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词形转换专练(用所给的词的正确形式填空)‎ 在初中阶段,词型转换是教与学的重点、难点之一,也是中考的必考题型。许多学生认为难以掌握,其实只要弄清它的规律,就容易得多了。下面,我们就来总结一下这种题型的规律: ‎ 一、名词: ‎ ‎1.How many ____ ____ do you have?(subject) ‎ ‎2. ____ ____parents call the bird Polly.(Lucy and Lily) ‎ ‎3.It will be ____ ____ tom orrow.(sun) ‎ ‎4.He writes ____ ____ .(care) ‎ 二、形容词: ‎ ‎1.He is ____ ____ than I.(tall) ‎ ‎2.She is ____ ____ girl in her class.(strong) ‎ ‎3.He ____ ____ passed his stick on tothe fourth runner.(quick) ‎ ‎4.There will be a heavy ____ ____ tomorrow.(snowy) ‎ 三、副词: ‎ ‎1.He ran ____ ____ than any of theother boys in his class.(fast) ‎ ‎2.He jum ps ____ ____ of all the boys.(far) ‎ ‎3.This problem is very easy,please give me a ____ ____ answer.(quickly) ‎ ‎4.Lucy,please take good ____ ____ of your younger sister.(carefully) ‎ 四、动词: ‎ ‎1.He often ____ ____ the classroom on Sunday.(clean) ‎ ‎2.Jim ____ ____ cards with his friends now.(play) ‎ ‎3.If it____(not rain)tomorrow ,I_______(visit)the Summer Palace. ‎ ‎4.Yesterday he_____(tell)me the earth______(move)around the sun. ‎ ‎5.Kate ____ ____ an English book at ten yesterday.(read) ‎ ‎6.I ____ ____ you ____ ____ a long time.(not see) ‎ ‎7.You'd better not ____ ____ there by bike.(go) ‎ ‎8.I'm very tired,we'd better stop _____a rest.(have) ‎ ‎9.He enjoyed ____ ____ in the country.(live) ‎ ‎10.Jim is his ____ ____ name.(give) ‎ ‎11.He is a ____ ____ .(visit) ‎ ‎12.My bike is ____ ____ .(break) ‎ 五、数词: ‎ ‎1.Take the ____ ____ turning on the left.(two) ‎ ‎2.Please read Part ____ ____ .(first) ‎ 六、代词: ‎ ‎1.This is ____ ____ pen(I),and that's_____.(her) ‎ ‎2.Please put ____ over there.(they) ‎ ‎3. ____ ____are all the students in our school.(their)‎ 常用构词法:‎ ‎1、动词®名词 work®worker invent®inventor teach®teacher sing®singer visit®visitor drive®driver invent®invention operate®operation ‎2、名词®名词 farm®farmer police®policeman French®Frenchman ‎3、名词®形容词 care®careful use®useful sun®sunny cloud®cloudy wind®windy rain®rainy America®American China®Chinese interest®interesting difference®different ice®icy ‎4、形容词®副词 quick®quickly happy®happily possible®possibly true®truly polite®politely wide®widely ‎5、形容词®反义词 happy®unhappy usual®unusualable®unable 词尾变化表 形式 词尾 动词 名词复数 形、副 比较级 形、副 最高级 原形 现在三单 现在分词 过去式 过去分词 一 般 work works working worked worked book(s)‎ new(er)‎ new(est)‎ 以o,s,x,sh,ch结尾 go wash goes washes going washing went washed gone washed bus(es)‎ tomato(es)‎ 一个辅音 结尾重读 开音节 stop stops stopping stopped stopped son(s)‎ big(ger)‎ big(gest)‎ 辅音字母加y结尾 worry worries worrying worried worried baby babies happy happier happiest 不发音e 结尾 live lives living lived lived bikes nice(r)‎ nice(rst)‎ 不 规 则 have-has die-dying,‎ lie-lying 记住第六册 不规则动词表 另记不规则表 长形容词前加more 长形容词前加most 不规则变化另记 五)写出下列单词的反义词:‎ A)‎ ‎1. yes 2. this 3. those 4. empty 5. light 6. big     7. old   8. new 9. long 10. tall 11. here 12 come    13. black 14. cheap 15. early 16. then 17. boy 18. woman  19. girl 20. good 21. father 22. brother 23. much 24. teach    25. love 26. foolish 27. danger 28. dangerous 29. birth ‎30. begin 31. sell 32. high 33. same 34. wet 35. loud   36. thin 37. thick 38. free 39. many 40. nearest 41. pull    42. wrong 43. left 44. slow 45. stop 46. laugh 47. after   48. easy 49. usual 50. lucky 51. without 52. poor 53. open   54. borrow 55. weak 56. dirty 57. remember ‎ ‎ 58. above ‎59. always 60. ask B) ‎ wake fall give close lose wide bright soft bad ill near cold warm back last over inside in off down quickly ahead hot unimportant often interesting south start stand first night expensive much better best careful hopeful before cloudy happy east land whole dead die ‎ deep cover able helpful dark lucky possible true upstairs usual weak beginning morning leave win ‎(六)写出下列形容词的副词形式:‎ certain easy heavy new good beautiful careful quick real slow strong usual warm bad bright clear loud lucky noisy polite possible quiet safe terrible happy wide wonderful ‎(七)写出下列名词的形容词形式:‎ China colour difference Japan goodness love orange care cleaner cloud danger health hunger rain darkness south sun wind anger fame fool importance luck noise north wool friend ‎ ‎(八)用所给的单词的适当形式填空:‎ 1. He answered the question and the teacher was _____________(please)‎ 2. Li Lei caught up with the others and __________ the race.(one的同音词)‎ 3. ‎_________it doesn’t rain today. (luck)‎ 4. Lily did ________ of all. (best的反义词)‎ 5. Tom is a little _______ than Jack, but he is just as ________ as Jack. (thin, strong)‎ 6. I think Chinese is as __________ as maths. (importance)‎ 7. Those two problem are both _______, but this one is __________.(difficult)‎ 8. This book is ___________of all. (easy)‎ 9. It’s about twenty _________walk. (minute)‎ 10. He ate a ___________breakfast and went to work.(fast的同义词)‎ 11. Lin Tao ran past Wu Peng and became the _________. (win)‎ 12. Li Ming came here __________than his parents. (early)‎ 13. The ___________over there look nice.(one)‎ 14. The people here are ________than you think.(friend)‎ 15. I think English is a ___________subject. (use)‎ 16. He was just falling _________ when there was a loud knock at the door.(sleep)‎ 17. It’s _________, isn’t it?(sun)‎ 18. Both of __________have already gone to the cinema. ( they)‎ 19. My brother is one of the best _______in our school.(run)‎ 20. They listened to the teacher _________in class.(careful)‎ 21. This is a very _________dictionary for the Chinese students.(use)‎ 22. The girls enjoyed ________ at the party last night.( they)‎ 23. It is ______today.(cloud)‎ 24. We can’t live ________ air. (with的反义词)‎ 25. I think maths is as __________as English.(interest)‎ 26. How _______ the monkey climbed the tall tree! (quick)‎ 27. He is one of the hardest ________ in our school.(student)‎ 1. Is this picture _________than that one? (beautiful)‎ 2. The _________building on the left is the Children’s Hospital.(two)‎ 3. There are several _________of animal on the farm. (kind)‎ 4. My sister is much _________than I am. ( young)‎ 5. They make many kinds of _________ things in that factory. (use)‎ 6. Don’t touch the machines. They are _________(safe的反义词)‎ 7. The ______month of the year is September. (nine)‎ 8. The little girl is too young. She is only five. She can’t take care of __________(she).‎ 9. She said she was much _________(good) than before.‎ 10. No one _________(know) what they fought about.‎ 11. Do you brush your _________(tooth) every evening?‎ 12. Let me _________(hear)what you have to say.‎ 13. Nothing could make ________(I)turn against(背叛)my country.‎ 14. Tuesday is the __________(three) day of the week.‎ 15. The young man is the _________(win)of the game.‎ 16. Look! How _____________(wonderful) she is dancing!‎ 17. Some _________ (Frenchman) will visit our school tomorrow.‎ 18. Do you ________(forget的反义词)‎ 19. There are two _________(knife)and two ____________(dictionary) on the teachers’ desk.‎ 20. The camel(骆驼)had lost a __________(teeth), because wherever he ate grass, there was always a small space left untouched.‎ 21. My birthday party _________(start) at six o’clock tomorrow evening. Can you __________(come).‎ 22. I _________(meet) Jim on my way to school yesterday morning. He _______(ask) me to __________(go) to his birthday party.‎ 23. Li Ping is so careless that he often __________ some mistakes in his homework.(make)‎ 24. Mr Smith and Mr Brown are both _________ (boss)of the factory.‎ 25. Look! The sun is _________ in the east.‎ 26. The ship ________(sink) to the bottom of the sea in April 1912.‎ 27. When the policeman came, we had already caught three ________(thief)‎ 28. It was not easy for the poor to find a _______ in the old days.(work同义词)‎ 29. Are you __________in music?(interest)‎ 30. ‎“How many ______ did you buy yesterday?” asked the teacher.(copy)‎ 31. The years have passed since his grandfather ________(die).‎ 32. The mother showed her _________ to the PLA man because he had saved her son.(thank)‎ 33. My father took lots of __________ at the seaside last summer holiday. (photo)‎ 34. The teacher told us to speak a little __________(loud).‎ 35. His shirt is clean but his brother’s is ___________.(clean的反义词)‎ 36. Of the three meetings, this meeting is the ___________(important).‎ 37. Joan has a lot of friends. Two of them are __________(American), the others are _____________(Japan).‎ 38. Dong Dong has _______(make) many model planes since he went to middle school.‎ 39. I asked him if he could pronounce every sound __________(correct).‎ 40. If you work harder, your ___________(pronounce) will be much better.‎ 41. The __________(eight) Route Army(八路军)came from the front.‎ 42. The English speak English, the Americans ________speak English.(too的同义词)‎ 43. He has many Japanese Friends. They’re very _________(friend).‎ 44. He asked whether your parents had _________(buy) a pair of __________(boot) for you.‎ 45. He asked if you had __________(write) to John.‎ 1. ‎________(leaf) are falling from the trees now.‎ 2. The Christmas lights are shining ___________. (bright)‎ 3. You look ___________(worry).‎ 4. The little boy is so young that he can’t take care of __________(he).‎ 5. January is the __________month of the year. (one)‎ 6. Take the medicine three times a day and you’ll get ____________soon.(good)‎ 7. After a long journey, he came home ____________.(safe)‎ 8. He came in __________being asked. (with的反义词)‎ 9. Help _________(you) to some cakes, boys and girls.‎ 10. The __________look very nice. (bike)‎ 11. This watch is much _________(new) than that one.‎ 12. Thank you for __________ us so well. (teach)‎ 13. Fish can’t live __________water. (with的反义词)‎ 14. It’s ___________today, isn’t it? (rain)‎ 15. She lives on the ___________(twelve) floor.‎ 16. She loves her students and they love ________(she).‎ 17. Our teacher is very _________ to everybody. (friend)‎ 18. The fat man bought ________a lot of good things. (he)‎ 19. September is the __________month of the year. (nine)‎ 20. He runs much __________ than his brother. (fast)‎ 21. It is one of the __________parks in Beijing. (beautiful)‎ 22. Who did _________, Lucy, Meimei or Lily? (bad)‎ 23. This lesson is the _________ in Book Three. (interesting)‎ 24. Li Lei climbs ________ than Jim. But he comes down __________than Jim.(high)‎ 25. Help yourself to some ___________(much) meat, please.‎ 26. Is your mother __________ today than yesterday? No. She is a little _________.(well, bad)‎ 27. He eats much __________than his brother.(much)‎ 28. Han Meimei speak English __________than any other student in her class. (well)‎ 29. This _________(wool) sweater is very expensive.‎ 30. I drink ________(much) tea than coffee.‎ 31. We always make __________(friend) with each other.‎ 32. Ann is singing _________(happy).‎ 33. Today is September the ________(nine).‎ 34. You’d better _________(stay) at home.‎ 35. What about _________(go) out for a walk?‎ 36. The _________(dance) dances best of the three.‎ 37. December is the ________(twelve) month of the year.‎ 38. Our teacher is very _________(friend) to every student.‎ 39. Let’s do some __________(clean).‎ 40. He will finish ___________(read) the story next week.‎ 41. By the end of last night, the young doctor had saved more than three people’s ________(life).‎ 42. You should try your _________(good) to finish the work.‎ 43. Our English teacher is quite _________(help) to us.‎ 44. When he saw me he was very __________(please).‎ 45. He ran so __________(quick) that no one could catch up with him.‎ 46. Some of the girls were busy _________(make) paper flowers.‎ 47. Tom draws ____________(good).‎ 1. It’s raining __________(heavy) now.‎ 2. At last the __________(thank) granny took the boy’s seat.‎ 3. Tom doesn’t often do his homework as _________as Mary. (care)‎ 4. The lost boy was __________by a policeman at the railway station. (find)‎ 5. I don’t think any of the TV program is ___________.(enjoy)‎ 6. Our teacher is a man of great ___________. (know)‎ 7. Edison‎ was a great American __________.(invent)‎ 8. He has become ________in climbing mountains. He think it is an ______sport.(interest)‎ 9. Yesterday he told me a piece of ___________news. I was very much _________at it.(surprise)‎ 10. As soon as he lay down, he fell ___________.(sleep)‎ 11. Look! How __________she is writing! (care)‎ 12. ‎“Help __________ to some pork, children,” said my mother. (you)‎ 13. The _________are all from Class 5.(play)‎ 14. We got the best presents __________.(luck)‎ 15. I can’t read in the _________(noise) room.‎ 16. I’ve got several books, but I don’t know which is _____________.(interesting)‎ 17. Remember _________the book to him when he comes back. (give)‎ 18. He is really __________ if he wants to do such a thing. (fool)‎ 19. Miss Hu is a __________ (clean). She is weeping the floor now.‎ 20. You must be _________(care) next time.‎ 21. The twins have a little small __________(different).‎ 22. This is __________(hard) test I ever have.‎ 23. John turned round and looked at him in __________. (surprised)‎ 24. I’m ___________ to you for giving me the present. (thank)‎ 25. The _________bag of rice is lying in middle of the road. (break)‎ 26. Stop __________the bottle with water. It’s full. (fill)‎ 27. Her children are not old enough to look after ________.(they)‎ 28. He has never met a __________from foreign countries. (travel)‎ 29. When I saw him last year, he was much __________.(fat)‎ 30. Sarah ___________(bear) in 1921 and __________(dead) in 1985.‎ 31. One day Tom’s father saw him ___________on some eggs.‎ 32. With the help of Edison, the doctor ___________ see clearly.(able)‎ 33. Last month his father _________an operation on his eye. (have)‎ 34. Lucy said her radio __________.(break)‎ 35. I’m _______sorry about my mistake. (true)‎ 36. Mrs Green likes to stay ________ in the same place. (safe)‎

