. 花;花朵 ‎ ‎★water the flower 浇花 Flowers come out in spring. 花春天开放。‎ ‎49. fly – flew/ flown v. 飞;飞翔;乘飞机,飘扬 n. 苍蝇 flies n. flight ‎ ★ fly a kite 放风筝 ◆ fly (from……) to 飞往 ‎ ‎ The five-star red flg is flying in the sky. 五星红旗在空中飘扬。‎ ‎50. follow v. 跟随;沿着…..而行;遵守,遵循,听从 ‎ 1)No one likes to be followed.‎ ‎ 2) Follow this road , and you will get to the town.‎ ‎ 3)He spoke so fast that I couldn’t follow him.‎ ‎ 4) He never follows my advice. 他从来不听我的劝告。‎ ‎ ★ follow the law / the school rues 遵守法律、校规 ‎51. following adj. 下列的;接着的 ‎◆ the following day / the next day 第二天 ‎ ‎◆ answer the following questions 回答下面的问题 ‎52. food n. 食物;固体食品 (不可数名词)‎ ‎53. foot pl. feet n.脚;足 ‎ ‎★ at the foot of the mountain 在山脚下 ★ on foot 步行 ‎54. football n.足球;橄榄球 ★ play football 踢足球 ‎55. for prep.为了…的利益; 给,为了,因为 ‎ ◆ for sure 毫无疑问,确实。‎ He will find the truth for sure. 他一定会发现真相的。‎ ◆ for ever = forever 永远,总是 ◆ It’s + adj. for sb. to do sth.‎ I asked to stay to tea, for I had sth to tell her. (for: 因为,放句中)‎ ‎56. force v.强迫 n. 力, 力量,武力,暴力,军队 ‎ ★ force sb. to do sth 强迫某人做某事 be forced to do sth ‎57. foreign adj. 外国的;对外的. ‎ ‎ He will learn a second foreign language . 他还要学一门外语。‎ ‎58. foreigner n.外国人 ‎59. forest n. 森林地带;森林 rainforest 雨林 ‎ ◆ in the forest 在森林里 ★ walk through the forest 穿过深林 ‎60. forget -- forgot /forgotten / forgetting v. 忘记;忽略;‎ ‎◆ 近义词辨析:‎ forget 意思是“忘记”某事,而leave则是将物品“遗留”在某地。‎ I forget that we had met at a meeting before. ‎ 我忘了我们以前在一次会议上见过面。‎ ‎ I left the book in his house. 我把书忘在他家里了。‎ ‎ ★ forget to do sth 忘记去做 (没做)‎ I forgot to give the book back to him.我忘了把书还给他了 ‎★ forget doing srh 忘记做过某事 I forgot giving the book back to him. 我把还书给他的事情忘记了。‎ ‎61. fork n叉子;路岔口 ★ a knife and fork 一副刀叉 ‎62. form n.形状;结构;表格 v. 形成;构成 ‎ ★ fill in the form ★form a good habit ◆in the form of 以….形式 ‎63. forty num. 四十 fortieth ★ in one’s forties ‎64. four num.四;四个 fourth ‎ ‎65. fourteen num. 十四 fourteenth num.第十四 ‎66. France 法国 He comes from France. Paris is the capital of France.‎ ‎67. French n.&adj.法国的;法语 Frenchman / Frenchwoman 法国人 ‎68. free adj.自主的;自由的;空闲的,免费的, 无….的 ‎ ‎◆ for free 免费 These tickets are for free. 这些票是免费的。‎ ‎1) Are you free tonight?‎ ‎2) We all hope to live in a pollution-free world.‎ ‎69. fresh adj.新到的;新鲜的,无经验的, 清新的, 淡的(无盐的)‎ ‎ 1) He is fresh here. 他新近到这来的。‎ ‎ 2)I like eating fresh vegetables and fruit. ‎ ‎ 3) He is a fresh man at the job.‎ ‎ 4) Open the window and let in some fresh air.‎ ‎ ★take in fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气 ‎70. Friday n. 星期五 on Friday (morning / afternoon/ night)‎ ‎71. fridge n.冰箱 ‎72. friend n. 朋友 n. friendship 友谊,友好 adj. friendly adj. 友好的;和善的 ‎ ‎★ be friendly to sb.对某人友好 ★ be friendly with sb. 与…..相处得好 ‎★ make friends with… / be friends with…‎ ‎◆ A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。‎ ‎73. from prep. 从…; ‎ ‎◆ .from now on 从现在起,今后。‎ I will never talk to that man again from now on .‎ ‎ ◆ from then on = since then (现在完成时)‎ ‎ ★ from … to… 从……到……‎ ‎ You should take a break from running. 你应该别跑了,休息一会儿。‎ ‎74. front adj. & n.前面;正面; ‎ ‎★.in front of 在……前面。‎ There are two tall trees in front of the house.‎ ‎ ★ in the front of 在……的前面,在……前部(侧重一个 整体的前部分、‎ There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom.‎ ‎75. fruit n.水果;水果食物 (不可数名词)‎ ‎75. full adj.满的;充满的;饱的 v.. fill ‎ ‎★ be full of = be filled with…充满……的,富有……的。‎ The future of the young is full of hope. 年轻人的前途大有希望。 ‎ ‎76. fun n. 娱乐;玩笑(不可数名词) adj. 有趣的 = interesting ‎ ‎◆ make fun of sb. 同某人开玩笑。‎ She dislikes to be made fun of. 她不喜欢别人开她的玩笑。‎ ‎★ What great fun it is to play games.‎ ‎★ have fun = have a good time = enjoy oneself (in doing sth)‎ ‎77. funny adj.有趣的;滑稽的 ‎78. future n.将来;以后 短语:★ in the future 在将来;在未来 ‎ ◆ in the near future 在不久的将来 G ‎1. game n.游戏;比赛 ‎ ★play (computer)games ‎1) Spending too much time in playing computer games is wrong.‎ ‎ ★ the Olympic Games ‎ ‎ 2) The 28th Olympic Summer Games were held in Beijing.‎ ‎ ★ watch a game 观看比赛 ‎ 3) It’s a pity that I didn’t watch the football game last night.‎ ‎2. garden n. 花园;菜园,庭院,园子 ‎ ◆in the garden ‎ ‎ ◆He walked through the garden and got to the post office.‎ ‎3. gate n. 门;城门;大门 ‎ ◆ at / outside the gate ◆ through the gate 过了大门 ‎4. general adj.普遍的;普通的, 大体的, 概况的 ‎ ‎★ in general 总的说来;通常;大体上 n. 将军 adj. generally In general her work has been good, but this essay was bad.‎ 总的说来,她的作品不错,不过这篇文章糟透了。‎ ‎◆ generally speaking 一般来说 ‎5. gentleman 绅士,先生,阁下 pl. gentlemen ‎6. geography n.地理学;地理 ‎7. German adj. & n. 德国(的);德语(的);德国人(的) ◆ pl. Germans Germany‎ n. 德国 They are Germans. They all come from Germany. ‎ ‎8. get –got/ got /getting v. 获得;收到;买到,变得 ‎★ get back 取回; 返回,回到某地 You’d better get back home and get the books back.‎ ‎◆ get close (to) 接近 ◆ get down 降下 ◆ get in 进入, 收获,达到 ‎ ‎ ★ get in the way 妨碍 ‎ ★ get on/ off 上/ 下(车,飞机…..)‎ We will get off at the next bus stop . 我们将在下一站下车。‎ ‎ ★ get on / along (well)with 和……相处(很好)。 ‎ How are you getting along with your classmates?‎ ‎ ★ get the first / second place 获得第一名/第二名。‎ This time he got the first place in the exam.‎ ‎ ★ get up 起床,起身 Get up early or you’ll be late for school. ‎ ‎ ★ get to +n. 到达 get home / here/ there ‎ ◆ get out 出去;离开 get out of 从……出来 ‎ ‎ ★ get over = overcome 克服;恢复; ‎ She can’t get over shyness.她克服不掉羞怯感。‎ ‎ ★ get together 聚会 ‎ ‎ During the Spring Festival, my family got together and had a big dinner. ‎ ‎9. gift n.赠品;礼物 , 天赋 What birthday gift will you buy for her? 生日礼物 ‎10. giraffe n.长颈鹿 (复数:giraffe or giraffes)‎ ‎11. girl n.女孩;如、姑娘 ◆ ten girl classmates ‎12. give --gave,/ given v. 给予, 给,送给;捐赠; ‎ ‎★ give … a hand 助……一臂之力,给……帮助。‎ Could you give me a hand with these boxes?‎ ‎ ★ give …a ring / call; 给……打电话。‎ ‎ ★ give away 免费送出;赠送 ‎ He gave away most of his money to charity. ‎ ‎ ★ give back 归还 Could you give me back my pen? ‎ ‎ ★ give birth to 生(孩子)。 She gave birth to a girl last night. ‎ ‎ ◆ give in 上交;呈交;屈服;让步;‎ ‎ ★ give out = hand out 分发;散发 The teacher gave out the test papers. ‎ ‎ ★ give up (doing) 放弃,停止; Can’t you give up smoking? ‎ ‎ ★ give sb. a ride / lift ★ give sth to sb. ‎ ‎13. glad adj. 高兴的;快乐的 gladder /est ◆ be glad to do sth. ‎ ‎ I’m glad to hear he’s feeling better. 听说他身体好些了,我很高兴。‎ ‎14. glass n. 玻璃(不可数);玻璃制品 (可数)‎ ‎ ◆The house is built out of glass. two glasses of water 两杯水 ‎ ◆(pl.) glasses 眼镜 wear a pair of glasses 戴一副眼镜 ‎15. glove n. 手套;拳击手套 a pair of gloves 一副手套 ‎16. glue n. 胶;胶水 mend a broken cup with glue 用胶粘补破杯子 ‎ v. 用胶水将物体粘合;粘贴 ‎ ‎17. go – went / gone / goes v.行进;去; 变得(系动词) ‎ ‎◆ go ahead 走在前面,领先;干吧,干下去 ‎ ---May I start now? ---Yes, go ahead.可以,开始吧。‎ ‎◆go away 走开。 ‎ Don’t go away. I’ll be back in a minute.别走开,我马上回来。‎ ‎ ★ go by = pass by(指时间)过去;消逝 ‎ As time goes by, my memory seems to get worse. ‎ ‎◆go in for 参加 His brother doesn’t go in for sports. ‎ ‎ ★ go for a walk 散步 ‎★ go off (闹铃)闹响 ‎ This morning my alarm clock didn’t go off , so I was late again.‎ ◆ go on 发生,进行 Who knows what’s going on here?‎ ◆ go on to do 接着做(另一件事)/ go on doing /go on with 继续做(同一件事)‎ ‎★ go over 复习,仔细检查。‎ ‎ ◆ go straight along 沿着……一直往前走。‎ ‎ ★ go through 查阅;浏览 ‎ I always start the day by going through my email. ‎ 我总是每天一早就查阅我的电子邮件 ‎ ◆Milk goes bad easily in Summer. 夏季牛奶容易变质。‎ ‎ ◆ in a go 一口气地 ‎18. gold n. & adj黄金;金色. ◆ win a/ the gold 获得金牌 golden adj.金色的;含金的 ‎19. good ( better, best) adj. 好的;美好的,令人愉快的,擅长的,能干的,善良的 ‎ ‎★. be good at 擅长,善于 He is good at drawing.‎ ‎ ★ be good for 对……有好处。 Practice is good for our health.‎ ‎ ★ be good to 对……态度好、友善 ‎ ★ be good with sb. 与。。。。。相处得好 ★ do a good job 干得好 ‎20. goodbye (bye-bye) interj.再见 say goodbye to sb. ‎ ‎21. government n.统治;支配;政府 ‎ The government should develop laws to protect the environment.‎ ‎22. grade n.等级;分数;年级 ‎ ★get good grades 获得好成绩 ★ Grade 9 九年级 ‎23. grammar (不可数)n.语法;文法 ‎ Learning grammar well is very important for English study. ‎ ‎24. granddaughter n.孙女;外孙女 ‎25. grandfather/grandpa n.祖父 ‎26. grandmother/grandma n.(外)祖母 ‎27. grandparents n.祖父母 ‎28. grandparent n. 祖父;祖母 ‎29. grandson n. 孙子;外孙 ‎30. grape n. 葡萄 ‎ a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄 ◆grape juice葡萄汁 ‎31.grass (不可数) n. 草;牧草 ‎ Sheep eat grass. ★ Keep off the grass.! 勿踏草坪!‎ ‎32. gray (grey) n.& adj. 灰色(的);灰白(的)‎ ‎33. great adj. 大的;巨大的,伟大的 Great Lake五大湖 ‎34. green n. & adj绿色(的);青葱的 ‎ green pepper 青椒 green house 绿色大棚、暖房 in green ‎35. ground n.地;地面 ◆ on the ground fall to the ground ‎ ‎36. grow (grew, grown) v. 增加, 发展;成长 发育;变得;种植,栽培 ‎ His face grew pale. 他的变得苍白起来。 ‎ ‎★grow up 成年,长成 I want to be a doctor when I grow up.‎ ‎◆ grown-up (s) 成年人 ‎37. guard n.& v. 警惕;看守 ‎38. guess (es) v. 猜测;估计 ‎ 1) Can you guess her age/ guess how old she is? ‎ ‎ 2)Don’t answer by guess. Work the problem out. 不要凭猜测做答,。。。。。‎ ‎38. guest n. 客人;宾客 ‎ ‎39. guide n. 向导;导游 a tour guide 导游 ‎ v. 引导;指导 ★ guide sb. to do sth 引导某人做某事 ‎ I guided him to his seat. 我把他领到他的座位上去。‎ ‎40. guidebook n. (旅行、游览等)指南 ‎41 guitar n.吉他 He likes playing the guitar. ‎ ‎42. gun n.枪;炮 Look out, he has got a gun!小心,他拿着枪呢! ‎ H ‎1. habit n.习性;习惯 ★ be in/ fall into/ get into/ develop/ form the habit of doing sth. ‎ 有(养成)做某事的习惯 I’ve got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home.‎ 我已养成了一到家就打开电视的习惯。‎ ‎2. hair (不可数) n.毛发;茸毛 hair band 发带 cut hair 剪发 ‎3. half adj. & n. (pl. halves)一半;半场 ‎ ‎ I divided the apples into halves. 我把苹果分成两瓣。‎ ‎◆ half past one.一点半 ★ half an hour 半个小时 ‎★ One and a half hours (One hour and a half) is enough.‎ ‎4. hall n.门厅;礼堂;大厅;厅堂 ◆ in the hall 在大厅 ‎5. hamburger n.汉堡包 ‎6. hand n.手;人手, 指针v. 交给, 传递 ‎ ‎★hand in 交上来。 The teacher asked the students to hand in their papers.‎ ‎ ★ hand out 分发;发放 ★ hand sb. sth = hand sth to sb. 把某物递给某人 ‎ ★hand back papers 发回试卷 ★ be made by hand手工制作 ‎ ★ put up one’s hand(s) / Hands up ★give / lend sb. a hand 帮某人一把 ‎ ★shake hands (with…) 握手 ★on the one hand…on the other hand…‎ ‎7. handbag n.手包 ‎8. handsome adj.英俊的;漂亮的 more/ most ~‎ ‎9. hang -- hung, hung v.使悬挂;使吊起 ‎ ‎ --hanged / hanged 上吊;绞死;处以绞刑 ‎★ hang out (俚语)闲逛;闲荡 ‎10. happen v. 发生;碰巧 ‎ ‎★Sth happen to sb. 某人发生某事 If anything happens to him, let me know. ‎ ‎ ◆ Sb happen to do sth 碰巧做某事 ‎ She happened to be out when he called. 他打电话是,她恰好不在家。‎ ‎ ◆ It happed that I was out when he calle d.‎ ‎11. happy adj. 愉快的;满足的;快乐的;幸福的 ‎ happier / happiest adv. happily n. happiness 反: unhappy ‎ 1) Wish you a happy New Year!‎ ‎ 2) I’m happy to receive your kind invitation.‎ ‎ 3) He happily finished the task.‎ ‎ 4)Wealth doesn’t always bring you happiness.‎ ‎12. hard adj. & adv. 坚硬的;结实的;困难的;艰难的;努力地;费劲地 ‎ ★ study hard ★ work harder and harder ‎ ‎1) After hard work, he succeeded. 努力后,他获得了成功。‎ ‎2) It is hard to say. 很难说。‎ ‎3) English is hard to learn well. =It is hard to learn English well.‎ ‎4) They had hard times in Canada. 他们在加拿大度过了艰难的时光。‎ ‎13. hard-working adj. 勤勉的;努力工作的 ‎ ‎14. hardly adv. 几乎不。 ‎ ‎ 1)They could hardly believe the news, could they?‎ 他们几乎不敢相信这个消息,不是吗?‎ ‎ 2) He is hardly ever late for school.‎ ‎15. harmful adj 有害的 (反) harmless ★ be harmful to= be bad for 对......有害 ‎16. hat n.帽子;职务 ‎17. hate v. & n.仇恨;憎恨 dislike ★ hate sb. / sth / doing / to do / sb. to do sth ‎18. have ( has, had, had) v有;拥有; 从事;进行;吃;喝 ‎★.had better (not) do最好(别) 做 ‎ You’d better not smoke here. 你最好不要在这吸烟。 ‎ ‎ ★ have a good time 玩得很痛快。‎ ‎★ have classes 上课 ‎ ‎ ◆ have on 穿着。 He has a black coat on today.‎ ‎ ◆.have a try 尝试,努力 Have a try again and then you can get it .‎ ‎ ★ have no idea 不知道。‎ I have no idea (=don’t know) about the accident happened at the street corner.‎ ‎ ★ have to 不得不,必须。have got to 不得不;必须 ‎★ have a swim, walk, ride, ‎ ‎19. he pron.他;它 ‎20. head n.头部;‎ ‎ 1) My head aches. 我头痛。 2) use your head.动动脑筋。‎ ‎21. headache n.头痛 ★ have a headache 头痛 ‎22. health n.健康;健康状况 ‎ ★ be in good health= be healthy 身体健康 ‎ ‎ He is healthy. / He is in good health. 他很健康。‎ ◆ Exercise is good for health. 锻炼身体有益于身体健康。‎ ◆ Health is much more important than money.‎ ‎22. healthy (-ier,-iest) adj. 健康的 unhealthy adj. healthily a healthy child 健康的孩子 ★ keep (sb) healthy ‎ ‎23. hear (heard, heard) v.听见;听取; 强调听得结果。hearing 听力 ‎ I listened but heard nothing. ‎ ‎★ hear about/ of sb. / sth / hear + that 从句 听说: ‎ I’ve ever heard of someone do that. / I heard that he had read the book .‎ ★ hear from sb. 接到……来信 ‎ ★ hear sb. do be heard to do ★ hear sb. doing sth ‎24. heart n. 心;心脏 warm-hearted 热心的 ‎★ learn sth by heart 记住 ★ lose heart 灰心 失去勇气 Thank you from my heart. 衷心地感谢你。 ‎ ‎25. heat n.高温;热情 v. (使某物)变热或变暖, 加热 ‎ The sun gives light and heat. 太阳发光发热。‎ ‎26. heavy adj.(-ier, -iest) 重的;繁重的,密度大的, 猛烈的 ‎1) There will be a heavy rain. 将会有场大雨。‎ ‎ 2)The heavy snow caused heavy traffic. 大雪造成了交通繁忙。‎ adv. heavily ‎ It was raining/snowing heavily when we left home for school.‎ ‎27. height n.高度;身高 adj. high ‎ 1) What’s the height of the mountain? = How high is the mountain? 2) He ‘s two meters in height. / tall / high. 他身高两米。‎ ‎28. hello (hi) interj.哈罗;喂 say ~ to …‎ ‎29. help v.& n. 帮助;扶持 adj. helpful adj.有用的;有益的 helpless ‎ ★ help oneself to … 请随便吃点 ‎ Help yourself to some fish. ‎ ‎★ help sb. with sth./(to)do sth. 帮助某人做某事 ‎ My sister helps me with my English/ study English/ to study English. ‎ ‎ ★ help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境 ★ can’t help doing 禁不住做某事 ‎ ★ with the help of …. ★ without the help of… ★ ask (sb)for help ‎ ★ be helpful to sb. / sth 对……有益/ 有帮助 ‎30. hen n 母鸡 ‎31. her pron.她 hers 她的 ( 名词性物主代词)‎ ‎32. here adv.在这里;到这里 ‎★ here and there 在各地;各处 ◆ Here yoy are! ◆Here it is !‎ ‎★ Here be + n. / pron. 这有…….‎ ‎33. hero n. pl. heroes 英雄;勇士 ‎34. herself pron. 她自已 ‎35. hi (口语)嗨 ‎36. hide (hid, hidden) v.把…藏起来, 隐藏,隐瞒 ‎ 1)The sun was hidden by the clouds. 太阳被云遮住了。‎ ‎ 2)He hid himself behind the tree.‎ ‎ 3) She tried to hide his feelings.‎ ‎37. high adj.& adv. 高的; n. height ‎ ‎38. hill n.小山;土堆 ‎ Tea is planted on the sides of the hill. 那所房子坐落在山坡上。‎ ‎39. him pron. 他 ‎40. himself pron.他自已 ‎ ‎41. his pron.他的 ‎42. history n. 历史学;历史 adj. historical n. historian 史学家 ‎ ★in history 在历史上 ◆have / with a long history ‎ I like reading books on Chinese history.‎ ‎43. hit (hit, hit / hitting ) v.击;投掷;碰撞 ‎ 1) She hit me on his head with a book. 她用书打我的头。‎ ‎2) I was hit by a falling stone. 我被落下的石头击中了。‎ ‎3) A car hit the tree and the driver was killed.‎ n. 成功而轰动一时的事物(如歌曲等)‎ ‎ Her new film is quite a hit. 她的新影片十分成功。‎ ‎44. hobby n.业余爱好;癖好 pl. hobbies ‎ Playing the guitar is my hobby. I spend much time on it.‎ ‎45. hold (held, held) v.握住;抓紧; 拿着;容纳; 举行 ‎ ★ hold on 等一下, 别挂断 (电话用语);停住;坚持 ‎ ‎1)Hold on a minute while I get my breath back. 停一停,让我喘口气。‎ ‎ 2)Hold on to (= stick to ) your dream.坚持你的梦想。‎ ‎ 3) The hall is big enough to hold 500 people.‎ ‎ 4) He held my hand but said nothing.‎ ‎ 5) A meeting will be held in the hall. ★hold a (sports) meeting 开运动会 ‎46. hole n.洞;穴 ‎ ‎47. holiday n.假日;节日 ★take a holiday go for a holiday ‎★:on holiday 在休假 ★ during the summer holiday ‎ I will have a ten-day holiday.‎ ‎48. home n. & adv. 家;固定住处 ‎ ‎ 1) He left home at sixteen. 他十六岁是离开了家。‎ ‎ 2)Is there anybody at home? 有人在家吗?‎ ‎★ Make yourself at home! 不要拘束!‎ ‎★ get / reach / arrive/ go / come home on the way home ‎ ‎49. homeless adj. 无家的;无家可归的 ‎ He gave all his money to the homeless. 他把所有的钱都给了无家可归的人。 ‎ ‎50. hometown n. 家乡;故乡 homeland 祖国 ‎51. homework n.家庭作业;准备工作 (不可数名词)‎ ‎ My little brother is doing his homework.我弟弟在做作业。‎ ‎ have much homework to do ‎52. honest adj.正当的;诚实的 adv. honestly 反义词:dishonest ‎◆ an honest businessman 可靠的商人 ‎ ★ to be honest = to tell the truth说实话 ‎ To be honest, I don’t think we have a chance of winning.‎ 说实话,我们没有获胜的可能。‎ ‎53. hope n. & v. 希望;期望; adj. hopeful / hopeless ‎◆ hope + that 从句 We hope you are happy. 我们希望你幸福。 ‎ ‎★ hope to do She hopes to win a prize in the englisn competion.‎ ‎◆ I hope so / not. ★ give up hope ★ in the hope of 满怀希望 ‎54. horse n. 马;马科动物 ride a horse ‎55. hospital n. 医院 ‎ ★ go to the hospital 去医院 / go to hospital 去住院 I’m going to the hospital to visit my friend.我要去医院看望我的朋友。‎ ‎ ★ in the hospital 在医院 He works in the hospital. 他在医院工作。‎ ‎ in hospital 有病住院 I’ve never been in hospital.我从未住过医院。‎ ‎ ◆ take sb. to the hospital 送人去医院 ‎56. hot adj.(hotter/ ttest)热的;烫的,辣的,激烈的 ‎ ★on a hot summer day ★ after a hot discussion 经过激烈的讨论后 ‎ ◆ hot line 热线 ‎57. hotel n.旅馆;旅店 stay at/ in an inexpensive hotel 住便宜的旅馆 ‎58. hour n. 小时;时机 ◆ an hour 一小时 ◆business hours 营业时间 ‎ ◆office hours 办公时间 ◆school hours◆上学时间 ◆rush hours 交通高峰时间 ‎ The film starts at 7:30 and lasts two hours. 影片7:30分开演,演两个小时。‎ ‎59. house n.住房;住宅 ‎ 例如:I’m going to my aunt’s house. 星期日我要去我姨家。‎ ‎60. housework n.家务活 (不可数)do housework ‎61. how adv.怎样;如何 ‎ ‎ ★ How + adj./ adv. + 主语 + 谓语! ◆ I know how to do it ‎ ‎61. however adv. & conj.无论如何= no matter how; 然而 ‎ 1) You won’t move that stone, however strong you are. ‎ 不管你力气有多大,也休想搬动那块石头 ‎ 2) She fell ill. However, she went to work 她病了,然而她照旧去上班。‎ ‎62. huge adj.极大的;巨大的 a huge elephant巨大的象 ‎ Canada is a huge country. 加拿大是个幅员广大的国家。‎ ‎63. human n. = human being = man 人;人类 ‎ ‎64 humorous adj. 幽默的 n. humour /humor ‎65. hundred num.一百;百计 ‎ ‎★ hundreds of 成百的;许多 ◆ two hundred students ‎66. hungry adj.饥锇的;挨锇的 反: full n. hunger ‎ Let’s eat soon --- I’m hungry. 咱们早点吃吧---我饿了。 feel hungry ‎ ‎67. hurry n. & v. 匆忙;赶快 ‎ ‎★ 1. in a hurry 迅速地;匆忙地 She dressed herself in a hurry. 她迅速穿好衣服。‎ ‎ He was in a hurry to leave.他急于离开。‎ ‎ ★ hurry up 快些做, 快点 ‎ ‎68. hurt (hurt, hurt) v. & n. 使…疼痛;使…受伤; 痛苦;疼痛, 伤害 ‎1) Are you badly hurt? 你伤得厉害吗?‎ ‎2)He hurt his back when he fell. 他跌倒是背部受了伤。‎ ‎3) It hurts when I move my leg. 我的腿一动就疼。‎ ‎69. husband n. 丈夫 I ‎1. I pron. 我 ‎2. ice n. 冰(不可数);冰层 ‎ Is the ice thick enough for skating? ◆ skate on the ice ‎ ‎3. ice cream n.冰淇淋 ‎4. idea n.计划;主意 ◆ have no idea=not know 不知道 ‎ ◆ That’s a good idea. 那是个好主意。‎ ‎ 1) He is full of ideas. 他足智多谋。‎ ‎ 2)He has no idea how to work out the problem. ‎ ‎5. if conj 假如;倘若 ‎ ◆ 引导条件状语从句“主将从现”, “如果”‎ ‎ 1) If it doesn’t rain, we’ll have a picnic. 2) I’ll come at 6 if (it is ) necessary. ‎ ‎ ◆ 用于ask, know, find out, wonder等之后,引导宾语从句,“是否” ‎ ‎ I wonder if I should wear a hat. 我不知道该不该戴帽子。‎ ‎ ◆ as if 仿佛,好像 ‎6. ill adj. 不健康的;不适的,生病的 邪恶的 ‎ ◆ ill – worse / worst ★ fall ill 生病 ◆ an ill man 一个坏人 ‎ He’s been ill for two weeks. 他病了两周了。‎ ‎7. illness n.疾病;生病 pl. illnesses ‎ ‎8. imagine v.想像;幻想 n. imagination ★ imagine doing ‎ ‎ 1) Imagine a house with a big garden. 设想有一所大花园的房子。‎ ‎2)Imagine that you are in London. 想象一下你正在伦敦。‎ ‎3) I can’t imagine walking all the way to Beijing in the past.‎ ‎9. important adj.重要的;自大的 n. importance 重要,重要性 ‎ It is important (for sb.) to do sth ‎ 1) It’s important for me that you should be here. 你应该在场,这对我来说很重要。‎ ‎ 2) It is very important for us to have a healthy eating habit to live longer.‎ ‎ 3) Can you tell me the importance of having a good sleep?‎ ‎10. impossible adj.不可能的 反: possible ‎ It’s impossible for me to be there before 8:00pm.‎ ‎11. improve v.改进;改善;提高 n. improvement ‎ ‎ 1) The government are trying very hard to improve people’s living conditions.‎ ‎ 2) If you work harder, your English will improve. ‎ ‎12. in prep.在…里;用,‎ ‎ ★ in a minute / moment 一会儿,立刻 ★ in a word 一句话;简言之 ‎ ★ in English 用英语 ★ in danger 处在危险状态 ★ in trouble ‎ ‎★ in need ★ in fact 实际上;事实上 ★ in time (for sth)及时,来得及 ‎★ in the past three years (完成时态)‎ ‎13. include v包括;包含 ‎ ‎ The tour included a visit to the Science‎ ‎Museum.‎ ‎14.including prep. 包括;包含 ‎ The band played many songs, including some of my favorite. 乐 ‎15. increase v.& n.(使)增加;(使)增长 ‎◆ increase by… 增加了… ◆ increase to….增加到….‎ The population has increase from 1.2 million 10 years ago to 1.8 million now.‎ ‎17. India n.印度 ‎18. Indian n. & adj. 印度人;印度的 ‎19. industry n.部门;工业;行业 ‎ heavy industry 重工业 。 light industry 轻工业 ‎ ‎20. influence n.& v 影响;支配力; ‎ ‎★have an influence on…对…有影响 ‎ He was greatly influenced by his teacher.‎ ‎21. information n. (U)知识;信息;消息 ‎22. inside prep.里面;在…里面 ‎23. instead adv.代替; ★instead of 代替;而不是 ‎ ‎1)Let’s play cards instead of watching TV. ‎ ‎2)Mike can’t go to Bejing. Let Jim instead.‎ ‎24. instruction n.命令, 指令;使用说明(常用复数)‎ ‎25. instrument n. 器具;工具;乐器 ★ musical instruments 乐器 ‎ ‎26. interest n. & vt. 引起…..关注;使…..感兴趣 ‎ ‎ His book interested me. = I was interested in his book.‎ adj. interested adj.感到有趣的 interesting adj. 有趣的;引起注意的 ‎★have / take/show an interest in 对….有(产生、表现出)兴趣 ‎★ be interested in 感兴趣 ◆ What an interesting book!‎ ‎★ There are many places of interest. 名胜古迹 ‎27. international adj. 国际的;世界性的; national adj. 国家的, 民族的 an international peace-keeping force. 国际维和部队。‎ ‎28. Internet n. 网络;因特网 on the Internet 网上 from the Internet ‎ ‎29. interview n. & v. 面试;采访;接见 interviewer n. 采访者 job interview 工作面试 He was interviewed by Reader. ‎ ‎30. into prep 到…上;进入…里面 ‎31. introduce vt. 介绍,引进; ‎ ‎◆ introduce myself 自我介绍 ‎★ introduce sb. to sb. be introduced to …‎ Allow me to introduce my wife. ‎ I was introduced to the manager at the party. ‎ ‎ ★ introduce sth into …. 把…..引进到….. be introduces into…‎ ‎ paper-making technique was introdued into Europe from China long ago.‎ ‎32. introduction n. 介绍;引言 an ~‎ ‎33. invent v. 发明;首创 inventor 发明家 invention n. 发明;发明物 ‎ Who was the car invented by? The great inventor has many inventions.‎ ‎34. invite v. 邀请;要求 invitation n. 邀请, 请柬 ‎ ★ invite sb. for sth. / to do sth. 邀请 ‎ invite sb. for/ to dinner/ to have dinner 邀请某人吃饭 ‎★ be invited to …/ to do sth ◆ a letter of invitation 邀请信 ‎ Thanks for inviting me. / Thanks for your invitation.‎ ‎35. island n.岛屿 on the island 在岛上 an ~‎ ‎36. it prop. 它(主格和宾格)‎ ‎37. its pron. 它的;它自已的 (形容词和名词性物主代词) ‎ ‎38. itself pron. 它自已;它本身 J ‎1. jacket n. 短上衣;茄克(衫) put on your jacket ‎2. January n.一月;元月 in January on January 29, 2018‎ ‎3. Japan n.日本;日本 ‎4 Japanese n.日本人;日本的 in Japanese a / ten Japanese ‎ ‎5. job n.(C)工作;任务 I’m looking for a new job.‎ ‎6. join v. 结合;接合;加入; ‎ ‎◆.join sb. 加入,和。。。。。一起做 Ask him to join us for lunch. 请他和我们一起吃午饭。‎ ‎★ join sth. 参加(某组织)‎ He joined the Party last year. 他去年入的党。‎ He has been in the Party for one year. (be in…)‎ ◆ join in + 活动 The road joins the village to the city. 公路把村庄和城市连接起来了。‎ ‎7. joke n. 笑话;笑料;v. 开玩笑. ‎ Don’t be angry. It’s just a joke. 别生气,这只不过是个玩笑。‎ ‎ ★ play a joke on 开某人玩笑 ‎ It’s impolite to play a joke on others. 开别人玩笑是不礼貌的。‎ ‎8. journey n.旅行,旅程 ‎ ‎★ set out a new journey 开始新的旅程 ★ have a nice journey 旅途愉快 ‎8. juice n.菜汁;果汁 (UC)‎ ‎9. July n.七月 ‎10. jump n. & v.跳跃 ‎ He was so excited that he jumped up and down.‎ ‎ He jumped high.‎ ‎ the high jump 跳高 the long jump 跳远 ‎11. June n.六月 ‎12. just adj. & adv 仅仅, 只;刚刚 (单独使用多用现在完成时)‎ ‎★ just now = a moment ago (一般过去时) ‎ K ‎1. keep (kept, kept) v. 保存;留有;‎ ‎★ keep on doing something一直做某事。‎ I shouted to him but he just kept on writing. 我向他喊,可是他一直继续写字。‎ ‎★ keep doing 坚持做某事 He keeps running in the morning.‎ ‎ ★ keep sb. sth / doing He kept me waiting for two hours.‎ ‎ ★ keep out 不许进入,抵挡在外。 ‎ Those trees can keep out the strong wind. 那些树木可以抵御狂风。‎ ‎ ★ .keep away from 不靠近 keep …away from..使…远离…‎ ‎ ★ keep a secret 保守秘密 ★ keep a diary 记日记 ‎ ★ keep+adj.保持某种状态 Schools kept closed for about two months .‎ ‎ ★ keep+n. 保存,保管. Could you keep these books for me, please? ‎ ‎★keep off the grass. 勿踏; 勿踩 ◆ keep ..to oneself保守秘密 / 据为己有 ‎2. key n. 钥匙,答案,关键 ★ the key to … 。。。。。。的钥匙、关键、答案 ‎ adj. 重要的,关键的 a key university 重点大学 ‎3. keyboard n.键盘,键盘式乐器 Play the keyboard ‎4. kick v. & n.踢 ★ kick off 开除 ‎5. kid n. 小山羊;小孩;v欺骗(kidded) ‎ ‎6. kill v. & n.杀死;扼杀 ◆ be killed 被害 ◆ kill time 消磨时光 ‎7. kilogram /kilo n.千克 ( pl. kilos)‎ ‎8. kilometre n.千米;公里 ‎9. kind n.种类 adj.善良的 n. kindness 善良,善意 ‎◆ It’s kind of you to help the homeless people.‎ ‎★ a kind of…. 一种……/ all kinds of ….各种各样的 ‎★ kind of = a little + adj./ adv. 有点儿 ‎10. king n.君主;国王 ‎11. kiss (es) n. & v. 吻;轻触 ‎12. kitchen n.厨房;‎ ‎13. kite n.风筝; ★ fly a kite 放风筝 ★ make kites 制作风筝 ‎14. knee n. 膝;膝部 ‎15. knife pl. knives n.刀;刀具 ‎ ‎16. knock v. & n.敲;打 ‎ ‎◆knock into 碰撞 ◆ knock down 撞倒 ★ knock at (on) the door 敲门 ‎ There is a knock at (on) the door. / There is someone knocking at the door.‎ ‎17. know(knew, known) v学会,懂得.知道,了解;‎ ‎★ be known for 因……而出名 He is known for his works. ‎ ‎ ★ be known as 作为……而出名 Lu Xun was known as a writer.‎ ‎ ★ be known to sb. 为……所知 ‎★ know about 了解或知道某事物 ‎★ As far as I know 就我所知 ‎18. knowledge n.(U)熟悉;知识 knowledgeable adj. 有知识的 L ‎1. lab = laboratory n. 实验室 in the lab ‎2. lady n. 贵妇人;‎ ‎3. lake n.湖(泊) in / by / across the lake ‎4. land [U] 陆地、大地 ◆on land 在陆地上 ‎ [U] (做某种用途) 土地 building land 建筑用地 ‎ [U] 田地 ‎ ‎ [C] 国家my native land 我的祖国 ‎ v. 着陆 The airplane landed safely. 客机安全降落了。‎ ‎5. language n. 语言;方言 speak a language foreign languages ‎6. large adj.大的;巨大的 (人口多可用large) ‎ ‎ The population of China is much larger than that of Japan.‎ ‎7. last adj.最后的;最近的 , 上个的 v. 持续 adv.‎ ‎1) December is the last month of the year. ‎ ‎2) How long do you think this fine weather will last?‎ ‎★ last term ★ at last ★ in the last few years (现在完成时)‎ ‎8. late adj. 迟的;晚的; adv. 晚、迟 ‎ late – later / latest lately =recently adv. 近来、不久前 ‎1)My flight was an hour late. 我那趟航班晚了一个小时。‎ ‎ 2)She married late.‎ ‎ 3) Have you seen her lately?‎ ‎◆1.in the late afternoon 在傍晚 in late autumn 在深秋 ‎★ be late for ……迟到 ◆ later on 后来,以后 ◆ sooner or later 迟早 ‎9. laugh n. & v. 笑;发笑 ★ laugh at sb./ sth. 嘲笑 ‎1)It is impolite to laugh at others.‎ ‎2) No one likes being laughed at.‎ ‎10. law n.法律;法令 ★break/keep(follow) the law 违反法律、遵守法律 ‎ ★develop / make the law ◆ the traffic law 交通法 ‎11. lawyer n. 律师 ‎12. lay v. (laid, laid) (laying) 放置;(鸟、虫等)产卵 ‎ ‎1)He laid his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。‎ ‎2) The hen lays an egg every day.母鸡每天下一个蛋。‎ ‎★ lay out 摆放 ‎13. lazy adj. (lazier/laziest) 偷懒的;懒散的 n. laziness ‎14. lead v. (led, led)带领…走 , 引导 ‎ ‎◆ lead sb. to sth./sp 引导某人、影响某人的言行 ‎ What led you to this conclusion? 你是怎样得出这结论的?‎ ‎ ★lead to …导致, 通向 ‎ The heavy snow led to many accidents。‎ The road leads to the biggest room. 这条路通向最大的房间。‎ ‎ ★lead sb. to do 导致,诱使,领导某人做某事 ‎ What led you to think so? 什么使你这样想? ‎ ‎ ◆ lead a … life =live a…life 过着…的生活 ‎ live a happy life 过着幸福(快乐)的生话 ‎15. leader n.领导;首领 leading adj. 最重要的,主要的 ‎16. leaf n. pl. leaves 叶子 ‎ Leaves come out in spring ang fall in fall.‎ ‎17. learn (learnt, learnt /learned ) v.学习;记住; ‎ learner n. 学习者 n. learning 学问 ‎★. learn from… 向…学习,从….学的 ★.learn …by oneself 自学 ‎★ learn (how))to do sth. ★learn about = know about…‎ ‎★ learn sth by heart 记住 ‎18. least n. 最小的;很小的;(构成最高级 the least expensive最便宜的) ‎ ‎★ at least 至少,起码 You have to work at least three hours every day.‎ ‎18. leave (left, left) v. 离开;出发;忘在 , 遗落 ‎ ‎1)It’s time for us to leave. 我们该走了。‎ ‎ 2) I’ve left my gloves on the bus. 我把手套落在公车上了。 ‎ ‎★ leave A for B 离开A地去B地 ★ leave for 前往 ‎ ‎★ leave sb. sth = leave sth to sb. 留给某人某物 ‎★ leave sb. alone把某人单独留下 The little boy is often left alone at home. ‎ ‎◆ leave… behind 不带走、遗留 Don’t leave me behind. 带我一起走。‎ ‎★ ask for a two-day leave 请两天假 ‎★ leave out 冷落 He felt left out.‎ 注意:leave 为瞬间动词,若跟时间段,需用 be away。 ‎ He left three days ago. = He has been away for three days.‎ ‎19. left adj. & n.左边的; 剩余的 ‎ ‎★ on the/ my left 在左边 ★ nothing left 没有剩下东西 ‎★ turn left = turn to the left. 左转 There is little time left. Hurry up, or we’ll be late. ‎ ‎20. leg n.腿 a two-legged desk. 两条腿的桌子 ‎21. lemon n. 柠檬汁.‎ ‎22. lend (lent,lent) 主语往外借 ‎★ lend sb sth=lend sth to sb (主语把某物借给某人)‎ Could you lend the phone to me=lend me the phone.‎ ‎23. less adj. 更小的;较小的,更少的 less pollution less + 不可数名词 ‎ ★ less than 少于 She is less beautiful than her sister.‎ ‎24. lesson n. 课;课时; 教训 ,功课 ‎★ give / teach sb a lesson 给某人上一课/ 教训某人一顿 ‎★ Lesson1=the first lesson ★ do lessons 做功课 ‎25. let (let, let/ letting) v. 允许;让; ‎ ‎★ let sb. down 使… 失望或沮丧 ‎◆ let…in 让……进来,放进 ‎★let sb (not)do sth 让某人(别)做某事 ‎★ let out 泄露 ‎26. letter n.字母;书信 ◆ write a letter to sb 给某人写封信 ‎ ◆ spell the words with some letters(字母)‎ ‎27. level n.水平线;水平面;水平 ‎ ‎28. library pl. libraries .图书馆 It’s not allowed to speak loud ly in the library.‎ ‎29. lie 1) v. (lied,lied) (lying) 说谎 , 位于 n.. 说谎,谎言 ‎ ‎★ tell a lie 说谎 ◆ lie to sb. about sth He’s lying. 他在说谎。 ‎ ‎ 2) v. (lay,lain) (lying) 躺,平卧 ‎ Don’t lie in bed all morning. 别一上午都躺在床上。‎ There is a wallet lying on the ground. ◆lie down and have a rest 躺下 ‎30. life n..生命,生物,生活,终身 pl. lives ‎◆ in / during her whole life在她的一生中 ★lose one’s life / lives 失去生命 ‎ ‎★ save one’s life/ saves 挽救生命 ★ in one’s daily life / lives live / lead a …..(happy /hard ….) life 过着……生活 ‎31. lift v. 举起;提高 n. 电梯 ‎ ‎★.take the lift (to the 2nd floor ) 搭电梯 lift up 举起 ‎ ‎★give sb. a lift / ride 让某人 搭顺风车 ‎32. light adj. 轻便的,轻的(反义词heavy ) a light / heavy rain 浅颜色的,亮的(反义词dark), light blue 浅蓝色 n.自然光,光亮(不可数) ,灯(可数)‎ ‎ The teacher told us light travels faster than sound. ‎ v. 点燃,照亮 (lighted /lit) light the candle 点燃蜡烛 ‎33. like v. 喜欢;喜爱; 反义词: dislike / hate ‎★ 1. How do you like…?你觉得……怎么样?= What do you think of….?‎ ‎★ look like 看起来像。 ‎ ‎ ★ feel like doing = want to do sth. 想要做…‎ ‎★ like (sb.)to do sth/ like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 ‎★ would like sth / to do sth ‎ ‎ prep. 像 反: unlike be like ‎ ‎34. line n.线;线条;队 ★ wait in line 排队等候 ★ stand in line 站队 ‎ ★ cut in line 插队 ★ hold the line (电话用语)等一下 , 别挂断 ‎ ◆ starting / finishing line ◆ draw a straight line 画条直线 ‎35. lion n.狮子;知名人士 ‎36. list n. [C]一览表,清单, 名单 vt. 把…列表(造册)‎ ‎ ★ make a list (of…)‎ His name appears second on the list. 他名列第二。‎ Their rnames were listed on the website.‎ ‎37. listen v. 听;倾听 listener ‎ ‎ I listened but heard nothing. ‎ ‎★ listen to 听 The music is worth listening to again. ‎ ‎38. little adj. (less, least) 小的;少的;n. 少许,没有多少 adv. 很少 ‎ ‎ (表肯定)一点,少许 a little a little water ‎ ‎(表否定)少到几乎没有 little little money ★ a little = abit of + 不可数名词 ★ a little = a bit + adj / adv 原级、比较级 ‎39. litter n.废物;垃圾 (不可数) drop/ throw litter 扔垃圾 v. 扔垃圾 ‎40. live v. 活着;居住, 生活 adj. 现场的,直播的 ‎ ‎◆live on .靠吃……生存, 以…..为食 ★living room 客厅 ★living habit ‎ ‎1)He lives by farming. 他靠务农为生。‎ ‎2)Sheep live on grass.羊以草为生。‎ ‎41. lively adj. 活跃的;生动的,活泼的, 逼真的,生机勃勃的 ‎ 1) She is a lively and lovely kid.‎ ‎ 2) I like my Chinese teacher because she always makes her classes lively and interesting. 3) Shanghai is a lively big city.‎ ‎42. local adj. 当地的,地方的 ‎43. lock v. 锁;船闸 n. 锁 ‎◆ lock the door锁门 She locked herself in and read 她关起来们来读书。‎ ‎44. London n.伦敦 ‎45. lonely adj.孤独的;寂寞的,人迹稀少的,荒凉的 ★ feel lonely 感觉孤单 ‎46. long adj.长的;久的 adv. n. length 长度 ‎ ★ how long ★ for a long time /for long ★as long as 只要,长达 ‎◆all day long 一整天 ◆ long long ago ◆ The river is six metres long.‎ ‎★ no longer = not …any longer 不再 ‎47. look v. .看;打量; n. 看 ‎★ look after 照看,照顾 ★ look at 看 ★ look for 寻找。‎ ‎★ look up …(in the dictionary) 查(字典),查找 ‎ ‎★ look back on/at 回顾 ,,回忆 ,回首(往事)‎ ‎ ★ look down on sb / sth. 鄙视,看不起 ‎ ‎ ★ look forward to sth. / doing sth. 期待 ‎ We’re so much looking forward to seeing you again. ‎ ‎ ★ look into 调查,观察 ,往….里看 ‎ ‎ ★look out 留心 = watch out ‎ ‎ ★ look over 检查 ,仔细看 (代词放中间)‎ The doctor looked over the baby.‎ ‎ ◆ look round 参观、游览 ,环顾 ‎ ‎ ★ look through 快速阅读 ,翻看, 浏览 ‎ ★ look like 像… 的样子 ‎ ‎★look up to 钦佩,仰慕 Children look up to heroes.‎ ‎★ take / have a look (at…)‎ ‎48. lose (lost, lost) v. 丧失;丢失 ‎ ‎★ lose one’s life 丧生 He lost his life in an accident. ‎ ‎◆ lose touch with sb./ sth. 失去联系 I’ve lost my touch with all my old friends. ‎ ‎ ★ lose one’s way / get lost 迷路 We lost our way in the dark. ‎ ‎◆ lose oneself in sth. 专心致志于某事 ,沉浸 I soon lost myself in the film. ‎ ‎★ lose heart / courage 泄气,丧失信心 ‎★ lose weight 减体重 ‎49. lot n. 大量;很多 ,场地 ‎ ‎★a lot of =lots of 许多(既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词)‎ ‎★an underground parking lot 地下停车场 ‎◆ Thanks a lot = Thank you very much.‎ ‎50. loud adj. & adv. 大声的;喧闹的 ◆ in a loud/ low voice 高声的/低声的 ‎ ‎◆ Speak louder, I can’t hear you. 大点声说,我听不见。‎ ‎51. love v. 爱;喜爱 ◆ love to do sth.★ would love to do sth ‎ n. 爱;喜爱 ★fall in love with…. 爱上……‎ ‎52. lovely adj. 美丽的;可爱的 a lovely girl ‎53. low adj. & adv. 低的;矮的(温度,声音,速度) ‎ ‎54. luck n.运气;造化 (不可数名词) ★Wish you good luck! 祝你好运!‎ ‎ ★What bad luck! 真倒霉! 运气真差! ◆ Good luck to you!‎ ‎ ★bring good luck to…. 带来好运 ‎55. lucky adj. 交好运的;幸运的 反义词 :unlucky ‎ I felt lucky to be alive. ‎ ‎56. luckily adv. 交好运地;幸运地 反义词 :unluckily ‎ Luckily, he managed to run out of the burning building.‎ ‎57. lunch n. 午餐 What do you eat for lunch?‎ ‎ ★ at lunch 在午餐时 M ‎1. machine n. 机器;机械 ‎2. mad adj. 神经错乱的;疯狂的 ,着迷的 ‎ ★ be mad/ crazy about 对……入迷。‎ ‎1)Most of the young students are mad about pop music. ‎ ‎★ get /be mad at sb/sth 对……恼火, 大动肝火 ‎2)The manager was mad at his speech.‎ ‎3. magazine n. 杂志;期刊 ★work for a magazine ★read a magazine ‎ ‎4. magic adj. & n. 魔法;巫术 ‎5. main adj. 主要的;首要的 the main idea the main task ‎7. mainly adv. 主要地,首要地 ‎8. make (made, made) v. 创造;做, 制作,制造, 使得 ‎★ make sb do sth àbe made to do sth.让某人做某事 ‎ ‎★make (good)use of 好好利用 ‎ We should make good use of the knowledge we have. ‎ ‎★ make a decision 做出决定 ★ make a mistake 犯错误 ‎★ make a telephone call (to )(给……)打电话 ★ make a face/faces 做鬼脸 ‎★ make friends 交朋友 ★ make sure(of / about / to do / 句子) 确保,确认 ‎ ‎★make up 组成,占 ,弥补,化妆 ★ make up one’s mind 下决心 ‎★ be made of 由……组成。(看得出原料) ‎ ‎★ be made from由……组成 (看不出原料) ‎ ‎★ make noise 发出令人不愉快的声音 ‎★make one’s living / make a living (by doing sth.) 谋生 ‎ He makes his living by giving piano lessons. 他以教授钢琴为生。‎ ‎ ★ make a promise ★ make it seven 定在七点 ★ make it 做到,成功 ‎★ make one’s/ the bed 整理床铺 ★ make sb / sth+ adj . /n.‎ ‎★ make oneself feel at home 别拘束,使某人宾至如归 ‎9. man (pl. men) n. 人;成年男子 ◆a man teacher / two men teachers ‎10. manage v. 组织;管理;能对付;应付(困难局面等)‎ ‎ ◆ manage a company 管理一家公司 ‎ ★ manage to do sth 设法做某事 ★I can manage it myself. 我自己就行 management n. 经营;管理 manager n.经理;经纪人 ‎11. many ( more, most) pron. & adj. 许多;大量的; 修饰可数名词 ‎ ★ too many ★so many ‎ ‎12. map n. 地图;路线图 ★ read the map 看地图 ★on the map 在地图上 ‎13. March n.三月 ★on March 3 / 3rd = on the 3rd of March ‎14. mark n. & v. 痕迹;污点;记号;分数 v. 做标记 marker 记号笔,水彩笔 ‎15. market n.市场;集市; the money market 金融市场。 ‎ ‎16. marry v.结婚;嫁, 娶 n. marriage 婚姻,结婚 ‎★ marry sb. = get married to sb. 和某人结婚 (终止性)‎ ‎1) John is going to marry Jane. 约翰将要和简结婚。‎ ‎2) They got married last month. 他们上个月结婚了。 ‎ ‎★ be married to 跟某人结婚 (延续性)‎ ‎ 3) He has been married to her for 20 years.‎ ‎17. match n. 竞赛;比赛 (pl. matches) ◆ watch a football match ‎ v. 匹配,搭配 ◆ match … with….把…与…搭配 ‎ n. 火柴 pl. matches ‎17. maths (= mathemmatics ) n. 数学 ‎18. matter n.物质;材料;麻烦,毛病 ‎ ‎◆ What’s the matter with you ? ‎ ‎★ no matter…. 不论,不管 He’ll visit his parents no matter when he is free.‎ ‎ ◆ as a matter of fact = in fact 事实上,其实。‎ ‎ As a matter of fact, he didn’t care about death and life.‎ ‎ ◆ It doesn’t matter . 没关系 Does it matter? ‎ ‎19. may modal v. 可以;可能 ‎ ◆ May I have a llok at it? --- Sure / Certainly / Of course.‎ ‎ -- No,/ Sorry, you mustn’t / can’t. ‎ ‎20. May n.五月 ★ on May Day 在五一 ‎21. maybe adv. 或许;大概 ‎22. me pron. 我(宾格)‎ ‎23. meal n. 餐;饭食 We have/ take three meals every day ‎24. mean (meant, meant) v. 意欲;打算 ‎★ mean to do sth 打算做某事 ★ mean doing sth 意味着做某事 ‎ 1) He didn’t mean to do so 他不是有意那样做的 ‎ 2) What do you mean by doing sth. 你这么做什么意思?‎ ‎25. meaning n. 意思;含义(既是可数名词也是不可数名词)‎ ‎1)One word can have several meanings. ‎ ‎2) Can you tell the meaning of the word in Chinese?‎ ‎26. meaningful adj. 有意义的 meaningless adj. 无意义的 ‎27. meat n. 肉;实质 不可数名词 ‎28. medicine n.医学;药 (不可数名词) ‎ ‎★ take the medicine 吃药 ★ learn/ study medicine 学医 例如:Don’t take too much medicine. ‎ This is a good medicine for a cough. ‎ ‎★the Chinese medicine 中医学 ‎29. medical adj. 医学的;内科的 ‎ ‎◆ medical research 医学研究 ◆ medical team 医疗小分队 ‎30. meet (met, met) ‎ v.碰见;相逢 , 见面,相遇When shall we meet next time ? ‎ ‎ v. 开会 we meet every Thursday 我们每周四开会。‎ ‎ v. 迎接 Will you meet me at the airport ? 你到机场接我好吗 ‎ v. 满足, 使满意 It’s difficult to meet the needs of different people.‎ ‎ v. 连接;汇合 ‎ That’s where the river meets the sea. 这条河在这里汇入大海。‎ ‎31. meeting n. 聚会;相会 ‎ ‎◆ hold the sports meeting/ meet 运动会 hold /have a class meeting ‎ ‎32. member n. 成员;会员 ‎ a family member a League / Party member ‎33. mention n. & v 提及;说到 ‎◆ Don’t mention it 不值一提,可用于回答感谢 ‎◆ mention doing sth ‎ Which is not mentioned?下面哪一个没有提到 ‎34. mess n. 肮脏的;杂乱;不整洁;混乱 ‎◆ What a mess! 太乱了! ◆ at a mess 乱糟糟 ‎35. message n. 消息;音信 ‎ There is no message from him till now. 直到现在还没有他的消息。 ‎ ‎★ leave sb a message 留个口信 ◆ send a message 发信息 ‎★ take a message (for sb. ) 捎个 ‎36. method n. 方法;条理 the teaching method 教学方法 ‎37. metre= meter n. 米;公尺 ‎38. middle adj. & n. 中间的;中等的;中间、中央 ‎ ‎◆ in a middle school ◆ in the middle of…在…中间 ‎ a middle- aged woman 一位中年妇女 ‎39. might v. & aux.许可 ;本该 ‎40. mile n. 英里;‎ ‎41. milk n.奶;乳汁 (不可数名词) drink milk a bottle of milk ‎42. mind v. 介意, 在乎 n. 头脑; ‎ ‎★ change one’s mind 改变主意 ★ make up one’s mind 下决心。‎ ‎ ★ mind ( one’s) doing 介意(某人)做某事 ★ keep sth in mind 铭记 ‎◆ never mind 不要紧,没关系 ‎ ◆ Out of sight, out of mind.眼不见,心不烦。‎ ‎ ◆ Would you mind doing …? 做…你介意吗? Would you mind not doing sth?‎ ‎43. minepron., n. & v. 我的;矿井,矿石;采掘,采矿 ‎ ‎ a photo of mine ★ in a minute 立刻,马上 ‎44. minute n.分 ‎ ‎ There are 60 minutes in an hour.‎ ‎45. Miss n.女士;小姐 ‎46. miss v. 错过,未碰见;思念,想念 ‎ ★miss the train ◆miss doing sth 错过做某事 ‎47. missing adj.失去的;失踪的 ‎48. mistake (mistook,mistaken) v. & n. 过失;误解;错误 ‎★ make a mistake 犯错误 ★ by mistake 错误地 ‎1)He took my schoolbag by mistake.他拿错了我的书包。 ‎ ‎★ mistake A for B 把A误认为是B ‎ ‎ 2) I’m sorry to mistake you. ‎ ‎49. mix v. 使混合;混淆 n. 混合物 ‎ ◆ mix up 搅和 mix up flour and water 把面粉和水搅匀 ‎50. mobile phone 手机;移动电话 ‎51. model n. 模型;雏形 a model plane ‎52. modern adj.近代的;现代的 ‎53. Monday n. 星期一 ‎54. money n. 金钱;货币;金额; (不可数名词)‎ ‎★ make money 挣钱 He is good at making money.他很会挣钱。‎ ‎ ★ save money 省钱 ★ pocket money 零用钱 ‎ It is just a waste of money.‎ ‎55. monkey n. 猴;淘气鬼 ‎56. month n. 月 after three months’ / three-month training ‎57. moon n. 月球;月亮 on the moon ‎58. more adj., adv. & n. 更大的;大多数的;‎ ‎★ more than = over 多于…… ★ more and more 越来越……‎ ‎★ the more…the more…越……越……‎ The more we pay, the more we gain. 付出的越多,得到的越多。‎ The more, the better. 多多益善。‎ ‎59. morning n. 早晨;上午 ‎60. most adj. 最大的;大多数的; ‎ ‎★.at (the) most 至多, 不超过 ‎61. mother(mum) n.母亲;妈妈 ‎ ‎62. mountain n. 山岳;山 ‎63. mouse n. 鼠;懦夫 , 鼠标 pl. mice ‎64. mouth n. 嘴;口 mouth to mouth ‎ ‎65. move v. 搬家;移动;使某人感动 ‎ ‎1)The Blacks moved to Shanghai last month.‎ ‎ 2)The story moved us deeply. I was moved deeply/ deeply moved. ‎ ‎ 3) The story is moving.‎ ‎66. movie n.电影;影片 ‎ ‎★ make a movie / film ★go to the movie ★see a movie ‎67. Mr. (mister) n. 先生 ‎68. Mrs. (mistress) n. 夫人;太太 ‎69. Ms n. 女士 ‎70.much adj. 多的;大量的 much + 比较级 ‎★ too much 相当多(后面接不可数名词)‎ There is too much snow in Harbin in winter.‎ ‎★ much too 实在,太(后接形容词、副词原形)。‎ They are much too busy. Let’s go and help them. ‎ ‎★.how much 多少 How much milk does the little boy have a day? ‎ ‎71. museum n博物馆;博物院 the History Museum ‎ ‎72. music n.音乐;音乐作品 (不可数名词) adj. musical ‎ ‎ ★ listen to the music ★ pop music ◆ What wonderful music !‎ ‎73. musician n. 音乐家 ‎74. must modal v. 必须;必要; 一定,肯定 ‎ 1) -- Must I do it now? – You needn’t / don’t have to.‎ ‎ 2) – He must be at work now. He can’t be at home.‎ ‎ 3) Computer games must’t be played in school.‎ ‎75. my pron. 我的 ‎ ‎76. myself pron.我自己的 N name n. 名字 vt. 命名 ‎ ◆ full name 全名 first name 名字, last / family name 姓 ◆ a boy named / called…‎ ‎2. nation n. 国家,民族 adj. national 国家的;民族的 ‎ ★ National heroes must be looked up to. ★ on National Day 在国庆节那天 ‎ ◆ National parks are used to protect wild animals and plants and natural landscapes.‎ ‎ ◆ Five-star red flag is our nationa flag. 国旗 ‎3. natural adj. 自然界的;天然的,本质的 ‎4. nature n. 自然;自然界, 本性 ‎ ‎ ★ in nature 在自然界 ★ get close to nature 接近大自然 ‎◆ The Chinese have a better understanding of the nature of tea.‎ ‎5. near adv. 接近;近 adj. 近的 prep. 接近;靠近 ‎ 1) Please sit near me. 2) It is near to my home.‎ ‎6. nearly adv. 差不多;几乎 近: almost 反: hardly ‎ ‎7. necessary adj. 必要的;必须的 反: unnecessary ‎ ‎ ◆ It is necessary (for sb.) to do sth.‎ ‎ ◆I think it (is) necessary (for sb.) to do sth.‎ ‎ I think it (is) necessary to study English well.‎ ‎8. neck n.颈项;脖子: ‎ 短语:1.neck and neck (在赛马,竞争或斗争中)双方势均力敌 ‎9. need v. n. 需求;需要; ‎ ‎◆ need do sth 需要做某事 (是情态动词)‎ You don’t look well. I think you need see a doctoe.‎ ‎◆ need to do sth 需要做某事 (是实意动词)‎ We need to help the poor students go to college ◆ need doing = need to be done 需要做某事 ‎(是实意动词,在这个句型中有被动的含义,且主语通常是物)‎ The flowers need watering .花需要浇水了。‎ ‎ ◆ meet the need of …. 满足…..的需求 ★ in need ‎10. neighbour = neighbor n. 邻居 neighbourhood ‎ ‎11.neither adj. 两者均不; ‎ ‎★ neither…nor… “既不….也不。。。。” 就近原则 Neither you nor your brother has given the right answer.‎ ‎ ★ neither of …. 两者均不 ‎ Neither of the twins is Chinese .双胞胎都不是中国人。‎ ★ Neither + be/ 助动词/ 情态动词 + 主语。‎ ‎--I haven’t seen it so far. ---- Neither has she.‎ When shall we meet, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? – Neither.‎ ‎12. nervous adj. 紧张不安的 more / most ~‎ ‎ ★ be / feel nervous about 对…..感到紧张不安 ‎13. never adv. 从不;永不;‎ ‎★. – I’m sorry. ---Never mind 别介意,没关系 ‎14. new adj. 新的 ‎15. news n. 新闻 (不可数名词) ◆What exciting / good / terrible news!‎ ‎16. newspaper n. 报纸 ‎ ‎ He has a habit of reding newspapers at table in the morning.‎ ‎17. next adj. adv. & n. 邻近的;隔壁的 ‎ ‎◆ next to 挨着 Peter sat next to me .比德挨着我坐。‎ ‎◆ next year / time ◆ next door 隔壁 ◆ the next day 第二天 ‎18. nice adj. 美好的;悦人的;友善的 ‎ ◆ be nice / good / friendly to sb. 对….好 ‎ ★ It’s nice of you to tell the good news to me.‎ ‎19. night n. 夜;黑夜 ‎ ★ at night 在夜里 ★ in the night ★on Sunday night ‎ ‎★ on the night of May 1 ★ day and night日日夜夜 ‎20. nine num. 九;9个 ‎ ‎21. nineteen num. 十九;19个 ‎22. ninety num. 九十;90个 ‎23. ninth num. 第九(个)‎ ‎24. no adv. & adj. 不;没有; no = not a / an/ any ‎★ .no longer = not … any longer 不再. ◆.no more than 不多于。‎ ‎ ★no more = not …any more 不再 ★ no way 不行,没门 ★No problem ‎ 1)He has no sister. /sisters 2)We have no time to do it.‎ ‎ 3) She is no taller than I .‎ ‎25. nobody = no one pron. 没有人;谁也不, 小人物 ‎ Nobody likes to do it. ‎ ‎26. nod (nodded / ing) v. 点头(表示同意或打招呼等)‎ ‎27. noise n噪音;声音;喧闹声. ‎ ‎★ .make (a / so much )noise 制造噪音 ‎28. noisy adj. 嘈杂的;喧闹的 ‎29. none pron. 没有; ‎ ‎ ◆ 指代可数名词复数和不可数名词;所含数量:三个及以上 ‎ ◆ 用 how much / how many 提问 ‎ ◆ None of us was / were asked to do sth.‎ ‎30. noodle n.面条 (常用于复数noodles)‎ ‎31. noon n.中午;正午 ★ at noon 在中午 ‎32. nor conj. 也不 ‎ ‎◆ neither…nor….既不…….也不…… ◆Nor + be/ 助动词/ 情态动词 + 主语。‎ ‎33. north adj. & n. 北的 ;北方的;北方;‎ ‎34. northern adj. 北部的;北方的 ★ in the northern part of China ‎35. nose n.鼻子 blow one’s nose ‎36. not adv.不(位于be动词、情态动词或助动词之后)‎ ‎37. note n.笔记;记录 , 便条, 纸币, 音符 ‎★ make notes = take notes 记笔记 ◆ musical notes 音符 ‎39. notebook n. 笔记本 ‎40. nothing pron. 没有东西;没有什么 ‎41. notice n. 布告;通告;告示 v. 注意;注意到 ‎ ‎ ◆ notice sb. do ./ doing sth be noticed to do ◆put up a notice ‎ ‎42. November n. 11月 ‎43. number n. 数;数码; ‎ ‎★ a number of 许多 A number of studnets are ill because of that heavy rain. ‎ ‎ ★ the number of 的数量 The number of the students in my class is 55.‎ ‎★ You have the wrong number (电话用语) 打错了 ‎ ‎◆ May I have your telephone number? ◆ take a No. 1 bus ‎ ‎44. nurse n. 护士 O ‎1. object n. 物;物体,宾语 v. 反对 ‎2. o’clock adv. ……点钟 at eight o’clock ‎3. October n. 十月 October 1st is our National Day.‎ ‎4. of prep. ‎ ‎◆ of course 当然 ◆ a friend of ours ‎5. off prep. 离开,从…掉落 ‎ ‎★ have…off …休息 Nowadays people have two days off every week .‎ ‎★ fall / drop off take off get off ‎ ‎ I have to be off. 我得走了。‎ ‎6. offer v. & n .提供;供给 ; 主动提出 ‎ ‎★ 1 offer tea 上茶 ★ offer sb sth =offer sth to sb提供某人某物 ‎★ offer to do sth 主动做某事 ‎ He offered to give me a job in his company, but I refused his offer .‎ ‎7. office n. 办公室 ‎8. officer n. 工作人员;军官 ‎9. often adv. 经常;常常 ‎10. oil n. 油 (不可数名词) ‎ ‎11. OK adj. & adv. 对;好;可以;行 ‎ -- Sorry。 --- That’s OK. --- Thank you. --- That’s Ok.‎ ‎ -- Let’s make it six o’clock. --- OK. ‎ ‎11. old adj. 老的;年老的 ‎ ◆old – older / oldest ‎-- elder / eldest (家庭成员的长幼关系)‎ ‎1) China is an old country with a long history.‎ ‎2) My elder / eldest sister is two years older than me.‎ ‎12. Olympics n. 奥林匹克运动会 adj. Olympic ‎ The Olympics are held every 4 years.‎ ‎ ◆ the 28th Beijing Summer Olympic Games ‎13. on prep.在上面;在……期间; ‎ ‎★ on time 准时 ★ on foot 步行 ◆later on 之后不久,后来 ‎ ◆ on show 展出 (= on display) ★ on school nights 在上学的晚上 ‎ ★ on a hot day 在炎热的一天 ★ on the right 在右边 ‎★ on the school trip 学校郊游 ★ on weekends/ workdays ‎★ on vacation / holiday在假期 ★on my exchange program 在我做交换生期间 ‎14. once adv. 一次;曾经,一度,从前; conj. 一旦……(就)…… n. 一次 ‎ ★ once a week --- How often ★ at once 立刻,马上 ‎ ★ once upon a time 从前 ‎ How many times have you seen the movie?—Only once.‎ ‎15. one num. & pron.一个的; ‎ ‎★ one …the other 一个 另一个(两个)★ on the one hand…on the other hand ‎◆one: 指代和上文中同类但不同一的人或物 pl. ones ‎ ‎ 1) I don’t like the red shirt. I like the white one.‎ ‎ 2) I want to buy one like your car.‎ ‎ 3) The books on the desk are yours. The ones on the chair are mine. ‎ ‎16. online adj. 在线的 ‎ ◆chat online 网上聊天 ◆ buy sth online 网购 ‎17. only adj. 唯一的;仅有的 adv. 仅仅,只 ‎ She is the only one student who is often absent from class.‎ ‎ I only like swimming.‎ ‎ ★ not only… but also ….(就近原则)‎ ‎18. open adj. & v. 打开,开着的;敞开的 ‎ ‎◆ open up 打开 ‎1)computers help us to open up our eyes to the outside world .‎ 电脑帮助打开了我们对外面世界的眼界。‎ ‎2) Reading can help opening (up) our mind.‎ ‎ ◆ be open ‎ The door has been open for two hours. = The door opened two hours ago.‎ ‎19. opposite adj. 相对的;对面的;相反的 ‎ ◆ I have opposite ideas . 我的观点正相反。‎ ‎ ◆ There is a beautiful garden on the opposite side of the river. 在…..对面 ‎20. or conj. 或;或者, 否则 ‎ 1) What kind of movie do you like better, action or drama ?‎ ‎ ◆ 祈使句,or+ 陈述句 (主语+ will….)否则 ‎ 2)Work hard, or you will fail the final exam.‎ ‎ ★ or so 左右 twenty minutes or so ★ either…or…‎ ‎ ★ whether ,….or….. ★ whether … or not ◆ one or two days 一两天 ‎ ◆sooner or later 迟早 ◆ more or less 或多或少 ‎21. orange n. 橙子,句子 橙色,橘色 adj. 橙色的,橘色的 ‎ an orange an orange sweater orange juice orange peel 陈皮,橘皮 ‎22. order v.要求;订购; 命令 n. 顺序; 订单,命令 ‎ ‎★ in order to do sth 为了…… ★ order sb (not) to do 命令 ‎★ May I take your order ? 你点菜吗? ‎ ‎◆ in order/ out of order 井然有序/ 秩序混乱 ‎23. other pron. & adj. 另一个,不同的;其他的 ‎ ‎★ each other 相互 ★the other day 前几天 ‎ ‎24. our pron. 我们的(we的所有格)‎ ‎25. ours pron. 我们的(东西)(we的名词性物主代词)‎ ‎26. ourselves pron. 我们自己(we的反身代词)‎ ‎27. out adv 外面的 ‎ ‎◆.out of style 过时的 ◆out of date 过期了 ‎28. outside n. 外部;外面 adj. 外部的 adv. 向(在)外面 ‎29. over prep & adv. 超过= more than, 在…..期间 ‎ ‎★ over an open fire 在火上 ★ over the past ten years ‎◆ a victory over the enemy ‎ ‎30. own adj.自己的; v. 拥有 n. owner 所有者 ‎ ‎◆ of one’s own 属于自己的 ‎ ‎1) She has a house of her own. 2) He has his own car.‎ P ‎1. Pacific n. 太平洋 ◆ the Pacific (Ocean)‎ ‎2. page n. 一页 ★ turn to Page 1/ One ‎ ‎3. pain n. 痛苦;疼痛 adj. painful 痛苦的 ‎4. paint v. 绘;画;油漆,描绘 painting 画 ‎ They painted the walls red. (◆ pain sth + 颜色 adj. )‎ ‎5. pair n. 一对;一副 ◆ a pair of 一副 ‎6. palace n. 宫;宫殿 ◆the Summer‎ ‎Palace 颐和园 ‎7. pale adj. 苍白的;灰白的 His face turned pale with anger. ‎ ‎★ turn pale ★ as pale as chalk 惨白的 ‎8. pancake n. 薄煎饼 ‎9. panda n. 熊猫 ‎10. paper n. 纸 (不可数名词), 文件,试卷,报纸,论文 (可数名词)‎ ‎ 1) He was the first to hand in the exam paper.‎ ‎ 2) He is reading today’s morning papers. ‎ ‎ 3) I have no paper to write my paper on. ‎ ‎ ◆ waste paper 废纸 ◆a (big / small) piece of (red) paper ‎11. pardon n. 原谅;饶恕;宽恕 v. 宽恕;原谅 ◆parden me = excuse me ‎12. parent n. 父亲;母亲 pl. parents 双亲 ‎13. park n. 公园 v. 停车 ★ in the park ★ No parking here.‎ ‎ ★ an undergroung parking lot 地下停车场 ★ walk through the park ‎14. part n.部分;局部;零件, 地区,角色,作用 V. 分手 ‎ ‎★ take part in …参加…… 1)Shall we take part in the meeting ? ‎ ‎★play a part in 参与,在…..中扮演角色、起作用 ‎2)Qinhuangdao lies in the northern part of China.‎ ‎3) Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times.‎ ‎ ◆ part-time adj. 兼职的 ‎ ‎15. party n. 集会;舞会;党派 ‎16. pass v. 通过;经过 , 传递 n. 通行证 passes pass word 密码 ‎★ pass the message to sb 传递某人信息 ★ pass sb. sth = pass sth to sb.‎ ‎ ★ pass on 传递下去 ★pass by 经过 ★ pass the exam ‎ ‎17. passage n. ( 文章等的)一段,一节; 通道,走廊 ‎18. passenger n. 旅客,乘客 ‎19. passport n. 护照 ‎20. past adj. 过去的,以前的 ★in / over / during the past few years 在过去的几年 ‎ prep. 在….之后 ★ half past six 六点半 ‎ 经过 ★ walk past the zoo ‎ ‎ n. 过去 ★ in the past 在过去 ‎ The past is past. Let’s look ahead. 过去的已成为过去, 让我们向前看吧!‎ ‎21. patient n. 病人, 患者 adj. 耐心的, 忍耐的 ‎ adv. patiently 耐心地 n. patience 耐心 反:impatient adj. ‎ ‎ ★ be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心 ‎ He always answered the old man’s question patiently / with patience.‎ ‎22. pay (paid, paid) v.付钱;偿还;付出代价 n. 支付,工资 ‎ ‎★ pay (money)for sth 付给, 支付; ◆ pay phone 付费电话 ‎ ★ pay a visit (to) 访问;拜访,参观 ★ pay attention to 注意, 关注 ‎ The more we pay, the more we gain.‎ ‎23.PE(physical education)体育 ‎24.peace n.和平;太平;安宁 adj. peaceful 安静的;宁静的 ‎ work for world peace 为世界和平而努力 in peace 平安地;安静地 make ~‎ ‎25. pear 梨 ◆ pear trees 梨树 ‎26.pen . 钢笔 ★ with a penin pen 用钢笔 ‎27.pencil n.铅笔 ‎28. people n.人们(谓语: 复数), 民族 ‎29. perfect adj.完美无瑕的;美好的 ‎1)Her English is perfect. 2) There is no perfect man at all in the world.‎ ‎★ Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。‎ ‎30..perhaps adv.或许;可能 = maybe Perhaps it will rain. ‎ ‎31.period n.一段时间;时期;一节(课) a period of peace 和平时期 ‎32 .person n. 人 a person 一个人 ★ in person 亲自 adj. personal 私人的;个人的 ◆ a personal question 一个私人问题 ‎33.pet n.宠物 ‎34.phone n.电话 v.打电话 mobile phone 手机 ‎35.photo(photograph) 照片 pl. photos ◆take photos 照相 ‎36.physics n.物理学 adj. physical 身体的;物理学的 ‎ ‎37. pick v. 精选;采摘;挑选; pick apples ‎★ pick up 拾起 pick sb up用车接某人 pick up some English 学点儿英语 ‎◆ pick out 挑选出 ‎38.picnic n.野餐 ★ go for/ on a picnic 去野餐 ★ have a picnic ★ at the picnic ‎39.picture n.图画;照片;图像 ‎ draw a picture 画画 ★ take pictures 照相 ◆ Picture 1‎ ‎40.pie n.馅饼;派 ; an apple pie 苹果派 ‎41. piece n.片;块;张;件;(文学,艺术)一首;一幅;一篇 a piece of 一片;一张;一块 ‎42. pig n.猪 ‎43. pilot n. 飞行员;领航员;v. 驾驶;领航 a pilot 一个飞行员 pilot a plane 驾驶飞机 ‎44.pink adj 桃红色;粉红色的;n.石竹;石竹花 ‎45. pioneer n.开拓者;先驱v 开辟;开拓 Pioneer work 开拓性工作 ◆Young Pioneer 少先队员 ‎46. pity n.同情;遗憾; adj. pitiful ‎ ‎◆ . feel pity for / have pity on 同情 I felt pity for the poor man. ‎ ‎ ★What a pity ! 真遗憾! ‎ ‎★ It’s a pity that you can’t come to our party. 真遗憾你不能来参加我们的聚会。‎ ‎47.place n. 地点;场所;V. 安放, 放置 = put ‎ ‎★ take place 发生, 举行 ◆take one’s place / the place of 取代,顶替 ‎◆places of interest 名胜古迹 ◆ a good place to eat ‎1)The football match took place last night. 足球比赛在昨晚进行。‎ ‎2)Who can take the place of him when he is out? 他不在时谁能代替他?‎ ‎3)We have visited many places of interest inChina.‎ 我们已游览过许多中国的名胜。‎ ‎ 4) He got the first place in the exam. 得第一名 ‎48. plan n. & v. 方案 ;计划,打算(planned;planned,planning, planner)‎ ‎★ .make a plan (to do/ for sth )做计划 ★ plan to do sth 计划做某事 ‎◆ carry out the plan 执行计划 ‎49. plane n.飞机;水平;程度 ‎◆ a model plane 飞机模型 ★by plane / take the plane ★geton / off the plane ‎ The plane took off and landed safely. ‎ ‎50. planet n.行星 ‎51.play v.玩;娱乐;演奏(乐器),播放 n. 戏剧 ‎ ‎★ play football 踢足球 ★ play the piano 弹钢琴 ★ play cards / games ‎ ‎★ put on a play 上演戏剧 ★play with sb / water / fire / a knife ‎★play sports 做运动 ◆.play the CDs too loud 播放CD太大声 ‎◆ play jokes on sb 与…开玩笑 ‎52.player n.运动员;乐师;选手 ‎53. playground n. 操场;运动场 ★ on in the playground 在操场 ‎54. please v使高兴;使喜欢;请 ‎ 1)What pleased you? 什么让你高兴?‎ ‎ 2)Please give me a cup of tea.‎ ‎ ★Would you please ….?‎ ‎54. pleased adj.高兴的;满足的;感到愉快的 ‎★ be pleased to do 做…很高兴 I’m pleased to meet you.‎ ‎★ be pleased with 对….满意 = be satisfied with…‎ ‎55. pleasure n.愉快;快乐;满足 ‎◆ It is a pleasure to help you.很乐意帮你。‎ ‎◆ – Thank you. --It is a pleasure. My pleasure. 不客气;不用谢。‎ ‎★ – Could you please open the door? ---With pleasure.乐意帮忙。‎ ‎◆Reading can give / bring us much / great pleasure. ‎ ‎56. plenty adj. ‎ ‎★plenty of 大量的 = lots of;tons of ‎57. pocket n 口袋 pocket money 零花钱 ‎58. poem 诗歌 poet诗人 ‎59. police 集合名词,作主语谓语用复数 ‎ The police have found out the truth of the accident.‎ ‎ ★call the police / policeman 报警 ‎60. policeman 警察 policewoman 女警察 ‎61. point v.指点;指出;(n. 点;);‎ ‎★point to 指向,(较远之物) ★ point at 指向(较近之物)‎ ‎ ★ point out 指出 The teacher pointed out his mistakes. ‎ ‎ ★ have a point 说的有道理 You do seem to have a point.‎ ‎ ◆ to the point 切中要点 ◆沸点 boiling point ‎62. polite 礼貌的 ◆ It’s (im)polite to do sth. ‎ ‎63. politely adv. 礼貌地 ‎64. pollute v.污染 ‎ ‎1) The air is polluted seriously/ badly. 2) The air pollution is serious ‎65. pollution n. 污染 air / water / noise pollution ‎66. pool 池塘 swimming pool ‎ ‎67. poor 穷的 ‎68. popular. 受欢迎的,流行的 ‎ ‎◆ be popular with/ among 受到----的欢迎 ★get popular 流行,受欢迎 ‎69. population. 人口. ‎ ‎◆ 人口多/少: large/big; small Chian has a large population.‎ ‎ ◆ 对人口提问: what或how large What’s the population of India ?‎ ‎1) The population of China is smaller than that of India.‎ ‎2) Three quarters of the population of China are farmers. ‎ ‎70. possible 可能的 adv. possibly ‎ ‎◆It’s (im)possible (for sb.) to do sth.‎ ‎◆ make it possible to do sth ‎71. post v. 邮寄 近义词 send;mail. 后面接双宾语 ‎ the post office ‎72. postman 邮递员 ‎73. potato 土豆 pl. potatoes ‎74 pound 英镑 磅 (可数名词)‎ ‎75. practice n. 习惯行动;练习;v.经常做;练习;实践;‎ ‎◆ put into practice 实施,实行 ★ .Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎★ .practice doing sth 练习做某事 ‎ I often practice speaking English at home .我经常在家练习说英语。‎ ‎76. praise v 表扬 ★ be praised for sth 因某事受到表扬 ‎77. prepare v.准备;预备 n. preparation 准备 ‎ ‎★ prepare for… 为…而准备 The parents are preparing for the coming new year.‎ ‎◆prepare lessons 备课 ◆ prepare to do ‎78. present adj. 在场的现在的;n. 礼物 = gift ★ at present =now ‎79. president 总统 ‎80. pretty adj. 漂亮的,美的 adv. 很,相当 ‎ The flower is pretty beautiful.‎ ‎81. price n.价格;价钱 ‎ ‎◆ at any price 不论价格高底, 不惜任何代价 ‎ 价格高低用high和low;对价格提问用what ‎ ★ at a high / low price 以高、低价 The price of the house is high now. ‎ ‎★ What’s the price of the car? = How much is the car?‎ ‎82. pride n. 骄傲 ★ take pride in / be proud of ‎ ‎83. primary adj最初的;原始的 ◆ primary school 小学 ‎84. print n印刷 v 印刷;出版 n. 3-D printing ‎ ‎85. private adj. 私人的,私密的 ◆ private secret 私密 ‎86. prize n 奖 ★ win a prize ‎88. probably adv.可能;也许 (近义词 perhaps;maybe) adj. probable ‎89. problem n.问题;难题 ‎★have problems with/doing sth.在某方面或做某事遇到问题 ‎ ★work out / solve / deal with the problem 解决、处理问题 ‎★ no problem 没问题 不用谢 ‎90. produce v.生产 Where is tea produced in China?‎ ‎91. product n. 产品 the products made in ‎China ‎92. programme / program ‎93. progress v./n. 进步(不可数) ‎ I have progressed in English.我在英语方面取得了进步 ‎★ make great/ much / rapid progress (in sth) 取得了很大进步 ‎94. project 工程 ‎95. promise v. & n. 承诺, 答应,诺言 ‎ ‎★ promise sb. sth. He promised me the book. 他答应给我这本书。‎ ‎★promise to do sth. He promised to help us. 他答应要帮助我们。‎ ‎★promise sb. to do sth ★ make promises / a promise (to do sth) 作出保证 ‎96. pronounce v.发音 I can’t pronounce the new words.‎ ‎97. pronunciation n. 发音 I can’t get the pronunciation right ‎98. proper adj. 合适的 adv. properly ‎ ‎◆ the proper methods 合适的方法 ★in a proper way 以适当的方法 ‎99. protect vt.. 保护 n. protection ‎ ★protect the earth / the enviromemt ★environmental protection ‎ ◆protect … from sth / doing sth 保护…..免受于….‎ ‎100. proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的 ‎ ‎◆ be proud of 为… …而骄傲(自豪)★ be proud to do sth ‎1)We’re proud of our motherland. 2) I am proud to be your friend.‎ ‎101. provide v.供应;提供 ‎ ‎★.provide sb with sth = provide sth for sb提供某人某物 ‎102. public adj. & n.公共的, 公众的, 公开地 n. 公众, 大众 ‎★ in public 在公共场合, 公开地,公然地 ‎★ in public places 在公共场合 .★ the public 大众 (复数)‎ ‎103. pull v. 拉 The door should be pulled open.‎ ‎ ★ pull down 摧毁 ★pull together (to do sth)齐心协力 ‎ ‎ ★pull sb. out of …..把…..从…..拉出来 ‎ ‎104. punish vt. 惩罚,处罚 n. punishment ‎ ★ punish sb. for sth / doing sth ★ be punished (by sb.)‎ ‎105. pupil 小学生 ‎106. purple 紫色 ‎107. purpose n.目的;意图 .★ the purpose of ……‎ ‎★ on purpose 故意地 ★ for the purpose of …为了……‎ ‎ 1) I was n’t late for school again on purpose.‎ ‎ 2) He came to China for the purpose of a better understanding.‎ ‎108. push v. 推; 促进 ★push sb. to do sth 促使某人做某事 ‎109. put (put, put, putting v.放置;实施 ‎ ‎★put away 收起来,放好 You’d better put away your things. ‎ ‎★ put on 穿上,戴; 上演; 增重 ‎★.put into 把… …译成… …:, 把 。。。。。放进 ‎★put off(doing)推迟,拖延 We’ll have to put off the meting till Friday. ‎ ‎★put up 张贴,挂起, 举起,搭建 ‎★put out 扑灭,熄灭 The firemen put out a big fire.‎ Q ‎1. quarter 四分之一;一刻钟 ‎ a quarter past ten three quarters 四分之三,三刻钟 ‎2. queen 女王,王后 ‎3. question n.问题;疑问 Vt. 询问,审问,质询 ‎ ★ ask / answer/ reply to a question ★the answer to this question 问题的答案 ‎4. quick adj快的, 敏捷的,迅捷的 adv. quickly ◆ Be quick! ‎ ‎ 1)He quickly answered my question. 2) He has a quick mind. 思维敏捷 ‎5. quiet adj安静的, 宁静的,文静的 adv. quietly ‎ 1)She is a quiet girl. ◆Keep quiet ! /Be quiet!‎ ‎ 2)She came into the room quietly. 悄悄地进屋 ‎6. quite adv很;十分 ◆quite + adj. /adv. 原形 ‎ ★ quite a few + 可数名词复数 相当多的 ★ quite a lot (of…)‎ R ‎1. rabbit n. 野兔;猪兔 ‎2. race n.比赛;赛跑; 人种,种族 v. 参加速度竞赛 ‎ ‎◆.relay race 接力赛 ◆a race against time 和时间赛跑 ‎★ the 100- meter race 100米赛 ‎3. radio n.收音机;无线电广播 pl. radios ‎★ on the radio /by radio/ over the radio 通过无线电 ★ listen to the radio ‎4. railway n. 铁路;铁道 the railway station ‎ ‎5. rain n. 雨 v.下雨;降雨 adj rainy 下雨的,多雨的 ‎★ rain heavily/ a heavy rain ◆ Don’t go out in the rain.不要冒雨出去 ‎◆ be caugt in the rain 挨雨浇 ◆ rain dogs and cats 下瓢泼大雨 ‎ 相关词汇: ‎ raincoat 雨衣 rainbow 彩虹 rainfall降雨量 rainless 无雨天 rain forest 雨林 raindrop 雨点 a drop of rain 一滴雨 ‎6. raise v.举起;使升高 ,筹措, 饲养 ‎◆ raise one’s eyes 举目观看 ◆ raise one’s voice 提高声音 ‎★ raise money筹钱 ★ raise sheep / a family ‎ ‎7. rapid adj.快的;迅速的;急促的 adv. rapidly ‎8. rather adv. 相当,很 ‎ ‎★ .would rather do than do…. = would do rather than do 宁愿… …而不愿 ‎★ would rather (not) do ★ rather than 而不是 ‎ ◆The hat is rather dear. ◆ I’m feeling rather better today.‎ ‎9. reach v.伸出;延伸 ;到达 pl. reaches ‎◆reach one’s hand / feet (for sth) 伸出手、脚够…. ‎ ‎10. read (read, read) v.读;阅读; reading 读物 reader ‎ ‎★read sth. (to sb.) 读,朗读;‎ He was reading silently to himself. 他正在默读。‎ ‎ ★ read …aloud 朗读 The teacher asked the strdents to read the text aloud after class.‎ ‎ ★read a book / magazine / newspaper/ map ‎ ★do some reading ★ develop a good habit of reading ‎ ‎11. ready adj. (-ier -iest) 有准备的;乐意的 ‎★.be ready to do sth 决心/乐于做什么 ★ be ready for sth 为。。。而准备好 ‎★ get ready for sth / to do sth ‎12. real adj.现实的;真实的, 非模仿的,真的 adv. really事实上;实际上 I’m really sorry. 我非常抱歉 ‎13. realise (realize) (不用于被动语态)v 意识;认知;意识到;认识到, 实现 ‎1)You don’t understand / realize what a difficult position I’m in. ‎ 你不会明白我的处境多么困难。‎ ‎2)The Chinese people are sure to realize the Chinese Dream.‎ ‎14. reason v. & n.动机;原因;理由 adj. reasonable 合理的 ‎ ★ have a / no reason to do sth ★ for some reasons 因某些原因 ‎ ‎15. receive v.接收;收到; n. receiver 接受者, 电话听筒 ‎.◆ receive sth from sb ★ receive a letter from sb = hear from sb ‎◆ received opinion 被接受的观点 ‎16. recently adv.近来,最近 (现在完成时) adj. recent ‎ ‎ ◆ recent news 进来的消息 ★ in recent years 近年来 (现在完成时)‎ ‎17. record v.记录;记载 录音 n. 记录,记载,唱片,案卷,档案 ‎★ keep/ hold the record 保持记录 ★. break the record 打破记录 ‎18. recorder n. 记录仪;兼职法官,录音机 ‎19. red adj.红的;红色的 ‎20. refuse v.拒绝;回绝 (反) accept ‎ ‎★ refuse to do 拒绝做….‎ ‎21. regard v.注意;考虑; ★. regard sb. /sth as. 将某人(某事)视为 ‎22. regret n. & v.遗憾;抱歉;后悔 regretted / ing ‎ ‎★ regret doing sth 后悔做某事 regret to do (say, tell…) 遗憾去做 ‎★ to one’s regret 让某人后悔的是 ‎23. relationship n. 关系;关联 ◆ ~ between sth and sth ‎ ‎24. relative adj 有关系的, 相关的, 相对的 n 亲戚 ‎ ‎25. relax v. 放松;缓和 n. relaxation adj. relaxing 另人放松的 relaxed放松的 ‎ ★ be relaxed about … 对…..随意、放松 ‎ ‎1)I usually relax (myself) by listening to music.‎ ‎2) After half a day’s sleep, I felt relaxed.‎ ‎26. remain v.遗留;留下;仍然是( 通常不用于进行时态) ‎ ‎★ remain + adj 持续某种状态 ‎ ‎27. remember v.牢记;记得 ‎ ‎★remember doing sth 记得做过某事 ★ remember to do sth记得要做某事 ‎28. repair n. & v. 修补;修理 = mend / fix up ‎ ◆ get/ have sth repaired 修理某物 ‎29. repeat v&n. 重说;重做;重复 ‎ I didn’t follow you. Can you repeat it ? ‎ ‎30. reply v. & n. 回答;答复 ‎ ‎★ .reply to sb/ sth = answer sb. / sth ★the reply / answer to…‎ ‎◆give a reply to …‎ ‎31. report n.& Vt 报告;记录 , 报道, 汇报 n. reporter ‎ ‎◆report … to sb It is reported that…. 据报道…..‎ ‎32. require v.需要;, 要求, 规定 (不用于进行时态) n. requirement ‎ ‎★ require sb to do sth ★ Sth require doing . 需要做 ‎◆.make some requirements ‎33. research n.研究;探讨 ,调查 ‎ ‎ ★ do / make (medical) research 做研究 ‎ ‎35. rest n. & v. 休息;睡眠 , 其余,剩余部分 ‎★ have / take a (good)rest ‎ ‎★ the rest of 其谓语动词随所接名词的变化而变化 He rested his head on his mother’s shoulder. 他把脑袋靠在母亲的肩膀上。‎ ‎36. restaurant n.餐馆;饭店 ‎37.result n.后果;结果 ‎ ‎★ as a result (of …) (作为。。。的)结果 Working hard or not will produce different results. ‎ ‎38. return v.回;返回= get/ come back; 归还,报答 = give back; ‎ ‎★. return sth. to sb. = return sb. sth 归还某人某物 ‎ ★return to + 地点名词 返回 ★ in return 作为回报、报答 ‎39. review v. & n.复习;温习 = go over ‎40.rice n.大米;水稻 ,米饭 (不可数名词)‎ ‎41. rich adj. 富的;有钱的 ‎ ‎★ be rich in 富含 盛产, 富裕 ★the rich 有钱人 富人 Though he is rich in money, he is not rich in knowledge.‎ ‎42. ride (rode, ridden, riding, rider) v&n. 骑车;骑;乘 ‎ ‎★give sb a ride 让某人搭便车 ★ go for a ride 兜风 It is a ten-minute bus ride to the hot spring. ‎ ‎43. right n. 权利,正义,右边 adj. 公正的;正确的 adv. 正好, 恰恰 ‎★ all right = Ok. ★ do the right thing 做得好 ★ right away 立刻,马上 ‎ ◆ right here 就在这里 ◆ right now 就在现在,立刻 ‎44. ring (rang, rung) v. 响;打电话; n. 戒指, 铃声 ‎★ ring (up) sb ★ give sb a ring ‎45. rise (rose, risen) vi. 升起;长出;‎ ‎1)The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.‎ ‎2)The water of the river rose rapidly.‎ ‎46. risk n.& V. 危险;风险 , 冒险 ‎ ‎★ risk doing. ◆ at the risk of doing sth 冒可能做某事的危险 ‎◆take the risk ‎47. river n河;江 ★by the river 在河边 ★by river 经由内陆河 ‎ 1) They planted many trees along the river. 2)I swam across the river.‎ ‎ 3) There is a bridge over the river.‎ ‎48. road n.路;行车道 ‎ ‎◆ by road ★ cross the road ◆ along the road ‎49. robot n.机器人;自动机 ‎50. rock n.岩石;矿石, 摇滚 v 摆动,摇动 rock music / band ‎51. role n. 角色;任务, 作用 ★play a role in sth/ doing sth ‎52. room n. 房间(可数);空间 (不可数)‎ ‎ ★ take up (too much/…) room 占地方,占空间 ‎ ★ make room for 为…..腾地方 ‎1)This table takes up too much room. 2)There is no room for you in the bus.‎ ‎3)There are many rooms in this restaurant.‎ ‎53. rope n.粗绳; 绳 ‎ ‎11. rose n.玫瑰;蔷薇花 ‎12. round adv., prep & adj. 环形的;弧形的 ‎13. row v.划船 n. 排,行 ‎ ‎★ stand in a row 站成一排 ★ in a row 连续地,成一排 ‎14. rubber n.橡胶;橡皮 ‎ ‎15. rubbish n.废料;垃圾 ★ take out rubbish / throw rubbish ‎18. rule n.规则;章程 Vt 统治 ‎ ‎★ make / follow / keep / break the rules ★ traffic / school rules ‎19. ruler n. 统治者;尺子 ‎20. run (ran, run, running , runner) v.跑;逃避 经营 ‎ ‎★ run after sb 追赶某人 ★run away (from sb) 跑开,逃跑 ‎◆run into… 偶遇, 碰撞,碰到(困难) ★ run out (of sth)用完,耗尽 ‎21. rush v.冲;奔腾 rushes ‎ ‎★rush into / rush out of ★rush to do ★in a rush = in a hurry ★rush hour ‎22. Russia n.俄国 ‎23. Russian n.俄国人;俄语, adj. 俄语的,俄罗斯人的 S ‎1. sad adj.可悲的;悲伤的;sadly adv. 可悲地 n. sadness ‎ ◆a sad face 忧愁的面容 ◆ What sad news! 令人伤心的消息 ‎ ★ feel sad 悲伤 ◆ He told me the sad news sadly.‎ ‎2. safe adj. 平安的;无危险的 n. 保险柜 adv. safely ‎ ‎3. safety n.安全;平安; ‎ ‎◆Safety first comes first. 安全第一 ◆ a place of safety 安全地点 ‎ ‎4. salad n.色拉 .fruit salad 水果沙拉 ‎5. sale n.出售;卖 ‎ ‎★ have sales/ be on sale 打特价 ◆for sale 待售 ‎6. salt n. 氯化钠;食盐 (不可数名词) adj. 含盐的,咸的 ‎7. same n. & adj. 相同的;无差别的;‎ ‎★ be the same as 和。。。一样 (be different from)‎ ‎ ★look the same 看起来很像 ★ at the same time 同时 ‎ ★of the same age (as…) 同龄 ‎ ‎★--- Happy New Year to you. --- The same to you.‎ ‎ ◆We are in the same class 我们同班 ‎8. sand n.沙(不可数名词);沙滩 adj. sandy on the sand ‎9. sandwich n.三明治 ‎10. satisfy Vt. 符合;满足 n. satisfaction adj satisfying 令人满意的 satisfied 满足的,满意的 ‎ ‎◆ satisfy sb (with sth) ★be satisfied with…. 对….满意、满足 ‎11. Saturday n.星期天 ‎12. save v.拯救;节约 救助;保全;‎ ‎◆save one’s face 保全面子 ◆save the situation 挽回局势 ‎ ★save time/ money / electricity/ water save one’s life/ lives ‎ ◆ save sb. from 从……救出某人 ‎ ‎13. say (said, said) v.说;表达; ‎ ‎◆say sth to sb. 表达 ◆ say to oneself 自言自语 ★say sth in English ‎★ It is said that …. / People say that…… 据说。。。。。。‎ ‎14. scarf. n. 头巾 pl. scarfs /scalves ‎15. school n. 学校;校舍 ‎ ★go to school 去上学 ★go to the school 到学校去 ‎ ‎★at school 在求学 ★at the school 在学校 ‎★go to school on foot = walk to school ‎16. schoolbag n. 书包 ‎17. science n. 科学;学问 adj. scientific scientist n. 科学家; ‎ ‎◆ science subject 理科 ‎18. scissors n.剪刀 a pair of scissors ‎ ‎19. score n. & v . 记分 得分 分数,成绩 ‎ ★ get good scores 获得好成绩 ‎ ‎◆The score was two to three. ◆scores of…… 大量, 许多 ‎20. screen n.屏幕 ‎21. sea n海洋 ‎ ‎◆in the sea 在海里 ◆on the sea 在海上 ★by sea 乘船,由海路 ‎★ by the sea 在海边 ◆ a sea of flowers 花的海洋 ‎22. search n. & v.搜查;探求 ‎ ‎★ .search ….. for sb/sth 搜查某人,细查某处以寻找某人 ‎ ‎ ★ search for = look for ◆in search of 搜寻,寻找 ‎ ★search the Internet 上网 ‎23. season n. 季节;时令,旺季 ‎ ‎◆in season 在旺季 ◆ out of season 不在旺季 ‎ ◆ the dry / rainy season 旱、雨季 ◆Spring is the best season to travel.‎ ‎24. seat n. 座位;臀部 ,席位 Vt.. 使就坐 ‎ ‎★ take one’s seat 就坐 ★Be seated, please. 请坐 ‎★ give up/ offer one’ seat to sb. 把座位让给某人 ‎25. second num. adj. & 第二的;秒n.‎ ‎ 1) This is my second time to see the movie.‎ ‎ 2)I will study a second foreign language.‎ ‎26. secret n.秘密;奥秘; ‎ ‎◆. in secret 偷偷的;暗暗的; ◆ keep a / the secret 保守秘密 ‎27. secretary n.秘书;干事,书记,国务大臣 ‎28. see (saw, seen) v. 看见;领会 I see. 我明白了。‎ ‎★.see sb do sth 看见某人做某事 be seen to do ‎ ★see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 ★see sb off 为…送行 ‎29. seem v.似乎;显出,好像 ‎ ‎◆ .seem like看起来像 ★ It seems that….. 看起来。。。。。。‎ ‎ ★ Sb /sth seem to do sth/ ★ Sb/ sth seem to be +adj /n ‎30. seldom adv. 很少;不常; ‎ She seldom reads newspapers. 她很少读报纸。‎ ‎31. sell (sold, sold) v. 卖;出售 n. sale ‎★sell sth to sb = sell sb. sth ★sell out 售光 be sold out ★ sth sell well ‎32. send (sent, sent) v.发送;邮寄 ‎ ‎★.send for… 请某人 ★send sb. sth = send sth to sb. ★send up 发射...‎ ‎33. sense n.感官;感觉 a sense of safety / humor / sadness ‎34. sentence n. 句子;法庭载决 v. 判刑 ★ make a sentence ‎ ‎35. separate v. & adj. 分离;单独的; ‎ ‎★separate....... from …..和 。。。。。,分离、分开 be sepatated from….‎ ‎1)two separate problems 两个互不干涉的问题。‎ ‎ 2)The two twons are separated by a river. 这两个城镇被这条河隔开了。‎ ‎36. September n.九月 ‎37. serious adj.严肃的,严重的,认真的 more / most ~ ‎ ‎★ .be serious about 对....很严肃, 认真 ‎ ★ take sb/ sth seriously认真对待某人或某物 ‎ 1) The air is polluted seriously. ‎ ‎38. serve v.服务;当仆人, 端 (茶、咖啡。。。。) ‎ ‎★seave tea / coffee ★seave the people 为人服务 ‎39. service n.服务;效劳 ‎ ‎40. set (set, set, setting ) v.放;置 n. 套 ‎ ‎★ .a set of 一套 ★TV set 电视机 ★ set up 建立 ‎ ‎◆ set off 引发,激起 ★set out (for+地方)=.set off 出发,动身 ‎★ set out on our new journey 踏上新征程 ‎41. seven num.七;七个 seventh 第七 seventy 七十 ‎42. several pron. & adj.几个;数个 = a few/ some + 可数名词复数 ‎43. shake(shook, shaken) v.摇动;震惊 ★ shake hands with sb 握手 ‎ ‎44. shall aux.v 将、将要 ‎★用于一般将来时,主语是 I / we ‎★ 用于第一、第三人称, Shall I / We/ he do…….? 征求对方的意见 ‎ Shall those books be sent to your office right now?‎ ‎45. shame n.羞愧;蒙羞 , 可耻的人或事 v.使某人感到羞耻 ‎ adj. shameful / less ‎ ‎★It’s a shame to do sth. What a shame! 真丢人! 真遗憾!‎ It’s a shame to take money from those who can’t afford it ‎ ‎46. shape n.& v.形状;外形,样子 v. 成形 ‎ ‎ ◆ in the shape of ◆ in good shape ◆out of shape ★heart shape ‎ ‎47. share v.共享;分配; n. 份,份额,分担 ‎ ★ share sth. with sb. 与人分享、共用某物;在某方面有共同之处 ‎ 1)I share ideas with you. 我和你看法一致。‎ ‎ 2) I share a bedroom with my sister.‎ ‎ ★ share happiness and sadness 分享快乐和痛苦 ‎ 3) As friends, we share happiness and sadness. ‎ ‎ 4) A friend is a person who can share happiness and sadness with me.‎ ‎48. she pron.她 ‎49. sheep (pl sheep) n.羊;绵羊 ‎ ‎ a wolf in sheep’s clothing 披着羊皮的狼 a black sheep 害群之马,败类 ‎50. shine (shone, shone) v.发光;照射,照耀 ‎ ‎ 1)Her face shone with excitement. 她激动得满脸通红。‎ ‎ 2)The sun shines directly into the room at noon. ‎ ‎51. ship n.轮船;舰 v.. 装船,用船运输 ,装运(shipped/ ing) ‎ ‎◆ by ship/ take a ship 乘船 ‎ He is going to fly to America, but his book will be shipped there by ship. ‎ ‎52. shirt n 男式衬衣 wear a shirt and tie穿衬衫打领带 ‎ ‎53. shoe n.鞋;a shoe shop / store two pairs of shoes ‎ I took the shoes by mistake. One is big, the other is small.‎ ‎64. shop n.商店;购物 V. 购物 (shopped / shopping/ shopper) ‎ ‎★go shopping ★do some /the shopping ★a shopping bag /list ‎ ‎★shopping center 购物中心,商业街 ★.shopping mall 商业网点/中心 ‎◆ a flower shop ◆a clothes / clothing shop ◆shop hours 营业时间 ‎65. short adj.矮的(tall);短的 (long), 短期的,短缺的 ‎ ‎◆be short of 短缺 ★in short 总之,简而言之 ◆short- sighted 近视的 ‎ ★ be short for 缩写,简称 1)“Phone” is short for “telephone”.‎ ‎ 2)In short, we should place our study before playing coputer games.‎ ‎66. shorts n. 短裤 ‎67. should modal v. 应该,应当;将要 ‎68. shoulder n.肩膀;肩胛 shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩 ‎69. shout n. & v. 呼喊;大声说 ‎ ‎◆.shout out 喊出来 ★ shout at / to sb 冲某人喊叫 ‎70. show (showed, shown) v.& n. 显示;表明; 展示给….看 ‎★. on show 在展览中 ★show sb. around 带领某人参观 ‎★show sb. sth = show sth to sb. ★ show up = turn up 赶到,露面 ‎★ show off 炫耀 ◆ Good show! 好极了。‎ ‎71. shower n.阵雨;阵雪 ;.淋浴 ,淋浴室 ‎ ‎◆ be caught in a shower遇到阵雨 ★take / have a shower 淋浴 ‎◆ be in the shower 正在淋浴 ◆get out of the shower 淋完浴 ‎72. shut (shut, shut, shutting) v.关上;合上 ‎ ‎★.shut up 闭嘴 ★ shut down= close down 关闭(工厂)‎ ‎★ shut off my brain 关闭大脑 ★shut / close the door/ eyes / mouth ‎ ◆shut sb /sth out of sth 将某人或某物关在门外 ‎73. shy adj.害羞的;胆小的 shier / iest; shyer/ est n. shyness ‎ ‎74. sick adj. 有病的;吐的 ,恶心的;厌倦的 ‎ ‎◆ be sick of sb /sth / doing sth 厌倦某人或做某事 ‎ ★ the sick 病人 ★feel sick 感到不舒服、恶心 ‎ ‎ I’m sick for home. 我想家了。 homesick adj . 想家的 ‎74. side n.面;表面 on the other side of the river 在河对岸 ‎75. sight n视力;观点;风景;视野 near/ short sighted 近视的 ‎ ★catch sight of 看见 ★in sight 在视野内,看得见 ★out of sight ‎ ‎ ★at first sight 乍看起来,初见 ◆ go sightseeing 去观光 ‎ ‎ ◆Out of sight, out of mind. 眼不见,心不烦。 ‎ ‎ 1)She looked beautiful at first sight. 2)He fell in love with her at first sight. ‎ ‎ 3)The Great Wall is one of the most famous sights of the world. ‎ ‎76. silence n. 无声;静寂; 沉默 in silence 沉默地 ‎77. silent adj.无言的;沉默的,寂静无声地 adv. silently ‎ ‎★keep silent 保持沉默 ‎ ‎78. silk n.丝;丝绸 (不可数名词) ad.j silky 丝的,柔滑的 Silk feels soft.‎ ‎79. silly adj.愚蠢的;不合理的 ‎ ‎80. silver n.银;白银 (不可数名词) ‎ ‎81. similar 相像的;类似的 n .相似点:similarity ‎★be similar to sb/ sth 和。。。很相似 ‎82. simple adj.简单的;容易的 , 简朴的,朴素的,单纯的 ‎ ◆ live a simple life 过着简朴的生活 ‎ ‎83. simply adv.简单地;容易地; 仅仅,只;简直 ‎ 1)This is simply my personal opinion.‎ ‎ 2) He simply couldn’t finish the task without my help.‎ ‎83. since prep. conj.& adv.从…来,自从…以后(时间状从);‎ conj. 因为,既然(原因状从)‎ ‎◆since then = from then on 从那时起 ◆ever since 自从 ‎◆It is/ has been ……since + 主语+ 一般过去时 ‎ 1) I haven’t eaten since breakfast. 2) Where have you been since I last saw you .‎ ‎ 3) He left home two weeks ago and we haven’t heard from him since.‎ ‎ 4) It is / has been two years sine he left home.‎ ‎84. sing (sang, sung) v.唱;歌唱 singer ‎◆sing a song ★ sing along with ‎8. single adj.唯一的;单一的 ‎9. sir n. 先生;长官 ‎10. sister n.姐姐;妹妹 ‎ my elder sister 姐姐 my eldest sister 大姐 my young sister 妹妹 ‎11. sit (sat, sat, sitting v. .就座;使坐下 ‎ ‎★sit down = be seated 坐下 ◆sit up for 晚睡 ‎12. situation n.位置;环境, 情境,形式,情况 ‎ get into /out of a situation ‎ ‎13 six num.六;六个 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟 ‎14. sixth num第.六 ‎15. sixteen num.十六;十六个 ‎16. sixty num.六十;六十个 sixtieth in one’s sixties ‎17. size n.大小;尺寸; sh身材 ‎ ‎ ◆ of a size 大小一样的;尺码相同的 of the same size ‎ ◆ What size socks do you want? ‎ ‎18. skate v滑冰;溜冰 n. skating / skater ‎ ‎★go skating 去滑冰 ◆skate on the ice ‎19. skill n.技能;技艺 ‎ reading skills 阅读技巧 writing skills 写作技巧 ‎20. skirt n.女裙;围裙 ‎21. sky n. 天;天空 in the sky ‎ ‎22. sleep (slept/ slept) n.& v. 睡眠;睡觉; ‎ ‎★go to sleep上床睡觉 ★fall/ be asleep 熟睡 ★a sleeping boy ‎★have at least 8 hours’ sleep ★develop a good habit of sleeping ‎23. sleepy adj. 睡着的;熟睡的,困倦的 ★ feel sleey ‎ ‎24. slow adj. & adv. 慢的;迟缓的; v. 慢下来 adv. slowly ‎★slow up / down 松弛下来;减速 Slow down a bit, or you’ll make youself ill. 别那么卖力,不然你要累出病来。‎ ‎25. small adv.幼小的;‎ ‎26. smart adj.聪明的;敏捷的;漂亮的; ‎ ‎27.smell n. & v. 嗅觉;气味; Vt 闻 Vi. 闻起来生的效果。‎ ‎◆ What a nice smell!多好闻的味呀!‎ ‎◆Smell the fish. Isn’t it delicious?‎ ‎★ smell + adj smell delicious / terrible ‎28. smile n. & v. 微笑;露出 ‎ ‎★smile at sb/ sth微笑 ★with a big smile on one’s face 脸上带着灿烂的微笑 ‎29. smoke v.抽烟;冒烟 n. 烟 ‎ ‎ ★ Stop / give up smoking. ★Smoking is bad for health. ‎ ‎ ◆ There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪 ‎ ‎ 词型变化:smokeless无烟的 smoker吸烟的人 smoking吸烟,抽烟 ‎30. smooth adj.平滑的;平整的,平坦的, 悦耳的(-er,est) ‎ smooth music ◆as smooth as silk 十分柔软,光滑 ‎31. snake n.蛇;叛徒 ‎32. snow v.下雪;n. 雪 ‎ ‎◆deep snow 厚雪 ★ heavy/ light snow 大/小雪;‎ ‎1)There was a heavy snow last night.. = It snowed heavily/hard last night.‎ ‎ 2) What a heavy snow! 3)How heavily/ hard it is snowing!‎ ‎33. snowy adj. 多雪的;下雪的 He set out on a snowy night.‎ ‎34. so adv. & conj.因此;所以; ‎ ‎◆if so 要是那样的话 ★ so far 到这里为止 ◆ so as to do = inorder to do ‎ ★ so that 以便 He worked hard so that he could get into a good university.‎ ‎★ so…that 如此……以致 I was so surprised that I couldn’t speak.我惊奇地说不出话来。‎ ‎ ★so/as long as 只要 ★ not so… as ★so many/ much ‎35. social adj.社会的;社交的 ,社团的 ‎ ‎.social situations 社会形势 social activity / problems ‎36. society n.社会;上流社会;社团 ‎ ‎◆go into society 进入交际界,常赴宴会 ◆live in society 出入交际界 ‎37. sock n.短袜;鞋垫 ‎38.sofa n.沙发 ‎39. soft adj.软的;柔嫩的,和蔼的 ‎ ‎◆ .quiet and soft music 轻柔的音乐 ★ in a soft voice 声音温和地 ‎ ★feel soft 摸起来柔软 ◆soft wind 微风 ◆soft drink 不含酒精的饮料 ‎40.solve v.解答;解释 ,解决 n. solution 解释,答案 ‎ ★ solve problems 解决问题 Help me to solve my math problems. 请帮助我解决这些数学问题。‎ ‎★ the solution to sth 解决问题的方法 ‎41. some adj. & pron.若干,一些 + 可数名词复数 、不可数名词 ‎ adj. 某一 + 可数名词单数 用于肯定句中和 表示“请求、建议”的疑问句中。‎ ‎ I have eaten some cakes. W ould you like some cakes? ‎ ‎★ some time 一些时间,一段时间 ◆ some other day 改天 ‎★ some times 几次、几倍 ★ some more money / book 再些…..‎ ‎42. someday (将来)某一天,他日 ‎ ‎43. somebody pron某人;有人 ,重要人物 ‎ ‎44. someone pron. 某人;有人 Someone else will come and help you.‎ ‎45. something pron.某物;某事 ,重要的事 something difficult 难事 ‎46. sometimes adv.有时;不时 = at times = frome time to time= once in a while ‎ He sometimes writes to me .他偶尔给我写写信。‎ ‎47. somewhere adv.在某处;到某处 I’ll go somewhere warm to live.‎ ‎48. son n. 儿子;子孙 son- in- law 女婿 ‎49. song n.歌;歌词 ‎50. soon adv. 不久 ‎ ‎◆.sooner or later 迟早迟晚 ★ as soon as 一...........就, 不迟于(主将从现)‎ ‎★ as soon as possible / 主语 + can / could 尽快 ‎51. sorry adj.难过的;报歉的; 对不起的 ‎ ◆ feel sorry for sb. 同情某人, 为某人感到难过 ‎ I feel sorry for anyone who has to drive in bad weather. ‎ ‎★be sorry to do sth I’m sorry to hear that. ‎ ‎52. sound v. 听力来 n. 声音;响声 ‎ ‎★ sound like 听起来像 ★sound + adj ‎ 1) I like to listen to the sound of running water.‎ ‎ 2) Light travels / goes faster than sound. ‎ ‎53. soup n.汤 (不可数) in the soup 处于困境,出麻烦 ‎54. south n. & adj.南;南方的 ‎ ‎55. southern adj.南方的;在南方的 ‎56. space n.空间(不可数),太空;空地 ;篇幅,空白 ★in space 在太空 ‎1)Is there a space for the car in the car park ?‎ ‎ 公司的停车场有没有这辆车的位置?‎ ‎ 2)There is no space for such a long article in the newspaper.‎ ‎ 3) The company covers a space of 1000 square metres.‎ ‎ ◆ spaceship 宇宙飞船 ◆space station 太空站 ‎57. spare adj.空闲的;多余的; Vt 抽出,腾出 ‎ ‎★ spare sth. / sb. (for sb./sth.) (为某人或某事)匀出人力或(时间、金钱。。。。)‎ ‎ Can you spare me a few minutes?‎ ‎★ in one’s spare time 在空余时间 ‎58. speak (spoke, spoken) v.说话;发言 ◆ speaker ‎ ‎★ speak to sb 1) .He speaks several languages 他会说好几种语言。‎ ‎ 2) She spoke for forty minutes at the meeting . 他在会上讲了四十分钟。 ‎ ‎ ★ -- Who is that speaking? ---This is Mary speaking . 我是 玛丽 ‎59. special adj.特别的;异常的 adv. specially ‎ ‎1) What are your special interests? 你有什么特别的爱好。‎ ‎ 2) Take special care of it. 对这东西要特别细心。 ‎ ‎60. speech n.说话;演说 ‎ ‎ ★make/give a speech (about…) 发言 ‎ ◆direct speech 直接引语 indirect speech 间接引语 parts of speech 词类 ‎61. speed (sped , sped)n.& v.速度;变速器 ,加速 ‎ ‎◆ speed up 加速 ◆ at speed 高速,快地 ★at a speed of . 以 .... 速度 It’s dangerous to go round corners at speed 高速转弯是危险的。‎ ‎62. spell (spelt / spelled) v. 拼写;带来 ★spelling mistakes 拼写错误 ‎ ★spell words with these letters ‎ ‎63. spend (spent, spent) v花费;使用., 消耗. ‎ ‎★ Sb spend .......on sth / (in )doing sth 花时间/钱做什么 ‎ ★.spend time with sb 与某人一起度过时光 ‎ ‎64. spirit n.精神;灵魂 1) His spirit is troubled.他内心苦恼。‎ ‎◆.in spirit 在内心,在精神上 2)I shall be with you in spirit.我的心和你在一起。‎ ‎65. spoon n. 匙;调羹 v. 舀 ‎ ‎1.spoon out 舀出 2. spoon up one’s soup 用勺舀汤 ‎66. sport n. 运动;运动会 ‎ ‎★sports meeting 运动会 ★sports shoes 运动鞋 ★do/ play sports 做运动 ‎67. spread (spread, spread) v.伸开;摊开,蔓延,传播,散播 ‎ ‎68. spring n.跳跃;发源,泉眼,春天 ★ in spring/ in the early spring ‎ With an easy spring the cat reached the branch. 那猫轻轻一跃就够到了树枝。 ‎ ‎69. square n.正方形;广场 ,平方 ★Tian’an Men Square ‎70. stamp n. 邮票 ★.collect stamps集邮 ‎71. stand n. 站立;坐落,容忍,忍受 n. 摊位 ‎ ★.stand up ★stand for 代表,支持 ★stand out 突出,显眼 ‎ ★ cannot stand doing 不能忍受做某事 ★stand in a line / circle ‎72. standard n. & adj.标准;常规 , 水平 ‎ People were very poor then, by today’s standards 以今天的标准 ‎◆.standard English 规范的英语 ‎73. star n. 星;恒星 a three-star hotel ‎74. start v& n. 开始;出发,动身;启动 ‎ 1) The car doesn’t star easily in winter.‎ ‎ 2) He started the car and left. 3) We will start at six to catch the plane. ‎ ‎★.to start with = to begin with = first = firstly 第一,首先 ‎ ★ start / begin with start to do /doing ‎ ‎75. state n情况,状态 ;国家,州 Vt, 陈述 ‎ ‎1)These buildings are in a bad state of repair. 这些建筑物急需修葺。‎ ‎76. station n火车站;车站,局,所   ‎ ‎◆.railway station 火车站 ◆ subway station 地铁站 ‎ ◆.police station 警察局 ◆power station 发电站 ◆space station 空间站 ‎77. stay v. 维持;不变动;停留;呆…(地方) n. 停留 ‎◆stay for 留在某人家(吃饭) 1) Won’t you stay for supper?你吃过饭再走好吗?‎ ‎ ★ stay in = stay at home 不出门 ★ stay up 迟睡,熬夜。‎ ‎.2)He stayed up till twelve o’clock last night. 昨天晚上他熬夜到十二点钟。‎ ‎ ★ stay + adj. He stayed awake last night.‎ ‎ 3) During his stay in London, he visited some famous schools.‎ ‎78. steal (stole, stolen) v.偷窃;窃取   ★steal .sth from sb/sth ★be stolen ‎79. step n. & v.脚步;舞步, 脚印,步伐;台阶;步骤,措施 v. 迈步,踩,踏 ‎ ‎★.step by step 逐步地 ★. take steps to do sth 采取措施以做某事 ‎ ◆watch your steps. 走路小心 ‎ ‎80. stick (stuck, stuck) n枝条;柴枝,棍棒;V. 刺,扎粘贴 ‎ ‎★.stick in/into /through sth 刺穿或刺入某物 ‎★stick to sth/doing sth. 坚持 walking stick 手杖 ‎81. still adv.静止地;不动地;平静的 ;仍然,还  ‎ ‎1)Please stand still while I take your photograph..‎ ‎ 2)The sea is still. 3) I am still waiting for her answer.‎ ‎81. stomach n.胃;肚子,腹部 pl. stomachs ‎82. stomachache n. 胃痛;肚子痛    ★.have a stomachache 胃疼 ‎83. stone n.石料;石子       ‎ ‎★ Kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟 ★ a stone bridge 石桥 ‎84. stop (stopped/ ing) n. & v. 停止;阻止;阻拦停车站 ‎ ★stop doing t停止做某事 ★ stop to do 停下来去做(另一件事)‎ ‎★ stop sb. (from) doing sth 阻止某人做某事 ◆bus stop 公交站点 ‎1) He was stopped at the gate.‎ ‎2)His timely warning stopped me from taking further action.‎ ‎85. store n. & v. 商店,储存;储备    ‎ ‎  ◆.in store(for sb/ sth) 储存着,备有 ‎ He has a store of experience. 他有丰富的经验。‎ ‎86. storm n. 风暴;风潮 rain storm snow storm sand storm brain storm ‎87. story n. 故事;趣闻; pl. stories ‎ ‎◆as the story goes 据说,据传 ★tell (sb.) a story ‎ ‎88. straight adj.直的adv.直地;直接地;坦率地 ‎ a straight line 直线 go/walk straight along the street ‎ ‎89. strange adj.奇特的;古怪的 adv. strangely ‎◆ be strange to sb 对某物感到陌生 ★ strangely beautiful 异常优美 ‎90.stranger n.外地人;新来者,生手 ‎ He is a stranger in China. 他初到中国。‎ ‎91. strawberry n.草莓 pl. strawberries ‎92. street n街道; 街区 ★ on / in the street 在街上 ★ street light 路灯  ‎ ‎93. strong adj.坚牢的;强固的; 猛烈的,强大的, 强壮的 adv. strongly ‎★.a strong wind 大风 1)What a strong wind! 2)It blew strongly last night. ‎ ‎ 3) We need strong body to build our country.‎ ‎ 4) We believe strongly (坚信)our country is becoming stronger and stronger.‎ ‎94. student n. 学生;实习护士 the Students’ Union 学生会 ‎95. study v.学习;攻读学业,研究 n. 学习,研究,书房 studies/ed ‎ ★study hard  ◆in my study ‎ A study show that Chinese children spend ten hours studying every day.‎ ‎96. stupid adj不聪明的;愚笨的.‎ ‎97. subject n. 科目,主题, 主语 ‎98. succeed v.成功;继任,继承  ‎ ‎★ .succeed in doing /sth = be successful in doing ‎ 谚语:Nothing succeeds like success一事成,事事成 ‎99. success n.成功;好成果; ‎ ‎ 1)Success comes from your working hard. 2)Hard work can lead to success. ‎ ‎100.successful adj.成功的 adv. successfully ‎101. such adv. & pron. & adj这种的;这样的. ‎ ‎★such as 例如 ★ such… that 如此…….以至于。。。‎ He was such an honest boy that every body liked him.‎ ‎102. sudden adj. 突然的;意外的   ‎ ‎★ all of a sudden 突然,出乎意料的 His sudden death made his family very sad.‎ ‎103. suddenly adv.突然地;意外地 ‎104. sugar n. 食糖;蔗糖 (不可数)‎ ‎105. suggest v.建议;提议, 暗示 ‎ ‎★ suggest sth to sb 使某人想到某事物。‎ ‎★ suggest (sb./one’s )doing sth建议(某人)做某事 ‎ ★ suggest that sb. (should )+ do sth. 建议某人做某 ‎ ‎106. suggestion n.建议;提议(可数名词)‎ ‎★make / give / offer suggestions 提出建议 ‎ What a good suggestion = What good advice.! ‎ ‎106. summer n.夏季;壮年 ‎107. sun n.阳光;太阳   the sun   ‎ ‎◆.in the sun 在阳光下 1)Don’t read in the sun . 不要在阳光下看书。‎ ‎★on the sun 在太阳上 ★ under the sun 在世界上,究竟 ‎ 2) The sun rises / goes up in the east and sets / goes down in the west.‎ ‎ 3) The sun broke through the clouds. 太阳钻出云层。‎ ‎108. Sunday num.星期日 ‎109. sunny adj.睛朗的;阳光充足 ‎110. supermarket n.超市 ‎111. support v.& n. 支持;支撑;抚养,养活维持;n.支持者 Thanks for your support.= Thank you for supporting me.‎ Wiyhout your support, I couldn’t finish it on time.‎ He had to work day and night to support his five children.‎ I’ll support you whatever may happen.‎ ‎112. suppose v.假定;认为;‎ ‎113. sure adj. & adv. 确信的, 有把握的,一定的 ‎ ‎★be sure to do sth 一定要做.... ★.be sure about/of sth 对…..有把握 ‎★be sure that ……对..... 很确信 ★ for sure 无疑 ‎★make sure todo / about / of sth / that… 确信,一定,保证 ‎   I think he lives there but I couldn’t say for sure. 。。。。。。但我不敢确定。‎ ‎114. surface n.表面;外面部分  ‎ ‎★.on the surface 在表面上,在外表上 ‎ 70% of the suface of the earth is covered by water.‎ ‎115. surprise n. & v惊奇;诧异; adj. surprised, surprising ‎★to one’s surprise 使人吃惊的是……★be surprised at ….对…..感到吃惊 ‎★ be surprised to do sth I’m surprised to know that he failed the exam.‎ ‎ What surpring news! ‎ ‎116. survey vt.调查;测量;全面考察。n.调查;概括;测量(复数surveys)。‎ ‎ ◆survey result调查结果 ★do/make/take a survey (on/about…)做一个调查 ‎117. sweater n.毛衣;针织套衫 ‎118. sweet n. & adj. 甜的;芳香的  sweet voice / smell ‎ ‎119. swim (swam, swum) v.游水;游泳  swimming  swimmer ‎★go for a swim ★swim across the river / lake / ocean 横渡…..‎ ‎ ★go swimming 游泳 ★have / take a swim ★swimming pool 游泳池 ‎ ★ join / be on the school swim / swimming team ‎ ‎  ‎ T ‎1. table n. 桌子;台子; 表格 ‎ ‎★.at table 进餐(时) They are at table. 他们在进餐。‎ ‎ ★ at the table 在桌边 ‎ Father is used to reading newspaper at the table.爸爸习惯坐在桌旁看报纸。‎ ‎ ★ table tennis 乒乓球 ★ time table 时刻表 ‎2. tail n.尾巴;尾状物 ‎3. take (took, taken) v.拿;取; ‎ ‎★take a look 看一看 ★take away 拿去,减去 ★ take back 取回;收回 ‎★take care of 留心,照顾 ★ take down 记下,拿下,取下 ‎★take a bus 乘公共汽车 ★take a walk 散步,‎ ‎ ★ take sth. out of 从……里面拿走 ★ take part in 参加 ‎★ take place 发 生, 举行 ★take up 从事工作,开始做 ‎ ★ take it easy 别着急, 放松 ★ take care 当心 ‎ ★take sth. seriously; 认真对待某事。 ★ take an interest in 对……感兴趣。‎ ‎ ★take medicine 服药 ★take photos/ pictures ★take off 脱掉、摘下,起 ‎★take in 吸收 ★take after 长得像 ★take action 行动起来,采取行 ‎★take notes 记笔记 ★take risks 冒险 ★ take turns 轮流 ‎ ★take a message 捎口信 ★take one’s temperature 量体温 ‎ ‎★take a trip 旅行 ★ take one’s time 慢慢来 ‎ ★ take one’s order ★take one’s place 顶替,取代 ★ take pride in ‎ ‎4. talk n. & v.谈话;讲话 ‎ ‎★.talk to/with sb (about/ of)sth ★ talk back to sb 顶嘴 ‎★talk about 谈论关于….. ★ give sb. a talk 作报告 ‎5. tall adj.高的 ;高大的 ‎ ‎6. tape n. 带子;线带 listen to the tape 听磁带 ‎7. task n.工作;任务 holiday tasks假期作业 ‎8. taste n. .味道;滋味,品味 V. 品尝,尝,尝起来..‎ ‎★taste + adj. (good /nice/ delicious)尝起来….‎ ‎9. taxi n. 出租汽车 ★.by taxi/ .take a taxi打车 ‎10. tea n.茶;茶叶 (不可数名词) ‎ ‎★make tea沏茶 ★serve tea ★a cup of tea Where is tea produced in China?‎ ‎11. teach (taught, taught) v.教;传授 ‎ ‎★teach sth to sb= teach sb. sth传授,教授 ★ teach oneself 自学 ‎★.teach sb (how)to do sth教某人做某事 ‎★teach sb. a lesson 给某人上一课,给某人个教训 ‎★teaching method / building ‎12. teacher n.教员;老师 ‎13.team n.队;组;团 teammate teamwork ‎ ‎14. technology n.技术;工艺 ‎15. telephone n.电话;手机; ‎ ‎◆ public telephone 公共电话 ★ telephone number 电话号码 ‎ ★. on the telephone电话里 ◆radio telephone 无线电话 ◆ fire station ‎ ★ mobile telephone 移动电话,手机 ★over / through the teleghone 通过电话 ‎ ★ pick up / answer the telephone 接电话 ‎16. television (TV) n电视 ‎ ‎★on (the )television电视播放的 ★ watch TV看电视 ‎17. tell (told, told) v.讲;讲述 ; 辨别 ‎★tell sth to sb/tellsb about sth告诉,讲诉某事 ‎ ◆tell A from B 辨别,识别 ★tell the truth说实话 ‎ ★ tell sb to do sth 吩咐某人做某事 be told to do ‎ ★ tell a story ★ tell a lie ★tell the truth ‎18. temperature n.温度;气温 take sb’s temperature量某人的温度,试体温 ‎19. those adj. & pron. 那些 ‎ ‎20. though conj.虽然;尽管; ‎ ‎★as though 好像;若 You look as though you were ill.你看起来好象病了。‎ ‎ ★even though= even if 即使;纵然。‎ Even though it should rain, you must go. 即使下雨,你也一定要去。‎ ‎21. thought n.思想;思考 ‎ I had no thought of hurting your feelings. 我无意伤你的感情。‎ ‎22. thousand num.千;一千 ‎ ‎★ thousands of students 成千上万的学生 ◆two thousand students 两千学生 ‎23. three num.三;三个 ‎24. through prep. & ad 穿过;在…之间 ‎ ‎★着重指从空间的一头穿到另一头(内部)。‎ ‎1..walk through the forest/the woods. 穿过森林。‎ ‎2. A river runs through the city. / The train travels through five cities.‎ ‎3. The sunlight comes into the room through the window.‎ ‎4. go through the door ‎★look through / go through 浏览 ★through hard work 经过努力 ‎25. throw (threw, thrown) v. 投;掷; ‎ ‎★throw away 抛弃,扔掉; ◆throw oneself into 专心于;‎ ‎★throw (sth) at…… 朝……扔。。。。。。 ★throw rubbish ‎★throw water at each other 泼水 ◆throw into /out of ‎ ‎26. Thursday num.星期四 ‎27. ticket n.票;券 ★.a ticket to /for 去.....的票 free ticket ‎ ‎28. tidy adj.整洁的;整齐的 ( ier/iest)v. 使。。。。。整齐 ‎ ★ tidy up 把。。。。。弄整齐 ★ keep sth claen and tidy 保持…..干净整齐 ‎ adv: tidily n. tidiness ‎29. tie v. 系;捆 n. 领带 tying tie … to….. 把。。。。。。绑在。。。。。上 ‎ ‎30. tiger n.老虎;勇士 ‎31. time n.时间 ‎ ‎★ .all the time 一直 ★.at the same time 同时 ‎ ‎★behind time 迟到,落后于时代 ★from time to time 时常 ‎ ‎★have a good time 过得很愉快 ★ in time 及时 ★on time 准时 ‎ ‎★ once upon a time 从前 ★for the first time 初次 ‎ ‎★ three times as big as….★ the first time / best time to do sth ‎32. tiny adj.极小的;微小的 ‎33. tired adj.累的;困倦的 ‎ ‎◆.be tired of sb/ sth/ doing sth对某人/某事不耐烦或感到厌倦 ‎ ◆ be tired out 筋疲力尽 ‎35. to prep. 到;向 ★be / get used to ‎ ★pay attentin to ★stick to ★look forward to ★look up to ‎ ‎36. today adv. & n.在今天;在今日 today’ homework ‎37. together adv. 一齐;在一块儿 ‎ ‎★.together with=along with 和,连同 ‎ ★get together 聚会,聚集在一起 ★ pull together 齐心合力 ‎38. toilet n厕所 ‎ ‎39. tomato n.番茄;西红柿 (pl) tomatoes ‎40. tomorrow adv.在明天;在明日 ★ the day after tomorrow 后天 ‎41. ton n. 长吨;短吨 ‎ ‎★tons of sth 大量,很多 ‎42. tonight adv.在今夜;在今晚 ‎43. too adv.太;过于,也 放在肯定句句中 ‎ ‎★too...... to 太。。。而不能 ★too many/much 太多too ‎ ‎44. tool n.工具;用具 ‎45. tooth (pl. teeth) n牙;牙齿. ‎ ‎46. toothache牙痛 have a toothache ‎47. top n.顶端;顶部 ‎ ‎ ◆ at the top of the tree 居于行业的最高地位 ‎ ★ at the top of one’s voice以最大的嗓音 ‎48. total adj..完全的;总体的 v. 合计,总数达到 n. 总数,总计,总和 ‎ adv. totally I totally disagree. ‎ ‎★ in total = in all 总共 ◆total up to 总数达到 ‎49. touch n & v.接触,触及,触摸; 触动,感动 ‎ ‎ ★be/ keep / stay in touch with 与…..接触/ 保持联络 lose touch with I am always in touch with her.我与好她一直保持联络。‎ ‎★be deeply touched/ moved (by ….) touching = moving ‎50. tour n.& V. 旅游;观光 adj: touristy ‎◆be on a tour to sw 去某地观光旅游 ‎51. tourist n.旅游者;‎ ‎52. toward(s) prep朝向;朝着 ‎ The child came running towards me. 那孩子向我跑来。‎ ‎53. tower n.塔台;塔楼 ‎ ‎◆bell tower 教堂的钟楼 ‎55. town n.城镇;市镇 ‎ ‎◆.town center 镇上的主要商业区 ◆town hall 镇公所,市政厅 ‎56. toy n.玩具;小东西 pl. toys a toy car ‎57. trade n.& v 交易;贸易 n. trader买卖人,商人 trading 经商,做买卖 ‎ ‎58. traditional adj.传统的;习俗的 n. tradition 传统 ‎ ‎1)By tradition, people play practical jokes on 1 April.‎ ‎ 按传统风俗,在四月一号可以开恶作剧玩笑。‎ ‎ traditional culture / festival/ custom ‎59. traffic n.交通;贸易, 来往车辆 ( U) ‎ ‎★.heavy /light traffic 往来车辆多/不多 ★traffic lights / accident ‎ The traffic is busy / heavy today.‎ ‎60. train n. 火车 v.训练;教育 ★ on the slow train 在慢车上 ‎1)She trained for a year as a secretary. 她受过一年做护士的培训。‎ ‎ 2)He was trained as an engineer /in engineering.他受过当工程师的培训 ‎61. training n.训练;培养 ‎ 词型变换:trainer接受训练的人 trainee训练人或动物的人 ‎62. translate v.翻译;解释 n. translation translator ‎★translate sth (from sth) into sth be translated into ‎63. travel v.& n.旅行;游历 ‎ We traveled all over the country.我们遍游全国各地。‎ ‎64. traveller n.旅行者;旅游者 ‎65. treasure n.珍宝;宝藏 v. 珍惜,珍藏 ‎66. treat v.对待;视为, 款待,招待,治疗 n. treatment ‎ ‎★.treat…as… 把某事物视作,视某事物为 be treated as ‎◆ My friend treated me to nice dinner. ◆ It’s my treat . 我请客。‎ ‎67. tree n.树;树木 on the tree / in the tree ‎68. trip n. (短途) 旅行 ★take a trip 去旅行 ‎69. trouble v. & n.困难;麻烦 (不可数名词) ‎ ‎★be in trouble/ get into trouble 陷入困难中 ★(get) out of trouble 脱离困境 ‎ ★have trouble(in)doing sth/ with sth 做某方面有困难 ‎ ★look for trouble 自寻麻烦 ★ make/ cause trouble (for sb)制造麻烦 ‎ 1)What’s the trouble with….? 2) I’m sorry to trouble you, but……‎ ‎70. trousers n. 长裤;裤子 My trousers are worn out. a pair of ~‎ ‎71. truck n.卡车;货车 ‎72. true adj. 真实的;如实的 adv truly n. truth ‎ ‎★come true 实现 a true friend/ story ‎73. trust v.信任;信赖 ◆.trust in sb/sth 信任信赖 ‎74. truth n.真实;真实性, 真相 ‎ ‎★ tell the truth 说实话 ★to tell the truth / to be honest (放在句首)‎ ‎75. try v.设法;试图,尝试 n. 尝试 tries / tried ‎ ‎★ try on 试穿(某物) Try on the clothes before you buy them. ‎ ‎◆.try out 实验,尝试 Please try out, or you cannot take part in the match. ‎ ‎★try one’s best to do sth .竭尽所能做某事 ‎★try doing 试着做 ★try to do sth 尽量、努力去做 try veryhard to do ‎★take / have a try 试一试 ‎ ‎◆He has failed twice, but he will have a third try. 再试一次 ‎76. T-shirt n. T恤衫 ‎ ‎77. Tuesday n.星期二 on Tursday (morning, afternoon,evening)‎ ‎78. turn n.转动;轮流 ,轮次, 转折 v. 转动,转身,变化 ‎ ‎◆.take one’s turn to do/doing sth 轮流做某事 ★ in turn 轮流地 ‎ ★It’s one’s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事 ‎ ★.turn on/off 打开/关闭 ★turn up 调高,露面,出现 ‎ ‎★ turn down 拒绝,调低 ★.turn over 翻转 ★.turn back 转身 ‎★turn to 转向,翻到 ★ turn to sb. for help. 向…..求救 ‎★turn into / turn … into… 变成 ★turn + adj. (red….)‎ ‎79. twelfth n.第十二 my twelfth to visit the city ‎80. twelve num.十二;十二个 ‎81. twentieth第二十 ‎82. twenty num.二十;二十个 in one’s twenties ‎83. twice ad两次;两倍 ◆Think twice. 三思 ‎ 1)I have seen him twice. 2)I go the movies twice a month. ‎ ‎84. two num二;两个.‎ U ‎1. ugly adj. 讨厌的;丑的 (-ier, iest ) : an ugly face 一张难看的脸 ‎ ‎2. UK 英国 ‎3. umbrella n. 伞;保护伞:‎ ‎◆.put up / take down an umbrella 把伞张开/ 合起 ‎ ★take an umbrella with you 随身带把雨伞 ‎4. uncle n. 伯父;叔父 ,舅舅 an ~‎ ‎5. under prep. 在…下面;在…下方 (反)over ‎ ‎ ◆under discussion 在讨论中 children under 10 ‎ ‎6. underground adj.& adv. 在地面下的 n . 地铁 ‎★ take the underground ( US subway ) 乘地铁 ★by underground It’s usually quite convenient to take the underground to most places in Paris. ‎ ‎ ★ an underground parking lot ‎ ‎7. understand (understood, understood) v 理解. 明白,懂得,了解 (不用于进行时)‎ ‎◆.make oneself understood 使别人理解自己的意思 ‎◆ have a better understanding of … 更好地理解….. ‎ ‎8. unit n. 单位;单元: Unit One = the first unit This lesson is divided into four units. 这一课分为四个单元。‎ ‎9. university n.(综合性)大学 pl. universities ★ a university ‎★go to / enter / get into /attend university 上大学 ‎10. unless conj .除非;若不 主将从现时态 =if … not ‎ Unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy.‎ ‎11. until prep & conj ‎ ‎◆ “直到…时”:—肯定句中, 动词通常是延续性动词 Wait until the rain stops. 等到雨停了再说。‎ ‎★“直到。。。。。。才”: not …until ‎ Don’t go out until four. 在四点钟以前不要出去。‎ ‎12. up adv. & prep 在上方;向上,起身;……光, 完全地;全部 prep. 沿着:‎ ‎★ get up 起床 / stand up 站起来 ★ eat up 吃光 ★ use up 用光 ‎★up and down 上下地,往返地 :‎ ‎1)He uses the lift to go up and town. 他用电梯上上下下。‎ ‎2)He looked at me up and down. 他上下打量我。‎ ‎3)He was so excited that he jumped up and down. ‎ ‎◆ up to… 直到 up to now / then up to 100 ‎ ‎ 4) It’s up to you whether we will go there. 由你决定 ‎5).They walked up the road. 他们沿着那条路走去(走来)。‎ ‎13. upon prep 在…上 : ★.once upon a time. 从前 ‎ ‎14. upstairs adv. 往楼上;在楼上:(反)downstairs :‎ ‎★ go upstairs 上楼 live upstairs ◆ He lives in the room upstais.‎ ‎15. us pron.我们 (we的宾格) ‎ ‎16. use v. 使用: n 使用;用途:‎ ‎★ use up 用光,用完:‎ Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today. 别让昨天占用太多今天的时间。‎ ‎★ use… to do sth 用…做某事 We use keys to lock the door. ‎ ‎ ★be used to sth = be used for doing sth ‎ ★ be / get used to doing sth 习惯于 ★ used to do 以前常…‎ ‎★ make (good)use of 使用,利用 ‎ You must make good use of time, or you will regret.‎ ‎★put … to (good)use 加以使用:‎ ‎17. used adj. 1. 用过了的,二手的: ◆ a used car 旧汽车 ‎ ‎18. useful adj.可用的;有益的 (反)useless ‎ ‎★ a useful book 一本有用的书 ★ be useful to …‎ ‎19. usual adj.通常的;平常的 反:unusual ‎ It is usual for me to sit up late at night. 我通常是晚睡的。 ‎ ‎★ as usual 像往常一样: You are late as usual. ‎ ‎◆ than usual 比平常… He got up earlier than usual. ‎ ‎◆ an unusual woman 一个不同寻常的妇女 ‎20. usually adv. 通常地;平常地:‎ V ‎1. vacation n. 假期;节日:‎ ‎★ on vacation 在度假 ★ take have a vacation 度假 ‎2. value n.用处, 重要性, 价值 the value of sth ‎ v. 评价,评估,珍惜,重视 value the friendship between us adj.◆ valuable adj有 价值的;‎ ‎3. vegetable n .蔬菜: I grow vegetables in the garden. ‎ ‎4. very adv . 很;非常 ◆ very + adj. /adv. 原形 ‎★ .very much 非常(修饰动词) I like it very much. ‎ ‎5. victory n. 战胜;胜利 (复) -ries :‎ The school football team has had three victories this month against other schools ‎ ‎6. video n. 录像;录影 (复)-s :‎ watch/ make a music video 观看/ 制作音乐录象 ‎7. village n. 乡村;村庄 : .a village named Gum Tree 一个叫桉树的村庄 ‎ n villager 村人;村民 ‎8. violin n. 小提琴 : ★ play the violin 拉小提琴 ‎ n violinist 小提琴家 ‎ ‎9. visit v. 参观;拜访,游览 visit sb/ visit +地点 ‎ ‎★ on a visit to参观/访问 He was on a visit to the factory at that time.‎ ‎ 10. visitor n. 参观者;游客 There were many visitors today. ‎ ‎11. voice n .嗓音;说话声 , 语态(英语语法)‎ It’s too hard to understand the voices. 很能听懂他们说的话。‎ The girl has a sweet voice. ‎ ‎★ in a high/ low voice 高声地 in a loud voice 大声地 ‎ ‎◆ say in a weak voice. 低声地说 ◆ lose one’s voice. 嗓子哑了 ‎◆ at the top of one's voice 高声地 ‎12. volleyball n 排球 ★ play volleyball W ‎1. wait v .等候;等待: ‎ ‎★ 1. wait for… 等候… Who are you waiting for ? ‎ ‎★ wait for sb. to do sth :等某人做某事 ‎★ can’t wait to do 迫不及待地做某事 ‎★wait a minute / moment 稍等,等一下 ‎2. wake (woke woken ) v 醒, 醒来; 唤醒或弄醒某人 ★wake up ‎ ‎1)What time do you usually wake ( up ) in the morning ? ‎ ‎2)Try not to wake the baby (up) ? 别把孩子吵醒了。‎ ‎3. walk v. 走;行走 I walk to school. = I go to school on foot. ‎ n 1.) 行走;步 It is a long walk to the town. 到城里要走很长的路程。 ‎ ‎2.) 散步: Let's go for a walk. / have(talk ) a walk. 咱们去散散步吧! ‎ ‎3.) 步行距离: ★a 20-minute walk from here 从这里走20分钟的路程 ‎◆ walk the dog 遛狗 ‎3. wall n. 墙壁;围墙 ‎ ★ There is a map on the wall(墙表面上) ./ There are two doors in the wall.(在墙里)‎ ‎ ◆ The Great wall was built in ancient times.‎ ‎ The Green Great Wall is bult to protect the earth from the wind and sand.‎ ‎4. want v. 要,想要;想得到; 需要 ‎★ want to do ★want sb to do ◆ Sth want doing = to be done.‎ ‎ 1) The wall wants painting white = to be painted white.‎ ‎ 2) You are wanted on the phone. 有你的电话。‎ ‎ 3) He is wanted by the police. 他被警察通缉。‎ ‎5. war n .战争;冲突:‎ They are at war with the country . 他们与那个国家在交战。‎ ★ World War II = the Second World War 第二次世界大战。‎ ★ World War I broke out in 1918. ‎ ‎6. warm adj. 温暖的, 暖和的; 热烈的;亲切的:‎ ‎1) It is getting warmer day by day. 天气一天比一天暖和起来了。‎ ‎2) We received a warm welcome. 我们受到热烈的欢迎。 ‎ ‎◆warm-hearted 热心的 adv warmly 温暖地;热烈地 ‎7. wallet n 钱包 I saw a wallet lying on the ground and picked it up.‎ ‎8.warn v.& n. 警告;提醒 ‎ ‎★ warn sb not to do. =warn sb against doing sth ★ be warned not to do sth.‎ ‎★ warn that 从句 I warned him that it was dangerous. ‎ ‎9. wash v.& n. 洗;洗涤: pl. washes ‎1)Wash your hands before meals. 2)He washed the dishes. 他洗了盘子。‎ ‎3)The dress washes easily.‎ ‎★ do the/some washing ◆ a washing machine ‎ ‎10. waste v. 浪费;挥霍:‎ ‎★ waste time / money on sth / in doing sth ‎ n 1.) 浪费;滥用: It’s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪费时间。 ‎ ‎2.) 废料;废物 factory waste 工厂废弃物 ‎ adj 3).荒芜的 waste land 荒地 ‎ ‎ 4) 废弃的;不能用的 waste water 废水 ‎11. watch v .注视;看 n 手表 watches ‎★ watch a game 观看一场比赛 2. watch television 看电视 ‎ ‎ ★ watch out 小心 ★ watch sb. do / doing sth ◆ on watch 值班 ‎ ‎12. water n. 水;雨水(不可数名词) v 浇水 ‎◆ drinking water 饮用水 frsesh / salty water ★by water 乘船;由水路 ‎ ★water the flower 浇花 The flower must be watered twice a day.‎ ‎13. watermelon n. 西瓜:e.g.a slice of watermelon 一块西瓜 ‎14. way n. 1. 道;径, 方向;手段,方法 ‎1)This way, please. 请这边走。 2)Do it (in) this way. 照这样做。‎ ‎3)There are many ways to do (of doing) it. 做这件事有许多方法。‎ ‎4) This is the way (that / in which )he speaks 他说话的方式 ‎★ all the way 一路上 ★ by the way 顺便提起 ‎ ‎★ in a way 从某个观点 , 在某方面 ★in the (one’s) way(of…) 防碍,挡路 ‎ ‎★ on the (one’s) way to + 名词 / home / here /there 在途中 ‎★ the way to 去…的路 ★ the way to do sth/ of doing 做某事的方法 ‎★ in this way 这样,用这种办法 ‎15. we pron. 我们;咱们 ‎16. weak adj. 弱的;小的 (反: strong )‎ ‎◆ too weak to walk far 身体很虚弱不能走远道 ‎ ‎◆ be weak in 在某方面有欠缺 ◆ in a weak voice 用虚弱的声音 ‎17. wealth n .财富;充裕 (不可数名词) adj wealthy 富有的 ‎ I think health is above(= more important than) wealth.‎ ‎18. wear (wore, worn) v. 穿戴;蓄留 (状态)‎ ‎◆ wear out 穿坏 ◆be worn out 穿坏了, 精疲力竭 ‎18. weather n.天气;气象 (不可数名词)‎ ‎◆What’s the weather like today ? = How is the weather today? ‎ ‎◆What bad / fine /nice weather it is!‎ ‎ weather forecast 天气预报 ‎ ‎19. Wednesday n.星期三 :‎ ‎★on Wednesday 在星期三 ★ on Wednesday afternoon ‎20. week n. 星期 ;周 adj/ adv. weekly ‎.this/ last / next week There are 7 day s in a week.‎ ‎21. weekday n. 工作日: ‎ What did you do on weekdays ? 你工作日做什么?‎ ‎22. weekend n. 周末:‎ ‎.The office is closed at/ on the weekends. 这个办事处周末不办公。‎ ‎23. weigh v 称…重量, 重达 How much do you weigh ? ‎ n. weight 重力;重量: = What is your weight ? ‎ ‎ ★减肥 lose one’s weight ★ 增加体重 put on weight ‎24. welcome adj .欢迎;热情 v 欢迎 .a welcome guest ‎ ‎★ You are welcome.不用谢 ◆ Welcome to China ! ‎ ‎25. well (better best) ‎ adv 1.) 好;很好: He speaks English well. ‎ ‎ 2.) 顺利地;适当地:‎ ‎ .I hope everything goes well. 我希望每件事都进展得很顺利。 ‎ ‎3.) 很 I know him well. 我非常了解他。 ‎ ‎ adj(better best) 健康的 ‎ You look well. 你气色很好。 -- How are you? – I’m well.‎ ‎★as well 同样的,也 (放在肯定句句尾) He takes a walk after supper as well. ‎ ‎★ as well as 和… …同样的好, 和 He speaks English as well as I. 他英语讲得和我一样好。‎ I like English as well as maths.‎ ‎★ get on / along well with sb.‎ ‎26. west n 西,西方 adv. The birds flew west. 鸟朝西飞去。‎ ‎27. western adj. 西方的;在西方的:‎ the western United States 美国的西部 Western country 西方国家 ‎28. wet adj. (wetter / wettest ) 浸泡;湿的 wet clothes 湿衣服 ‎ He is wet all over. 他全身湿透了。‎ ‎29. whale n.鲸 ‎30. what pron. & adj. ‎ ‎1).什么 What is your name ? ‎ ‎2.) …的东西 、事物、话。。。。(宾语、主语从句中)‎ What he said is not true .你所说的话不真实。 ‎ ‎◆what…for ? = why为何 What did you go there for ?‎ ‎◆ what if… ? 如果…该怎么办?:What if I don’t know anyone ? ‎ ‎ ★ What about = How about + N. / pron / doing? ‎ ‎ ★ 感叹句: What a / an +adj. + 可数名词单数 (+ 主语+ 谓语)!‎ ‎ What + adj. + 可数名词复数 / 不可数名词 (+ 主语+ 谓语)!‎ ‎ ◆ What is the population of China?‎ ‎ ◆ What do you do = What are you? 你做什么工作的?‎ ‎ ◆What’s the date? ◆What day is it today? ◆What’s the time?‎ ‎31. whatever conj & pron不管什么 Whatever happens, I will go. = No matter what happens, I will go.‎ ‎32. wheel n轮;机轮: A bicycle has two wheels. 自行车有两个车轮。‎ ‎33. when conj 当…时; adv. 什么时候 ; 就在这时 ‎1) When I was a boy, I was weak. 当我小的时候,身体不好。 ‎ ‎2) When will he arrive ? 他什么时候会到?‎ ‎★ be about to do when + 句子 正打算做某事就在这时。。。。。‎ ‎ I was about to go when the telephone rang.‎ ‎★ was / were doing when + 句子 正在做……就在这时…….‎ ‎ I was watching Tc when there was a knock on the door.‎ ‎34.whenever conj. 无论什么时候 = no matter when ‎ You may come whenever youlike. 你无论什么时候来都可以.。‎ ‎35. where adv 1. 在哪里;到哪里 Where do you live ? 你住哪里?‎ ‎ 2. 在…的地方 I like places where the weather is always warm. ‎ ‎36. whether conj. 是否 介词 + whether ‎1). I asked him whether (= if)he would come. 我问他是否要来。‎ ‎★ whether …or… 是….还是, 不是…..就是….., 不管….还是….‎ ‎2) Please tell me whether to go or stay. 告诉我是去还是留。‎ ‎3)He will go there whether on Sunday or Saturday.‎ ‎4)Whether he drives or takes the train, he will be on time.‎ ‎★whether … or not… 是否 5) Whether it is fine or not, I must go.‎ ‎37. which adj, pron. ‎ ‎1) 哪一个;哪一些 :2) 引导定语从句,先行词是sth. ★ 介词+ which the book which I like best 我最喜欢的那本书 ‎38. while conj 1. 当…时2. 但是, 而 n 一会儿:‎ ‎1) While he was eating, I asked him to lend me $2. ‎ ‎2) I was cooking while he was reading. ‎ ‎3) You like tennis, while I'd rather read. 你爱打网球,但我爱看书。‎ ‎◆ .after a while 过了一会儿 ◆for a while ‎39. white adj 白色的;雪白的: n 白色 as white as snow ‎40. who pron. 谁;什么人 ‎41. whole ‎ adj 1) 整个的 They told me the whole story. 他们给我讲了整个的故事。‎ ‎2.)全部的 the whole truth 全部真相 ‎42. whom pron.谁:‎ ‎(who 的宾格,在口语中常用 who 代替)介词+ whom the man with whom she talked 跟她说话的那个人 ‎42.whose adj, pron 谁的 Whose bicycle is this? = Whose is this bicycle?这是谁的自行车? ‎ 引导定语从句: the man whose house was burned down ‎ ‎43. why ‎ Do you know why he was late? 你知道他为什么迟到吗?‎ ‎ ◆ Why not do …? = Why don’t you / we do…? 为什么不做…..?‎ ‎44. wide adj ‎ ‎1)宽的: three meters wide 3米宽 ‎ ‎◆ a three- meter –wide road 一条三米宽的马路 ‎2.) 广阔的;广泛的: ‎ wide interests 广泛的兴趣wide knowledge 广博的知识 ‎ ◆ adv. widely Chinese is widely used / used widely all over the world.‎ ‎44. wife n. 妻子;妇人 (wives )‎ ‎45. wild adj. 野生的, 野蛮的,荒凉的 ‎ wild animals 野生动物 wild flowers 野花 wild hills 荒山 ‎46. will (would) modal will not = won’t v. .将要,将会 They say that it will rain. 他们说要下雨。‎ ‎47. win -- won, won / winning 获胜,赢 n. winner 获胜者,赢家 Who won the race ? I won but David came second.‎ 谁在赛跑中获胜了?我获胜了,不过大卫跑第二。 ‎ ◆ win a prize 得奖。‎ ‎48. wind n. 风 ‎ ‎1) A cold wind blew from northwest. 冷风从西北方向吹来。‎ ‎2) What a strong wind! 3) The wind is blowing strongly.‎ ‎49. windy adj. 多风的;大风的 .It is windy today. 今天多风。‎ ‎50. window n. 窗;窗户 ‎1) Please shut /close the window. 请关上窗户。‎ ‎ 2) The rain was beating against the windows. 雨敲打着窗户。‎ ‎ 3) Sunlight came into the room through the bright window ‎51. wine n. 葡萄酒;果酒: ‎ Wine is made from grapes .这水果酒是由葡萄制成的。‎ ‎52. wing n. 翅;翼: The bird spread its wings. 那鸟展开它的翅膀。‎ ‎53. winner n 得胜者: e.g.Who was the winner ? 谁是胜利者?‎ ‎54. winter n. 冬天;冬季:‎ ‎1). I often ski in winter. 冬天时我经常滑雪。‎ ‎2). There was heavy snow in the winter of 2010.‎ ‎3.) On a cold winter afternoon he met his old friend. ‎ ‎55. wise adj. 聪明的;有智慧的 ‎◆ It is wise of you to do sth. ◆ Reading makes a man wise. 读书明智 ‎★ wisely adv. 明智地,智慧地 ‎56. wish V. & n. wishes 希望,愿望 ‎★ wish sb. / sth + n./ adj. ‎ ‎1) I wish you a very happy future. 祝你一生幸福。‎ ‎ 2) Wish you happy.‎ ‎ ★ wish to do / wish sb. to do / wish + 句子 ‎3) When do you wish to leave? ‎ ‎4) He has a wish to see the world 想到世界各地看看的愿望 ‎ ‎ ◆ . Best wishes (to you). ★ make a wish 许愿 ‎57. with prep.‎ ‎1.)同, 与, 和, 跟: talk with a friend ‎ ‎2.) [说明表示动作的词, 表示伴随] 随着, 和...同时:‎ change with the temperature 随着温度而变化 ‎ ‎3.) [表示使用的工具, 手段]用 cut meat with a knife ‎ ‎4. ) 具有; 带有; 加上; 包括...在内: ‎ tea with sugar 加糖的茶水 a country with a long history 历史悠久的国家 ‎ ‎5.) [表示随身携带]在...身边: Take an umbrella with you. 随身带把伞去。‎ ‎6.) [表示伴随关系]: sleep with the window open开着窗睡觉 ‎58. without prep. 没有,不 ‎ ‎1) He went out without a coat 没穿大衣出去 ‎ ‎2) He went away without saying goodbye. 他不辞而别。‎ ‎59. woman n 成年女子;妇女 pl. women ‎★ on Women’s Day 在妇女节 ★ a woman teacher / many women teachers ‎ ‎60. wonder ‎ ‎1) n. 惊奇, 惊叹; 奇观;壮举;‎ ‎◆ .(It's) no wonder 难怪;并不奇怪;当然:‎ No wonder he is not hungry; he has been eating sweets all day. ‎ ‎2) v觉得奇怪,惊奇; 纳闷, 想知道 I wonder why James is always late for school.‎ ‎61. wonderful adj. 非凡的;奇异的, 棒极了 ‎◆ What wonderful news! 多么好的消息!‎ ‎★ have a wonerful time 过得愉快 ‎ What a wonderful time I had!‎ ‎62. wood n. 木, 木头 (不可数名词) ;树林(常用复数)◆chop wood 劈柴 ‎1) The chair is made of wood. 这个椅子是由木头做的。‎ ‎2)He went for a walk in the woods. 他到树林里去散步。‎ ‎63. wooden adj.木制的;木头似的:‎ The room is full of wooden furniture. 那个房间挤满了木制家具。‎ ‎64. word n. 词;单词 ;话,言语;消息; 承诺 ‎1)Tell me in your own words. 用你自己的话告诉我。‎ ‎2)No word has come . 还没有消息传来。‎ ‎3) The boy kept his word. 那孩子信守诺言。‎ ‎ ★ in a word 总之,一句话 in another word 换句话 ‎ ★ have a word with 与…..谈话….. ★ keep one’s word 遵守诺言 ‎65. work adj. hard-working 勤劳的 ‎ v. .工作, 奏效,起作用,运转 ‎1)They work from morning till night. 他们从早到晚工作。.‎ ‎2)He works for a publishing company. 他在出版社服务。‎ ‎3)My watch doesn’t work. 我的表坏了。‎ ‎4)The shampoo worked really well. 那个洗发水真的很好用。 ‎ ‎★ .work out 解答,计算出 ,解决,制定 ‎5)Though we thought it over, we still couldn’t work it out.‎ ‎★ .work hard at努力学习… study hard ‎6)As a student, we must work hard at all the subjects .‎ ‎★ work as….(guide)当….. (导游)‎ n 工作 (不可数名词), 作品 ‎7)Few people like hard work. 很少人喜欢粗重的工作。‎ ‎8).the works of Shakerspeare 莎士比亚的作品 ‎ ‎◆ at work 在工作 ◆ out of work 失业 ‎66. worker n. 工人;工作者: a factory worker 工厂工人 ‎67. world n. 世界, 世人,。。。。界 ‎★ all over the world = across the world = around the world. ‎ ‎★ in the world ◆ .the scientific world 科学界 ‎1) The whole world knows about it. 全世界都知道这件事。‎ ‎2) We are trying to build a better world.‎ ‎68. worry v .& n. 担心;忧虎:adj worried 发愁的, 担忧的,焦虑的 Don’t worry if you can’t finish it. 你做不完也不必担心。‎ ‎★ worry about 担心;烦恼: Don’t worry about that thing. ‎ ‎★ .be worried about … 为。。。。。。担心。 ‎ ‎69. worse / worst ill / bad , badly 的比较级、最高级 ‎70. worth adj 1.‎ ‎1) 值…钱. . Our house is worth about 60 000 pounds. ‎ ‎ 2). 值得(做某事) ★ be worth doing sth.‎ The book is worth reading.= It is worth reading the book. ‎ ‎71. would modal v ‎1) 用于礼貌的请求 Would you (please) tell me the way ? 可否请教你告诉我怎么走?‎ ‎2)(will 的过去式) 常用于主句谓语动词是过去时态的宾语从句中 He said that he would go. 他说他要过去。 ‎ ‎★ .would like 想要 ★ would rather (not) do 宁愿(不)做 ‎72. wound n. 伤;创伤 v 伤;创伤 ‎73. write (wrote, written) v. 写;书写 ‎1)He sometimes writes for newspapers. 他偶尔替报社写文章。‎ ‎ 2)I’ll write you a letter. = I’ll write a letter to you. = I’ll write to you.‎ ‎3)The book was written in French. 这本书是用法语写的。‎ ‎★ write down 记下;写下 write to… 写信给…‎ ‎74. writer n. 作者,作家 ‎75.wrong adj .错的;不合适的:‎ ‎1). He took the wrong train. 他搭错了火车。‎ ‎★2). Something is wrong with my bike. 我的自行车坏了?‎ ‎★3)What’s wrong with you ? 你怎么了? ★4)Is there anything wrong with me?‎ X X-ray n. X光;X射线 an X-ray ‎ Y ‎1. yard n .码(长度单位), 庭院,院子, 场地 ‎2. year n. 年 adj. / adv yearly ‎ ‎★last / this / next year 去年 ★ the year after next 后年 ‎★ the year before last 前年 ◆year after year 逐年;一年又一年地;年年, 每年 ‎ ‎◆ all the year round 整年,全年 ‎ ◆ for years很长时间 表时间段,与完成时连用 ‎ ‎◆ over the years 进年来, 这几年来 表时间段,与完成时连用 ‎ ‎ He’s made some great movies over the years. ‎ ‎★ in recent years 进年来 表时间段,与完成时连用 ‎ ‎ We've made great progress in recent years.‎ ‎★ in the last / past few years 在过去的几年里 表时间段,与完成时连用 ‎ ‎ My life has changed a lot in the last few years. ‎ ‎★ a fifteen-year-old boy fifteen- year-olds 十五岁的孩子们 ‎ ‎3. yellow adj.黄的;蛋黄色的 ‎4. yes adv.是;是的 ‎ ‎5. yesterday n. & adv. 在昨天;在昨日 ‎ ‎★the day before yesterday 前天 ★ yesterday morning 昨天早晨 ‎★ yesterday’s news ‎6. yet adv.还 , 仍然 ◆ 用于现在完成时否定和问句句尾 .‎ ‎★ not yet 尚未, 还没有 -- Have you finished reading the book?—Not yeat.‎ ‎7. you pron. 你;你们 ‎ ‎◆ between you and me 咱俩私下说; 不向外人讲 ‎ ◆ 几个人称代词作主语的顺序: you, he and I / we, you and they ‎8. young adj.年轻的;幼小的 ‎ ‎◆Young Pioneer 少先队员 ◆ the young youth n. 年轻人 ‎ ‎9. your pron.你的;你们的 ‎10. yourself pron.你亲自;你本人 pl. yourfelves ‎ ‎★ Help yourself to some fish, Judy. 请随意吃点鱼。‎ ‎ Help yurselves, boys.‎ ‎ ‎ Z ‎1. zebra n.斑马;‎ ‎2. zero n. & num 零;零数. ‎ ‎3. zoo n. 动物园 pl. zoos There are four zoos in in this city. ‎

