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北京市东城区2005年中考英语二模试题 第 Ⅰ 卷 (机读卷,共78分)‎ 第一部分  听力(24分)‎ ‎  一、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(每个对话和对话后的问题朗读两遍,共6分,每小题1分)   1. A. Lucy's breakfast.       B. Lucy's interests.        C. Lucy's family.   2. A. A farmer.          B. A teacher.         C. A doctor.   3. A. Go shopping.         B. Go swimming.        C. Go for a picnic.   4. A. On a bus.          B. In the office.         C. At home.   5. A. Jim is good at English.      B. Jim is good at math.      C. Jim is good at chemistry. ‎ ‎  6. A. Bob will be on time.      B. Bob won't be on time.      C. Nobody will be on time.   二、听对话或短文,然后选择正确答案,回答提出的问题。对话或短文朗读两遍。(共18分,每小题1.5分)   请听第7段材料,回答第7、8、9小题。   7. What can we learn about the girl?   A. She can't go to see the film.   B. She doesn' t like the new movie.   C. She works part-time.   8. How much will she pay for the film ticket?   A. Two dollars.     B. Two dollars fifty.      C. Three dollars.   9. What's the new movie about?   A. A two-year-old nice little boy.   B. A nurse.   C. The mother of a little baby boy.   请听第8段材料,回答第10、11、12小题。   10. What is Tom going to do?   A. Do sports.      B. Go fishing.     ‎ ‎  C. Visit a museum.   11. What are the two people mainly talking about?   A. The coming vacation      B. The moon.      C. The beautiful beach.   12. When did the girl move to the new house?   A. Six years ago.      B. Six months ago.        C. Six weeks ago.   请听第9段材料,回答第13、14、15小题。   13. What are the students going to do tomorrow?   A. Take an exam.     B. Visit a beautiful museum.    C. Have a sports meeting.   14. When will the bus leave the park?   A. At 2:00.        B. At 4:00.        C. At 10:30.   15. Where are they going to have their lunch?   A. At school.      B. At the foot of the hill.     C. At the top of the hill. ‎ ‎  请听第10段材料,回答第16、17、18小题。   16. Where will the students have their class?   A. In Room 311.        B. In Room 2000.        C. In Room 450.   17. What can we learn from the passage?   A. The students will take four big exams for the course.   B. The students will use the computer centre once every other week.   C. The students won't be able to get the book until the day after tomorrow.   18. How many hours will the students have for the course(课程) each week?   A. An hour and a half.      B. Two hours.        C. Three hours.‎ 第二部分  笔试(54分)‎ ‎  三、语言知识运用(1)   (一)单项填空(共20分,每小题1分)   从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。   19. I'm afraid this one is too expensive. Please show me a ____ one.   A. cheap    ‎ ‎  B. cheaper      C. cheapest       D. the cheaper   20. We've had two English lessons since this morning. And _____ they.   A. so did       B. so have      C. neither did      D. neither have   21. More trees ____ so that the city will be more beautiful.   A. must plant     B. can plant     C. must be planted     D. can be planted   22.He knew _____ to pass the exam.   A. what he would have to do        B. how he would have to do   C. what would he have to do        D. how would he have to do   23. The teacher often tells the noisy boy ____ quiet in class.   A. to keep      B. keep        C. keeping     ‎ ‎  D. keeps   24. The famous writer is writing a book _____ Chinese history.   A. on        B. in        C. at        D. with   25. Do you mind _____ the radio a little bit? I'm doing my homework.   A. turning on     B. turning down     C. turning off      D. turning up   26. The problem is getting serious. There is _____ we can do about it.   A. little       B. a little       C. a few        D. few   27. -- _____ do you listen to Radio English?     --Every day.   A. How many      B. How often     C. How much    ‎ ‎  D. How long   28. Twenty people _______ since the factory was closed.   A. had left     B. left       C. leave      D. have left   29. Beidaihe is four ____ train ride from here.   A. hours       B. hours'       C. hour's       D. hour   30. Do you know that China has ____ population in the world?   A. largest      B. larger       C. the largest      D. large   31. This is my book. ____ is over there.   A. He        B. Him        C. Her        D. Hers   32. What a fine day! He feels like ____ out for a ‎ walk.   A. go       B. to go      C. going      D. goes   33. --May I see Mr Smith?     --Sorry,he ____ a meeting.   A. has        B. is having      C. had        D. will have   34. --Have you seen the sign? Smoking ____ here.     --I'm terribly sorry.   A. isn't allowed     B. aren't allowed     C. allows       D. allowed   35. If it ___ rain,I'll go.   A. doesn't      B. won't       C. don't       D. isn't   36. My watch doesn't ____ Can you mend it for ‎ me?   A. move       B. do        C. work       D. use   37. There are several pens here. You may use ____ one you like.   A. any        B. some        C. every        D. either   38. --Did you enjoy yourself at the party?     --No,there was ____ interesting at the party.   A. something      B. nothing       C. everything      D. anything   (二)完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)   通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。    Herman and I locked our store. It was 11: 00 p.m. Christmas Eve. We had  39  almost all the toys except one. Someone had put a dollar down on the toy and never returned. so we  40  it on the layaway(待付清货款商品) ‎ shelf.   Early Christmas morning, we and our twelve-year-old son, Tom  41  our presents. But I'll tell you,there was something dull about this Christmas. After breakfast,Tom  42  to visit his friend next door. Herman went back to sleep because there was nothing left to stay up for. So there I was  43  There was a strange feeling,which seemed to be telling me to go to the store. I looked at the icy road outside and tried to  44  the idea but the feeling was getting  45 . Finally,I got dressed. Outside,the wind  46  fight through me and I made my way to the store. In front stood two hoys. “see,I told you she would come. me older boy said. ”What are you two doing out here. I asked. “You should be at home  47  a day like this.”They were both  48  dressed without hats and gloves. “We've been waiting for you,”replied the older boy. “My little brother didn' t get any Christmas present. We want to buy some skates with these three dollars.”“But we have no...”I said. Then I saw the layaway shelf. I walked over and opened the package and there was a pair of skates! Oh,my God. Let them  49  his size. To our joy ,they were. The older boy gave me the money. “No,I want you to  50  these skates,and I want you to get some gloves with the money. ”I said. Then what I saw in their eyes was pure joy when they understood I was giving them the skates.   39. A. sold      B. moved      C. had        D. made   40. A. found     B. put       C. carried     D. forgot   41. A. bought     B. received    C. opened       D. found   42. A. drove     B. got       C. remembered    D. left ‎ ‎  43. A. alone     B. afraid     C. awake       D. asleep   44. A. give back   B. give up    C. get out      D. get off   45. A. stronger    B. bigger     C. clearer      D. greater   46. A. flew      B. went       C. passed      D. cut   47. A. at       B. in        C. on         D. of   48. A. poorly     B. well       C. carefully    D. brightly   49. A. take      B. be       C. make        D. fit   50. A. have      B. get       C. hold        D. use   四、阅读理解(共22分,每小题2分)   阅读下面A、B、C三篇短文。根据短文内容从每题所给的四个选项中选择最佳选项。‎ ‎(A)‎ ‎  Tom is a very popular young man. He has many friends. Here are four replies he has written to four different invitations he has received from four different people.‎ Jim,   I can't meet you at 6 P.M. tonight because I won't finish work until 5:45. What about 6:30? ls it OK with you? I'd love a game of ‎ tennis.                                      Tom Hi,Cary,   I'm sorry but I can' t go to Rock City for the concert with yon tomorrow though I love rock so much. I usually have a late meeting on Thursday evening. Let's make it some other time.                                      Tom Dear Kate,   Thank you so much for inviting me! I can't dance very well,but I'd love to go to the dance with you. I'll pick you up at 6:30 on Saturday evening.                                      Tom Dear Susan,   I'll be free and I can come to your birthday party on August 5. See you then.                                      Tom ‎  51. Tom is busy _________.   A. on Thursday evening      B. tonight   C. on Saturday evening      D. on Sunday evening ‎ ‎  52. From the replies,we learn that Cary likes _________.   A. going to parties          B. listening to rock music   C. playing tennis           D. dancing   53. Susan was born in _________.   A. July       B. May        C. June        D. August   54. Kate will go to the dance with ______.   A. Susan       B. Tom.       C. Jim        D. Cary ‎(B)‎ ‎  American and British people both speak English,of course,but sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact,there are some important differences between. British and American English.   First of all,they sound very different. Often,Americans don't say all the letters in each word especially the sounds like “t”and “d”‎ ‎. However,the British usually pronounce their consonants(辅音) more carefully.   Also,some letters have different sounds. For example,Americans say the “a” in “half” like the “a”in “cat”,but the British say the “a” in “half”like the “o”in “soft.”The “r”is sometimes said differently,too. When an American says “farmer”,you can usually hear the “r”. But you can't hear the “r”in British English. The British say “fahmah”.   Sound is not the only difference. The two languages have different words for some things, for example,the words for clothing are different. Americans use the word “sweater”,but the British say “jumper”.   Many expressions(短语) are also different in the two countries. In England,if you are going to telephone friends,you “ring them up”.In America,you “give them a call”.   There are also some differences in grammar.   These differences can be confusing(令人疑惑) if you are learning English. But there is a reason for the difference. Languages change over time. When the same language is used in different places,it changes differently in each place. This is what happened to English. It also happened to other languages,such as French. Many people in Canada speak French,but their French is different from the French spoken in ‎ France.   55. What's the main idea of the passage?   A. The differences between British and American English.   B. The two different languages, British and American English.   C. The changes of the English language.   D. Why American English is different from British English.   56. Which of the following is Not true?   A. In American English,the “a”in the word “can”sounds the same as the “a”in the word “Can”.   B. The American English is different from British English only in grammar.   C. Learners of British English may have some difficulty in understanding American English.   D. French is not only spoken in France but in some other countries as well.   57. The writer writes the passage to ____ the English language.   A. give us some new information about     B. tell us how hard it is to learn   C. teach us some knowledge about       D. tell us the right way of learning ‎(C)‎ ‎  The greatest saleswoman in the world today doesn't mind if you call her a girl. That's because Markita Andrews has got more than eight thousand dollars selling Girl Scout cookies since she was seven years old.   Going door-to-door after school,the terribly shy Markita changed he,self into the cookie-selling dynamo(高手).   It starts with great wish.   For Markita and her mother,whose husband left them when Markita was eight years old,their dream was to travel the world.“I'll work hard to make enough money to send you to college,”her mother said one day. “When you leave college,you'll make enough money to take you and me around the world. Okay?”   So at the age of 13 when Markita read in her Girl Scout magazine that the Scout(童子军) who sold the most cookies would win a free trip for two around the world,she decided to sell all the Girl Scout cookies she could -- more Girl Scout cookies than anyone in the world,ever.   Wish,however,alone is not enough. To make her dream come true,Markita knew she needed a plan.   “When you are doing business,wear your Girl Scout clothes when you go up to people in their building,”her aunt told her. “Always smile,whether they buy something or not and always be nice.”   Lots of other Scouts may have wanted that trip around the world,but only Markita went off in her own uniform each day after school,ready to ‎ ask -- and keep asking -- people to help in her dream.   Markita sold 3,526 boxes of Girl Scout cookies that year and won her trip around the world. Since then,she has sold more than 42,000 boxes of Girl Scout cookies.   Markita is no cleverer than thousands of other people,with dreams of their own. The difference is that many people fail before they even begin. They fear(恐惧) that they will be refused. This fear leads many of us to refuse ourselves and prevents us from getting where we have set off for long before anyone else ever has the chance no matter what we are selling.   “It takes courage(勇气) to ask for what you want,”she said. “Courage is not that you don't have fear. It means doing what it takes although you have a fear of it.”   58. From the passage we learn that   A. a good planning is the most important in the job of selling   B. Markita took the free trip around the world herself   C. Markita has a full-time selling job now   D. to do something successfully,we should do what is needed   59. Markita _______.   A. started to sell Girl Scout cookies when she was 13 years old   B. has only one parent   C. whose parents are rich, went to ‎ college   D. sold cookies in different shops   60. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?   A. The Greatest Saleswoman in the World.    B. A Successful Girl in Selling.   C. The Secret of Selling.         D. Girl Scout Cookies.   61. The main reason for Markita's success is that __________.   A. she asks for what she wants before she is refused   B. she isn't afraid to be refused   C. her aunt has told her how to sell things   D. she has a good wish 第 Ⅱ 卷 (非机读卷,共42分)‎ ‎  一、语言知识运用(2)(共10分,每小题2分),根据中文意思完成句子。   1、他们每天花半小时进行体育锻炼。     _________________ to do sports every day.   2、他们一到这,我就告诉他们。     _______________,I'll tell them.   3、她太小,自己上不去汽车。     She is ___________ the bus by ‎ herself.   4、他虽然只有七岁,但英语说得非常好。     Although he is only seven,_______________.   5、我觉得恶劣的天气不会妨碍他去参加运动会。     I _______________ the terrible weather __________ the sports meeting.   二、口语交际(共10分,每小题2分),根据上下文的意思补全对话。在横线上定出所缺少的句子。   A: Good morning,Doctor.   B: Good morning. Sit down,please.     __6__?   A: I've got a headache.   B: __7__?   A: Yes,it' s a little bit high.   B: __8__?   A: Since this morning.   B: __9__?   A: No,I did not have anything,for breakfast. Is there anything serious?   B: No,just a little cold. You should take this medicine and drink more warm water.   A: How Shall i take the medicine?   B: __10__. You'll be all right soon.   A:‎ ‎ Thanks,Doctor.   B: You are welcome.   三、阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分),阅读短文,根据其内容简要回答问题。   Knowing about yourself means not only that you find out what you're good at and what you like,it also means discovering what you're not good at and what you don't like. Both help you to see your aim(目标) in fife.   Although most students would be unhappy if they found that they had failed a very difficult physics course,they have in fact learned a lot about themselves. They know that they should not become engineers or physical scientists. So failing can help a student to live a much happier life if he or she draws something out of the failing. They may then decide on their aim and choose the kind of work they would be fit for and they would like to do.   It is impossible to decide whether or not you like something until you have tried it. If you decide that you would like to play the piano, you need to take more than one lesson before you can know whether you are really interested in it or you are able to do well.   It is not enough to want to be a great pianist. You also have to like the hard practice and long training before you become one. If you would enjoy being a great pianist but hate the work,forget it.   It's a good plan to try as many ideas as possible when you are still ‎ young. And then you will be able to find out what your tame interests(兴趣) are.   11. Is it possible to decide what you like without trying?     __________________________________________________________________   12.To decide what to do in the future,which is more important,to find out what you like, or to find out what you don't like?     __________________________________________________________________   13. In which way is failing important to people?     __________________________________________________________________   14. How can you find out your true interests?     __________________________________________________________________   15. What does it take to become a great pianist?     __________________________________________________________________   四、书面表达(共12分)   根据中文大意,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50词的短文。所给英文提示词语供选用。 ‎ ‎  你喜欢吃洋快餐还是中式饭菜?经常去麦当劳(McDonald's)或肯德观(KFC)吗?你喜欢点什么菜?为什么?请陈述理由。   提示词语:western fast food, fat(脂肪),prefer...to..., stay the same   __________________________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________________________   __________________________________________________________________________________‎ 北京市东城区2005年中考英语二模试题参考答案 第 Ⅰ 卷 (共78分)‎ ‎  1. A    2. B   3. C   4. A   5. B   6. A   7. C   8. C   9. B  10. A   11. A  12. B  13. A  14. B  15. C  16. A  17. C  18. C  19. B  20. B    21. C  22. A  23. A  24. A  25. B  26. A  27. B  28. D  29. B  30. C    31. D  32. C  33. B  34. A  35. A  36. C  37. A  38. B  39. A  40. B   41. C  42. D  43. A  44. B  45. A  46. D  47. C  48. A  49. B  50. A    51. A  52. B  53. D  54. B  55. A  56. B  57. C  58. D  59. B  60. B    61. B 第 Ⅱ 卷 (共42分)‎ ‎  一、语言知识运用(2)(共10分,每小题2分),根据中文意思完成句子。   1. It takes them half an hour to do sports every ‎ day.   2. As soon as they get here,I'll tell them.   3. She is too young to get on the bus by herself.   4. Although he is only seven,he speaks very good English/speaks English very well.   5. I don't think the terrible weather will prevent him from going to the sports meeting.   二、口语交际(共10分,每小题2分)   6. What's your/the trouble,please/What's the matter with you/What' s wrong with you   7. Have you taken your temperature   8. How long have you been like this   9. Did you have anything for breakfast   三、阅读与表达(共10分,每小题2分)   10. Three times/Twice a day   11. No,it isn't./No.   12. Both are important.   13. Failing can help us decide on our aim. /Failing can help us decide what to do in the future./ Failing can help us choose the kind of work we would be fit for.   14. We should try as many ideas as possible when we are young./Try as many ideas as we can when we are young.   15. Great interest and hard work. /Great interest,hard practice and ‎ long training.   四、书面表达(共12分)   I go to McDonald's and KFC quite often because I like the food there. Whenever I go there, I have hamburgers, potato chips,ice cream and coke. I think the food there tastes very good and the music sounds sweet. I also get some toys sometimes. A lot of people say they are unhealthy food but I don' t mind. I still go there. I prefer western fast food to other Chinese food.   I don't often go to McDonald's because I know they are unhealthy food. There is too much fat in the food and we can't get enough fresh vegetables. We are growing up and too much fat is not good for us. The food we can get in McDonald's always stays the same. We can only get hamburgers,coke and potato chips. Also the food there is very expensive. So I prefer eating rice, noodles and fresh vegetables. Chinese food is my favorite.   听力原文   一、听对话和对庆后的问题,选择正确答案。每段对话朗读两遍。(1×6)   1. M: Do you have any milk for breakfast, Lucy?     W: Yes,I think so.     M: Anything else?     W: Oh,I also have two eggs.     Question: What are they talking about?   2. M: What a beautiful card! Who is it ‎ for?     W: Mr. Li. Tomorrow is September 10th.     Question: What is Mr. Li?   3. M: Let's go swimming,shall we?     W: Why not go for a picnic? It's such fine weather.     M: OK.     Question: What are they going to do?   4. W: Excuse me. Is there anybody sitting here?     M: No,no,madam. Well,I will just move my bag.     W: Thank you very much.     M: Yon're welcome.     Question: Where are the two people talking?   5. W: Can't anyone work out this maths problem?     M: Maybe Jim can.     Question: What can we learn about Jim?   6. M: Do you think Bob will get here on time for the meeting?     W: If Bob doesn't,nobody will.     Question: What does the woman mean?   二、听对话或短文,然后选择正确答案,回答提出的问题。对话或短文朗读两遍。(1.5×12)   请听第7段材料,回答第7、8、9小题。   M: DO yon remember the new movie we were talking about?   W: Which ‎ one?   M: The one about a nurse who took care of some children. They lost their parents during the war.   W: Oh,yes,now I remember. I'd like to see it.   M: It's showing now at the theatre until Sunday. Do you want to go?   W: Yes,I'd like to very much.   M: Could we go Saturday afternoon?   W: I think so. I'll have to ask my mother. If finish all my homework,she'll let me go. How much does it cost?   M: Three dollars. Have you got that much?   W: Oh,yes. I've made some money this week,I took care of Mrs. White's baby while she went shopping.   M: How old is the baby?   W: He's two. He's a nice little boy. It's easy to take cam of him.   M: Well,I'll come over to your house at about 2 o'clock on Saturday.   W: OK. If I can't go,I'll let yon know.   请听8段材料,回答第10、11、12小题。   W: Hi,Tom. What are you doing here?   M: I'm waiting for Jack. I've been waiting since 10 o' clock. He still hasn't come. If he doesn't come soon,I'm going to go to the playground without,him. What have you been doing this morning?   W: I've been reading. And I've been thinking about our vacation.‎ ‎ School is almost over,you know.   M: That's the thing I like to think about,too. What are you going to do for your vacation?   W: I don' t know. Have yon ever been to the beach?   M: Yes,I have. I've been there many times. My grandparents have a house by the sea.   W: Do you like it?   M: Yes. It's lots of fun.   W: I've never been to the beach. In the town where I live,the beach is too far away. We've only been living here for six months. This will be the first vacation I've had since we moved here.   M: Do you know where I really would like to go?   W: No. Where?   M: I'd like to take an airplane and go somewhere far away. I'd even like to go to the moon,or to one of the planets.   W: Well,few people have been there. Maybe yon can one day.   请听第9段材料,回答第13、14、15小题。‎ Boys and girls!‎ ‎  May I have your attention,please?   Tomorrow is the last day of the exam week. I hope all of you will try your best to do well in the last exam--English. The exam will finish at ‎ ‎10:00.After the exam,we are going to climb a hill. Please get to the playground at ‎10:30‎ and then we'll walk to the foot of the Red Hill. Please wear comfortable sports shoes and take some food and water with you. While yon are climbing the hill,you should take care of yourselves and help each other. Please stay with your class all the time while we are going up. On the top of the hill,each class is going to have a picture taken and we will have a picnic lunch there. We will begin to climb down at 2:00. After coming down the hill, you can either come back with us by bus or go back home by yourselves. For those who would like to take the bus,please get to the gate of the park at  4:00 at the latest. The whole activity will last about six hours. Good luck to you with your English exam and I do hope you will have a good time tomorrow.   That's all. Thank you.   请听第10段材料,回答第16、17、18小题。   Hello,everybody. My name's Karl Williams and I'll be your teacher for this class,Computer Science.   Uh,to begin with,please take a look at the form in front of you. As you all should know by now,this class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20 to 4:50.We will be meeting in this room,311,for the first haft of the course,and we will be using the computer centre every other week on Thursday in room 405 during the last two mouths of the class.   Uh,this is the book for the course,Office 2000 for Windows. I'm afraid ‎ that they haven't come in yet,but I have been told that you should be able to buy them at the bookshop in our school the day,after tomorrow. Again,as you know,your marks for this course will be decided by how you do in the two important exams,the midterm and final,the two little tests and a project. You should also come to class on time. If you can't,you should ask for leave first.   My office hours are from 1:00 to 2:00 on Wednesdays,and you can see me at other time as well if you have any problems. But do let me know first.‎

