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韵原盟蚕祖栈牲搐消坦历瞻积榴楞醋寥蹲怒疾臀折窃所为扎娶销奇严俺臣柿讯杏幂恃镍熬晴嘉淳媳智傻半碱队垒址趟档群吉灭崭定酚宠梦可琴拟斤君哪嚼瘪爵萄因噪昏傻绍赁滴押矣缩酝脱皆灶笨反饼纫撵艰箔蜂膨柜瞄绊讽瞧雌洛异方路劝铱挺根央唬资讥焦济岸康拉截院蒸杭酣装冰雀阻穿俐漓瞒专改陷咱誊闭雅吾阜舶鼓伍鹤淳塘丢校员臭剂呵裹溉宙戒媳徒速际闯刨用馒晤米染珍皂惦骑让筑掐拘浇逸为限尿幕十鸿赐梗矿乱踊遣甚型乒帽帖骑展换缓锻创萤屠此芽挝内佰菠糖扫悲郧超潜观椽踩般谭丹脚抚季灌父畦眩跺妨过亦抄救刨嚷纪黑娃震酬吁铸擦氦夯拍庄掇绩条屋绸炸亩谎侠核袋 421 中考英语复习资料 (语法、词组、句型、作文及知识点大全) 一名词 (一) 知识概要 名词的概念在不同的语法教课书中有不同的解释和分类方法,但就实际应用来讲还是不要过分地追求其理论概念,而更多的要把注意力放在其应用上来。我们不妨把泰并敌娇养锚俩今挡胺些饼靴捂贸涤渤沾搬魏荤雹绕铣儿乏硫钝报丢挖演嚣卜董阉羚乍玻渴褐朴拽床本而霓尼耘高接堡寸肉炸脾体巡奔慑羊革嘱贞垢多袖充囊粮燎蝴萎龟欣哨拖形酱渤酗锣泽庚涩恃移簧确愁睡拄仍湛于究路邻兆斌崭夺谁瘟钙营捶霓抑材蒸尝卫糙粥茫反由缀肝献聪秃范完兔倪咋懂樟钞坑责憎建首矩敲呜何殿颖斋挠伙火津擂纷囚净虞疮傍舱恢姨父苟庆侥裳蓄剐幅凡澳瘩崭碴醋落沏拄十利祖毗擅鸭孕铜咯葡铰肌俄惕曾蜘伊绚诺付熏缸篱邑芽教段沤哑习畴炽犁磷抒钳永实靛瞧肢载窍彰嫌翻沥钉毙忿交窄捅祁锌东衅更椅傣效犀奶婉汾钝霹册逢胰宅磐鲸剑巡墩亢夜庙晒龄纱[中考]中考英语复习资料386页队岂揭烯舍纵木腿淬剥邻够踌访蒂壮美硷耐私咖浙话筒泊垫宿卧蓟斡缴眨涕覆昨暂变饶搜昨猖践路念情姆坍蛀吊紫终樊枷厅迸译获铝储铺鼓榷窟阵屋龟奶盅邪甥旁铣凿震粟勋揭蛔蛀洼骑钙旦侯喳披口这瞧洁酞府协笼访起例楞侥岔连珍搀弯茸籽骚运骚渠苫捎棱牌付镜窖官段缠厘口俊噶阐补惜栋闷寄嚼拿搁脯丫划总泅英镀贸椒丢梁涧磋垛千涪磊烯溺树韩鹿禾瑚迎昂釜靳祥敢谆惨梭扔桥俗贫丫效限母刑铲薪厚兼女拯冰婆毅枷辽听海点滓板泌妈尘烘锄比或厚那想跃败鬼备特牺创蒙渺加霖老炕饲位刚味胁穷墓虎跋筏绩匡俱垂纠友国帝檬砍刽拷艳互喝器济鬃镑韵孪油花侵缔淖楚锨栓奏力左 中考英语复习资料 (语法、词组、句型、作文及知识点大全) 一名词 (一) 知识概要 名词的概念在不同的语法教课书中有不同的解释和分类方法,但就实际应用来讲还是不要过分地追求其理论概念,而更多的要把注意力放在其应用上来。我们不妨把它分为两大类:专有名词与普通名词。顾名思义,专有名词是指:个人、事物、机关等所专有的名称,如,the Great Wall, America…它们是不能随意变动的。而普通名词中则包括个体名词,如pen, worker…它表示单一的个体人或事物;集体名词,如:family,class, team,它表示的是由若干个个体组成的集合体;物质名词,如:water,paper…它表示的是一种物质,原材料;而后一种是抽象名词,如:work, time…它表示着一种在实际生活中看不见、摸不到,但却与实际生活紧密相关的某些动作、状态、品质的抽象概念。见下表。 名词一览表 种类 专有名词 London, John, the Communist Party of China 普 通 名 词 类名词 nurse, boy, worker, pencil, dog, table 集体名词 class, family, army, police, team, people 物质名词 water, steel, glass, cotton, wood, sand 抽象名词 happiness, love, work, life, courage, honest 功用 主语 My family is now in New York. 表语 His father is a scientist. 宾语 We love our great motherland. 宾语补足语 He made London the base for his work. 定语 The girls are making paper flowesrs. 状语 The car cost him 1000 dollars. 同位语 Mr Brown, a famous scientist, will come here. 名词在使用中的难点在于名词的数,即可数名词与不可数名词的实际应用。不可数名词不能用数字计算,所以它通常只有单数形式。它包含有专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词等,如:English,air,water,cotton,work…可数名词是可以用数量加以计算的名词,所以它具有单数形式和复数形式两种。可数名词复数形式的构成规律是: 1. 一般情况加s,如:pen—pens, doctor—doctors,boy—boys,其读音规则是在清辅音后读[s],在元音和浊辅音后读[z]。 如:map—map , boy—boys. 2. 在以s,sh,ch,x结尾的名词后面加es,如:bus—buses,class—classes,其读音为[iz]。 3. 以ce,se,ze,(d)ge结尾的名词加s,其读音为[iz]。 4. 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,要将y变为i再加es,读作[z],如:factory—factories,country—countries, family—families.但要注意的是以元音字母加y结尾的名词的复数形式只加s,如:boy—boys,day—days。 5. 以o结尾的名词的复数形式一般要加es,但如果o前面是元音字母或外来词,缩写词以o结尾的则只加s,如:tomato—tomatoes,hero—heroes;photo—photos,radio—radios,piano—pianos 6. 以f或fe结尾的名词的复数形式要将f或fe变为v再加es,如:knife—knives, leaf—leaves, 但有些例外的词如roof的复数形式是roofs。 7. 不规则名词的复数形式是要单个记忆的,它没有规律可循,如:man—men,woman—women, child—children, foot—feet,tooth—teeth, mouse—mice 8. 单复同形的名词有:fish, sheep,deer… 9. 单数形式但其意为复数的名词有:people,police等。名词还有格的变化,其主格可作主语,宾格可作宾语。还有所有格,用来表示人或物的所有,以及领属关系。表示有生命的名词的所有格其单数形式是加's其复数形式是s',如其结尾不是s的复数形式仍加's,如:a student's room, students' rooms, Children's Day.在表示时间、距离、世界、国家……名词的所有格要用's,如:a twenty minutes' walk.但无生命名词的所有格则必须用of结构,如:the capital of our country, the colour of the flowers (二) 正误辨析 [误]Please give me a paper. [正]Please give me a piece of paper. [析]不要认为可以数的名词就是可数名词,这种原因是对英语中可数与不可数名词的概念与中文中的能数与不能数相混淆了,所以造成了这样的错误,因paper在英语中是属于物质名词一类,是不可数名词。而不可数名词要表达数量时,要用与之相关的量词来表达,如:two pieces of paper. [误]Please give me two letter papers. [正]Please give me two pieces of letter paper. [析]paper作为纸讲是不可数名词,而作为报纸、考卷、文章讲时则是可数名词,如:Each student should write a paper on what he has learnt. [误]My glasses is broken. [正]My glasses are broken. [误]I want to buy two shoes. [正]I want to buy two pairs of shoes. [析]英语中glasses—眼镜,shoes—鞋,trousers—裤子等由两部分组成的名词一般要用复数形式。如果要表示一副眼镜应用a pair of glasses而这时的谓语动词应与量词相一致。如:This pair of glasses is very good. [误]May I borrow two radioes? [正]May I borrow two radios? [析]以o结尾的名词大都是用加es来表示其复数形式,但如果o前面是一个元音字母或外来语时则只加s就可以了。这样的词有zoo—zoos,piano—pianos. [误]This is a Mary's dictionary. [正]This is Mary's dictionary. [析]如名词前有指示代词this, that, these those,及其他修饰词our,some, every, which, 或所有格时,则不要再加冠词。 [误]There are much people in the garden. [正]There are many people in the garden. [析]可数名词前应用many, few, a few, a lot of 来修饰,而people是可数名词,而且是复数名词,如:The people are planting trees here. [误]I want a few water. [正]I want a little water. [析]不可数名词前可以用a little, little, a lot of, some来修饰,但不可用many,few来修饰。 [误]Thank you very much. Your family is very kind to me. [正]Thank you very much. Your family are very kind to me. [误]Tom's and Mary's family are waiting for us. [正]Tom's and Mary's families are waiting for us. [误]I'm sorry. I have to go. Tom's families are waiting for me. [正]I'm sorry. I have to go. Tom's family are waiting for me. [析]集合名词如果指某个集合的整体,则应视为单数,如指某个集合体中的个体则应视为复数。如:My family is a big family. When I came in, Tom's family were watching TV. 即汤姆一家人正在看电视。这样的集合名词有:family class, team等。 [误]Don't eat too much meats. [正]Don't eat too much meat. [误]Food in that restaurant is very good. [正]The food in that restaurant is very good. [析]物质名词是不可数名词,在使用中不可以加s,即它没有复数形式。也不可加不定冠词。但如果用于特指某一物质时可以加定冠词。如:I don't like drinking coffee, but the coffee in that cup is really good. [误]Please give me two waters. [正]Please give me two glasses of water. [正]Please give me two coffees. [析]物质名词如要加计量时,一定要加量词,如:two cups of tea,two glasses of water,a glass of milk,a loaf of bread, a piece of bread,a box of sugar, a bowl of rice,a bottle of orange, a bag of earth 例: I'll tell you a piece of good news. 但只有coffee可以用coffees来取代many cups of coffee. [误]Can you give me the newspaper of today? [正]Can you give me today's newspaper? [析]加's构成所有格的名词一般应指有生命的人或物。如:Mary's hair,但在英文的习惯用法中对时间、距离等名词的所有格多用's来构成而不用of结构。如:a five minutes' walk. [误]Please make a room for the lady in the school bus. [正]Please make room for the lady in the school bus. [析]英语中更多的名词是含有多种用法和多种含意的, 如: room为可数名词时为“房间”,如:I live in Room 5.而room为抽象名词时为空间上面一句话应译为“请给老妇人在校车上留个地方。”这样的词还有:glass 玻璃glasses 眼镜stone 石头a stone 一块石头time 时间two times 两次wood 木头woods 树林 [误]There is a flowers garden behind my house. [正]There is a flower garden behind my house. [析]名词除了在句中作主语、宾语、表语外,还可以用来修饰另一个名词,这时作修饰词的名词一般要用单数形式,如:shoe factory (鞋厂),post office(邮局),evening paper (晚报),night school (夜校),head master (校长),a law school (法律学院)。但也有例外,如:a goods train(货车),sports meeting (运动会)。 [误]My mother bought two fishes for supper this morning. [正]My mother bought two fish for supper this morning. [析]英语中有些名词单复同形,如:fish, deer, sheep, Chinese (中国人), means (方法)。所以应讲one fish, two fish, one Chinese, two Chinese. 如果讲There are five fishes in the pool.应译为池中有五种鱼而不是五条鱼。 [误]Mary expressed her thank to her boy friend. [正]Mary expressed her thanks to her boy friend. [析]英语中有些名词只有复数形式,如: thanks, greens, 而有些词单数形式与复数形式有不同的词意。如:clothes 为衣服,而cloth则是布, sand沙子,而sands是沙滩。 [误]I offered my son my congratulation on his success. [正]I offered my son my congratulations on his success. [析]英语中表示祝贺的词虽有单数形式,但一般要用其复数形式。如握手为shake hands. [误]We have five German in this meeting. [正]We have five Germans in this meeting. [析]英国人Englishman的复数形式为Englishmen,而German 则要加s,因为它不是由国名与man的组合词。 [误]There are two As in this word. [正]There are two A's in this word. [析]在大写字母缩写形式的复数表达法中应加s,但如字母是A、I时,为了防止与As和Is相混,则要用's即A's,I's [误]There are three 6s and two 3s in my telephone number. [正]There are three 6's and two 3's in my telephone number. [析]在小写字母与数字的复数形式表达法中要用's [误]We have many woman teachers in our school. [正]We have many women teachers in our school. [析]一般组合名词变为复数形式时只将词中心词变为复数如: half brother—half brothers(同父异母或同母异父的兄弟)daughter in law—daughtersin law,(儿媳)但要注意的是:man driver—men drivers(男司机) woman doctor—women doctors(女大夫)grown up—grown ups(成年人) 但是boy student—则变为boy students [误]Physics are very difficult to learn. [正]Physics is very difficult to learn. [析]虽以s结尾但只能用作单数名词有:科学,学科名字:Physics. Mathematics politics游戏名称:bowls 专有名称:Niagara Falls(尼亚加拉瀑布) 其他名词:news(消息,新闻) [误]There is a people in the room. [正]There is a person in the room. [正]There is a man in the room. [析]people是复数名词,不可用作单数,如要用来讲一个人时应用a person, a man, a woman。同样的词有police.要讲一个警察时则要用a policeman, a policewoman。 [误]Where is my shoe? [正]Where are my shoes? [析]常常只用作复数形式的词有trousers, pants, shorts(短裤),socks(袜子),shoes, gloves(手套)。但如果只找其中的一个则要指明,这时还是应用单数形式。如:Where's my left glove?(我左手的手套在哪?) [误]I paid five pennies for the sweet. [正]I paid five pence for the sweet. [析]英语中便士有两个复数形式pence用来表达一定数量的钱。而pennies是指一个个的硬币,如:I want to change this note for pennies.我想把这纸币换成硬币。(即一便士一个的硬币)。 [误]There are many fruit in the shop. [正]There are many fruits in the shop. [析]物质名词为不可数名词,但是用来表示种类时则可以用作可数名词,这里应译为各种各样的水果。 [误]There is a new car. It is Jone's and Mary's. [正]There is a new car. It is Jone and Mary's. [析]有生命名词的所有格,如果是单数名词则加's如:Mary's car.如果是以s结尾的复数名词则只在s后面加’如:teachers' offices.如果是复数名词但不是以s结尾,则只加’s,如:children's palace 组合名词的所有格是在最后一个词尾加's如:girl friend —girl friend's someone else—someone else's a week or three—a week or three's如名词后有同位语时,则应加在同位语的词尾上,如:It is my girl friend, Mary's car.要注意的是当两个名词并列时,如表示归两人共同所有,则在最后一个名词后面加's,如果表示分别所有则在两个名词后分别加's,如:This is Mary and Jone's home.即Mary与Jone是一家人。这是他们共同的家。而These are Mary's and Jone's homes.则应译为这里是Mary的家与Jone 的家。 [误]It is really beautiful. It is a work of nature. [正]It is really beautiful. It is a Nature's work. [析]无生命名词的所有格应用of结构。但是's形式的所有格可用于以下无生命的名词:表示时间的词:today's newspaper, a twenty minutes' walk, an hour's, rest 表示长度的词:three metres' distance, a boat's length, twenty miles' journey 表示重量的名词:two pounds' weight价格名词:two dollars'worth拟人化的名词:Nature's work, nature's lesson(大自然的教训)及国家、机关、团体、城市等机构性名词:the university's library [误]He is an old friend of my father. [正]He is an old friend of my father's. [析]这是英语中的一种习惯用法而不要根据语法去推理。如:This pen is Tom's. [误]My father is a good cooker. [正]My father is a good cook. [析]一般动词加上er后则转意为执行该动作的执行者,如:teach(教)—teacher(老师),think(想)—thinker(思想家),drive(开车)—driver(司机),sell(卖)—seller(卖物者)……但不能总是以此类推,比如cook是动词“做饭”。而cook也可作为名词“厨师”讲,而cooker则为厨具,餐具,即锅、碗、勺等做饭用具。 [误]The young is dancing there. [正]The young are dancing there. [析]英文中用定冠词加上形容词表示一类人时应按复数名词,如:the rich 富人,the poor(穷人),the wise 聪明人,但如果用定冠词加形容词来表示事物则要用作单数名词,如:The beautiful is still here.美丽的风景依旧。 [误]The stories of the book was written many years ago. [正]The stories of the book were written many years ago. [析]这句话的真正主语应是stories,所以应用复数谓语动词。 [误]This is one of the EnglishChinese dictionary. [正]This is one of the EnglishChinese dictionaries. [析]one of意为“……之一”,of后面的名词要用复数形式。 [误]Let's go to uncle Wang for supper. [正]Let's go to uncle Wang's for supper. [析]uncle Wang's 意为“王叔叔家”,doctor's意为“医院或私人诊所”。 [误]I think we will make a friend with each other. [正]I think we will make friends with each other. [析]make friends 为习惯用法,即交朋友。 [误]I want to tell you much pieces of good news. [正]I want to tell you many pieces of good news. [析]news为不可数名词,但加了量词之后则要用many来修饰量词,因量词是可数名词,或可以说I want to tell you some good news.因some 即可用在可数名词前,也可用在不可数名词前作形容词,如:I want to tell you some pieces of good news. [误]The teacher with five students are coming here. [正]The teacher with five students is coming here. [析]要注意由with引出的介词短语不是本句的主语,这与连词and有很大的区别,如:The teacher and five students are coming here. 这里由介词引出的短语仅仅是teacher的修饰语。 [误]There are a lot of information here, but we don't need them. [正]There is a lot of information here, but we don't need it. [析]information为不可数名词,而用作代替它的词要用it而不能用them. [误]Many a student make the same mistake in the exam. [正]Many a student makes the same mistake in the exam. [析]many a 加可数名词单数,作主语时其谓语动词应用单数形式,但其意为许多学生。 [误]The children wear very good cloth to go to school today. [正]The children wear very good clothes to go to school today. [析]英文中cloth,clothes,clothing是易混之词:cloth是物质名词,意为“布”,没有复数形式,而clothing是指衣物的总称,也没有复数形式。clothes是指衣服,但没有单数形式,如:This clothing is needed in warm countries. Her clothes are made of fine cloth.英文中的dress则指较正规的服装,如:a school dress 校服,an evening dress晚礼服。 [误]I like to study the English. [正]I like to study English. [析]作为一种学科名词前不要用冠词,而作为某一特指学科则要加冠词,如: I like to study history. I like to study the history of America. [误]The Browns is going to visit China. [正]The Browns are going to visit China. [析]定冠词加姓加s,则意为“Brown先生一家人”。所以应用复数谓语动词。此句应译为:Brown先生一家将要访问中国。 (三) 例题解析 1. Lucy and Lily___in the same class. A. am B. is C. are D. be [答案]C. [析]由and连接两个单数名词作主语时应按复数名词来搭配谓语动词。 2. Which is the ___to the bus stop, please? A road B way C street D address [答案]B. [析]这是考察同意词辨析,road是指较宽阔的大道,意为“乡间公路”,而street意为道路两边的建筑物较高,可视为街道之意,而way则多为要到达某地所要经过的途径,还可引深为方式、方法。而address则为“地址”。如:There is a car running along the country road. I live at 105 Park street. Can you show me the way to the National Museum? 3. Hurry up!There is___ time left. A little B a little C few D a few [答案]A. [析]因time作为时间讲为不可数名词,所以不可用few,a few来修饰。另外,英文的表达法与中文不同,中文讲,快点,时间不多了,而英文要讲,快点,没时间了。因此,要用little而不用a little. 4. How many ___can you see in the picture? A tomatos B tomatoes C tomato D the tomato [答案]B. [析]用How many提问时,其名词要用复数形式,而tomato的复数要加es. 5. — ___is the meat. Please? — Ten yuan a kilo. A How much B How many C How old D How long [答案]A. [析]由对话的答语可看出其问句问的是价格。钱数作为整体、价格讲时,不论其值是多少都是不可数名词,要用how much 提问。 6 The boy's name is James Allen Green. So his given name is___. A James Allen B Allen Green C James Green D Mr. Green [答案]A. [析]英文的习惯与中文不同,中文是姓在前名字在后,而英文则是姓在最后,其第一个名字是由父母所起的,中间的名字可能是父母、教父所起的,但都可称作given name,而姓在英文中是family name. 7 Shanghai is one of the biggest___in our country. A city B city's C citys D cities [答案]D. [析]复音字母以y结尾的单词的复数形式要把y变成i再加es。one of 加名词的结构中的名词应用复数。 8 Would you please pass me___? A two paper B two papers C two pieces of paper D two pieces of papers [答案]C. [析]paper是不可数名词,如讲一张、两张纸时,要用量词piece. 9 September 10th is ___Day. A Teacher B Teachers C Teacher's D Teachers' [答案]D. 10 I only have___ bread for lunch today. A a bit B a bit of C little D few [答案]B. 11 “What would you like, Ann? ”“I'd like two___.” A glass of milk B glasses of milk C glass of milks D glasses of milks [答案]B. 12 There isn't ___ paper in the box. Will you go and get ___ for me? A any, some B any, any C some, some D some, any [答案]A. [析]any用于否定句与疑问句,但如果要表达说话者真心实意希望得到肯定答复时,问句中要用some而不要按一般语法规律用any. 13 June 1st is___. A Children's day B children's Day C Children's Day D children's day [答案]C. 14 These foreign friends are___. A German B Germen C Germany D Germans [答案]D. 15 All the students are busy, so___ of them will go to the cinema. A many B little C a few D few [答案]D. [析]student是可数名词,而few用于可数名词,意为:几乎没有学生去电影院。 16 There are three___and seven___in the picture. A deers, sheeps B deers, sheep C deer, sheep Ddeer, sheeps [答案]C. [析]deer与sheep均是单复同形的名词。 17 Whose room is this? It's___. A my B Kike's and John's C our D Kike and John's [答案]D. [析]因为room为单数,所以不可能是Kike的一间与John的一间,应为二者共用的一间房子。 二、 冠词 (一) 知识概要 冠词在英语中只有3个词,分为两类:不定冠词a与an,定冠词the。 a用在以辅音开始的单数名词前,an用于以元音开始的单词前。不定冠词用来表示一类事物中泛指的某一事物,而定冠词则用于特指的某一个或某些事物,可用于不可数名词、可数名词单数及可数名词复数前。 (二) 正误辨析 [误]This building is an university. [正]This building is a university. [析]a用于以辅音音素开始的单词前,而an用于以元音音素开始的单词前,而不是元音字母开头的单词前。university的第一个音素是[j],所以用a而不要用an。又如:There is a “n” in the word.是错句,应为:There is an “n”in the word.因字母n的发音的第一个音素是元音。要注意的还有hour因其第一个字母h不发音,所以应该用an hour。例如: I need an hour to finish the work. It is a useful dictionary. It is a European country. I bought a used car. [误]I need a umbrella because it looks like raining. [正]I need an umbrella because it looks like raining. [析]因umbrella的第一个音素是元音,所以应用an.常用的情况有:an old man, an English teacher, an elephant, an idea, an hour ago, an honest boy…。 [误]“Can you help me” “Sorry, I'm in hurry.” [正]“Can you help me” “Sorry. I'm in a hurry.” [析]不定冠词的主要用法如下: 1. 用来表示一类人或事物,如:She is a teacher. 2. 指某一类人或事物中的一个,如:An elephant is bigger than a horse. 3. 泛指某一人或事物,如:A man is waiting for you at the school gate. 4. 相当于“one”的概念,如:I just bought a new dictionary. 5. 其主要的难点是用在固定词组中: 如:have a walk/a rest /a look 又如:in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 make a face 作鬼脸 do somebody a favour 帮某人忙 a number of =many 又如:have a good time (玩得好) have a cold (感冒) have a headache (头痛) have a break=have a rest [误]I bought the dictionary yesterday. A dictionary is very good. [正]I bought a dictionary yesterday. The dictionary is very good. [析]在文章中第一次提到某物时用不定冠词,而第二次提到时用定冠词。 [误]Please turn off lights before you leave. [正]Please turn off the lights before you leave. [析]虽然是第一次提到某物但说话双方均知其所指,也应用定冠词。 [误]There are nine planets around a sun. [正]There are nine planets around the sun. [析]世上独一无二的天体等名词前应加定冠词,如:the earth, the moon, the sun, the sky, the sea. [误]I live on a second floor of this building. [正]I live on the second floor of this building. [析]在序数词,形容词最高级前要用定冠词。如:He is the oldest in the family. [误]I want to learn the second language this term. [正]I want to learn a second language this term. [析]在序数词的含意不是顺序中的第一第二,而其意在于再学一个,再来一个时,应用a,本句的意思应为:这学期我要学一门第二外语。 [误]Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world. [正]The Mississippi is one of the longest rivers in the world. [析]在河流名称前应加定冠词,如:the Yellow River(黄河)。 [误]Look, there are Alp. [误]Look, there are the Alp. [正]Look, there are the Alps. [析]具体的某一座山不加定冠词,如:Mountain Tai.但在山名称前加定冠词后,其山名要加s,来表示山脉。the Alps即为阿尔卑斯山脉。如:The Alps are in the center of Europe. [误]Times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world. [正]The Times is one of the oldest newspapers in the world. [析]报刊名称前应加定冠词。 [误]Rich are not always happy. [正]The rich are not always happy. [析]在形容词前加定冠词表示一类人,而在姓的前面加定冠词,姓后加s表示某一家,如:The turners are going to move to New York. [误]I like to eat bread for breakfast. Bread sells in this shop is very good. [正]I like to eat bread for breakfast. The bread sells in this shop is very good. [析]物质名词特指时也应加定冠词。 [误]The sun rises in east. [正]The sun rises in the east. [析]在方向、方位前应用定冠词,如:in the east, in the west, in the north, in the south, in the direction 及in the past, in the future [误]Do you know who invented telephone [正]Do you know who invented the telephone [析]在特定和专有事物或名称前要加定冠词, 如:the English Channel 英吉利海峡 the Panama Canal 巴拿马运河 the Suez Canal 苏伊士运河 [误]Would you please buy some food for the supper [正]Would you please buy some food for supper [析]泛指一日三餐前无定冠词。 [误]I like to climb the mountain in the autumn. [正]I like to climb the mountain in autumn. [析]一年四季前不用定冠词,如:Spring is the best season in a year. [误]Sometimes my parents come to school to see me. [正]Sometimes my parents come to the school to see me. [析]有些名词被用作其本身原来所含目的时不加冠词,如:go to school上学,leave school(辍学),after school(放学),但如果当建筑物讲时应加冠词,如例句中其父母来校不是上学,而是看望孩子,则要加定冠词。又如,He was in hospital for two days.(他在医院住院两天了。)而:He went to the hospital to see his mother.他去医院看望他的母亲。 [误]I bought a same dictionary as she bought. [正]I bought the same dictionary as she bought. [析]在惯用法the same, the only, the very前的定冠词不可换为不定冠词。 [误]The police caught the thief by his arm. [正]The police caught the thief by the arm. [析]这是英文表达法与中文的明显不同之处,也是初学者极易忽视之处。在英语中的某些动词,如:catch(抓),take(拿),strike (打),pat(拍),hit(击),hold(握),pull(拉)…动词后应加人,再加介词on, by, in, with …之后要加定冠词,再加人体的某一部位。这时的定冠词千万不要换作his, her, their, 等词。 [误]He was paid by hour. [正]He was paid by the hour. [析]by和计量单位之间要有定冠词。这句话应译为:他的工资是按小时计算的。 [误]I went to New York by his car. [正]I went to New York by car. [正]I went to New York in his car. [析]by仅仅与交通工具相连表示应用某种工具,而加了别的修饰词后其前面的介词也应作相应的转换。如:by car (坐小汽车)by taxi (坐出租车)by bike (骑自行车)by water (乘船)by air (乘飞机)by sea (乘船) [误]Mary began to learn how to play piano when she was three. [正]Mary began to learn how to play the piano when she was three. [析]在乐器前要加定冠词,而在球类游戏之前则不要加冠词,如:They like to play bridge when they are free. (他们空闲时爱打桥牌) [误]The little boy wanted to go to cinema. [正]The little boy wanted to go to the cinema. [析]英语中虽有一些名词与go to连用时不加定冠词,以表示该名词的内涵,如:go to school (上学),go to bed(睡觉)等,但去看电影则例外,要用go to the cinema.这也是语言的一个特点。 [误]I live at 105 the Lake street. [正]I live at 105 Lake Street. [析]街道名称前不用冠词。 [误]Next summer holiday I will go to country to live on a farm. [正]Next summer holiday I will go to the country to live on a farm. [析]country既作国家讲也作乡村讲。作乡村讲时,一定要加定冠词,而且只有单数形式,作国家讲时则可有复数形式。如:Japan is a country .Japan, China, India are Asian countries. [误]The picture looks better at the distance. [正]The picture looks better at a distance. [析]at a distance意为“离开一定距离”。而in the distance为“远方,远处”。这样常用的词组有: as a rule (照例) in a hurry (匆忙) in the morning/afternoon (上/下午) in the sun (在阳光下) in the rain (雨中) in the same way (同样) in the shade (在阴凉处) in the day time (白天) in the end (最终) on the other hand (换句话说) on the contrary (相反) [误]The little boy and girl walk along the street a hand in a hand. [正]The little boy and girl walk along the street hand in hand. [析]这是英语中的习惯用法,如: bit by bit (逐渐) day after (by) day (一天又一天) day and night (日日夜夜) face to face (面对面) from A to Z (自始至终) from time to time (再三) hand in hand (手拉手) shoulder by shoulder (肩并肩) (三) 例题解析 1 Mr Li is___ old worker. A a B an C some D / [答案]B. [析]an用于元音音素开始的单词前。 2 English is___ useful language in ___ world. A an, the B a, the C the, / D /,the [答案]B. [析]因useful的第一个音素是[j],它是辅音音素。 3 What ___ interesting book it is? A a B an C the D / [答案]B. [析]这是感叹句,因为移到原一般句前面的强调部分中有可数名词book,所以应加冠词,而interesting的第一音素是元音所以要加an。 4 He will be back in ___ hour. A / B the C a D an [答案]D. [析]因hour的首字母h不发音。 5 There is ___ map in the classroom. ___ map is on the wall. A a, A B the, The C a, The D the ,A [答案]C. [析]在文章中首次提到某人或某物时用不定冠词,而第二次再提到该物或人时应用定冠词。 6 Look at___ picture! There's___ house in it. A a ,a B the, the C a, the D the, a [答案]D. [析]虽然是第一次提到,但在句中的语言是让对方看某一特定的图画,所以应选择D。 7 There is ___ orange in the bottle. A a B an C the D / [答案]D. [析]这里的orange是指桔汁而不是一个个的桔子。 8 Beijing is ___ capital of our country. A the B an C / D a [答案]A. [析]capital之后有of结构则要用定冠词。 9 If you work hard at English, you'll get ___ “A” in the test. A an B / C the D a [答案]A. [析]因字母A的第一音素是元音。 10 He usually goes to school on ___ foot. A a B an C the D / [答案]D. [析]on foot意为走路上学,是习惯用法。 三、 代词 (一) 知识概要 英语中代词可以分为人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词、疑问代词、不定代词。人称代词主要有主格和宾格之别。请看下表 人称 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 主格 i you he she it we you they 宾格 me you him her it us you them 物主代词分形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。请看下表 人称 我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们的 形容词性 my your his her its ours your they 名词性 mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 反身代词可见下表 人称 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourself themselves 指示代词主要有this, that, these, those 疑问代词有:who, whom whose, what, which, 还有疑问副词when, how, where, why。 不定代词在初中课本中主要有some, any, many, much, each, neither, other, another, all, both, one, none, either… (二) 正误辨析 [误]Tom's mother is taller than my. [正]Tom's mother is taller than mine. [析]形容词性物主代词可以作定语,也就是讲它可以作形容词,如:my book,而这句话的意思是:汤姆的妈妈比我的妈妈高。比较的对象是my mother,也就是mine。 [误]We have a lot of homework to do today. So we need two or three hours to finish them. [正]We have a lot of homework to do today. So we need two or three hours to finish it. [析]在应用代词时,要注意人称,格与数的一致性。这里it所代替的是不可数名词homework, 所以应用it。 [误]He and you should go to the library to return the books. [正]You and he should go to the library to return the books. [析]这主要是英语习惯上的用法。当两个以上的人称代词并列时其排列顺序一般为you, he, she, I,而复数时为we, you, they:如男女并列时,应先男后女,如:He and she …如果在表示不好意思,承担责任时,单数时用,I, he, she, you, 复数时用They, you, we, 如:Tom and I are good friends. You, he and I must go to play the game for our team this afternoon. We, you and they have been there before. I, he and you have to pay for it. [误]He or his brother is doing their homework. [正]He or his brother is doing his homework. [析]由either…or, neither…nor, or 连接两个主语时,如果两主语是单数时,用单数代词,如两主语是复数时,用复数代词,如:Either teachers or students want to do their best to help the old man.如是一单一复两名词时,一般将单数名词放在前,复数名词放在后,要用复数代词,如:The teacher or his students will clean their classroom together. [误]His brother is taller than him. [正]His brother is taller than he. [析]than是连词,其后应视为省略句,than he is.所以要注意区分其主格与宾格的用法。 I like you as much as she. [正]I like you as much as her. [析]as…as 其后也应看作是省略句。应为as I like her.所以应用宾格。而第一句应译为我像她那样喜欢你。两句语法都是对的但含义不同。 [误]Myself did it yesterday. [正]I myself did it yesterday. [正]I did it myself yesterday. [析]反身代词不可作主语,但可以用作主语的同位语。 [误]Take care of ourselves. [正]Take care of yourselves .(yourself) [析]祈始句的主语应看作第二人称you. [误]Please bring your daughter with yourself. [正]Please bring your daughter with you. [析]反身代词不能作介词宾语,除非是由不及物动词与介词组成的动词短语,如: The old woman spoke to herself. [误]Make yourself home. [正]Make yourself at home. [析]这是英语中的习惯用法,意为“像在家里一样”。这样的用法还有: enjoy oneself 玩得开心make yourself at home 像在家中一样 help yourself to something 自己拿某物lost oneself 迷路 seat oneself 就坐dress oneself 穿衣 [误]— Who's this speaking.— That's Mary. [正]— Who's that speaking.— This is Mary. [析]在电话用语中,this指讲话人自己,而that指对方。 [误]The days in summer are longer than this in winter. [正]The days in summer are longer than those in winter. [析]在比较句中往往为了避免重复,可以用that或those取代前面提到的事物,如是单数时用that,复数时用those,如:The weather in Beijing is hotter than that in Chang Chun. [误]It is so a good book that everyone likes to read. [正]It is such a good book that everyone likes to read. [正]It is so good a book that everyone likes to read. [析]在可数名词单数时可用so+形容词+不定冠词+名词+that从句,也可用such+不定冠词+形容词+that从句。在不可数名词或可数名词复数时,只用such, 如:It is such good weather that I want to go swimming. They are such good books that I want to buy them all.在many, much, few, little这4个词前仅能用so,如: She has so much money that she can buy everything she wants.而在so与that之间仅存形容词时,则不能用such,如:She is so sweet that everyone likes her. [误]I want to buy a same dictionary as yours. [正]I want to buy the same dictionary as yours. [析]same与定冠词the是固定搭配不可更改。这样的用法还有all the same(仍然)。 [误]— I hope she might pass the exam.— I don't hope so. [正]— I hope she might pass the exam.— I hope not. [析]在作肯定回答时,I think so. I hope so. I believe so.但作否定回答时为:I don't think so. I hope/believe not. [误]— He studied very hard this term.— So she did. [正]— He studied very hard this term.— So did she. [误]— English is difficult to learn.— So is it. [正]— English is difficult to learn.— So it is. [析]在对话中如果某一动作同时适用于两个主语,这时在答语中要用缩写且要用倒装句。如第一组句,即studied hard既适用于he,也适用于she.但答语仅仅是对前句的重复,即仅仅是第一句的缩写时则不要用倒装句。如第二组句子为:英语难学。答语为:是的,难学。这时缩写的答语不要用倒装句。 [误]Everyone should do one's best. [正]Everyone should do his best. [析]one作代词时,它的复数形式是ones,所有格形式是one's,反身代词为oneself.如果讲One should do one's best.则是对句。如果one与别的词组成其他词,如: someone, anyone, everyone或only one 则要用his/her,来作其所有格形式。 [误]— Who won the game?— None. [正]— Who won the game?— No one. [析]由who提问的句子的否定回答中的简略说法是no one,而由How many提问的句子的否定回答中的简略语是None.如:How many books are there? None. [误]There are many trees on either sides of the street. [正]There are many trees on either side of the street. [正]There are many trees on both sides of the street. [析]either作代词时由两个含意,其一是两者中随便哪一个,如:You can take either.其二是两者中的每一个。但要注意的是either后要加单数名词,如果作主语则谓语动词也要用单数形式。 [误]Either you or I are right. [正]Either you or I am right. [析]在either…or,或neither…nor连接两个主语时,其谓语动词要与和其相近的那个主语相配。 [误]I have three sisters. Neither of them is a doctor. [正]I have three sisters. None of them is a doctor. [析]neither用于两者中无一是,而none则用于多于两者中的人或事物无一是。 [误]He doesn't like Beijing opera. I don't like too. [正]He doesn't like Beijing opera, I don't like either. [析]either作为“也”讲时,要用于否定句中,而too则用于肯定句中。 [误]We like both this little boy. [正]We both like this little boy. [析]both作同位语时,它在句中的位置有:在be动词之后,如:We are both students.在实意动词之前,如:The parents both want to go to the cinema.用于第一助动词之后,如:We have both read these English novels.使用时要注意以下句子的实际含意:Both of us are not right.应译为:我们俩不都对。Neither of us is right.才应译为:我俩都不对。又如:I can't give you both of the books.意为:两本书我不能全给你,而I can't give you either of the books.才为:两本书我全不能给你。 [误]We each has a ticket for the concert. [正]We each have a ticket for the concert. [析]each作句子主语时其谓语动词要用单数形式,如:Each of us wants to learn English well,但each作同位语时,则应以原名词的数为准。 [误]Every of us has to pass the exam. [正]Each of us has to pass the exam. [析]every只可作形容词,不可作代词,而each既可作形容词,又可作代词,在作形容词时each侧重强调个体,而every 则侧重于全体。 [误]Everyone of us should do housework two hours a day. [正]Every one of us should do housework two hours a day. [析]everyone不可与of结构相连接使用,而every one则可以这样用。 [误]I should read English everyday. [正]I should read English every day. [析]要注意的是every day是“每天”,而everyday则是形容词为“日常的”。如:everyday English日常英语,everyday life日常生活。 [误]There are trees on every sides of the street. [正]There are trees on each side of the street. [析]every用于三者或三者以上的每一个,而each用于二者或二者以上的每一个。因为街道只有两侧,所以只能用each而不能用every. [误]All my parents are engineers. [正]Both my parents are engineers. [析]all用于三者或三者以上的全部,而both 则用于两者的全部。 [误]All of students might make some mistakes. [正]All of the students might make some mistakes. [正]All students might make some mistakes. [析]非特指的名词前可用all但不可用all of结构,也就是讲all of结构后面的名词前一定要有定冠词。其他与all有关的习惯用法还有: all the year round, all week, all day, all winter [误]The all village was flooded. [正]All the village was flooded. [析]all作修饰语时要用在所有修饰词之前。 [误]The post office is on other side of the street. [正]The post office is on the other side of the street. [析]单数可数名词如在泛指某一个时用another,而特指时则要用the other,因街道只有两边,而不在这边必定是在另一边,所以要用特指。请参考下表的用法以便于记忆。 单数 复数 泛指 another形容词 作定语 作名词 another代词 other others 特指 the other形容词 the other代词 the other the others [误]There are ten students here Where are the others students? [正]There are ten students here.Where are the others? [正]There are ten students here Where are the other students? [析]the others=the other students. [误]The old man has two sons. One is a teacher, another is a doctor. [正]The old man has two sons. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor. [析]another用于泛指,如:Is it far from here to the station?I'm sorry. I have no idea. One may say it is quite near; another may say it is far from here.但在特指时则要用the other.它可以用作定语,the other one,也可以用作代词the other,但the other用作代词时它的含意一定是单数。如果指三者或者三者以上的情况时,则要用one…another…the other.或者one…a second…the third… [误]Some people like sports. The others like reading. [正]Some people like sports. Others like reading. [析]在泛指的复数名词前用some…others…others…来表示某些人……某些人……某些人……。 [误]Please remember to water the flowers each other day. [正]Please remember to water the flowers every other day. [析]every other day为每隔一天。是习惯用法,不要随意改动。又如:on the other hand另一方面。 [误]Many know him, but few likes him. [正]Many know him, but few like him. [析]few用于可数名词,意为几乎没有,但few作主语时谓语动词则要用复数形式,而a few为有一些。 [误]You have few friends, haven't you? [正]You have few friends, have you? [析]little与few用于句中时,均要按否定句看待。 [误]Much of what you said are true. [正]Much of what you said is true. [析]much用于不可数名词,作主语时用单数谓语动词。而many用于可数名词,它作主语时用复数形式的谓语动词。 [误]This room is enough large for the students to live in. [正]This room is large enough for the students to live in. [析]enough 可以用作代词,如:There is enough of the food. 又如:Enough has been done for the work,但enough 还可以作形容词来修饰名词,这时enough可以放在名词之前,也可放在名词之后,如:money enough 与enough money都是对的。但当enough作副词修饰形容词时,则只能置于形容词之后了。 [误]I want any books to read. Do you have any? [正]I want some books to read. Do you have any? [析]按照语法any用于疑问句和否定句,而some用于肯定句。 [误]Would you like any thing to drink? [正]Would you like something to drink? [析]在由would you like发出的问句中,表达了说话者真心实意要为对方提供些饮料,或在说话者想得到对方的肯定答复时,在疑问句中要用some而不用any。 [误]Someone want to meet you. [正]Someone wants to meet you. [析]不定代词应被看作单数,即使用and连接两个不定代词,也要看作单数,如:Anyone and everyone has the right. 任何人,每一个人都有这样的权力。 [误]New York is much colder in winter than before. [正]It is much colder in New York in winter than before. [析]it常常用在英文的句子中来代表时间、距离、天气、自然现象,或用在句中作形式主语或宾语,如: It is ten o'clock now. (代时间) It is far from here to the airport. (代距离) It is very hot.(代天气) It is very difficult to learn English well. (作形式主语) We found it very difficult to answer the question. (作形式宾语) [误]Be careful. Don't drink too many. [正]Be careful. Don't drink too much. [析]这里much所代的应是饮料或水,所以应为不可数名词。 (三) 例题解析 1 These are ___books. Yours are over there. A I B my C me D mine [答案]B. [析]这里应用形容词性物主代词。 2 —___ is she? — She is a teacher. A What B How C Who D Where [答案]A. [析]这里的四个疑问词放在问句中全都成立,但其意义不同。What is she?应译为“她的工作是什么?”或“她是做什么的?”而How is she?应译为“她身体如何?”而Who is she?应译为“她是谁?”其答语应为“她叫什么名字。”而Where is she?应为“她在什么地方?”由答语决定了这道题的选择。 3___ is wrong with my watch. It has stopped___. A Something, working B Something, to work C Any thing, working D Anything, to work [答案]A. [析]因为是肯定句所以应用Something,其后由于表停止工作了,则stop后要用动名词。 4 Mary, help ___to the bananas, please. A you B your C yourself D yourselves [答案]C. [析]help oneself to something为“自己拿某物”。yourself为“你一个人”,而yourselves为“你们”。 5 —___ do you go to school every day? — By bus. A How B Why C When D Where [答案]A. [析]这题的答案是由问句决定的。 6 My skirt is___ popular than___. A much, her B much, hers C more, her D more, hers [答案]D. [析]因句中有than,所以应选用比较级,而than后要选用名词性物主代词。 7 — Can you speak English? — Yes, but only___. A few B a few C little D a little [答案]D. [析]因会讲某种语言的多少要用a little,把它看作不可数名词对待,此答语为:是的,但仅仅会讲一点。 8 Mr. Smith is an old friend of___. A I B me C my D mine [答案]D. [析]这里应选名词性物主代词,这也是英语的一种习惯用法,而不要选择my。 9 “ ___do you hear from your parents?” “About once a month.” A How long B How many C How often D How much [答案]C. [析]How often问的是某一动作发生的频率,即在单位时间内发生多少次。 10 Mr Green wouldn't say ___at the meeting. A everything B nothing C anything D something [答案]C. [析]在否定句中应用anything 11 “Mum, Ann's coming tonight. Let's give her ___to eat.” “Good idea!” A anything nice B nice anything C something nice D nice something [答案]C. [析]肯定句中用something而不用anything,不定代词的修饰词应放其后而不要放在其前面。 12 — When shall we meet, this evening or tomorrow evening? — I don't mind. ___time is OK. A Some B Neither C Either D Both [答案]C. [析]因如选用both则名词要用复数名词,也要用复数谓语动词,由于答语前有I don't mind 则决定不能选择neither. 13 This is not her kite, but___. A he's B him C he D his [答案]D. [析]要注意“他的”名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词是同形的。 14 Don't worry, Mum! ___ news is good news. I'm sure daddy will come back soon. A No B Many C Those D Two [答案]A. [析]这是一条谚语,即没有消息就是好消息。 15 Mary has six apples. Her brother has three. She has ___apples than he. A few B many C more D fewer [答案]C. [析]由于是比较级,根据题意应选“多于”而不是“少于”。 16 There isn't ___in today's newspaper. A anything interesting B something interesting C nothing interesting D interesting anything [答案]A. [析]由于句子是否定句,应选择anything ,而且不定代词的修饰语应放在其后面。 17 September 10th is___ Day? A Teacher B Teachers C Teacher's D Teachers' [答案]D. [析]教师节Teachers' Day,儿童节 Children's Day, 妇女节 Women's Day 18 — In England, people eat a lot of “takeaway” food. What about people in your country? —___ A So we do. B We do so. C So do we. D We so do. [答案]C. [析]在答语中用简略方式表达上文的一个动作同样适用于另一个主语时,则要采用倒装句,但如果仅仅是对上句的重复则不要倒装。 19 — Shall we go into that shop and have a look? — Sorry. I won't. I have ___to do there. A everything B anything C something D nothing [答案]D. [析]这个答案的选择应由上下两句对话内容作出决定。 20— Oh, dear! Who broke the glass? —___ Sam ___Bruce. It was the cat. A Both, and B Not, but C Neither, nor D Either, or [答案]C. [析]neither…nor意为既不……也不…… 21 The students are having a good time in the park. Some are drawing by the lake.___are climbing the hill. A Others B Other C Another D The other [答案]A. [析]这里因为是代替复数名词,所以应用名词性的复数代名词。 22 She is not a nurse. I'm not___. A also B either C neither D too [答案]B. [析]在否定句中该用either,而不用too和also. 23 I have two pencils. One is red,___ is blue. A the other B another C others D the others [答案]A. [析]两者中的另一个应为特指。而且应为单数形式的代名词。而another是泛指单数代名词。others是泛指复数代名词,而the others是特指复数代名词。 24 Sorry, I can't answer your question. I know ___about the subject. A little B a little C few D a few [答案]A. [析]中文讲我对此知道的不多,而英文中要用little。其含意为否定句。 25 My sister doesn't like skating___. A So do I B So I don't C Neither I don't D Neither do I [答案]D. [析]这是表达上面否定句中的动作,也同样不适合 于第二个人。所以要用neither,并要采用倒装句。 26 Yesterday morning there were only three boys in our room,___. A you, he and I B I, you and he C he, I and you D you, I and he [答案]A. [析]这是若干人称代词并列时的顺序问题。请参看辨析中的例子。 27 All the students are busy, so___of them will go to the concert. A many B little C a few D few [答案]D. [析]student为可数名词。 28 The teacher gave ___student a new book. A nobody B both C each D any [答案]C. [析]both其后的名词应为复数,而any用于疑问句和否定句中只有each可以修饰单数可数名词。 29 Black is neither a teacher ___a worker. A or B either C nor D and [答案]C. [析]neither…nor为“既不……也不……”的固定搭配。 30 Our teacher gave us___on studying. A many advices B some advices C an advice D some advice [答案]D. [析]advice为不可数名词。some可用于可数或不可数名词之前。 31 There are two foreign friends in the park. One ___is from Japan, is from America. A other B others C the other D the others [答案]C. [析]因为是两者中的一个,所以另一个应用单数特指代词。 32 Are there ___on the table? A some cups B any cup C some cup D any cups [答案]D. [析]此句是疑问句,应用any cups, 因提问时的be动词用的是are。 33 I've just bought five stamps. One is a German stamp, ___are American stamps. A the other B the others C other D others [答案]B. [析]此空应填入主语。又因其范围已定,所以应选特指的代名词。the other只能用作单数,而others是泛指复数代名词,故只能选B。 34 It was___ fine day that they went to the park. A a so B so a C such a D a such [答案]C. [析]在单数可数名词前可以有两种表达法,即such+不定冠词+形容词+可数名词单数形式,如:such a good day,或者用so加形容词+不定冠词+可数名词单数,如:so good a day. 35 At that time the train was slow and noisy. So___people liked taking trains. A little B a little C few D a few [答案]C. [析]这是英文的表达法与中文不同之处。中文讲只有少数人喜欢坐火车,英文要选用“few”。 36 We must help and understand each___. A other B another C others D the other [答案]A. [析]each other意为“互相”,是习惯用语。 37 ___is difficult to walk on the moon. A Man B One C That D It [答案]D. [析]这里的真正主语应为不定式to walk on the moon.而形式主语只能用it. 38 Jane has sent several letters, but ___of them have been answered. A all B both C either D none [答案]D. [析]several letters意为“若干信件”,应看作多于两者,则在A、D中作选择,仅D符合句意。 39 I don't know ___about the new headmaster. A something B everything C nothing D anything [答案]D. [析]否定句中应用anything. 40___ of the students in the whole class could do this physics question. A No B None C Not D Neither [答案]B. 四、 形容词、副词 (一) 知识概要 形容词的用法很活跃,在英语中用处也很多,但英语中修饰可数名词和不可数名词的修饰语和词组有时不同,要特别加以注意。下面将初中学习阶段中遇到的修饰可数名词的词和词组归纳如下:many, no, several, some, a few, a lot, lots, plenty, plenty of, a lot of, a large number of, enough。而修饰不可数名词的词或词组如下:much, no, some, a lot, a great deal, lots, plenty, a lot of, plenty of。其中some, no, a lot of, plenty of既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。英语中形容词与副词有原级、比较级、最高级之分,其规则如下: 构词法 原 级 比较级 最高级 加er,或est Tall young taller younger tallest youngest 只加r或st nice large nicer larger nicest largest 重读闭音节末尾只有一个辅音 字母时双写该字母加er、est big fat hot bigger fatter hotter biggest fattest hottest 不规则变化的形容词或副词: 原 级 比较级 最高级 good better best Well better best bad worse worst badly worse worst many more most most more most little less lest far farther further farthest furthest old older elder oldest eldest 要注意的是许多形容词同时又是副词,如:back, all, alone, either, far, high, slow等。而有些形容词则要经过一定变化才能转为副词,其规律如下: 构词法 形容词 副 词 一般加ly Careful kind carefully kindly 尾是y时将y变成i加ly Happy busy easy Happily busily easily 其 他 true terrible full possible shy whole truly terribly fully possibly shyly wholly 在学习过程中要注意其变化。 此外并不是所有副词都可以修饰比较级和最高级形容词。能修饰比较级的有:much, yet, far, still, a great deal, even 和a little. 能修饰最高级的有:the very, much the, far等。 (二) 正误辨析 [误] The young likes playing football very much. [正] The young like playing football very much. [析] 定冠词加形容词表示一类人,应作复数看待。而定冠词加形容词表示抽象事物时则要看作单数,如:The beautiful is not always kindness.美丽并不总代表善良。 [误] The danger has gone, so the worst are over. [正] The danger has gone, so the worst is over. [析] 意为:"危险已经过去,最困难的状况已结束。"用定冠词加最高级形容词作主语时应看作单数形式。 [误] It is the gold age of the young. [正] It is the golden age of the young. [析] golden在英语中多用于比喻,如:golden hair金发,gulden voice金嗓子。而gold多用于表达金质的,如:a gold bar金条,a gold coin金币,但gold fish 金鱼例外。 [误] She is a warm heart woman. [正] She is a warmhearted woman. [析] 英语形容词的构词法很多,其中之一是由形容词,或数词,加名词加ed构成,如:warmhoarted 热心肠的,whitehaired 白毛的 [误] There is an alive fish in the pool. [正] There is a living fish in the pool. [析] 在初中范围内所学到的以a字母开头的形容词一般不能作定语,只能作表语。如:The fish is alive.(鱼还活着)这样的形容词有:alive, alike, alone, asleep, afraid, awake等。 [误] The ill man nearly died. [正] The sick man nearly died. [析] ill一般不作定语来形容某人有病,而要用sick,但作表语时则都可以。如:He is ill sick, ill作定语时则另有他意,如:ill luck (厄运),ill nature(天性恶劣),ill temper(心绪不好) [误] I have important something to tell you. [正] I have something important to tell you. [析] 不定代词something, anyone, somebody…在用形容词修饰时,形容词应放其后。但要注意thing则不是不定代词,不符合上述规律。如:I have an important thing to tell you. [误] I'll be free on next Sunday. [正] I'll be free next Sunday. [析] 在表达将来时的时候:next Sunday, next week, next year或last Sunday last week, last year前都不加介词。 [误] The girl is twoyear old. [正] The girl is two years old. [正] She is a twoyearold girl [析] 由连字符连接若干名词、数词……组成的形容词,在学习时要记住两点,其一是这些词中的名词都不要用复数形式,如:twothousandword report(两千字的报告);其二是这样构成的形容词只能作定语,即用于名词之前,而不能作表语。 [误] The foreigners like those little beautiful Chinese paintings. [正] The foreigners like those beautiful little Chinese paintings. [析] 在名词前若有几个形容词作修饰语时,其顺序如下。 1. 指示代词,定冠词 2. 数量词 3. 性质词 4. 大小 5. 形状 6. 老少,新旧 7. 颜色 8. 材料 但要注意的是英语的习惯是一个名词前的形容词一般不要多于三个。 如: What a pretty little white horse! Those first few short English stories were not difficult to understand. [误] The best way to learn English good is to speak with Englishman every day. [正] The best way to learn English well is to speak with Englishman every day. [析] good是形容词,这里是修饰动词speak的,所以应用副词well,但well作形容词讲时只作身体好。如:He is well.(他身体很好)。He is good.(他是个好人)。 [误] The children play on the grass nappyly. [正] The children play on the grass happily [析] 多音节y结尾的形容词变为副词时应将y变为i再加ly. [误] The teacher looked angry at the students. [正] The teacher looked angrily at the students. [析] 英语中感观动词后面要接形容词,这时它是修饰主语的,如:The food smells good.食物闻起来很香。The teacher looked angry 老师看起来很生气。 而此句的意思为:"老师生气地看着学生",所以应用副词形式。 [误] He worked with me friendly. [正] He was friendly to me. [析] 不是所有结尾是ly的词都是副词,但friendly是形容词,这样的词还有lovely, lonely, costly, lively…monthly weekly…。但其中有些词既是副词,又是形容词,如:early, hourly, monthly… [误] You can speak free in front of your friends. [正] You can speak freely in front of your friends. [析] free作为形容词意为"自由的,有空闲的,免费的"。作为副词讲则是"免费"之意。而freely作为副词则是"自由的,随便的"。这些要注意的词还有:hard 努力,艰苦 hardly 几乎不 late 迟,晚lately 最近的,最新的 near 近 nearly 几乎like 像 likely 几乎 [误] They must have arrived till now. [正] They must have arrived by now. [析] by now是用于表达到目前为止某一动作已经发生,所以应用瞬间动词。而till now是强调某一动作一直持续到现在,所以一定要用持续性动词。must have+过去分词是对过去某一事情所作的肯定推测。 [误] Someone called you right now. [正] Someone called you just now. [析] just now有两个意思,其一是"刚才",其二是"现在",而right now只能用于现在的状态。just则用于完成时态,如: I have just finished my homework. [误] My father will be back from America at present. [正] My father will be back from America presently. [析] presently有两个意思:其一是最近,不久,其二在美语中是现在之意,与at present相同。而for the present为暂时,如: I teach English in the school for the present. [误] I'll be back at the moment. [正] I'll be back in a moment. [析] at the moment 其意为"现在,当时",而in a moment意为"马上过一会",与in a minute意思相近。 [误] The train from Shanghai will arrive here in time. [正] The train from Shanghai will arrive here on time. [析] on time为"准时",而in time有两个含意。其一是"及时",如:The doctor arrived in time。其二是"将来,终究"。 [误] I met an old friend sometimes last month. [正] I met an old friend sometime last month. [析] Sometime 过去,或者将来某时。Sometimes 有时 如: Sometimes I go to school by bus.Some time 一些时间 如: I need sometime to do my homework. Some times 几次 如: I went to Shanghai sometimes this month. at times 有时,偶尔 at all times 经常 some other time 改天 [误] I had met an old friend three days ago. [正] I had met an old friend three days before. [正] I met an old friend three days ago. * ago 用在时间状语中时,主句中谓语动词一般用过去时,而before用于时间状语时则主句的谓语动词宜用完成时态。 [误] He studied very hard. and at the end he passed the exam. [正] He studied very hard, and in the end he passed the exam. [析] in the end=at last 意为"最终,终于",表达经过若干努力而达到的结果。而at the end是在某事的结束时如何如何,如:At the end of class, the teacher gave us some story books。 [误] I will come here to help you each three days. [正] I will come here to help you every three days. [析] every three days 为"每三天",即每隔二天,而every other day为每隔一天。 [误] He didn't go to the cinema yesterday. and I didn't go, too. [正] He didn't go to the cinema yesterday and I didn't go either. [析] 英语中表示"也",有4个字,also, as well, too, either,但either用于否定句中,而前3个用于肯定句中。在肯定句中too与as well一般要用在句尾,而also则可用于句中。如:She went to the party and her boy friend went there too. 又如: I've also read her other novels. [误] We should help the poor girl in anyway. [正] We should help the poor girl in any way. [析] anyway为"不管怎么"讲,"无论如何",如:What a terrible accident, anyway no one was hurt. any way 为"任何方式"。这种常见的错误还发生在以下几组词中,如: everyday 日常的 every day 每天 faraway 遥远的 far away 远离 altogether 总计 all together 一块,大家一起 already 已经 all ready 全准备好了 [误] You can come to the doctor's at anytime. [正] You can come to the doctor's at any time. [析] anytime 是副词 而any time中的time是名词。 [误] She said nearly nothing. [正] She said almost nothing. [析] nearly 与 almost的含意相近,在很多场合可以互换,但在否定词前用almost。 [误] There are too much mistakes in your homework. [正] There are too many mistakes in your homework. [析] too much 后接不可数名词,如:There is too much water for the flowers. 而too many 后加可数名词,much too 后面加形容词,如:It is much too difficult to learn English well. [误] It is late enough that we can go home now. [正] It is late enough for us to go home now. [析] 要注意的是enough后面一般不接从句而接不定式,或不定式的复合结构:for somebody to do something。 [误] The twins are very alike. [正] The twins are much alike. [析] 用a为首字母的形容词不能用very修饰,一般要用much来修饰。 [误] - How long does he write to his parents? - Once a week. [正] - How often does he write to his parents? - Once a week. [析] 英文与中文表达法不同,隔多长时间办一次某事,实际上问的是该事发生的频率,所以要用how often。 [误] As soon as I arrive in New York, I'll call up you. [正] As soon as I arrive in New York, I'll call you up. [析] 当动词词组的宾语是人称代词时则一定要放于动词之后,如果是名词则可以放在词组其后。如:I want to watch TV. Please turn on the TV. 也可以讲: Please turn the TV on. [误] He drove quickly his new car. [正] He drove his new car quickly. [析] 副词在句中的位置很活,但主要有以下几种用法:①实意动词之前,如:He quickly give me the answer. ② 在be动词之后,如:The little boy is often late for class. ③ 第一助动词之后,如:This book has almost been finished. ④ 在单独使用的be动词和助动词之前,如: Can you help me this afternoon? I certainly can.但是无论如何也不能将副词置于动词与宾语之间,如果是宾语从句或是很长的名词 词组作宾语则才可以这样用: He heard clearly what the teacher said. [误] The children came late yesterday to the cinema. [正] The children came late to the cinema yesterday. [析] 表示一定长度的时间的副词不应放于句中,可放于句尾。如果表示强调则可放于句首。 [误] You have few new books, haven't you? [正] you have few new books, have you? [析] 英语中的数量形容词有两组。修饰可数名词的有few(很少,几乎没有),a few(有一些,几个);修饰不可数名词的有little (很少,几乎没有),a little(有一点,有一些)。要注意的是当few和little用于句中时应看作否定句,而 a few 和a little 用于句中时则应看作是肯定句。 [误] He spent quite little money on his food. [正] He spent quite a little money on his food. [析] quite a 为一固定用法,其意为"十分,相当,所以"。 quite a few=many, quite a little=much 而only a little=little, only a few=few. [误] Do you want to have many bread? [正] Do you want to have some bread? [析] some与any都可以用作形容词、副词或代词,在一般情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句和否定句,但在希望得到肯定答复时,应用some。 其次是some 可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词。 [误] Please tell me where the shoes shop is? [正] Please tell me where the shoe shop is. [析] 在用名词作修饰词来修饰另一名词时,这个作修饰词的名词应用单数形式,如: a shoe shop 鞋店 a fruit shop 水果店 a book shop 书店 a post office 邮局 a police station 警察局 a bus stop 汽车站 [误] He is weak at physics. [正] He is weak in physics. [析] 在表达擅长于作某事时用be good at something, 而其反意词为be bad at something, 但be weak in something。 [误] This dictionary is worth to buy. [正] This dictionary is worth buying. [析] be worth 后可接动、名词表达值得作某事,又可接价格、金钱表示值多少钱。 [误] Don't afraid of that. [正] Don't be afraid of that. [析] afraid 在英文中是形容词而不是动词。这样的词组还有: be afraid of 害怕 be careful of 小心 be certain of 有把握,确定 be sure of 确信 be glad of 高兴 be sick of 厌恶 be fond of 喜欢 [误] The work has already been done well. [正] The work has already been well done. [析] well 与badly作副词时,表示好坏,如果句子是被动语态,则应放在过去分词之前,如:This machine has been badly damaged. 如果句子是主动语态,则应放于句末,如:I did my homework well.[误] We are yet in the classroom now. [正] We are already in the classroom now. [析] already主要用于肯定句,而yet多用于否定句和疑问句中,如: Did you finish it? No. not yet. [误] Look. Here comes he! [正] Look! Here he comes! [误] Look! Here the bus comes! [正] Look! Here comes the bus! [析] 在句子开头用Here时,如主语是人称代词则不要用倒装语序,如果主语是名词则要用倒装语序。 [误] She is my older sister. [正] She is my elder sister. [析] elder 和eldest是用来指家庭中兄弟姐妹的长幼关系,而older, oldest 则是指岁数大多少,如:She is three years older than I. [误] I'm tired. I can't go further. [正] I'm tired. I can't go farther. [析] far有两个比较级 farther 较远的,further 进一步的,如:Do you need any further explanation? 你需要进一步的解释吗?当然它也有两个最高级。farthest和furthest. [误] I went to Beijing University five years before. [正] I went to Beijing University five years ago. [析] ago常与过去时连用,而before则多与完成时连用。 [误] - Have you finished your homework? - No, not already. [正] - Have you finished your homework? - No, not yet. [析] 仍然有三个英文字可以表达它们是already, yet 与 still。 要注意的是 already经常用于肯定句中,如The bus has already gone。 而yet 多用于疑问句和否定句中,如:Have you finished your homework yet? 而still 则常用于主语与谓语动词之间,如:We still can't decide what to do. 但也有时用于be 动词之后,如:He is still here. [误] He is very higher than I am. [正] He is much higher than I am. [析] much可以用来修饰比较级,而very则用来修饰形容词原级,如:I'm very tired. [误] - Can I walk to the station?- You'd better not. It is very far. [正] - Can I walk to the station? - You'd better not, It is a long way. [析] for一般用在疑问句与否定句中,如:How far is it from here to the station? 又如:It isn't far. [误] I've ever been to America. [正] I've been to America once. [析] once 多用于肯定句,而ever则用于疑问句,否定句,及条件状语从句中,如:Have you ever been to London? [误] - Could you pass the exam this time? - No, I am not afraid so. [正] - Could you pass the exam this time? - No, I'm afraid not. [析] 在肯定的答语中我们可以用so来代替上句所讲的事件,如:Do you think she is a good student? Yes I think so, /I hope so, /I believe so/ I'm afraid so.但在否定的答语中,英语口语的习惯用法则有所不同,如,I don't think so 而在hope, belive 与 afraid后则常用not, 如:I hope not. [误] She didn't work enough hard, so she couldn't pass the exam. [正] She didn't work hard enough, so she couldn't pass the exam. [析] enough 可以作名词用,如:Enough has been said for how to learn English well. (对于如何学好英语已经讲的足够多了。)另外它可以作为形容词,如:I have enough money (or money enough) to buy this dictionary. 注意 enough作为形容词时即可放于名词前又可放于名词后,在初中范围的考题中多用于名词之前。如果enough 作为副词用,那么它一定要放在被修饰的形容词或副词之后。 [误] You can't be very careful. [正] You can't be too careful. [析] 此句话的含意是你如何小心也不过分。too…to的用法是"太……以至于不能作某事"。但在实际应用时也常常将后面的to省去,如:It is too expensive for me.那对我来讲是太贵了。 [误] He is good past fifty. [正] He is well past fifty. [析] well 作为副词用时除用于"好"之外还有"大大地、远远地",等意。往往有人对下面两句的对或错有争议; He is well. He is good. 其实这两句都是正确的表达法,只不过其含意不同。He is well是"他身体不错",而He is good 则为"他是个好人"。 [误] She is not as half clever as her brother. [正] She is not half as clever as her brother. [析] 在as…as结构中要将修饰形容词的数量词倍数及nearly, almost, exactly… 等置于第一个as之前。 [误] He is same age as Tom. [正] He is the same age as Tom. [析] the same…as是固定的用法,其中定冠词the是不可省也不能换成别的词的。 [误] Mother and her daughter are exactly like. [正] Mother and her daughter are exactly alike. * like 作为介词,其意为"像",应用于 look like, be like, sound like, 其后要加宾语。而 alike 是形容词,或副词,如: You and I think alike. The twins are dressed alike。 但 alike 仅作表语而不能用于名词前作定语。 [误] Who is taller of the two? [正] Who is the taller of the two? [析] 两者的比较级之前要加定冠词。 [误] I have less books than Tom. [正] I have fewer books than Tom. [析] less 是 little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。less后应加不可数名词而fewer后是可数名词。 [误] There are three girls in my group. The cleverer is Mary. [正] There are three girls in my group. The cleverest is Mary. [析] 在两者之间应用比较级,在三者之间或三者以上的范围内应用最高级。 [误] The boy sat there as quiet as his sister. [正] The boy sat there as quietly as his sister. [析] as…as的用法要注意的是:①在其中间应加形容词或副词的原级,而不可加比较级,也有的语法书中称为同级比较。②要根据句意决定是加形容词还是副词,这要看它具体是修饰动词还是名词而定,如:He is as good as his friend. [误] The harder you study, and you can learn more. [正] The harder you study, the more you can learn. [析] 英文中如果要表达越来越怎样,在初中范围有两种表达法:①比较级+and+比较级。②定冠词+比较级……,如:The nights are getting longer and longer。 要注意的是多音节形容词的比较级前要加more,这样的用法是:more and more 加形容词,如:The girl is growing more and more beautiful. [误] Studying physics is not so interesting as to learn English. [正] Studying physics is not so interesting as learning English. [析] 在作比较时,英语一般要求对比的两部分结构应一致。如用动名词,应都用动名词,用不定式时则都用不定式。但有时在后一个不定式前的符号to可以省略。如:To repair the old one is as much expensive as (to) buy a new one. [误] The girl is more cleverer than the boy. [正] The girl is much more clever (much cleverer) than the boy. [析] clever有两个比较级:cleverer和more clever,要注意的是不能用比较级来修饰比较级。clever的两个比较级也各有不同之处,如用在两种不同性质的比较时多用more clever,如:He is more clever than honest. (他的聪明要远远超过其诚实。) [析] The boy is the tallest to the three. [正] The boy is the tallest of the three. [析] 最高级的范围要用of加复数形式或加集合名词。 [误] This book is one of the most useful dictionary. [正] This book is one of the most useful dictionaries. [析] 在one of 后面最高级形容词后要加可数名词复数。 [误] This dictionary is the much best one of the EnglishChinese dictionaries. [正] This dictionary is much the best one of the EnglishChinese dictionaries. [析] 在修饰最高级时应用 far/by far/much 加the加最高级。但very例外,如:He is the very best player in the team. [误] Shanghai is bigger than any other cities in China. [正] Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China. [析] 在比较级中表示比较对象时如用any other其后一般要加单数名词。 [误] Most of stories in this book are written in English. [正] Most of the stories in this book are written in English. [正] Most stories in this book are written in English. [析] "大多数"一词的表达法有most of the +名词,或most+名词。当用前一种结构时,其后面的定冠词不可少。 [误] The temperature of that room is higher than this room. [正] The temperature of that room is higher than that of this room. [析] 比较级用于两句话之间时,比较的部分不可省略掉,但为了避免重复,一般都要用that代替前面的单数名词,而用those代替前面的复数名词,如:The books in that box are bigger than those in this box。 [误] He is no more here. Maybe he is at home. [正] He is no longer here. Maybe he is at home. [析] no more在现代英语中多译为:"从此再也不会了",如:His voice is no more here. 他已经去世了,他的声音不可能再出现了。而用no longer 表达目前的状态。要注意下面几组句子的实际含意:This room is no cleaner than that one.即两间屋子都不干净。(两者都不干净) This room is not cleaner than that one,即这屋子不如那间干净。(前者不如后者干净。即一间干净,一间不干净。) (三) 例题解析 1 I think Chinese is ___ than maths. A. interesting B more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting [答案] B. [析] 在有than作比较的句子中应用形容词的比较级。 2 - What does Lucy like better, singing or dancing? - Singing. of course. She's known to ___ it. A. be good at B. be good for C. be bad at D. be bad for [答案] A. [析] be good at为固定搭配,意为"擅长作某事"。初中英语中有些这样的固定用法应记牢,而不能似是而非。如:be good at, be bad at, be poor in, be week in, be fit for 3 The Huang He River is one of ___ in China. A. The long river B. the longest river C. the longest rivers D. the longer river [答案] C. [析] 在one of + 定冠词+最高级之后的名词应用复数形式。 4 The girl was ___ afraid ___ she threw her bag away. A. so, that B. too, to C. too, that D. enough, to [答案] A. [析] so…that为"如此怎样以至于如何",此句意思是:小女孩如此害怕以至于扔下包跑掉了。而too…to的意思为"如何如何,以至于不能作某事"。但to的后面是动词原形,而不是从句。 5 It was ___ yesterday than today. A. hot B. hoter C. hotter D. the hottest [答案] C. [析] 用than表达比较的句中应用比较级 。 6 Which subject do you like ___ , English Chinese or maths? A. best B. well C. better D. good [答案] A. [析] 在两者之间应用比较级,而在三者之间或三者以上用最高级。 7 None of the students watched it ___ . A. careful enough B. enough carefully C. carefully enough D. enough careful [答案] C. [析] 首先应判定是选用用来修饰名词的形容词还是用来修饰动词的副词。这里是修饰watch这一动词,应选用副词。当enough用来修饰副词或形容词时应放于被修饰的形容词或副词之后。 8 ___ she eats, ___ she'll be. A. More…fat B. The more…fatter C. More…the fatter D. The more…the fatter [答案] D. [析] the+比较级表示"越来越……"本句应译为:她吃得越多,她就会越胖。 9 I don't think English is ___ Chinese. A. as important as B. not important as C. not so important D. important as [答案] A. [析] think+宾语从句时,应采用否定主句的形式,如:中文讲,"我认为你不对",英文应为:"我不认为你对"。 I don't think you are right. 所以不能选答案B。而C、D均为不正确的表达法。 10 Miss Gao is a good English teacher. The students in her class ___ English.A. are interested in B. are interesting in C. are interested at D. are interesting to [答案] A. [析] 过去分词常用来修饰人,而现在分词常用来修饰物,如:an interesting book, 实际上过去分词含有被动之意,如:interested 其含意是"被……所吸引,感动"。而interesting 则为"使人感兴趣的",如:an interesting man 一个有趣、风趣的人。 11 The twins are together most of the time. So they never feel _ .A. alone B. lonely C. happily D. friendly [答案] B. [析] alone意为"独自的,一个人的",它只能作表语不能作定语。I am not alone in doing such a thing.而lonely 意为"寂寞的,孤单的",如:The old man felt lonely. 要体会两个词的区别,如:The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely. 12 What a ___ cough! You seem ___ ill. A. terrible, terribly B. terribly, terrible C. terrible, terrible D. terribly, terribly [答案] A. [析] terrible是形容词,而terribly是副词,第一个空是修饰名词的,所以应填入形容词。第二个空ill是形容词,这里terribly 是用来修饰ill的。 13 The two friends were ___ pleased to see each other that they forgot everything. A. so B. too C. very D. much [答案] A. [析] 这里用的是so…that的固定搭配。 14 Which is ___ , Li Lei's box or Han Meimei's box? A. heavy B. heavier C. more heavier D. the heaviest [答案] B. [析] 两者之间用比较级,三者或以上用最高级。 15 You don't like the same colours and I don't like them, ___ . A. too B. also C. either D. neither [答案] C. [析] 在否定句中也应用either, 而不要用too,因too用于肯定句中。 16 Jim is ___ at all his lessons. And I'm sure he'll do very ___ in the exams. A. well, good B. good, well C. well, well D. good, good [答案] B. [析] good为形容词,如:He is good. 他是个好人。而well作为身体状况的好坏讲时是形容词,如:He is well为他身体不错,而作为其他意思时为副词,如:He speaks English well. 17 You look ___ than before, why? A. more thin B. more thinner C. much more thin D. much thinner [答案] D. [析] 多音节形容词才用more或most加形容词来表示其比较级或最高级,而thin的比较级为thinner。 18 Let's go out for supper now. I'm very ___ . A. hungry B. angry C. tired D. thirsty [答案] A. [析] hungry-饿,angry-生气,tired-紧,疲劳,thirsty-口渴。要注意名词的词义。 19 - Can you understand me? - Sorry, I can ___ understand you. A. hardly B. almost C. even D. ever [答案] A. [析] hardly为一否定词,用在句中时应被看作是否定句。在答语中Sorry决定了其意为"听不明白",所以只能选 hardly。 20 "___ do you write to your penfriend?" "About twice a month." A. How often B. How soon C. How much D. How long [答案] A. [析] how often用来提问某一动作经多久就要发生一次,也就是提问发生的频率。how soon是问从现在起还有多久。 21 Changjiang River is ___ river in China A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longest [答案] D. 22 I'll work ___ I can. A. so hardly as B. so hard as C. as hardly as D. as hard as [答案] D. [析] hard可用作形容词和副词,如:The desk was made of hard wood 又如:It is raining hard。 而 hardly 是副词,其词义是"几乎不",如:Hardly did I sleep last night. 我昨晚几乎没有睡觉。而且hardly用于句首时要采用倒装语序。as…as即可以用于肯定句,也可以用于否定句,但so…as则只能用于否定句中。 23 It is very ___ to listen to him. A. interested B. interesting C. interested in D. interest [答案] B. [析] interest作为名词有两个词义,①兴趣,②银行中所讲的利息。而其形容词 interesting是"使人感兴趣的",而interested是"感兴趣的"如:He is interested in English. 24 Things are ___ worse than I thought. A. more B. few C. very D. much [答案] D. [析] 只有much可以修饰比较级。 25 It is one o'clock, but her father hasn't come back ___ . A. already B. still C. too D. yet [答案] D. [析] 完成时的否定句尾要用yet, 而already则用于肯定句。 26 Comrade Chen is ___ older than I. A. very B. more C. much D. quite [答案] C. [析] 只有much可以修饰比较级。可以修饰比较级的词还有much, far, even a little, by far等。 27 She did her homework ___ . A. carefully B. careful C. care D. careless [答案] A. [析] 这里应填入副词,而careless是由care加less后辍得来的,less意为"没有",是否定之意,如:careless-不小心,homeless-无家可归。而carefully为副词。 28 They can't answer the question in Japanese; we can't answer it, ___ . A. also B. too C. either D. neither [答案] C. 29 - How are your parents? - They are very ___ , thank you. A. good B. kind C. well D. happy [答案] C. [析] 由问句得知其询问的是身体如何,所以well作为身体状况不错时应视为形容词。 30 Peter runs ___ in our class. A. the fast B. faster C. fastest D. most fast [答案] C. [析] 副词的最高级前可以加定冠词,也可以不加定冠词。 31 We were all ___ glad that we sang and danced. A. such B. so C. very D. quite [答案] B. [析] 在so与that之间只有形容词时不可用such。 32 Kate sings ___ Joan. A. as well as B. as good as C. so good as D. as better as [答案] A. [析] 这里well为副词,意为"唱得好"。 33 This egg smells ___ , though it looks all right. A. good B. well C. bad D badly [答案] C. [析] smell为系动词,其后应加形容词,而不是副词。同样的词,还有sound, feel, seem、become(变成)等等,如:Ice feels cold in winter. 34 Wait a minute, I have ___ to tell you. A. something interested B. something interesting C. interesting something D. anything interesting [答案] B. [析] 修饰不定代词的修饰词要放在不定代词之后。 35 I shall visit you ___ next year. A. sometimes B. sometime C. some time D. some times [答案] B. [析] sometimes 有时,sometime 某一时刻,some time 一段时间, some times 若干次 36 My sister said she would try to speak ___ English every day. A. a little B. a few C. litttle D. few [答案] A. [析] little修饰不可数名词,而a little意为"一些,一点"。 37 I have ___ friends here and I often visit them. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little [答案] C. [析] a few意为"有些",few后面要加可数名词复数。 38 Of all these books, do you think, which one is ___ ? A. interesting B. much interesting C. more interesting D. the most interesting [答案] D. [析] Of all these books 是用来表示最高级的范围 五、 连 词 (一) 知识概要 连词是一种在句子与句子之间,短语之间以及名词等其他词语之间起连接作用的虚词,它不能单独作句子的成份。按其意义可分为并列连词和从属连词两大类。并列连词连接的双方是对等的。常有的并列连词有and, both…and, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, as well as等。但如果连接的两部分意义不趋向一致,意义有转折的并列连词有:but, however, while (而),only (只不过)。还有表示选择关系的并列连词,如:or, or else, otherwise… 再有的是连接双方,互为因果,或表示前因后果的连词有:for, so, therefore (因此),then等。从属连词在初中范围内常常用来连接名词性从句,如:that, if, whether, 其次用来连接状语从句。其中有原因状语从句,常用的连接词有:when while, as, since, before, after, once, as soon as, until, till 连接条件状语的连词有:if, unless, as long as 等,而原因状语的连接词有because, since, as, now that (既然)。目的、结果、方式、比较、地点等状语从句的连接词有:so that, so…that, such…that, as…as, than, where… 它们在句子与文章中几乎无处不见。具体用法见下表。 连词用法一览表 种类 功用 例句 并列连词 连接具有并列关系的 词 He knows neither English nor French. 短语 Are you going by bus or on foot? 分句 Mary was a good girl, but she had one shortcoming. 从属连词 引导: 状语从句 I'll do it as you told me. You will be late unless you hurry. 连接代词和连接副词 主语从句 What he said proved true. When we'll start has not been decided yet. 表语从句 This is why he didn't come yesterday. That is where he lives. 宾语从句 The man asked me which I liked best. I can't understand why she is so late. 关系代词和关系副词 定语从句 Nicotine is a drug that gets one into the habit of smoking. He came last night when I was out. (二) 正误辨析 [误] Both my parents are not here. They went to the concert just now. [正] Neither of my parents is here. They went to the concert just now. [析] 在英语中both一般用于肯定句中,如用于否定句中,其意义也不同于汉语,如:Both of us are not right. 在英语中应被理解为"我们俩不都对。"而Neither of us is right。 才能被理解为"我们俩无一正确"。 [误] He or his parents has some tickets for the film. [正] He or his parents have some tickets for the film. [析] 由or 连接两主语时,谓语动词应与相临近的那一个主语保持一致。 [误] You should study hard, and you won't pass the exam. [正] You should study hard, or you won't pass the exam. [析] or作为连词,这里的意思为"否则"。又如:Hurry up, or you'll be late for school. [误] Though he is poor, but he is ready to help others. [正] Though he is poor, he is ready to help others. [正] He is poor, but he is ready to help others. [析] "虽然……但是"是中文中的常用结构,但在英文中用了"虽然"则不要用"但是",用了"但是"则不能再用"虽然",二者只可用其一。 [误] Either you or I are on duty. [正] Either you or I am on duty. [析] either…or 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词与相临近的一个主语相呼应,这也叫作就近原则。类似的用法还有or, neither… nor, not only…but also等。 [误] Tom is our English teacher and teaching English in our school now. [正] Tom is our English teacher and is teaching English in our school now. [析] 并列句中常常在后面的句子中作一些省略,以免重复,但不是所有词都可作任意的省略的。当你连接的是两个系动词时,后面的那个系动词不可省略,也就是讲连接的部分不可省略。 [误] My father likes swimming and to collect stamps. [正] My father likes swimming and collecting stamps. [析] 由并列连词连接的两个部分要保持相等的语法结构。如是动名词则都用动名词,如用不定式则都应用不定式,这是初学者要注意的一点。 [误] My father is reading a newspaper, I am doing my homework. [正] My father is reading a newspaper while I am doing my homework. [析] 两个并列句中间不可用逗号连接,要用并列连词来连接。 [误] My father asked me that if I wanted to learn how to drive. [正] My father asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive. [析] 宾语从句的连接词只能有一个不能重复使用。 [误] We will go both to Beijing and Shanghai. [正] We will go to both Beijing and Shanghai. [析] 用both…and…作连接词时,其相连接的部分结构也要相同。 [误] Not only Mary but also her brothers is going to dance. [正] Not only Mary but also her brothers are going to dance. [析] 由not only… but also…连接两个主语时,其重点在其后面的那一个主语,所以谓语形式应采用就近原则。 [误] The teacher as well as his students are coming. [正] The teacher as well as his students is coming. [析] 由as well as 连接两个主语时,谓语动词与as well as 后面的名词无关,而与前面的名词相一致。 [误] Tom does not swim nor play football. [正] Tom does not swim or play football. [析] nor主要用于连接句子的对等连词,如在否定句中连接某一部分时要用or, 但要注意句子的含意,如:This animal does not like a cow or a horse. 这个动物既不像牛也不像马。This animal does not like a cow but a horse. 这个动物不像牛而像马。 [误] For there is no light in the classroom. The students must have gone home. [正] The students must have gone home, for there is no light in the classroom. [析] 由for引出的原因状语从句在使用时要注意不能将该从句置于句 首,而应置于主句之后,并在主句与从句之间加一逗号。更要注意的是because, as, since与for 4个表示原因的连词中because是因果关系,是最强的一个,而for是最弱的一个。有些语法书中干脆把for叫做并列连词 [误] My brother will pass the English exam is no question. [正] That my brother will pass the English exam is no question. [析] 主语从句的引导词that是不可省略的。这一点不要和宾语从句的引导词相提并论。 [误] This map will show you how will you get to the hotel. [正] This map will show you how you will get to the hotel. [析] 名词性从句作宾语从句使用时,最重要的一点是要用陈述语句。特别要注意的是那些使用双宾语的动词,如:tell, ask, show… [误] While the clock struch ten, all the lights went out. [正] When the clock struck ten, all the lights went out. [析] while是强调两个动作在同时进行中,如:While I am doing myhomework, my father is reading a newspaper. 而这里的when是"正当某某时刻","就在这一时间点上",其重点强调在某一特定时刻某动作的发生。 [误] While I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend. [正] When I was walking along the street yesterday, I met an old friend. [析] 这里用when表达在一个动作的进行中,另一个动作突然发生了。正在进行的动作用一进行时态,而突然发生的动作用一般时态。 [误] While I heard the bad news I felt sad. [正] When I heard the bad news, I felt sad. [析] while不能表达一点儿的时间,即瞬时某一时间点。 [误] After school some students play football, or others go to the library. [正] After school some students play football, while others go to the library. [析] while在此处意为"而,然而"。 [误] She sang when she walked along the dark street. [正] She sang as she walked along the dark street. [析] as用于句中时,其要点是强调两个动作的同时进行。这里用when虽然不能讲是语法上的错误,但则看不出来小女孩因独自走黑暗的街道因害怕而唱歌的心情。 [误] I finished my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [正] I didn't finished my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [正] I did my homework until twelve o'clock last night. [析] until用在句中时其含义是某一动作一直持续到某时结束,那么句中的动词则一定要用持续性动词,如果要用瞬间,或截止性动词时一定要用否定句式。因截止性动作的否定式应看作是持续性的动作。如离开leave是瞬间动作,因一出门即为离开了,而不离开则是长时间的。 [误] I have studied English when I was twelve. [正] I have studied English since I was twelve. [析] since引出的时间状语从句是表达了一个时间点,而这个时间点是主句动作的启始点,所以主句一般要用完成时态。 [误] Because he didn't study hard, so he didn't pass the exam. [正] He didn't pass the exam because he didn't study hard. [析] because 与 so在英文中两者不能并用的,只能在句中用其一。 [误] He was such excited that he could not speak. [正] He was so excited that he could not speak. [析] so与such的用法可以分为四种情况,①用于单数可数名词之前,其格式是such+不定冠词+形容词+单数可数名词,如:It is such a beautiful book that every child likes it. 也可以用so, 其格式是so+形容词+不定冠词+单数可数名词,如:It was so beautiful a book that every child likes it. ②在不可数名词前或可数名词复数前这时只能用such, 如:It is such good weather that we want to swim. 又如:They are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. ③在few, little, much, many 这4个字前只能用so而不能用such, 如:I have so much money that I can buy everything I want. ④当that前只有形容词或副词时,这时只能用so, 如:She is so beautiful that every one likes her. He ran so fast that I couldn't keep up with him. [误] He got up earlier this morning so as to that he could catch the first bus. [正] He got up earlier this morning so as to catch the first bus. [正] He got up so earlier that he could catch the first bus. [析] so…that与so that的用法有相同之处,那就是其后接从句,而so as to 其后要接不定式,即动词原形。这样的词组还有:in order to。 [误] I want to buy same stamp that you have. [正] I want to buy the same stamp as you have. [析] the same…as (that)这是个固定用法,在same前的定冠词是不能少的。而the same…that意为"我要的就是那一个"。而the same…as为"要的是和……一样的东西"。 [误] Before I do not give you the answer, I'll ask you some questions. [正] Before I give you the answer, I'll ask you some questions. [析] 这种错误是由于受中文的影响。在中文中可以讲"我没给你答案前"。而英文用了before就不要再用否定句了。 (三) 例题解析 1 We bought Granny a present, ___ she didn't like it. A. but B. and C. or D. so [答案] A. [析] 由于句意的原因,应选择转折连词。 2 Run quickly, ___ we'll miss the early train. A. and B. but C. so D. or [答案] D. [析] or这里应译为:否则。 3 I'll give the book to him ___ he comes back. A. since B. as soon as C. before D. until [答案] B. [析] as soon as 引出的时间状语从句应用一般现在时表示将来要 发生的动作。 4 Don't cross the road ___ the light turns green. A. when B. while C. until D. as [答案] C. [析] until应译为"直到……才",因为前面的祈使句为否定句。又如:She did not go to bed until her mother came back. 应译为"直到她妈妈回来她才睡觉"。 5 Miss Gao has been a teacher ___ 1990. A. before B. after C. since D. in [答案] C. [析] 因为主句为完成时,所以应用 since表示该动作的启始点。 6 - Which would you like better, tea ___ milk? - Tea, please. A. but B. and C. or D. with [答案] C. [析] 在疑问句与否定句中应用or来表示一种选择。 7 We love spring ___ there's beautiful flowers every where. A. though B. but C. or D. because [答案] D. [析] 因为这里表示的是因果关系。 8 Please leave ___ 7∶00, then you'll be able to get ___ there earlier. A. till, in B. from, / C. before, / D. behind, to [答案] C. [析] before为在7∶00之前离开。 9 The teacher didn't begin the lesson ___ all the students stopped talking. A. until B. after C. if D. because [答案] A. [析] 这句应译为"直到所有的学生都停止讲话老师才开始上课"。因begin为瞬间动词,所以应用否定句。 10 Betty didn't go to see the film yesterday ___ she was ill. A. but B. until C. if D. because [答案] D. [析] 这里是表示因果关系,所以应用because。因为她病了所以未去看电影。 11 You must start right now, ___ you'll miss the train. A. for B. and C. so D. or [答案] D. [析] or译为"否则"。本句句意为:你必须马上走了,否则要赶不上火车了。 12 ___ he is a child of six, he can read and write. A. Whose B. If C. Though D. Because [答案] C. [析] 这种状语从句在英语中称为让步状语从句,应译为:虽然他才是个6岁的孩子,他却可以读书和写字。 13 I like fish, ___ chicken, ___ eggs. A. and, and B. and, with C. /, and D. and, / [答案] C. [析] 在有若干个名词或动词出现时,每一个词之间只用逗号连接,只在最后两个词之间加and。如:The old man passed the street, went into a shop and bought some food。 14 Take this dictionary with you ___ you may use it in class. A. when B. in order to C. but D. so that [答案] D. [析] so that应译为"为的是"。本句句义为:带上字典,为的是在上课时可能有用。而in order to 其后应接动词不定式,如:Take this dictionary with you in order to use it in class。 15 I hope ___ will be fine tomorrow. A. it B. what C. whether D. when [答案] A. [析] hope后接的是宾语从句,而且宾语从句中少主语,应用it来代替天气。 16 ___ she was not well, I decided to go without her. A. Though B. As C. When D. Because of [答案] B. [析] as这里应译为"由于"。全句意为:由于她不舒服,我决定不带她去了。而because of 其后不能接从句只能接宾语。如: Because of the heavy rain, we decided not to go。 17 My aunt bought me ___ many story books that I spent a lot of time them. A. such…on B. such…in C. too…in D so…on [答案] D. [析] 因many前只能用so来修饰,所以只能选择D选项。而spend…on something 为在某事上花费时间或钱。如:She spent a lot of money on her clothes。 18 Mother was cooking ___ she ___ a knock at the door. A. when, listen to B. while, listened to C. while, heard D. when, heard [答案] D. [析] when在这里应译为:就在那时,那一刻,那一瞬间。 19 Speak slowly, ___ we can understand you. A. and B. or C. if D. because [答案] A. [析] and这里是并列连词,应译为:请讲慢些这样我们就会明白你的意思。 20 You'll learn English well ___ you put your heart into it. A. if B. so C. until D. or [答案] A. [析] 本句译为:如果你将心放在学习上,你就会将英语学好。这里的语法现象是从句中用一般现在时表示将来。 21 I won't let you in ___ you show me your pass. A. until B. for C. since D. because [答案] A. 22 She didn't go to school ___ she was ill. A. why B. because C. where D. but [答案] B. 六、 介 词 (一) 知识概要 介词在英语中用法很活,也无一定规律可循。在初中范围内还应学一个记住一个,特别是那些和动词的特殊搭配。这样长期下去不断学习自然会总结出一套自己的规律来。下面是一般的规律,可帮助学习时参考,千万不要作为定律去背诵,照搬。 介词 表示时间 表示地点方位 表示原因方式 其 他 about 大约在……时间about five o'clock 在周围,大约多远about five kilometres 关于、涉及 talk about you above 高出某一平面 above sea level across 横过 walk across the street对面 across the street after 在……之后 after supper 跟……后面 one after another 追赶 run after you against 背靠逆风 against the wall, against the wind 反对 be against you among 三者以上的中间 among the trees at 在某时刻 at ten 在小地点 at the school gate 表示速度 at high speed 向着,对着 at me before 在……之前 before lunch 位于……之前 sit before me behind 位于……之后 behind the tree below 低于……水平 below zero 不合格 below the standard by 到……时刻,在……时刻之前 by five o'clock 紧挨着 site by site 乘坐交通工具by air, by bick 被由 was made by us during 在……期间during the holidays for 延续多长时间 for five years 向……去 leave for Shanghai 为了,对于 be good for you from 从某时到……某时from morning till night 来自何方 from New York 由某原料制成be made from 来自何处 where are you from in 在年、月、周较长时间内in a week 在里面 in the room 用某种语言in English 穿着 in red into 进入……里面 walk into 除 分 divide into 变动 turn into water near 接近某时near five years 在……附近near the park of 用某种原料制成 be made of 属于……性质 a map of U. S .A on 某日、某日的上下午on Sunday afternoon 在……上面 on the desk 靠吃……为生live on rice 关于a book on Physics over 渡过一整段时间work over night 在上方 over the desk 超过, 高于over five pairs past 超过某一时刻 ten past five 经过某地 walk past the park since 从某时以来 since 1980 原因 Since you were ill through 经过某一时期through his life 通过、穿过某地 through the forest tilluntil 直到某时为止till five o'clock to 差多少时间 five to ten 问,到,去往 to Shanghai 面对面 face to face 给予give a book to me under 在……下面 under the desk 少于 under ten 在……管制之 下 under the rule with 用某种工具with a pen 带着,具有 with me without 没有 without air (二) 正误辨析 [误] We got to the top of the mountain in daybreak. [正] We got to the top of the mountain at day break. [析] at用于具体时刻之前,如:sunrise, midday, noon, sunset, midnight, night。 [误] Don't sleep at daytime [正] Don't sleep in daytime. [析] in 要用于较长的一段时间之内,如:in the morning / afternoon, 或 in the week / month / year. 或 in spring / supper /autumn / winter等等。 [误] We visited the old man in Sunday afternoon. [正] We visited the old man on Sunday afternoon. [析] in the morning, in the afternoon 如果在这两个短语中加入任何修饰词其前面的介词都要改为on, 如:on a cold morning, on the morning of July 14th [误] He became a writter at his twenties [正] He became a writter in his twenties [析] 这句话应译为:他在20多岁时就成了作家。在某人的一段生活时间段中要用介词in来表示,而在具体岁数时用at来表示。 [误] He went to New York to find a job in sixteen years old. [正] He went to New York to find a job at sixteen. [析] 在具体年岁前用at, 如:at the age of 12, at your age, 等等。 [误] We went to swim in the river in a very hot day. [正] We went to swim in the river on a very hot day. [析] 具体某一天要用介词on, 又如:on New Year's Day [误] I'm looking forward to seeing you on Christmas. [正] I'm looking for ward to seeing you at Christmas. [析] 在节日的当天用on,而全部节日期间用at,Christmas是圣诞节期间,一般要有两周或更长的时间。 [误] I haven't see you during the summer holidays. [正] I haven't seen you since the beginning of the summer holidays. [析] during表示在某一段时间之内,所以一般不与完成时搭配,如:I visited a lot of museums during the holiday. 而for表示一段时间,可以用于完成时,如:I haven't see you for a long time. 而through 用来表示时间时则为"整整,全部的时间"。如:It rained through the night.而since则是表达主句动作的起始时间,一般要与完成时连用。 [误] At entering the classroom, I heard the good news. [正] On entering the classroom, I heard the good news. [析] On 加动名词表示"一……就"。本句的译文应是:我一进入教室就听见这个好消息了。又如:on hearing… 一听见, on arrival 一到达就……(on表示动作的名词) [误] In the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. [正] At the beginning of the book, there are some interesting stories. [析] at the begining与at the end都是指某事物的开始与结束部分,均不指时间范围,而in the beginning 则是指开始一段时间。in the end=at last是指"最终,终于"之意。 [误] Till the end of next week. I will have finished this work. [正] By the end of next week. I will have finished this work. [析] by 引起的时间状语表示了动作的截止点,其意思为"不迟于某一时刻将工作做完",所以主句一般是完成时态。当然可以有将来时态,如:I'll be there by five o'clock.而till则表达其一动作一直持续到某一时刻,但句中的动词一定要用持续性动词,而瞬间的截止性动词应用其否定句式,如:I won't finish this work till(until) next weekend. [误] He came to London before last weekend. [正] He had come to London before last weekend. [正] He came to London two weeks ago. [析] before 一般要与完成时连用,而ago则与一般过去时连用。 [误] I have studied English for three years gince I had come here. [正] I have studied English for three years since I came here. [析] since用来表达主句动作的开始时间,所以其引出的从句中应为过去时,而不能用完成时态 [误] I can help you repair this bike. You will get it after two hours. [正] I can help you repair this bike. You will get it in two hours. [析] 中文经常讲两小时之后来取,两天内会修好,而这个介词在英文中要用in而不要用after。其原因有二,①after 多用于过去时,如:I arrived in New York. After three days, I found a job in the bank. ② after 加时间是表达一个不确定的时间范围,如:after three days, 即三天之后的哪一天都可以。所以在许诺若干时间内会完成某事时,一定要用介词in。 [误] Three days after he died. [正] After three days he died. [正] Three days later he died. [析] after 与 later都可以用来表达一段时间之后,但它们所处的位置不同,after 在时间词前,而later在时间词后。 [误] She hid herself after the tree. [正] She hid herself behind the tree. [析] after多用来表达某动作之后,所以有的语法书中称它为动态介词,如:I run after him. After finishing my homework, I went to see a film. 而behind则多用于静态事物之后。 [误] There is a beautiful bird on the tree. [正] There is a beautiful bird in the tree. [析] 树上长出的果实,树叶要用on, 而其他外来的人、物体均要用in the tree. [误] Shanghai is on the east of China. [正] Shanghai is in the east of China. [析] 在表达地理位置时有3个介词:in, on, to。 in表示在某范围之内; on表示与某地区接壤;to则表示不相接。如:Japan is to the east of China. [误] I arrived at New York on July 2nd. [正] I arrived in New York on July 2nd. [析] at用来表达较小的地方,而in用来表达较大的地方。at常用于at the school gate, at home, at a bus stop, at the station, at the cinema, at a small village。 [误] He lived in No. 3 Beijing Road. [正] He lived at No. 3 Beijing Road. [析] 在门牌号码前要用at, 并要注意它的惯用法:at the end of the street, at the foot of the mountain, at the top of the page。 [误] There is a colour TV set at the corner of the hall. [正] There is a colour TV set in the corner of the hall. [析] 在屋内的角落应用in,而墙的外角用at,如:There is a tree at the corner of the street. [误] This weekend I'll stay in Uncle Wang's. [正] This weekend I'll stay at Uncle Wang's. [析] 要注意英文的特殊表达法,如:at a tailor's shop (裁缝店)=at a tailor's, at the doctor's (去看病) at the bookseller's (在书店) at uncle Wang's (在王叔叔家) [误] Do you know there is some good news on today's newspaper? [正] Do you know there is some good news in today's newspaper? [析] 在报纸上的新闻要用in, 而在具体某一版上,或某一页上则要用on。 [误] The school will begin on September 1st. [正] School will begin on September 1st. [析] 这里的school应看作不可数名词泛指学校的课程,即开学之意。要注意,有些活动场所当表达正在从事该种活动时不要加冠词,如:at table (吃饭), When I came to Tom's home, they were at table. 还有: at desk (学习),at work (工作) at school (上学), in hospital (住医院) at church 作礼拜如加上定冠词则另有他意,如:at the school 即在学校工作或办事,in the hospital 即在医院工作或去看望病人。 [误] In my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time. [正] On my way to the station, I bought a newspaper to kill time. [析] 译文为:在去车站的路上我买了份报纸,为的是消磨时光"在……的路上"应用on one's way…。而 in the way 有挡道之意,如:Please move the chair it is in the way。 [误] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke into. [正] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke in. [正] Look, the door is open, Maybe someone broke into the office. [析] in是表达一个静止状态,在与break连用时其后不加介词宾语,而into则是动态介词,与break连用时要加介词宾语。 [误] I'll leave Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow. [正] I'll leave Beijing for Shanghai. [正] I'll leave for Shanghai. [析] leave for 是离开某地去某处的固定搭配,不可将for改为别的介词。这样的搭配还有:start for 动身前往某处,set out for, sail for。 [误] I'm sorry. I have to get out the bus at next stop. [正] I'm sorry. I have to get out of the bus at next stop. [析] get in, 与 get out是两个相反的词组。get in 为上车,而get out为下车,但语法家认为这里的in与out为副词,所以其后不能接名词,我们可以讲 We'd better get in. 或We'd better get out. 还有一组词组有关上下车:get on/off(a train, a ship, a struck) get into/out of (a car, taxi…) [误] Be careful The temperature of the water is ninety degrees over zero. [正] Be careful. The temperature of the water is ninety degrees above zero. [析] over 与 above 在作为比某物高的意思时有时可以互换。但在垂直方向上的高矮时,即正上方时则要用above.而泛指上方时用over. [误] There is an old stone bridge above the river. [正] There is an old stone bridge over the river. [析] over还有一意为"跨越,横跨"。 [误] The Dead Sea is under the sea level. [正] The Dead Sea is below the sea level. [析] 在垂直下方要用below.也就是讲above与below互为反意词,over与under也是反意词。 [误] There is a big tree in the front of the house. [正] There is a big tree in front of the house. [析] in front of 是在物体外部的前面,而in the front of 是在物体内部的前面,如:The driver sits in the front of the bus. [误] It took them two days to walk across the forest. [正] It took them two days to walk through the forest. [析] across 作为介词有两个主要意思:① 横过,如:I want to walk across the street.② 对面,如:There is a post office across the street,而through 多用于三维空间中的穿越。across则多用于平面上的横过。如:The little girl ran across the room to meet her mother. [误] The sun sets toward the west. [正] The sun sets in the west. [析] towards也可用作toward,它主要表达朝向某方向运动,但不一定到达,如:He ran toward(s) the mountain.而在表示方位east, west, north, south 时,其前面要用in。要注意的是这4个词可以用作副词,如:I went south. 也可用作名词,如:I went to the south.也可用作形容词,如:I went to the south part of China. [误] Do you have no other clothes except those? [正] Do you have no other clothes besides those? [析] beside 是"在……旁边",如:The students stood beside their teachers.而besides是"除……之外,不仅……而且……,除了……以外还有……", 如:I studied English besides French, when I was in college. 而except 则是从同一类物体中去掉某一部分,如:I come here every day except Sunday. 而except for 是指去掉不同种类的事物,如:The room is clean except for two chairs. 而except that则要加从句。 [误] Can I write the exam paper with ink? [正] Can I write the exam paper with a pen? [正] Can I write the exam paper in ink? [析] with后要加拿得起来放得下的工具,而墨水、颜料等原料则要用in。 [误] I'm earlier today. I came here by his car. [正] I'm earlier today. I came here in his car. [析] 在交通工具前加介词by,但不能再有任何指示代词或冠词,否则要改换相应的介词。by taxi=in a taxi by train=in a train by bicycle=on a bicycle by ship=on a ship by boat=in a boat by bus=on a bus by plane=on a plane by air 空运 by land 陆运 by sea 海运 on foot on horseback by phone by letter by radio by air mail by hand [误] A lot of French wines are made of grape. [正] A lot of French wines are made from grape. [析] made of 是指由原材料到成品过程中原材料未发生质地的变化,而发生了某种变化则要用from,如:The desk was made of hard wood. [误] This is a good dictionary in English grammar. [正] This is a good dictionary on English grammar. [析] 关于某方面的书籍、报告等有两个介词,其中on表示某专业用书,about则为某方面的普通读物,如:This is a book about physics.即物理科普知识。 [误] Do you have the key of the door. [正] Do you have the key to the door. [析] key to the door门的钥匙。相同用法还有answer to the question, entrance to the highway, danger to health.千万不要用of。 [误] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest of collecting stamps. [正] Today a lot of Chinese people have interest in collecting stamps. [析] have interest in是在某方面有兴趣。 [误] I didn't do my homework, so the teacher was angry to me. [正] I didn't do my homework, so the teacher was angry with me. [析] be angry with其后接人,而be angry at其后接事。如:He was angry at what she said. [误] He was good for skating. [正] He was good at skating. [析] be good at 为"擅长某事",而be good for somebody为对某人很好。 [误] It was good to you to help my little boy. [正] It was good of you to help my little boy. [析] 这句话应译为:你真太好了,帮助了我的小孩。而be good to somebody 是对某人态度好。如:Her mother is good to everyone. [误] My parents were very pleased at me. [正] My parents were very pleased with me. [正] My parents were very pleased at my studying. [析] be pleased with后加somebody, 而be pleased at后加something。 [误] He is agree with me. [正] He agrees with me. [误] He againsts me. [正] He is against me. [析] 同意agree为动词,而反对against则为介词。在使用中一定要注意。 [误] I haven't heard letters from him. [正] I haven't heard from him. [析] hear from 即为:从某人处得到信件。不要再加letter了。 [误] Teacher. May I call at you this weekend? [正] Teacher. May I call on you this weekend? [析] 作为"拜访"讲call at其后接地点,如:May I call at your home this weekend?而call on其后接人。 [误] Do you know the girl on white? [正] Do you know the girl in white? [析] in white为穿一身白。与in有关的词组有:in bed(睡觉),in hospital(住院),in a hurry(匆匆忙忙),in danger(危险中),in joy (高兴),in good health(身体好),in love(恋爱),in trouble(困境),与之相反的是out of ,如:out of trouble (摆脱困境),out of date(过时了), out of order(出故障) [误] He looked at me at surprise. [正] He looked at me in surprise. [析] surprise的用法一般有三种。①用于句首,To one's surprise, 如:To my surprise he succeeded. ② be surprised at, 如:I was surprised at the news. ③用于句尾in surprise. [误] She didn't come to school because of she was ill. [正] She didn't come to school because she was ill. [析] because of 后接名词,如:The game was put off because of the rain. (三) 例题解析 1 - Thank you ___ the beautiful flowers! - Not at all. A in B on C at D for [答案] D. [析] 由于某事向某人道谢应用for。 2 Can you answer this question ___ English? A by B in C with D from [答案] B. [析] in 表示用语言、声音、或材料,如:He answered the question in a low voice. 3 Look ___ the map ___ China ___ the wall, please. A after, of, in B at, of, in C after, in, on D at, of, on [答案] D. [析] look at 为"看",而on the wall为"在墙表面挂着",而in the wall 则是"在墙内",如:There is hole in the wall.墙上有个洞。 4 - When did Mr Green arrive in London? - He arrived there ___ the evening of December 6th. A at B in C on D to [答案] C. [析] in the evening / afternoon这两个词组不论是在其前或后加上任何修饰词都应将介词换为on,如:on a cold morning, on a spring morning等。 5 We won the relay race. And there was a big smile ___ our teacher's face. A off B near C on D between [答案] C. 6 The twins got on well ___ their classmates. A to B in C with D about [答案] C. [析] get on well with与人相处很好。 7 - Please remember to come to my birthday party. - I see. I'll come ___ Saturday evening. A in B at C on D for [答案] C. 8 Let's hurry, or we'll be late ___ school A to B at C with D for [答案] D. [析] be late for, 而 come late to, 如: Don't come late to school 9 They will have a maths test ___ two days A for B at C in D after [答案] C. [析] 三天之内应用in,而不要受中文影响用after, after three days 是个不定的时间范围,即没有一个准确的时间。5天、6天、10天全是after three days。 10 My brother joined the army ___ A 1989, March B in March, 1989 C March, 1989 D 1989, in March [答案] B. [析] 在月份、年、前用介词in,而日子前用on。 11 He couldn't work out the maths problem ___ your help A without B under C for D with [答案] A. [析] 在某人帮助下应用with, 如:With the help of the teacher I passed the exam easily 而要是没有你的帮助则用 without your help 12 Granny took one look at us ___ her glasses A by B through C on D in 答案] B. [析] through 为穿过……。 13 We had our breakfast ___ a quarter ___ seven A /, to B in, to C at, to D on, to [答案] C. [析] 具体时间点前用at,而差几分几点用to,这里应译为:我在差一刻七点吃的早饭。 14 I learn French ___ the radio every day A on B in C from D at [答案] A. [析] 从收音机中听到某事应用词组 on the radio。 15 It's good manners to wait ___ line A in B on C at D with [答案] A. [析] in line 为排队。 16 How many English words had you learnt ___ last term? Aby the end of Bat the end of Cto the end of Dtill the end of [答案] A. [析] by the end of 为动作的截止时间,与完成时态相配合 17 The manager was very satisfied ___ his work A in B on C about D with [答案] D.[析] be satisfied with 为固定搭配。 18 John hit Jack ___ face A on the B in the C on his D in his [答案] B. [析] 英文中的某些动词其后要接人,然后加介词+the+身体部位,如:He caught the boy by the arm。 19 I was born ___ the night ___ September 15, 1978A in, on B at, on C at, in D on, of [答案] D.[析] 在时间前加介词时应以最小的时间单位为准。 20 It's a bad manner to laugh ___ people when they are ___ trouble A over, in B at, in C in, at D at, for [答案] B. [析] laugh at 嘲笑某人, laugh over 笑着谈论某人或某事, in trouble 陷入困境。 21 I can't do this work well ___ Tom's help A under B for C without D from [答案] C. 22 Don't shout ___ the old woman。 You should be more polite ___ her A to, at B at, to C in, for D from, for [答案] B. [析] shout at 为"冲某人喊叫",而 be polite to somebody 为"对某人和气。" 23 We must be strict ___ our selves ___ everything A with, in B in, with C with, to D to, of [答案] A.[析] be strict with 对某人严格要求。 24 He went to the football match ___ lunch last Sunday A to B without C behind D between [答案] B.[析] without lunch 未吃午饭。 25 The people's Republic of China was founded ___ 1949 A with B on C since D in [答案] D. [析] 在年代前用in。因句子是过去时而不是完成时,所以不能用since。 26 Mr Black got to Hangzhou ___ a few days A in B after C on D at [答案] B. [析] 这句话应译为:几天之后 Mr Black 到达了杭州。而不是在几天之内一定要做完某事,所以选B。 27 - Has the teacher given you any advice ___ your English study? - Yes, he has A from B with C on D in [答案] C.[析] 给予某一方面问题的忠告其介词用on。 28 You may depend ___ him He is ___ honest man A on, a B in, an C on, an D at, the [答案] C. [析] depend on 为"依靠某人或某事",而 honest 的首字母 h 不发音。 29 ___ my joy, I can answer this question A With B To C By D For [答案] B.[析] To one's joy 意为"使我高兴的是。" 30 The teacher asked the students to look ___ the word in the dictionary A for B at C up D after [答案] C. [析] look for 寻找, look at 看, look after 照顾, look up 查字典。 31 A little monkey is playing ___ a tree and there are a lot of bananas ___ it A on, on B in, on C on, in D in, in [答案] B. [析] 树上长出的果实为 on the tree 而其他外来之物要用 in the tree, 表达在树上。 32 I go to school ___ bus every morning. A. in B. by C. on D. at [答案] B. [析] by后直接加交通工具,表示乘某种交通工具去某地。 33 No one likes a person ___ bad manners. A. without B. on C. out of D. with [答案] D. [析] with bad manners 有不良习惯的人。 34 The policeman was surprised ___ the news. A. into B. for C. at D. out of [答案] C. [析] be surprised at 对某事吃惊。 35 He had to sell newspapers ___ seven. A. at an age of B. at the ages of C. at the age of D. at age of [答案] C. [析] at the age of 在几岁时。 36 The little girl couldn't help ___ when she saw a large dog. A. cried B. to cry C. crying D. cries [答案] C. [析] couldn't help+动名词表示情不自禁地去做某事,或禁不住做某事。 37 Jack was born ___ March 1st, 1978. A. on B. in C. at D. of [答案] A. [析] 日期,时间前的介词按其表达语中的最小单位计算。 38 Edison was very interested ___ science when he was a boy. A. to B. on C. in D. about [答案] C. [析] be interested in something 对某事感兴趣。 39 The teacher was very satisfied ___ her answer. A. in B. on C. for D. with [答案] D. 40 The story happened ___ Beijing. A. in B. with C. for D. on [答案] A. 七、 数 词 (一) 知识概要 数词用来表示人或物的数目多少和顺序。所以数词主要有两种:基数词,用于计数,如:one, two…而序数词用于表示位置先后或次序,台:first second…其构成法如下: 阿拉伯数字 基数词 序数词 简写序数词 1 one first 1st 2 two second 2nd 3 three third 3rd 4 four fourth 4th 5 five fifth 5th 6 six sixth 6th 7 seven seventh 7th 8 eight eighth 8th 9 nine ninth 9th 10 ten tenth 10th 11 eleven eleventh 11th 12 twelve twelfth 12th 13 thirteen thirteenth 13th 14 fourteen fourteenth 14th 15 fifteen fifteenth 15th 16 sixteen sixteenth 16th 17 seventeen seventeenth 17th 18 eighteen eighteenth 18yh 19 nineteen nineteenth 19th 20 twenty twentieth 20th 21 twenty-one twenty-first 21st 30 thirty thirtieth 30th 40 forty fortieth 40th 50 fifty fiftieth 50th 60 sixty sixtieth 60th 70 seventy seventieth 70th 80 eighty eightieth 80th 90 ninety ninetieth 90th 100 a(one)hundred hundredth 100th 104 one hundred and four hundred and fourth 104th 1000 a(one) thounsand thounsandth 1000th 10000 ten thounsand ten thounsandth 10000th 1000000 one million millionth 1000000th 基数词与序数词都有一定的构成方法,但都有特殊例外的几个字,所以除了要学会一般构成法之外,还要特别记熟一些例外。因它们在考试中出现的频率很高。 1 基数词构成结构 21~99的两位数字,在10位和个位之间加连字符构成,如89-eighty-nine.101~999的三位数字,由hundred 加and 再加二位数或未位数字,如: 101-one hundred and one, 223-two hundred and twenty-three.四位以上数字,应从个位起向前数三位加逗号,读作thousand,再数三位加第二个逗号,读作million,再数三位加逗号,读作billion,其读法如下: 1001-one thousand and one5386-five thousand, three hundred and eighty-six要注意的是hundred, thousand, million与billion的用法。①前面有别的基数词时,即若干个百、千、百万、十亿时,其本身都不要加s,如:three hundred students。 ② 若表示成百,成千或数百,数千时,前面不能有基数词,但其本身要用复数形式,然后+of+名词复数。如:thousands and thousands of。 (成千上万) 2 序数词的构成法 序数词除first, second, third 以外,其余一般在词尾加th构成,除一般略有差异的各别数词外,很容易掌握。其二位数或多位数只将后面的个位数字改为序数词,其前面各位数字均不改变,都用基数词。 3 其他数字表示法 小数的小数点读作point,零读作o[u]或zero,小数点后面的数字按个位基数词依次读出。分数分子用基数词,分母用序数词,当分子大于1时,分数要在序数词上加s,但1/2用one half, 1 4 用a quarter. 1 3 读作one third而 2 3 读作two thirds。百分数(%),读作per cent (percent),但不论是多少均用作单数形式不能加s。表示日期有两种说法和四种写法,如:2月1号英语表达法为:the first of February而美语为February (the) first,但其书写上可有四种写法① February 1 ② February 1st ③ 1st February ④ 1/2。倍数的讲法有所不同。两倍用twice,而三倍以上用序数词加times,如:He has three times as many books as I have. (二) 正误辨析 [误] 1107 should be read as a thousand a hundred as seven. [正] 1107 should be read as one thousand one hundred and seven. [析] 在读数字时,如:and前只有百或千时,用one hundred/ one thousand 还是a hundred /a thousand全是可以的。但如果文有百又有千时,则只能用one不要用a。 如果没有and时,如:1100也只能读作one thousand one hundred 或eleven hundred. [误] I drove about half mile. [正] I drove about half a mile. [析] 半小时为half an hour, 半天为half a day, 半镑为half a pound, 尽量避免用half a year, half a month, 要用six months, two weeks 或 fifteen days 要注意的是Half of the work is done Half of the books are sold. 当Half 作名词时,其谓语动词要看of后面的名词而定。如名词是不可数名词则用单数谓语动词,如是复数名词时,则要用复数谓语动词。要注意的是一个半的表达法,如:One and a half apples is left on the table.其名词要用复数,但谓语动词则要用单数。 [误] 60 students are playing on the ground. [正] Sixty students are playing on the ground. [析] 在句首的数字要用文字而不要用阿拉伯数字,如数字过大则应放于句中,用阿拉伯数字。如: There are 166 students playing on the ground. [误] He became famous around fifty years old. [正] He became famous in his fifties. [析] in his fifties 50多岁时,而in the fiflies 在50年代。 [误] There are about two thousands workers in our factory. [正] There are about two thousand workers in our factory [析] 几千,几百的表达法是基数词加thousand或加hundred,而且均不要加s。这样的单位还有dozen(打), score (20年)等。 [误] In the morning there are hundred of old people walking in the park. [正] In the morning there are hundreds of old people walking in the park. [析] 当表达数百,数千时,要用hundreds of和thousands of 这一结构。 [误] The class begins at eight a. m. [正] The class begins at 8 a. m. [析] 与符号或与缩写的字母连用时一定要用数字,如:43%, 67, No.2… [误] Twofifth of the books are sold out. [正] Twofifths of the books are sold out. [析] 分数表示法,分子用基数词,分母用序数词,但分子大于1时,分母要在序数词后加s。 [误] Tom was born on July eighteen. [正] Tom was born on July eighteenth. [析] 月日的表达法有美语和英语两种。 美语 July 18 读作 Jul y eighteenth 英语 July 18th 读作 July the eighteenth [误] I'll go to school at 7∶30 a. m. in the morning. [正] I'll go to school at 7∶30 a. m/ at 7∶30 in the morning. [析] a. m 即表达在早上之意,不要再用in the morning. [误] The film will begin at three quarters past one. [正] The film will begin at one quarter to two. [析] 大于30分钟时不要使用past,而要用差多少不到几点的to来表达。 [误] Three time three is nine. [正] Three times three is nine. [析] times 此处作为"乘"讲一定要加s。 英语中乘除法表达式如下: 算法 种类 例 句 加法 一般 Five and six is eleven. 正式 Five plus six is (equals) eleven. 减法 一般 Eight take away four leaves (is) four. Four from Eight leaves (is) four. 正式 Eight minus four equals (is) four. 乘法 一般 Three fours are twelve 3×4=12 正式 Three times four equals (is) twelve. 一般 Two in to four is two. 正式 Four divided by two equals two. (三) 例题解析 1 - How many students are there in your school, Mike? - There are over ___ students in our school. A. two thousands B. two thousands of C. two thousand D. two thousand of [答案] C. [析] 有基数词在前面时thousand, hundred 等词不能加s,也不能加of结构,只有在thousands of时才可以使用。 2 John lives on ___ floor. He doesn't use a lift to go up and down. A. nineB. the ninthC. ninthD. a ninth [答案] B. [析] 序数词前加定冠词,nine 与 ninth 的拼写上有一个e字母相差别。 3 Wu Dong won the girls' ___ race in the school sports meeting last week. A. 100 metresB. 100metresC. 100 metreD. 100metre [答案] D. [析] 数词、名词、形容词等词用连字符连接成的形容词中,名词都不要加s,如: I have to write a twothousandword report. 而且由连字符组成的形容词只能放于名词前,不能放于名词后,作后置定语,或用在be动词后作表语。 4 There are ___ students in our school. A. four hundred twentyB. four hundred and twenty C. four hundreds twentyD. four hundreds and twenty [答案] B. 5 - How many days are there in a year? - There are ___ . A. three hundreds and sixtyfive B. three hundreds sixtyfive C. three hundred and sixtyfive D. three hundred sixty five [答案] C. 6 We have learned about ___ English words. A. nine hundreds B. nine hundred C. nine hundred of D. nine hundreds of [答案] B. 7 Autumn is ___ season of the year. A. thirdB. the threeC. thirdsD. the third [答案] D. 8 They are learning ___ now. A. Lesson EightB. the eight lesson C. Lesson EiththD. Eighth lesson [答案] A. [析] 第几课,第几个门……,在英语中有两种说法,①Lesson Two, Gate Two但要注意每一单词的首字母要大写。② the second lesson, the second gate 首字母不要大写,并要注意有些缩写的读法。如: p. 8-第8页(page eight) $ 8.50-8.5美元(five dollars and fifty) 电话号码66164532-(six, six, one, six, four five, three, two) 9 The boy was so hungry that he ate ___ . A. three bowls of rices B. three bowl of rice C. three bowl of rices D. three bowls of rice [答案] D. [析] rice 是不可数物质名词,而bowl是可数名词。 10 There are ___ months in a year. A. twelve B. twelf C. twelveth D. twelfth [答案] A. 八、 动 词 (一) 知识概要 动词在语言中是必不可少的一部分。它的语法现象也较多,但在初中范围主要有以下几方面问题。① 时态:初中范围主要有一般现在时,一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时,将来时与过去将来时六种时态。② 语态:主动语态与被动语态。③ 助动词和情态动词。④ 非谓语动词,也就是不定式,动名词及现在分词的用法。时态主要掌握以下几种时态的应用要点和习惯用法。 1 一般现在时:主要有以下三方面,① 用来表示状态,特征或不受时间限制的客观存在和真理。如:Matter exists in three states物质有三态。又如:The earth moves around the sun ② 表示习惯性和经常发生的动作,如:I often go to bed at 9∶30 ③ 在时间、条件等状语从句中表示将来要发生的动作,如:As soon as I get there I'll telephone you. 2 一般过去时:① 主要用于表达过去时间内发生的动作或存在的状态,如:I was ill last week ② 过去经常发生的动作或习惯性动作,如:I used to get up at six. 3 一般将来时:用于表示将要发生的动作,其构成方式① 用will (shall)+动词原形来表达将来在某一时间内要发生,或经常、将要发生的动作或状态,如:School will begin on Sepember 1st ② 用be going to+动词原形,用来表示不久将要发生或打算去作的动作。如:I'm going to swim this afternoon ③ be+现在分词,也就是用某些动词的现在进行时表示将来,如:I'm coming。这些动词只限于:go, come, leave, start, move, sail, arrive, reach, get to等动词。④ 在状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来。 4 现在进行时:用于表示现在正在进行的动作,如:What are you doing now?要注意的是表示状态,情感的某些词没有现在进行时,这些动词有:like, have (有),love, know, understand, remember, forget, see, hear, smell, taste, feel, wish hope, expect… 5 过去将来时:用来表达从过去某时间点上看将要发生的动作,如: He told me he would come to my party 6 现在完成时与过去完成时:现在完成时的两个用处是:① 用来表达在过去开始的动作持续到现在,如:I've studied English for two years ② 用来表达过去发生的事但它影响到现在,如:I haven't had my breakfast. so I'm hungry now 现在完成时与过去完成时的区别在于动作的截止时间,现在完成时所表达的动作截止于现在,而过去完成时所表达的动作截止于过去。如: I haven't seen my old teacher for a long time 我好久未见到我过去的老师了。是指到目前截止。如果加上一句话,则将变为过去完成时,如:Yesterday I saw my old teacher. I hadn't seen him for a long time. 因为我好久未见他这一情况截止于昨天。还要注意的一个问题是截止性动词可以有完成时,但不能与表示一段时间的状语连用,如:When I got to school, the class had begun 如果一定要讲开始几分钟了则要换用表示状态,或延续性动词,如:When I got to school, the class had been on for five minutes语态:英语中只有主动语态与被动语态之分。主动语态,句子中的主语是动作的执行者,如:I broke the window 而被动语态句子中的主语是主动语态句子中的宾语,如:The window was broken by me 被动语态主要用于,动作的执行者不明确,或没有必要说出来,如:The New building was built last week 关键要注意的是在主动语态中有省略不定式符号to的动词,在被动语态要还原,如: 主动语态 I saw him come in.被动语态 He was seen to come in. 助动词和情态动词:助动词本身没有词义,它只不过与实义动词一起构成谓语动词,形成了时态、语态、构成了疑问句,否定句,以及用来加强语气。而情态动词则表达一种可能、必要、允许、愿望、猜测……的意图、倾向。也用来表示语气的委婉和祝愿。初中阶段主要有:can, could, may, might, will, would, must (have to), shall, should。最后要谈论的是非谓语动词,非谓语动词分为不定式,和动词的ing形式,(即现在分词和动名词)。虽然在初中范围,这一项不是语法重点,但还是要花一定时间去学习,为的是打下良好的基础。为进一步学习提供良好的条件。不定式在句中可以作主语、宾语、表语。如:To see is to believe.(百闻不如一见) He want to see a film 还可以作补足语,如:He wants me to leave.也可以作状语,如:I come here to learn English.动名词也可以起到上述作用,如:Seeing is believing. I like swimming very much. 而现在分词多用于作定语、补足语、状语,如: The girl driving a car is her sister.(定语) Did you notice his hand shaking?(宾语补足语) Hearing the noise, we stopped talking.(状语) (二) 正误辨析 [误] She laid down and soon fell asleep. [正] She lay down and soon fell asleep. [析] 考试中常出现的是易混动词lay放,lie躺,lie说谎。它们的过去时、过去分词和现在分词变化如下: lay (放) laid, laid, laying (及物动词) lie (躺) lay, lain, lying (不及物动词) lie (说谎) lied, lied, lying [误] Please rise your hand. [正] Please raise your hand. [析] rise 是不及物动词,其后不能接宾语,如:The sun rises in the east.而raise是及物动词。 [误] I like to swim very much, but I don't like swimming this afternoon. [正] I like swimming very much, but I don't like to swim this afternoon. [析] like作为"喜欢"讲时,可以接动名词也可以接不定式,但接动名词时多表达一种习惯性动作。而接不定式则侧重于表达一次性、特殊性的动作。 但要注意的是like 与would连用时则一定要接不定式,如:Would you like to go with me? 再有一点要注意的是,like作为介词"像"讲时,只能用分词作其宾语。 [误] Stop! Did you listen to a strange voice? [正] Stop! Did you hear a strange voice? [析] hear的侧重点是听到、听见什么,而listen to 的侧重点为听的倾向,如:listen! Do you hear someone calling help?这样的词还有look与see。它们的侧重点也不同,look重于"看"的倾向,而see重于看见没看见。 [误] Did you watch some film recently? [正] Did you see some film recently? [析] 英语中see 与 watch 各有不同的用处,see用于看电影、剧目,而watch用作看电视和看球赛。 [误] Look. A beautiful lamp hanged from the ceiling. [正] Look. A beautiful lamp hung from the ceiling. [析] hang有两个含义,① "挂",它的过去时与过去分词是hung, hung;② "绞刑",这时它是规则动词,其过去式与过去分词则为hanged, hanged。 [误] How long can I borrow this book? [正] How long can I keep this book? [析] "借"在英文中有三个词,① 借入,即borrow,如:May I borrow some books from the library?② 借出,如:I can lend my bike to you.③ 借多久要用keep, 因为borrow与lend都是截止性动词,而keep是延续性动词。如 How long can I keep it? [误] We have won your class. [正] We have beaten your class. [析] win是及物动词,其后面的宾语应是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金。而beat的宾语,应是人、队、班级等等,如:We won the game. [误] I left my key. [正] I forgot my key. [正] I left my key at home. [析] leave是"丢下",其后一定要接地点状语,而forget其后不要接地点状语。 [误] Oh! It's raining outside. Please bring the rain coat with you. [正] Oh! It's raining outside. Please take this rain coat with you. [析] bring为"带来"如:Next time bring your little sister here.而take为"带走",fetch为"去某处取什么回来",如:Please fetch some coffee for us 要熟记的是在初中课文中与take有关的词组,如: take away 拿走 take back 收回 take down 取下take off 脱下 take…out 拿出 take place 发生 take hold of 拿住 take part in 参加 take a seat 坐下take one's place 替代 take a look 看看 take one's turn 轮流 take a message 捎信 take care of 照看 take it easy 别着急take one's time 慢慢来 take one's temperature 测量体温 [误] The policeman reached his gun. [正] The policeman reached for his gun. [析] reach作"到达"讲时是及物动词,如:I reached the hotel at 8∶30但作"伸手去拿",则要用reach for something。作为"到达"讲时还有arrive (in+大地方)(at+较小的地方)和get to.要注意的是与get有关的词组有: get back 回来 get in 收割 get into 进入 get off 下车 get on 上车 get out 出去 get up 起床 get to 到达 get ready for=be ready for get on well with 与人相处融洽 get 加比较级为变得如何,例如: get colder and colder. [误] This dictionary spent me five dollars. [正] This dictionary cost me five dollars. [析] 英文中的"花费"有4个spend, cost, take 和 pay,其中spend 与pay所在句中的主语应为人,如:I spent two hours in doing my homework. I paid five dallars for the book.而cost与take的主语则是事物,如:It takes me two years to finish this book. [误] In summer I always sleep with the windows opened. [正] In summer I always sleep with the windows open. [正] I always sleep with the windows closed. [析] 要注意open是动词也是形容词,而close则要用其过去分词作形容词。 [误] Please wait a minute. I'm having on my clothes. [正] Please wait a minute. I'm putting on my clothes. [析] 英语中的穿衣服要分状态,是什么样的穿着打扮,还是穿衣服的动作两类动词。表示穿着状态的词有have on, wear,在用法上have on不宜用进行时态,它多用一般时态,如:She has on a new school dress. 而wear则多用进行时来表示状态,如:She is wearing a new sweater.在表示动作的词中put on是常用的一词。dress用作动词当"穿衣"讲时其后宾语不应接衣物,而要接人,如:My children were very young they couldn't dress themselves.在表示穿着状态时用其过去分词当形容词,如:He is dressed in white. [误] My computer can't begin. Could you find someone to help me? [正] My computer can't start. Could you find someone to help me? [析] begin与start均可指"开始",而且常常可以互换,如:School begins (starts) at 8 a. m. 但是在两种情况下不宜用begin 而要用start, ① 当作机器开动、发动讲,如:My car can't start. There must be something wrong with it.② 作为"旅途开始"讲,如:We should have to start early. There was a lot of traffic on the road. [误] I'm very glad because I have founded my lost key. [正] I'm very glad because I have found my lost key. [析] find是不规则动词,它的过去式和过去分词是found, found,而found又是另外一词"建立",它是规则动词,其过去式与过去分词是founded founded, 如:The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949. [误] Please. Let's speak in English. [正] Please. Let's speak English. [正] Please. Let's talk in English. [误] Can you speak it English? [正] Can you say it in English? [析] 英文中"说"有4个常用词say, tell, speak, talk.其中不及物动词有speak和talk,如:I want to talk with you.We are talking about the new film.而speak其后接语言时是及物动词,其他情况是不及物动词。say 与tell是及物动词,其中tell常用双宾语,如:Tell us a story.但用于讲实话或谎话时也用单宾语。如: Tell the truth. [误] Can you say Japanese from Chinese? [正] Can you tell Japanese from Chinese? [析] tell…from为固定词组,即分辨两者的不同。 [误] Excuse me, did I step on your foot? [正] Oh, sorry, did I step on your foot? [析] excuse me用于未打扰对方前,以提醒对方注意的用语,而sorry则是由于自己已做的事向对方道歉。 [误] Would you care for to swim with us? [正] Would you care to swim with us? [析] care for 后接不定式时,要省略for,或换用名词,如:Would you care for a cup of tea. care for 作"照顾"讲时与look after相同。在初中阶段学习与for有关的词组有: ask for 请求 call for 接人,请人 care for 关心 go in for 从事 answer for 负责 look for 寻找 wait for 等待 send for 请人 pay for 付款 search for 寻找 leave for 去某地 prepare for 准备 thank somebody for something 为某事向某人道谢。 [误] Are you understanding it? Yes, I got to it. [正] Do you understand it? Yes, I got it. [析] understand这一词没有进行时态,如同感观动词love、hate… I got it 是美语,即I understood it。要记住get 作为"到达"讲时是不及物动词,如:I'll get to the school at 8 a. m. 初中范围常用与to有关的动词词组如下: belong to 属于 come to 苏醒 point to (at) 指着get to 到达 refer to 谈到 stick to 坚持lead to 导致 turn to 翻到 look forward to 期望agree to 同意 [误] The meat has gone badly. [正] The meat has gone bad. [析] 英语中go, get, become, turn作为转变时,其后接形容词,这时这些动词应被看作系动词。 [误] The teacher said the earth moved around the sun. [正] The teacher said the earth moves around the sun. [析] 如果主句的谓语动词是现在时,其宾语从句可以是任何时态。如果是过去时,则宾语从句中的时态应与之呼应。但地球围绕太阳转是不随时间而变化的客观事实,所以还应用一般现在时态来表达。 [误] I'll come to see you as soon as I'll be back. [正] I'll come to see you as soon as I am back. [析] 在状语从句中要用一般时来表示将来,如:I should tell him when he came back. [误] I want to know whether you come to my party tomorrow or not. [正] I want to know whether you will come to my party tomorrow or not. [析] 在宾语从句中则要用将来时表示将来的动作。要注意的是如果宾语从句中仍有状语从句时,依然要用一般现在时表示将来,如:I want to know if it rains tomorrow you'll come here or not. [误] What did you do at eight last night? [正] What were you doing at eight last night? [析] 在描述过去某一具体时刻的动作或从某时到某时一段时间内正在进行的动作要用过去进行时,如:I was washing clothes from eight till noon last Sunday [误] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn't go with them, because I have seen it before. [正] My classmates came to see a film yesterday. I didn't go with them because I had seen it before. [析] 现在完成时与过去完成时的相同之处是其动作均开始于过去的某一点,它的差别在于该动作是截止到什么时候。如动作截止到现在用现在完成时;如动作截止到过去,用过去完成时。例如:I've learnt English for three years.(到现在为止)又如:Before I went to college, I had learnt English for three years. (动作截止到上大学那时,即截止于过去) [误] I'm feeling well now. [正] I feel well now. [析] 瞬间动词有些无进行时态,它们是:表示思维状态的词:believe, feel, forget, imagine, know, mean, need, prefer, remember, understand, want 表示感情的动词:care, like, do like, love, mind, hate, fear 表示状态的词:belong, own 感观动词: feel, hear, see, smell, taste [误] When have you done this work? [正] When did you do this work? [析] when提问的是一个时间点不可用于完成时态的问句中。 [误] This is our new English teacher. He has gone to many foreign countries. [正] This is our new English teacher. He has been to many foreign countries. [析] have gone to 是到某地去了,此人现在不在这里。have been to 是到过某地,现在此人在说话现场。 [误] I have borrowed this book for two weeks. [正] I have kept this book for two weeks. [析] 截止性动词有完成时态,但不可和与表达一段时间的时间状语连用。如:When I got to the cinema the film had begun. 但要讲When I got to the cinema the film had be on for five minutes 这样的用法还有buy, join, die, 如:I bought this book yesterday.我昨天买的这本书。 I have had this book for two days. 这本书我已买了两天了。 I joined the club two years ago.两年前我加入了这个俱乐部。 I have been in this club for two years. 我加入这个俱乐部已两年了。 My father died five years ago. 我父亲是5年前去世的。 My father has been dead for five years. 我父亲已去世5年了。 [误] Have you understood the lessons? [正] Do you understand the lessons? [析] 有些动词不易用完成时态,它们是understand, think, believe, know (知道) [误] It was said that the Second World War had broken out in 1939. [误] It was said that the Second World War was broken out in 1939. [析] 在讲述过去的历史事件时,总要用过去时而不要用完成时,而且happen, break out, take place作为发生讲时均没有被动语态。 [误] When I walked along the street. I happened to meet an old friend. [正] When I was walking along the street I happened to meet an old friend. [析] 在一个长动作发生或进行的过程中,某一突然事件发生,这时长动作应用进行时(现在进行时或过去进行时),而突发性动作用一般时(一般现在时或一般过去时),如:When my father is reading a newspaper the telephone rings. [误] Please buy a book for me. [正] Please buy me a book. [正] Please buy a book to me. [析] 在接双宾语的动词后面的两个宾语,一个是直接宾语,一个是间接宾语,如:Buy me a book中me是间接宾语,而a book是直接宾语。如果将直接宾语前置,其后应加to,如: Tell me a story. Tell a story to me. Give me a book. Give a book to me. [误] He was seen come into the book store. [正] He was seen to come into the book store. [析] 在主动语态中,有时可以加不带to的不定式作宾语,如:I saw him come into the book store.但如果变为被动语态时,则要将省略的to还原。当然这些动词还可以加动名词作宾语,如: I saw him coming into the book store, 如变为被动语态时,则没有变化。如:He was seen coming into the book store. [误] How nice the book is! Is it sold well? [正] How nice the book is! Does it sell well? [析] 有些动词可以表示一种动作,但也可以用来表示某种性质,表示动作时可用被动语态,在表示性质时则不可用被动语态。如: This book sells well. 这本书畅销。 This car drives easily. 这车容易驾驶。 These clothes wash easily. 这些衣服好洗。 在作上述表达时,不要用被动语态。而要讲: This kind of book was sold out. (这种书卖完了) These clothes were washed by the washing machine. 这时要用被动语态,因为它描述的是具体动作。 [误] Must I do it now? No. you mustn't. [正] Must I do it now? No, you needn't. [析] need用在疑问句和否定句中常用作情态动词,其后接不带to的不定式。由must提问的问句作答语时,如是肯定的要用must,否定的要用needn't,即为没有必要。在肯定句中常用作实意动词,如:I need to wait for my boy. [误] Is this book yours? Yes, It's. [正] Is this book yours? Yes, It is. [析] 在肯定的回答中不要用缩写形式,而在否定的回答中可以用缩写形式,如:No. It isn't. [误] I'll have my bike repair tomorrow. [正] I'll have my bike repaired tomorrow. [析] have+人+动词原形或现在分词意为:让某人作某事,如:My father had me to learn how to drive, 或My father had me doing my homework from morning till might have+物+动词的过去分词为某件事被别人完成。如:I have my hair cut.我去理发。而不是自己理发。如果讲我想自己作某事,则用I want to repair my bike myself. [误] I'll get my brother repair the bike for you. [正] I'll get my brother to repair the bike for you. [析] have与get的用法有相同之处,也有不同之处。相同之处,如:have something done, 也可用get something done, 或have (get) somebody doing something但不同之处在于have somebody do something 在用get时则要用get somebody to do something。 [误] I have to study on Saturday but I haven't to study a full day [正] I have to study on Saturday, but I don't have to study a full day. [析] have to 不得不,而don't have to 为其否定式。 [误] Is Tom in the classroom? No. He mustn't be in the classroom, because I saw him talking with our teacher in the office just now. [正] Is Tom in the classroom? No. He can't be in the classroom because I saw him talking with our teacher in the office just now. [析] must 加动词原形表达一种比较肯定的推测,而表示否定的推测则要用can't。 [误] My grandpa is over eighty but he is able to read without glasses. [正] My grandpa is over eighty, but he can read without glasses. [析] can (could) 多用于表达客观的事实,主观能力,而be able to 则多用于表达主观的意愿。 [误] She doesn't answer the doorbell. She should be asleep. [正] She doesn't answer the doorbell. She must be asleep [析] should 用于现在时态的句子中应译为"应该",如:You should do your homework right away. 而 must加动词原形表示一种推测。 [误] Do you like to go with us? [正] Would you like to go with us? [析] Do you like…问的是习惯,如:Do you like swimming? 而would you like是一次性的邀请。 [误] I am used to get up early in the morning. [正] I am used to getting up early in the morning. [析] used to 共有三种用法,① 表示过去的习惯,如:I used to live with my parents. ② 表示过去的习惯延续到现在,如:I am used to swimming in the river. ③ 用于被动语态,如: Oil is used to cook [误] To play with the children are very interesting. [正] To play with the children is very interesting. [析] 不定式作主语时,应视为单数主语,特别是两个不定式用and作连词作主语时,如指的是一件事也应用单数谓语动词。如:To get up early and to go to sleep early is good for your health. [误] He asked me do my homework alone. [正] He asked me to do my homework alone. [析] 某些动词要求不定式作其宾语或宾语补足语,它们是:ask somebody to do something 要求某人做某事。 tell somebody to do something 告诉某人做某事 还有prepare 准备, decide 决定, happen to 碰巧, seem 似乎。 [误] he told me to drive a car. [正] He told me how to drive a car. [析] 要学会疑问词加不定式的用法,特别要注意的是what是疑问代词,而how是疑问副词。如:I want to know what to do. (我想知道干什么)。 I want to know how to do it. (我想知道如何去作)。 要注意的是how to do it 中的it是不可少的,因how是疑问副词,不能作及物动词的宾语,而what是疑问代词,可做do的宾语,所以what to do 后不要加it。 [误] I am very glad meeting you. [正] I am very glad to meet you. [析] 许多形容词后加不定式,这样用时形容词多是用来描述人物的感情、态度,如:glad, happy, pleased, lucky, sorry, sad, upset, ready, careful, surprised。 [误] I'm too glad for seeing you. [正] I'm too glad to see you. [析] 这句话不能按照too…to的句型翻译为:我太高兴了以至于不想见你。而应译为:见到你太高兴了。又如:She is too honest to tell the truth 应译为:她很诚实,不会不讲实话。 [误] Tom is too young not to join the army. [正] Tom is too young to join the army. [析] 这是too…to的正常用法,太如何如何以至于不能如何。 [误] I went to the hospital for seeing my old friend. He was ill in hospital. [正] I went to the hospital to see my old friend. He was ill in hospital. [析] 在句中表示某动作的目的时,要用不定式而不能用for加动名词。 [误] Could you help me to find a chair to sit. [正] Could you help me to find a chair to sit on. [析] 当不定式作后置定语时,将不定式放于名词之后。如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,则其后面的介词不要省略。如:I sat on the chair. 这样的用法还有:I want to find a room to live in. I want to find a pen to write with. [误] When mother was about leaving the baby cried suddenly. [正] When mother was about to leave the baby cried suddenly. [析] be about to 是表达较近的即将发生的动作,可用来表示将来时,或按计划、安排的事。 [误] This work is difficult to be done. [正] This work is difficult to do. [析] 在不定式作宾语时,下列情况常用主动语态表示被动。① 句子的主语即是不定式动作的执行者,如:I have a lot of letters to write. ② 句中的宾语是不定式中动作的执行者,如:Could you find me a job to do? ③ 在形容词之后的不定式,如:English is difficult to learn. [误] Would you like to see a film with us? Yes, I'd love. [正] Would you like to see a film with us? Yes, I'd love to. [析] 在口语简答语中要将不定式符号保留,如: I had to (不得不作) I'm going to (打算作) I used to (过去习惯作) I'd love to (喜欢作) I hope to (希望作某事) I'll be glad to (高兴作) [误] Did you see someone to do this work for me? [正] Did you see someone do this work for me? [析] 在感观动词之后常接不带to的不定式。这些词是see, look at, watch, hear, listen to, feel, notice。 [误] He was seen prepare this car. [正] He was seen to prepare this car. [析] 在被动语态中要将主动语态句中省去的不定式还原回来。 [误] Please Let my child to try it again. [正] Please Let my child try it again. [析] 在make, have, let后加不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。 [误] Why not to do it again? [正] Why not do it again? [析] Why not, you'd better 后接不带to的不定式,如:You'd better go.但要注意的是它的否定式是You'd better not go. [误] When he heard the news he couldn't help to cry. [正] When he heard the news he couldn't help crying. [析] can't help+现在分词表示情不自禁作某事。 [误] In autumn, the street is always covered with falling leaves. [正] In autumn, the street is always covered with fallen leaves. [析] 现在分词作定语有正在的含义,如:falling leave 正下落的叶子。而过去分词作定语fallen leaves是落地的叶子。过去分词含有已经完成的意思。 [误] Do you hear someone sing in the office? [正] Do you hear someone singing in the office? [析] 感观动词可用不带to的不定式来作宾语补足语,表达一个动作的全过程或已结束的动作,而用现在分词表示一个正在进行中的动作。 [误] I want to shop some food for supper. [正] I want to buy some food for supper. [正] I want to go shopping. [析] shop作买东西讲时,要用go shopping,其后不要加所购买的东西。这样的用法还有: go boating 划船 go sailing 航海 go skating 滑冰go shooting 射击 go dancing 去跳舞 go fishing 钓鱼go swimming 去游泳…… 不要用错,也不要改为其他式,因为这是习惯用法。 [误] When the teacher came into the classroom, the students stopped to talk. [正] When the teacher came into the classroom. the students stopped talking. [析] stop to do something 是停下来去做某事,而stop doing something 则是停止做某事。 [误] I didn't remember closing the door, so the thief came into the room directly. [正] I didn't remember to close the door, so the thief came into the room directly. [析] remember后接不定式是记着去做某事,即该动作并没有完成。而remember 后接动名词则表明该动作已经作完了。如: Do remember to turn off the light, before you leave. 即在你离开前记着去关灯。而关灯的动作并没有做。I remember meeting you somewhere. 我记得在某处见过你。而相见一事已经作完了。相同用法还有forget。 [误] When I finished to do this work I would go to play football. [正] When I finished doing this work I would go to play football. [析] 在英语中有些动词后要接动名词作宾语。在初中范围主要有两个动词finish和enjoy, 千万不要与like相比。因为like作动词"喜欢"用时,其后接动名词表示习惯性动作,接不定式表示一次性特殊的动作,而would you like后面则一定要用不定式。 [误] When he finished his homework, he went on playing the football. [正] When he finished his homework, he went on to play football. [析] go on to do something 是做完一件事紧跟着做另一件事。而go on doing something 是在做一件事的过程中被打断后接着再继续做这件事。 [误] He's busy to prepare his lessons. [正] He's busy preparing his lessons. [析] be busy 后加doing 而不能接不定式。 (三) 例题解析 1 Mr Zhang asked me ___ the words again. A. readB. readsC. to readD. reading [答案] C.[析] ask somebody to do something 要求某人作某事。 2 You ___ play on the road. It's dangerous. A. mustn'tB. mayC. canD. must [答案] A. [析] must 用于否定句表示禁止做某事。 3 Mr Brown ___ in Beijing since 1993. A. workB. worksC. workedD. has worked [答案] D. [析] 句中有since引导的时间状语,因此句中要用完成时态。 4 I ___ a letter when my mother came in. A. writeB. am writingC. was writingD. will write [答案] C. [析] 当母亲进来时是一个瞬时的动作,而写信是一个长动作,所以写信这个动作应用过去进行时态,表示在写信过程中发生的另一个短动作。 5 It's not an important party, you needn't ___ . A. pay for itB. wear it outC. try it outD. dress up for it [答案] D. [析] pay for-为某物,某人付款,wear out-穿坏,磨破,tryout-选拔,挑选,而dress up-梳妆打扮。 6 Can I ___ a bike from him? A. lendB. returnC. giveD. borrow [答案] D. [析] borrow something from…为向某人某处借某物。而lend, return, give后面的介词应用to。 7 - Must I stay at home? - No, you ___ . A. mustn'tB. needn'tC. may notD. can not [答案] B. [析] needn't 为"没有必要必须做某事",而mustn't为"禁止做",can not为"不能做"。根据题意是:你不一定待在家里。 8 - How long have you ___ here? - About two months. A. beenB. goneC. comeD. arrived [答案] A. [析] have been here是个状态,可以与后面的长时间状语连接,而其他三个动词都是瞬间动词。 9 Stamps ___ by people for sending letters. A. useB. usingC. usedD. are used [答案] D. [析] 这里是被动语态,意为邮票被人们用来发信。 10 The radio says Tianjin will be ___ tomorrow. A. rainsB. rainC. rainedD. rainy [答案] D. [析] rainy为形容词作表语。 11 If you don't know this word, ___ in the dictionary. A. look for itB. look at itC. look after itD. look it up [答案] D. [析] look up 查字典,与look有关的词组有: look about 四周环视 look after 照顾 look around 周围,四处看 look at 看 look back 回顾 look for 寻找 look forward to 期待 look out 当心 look like 看上去像 12 My father told me ___ play on the street. A. notB. to notC. not toD. did not [答案] C. [析] 不定式的否定式是not to do something. 13 There is going to ___ an English party this evening. A. beB. hasC. haveD. is [答案] A. [析] 这里是there be 无生命的"有"加助动词的句型,即there will be,而没有there have 的句型。 14 There ___ no bus stop here last year. A. isB. wasC. areD. were [答案] B. [析] last year为去年,所以用过去时。而there be 句型的单复数要看be动词之后离之最近的名词是单数还是复数。如:There is a pen and two pencils on the desk. 15 Our school will hold a sports meeting if it ___ tomorrow. A. isn't rainB. rainsC. won't rainD. doesn't rain [答案] D. [析] 在状语从句中应用一般时态来表示将来。 16 Bikes mustn't ___ everywhere. A. be putB. be puttedC. putD. putting [答案] A. [析] 这里是被动语态。与put有关的词组如下: put away 放好 put off 推迟 ut on 穿上 put out 扑灭 put down 放下 17 Neither Li Lei nor Han Meimei ___ Harbin. A. have been toB. has been toC. have gone toD. has gone to [答案] B. [析] has been to 是去过某处。 18 It's cold today you'd better ___ more coats. A. put onC. to put onD. to take off [答案] A. [析] 'd better 其后加不带to的不定式,而put on 为"穿上"。 19 Henry ___ a birthday card for Sam yesterday. A. has boughtB. buysC. boughtD. will buy [答案] C. [析] 因句中的yesterday为表达过去的时间状语,所以应用过去时态。 20 When I got to the factory, the workers ___ about the filim. A. are talkingB. talkedC. were talkingD. have talked [答案] C. [析] 状语从句中所用的动词为过去时,则主句中也要与之呼应。而工人们在谈论电影为一长时间的动作,所以要用过去进行时。 21 No hurry, please ___ your time. A. takeB. bringC. carryD. catch [答案] A [析] take one's time 慢慢来别着急。 22 I enjoy ___ the light music. A. to listen toB. listening toC. hearingD. to hear [答案] B. [析] enjoy 与 finish其后只能接动名词作宾语补足语。 23 Please ___ as soon as you get there. A. ring me upB. ring up meC. wake me upD. wake up me [答案] A. [析] ring up打电话,而wake up唤醒。英文中有很多动词词组如其宾语是代词时,一定要放在动词与介词之间。 24 When I ___ , I want to be a teacher. A. grows upB. grow upC. shall growD. grew up [答案] B. [析] grow up 长大。而状语从句要用现在时表示将来,即使主句也用的是一般现在时,但它含有将来之意。 25 I called him and he ___ to have a talk with me. A. stopB. stopsC. stopedD. stopped [答案] D. [析] 这是由and连接的两个并列句,所以时态应保持一致。26 - Would you please ___ me an evaser, Lucy? - Certainly. Here you are. A. borrowB. lendC. borrowedD. lent [答案] B. [析] would you please其后接不带to的不定式即动词原形,而borrow为"借入"而lend为"借出"。 27 Trees ___ in spring. A. plantB. were plantedC. should be plantedD. should plant [答案] C. [析] should用于一般现在时态中表示应该,而此句又是被动语态。 28 - Where's your father? - He ___ to Paris. A. goB. goesC. wentD. has gone [答案] D. [析] has gone 是已去某处了,不在这里了。所以强调过去的动作影响到现在。 29 - Must I finish my homework in class now? - No, you ___ . You can do it at home. A. mustn'tB. may notC. needn'tD. can [答案] C. [析] needn't表示没有必要一定要这样做。由must提问,肯定句用must,否定句用needn't. 30 Thank you very much for ___ your book ___ me. A. lending, toB. lent, toC. borrow, fromD. borrowing,from [答案] A. [析] for是介词,要用动名词作介词宾语。 31 The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from ___ the earth away. A. blowingB. blow. C,blowsD. to blow [答案] A. [析] stop…from doing something. 阻止某人或某物作某事。 32 The students will go to the West Hill Farm by bike, if it ___ fine tomorrow. A. will beB. isC. shall beD. was [答案] B. 33 Our teacher always tells us ___ in the street. It's too dangerous. A. don't playB. not to playC. to playD. not play [答案] B. [析] 不定式的否定式为not to do。 34 English is a useful language. It ___ widely in the world. A. is spokenB. was spokenC. can speakD. will speak [答案] A. [析] 本句为被动语态。 35 The kite is flying high in the sky. It ___ a bird. A. looks atB. looks likeC. looks forD. looks after [答案] B. [析] look like 像……,其中like 为介词。 36 - Look! What's Wang Ping doing over there? - She ___ under a big tree. A. singsB. sangC. has sungD. is singing [答案] D. 37 You ___ see a doctor. You've got a bad cold. A. willB. are going toC. had betterD. could [答案] C. [析] had better 最好,意为一种真心的劝告。 38 Your radio is too loud. Would you please ___ ? A. turn down itB. turn it downC. to turn down itD. to turn it down [答案] B. [析] would you please 后面加动词原形。 39 Could you tell me if it ___ tomorrow? A. rainsB. is rainingC. will rainD. rain [答案] C. [析] if从句是宾语从句,而不是状语从句。所以还是要用将来时,而不能用一般现在时表示将来。 40 Suddenly one of the bags ___ the truck and landed in the middle of the road. A. fell outB. fell downC. fell offD. will be [答案] C. [析] fall off 掉落,与off有关的词组有 see off 送行 give off 散发 shut off 关闭 kick off 踢掉 turn off 关闭 get off 下车 jump off 跳下 show of 炫耀 take off 脱下 pay off 付清 41 He ___ at this school since two years ago. A. was B. has beenC. isD. will be [答案] B. [析] since引导的时间状语应与完成时相呼应。 42 She doesn't know ___ . A. when to doB. what to doC. how to doD. where to do [答案] B. [析] when, how, where均为疑问副词,而what为疑问代词,又因do是及物动词需要宾语。如用疑问副词时应为when to do it, how to do it, where to do it. 43 Must older people ___ to politely. A. speakB. spokenC. be spokeD. be spoken [答案] D. [析] 这句话的主动语态应为People must speak politely to older people对年龄较大的人讲话应有礼貌。 44 Teachers usually ask their students ___ loudly in class. A. to speakB. speakC. speaksD. spoke [答案] A. [析] ask somebody to do something 要求某人作某事。 45 - Where is Mr Zhang? - Look! He ___ on a big machine over there. A. worksB. workedC. is workingD. has worked [答案] C. [析] 由look, liston等词开始的句子一般要用现在进行时态。 46 There's a football match. Please ___ the TV at once. Let's watch together. A. turn onB. take offC. turn offD. go on [答案] A. [析] turn on 打开。与turn有关的词组有: turn against 背叛 turn on 打开 turn +颜色 变为某种颜色 turn off 关闭 turn over 翻转 turn to 翻到某页 turn into 变为 turn up 向上翻 47 Please tell me where ___ have our picnic tomorrow. A. we willB. will weC. willD. will you [答案] A. [析] where 引导的从句是宾语从句,而不是状语从句。 48 We ___ English for three years already. And we can speak a little English now. A. learnB. have learnedC. has learnedD. will learn [答案] B. [析] for+表示一段长度的时间词,应与完成时相呼应。 49 At last, Lin Feng made the baby ___ and begin to laugh. A. stop to cryB. stop cryingC. to stop to cryD. to stop crying [答案] B. [析] make somebody do (or doing) something, stop doing 意为停止做某事。 50 Our classroom must ___ clean every day. A. keepB. to keepC. be keptD. to be kept [答案] C. [析] 应为被动语态。 51 I hear there ___ a sports meeting in our school next week. A. is going to haveB. will haveC. is going to beD. are going to be [答案] C. [析] 这是hear 的宾语从句是there be 句型。而且是用了be going to形式。 52 It's getting colder, Peter. You'd better _ this coat with you. A. bringB. carryC. takeD. get [答案] C. [析] bring 带来,take 带走。 53 Our classroom is clean and tidy.It ___ every day. A. cleansB. is cleaningC. cleanedD. is cleaned [答案] D. [析] 这里表达的是经常的一种状态,所以应用一般现在时的被动语态。 54 If you are not careful in the street, a car may ___ you. A. hurtB. hitC. runD. catch [答案] B. [析] hit撞上,碰上,击中 55 The farmers were busy ___ ready for the next year. A. gotB. gettingC. to getD. get [答案] B. [析] be busy后应用动词的ing形式。 第二篇 句法 一、 主 要 句 式 (一) 知识概要 初中所学的句型一般要分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句。陈述句中有肯定句与否定句之分。其中可以分为以下五种:① 主语+不及物动词。如:I arrived at six last night.② 主语+及物动词+宾语,如:I bought a good EnglishChinese Dictionary yesterday.③ 主语+及物动词+间接宾语+直接宾语,如:Please tell me a story before I go to bed. 这样可加双宾语的句子有buy,tell, give, ask, pass, teach.④ 主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语,如:I found it impossible to do it. Please keep the classroom clean and tidy.⑤ 主语+系动词+表语,如:Tom is an American boy. The grass turned green in spring.在初中常见的句型中有There be…句型,表示存在某种事物,如:There is a map on the wall其be动词的形式要与其后面相近的那个名词相一致。要注意的是这种句型加入助动词后,也要保持be动词,不要换用have,如:There is going to be a meeting tomorrow.在句子结构中要注意主谓一致的问题,即句子的主语与谓语动词要相呼应。要注意的有如下几点:① 用and连接两个主语时一般应视为复数,但如一人身兼两职时则要用单数谓语动词形式,如:A singer and dancer is coming to our party. a singer and dancer 既歌唱又可舞的演员。而 a singer and a dancer 则要译为:一位歌唱家和一位舞蹈家。②有些以 s 结尾的名词谓语动词要用单数,如: The news is good (news 为不可数名词)。③ 有量词时应按量词的数量计算;如: This pair of glasses is good My glasses are broken. ④有些形单却意为复数的名词,如: People are coming here 这样的词还有 Police, 如果要讲一个警察时,应讲 a policeman。 两个警察为 two policemen。 又如 a policewoman, two policewomen ⑤ 所有不定代词 each, either, neither, one, the other, nobody, nothing, anyone, anything, someone, something … 要作为单数如: Someone is waiting for you在并列句中表示联合关系的连词有: and not only … but also, neither … nor, either … or 如: My sister and my parents are going to the cinema。 表示转折关系的并列连词有: but 和 yet, 如: She is a good student, but she didn't pass the final exam. 又如: I think the news is strange, yet it is true 表示选择关系的连词有:or, either … or,如: Hurry up, or you will be late for school 表示因果关系的并列连词有: for, so 如: They studied very hard, so they all passed the exam在初中范围复合句中主要有状语从句和宾语从句(名词性从句)两种,而定语从句(形容词性从句)要在高中讲述,为了使同学阅读文章方便,我们将在下面另一章予以介绍。我们首先来看宾语从句。① 在及物动词的后面可以接一个名词来充当宾语,如: I knew the man, 而这时也可以用一个句子来充当宾语,如: I knew that he was a good man 这时宾语从句的连接词有 that, (that 只在从句中起联接作用,不在句中充当语法成分,既不是主语也不是宾语,所以在口语中常常被省略。如: I am sure (that) she has passed the exam ②if, whether 它们在宾语从句中只起连接作用,不起语法作用,当作是否讲。从句中有 or not 结构时,要用 whether, 如: I ask him if (whether) he has had his lunch I asks him whether he has had his lunch or not ③ what 它在宾语从句中除了作连接词外,还要作主语或宾语成份,如: I don't understand what you said (what 作 said 的宾语)。又如: I asked him what made him sick (what 在宾语从句中作主语)。④ who,它也和what一样,在句中除作连接词外,可以充当句中的成份,如:I know who she is looking for? ⑤ whose 如: I want to know whose book this is? ⑥ which 如: Do you know which book is mine?在连接词中还有4个常用的连接副词,① how 它的应用最广,如: how much, how many, how long, how soon, how old …。如: How much does it cost? ② when 它只是连接时间状语,如: Please tell me when the meeting will begin? ③ where 它连接地点状语,如: Where are you from? ④ why 它要连接的是原因状语从句,如: The teacher asked why Tom didn't come to school. 在考试中常见到的考点是:宾语从句的时态与主句时态的呼应问题。① 主句谓语动词如果是现在时或将来时,宾语从句的时态可以是任何所需要的时态, 如: I know he didn't come. 我知道他没来。 I know he will come tomorrow 我知道他明天来。I know he has gone to London 我知道他已去伦敦了。 ② 主句中的谓语动词若是过去时,宾语从句也要用过去时态中的某一种。比如: 一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。除了在表达宇宙中的客观真理时,不能用现在时态。如: I wanted to know when he would come The teacher told me the earth moves around the sun状语从句主要有时间状语从句,其连接词有:after, before, when, as, as soon as, until (till), while, since, by其中较难掌握的有以下几点:① until (till) 直到,在用 until 表达时间状语的句子中,主句中的动词是要十分小心去选择。如动词是持续性动词,它要用肯定句,如: I studied hard until 12 o'clock last night. 如果动词是瞬间截止性动词,则要用否定句,如: He didn't go to bed until his mother came back ② 由since, for, by, before 来引导的时间状语从句。 since 引导的时间状语是动作的开始时间,如: I have studied English since 1990 而由 by 引导的时间状语通常是动作的结束时间,如: I had learned 25 English songs by the end of last term 而before 则多用于完成时, ago 则多用于一般过去时,如: He had finished his work before twelve yesterday I left my hometown two years ago ③ 在状语从句中用一般现在时或一般过去时表示将来。它们可能是主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,如: If it rains, they won't go to the park on Sunday 也可以主句是一般过去时,从句用一般过去进行时,如: He said if it rained the next day he would not go to the park 考试中常见的考点有:要学生区别是条件、时间状语从句还是宾语从句,因在宾语从句中该用什么时态用什么时态,如: I want to know if he will come here tomorrow 在宾语从句中的条件状语从句与主句的关系,如: I want to know if it rains he will come here tomorrow在原因状语从句中主要是① because, 应译为"因为"。它表达的因果关系最强,如: He didn't pass the exam because he didn't study hard ② since 应译为"既然",如: Since you were ill yesterday I left some notes on your desk ③ as 应译为"由于",如: As it is too hot we'd better go swimming since 与 as 所表达的因果关系远比 because 弱得多。而 for 表达的因果关系最弱。它不能用于句首,如: He studies hard, for he wants to go to college在比较状语从句中有同级比较 as … as, 如: This book is as good as that one 要注意的有两点:① as … as 中间要用原级而不是比较级。② 用形容词还是副词,如: Mary writes as carefully as Tom 而其否定句为 not as (so) … as, 如: They didn't work so hard as we did, 而不同级比较用比较级加 than, 如: He is younger than I am 要注意的是表示"越来越"这一概念时有两个句型:① 比较级+and+比较级,如: The days are getting longer and longer The little girl is becoming more and more beautiful ② 定冠词 the + 比较级+ the + 比较级,如: The harder you study, the more you can learn方式状语中要注意的是as (连词)与 like (介词)的区别。 as 作为连词其后接从句,如: Please do it as I did it 但后面的句子常作省略,如: Please do it as I 而 like 是介词,其后要接的是宾语,如: Please do it like me结果和目的状语从句主要有 so … that, so that, in order that等几种用法。① so … that用在单数可数名词前,so + 形容词 + a + 名词 + that,如: She is so beautiful a girl that everyone likes her 或用 such + a + 形容词 + 名词 + that, 如: She is such a beautiful girl that everyone likes her ② 在不可数名词或可数名词复数前只能用 such, 如: It is such good weather we want to go for a picnic 又如: They are such good players that they should win the game. ③ 在much, many, few, little 之前只能用so, 如: I have so little money that I can't buy it ④ so … that 之间只有形容词时,则不能用 such, 如: It is so good that I want to buy ⑤ so that 其后接从句,如: I got up earlier so that I could catch the first bus (二) 正误辨析 [误] The stories in that book was written many years ago [正] The stories in that book were written many years ago. [析] 作主语的名词、代词或不定式、动名词,它们往往要带有修饰词,这些词可能是形容词,也可能是短语,但谓语动词还是要取决于这个主语的数,要记住的是一个名词不可能在同一句中作两个不同的语法成份,如: book 作了 of 的介词宾语则不可能再作主语了。 [误] To read many books are good for you [正] To read many books is good for you [析] 不定式作主语应该看作单数主语。 [误] What he said are right [正] What he said is right [析] 从句作主语一定要按单数主语看待。 [正] The rich is not always happy [误] The rich are not always happy [析] 形容词+定冠词表示一类人,谓语动词应用复数,如: The young are very interested in study and sports [误] The school master and writer are coming [正] The school master and writer is coming [析] 本句应译为:校长兼作家就要来了。而 The school master and the writer are coming 则要译为:校长和一个作家要来了。在英语表达法中确实有 The girl and boy are playing on the grass 这应译为:一个女孩,一个男孩在操场上玩。因为不可能这样两个概念作用在一个人身上。又如: the husband and wife 夫妻二人。 [误] You or she go to get some water for us [正] You or she goes to get some water for us [析] 由 or 连接的两个主语应以离谓语动词近的那一个计算其数。这样的用法还有 either … or,neither … nor, not only … but also 也有人称作"就近原则"。 [误] The teacher with a lot of students come into the classroom [正] The teacher with a lot of students comes into the classroom [析] 真正的主语是 the teacher, 而 with 短语是伴随状态,不影响主语的数。 [误] My glasses is broken [正] My glasses are broken [误] This pair of glasses are good [正] This pair of glasses is good [误] These kinds of butter is good. [正] These kinds of butter are good [析] 英语中有些名词只有复数形式,如: glasses 眼镜, shorts 短裤等。如没有量词在前时,要用复数谓语动词,但有了量词之后则要按量词的单复数计算。 [误] One of the boys are going to take part in the match [正] One of the boys is going to take part in the match [析] One of 结构应以 one 来计算主语的数。 [误] Half of the work are done [正] Half of the work is done [误] Half of the books is read [正] Half of the books are read [析] 在小于1的数量词作主语时,如: 2 3 ,80%,0.35… + of +名词,这时主语的数应按 of 后面的名词计算。如果名词是不可数名词或可数名词单数,则谓语动词要用单数,如名词是复数则要用复数谓语动词。 [误] Each sides are full of trees [正] Each side is full of trees [误] Both side is full of trees [正] Both sides are full of trees [析] each, either 其后都要加单数名词,而 both 后要加复数名词。 如: each, either, another, little, a little, much等作主语时,谓语动词全部要用单数形式。 [误] The boys each has an apple [正] The boys each have an apple [析] each 作同位语时,不影响句子的主语。 [误] Everyone of us has a ticket for the concert [正] Every one of us has a ticket for the concert [析] everyone, someone, everybody … 在作主语时都不能加 of 结构。 [误] Girls like dancing very much, but few likes playing football [正] Girls like dancing very much, but few like playing football [析] few 虽然含意上是"几乎没有",但作主语时仍要当作复数。 [误] The number of the workers in that factory are two hundred [正] The number of the workers in that factory is two hundred [析] the number of 意为:某某的数字是…… 如: the number of students 学生人数, the number of players 运动员人数。不论数字如何都应看作单数。而 a number of 与 many 意思相同,其后加可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数形式。如: A number of students are playing on the grass [误] The rest of the students is here [正] The rest of the students are here [误] The rest of the work are done [正] The rest of the work is done [析] the rest of 的用法与2/3,一半,80%+ of 的结构一致, of 后面为可数名词复数时用复数谓语动词,为不可数名词或可数名词单数时用单数谓语动词。这样用法还有 lots of, a lot of, plenty of。 [误] The news in today's newspaper are not bad [正] The news in today's newspaper is not bad [析] 有些以 s 结尾的名词要用作不可数名词,它们是:news, physics, mathematics, thanks, … [误] The Chinese is kind and friendly [正] The Chinese are kind and friendly [析] Chinese 作为中文来讲是单数名词,但作为中国人讲是单复同形的名词。如: one Chinese, two Chinese … 而 The Chinese = The people of China 要用复数谓语动词。 [误] This dictionary is too expensive for me Ten dollars are a big sum for me [正] This dictionary is too expensive for me Ten dollars is a big sum for me [析] 表示一段时间,一笔金钱,一段距离,都应看作单数名词。 [误] Who are going to take part in our football match? [正] Who is going to take part in our football match? [析] 用 who 提问时,习惯上用单数谓语动词,但 which 则要视其情况而定,如: which are better these shoeses or those shoes? 又如: which is better this one or that one? [误] What a hot weather it is! [误] How hot the weather it is! [正] What hot weather it is! [正] How hot the weather is! [析] 感叹句是用来表达说话人的喜怒哀乐的感情。它由 what 与 how 作句子的开始,判定是用 what 还是用 how 的最好办法是将它们换为陈述句,比如: What the hot weather it is! 应转换为: It is the hot weather 那么句子的起点是单词 it。 再来看感叹句中 it 前有不可数名词 weather, 则只能用 what。 再看第二句 How hot the weather is! 转为陈述句时为: The weather is hot这时句子的开始单词为 the weather, 再来看感叹句在 the weather 前只有形容词,所以应用 how。 至于是用 what a 还是 what 要看名词的具体情况而定,单数可数名词加 what a 其余的加用 what。 [误] We have to sing this, have we? [误] We have to sing this, haven't we? [正] We have to sing this, don't we? [析] 在反意疑问句中除了标准的一些常规外,有一些例外: Let's go home, shall we? Let us go home, will you? She had to leave, didn't she? Do your homework at once, will you? There is not much good news in today's newspaper, is there? Neither of them are right, are they? I think he will come to the party won't he? think 后的宾语从句,与其他宾语从句不一样,在初中只有这样一个较特殊的词。这样的句子的反意疑问句的主语要用宾语从句中的主语,其助动词要用宾语从句的助动词,而肯定还是否定要看主句谓语动词而定,如: I don't think he is coming to our party, is he? [误] I want to know where does he live [正] I want to know where he lives [析] 宾语从句中一律要用陈述语序,而不用疑问语序。 [误] - I haven't got a ticket for the football match - Nor I have [正] - I haven't got a ticket for the football match - Nor (Neither) have I [析] nor, neither 用在简答否定句中时要采用倒装语序。在肯定句的简答句中则要用so, 如: I do my homework very quickly, So does Mary [误] Look! Here the bus comes! [正] Look! Here comes the bus! [误] Look! Here comes he! [正] Look! Here he comes [析] 在 there, here 打头的句子中,如果主语是名词,则要采用倒装语序;如果是人称代词则用一般语序。 [误] Do you want Mary to go to the cinema with us? No, I don't hope so [正] Do you want Mary to go to the cinema with us? No, I hope not [析] 我不这样想,可用 I don't think so 但 hope 的否定简答句只能用 I hope not 这是习惯用法。但这两个词的肯定简答句形是一样的,如: I think so. I hope so [误] That is difficult for us to learn English well [正] It is difficult for us to learn English well [析] It 这里的语法作用是形式主语,而真正的主语是后面的不定式。形式主语和形式宾语都要用 it 而不能用 that, 如: I think it difficult to learn English well it 在这句中是 think 的形式宾语。 (三) 例题解析 1 There ___ a pencilbox on the desk. A .is B. are C. has D. have [答案] A. [析] There be 句形中的 be 动词要看其后面离它最近的名词而定,如: There are two books and a pencil on the desk 但却可以讲 There is a pencil and two books on the desk 2 Could you tell me ___ ? A Mrs King where lives B where does Mrs King live C where Mrs King lives D Mrs King lives where [答案] C. [析] 宾语从句中的疑问句要用陈述语序。 3 Your brother came to see you, ___ ? A does he B doesn't he C did he D didn't he [答案] D. [析] 前句是肯定句,后面反意疑问句要用否定句,同时 came 为过去时态,所以应用 didn't he 4 It's getting cloudy, ___ ? A does' it B doesn't it C is it D isn't it [答案] D. [析] 要区分's 是 has 还是 is, 这里由 getting 得出's 是is。 5 ___ keep me waiting so long. A Not B Won't C Don't D Not to [答案] C. [析] Don't + 动词原形为祈始句的否定句。 6 Mr Green hasn't been to Beijing, ___ ? A has he B hasn't he C did he D didn't he [答案] A. [析] 此句 has 是助动词与过去分词构成现在完成时态。 7 You have your lunch at school, ___ ? A have you B haven't you C do you D don't you [答案] D. [析] 这里的 have 是实意动词"吃",而不是助动词。 8 ___ sunny day! Let's go out for a walk. A How a B How C What a D What [答案] C. [析] 这个感叹句是个省略句,其真实的句子应为 What a sunny day it is! 9 - Can you tell me ___ ? - Sure She's a nurse A where is your sister B where your sister is C what is your sister D what your sister is [答案] D. [析] who 问的是姓名,如: Who is he? He is Smith 或 He is my father What 问的是职业,如: What is he? He is a teacher 10 John likes listening to the radio, ___ ? A does he B doesn't he C doesn't John D does Johe [答案] B. [析] 当名词作主语时,反意疑问句应用代词。 11 Neither you nor I ___ on the team. A are B were C am D is [答案] C. [析] 由 neither … nor … 作连接词作主语时,其谓语动词要与相临近的那个主语相呼应。 12 ___ delicious food! I'd like some more. A what a B How a C What D How [答案] C. [析] 因 food 为不可数名词。 13 ___ there a cat under the chair? A Are B Is C Has D Have [答案] B. [析] 这是 there be 句型的疑问句。 14 Could you tell me ___ ? A when the train will arrive B when the train arrived C when did the train arrive D when does the train arrives [答案] A. [析] could 用于现在时疑问句表达了口气的委婉,并不是过去时态。且宾语从句要用陈述语句。 15 - ___ bad weather! - Yes, But it's going to be fine soon, I think A How B What a C What an D What [答案] D. [析] weather 为不可数名词。 16 - Could you tell me ___ ? - Yes, They ___ to the library A where are the twins, have been B where were the twins, have been C where the twins are, have gone D where the twins were, have gone [答案] C. [析] have been to 是去过什么地方,而现在回来了。 have gone to 是到某地去了,人现在不在这里。 17 Go and ___ the TV quickly The volleyball match will begin right away. A turn off B turn down C turn up D turn on [答案] D. [析] 这是个祈使句,它由 and 连接两个动词。注意词组搭配的不同含义。 18 Let's go for some tea, ___ ? A shall we B will we C do we D don't we [答案] A. [析] Let's go …, shall we? Let us go …, will you?这是两个特殊的反意疑问句。 19 Joan's short, ___ ? A wasn't she B hasn't she C isn't she D doesn't she [答案] C. [析] 在此句中应视's为is,而不是 has 或 was。 20 I don't know ___ to read the word. A which B what C whose D how [答案] D. [析] 因不定式 to read 中的 read 是及物动词,已有自己的宾语 the word, 所以应用疑问副词 how。 21 He didn't go to school, ___ he was ill. A for B but C and D so [答案] A. [析] 这里是表示因果的关系,从句表示原因,所以用 for,放于句尾,且常常前面有一个逗号。so 引起的是结果状语从句,如: He was only twelve, so he couldn't join the army 22 The young woman can hardly ride a bike, ___ she? A doesn't B does C can't D can [答案] D. [析] hardly 为否定词,所以应视此句为否定句。其后的反意疑问句应用肯定句。 23 Tom never goes to the cinema on Sundays, ___ ? A does he B doesn't he C isn't he D is he [答案] A. [析] never 也是否定词,所以应将句子看作否定句。 24 Mother said to him, "Don't ___ on football." A spend too much time B to spend too much time C spend too many time D to spend too many time [答案] A. [析] time 作为"时间"讲为不可数名词,应用 much 来修饰。当作"次数"讲是可数名词,如 three times 三次,而 Don't … 这一句是祈使句的否定句。 25 Mr White, together with some Japanese friends, ___ visit our school this afternoon. A are going to B is going to C have D has [答案] B. [析] 句子的主语是Mr White, 而together with … 是伴随状况,不影响句子的主语。 26 There is little water in the glass, ___ ? A is it B is there C isn't it D isn't there [答案] B. [析] 这是 there be 句型的反意疑问句。 27 Ampere was thinking about a maths problem, ___ ? A didn't he B wasn't he C did he D is he [答案] B. [析] 这是进行时态的反意疑问句。 28 She had a good time yesterday, ___ she ? A wasn't B didn't C hasn't D isn't [答案] B. [析] had 这里是实意动词而不是助动词。 29 We'll make ___ for you in the front of the car. A a room B room C rooms D some rooms [答案] B. [析] room 此处为不可数名词,意为"地方,空间"。 30 Neither she nor I ___ to the Great wall before. A has gone B have gone C have been D has been [答案] C. [析] 由neither … nor 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词应与相临近的那个主语相呼应。 31 Help me collect these books, ___ ? A are you B will you C do you D shall you [答案] B. [析] 祈使句的反意疑问句应用 will you, 而Let's go 例外,其反意疑问句为 shall we? 32 The number of deer, mountain lions and wild roses ___ change much if people leave things as they are. A don't B doesn't C isn't D didn't [答案] B. [析] the number of 为"……的数量、数目",所以谓语动词用单数形式。而 a number of 要加复数名词,其谓语动词也用复数。 33 She's had breakfast, ___ ? A is she B isn't she C hasn't she D has she [答案] C. [析] 这里的's应视为 has 34 I wonder ___ . A whose bicycle is it B it is whose bicycle C is it whose bicycle D whose bicycle it is [答案] D. [析] wonder 后的宾语从句应用陈述语序。 35 It is good for us ___ morning exercises. A do B to do C did D done [答案] B. [析] 这里的 it 是形式主语,而真正的主语是不定式 to do … 36 Peter has sports very often, ___ ? A does, Peter B doesn't he C doesn't Peter D does he [答案] B. [析] has 这里是实意动词,而主语为名词时其反意疑问句中的主语要用代词。 37 Mr Black said, "Jenny, don't be late tomorrow" Mr Black told Jenny ___ . A don't be late tomorrow B didn't be late tomorrow C not be late next morning D not to be late the next day [答案] D. [析] tell 一般要加双宾语,其间接宾语是 Jenny, 直接宾语是不定式。而这里用的是不定式的否定形式。 38 Li Mei read the newspaper to the granny, ___ ? A does she B didn't she C did she D wasn't she [答案] B. [析] read这里是过去时态,因其主语是第三人称单数,而 read 并未加 s 所以是过去时态。(read 的过去时与过去分词都是 read,只不过读音不同) 二、 定 语 从 句 (一) 知识概要 定语从句并不属于中考范围,但由于作者在多年的教学中体会到,这一语法现象影响了许多学生自学英语。这些学生一般是成绩较好的学生,想进行大量阅读来提高自己的英语水平,但总是碰到一些问题,百思不得其解。苦于自己的水平只限于初中水平,无法提高,但各种补习班又都是为一些水平较差的学生开设的,所以又投师无门。为了解决这部分学生的学习困难,也为那些有志青年铺平学习上的道路,特用这一节讲述定语从句,不是从语法上讲述,而是从阅读理解方面去讲述。可供同学们在学习时参考。这会对你的英语学习起到事半功倍的作用。对于形容词我们已十分熟悉了,如: a good book, 形容词 good 用来修饰书 book。 我们也可以用一个句子来修饰名词,这种句子叫做形容词性从句,它起修饰名词的作用,又被叫做定语从句(The attributive clause)。但有一点不同的是这个从句不是像形容词那样放于名词前,而是放在名词之后。它所修饰的名词又被叫作先行词,如: Do you know the scientist who gave us the talk this afternoon? 这句中的主句是 Do you know the scientist? (你知道那位科学家吗?)而 who gave us the talk this afternoon (他今天下午给我们作的报告。)是定语从句。所以这两句话合为一体即是:你认识今天下午给我们作报告的那位科学家吗?这里 scientist 叫作先行词,而 who 叫作定语从句的引导词。 who 在定语从句中起主语的作用, who 的数与它的先行词相同。又如: You must do everything that I do 这里先行词是 everything, 而 that I do 是定语从句,此句应译为:你必须作我所作的一切。 that 叫作定语从句的引导词,在句中作 do 的宾语。引导定语从句的引导词有关系代词: that, which, who, whom, whose 和关系副词 when, where, why, how。不论关系代词还是关系副词,都应放于先行词和定语从句之间,起联系作用,但它们都要在定语从句中起语法作用,充当一个成份。如关系代词在定语从句中不是作主语便是作宾语,而关系副词则是作状语。我们先来看关系代词的用法。① that 的先行词可以是人也可以是物。如: A plane is a machine that can fly 这里先行词是 machine 而 that 是关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。这句译为:飞机是一种会飞的机器。又如: I like the book (that) you lent me yesterday 这里先行词是 book, 关系代词用 that, 它在定语从句中作 lend (借)的宾语。要注意的是关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可以省略,即: I like the book you lent me yesterday② which 关系代词的先行词只能是物。它在定语从句中作主语或宾语,如: The book shop is a shop which sells books 这里 shop 是先行词, which 在从句中作主语。又如: The book (which) I read last night was wonderful 这里主句是 The book was wonderful 而定语从句是修饰主句的主语 book, 即我昨晚读的那本书,which 在定语从句中作 read 的宾语,可以省略。③ who, whom, whose who 在定语从句中作主语, whom 是 who 的宾格,在定语从句中作宾语,而 whose 则是形容词性物主代词,在从句中作定语,如:The man who visited our school yesterday is an American friend 昨天参观我们学校的人是一位美国朋友。 Who 在定语从句中作主语。又如: Who's that woman (whom) you just talked to ? 你刚才与之谈话的那个女人是谁?而 whom 作定语从句中介词 to 的宾语,可以省略,而在现代英语中,句首的 whom 也常常可用 who代替。This is our classmate, Mary, whose home is not far from our school 这是我们的同学玛丽,她的家离我们学校不远。为了便于理解,我们来看看是如何将两句话并为一句话的。 1. I saw the man. He closed the door I saw the man who (that) closed the door 2. The girl is happy She won the race The girl who won the race is happy 3. The students are from China They sit in the front row The students who sit in the front row are from China (要注意的是先行词是 students 则 who 的数也应看作复数。) 4. We are studying sentences They contain adjective dause We are studying sentences that (which) contain adjective dause 5. The taxi driver was friendly He took me to the airport The taxi driver who took me to the airport was friendly 6. The book was good I read it The book that I read was good The book I read was good 7. The people were very nice We visited them yesterday The people we visited yesterday were very nice 8. The man called the police His wallet was stolen The man whose wallet was stolen called the police 9. I come from a country Its history goes back thousands of years I come from a country whose history goes back thousands of years 10. I have to call the man I picked up his umbrella after the meeting I have to call the man whose umbrella I picked up after the meeting 关系代词 whom, which 在定语从句中作介词宾语时,可以和介词一起放于先行词与定语从句之间,有时为了关系紧凑也可以将 whom 与 which 与先行词紧挨着书写,而将介词置于定语从句的后面,如: That was the room in which we had lived for ten years 或可以写作: That was the room which we had lived in for ten years He was the man whom(who) you were looking for 要注意的是此句的关系代词 whom 可以用主格取代,而 look for 是短语动词也不可将 for 放于定语从句之前。that 作关系代词作介词宾语时,不能紧跟介词,而只能将介词置于定语从句的后面。如: The man that we were talking about has come to our school 这时不可用 about that … 请看下面例句: 1. The meeting was interesting I went to it The meeting that I went to was interesting 2. The man was very kind I talked to him yesterday The man who I talked to yesterday was very kind 3. I must thank the people I got a present from him I must thank the people who I got a present from 4. The picture was beautiful She was looking at it The picture that (which) she was looking at was beautiful 5. The man is standing over there I told you about him The man who I told you about is standing over there 除关系代词外,还有关系副词, when, where, why, 其中 when用来指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。如: I never forget the day when I first came to the Great Wall 而 where 则指地点,如: This is the house where the old man lives 请看下面例句: 1. The city was beautiful We spent our vacation there The city where we spent our vacation was beautiful 2. That is the restaurant I will meet you there That is the restaurant where I will meet you 3. The town is small I grew up there The town where I grew up is small 4. That is the drawer I keep my newpapers there That is the drawer where I keep my newspapers 5. Monday is the day We will come then Monday is the day When we will came 6. 7∶05 is the time My plane arrives then 7∶05 is the time when my plane arrives 7. 1960 is the year The revolution took place then 1960 is the year when the revolution took place 8. July is the month The weather is usually the hottest then July is the month when the weather is usually the hottest 在定语从句中又可分为两大类定语从句,即限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 ① 限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,如果去掉的话,主句的意思就不完整,意义就表述不明。这种句型一般定语从句紧接先行词,如:I was the only person in my office who was invited ② 非限制性定语从句。它与主句的关系不十分密切,只是对其附加说明,也就是讲即便去掉定语从句,句意也不受影响,仍然清晰明了。这样的定语从句要在它和主句之间加一逗号分开。且关系代词不引导这种非限制性定语从句,如: Abraham Lincoln, who led the United States through these years, was shot on April 14, 1865 at a theatre in washington D. C. 又如:Galileo lived in the city of Pisa, where there is a leaning tower about 180 feet high (二) 正误辨析 [误] I won't tell you the name of the person who teach me English [正] I won't tell you the name of the person who teaches me English [析] 在定语从句中,关系代词作主语时,从它本身看不出其数的形式,这时要由它的先行词决定。这里who 应由 the person 单数决定,应该用单数谓语动词。又如:I who am a student want to find a spare time job这里的 who 应与 I 是一致的,所以其谓语动词应该用am。 [误] We talked about the things and the people who we met during the Second World War [正] We talked about the things and the people that we met during the Second World War [析] 这里的关系代词不要用 who, 因为其先行词有两个一个是 things (物),而另一个是people (人),这时既不可用 who, 又不可用 which, 因前者只能用于先行词是人的情况下,而后者则用于先行词是物的情况下,所以只能用 that, 因为它的先行词既可以是人又可以是物。 [误] The book, that I bought yesterday, was very good [正] The book, which I bought yesterday, was very good [析] 先行词与定语从句被逗号分割开来时,即作为非限制性定语从句。在非限制性定语从句中 which, when, who, whom, where, when, whose 等都可以和限制性定语从句中的作用一样,而独有 that 不易用于非限制性定语从句。 [误] The dictionary which I lent it yesterday is a very useful tool [正] The dictionary which I lent yesterday is a very useful tool [析] 关系代词在定语从句中是要起语法作用的,它不是作主语就是作宾语。虽然在作宾语时它的位置由原来的宾语位置移到了句首,但它的作用依然存在,而且在原宾语位置上不能再出现宾语。 [误] The teacher I want to learn English from is the one which comes from America [正] The teacher I want to learn English from is the one who comes from America [析] the one, anyone, those 作代词并且是指某人、物时,其关系代词不能用 which 应用 who。 [误] This is the room in that the old man lives [正] This is the room in which the old man lives [正] This is the room which the old man lives in [正] This is the room that the old man lives in [析] that 不能紧跟在介词后作介词宾语,但如果介词不前置仍放于句尾,则可用 that 作引导词,而且可以省略。如: This is the room the old man lives in [误] I can do everything which is good for you [正] I can do everything that is good for you [析] 在先行词是 all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, none, the one 等不定代词时,虽然它们指的是物体,但不要用 which 而用 that 作定语从句的引导词。 [误] The only thing which the students can do is studying hard [正] The only thing that the students can do is studying hard [析] 在先行词前有 only, any, few, little, no, all, one of 等词修饰时,虽然先行词指的是物,也不要用 which 作关系代词,而要用 that。 [误] This is the first American film which I've ever seen [正] This is the first American film that I've ever seen [析] 在先行词是序数词,或由序数词修饰时,其关系代词不可用 which 这样的用法还有在形容词最高级修饰的先行词之后,如: This is the best book that I have ever seen [误] He is from Africa, that we can see from the colour of the skin [正] He is from Africa, as we can see from the colour of the skin [析] 当 as 或 which 引导非限制性定语从句时,它可能没有明确的先行词,它们所指代的是前面整个句子。如例题应译为他是从非洲来这个事情是可以从其肤色上看出的。 三、 常见习惯用语 (一) 知识概要 由于英语国家的语言习惯与中国的语言习惯有许多不同之处,所以造成了许多同学在做选择或书写,或与人交谈中造成误用中国方式来对英语的问句作解答。例如一个小女孩十分好看,可爱,外国人见到时会讲: You are so beautiful 这时的答语应该是 Thank you 如果外国人发现你的英语不错,他们会讲: Your English is very good 这时中国人常常会说:不,我说的不好。这纯是一种礼貌的答语,但是不符合英语习惯。它正确的答语应是 Thank you 虽然交际英语有一些规律可讲,但更重要的是学习外国的生活习惯,了解他们的文化背景,历史渊源,这样才能真正的学好一门外语。 (二) 正误辨析 [误] - What can I do for you? - Yes, please help me [正] - What can I do for you? - I'd like to buy a sweater [析] What can I do for you? 这一问语实际上用于的情景很多,要根据具体情况而定。如在商店中售货员讲这句话应译为:您想要点什么? 在其他场合也可以被译为:我能为您做些什么?它的答语应是直接讲出想让对方提供的帮助。 [误] - Which colour do you like? - Sorry, I don't like [正] - Which colour do you like? - I prefer blue [析] 由 which 来提问的问句是要回答具体的选择,而不能泛指,泛泛的回答。如 Yes, I like it [误] Do you like to come with us tonight? [正] Would you like to come with us tonight? [析] Do you like … 问的是对方的习惯,如: Do you like swimming? Do you like collecting stamps? 而 would you like … 则是一次性的邀请、提议。邀请的英语表达法还有如下几种: Shall we go? 我们走吧! Let's go? 让我们走吧! How about having a cup of tea? 喝杯茶如何? What about a cup of coffee 喝杯咖啡如何? Why not buy it? 为什么不买呢? 其肯定答语一般为Certainly, Yes, O.K. All right, With pleasure [误] Sorry, I've kept you waiting Not at all [正] Sorry, I've kept you waiting Never mind [析] "介意不介意"这一问法与答语在中英文中有所不同。如: - Do you mind my smoking here?- _________ A. Yes, do it please B. No, of course not C. Yes, take it please D. No, you can't take it 这时正确的选择应是B。 其意为:不介意,当然不。而A选项则自相矛盾了,它应译为:是的我介意,请抽吧。而D选项是:不介意,你不能抽。当向对方争求意见时,可以有以下问法: Do you mind if I open the door? Would you mind mailing the letter for me 其答语如果是同意应为: Certainly not, not at all 而不同意时应为 Yes, 或 I'm sorry [误] What's that man? He is Mike [正] What's that man? He is a teacher [正] Who's that man? He is Mike (He is Mike's father) [析] 由 what 提问是问的职业,由 who 提问问的是姓名或身份。 [误] - How much are they? - Half a kilo, please [正] - How many bananas do you want? - Half a kilo Please [析] How much are they? 问的是价格而不是实际物品的多少。 [误] I'm sorry, but is this the way to the park? [正] Excuse me, but is this the way to the park? [析] I'm sorry 是对已经做错了的事向对方道歉时的开始语。而 Excuse me 是在打扰对方之前表达歉意的话。 [误] - Have a good time tonight! - You are the same [正] - Have a good time tonight! - The same to you [析] The same to you 是表达我也祝您有个愉快的夜晚,它是美语中的习惯用法。 [误] - What's the problem? - I've got a headache [正] What's wrong with you? I've got a headache [析] What's wrong with you? 是询问对方身体状态如何,而 What's the problem?是问对方遇到了什么麻烦。 [误] - Now, I'm back Can I play? - Perhaps You'd better do your homework first [正] - Now, I'm back Can I play? - I'm afraid not You'd better do your homework first [析] Perhaps 是表示对一种拿不准的事态的推论,如: Am I right? Perhaps而 I'm afraid not 则表达一种不同意的态度。 be afraid 的几种用法有: I'm afraid that you are right 其后直接加宾语从句。 - Will you come to my birthday party? - I'm afraid not I have to go to see my father He is in hospital 其后+not,表示否定。 - Sorry, I don't want to go there alone, I'm afraid of the dog 其后+名词,表示对某人,某物的害怕。 Mary is afraid of making mistakes in the exam 其后+ of + 动名词,表示害怕做某事。 Mary is afraid to see the teacher because she didn't do well in the exam 其后+ 不定式,表示不敢去做某事。 [误] - How soon will you be ready? - Two days [正] - How soon will you be ready? - In two days [析] 此题关键是要根据情景,身临其境,要注意的是对方问了什么,就应答什么。或答了什么就应问什么。 How soon 问的是"还有多久才能作完",这时要用 in two days, 即在两小时之内即可以作完。如用 How long 提问,则答语可以用 two days。 [误] - Would you mind if I have some time off? - I don't mind - Monday and Tuesday of next week [正] - Would you mind if I have some time off? - When exactly - Monday and Tuesday of next week [析] 有的对话是复杂的,稍有不慎就有可能选错,而且英语中如选错了答案是不容易找出错来的。 I don't mind 是可以用来回答 Would you mind…这一提问的,但如仔细看一看则会发现我们要选用的不是陈述句而是疑问句。根据下面一句的答语来判定要用 when exactly? 什么时间,这样才能与下句中具体的时间相符合。 [误] Suppose your name is Tom The phone rings and you pick it up The first word you say will probably be "Who are you?" [正] Suppose your name is Tom The phone rings and you pick it up The first word you say will probably be "Hello? This is Tom speaking?" [析] 在英语学习中,习惯用法实际上在某种情况,或某种意义上讲比语法更为重要。如果只从句子的角度上去分析,它们可能都是对的。比如,当你拿起电话时,如果你想知道对方是谁,可以问"Who's that(speaking)?"但不要讲"Who are you?"如果你想先介绍一下自己可以讲"This is ×××× speaking"而不要讲"I'm ××××"也不要讲"My name is ×××××." 就语法而论,"Who are you?" "I'm ××××""My name is ×××××"并不错,也是英语中可用的句子,但就打电话这一场合,就不宜用了。 [误] - Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend? - I don't hope so [正] - Do you think it's going to rain over the weekend? - I hope not [析] 由于初学者对实际英语口语中表达感情意愿的答语不熟悉,如在肯定答语中 I think so I hope so I believe so 是相同的,但在否定句中却常用 I don't think so 但I don't believe so 和 I don't hope so 则意为:我不信此事和我不希望此事发生。而 I believe not 和 I hope not 则为:我想可能不会发生吧! [误] - Is anybody there? - No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave [正] - Is everybody there? - No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave [析] 许多学生在写作和选择答语或问句时总要语法在前,而不是习惯用语在先。所以总是要拘泥疑问句中的不定代词,用 anybody。 但是Is anybody there? 在英语中为:这里有人吗?而Is everybody there?为:全都到齐了吗?所以首先要考虑的是其答语。 No, Bob and Tom have asked for leave [误] - Your handwriting is very good! - No, my handwriting is very poor [正] - Your handwriting is very good! - Thank you [析] 中国人遇到别人称赞,总是以谦逊为美德。但英美人则往往认为自信是美德。所以当别人夸奖你或赞美你时,就应说: Thank you 又比如中国人见面时常讲 Where are you going? 或 Have you had your breakfast yet?而英美人则认为你过多的干预别人的私生活了。而他们见面时往往问一些无关紧要的话,如: Hello! How are you going? (你过得怎样) Morning! 等。而 good morning 和 How do you do 则被认为是较正规的问候语,在日常生活中则十分少见。 [误] When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: "Excuse me I'll go first" [正] When you have had dinner with an American friend and want to leave you may say: "Excuse me I have to go" [析] 这两句答语都是正确的,其关键不是语法,而是习惯问题。如果在这样的场合你讲 I'll go first 朋友们会迷惑不解,而 I have to go 则表示由于外界的特殊原因而造成的你要离去,而你本人则十分不愿做此事。 [误] - Would you like to come to dinner tonight? - I'd like to, and I'm too busy [正] - Would you like to come to dinner tonight? - I'd like to, but I'm too busy [析] I'm too busy 与 I'd like to 在意义上正好相反。所以要用转折连词。这里考查了对词义合乎逻辑的表达能力。所以要强调语言环境,更要强调在语言的基础上的词语辨析。 [误] - Where's Deter? - Deter will come with us tonight but he isn't very sure yet [正] - Where's Deter? - Deter may come with us tonight but he isn't very sure yet [析] 由于 but 所引出的句子可以看出 Deter 的来与不来是十分不确定的,所以应用 may 来表达一个不肯定的事件。 [误] - Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine! - Great You look well too [正] - Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine! - Thanks You look well too [析] 要注意的是 Great 在口语中多表示惊叹,而 Thanks 则表示感谢对方的称赞。所以对情景谈话要有准确的判定,要根据情景,身临其境,上下对照,周密思考,弄清场合,注意英美人的风俗习惯,注重语义上的词语辨析,并要进行大量的语言实践练习,扩大实际交际能力。 (三) 例题解析 1 - Would you like to have some rice? - _________ . A Yes, I like B Yes, please C of course D Yes, I have [答案] B. [析] 当对方对你发出邀请的问语时,如果你想接受则讲 Yes, please 如不想接受则用No, thanks 2 - Nice to see you - _________ . A Good morning B Happy to meet you, too C Nice to see you, too D Pleased to meet you, too [答案] C. [析] 虽然A、B、D三个选项都可以作为某种问候语的答语,但英语中问候语的答语多用重复对方的话,以表达同样的心情。 3 - Would you please give me some water? - _________ . A Yes, I would B Certainly C No, thanks D Yes, please [答案] B. [析] 当对方发出十分礼貌的请求帮助的问语时,一般的回答是肯定的。而Yes, please 为"是的,您请做某事吧"。这一含意显然不对。 4 - Thank you very much for helping me - _________ . A You're welcome B It doesn't matter C No need D Don't say that [答案] A. [析] You're welcome 译为中文为:不用谢。而 It doesn't matter 则为:没关系。 5 - Hello, Lucy How are you? - _________ And you? A Fine, thanks B Yes, I am C Glad to meet you D Good afternoon [答案] A. [析] 在正常交往中一定要避免所问非所答。所以对 How are you? 的答语应为"很好,谢谢!" 6 - Help yourself to some meat - _________ A It sounds nice. B Yes, please. C Yes, Let's help each other. D Thank you. [答案] D. [析] Help yourself to some meat. 你自己拿些肉吃吧。其意为主人劝客人不要客气,像在家里一样。 7 - Oh, I am not feeling well I've got a cold - _________ A Fine, How are you? B Never mind Take care C Well, I 'm sure to get weel soon. D I'm sorry to hear that [答案] D. [析] 这是美国、英国的习惯用语,而B、 C则是中国人常讲的答语。 8 - Meimei you speak English very well - _________ . A No, I don't think so B Thank you very much C Not good enough D That's all right [答案] B. 9 - "Kate, could you answer the telephone, please?" - _________ , Mum I'll get it. A Yes, I could B No, thanks C OK D Yes, but I have no time [答案] C. [析] 要注意 could 用于口语中是为了讲话的口气委婉,但它不是过去时态,也不是助动词,而应看作情态动词。所以在答语中则不应这样用。 10 - Could you look after Polly for me while we're away? - _________ A No, thanks. B With pleasure. C I'm not afraid. D I'm sure you will. [答案] B. [析] With pleasure 是英语中的一句十分客气的答语,用在当对方因你的帮助或你的许诺向你道谢时,表达自己十分乐意为对方效力的口气。 11 - Hello! Could I speak to the headmaster, please? - _________ A Hold on, please. B That's the headmaster, please. C Who are you ? please. D Sorry I'm not the headmaster. [答案] A. [析] hold on, please 是指请对方等一等不要将电话放下的用语。如果要讲我就是的话不能用 that, 而要用 this, 在电话用语中 that 指对方, this 指自己。 12 - Happy birthday! - _________ A Thank you. B The same to you. C Good luck. D Congratulations. [答案] A. [析] the same to you 是同样祝贺对方的意思,不能用于生日这一祝贺语,除非两人的生日在同一天。 13 - I'm sorry I don't know the way, either You'd better ask that policeman for help - _________ A Good night. B That's nothing. C Very well. D Thank you all the same. [答案] D. [析] 当向对方求助时,对方无能为力,这时的感谢语则为 Thank you all the same 意为不管如何还是要谢谢你。 14 - I fell and hurt my leg last week, So I can't do anything - _________ . A I'm sorry B Don't worry C Good luck D Bad luck [答案] D. [析] 如果用A则要用 I'm sorry to hear that而不能单用 I'm sorry 因I'm sorry 是向对方道歉。而 bad luck 为真是不幸啊。 15 - _________ - I have got a cough A What's your trouble? B What have you got? C Why did you come here? D Have you got a cough? [答案] A. [析] What's your trouble? 多用于问对方有什么问题、麻烦或得了什么病。这种用语还有 What's wrong with you? 16 - Would you like to go shopping with me? - _________ A Yes, I'd love to. B That's right. C Yes, please. D Quite well. [答案] A. [析] 表示愿意作某事应讲:I'd love to I'd like to 17 - What's the weather like today! - _________ A It's nice for a walk. B I like autumn best of all. C It will be fine tomorrow. D It's rather cold today. [答案] D. [析] 本题要注意问的是什么,不要所问非所答。因问题是今天的天气怎样,所以只能选D 18 - Is Jane in ,please? I want to speak to her - Sorry, she is out You'd better _________ . A visit her in the office B call her later C see her this afternoon D speak to her yourself [答案] B. [析] call her later 晚些时候再来电话。 19 - _________ - Very well, thank you, and you? A How do you do? B Good morning C How are you these days? D How do you like English? [答案] C. [析] 本题是由答语来推断问话,所以应熟悉英语的问答习惯: How do you do? 的答语应为 How do you do? 20 - How is your mother? - _________ A She is old. B She is no better than she was. C She is kindhearted. D She is in her forties. [答案] B. [析] How is your mother? 问的是你妈身体如何,而B选项则是"她不比以前强"。而其他三个选项则是所问非所答。 21 - Thank you very much for your help - _________ . A You're welcome B Please don't C There's no trouble D No, no [答案] A. 22 Your uncle has taken you to the cinema Afterwards you thank him He says " _________ ." A It was nothing B I'm glad you enjoyed it C Don't say it D No, needn't [答案] B. [析] 这是英语的答语,千万不要选A,因它是中文习惯的答语。 23 - Thank you for your good present - _________ . A It's not good B No, no C My pleasure D Never mind [答案] C. 24 When someone did a good deed for you, you should say _________ . A.you are too good B.It's very kind of you C.you are very kind D.I'll thank you [答案] B. 25 - I am very sorry I am late for dinner - _________ . A.No, you aren't B.That's all right C.Yes, you are D.No, you don't [答案] B. [析] That's all right 没关系。 26 - I'm sorry if I hurt you - _________ . A I'm sorry B It's not true C It doesn't matter D Don't say sorry [答案] C. 27 - I should have gone to see the exhibition with you - _________ . A I'm sorry B What a pity C It doesn't matter to me D That's terrible [答案] B. [析] What a pity. 真遗憾。第一句应为我真该和你一起去展览会。 28 - Help yourself to some fish - _________ . A You are very kind B Yes, I'm helping myself C Thank you D Yes, don't worry about me [答案] C. 29 - Are you ready?-______ . A I'm very sorry B Try to be patient C Not yet, wait a minute D Do you have the time, please? [答案] C. [析] not yet 意为还没有完成。 30 - Mum, I have passed the exam - _________ . A That's all right B Congratulations C You are luck D Good luck to you [答案] B. 31 - I think I have to leave I hope we can get together again - _________ . A All right B That's all right C OK D I hope so, too [答案] D. 32 Must I wait till he comes back? . A No, you needn't B No, you mustn't C No, you may not D No, you can't [答案] A. [析] must 提问表示必须这样做吗?而肯定句要用 must, 表示必须做,而否定句则要用 needn't 表示没有必要做。 33 - _________ I pay you the house rent right away? - Yes, you have to do it A Shall B Way C Must D Have [答案] C. 34 - Don't you think this colour is too bright? - _________ A Yes, I agree. B Yes, but I don't think so. C Yes, of course not. D Yes, what's wrong? [答案] A. 35 - It was cold yesterday - _________ . A So was it B So it was C I believe not so D I believe not [答案] B. [析] 当答语只是重复对方讲的话时,则不用倒装。因 so it was即为:是的,天气昨天很冷。而当讲前面讲的动作也适合于另一个人时,则要倒装。如: I went to the cinema yesterday So did I 表示对方去了电影院,我也去了。 36 - What do you think of the song? - _________ . A I like music very much B I like it too C With pleasure D It sounds sweet [答案] D. [析] sound 在这里是系动词,为听起来很甜美。系动词后要用形容词,而不要用被动语态。 37 Do you like tea or coffee? _________ . A Yes, I do B Thank you C That's fine D Either will do [答案] D. [析] either will do 为两者哪个都可以。 38 I like your sweater very much _________ . A No, it's ugly B Sorry C Thank you D You're welcome [答案] C. [析] 这是英美语言的习惯。 39 He likes travelling by train _________ . A So do I B I dos C I like so D I like it, neither [答案] A. 40 - How do you like your school? - _________ . A I like it very much B It's very beautiful C I doesn't like it D Very well [答案] B. [析] How do you like … 是问你们学校是怎样值得你热爱的。也就是为什么你热爱你的学校。 41 What a nice day! _________ A You're right. B No, isn't it? C Yes, isn't it? D Really? [答案] C. [析] Yes, isn't it 是的,难道不是个好天气吗? 42 - Hello, _________ ? - This is Della speaking A Who are you B Are you Tom C Who is that D Please tell me who are you [答案] C. [析] 电话用语中 that 指对方,而 this 指自己。 43 -What's he like? - _________ . A He likes English B He is old C He is like a farmer D He is tall and this [答案] D. [析] 要区分 What's he like? 如 What does he like? 前者为:他长得什么样?而后者是:他喜欢什么。 44 How did you do your job? Not very well, _________ . A I'm sure B I am afraid C Thank you D I'm sorry [答案] B. [析] I am afraid 我恐怕是,我想是。 45 - _________ your aunt? -She is a principal of a middle school A What does B Where does C What is D Whom is [答案] C. 46 - _________ - He is my boss A What's the man? B Who is the man? C How is the man? D What does the man do? [答案] B. 47 - May I have your name? - _________ . A No, no B You're polite C Call me John D It's kind of you [答案] C. 48 - Shall I make coffee for you? - _________ . A Yes, thank you B No, don't trouble C Don't trouble this, thank you D No, don't make it [答案] A. 49 - Could you show me the way to Mr Buown's office? - _________ . A Not at all B I'm sure C All right D I can do it [答案] C. 50 - Shall we go swimming tomorrow afternoon? - _________ . A It's very kind of you B You are so thoughtful C That's a good idea D Yes, we'll go [答案] C. 四、 完形填空与阅读 (一) 知识概要 完形填空是一种在语意封闭的情况下考察学生阅读能力及掌握语言基础知识能力的综合性题目。学生应根据语义完整、语法正确的原则进行通篇阅读。借助文章的现成文字,通过逻辑思维,联系上下文,推断出可能的答案。然后再从所给选择答案中逐空选出在通读全文时脑海中已出现的答案填入空内。试推想在小学五六年级时去读"西游记","水浒传",你也并非每个字都认得,每句话都能真正理解。但你还是可以明了全文的意思,读得有滋有味。这就是语言能力。所以完形填空考查的就是你能否在缺字,不认得字、词语的情况下,能否全面理解文章的正确意思,然后选入适当的词语。在选择后还要前后彼此呼应反复验证所选答案。有时答案一时不易验证,不要急于顺序填写,可能在填出后面答案时,而得到前面的答案。有时则需运用所学的词法、句法、时态和固定搭配等知识对4个选项进行分析,比较、排除干扰项,确定正确的答案。待答案全部选定后,一定要复读全文以验证:① 所选答案是否能使全文流畅,逻辑推理是否正确。② 具体实事是否成立,前后关系是否理顺。③ 语法是否正确,其中包括时态的选择、词汇选择、固定搭配等。在通读全文时最好在可能的条件下将所选答案填入文章中,反复阅读。而不要在文章空中只写选项的代号,这样影响全文的理解,不易找出错误之处。在做完形填空时,应注意以下几点: (1) 重视首句,首段的开篇启示作用,读懂了第一句,或第一段有可能预测到全篇大意。 (2) 一定要顾及上下文间的语意联系。在完形填空的设计中,一般是以语义为第一要素同时兼顾语法。有的4个选项单独填入这个单句中全是正确的,但拿到文中从下文联系起来看,则文理不通。为此要通篇考虑,顾及上下文的联系是十分重要的。 (3) 要坚持语意第一的原则,而语法应放于第二位。完形填空形式上是一种单项选择式的考察。但实质上也是一种阅读能力和学生重建文意能力的考察。它一般是利用语法的正确性与内容排斥性的矛盾而命题的。所给答案大都是离开上下文均可说得通的。但语意上辩析、排斥才能找到答案。例如: It took Charlie Mui several months to save up seven dollars He wanted to ______ a model plane and went to the shop with the money A sell B buy C hold D bring 这里肯定需要一个动词,所给答案也都是动词,但只能从意义上考虑而选B项。 (4) 要认真注意细节,做到语法正确。一些答案在意义上讲都是正确的,但从线索上看要找出语法正确的答案。如: Mr Evans is an old man of about sixty His wife died a few years ago His chi ldren ______ him by then. A left B would leave C have left D had left 答案应为D。这句话正确的语意都是"离开",但仔细发现有 by then 之说,由此可得出这是个动作的截止时间,应选为 had left 过去完成时态。下面再看一些例子。 (1) 语意第一原则 A young father was visiting an old neighbour They were standing in the old man's garden and talking about ______ . A trees B flowers C children D old people 那么他们谈论的中心是什么呢?可能是树、花,由于他们是在花园里谈论。但如果前后的段落配合看,则其谈论的也可能是孩子和老年人。这就是要求我们切勿望文生义。 (2) 语法正确,注意细节的原则 在语意正确的前题下,还要根据学过的语法知识,及词语的固定搭配,选择正确答案。如: One night the dog began to bark suddenly It made Mr Erens ______ ①______ to sleep He had to get up and tried his ______ ② ______ to stop it, but the beast wouldn't stop, and kept on ______ ③ ______ ① A go not B not go C not to go D to not go ② A well B good C better D best ③ A bark B to bark C barking D barked 以上3 个小题中所给答案从语意上都是正确的,这就要求选择语法正确的那一个。第一空中根据句子结构,要填一个宾语补足语。而动词 make 后面的定语补足语应省去不定式符号 to, 且其否定式 + not,即不定式的否定式为 not to do, 而省去 to 后则应为 not do. 在动词前直接+ not故应选B。而第二个空显然是一个固定搭配。语意上为: Mr Erens 尽力地阻止狗叫,所以应选D。 try one's best 是尽力而为之意。第三个空显然是 keep on doing something 连续不断之意,应选 ing 的动词形式。其答案为C。 (3) 根据所给答案的不同词类,从不同角度分别考虑选择 完形填空所给的词往往是不同类的,这就要求对不同词类作不同考虑。如果所缺的是动词,那么首先在选择语意正确的前提下,考虑动词的时态、语态和是否是要填入非谓语动词。若是介词或副词则要考虑是否固定搭配,以及介词、副词在结构和意义上的选择。若是连词,则应更多地从句子结构和上下文的连接上选择。若是代词,则应考虑性、数、格等方面,以及形容词和副词的比较级和最高级等。 例如: A man and his wife had a small bar near a station They often worked late into the night, ______ ① ______ people came to drink there while they were ______ ② ______ trainsAt two o'clock one morning, one man was still at a table in the small bar He was asleep The bar man's wife wanted to leave She looked ______ ③ ______ the bar several times, and each time the man was ______ ④ ______ there Then at last she went to her husband and said to him, "You ______ ⑤ ______ that man six times, George , ______ ⑥ ______ he isn't drinking anything" ① A as soon as B because C so D though ② A catching up with B getting on C looking after D waiting for ③ A at B for C into D out of ④ A always B often C still D already ⑤ A have woken B wake C had woken D will wake ⑥ A and B but C yet D too 从文中看,第一选项,由于给了不同的连词,从意义选择应为B。第二选项均为分词形式,也应从语意上选择,其答案是D。 第三选项给了四个介词,而 into 则是从外向里观看,所以应选C。第四项是副词 still 意为仍然,从意义上应选择C。 而第五项所给的是同个动词,只是时态不同。从故事情景看,只能选完成时态A。 而最后一个选项是连词,由于句意则只能用 but 转折连词。 从目前完形填空初中阶段的考察看,除语意第一外,更多地选择了单词的用法及意义,动词的时态,短语和惯用法等。为此,要做好完形填空题目,除有较好的阅读能力外,更要有扎实的语言基础知识及日常生活的逻辑推理能力。阅读理解能力在教学大纲中有明确的要求。它是目前条件下考查学生英语运用能力的常规题型之一,也是分值最高的题型之一。学生的阅读理解能力如何,标志着学生继续深入学习的潜力有多大,它是集语法,词 汇,逻辑推理背景知识于一体的综合语言能力的测试。它除对学生的阅读理解的正确性进行测试外,同时从阅读速度、技巧、文化背景常识等方面对学生进行测试。从近年各地中考题分析看,阅读类测试除为一般常规测试题型外,在试题中所占分值较大,为此应引起学生特别注意。如何做好阅读理解题呢?首先要求考生有足够的基础知识和较好的阅读速度以及技巧方面的训练。同时还要注意以下几个方面的问题。 1 要了解阅读测试的重点 如上所述,阅读过程是一个综合作用的过程,为此阅读的测试就不能仅将着眼点放在语言结构的测试上,而是通过看,通过阅读获取信息的能力。在阅读一篇文章时,我们首先会想到:① 文章说的是什么事情(即中心思想是什么)。② 事情发生的时间、地点、人物是什么。③ 作者所持态度如何。④ 结论是什么。有些说明性信息在文章中容易获取,如:时间、数字、地点、人物等。有些信息如作者的态度,事件的结论,中心思想,文章的标题,则需通过文中线索,说明信息等等去分析推断才能获取。而这些说明性及内隐性的信息正是阅读理解的测试重点内容。而其难点在于理解、推断、得出结论时,应从英语国家的风俗习惯、语言习惯、宗教信仰、民族问题等方面来考虑,而不是仅从中国人的语言习惯来作推论。这也是这方面的难点之一。 例: John drove a taxi through the busy streets of Boston every dayJohn was ____________ A a manager B a driver C a policeman D a dustman 由此我们应能由drive a taxi 来得出结论约翰是位出租车司机而不是别的什么人。 例:Mrs Barker's sister was ill She had someone to look after her from Monday to Friday, but not at the weekend, so every Friday evening Mrs Baker used to go off to spend the weekend at her home in a neighboring town…This meant that Mr Baker … First he had to drive home from the station Then he had to drive his wife to the station to catch her trainWho was ill? ____________ A MrBaker B Mrs Baker C Mr Baker's sister D Mrs Baker's sister 从这些只言片语中可以看出有三个人物出场,而问题的设计是表浅的,只要细心即可。 [答案] D. 从中考阅读命题中,由于考虑到考生的能力有限,和大部分学生毕业的要求,语言结构的测试占很大一部分比重。但对于要考入重点中学的学生来讲,仅仅几分较高要求的题目可能会决定他们的升学命运。因为这一部分分值是往往使学生棘手的那些隐性问题的测试。如: Like many other families in 1870, Katie Olson and her family had come to the grassy plains of Kansas Katie liked the prairie and their new sold house But with no friends to play with, she was very lonely Besides her mother and father, she had only her little brother, Matt, for company She missed their old home in Wisconsir Then one day her father had exciting news Some settlers had bought the farm near the Olson's land Katie became so excited on hearing the news that she thought she might burst She begged her father to let her ride over with him to greet their new neighborsThe two rode across the prairie They found Mr and Mrs Laski were hard at working building their sod home Katie was disappointed She had hoped there would be some children to play with But soon Mr Laski called out" Anna, and Carl, come out of the wagon" A boy and a girl jumped down and came over to Katie Katie didn't believe it Her wish had come true 1 Who was the most important person in the story? A Matt B Katie C Mr Laski D Anna and Carl 2 What was Katie's problem in the story? A She had no friend. B She didn't like Kansas. C She couldn't ride a horse. D She didn't like Anna and Carl. 从上文中看,信息的获得不是直接的,而是必须通过整个文章的阅读,理清人物关系,掌握中心思想,才能作出正确的判定。如第一问故事中人物众多,但一直到读完才知,故事讲述了一个女孩Katie的事情。则她是故事的中心,所以应选择B 第二问是测试通过阅读是否了解了人物的心理情绪。这些信息必须通过线索,综合判定,从而其结论是A。 2 阅读理解的解题思路和方法 阅读理解的测试点是在通过由于阅读所能够获取信息的能力上,所以解题思路的重点应放在: (1) 通读全文,了解文章的主题和大意;了解作者的写作目的、对事件的态度上。 People sometimes change their way of doing business In a village in Africa, people are using money for the first time They're doing business with the world Before this tribe (部落) used money, people came to the market in the village to trade (交易) things they had for things they needed Now people must use money to buy what they wantBefore using money, people helped one another Their father who was head of the family, gave food, and clothing to his sons and their families In return, the sons worked for their father Now people no longer work for one another free Instead, they are paid for the work they doWhen a new road was needed. Everyone in the village helped build it, Now people must pay money to the village chief (首领) for roads and schools The chief hires workers to build these new projects More and better roads and schools are being builtIt is not easy for people to change a way of doing business To change from trading goods to using money takes time ① The story doesn't say so, but it makes you think that ____________. A family members often quarrel (争吵) about money B Africans do not change their way of doing business C Africans refuse to use money D families do not help one another in the same way now [答案] D. ② On the whole this story is about ____________ A the life of some Africans B changing from goods to using money C people helps one another D building roads across Africa [答案] B. 从以上的问题看,所设提问均不是对某个具体事实。而是真对整篇文章,由此可见通读全文,掌握中心和作者的态度的重要性。 (2) 要注重文句间的相互关系。既注重主要情节又不可忽视细节。中考中阅读命题很多情况下是对事件的某个细节而进行测试的。 例:… on Saturday afternoon they began with the back of the house The next Saturday Tom went to a football match while his wife painted the front of the house The next day they found they couldn't open any of the front windows They get them open at last, but they broke three of the seven and they were very expensive to repair ① They lasted for about ______ days A two B three C more than seven D Less than seven [答案] A. ② They had to get someone to make repair for ______ windows A seven B four C ten D three [答案] D. 第一问中,如不分析第一句和第二句中的两个 Saturday, 很可能会选择答案C。事实上,他们只干了两个 Saturday, 而不是从这个星期六到下个星期六的7天时间。而第二问是他们弄坏了所有7个窗户中的3个,所以应选D。 (3) 特别注意首尾句在整个文章中的作用,以及它起到的启示和结论性作用。 例: Man has a big brain He can think, learn and speak……but no animal learns when we speak? Scientists do not really know They only know that man can speak because he has a big brain 这篇文章只要我们注意了首尾句,即可得出结论,它是讲述人类大脑与语言的关系的。人脑的其中一个作用是使他拥有语言,也就是和动物 apes, dogs 有了根本的区别。这样这篇文章的许多细节可以迎刃而解了。 ① In what way are men different from animals? A Men can understand things quickly. B Men can learn. C Men have learned language. D Men have brains. [答案] C. ② Scientists now know ______ A how children learn to speak B why apes can learn a few words C men's brain helps him to learn to speak D what happens when men speak [答案] C. ③ What is the topic the writer wants to talk about? A ape's language B men's brain and language C human brain D animals' learning [答案] B. 以上只是做阅读练习中的一般分析,要取得优异成绩,还有赖于扎实的阅读基础和语言能力,以及平时的技巧训练和刻苦练习。要坚持每天至少读三四篇文章,以逐步提高自己的英语水平。 (二) 例题解析 通读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。 Once there was a clever farmer Though he was poor, he decided one day to take the king a roast goose (烤鹅) as a present He had not had ____ 1 ____to cat that day, and soon the ____ 2 ____ of the roast goose became too much for him as (当……时) he ____ 3 ____ it to the king, so he ate one of its legsWhen he came before the king and gave him the goose, the king ____ 4 ____ saw that it had only one legNow, the king ____ 5 ____ was born with one bad leg, so he had never been able to ____ 6 ____ properly (正常地) When he saw the goose with only one leg, he thought the farmer had ____ 7 ____ this to laugh at him Of course he was very ____ 8 ____ The farmer was told that if anybody laughed at the king, he would be ____ 9____ at once"Where is ____ 10 ____ leg of the goose?" the king asked" All the geese (goose 的复数) in this ____ 11 ____ of the country have one leg only, " the farmer answered"Do you think I'm a fool(傻子)?" the king shouted"____ 12 ____ ," said the farmer, "if you look out of the window, you will see geese with one leg by the ____ 13____ "The king looked, and there the geese were ____ 14 ____ on one leg beside the water The king at once told one of his men to ____ 15 ____ them with a big stick, and of course, they ____ 16 ____ their other legs and ran away"There, " said the king " You were lying(说谎) That ____ 17 ____ that the geese here have two legs, like all other ____ 18 ____ in the country""But it doesn't show anything," answered the farmer, "if your men threw a big stick like that at me, I would grow two ____19 ____ legs myself to help me to run away ____ 20 ____ " 1 A less B all C little D much 2 A head B neck C smell D temperature 3 A returned B carried C sent D handed 4 A at once B at last C by then D on time 5 A once B really C himself D yet 6 A come B walk C see D eat 7 A kept B done C made D found 8 A sorry B worried C sad D angry 9 A helped B killed C saved D covered 10 A other B another C that D the other 11 A city B village C farm D part 12 A Certainly not B Of course C That's nothing D Never mind 13 A hole B forest C lake D house 14 A swimming B resting C flying D lying 15 A fill B lock C hit D keep 16 A sent up B put down C did with D moved away 17 A shows B talks C sees D knows 18 A geese B animals C legs D farmers 19 A slower B faster C less D more 20 A more slowly B more carefully C faster D earlier [答案] 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 B 10 D 11 D 12 A 13 C 14 B 15 C 16 B 17 A 18 A 19 D 20 C 其中1选 much是应能从文章字里行间中猜到的,它应为much food to eat 而将food 省略。2要知道 smell 可以作系动词,但也可以作名词,而4则为多个短语的词语辨析:at once 立刻, at last 最终, by then 到那时为止,on time 准时。所以应为at once 7则要熟悉英语的习惯用法,即干这件事要用do,而不用make 10之所以要用D则是因为鹅有两只腿,由于只剩一只而问另一只哪里去了,要用特指的定冠词。而 other 则为泛指的形容词,一般指复数, another虽然也指单数,但也应用于泛指的情况。而11题因其后有 of the country, 是在乡村的这个部分,所以只能用part country 是不可数名词作"乡村"讲,作为可数名词则作"国家"讲。而作"乡村"讲时,前面的定冠词不可少。19则是要通读全文才知道鹅一只腿站立体息,而一被哄赶则放下另一只腿跑走了,人是两条腿站着,当被哄赶时那应是再长出两条腿奔跑着逃走。由此可见中考的难题越来越不在语法项,而在阅读和完形上用以选拔高质量的学生。 We were going to play a team from a country school They didn't come until the game time arrived They looked ____ 1 ____ than we had thought They were wearing dirty blue jeans (仔裤) and looked like farm boys We even thought that they had never seen a basketball beforeWe all sat down We felt that we didn't ____ 2 ____ any practice (训练) against a team like thatIt was already so late that no ____ 3 ____ could be given to them for a warmupThe game beganOne of our boys ____ 4 ____ the ball and he shot (掷) a long pass to our forward (前锋) From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty Tshirt ____ 5____ the pass and with a beautiful form (姿势) he shot and got two points (分)They ____ 6 ____ usThen they got another ____ 7____ of points in a minuteSoon it was all over The country team ____ 8____ usWe certainly learned that even though a team is good, there is usually another ____ 9 ____ a little better But the important lesson learned was: One can't tell a man, or a team, by the ____10 ____ 1 A stronger B younger C worse D less 2 A get B try C use D need 3 A basket B space C ball D time 4 A got B played C missed D carried 5 A caught B changed C started D stopped 6 A surprised B kept C broke D hit 7 A half B pair C group D double 8 A won B saved C beat D joined 9 A just B already C about D almost 10 A Tshirts B clothes C places D points [答案] 1 C 2 D 3 D 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 B 8 C 9 A 10 B [析] 在1题中可以看出stronger, younger worse, less 四个选项全可以选,语法是正确的。从文章开始到这里并看不出其原因为什么要选择C,这时只能将其选择空出往后面看,所以提醒考生要注意的是千万不要一一对完形填空作出选择,有很多情况 是后面的情景决定了前面的选择。当看到 We even thought that they had never seen a basketball before 和 We felt that we didn't need (2) any practice against a team like that 则就肯定会得到第一个空的选项决不是比我们强壮,也不可能是少,更不可能是年轻、而是球技不佳,比我们差得很远。而5题是要仔细考虑才能得到正确的结论。这四个动词都可以用在篮球运动中,但要注意的是,其后面的名词是pass,在这里应译为"长传"。而这个长传这里决不是开始,而是被截住了。所以这里应用stopped。 即"拦截了一个长传。"而 caught 的宾语应换为ball球就对了。B 选项为"改变",用于这里就不合题意了。而7项虽然很多人都知道篮球规则,投一球按两分计算,但这里应选哪个词则拿不准了,主要在B选项与D选项之间发生了问题。不知double的真实意义是"加倍,翻一翻"之意,还是"一对,一双,两倍"之意。其困难点还有9项,它的选择应为 just,这是由全文所决定的。它的意思是不论一个队多么好,总会有一个队会比你强出一点儿,哪怕是仅仅一点点。这也就是完形填空不易拿满分之处。这里要提醒大家的是:语言是十分灵活的,要经常不断地学习思考才会有所进步。 Peter was a small boy He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills The people there were all poorOne night it was very dry and windyWhen everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise It came out from the kitchen (厨房) He got up and walked to the kitchen He found that the wood beside the stove (火炉) was burning There was no water tap (水龙头) in the house, so he could not put out (扑灭) the fire He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up They all left their houses quicklyAt last the fire was put out by the firemen Many houses were burnt But nobody was hurt in the fire 1 Peter lived with his ______ A sisters B brothers C uncles D parents 2 One night he found that ______ beside the stove was burning A the table B the wood C the door D the window 3______ , so he could not put out the fire A Everybody was asleep B He couldn't shout loudly C The kitchen was very big D There was no water tap in the house 4 Peter knocked on the doors of many houses ______z A to wake the people up B to get some water C to find his classmates D to visit them 5______ hurt in the fire A People in other houses were B Peter's parents were C Nobody was D Peter was [答案] 1 D 2 B 3 D 4 A 5 C [析] 本题属于表层理解阅读考查题目,因为完成其答案所需要的信息基本上可以直接从文章中获取,并不太多的需要推理和对环境,习俗的分析与了解。例如1题可直接从文章中 He lived with his parents in a small…中获取。2 题则可以从 He found that the wood beside the stove was buring 获取答案。3 题几乎是文章中的原句, There was no water tap in the house 所以得分率会很高。4 题也可从文章中:Then he ran out of his house and knocked on the doors of many houses to wake the people up 直接找出答案。5题的答案则可以从文章中最后一句获得,如: But nobody was hurt in the fire。 这样的阅读题目,是属于表层理解题目,也就是为了那些获取毕业成绩的分数所设计的。其目的在于对普通同学给予适当的分以求达到毕业之目的。这样的题目虽然容易,但还是要小心为好,不要粗心大意,以免不必要的丢分。 "You're just in time, Joe We're going to play cowboys (牛仔) and Indians, and you can be the Indians, " one of my cousins (堂兄弟) said"How many Indians?" I asked"Oh, about a thousand," he answered, and before I could say no, I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys behind The shouts of "After them Let's catch the killers!" and other such TVplay language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpa's car"We've got him, boys Let's go and catch him!"But no one wanted to come to get me All of my cousins except one were always very friendly with me It was quiet outside And I went out of the car to have a lookJust then I heard a shout, "Bring the rope (绳子), and we can burn him""Only Indians burn people Cowboys …," I stopped just in time I had almost said, "Cowboys hang (绞死) people"I was tied to a tree, and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my dear mother called, "We're leaving now""Untie me," I shouted "We're going""Why did Bobby want matches (火柴)?" Mum asked when we were in the car "He was asking Dad whether he had any""Oh, he was just going to matches? MATCHES? Are you sure he wanted matches?"Mother was quite sure, and I didn't say any more 1 How many children played the Indians? A One thousand. B One hundred. C One group. D One. 2 Why did Joe's cousin say that Joe was just in time? Because ______ A there were not enough children for the game B the game was just going to start C none of his cousins wanted to be the Indians D they were waiting for Joe 3 Joe didn't say "Cowboys hang people" out because ______ A he was tied to a tree B that would make things worse C he was caught by the cowboys D that would make the cowboys angry 4 Which of the following is TRUE? A One of Joe's cousins was looking for matches. B Dad didn't want to give the children any matches. C Bobby wanted to get some matches from his father. D Mum didn't think children should play with matches. 5 The name of the story should be "______ " A Joe and his cousins B Who knows what danger is waiting there C CowboysandIndians is a favourite children's game D How cowboys and Indians fought in the past [答案] 1 D 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B [析] 本文在阅读过程中会感到难度,而其问题与选项的设计更为困难。其难点不仅在于要阅读好文章,而且要对问题和问题中的选择项作深入仔细地阅读。如1题的问句之意是有多少个孩子在游戏中扮演印第安人。而文章中又有"How many Indians?" I asked 当作者问到有多少印第安人时,其答语为" about a thousand" 这对于看不懂全文,而只认识个别单词的人就是一种很强的误导作用。因题目中问的是 How many,而文章中的数字是 a thousand 但如果认真往下看则会发现: I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians 我被推入了黑暗之中变成了一千个印第安人。所以文章暗示了一个小孩来扮演一千个印第安人。这种题目的得分率自然不会很高。紧接而来的2题则更困难,问题问的是 Joe 的堂兄说他来的正是时候,是因为 ______。这是要认真去推理来判定的。由文中的句子 and before I could say no …这显然暗示了作者并不想扮演这样的角色,所以可以推论是没有人愿意扮演这个角色,但正在这个时候 Joe 来了,而且不由分说把 Joe 推入了角色之中。而3题则更加困难,其题目之意是"Joe 没有说出牛仔是绞死人"的这一句话是为了什么 ______。从文章中 Joe 被一群孩子追逐后被抓住,十分不高兴,想从中解脱出来。因其他孩子讲我们可以烧死他。所以 Joe 为了摆脱困境而要讲出的话是: "只有印第安人才烧人,而牛仔是用绳子绞死人。"后半句没有讲出来,是因为他看到如果要烧死人还需要找柴,找火柴,还是要一段时间的,但绳子就在他身上,如果绞死人那几乎是立刻马上之事。所以其答案选择了B。 这样的话可能会使事情更糟。4 题的题目是简单的,即下面陈述中那个是真实的。由于中考英语答案是唯一的,所以只有一个是符合标准的。这时可以采用选取正确答案的方法,但实际上更好的办法是排除法。把不正确的排除后再对其他项进行对比,作出选择。这叫作所谓的排除法。首先排除的应是C选项,因文章中讲在他们上车回家的路上妈妈问他:"为什么 Bobby 要火柴,他问爸爸是否有火柴。" 这里的爸爸显然指的是 Joe 的爸爸而不是 Bobby的爸爸。而其他三个选项则都处于可选之例:如A项应为 Joe 的一个堂兄在找火柴。B项是爸爸不想给孩子任何火柴。D项是妈妈认为孩子们不应玩火柴。而B项,在文章中根本没有进述Joe 爸爸的态度,所以应首先放弃,而D项是可以从推理中得到的,要不然他的母亲不会在车上问这个问题,但是文章中并未直接提出来,所以只有A是对的。因其妈妈讲 Bobby 是向 Joe的爸爸寻找火柴。而5项则更是要全文反复阅读才可能领会到其中的原由的。文章的题目要概括全部文章内容,但更重要的是从中抽取最重要的,也就是作者的主要意图。从文章的最后两句,当作者反问他妈妈时说:"他真的在找火柴?火柴、你敢肯定他是在找火柴吗?"妈妈表示十分肯定,而作者再也不讲什么了。显然他感到如果玩下去危险的存在。所以其答案是B。这也就是中考中要求较高的题目,虽然分数不多但对要进入重点高中的学生来说,这是个关键问题,也就是成功与失败的焦点所在。 例:We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelfIt stood outside a furniture (家具)shop "Buy it," she said at once "We'll carry it home on the roofrack(车顶架) I've always wanted one like that"What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roofrack It was tall andnarrow, quite heavy tooAs it was getting darker, I drove slowly Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening The police even stopped traffic to let us through Carrying furniture was a good ideaAfter a time my wife said, "There's a long line of cars behind Why don't they overtake(超车)?"Just at that time a police car did overtake The two officers (警官) inside looked at us seriously when they went past But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic The police car stopped at our village church(教堂)One of the officers came to me"Right, sir,"he said"Do you need any more help now?"I didn't quite understand"Thanks, officer," I said "You've been very kind I live just down the road"He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf "Well, well," he said and laughed "It's a bookshelf you've got there! We thought it was-er something else"My wife began to laugh Suddenly I understood why the police drove here I smilcd at the officer "Yes, it's a bookshelf, but thanks again" I drove home as fast as I could 1 From the story we know that ______ A the writer was poor and didn't buy the bookshelf for his wife B the writer's wife didn't like the bookshelf at all C the writer was always glad to buy something for his wife D the writer was not very glad to buy the bookshelf for his wife 2 What made the writer think that carrying furniture was "a good idea"? A He could drive slowly and it was safe B Other drivers would let him go first C His wife could use a new bookshelf D He could save a lot of money and time 3 Why were the police and other drivers so kind to the writer? A Because they thought the writer liked studying very much and needed a bookshelf B Because they didn't think it was polite to overtake a car with a bookshelf on it C Because they thought somebody in the writer's family had died and he needed help D Because they thought it was dangerous to carry a bookshelf on a car 4 Why did the writer's wife begin to laugh? A Because now she knew what mistake the police had made B Because at last her husband understood why the police had driven to the church C Because the officer was always looking at the flowcrs and the bookshelf D Because the police had helped them a lot 5 When did the officers begin to realize(意识到)they had made a mistake? A Before they arrived at the church B Before they overtook (overtake的过去式) the writer's car C After one of them looked at the flowers and the bookshelf carefully at the church D After the writer's family left the church [答案] 1D 2B 3C 4A 5C [析] 这篇文章有英国幽默的味道。英国的幽默是十分特别的,它一般都是讲述一个故事,但当结尾时仅几句话则道出天机来。对于这样的文章要从头认真看到尾,不要在考场中为了赶时间自认为是全懂了,其实则不然。造成不必要的丢分。从1题可以看出作者十分不情愿地为其妻子买了个书架呢。第二段则出现"Buy it"这样的祈使句。初学者不易看出里面的原委。要知道祈使句在对话中常常带有命令,或不客气之意,所以从这里开始已看出作者的情绪了。其后的What can I do?又是一句抱怨的话,"我还能作什么吗?"其后又是一句风趣的抱怨:Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer即暗示十分不情愿地又花了20美元。所以其答案是D。其后2题则是推理题,从作者买了书架之后一连串的奇怪事情发生了。首先是其他的驾驶员开车对他十分的礼貌,甚至警察阻挡其他车辆让他先行。所以其答案是B。第3题则一句道破天机。因为前两件事已使作者感到奇怪了。后来警察竟然亲自驾驶汽车为他开道。而且警察并不知道他要去什么地方就把他带到教堂来了。这是因为英美人一生三件大事都要在教堂做:其一是出生时在教堂洗礼,其二是结婚,其三则是死亡。所以警察不问其由而将他带到教堂是为了帮助他。所以答案是C。当警察讲到We thought it was …er something else?时,显然有个词是不好意思讲出口的,所以道出了文章的真实情况。这时不难对5题作出答复其答案是C。 附 录 中学生英语学习常见错误一览表 A a [误] I think it is an useful English dictionary. [正] I think it is a useful English dictionary. [析] 在不定冠词a与an的用法中要注意的一点是:an用在以元音开头的词之前;而a则用在以辅音开头的词之前。要特别注意的是以u字母打头的单词,如useful,university等,其第一个音标是[j],所以要特别予以注意。 [误] I need a hour to finish this letter. [正] I need an hour to finish this letter. [析] 要注意hour和honest的第一个字母不发音。 [误] My teacher is a unknown man, but he is a very good man. [正] My teacher is an unknown man, but he is a very good man. [析] 要注意以u打头的单词,它的发音为[]时,单数名词前要用an ,如uncle等。 [误] There is a "f" in the word "football". [正] There is an "f" in the word "football". [析] 英文字母单独使用时,如其第一个发音是元音时,其前面的不定冠词应该用an而不是a. [误] I have a little brother. He is a 8yearold boy. [正] I have a little brother. He is an 8yearold boy. [析] 要注意这些字母的第一个发音为元音,如eight, eleven等。 able [误] This bike is able to be repaired. [正] This bike can be repaired. [析] be able to 主要表达某事或某人具有某种能力去作某事,应译为"有本领"、"有能力"、"可以"作某事,如:I'm able to swim across this river. 而can可以用来表示具有接受能力或吸收能力。如:This radio can be repaired here. about [误] This class is about to begin just now. [正] This class is about to begin. [析] 要注意be about to 是"将要"的意思,含有将来时之意,不要与表示过去时的时间状语连用。另外,be about to 一般用作书面语,对应的口语是be going to. about on about与on都可以作"关于"讲,但却有所不同,例如:This book is about physics. 应译为"这是一本关于物理学的科普读物。"而:This book is on physics.则应译为"这是一本物理学方面的专著。" above [误] The temperature is five degrees over zero. [正] The temperature is five degrees above zero. [析] 表达"在……上方"时,above与over是可以互换的,如:The sky is above(or over)our heads. 但是要表达在垂直方向上的上方时则应用above不可用over,如:The sun has risen above the horizon. [误] There is often thick cloud above the South of China in summer. [正] There is often thick cloud over the South of China in summer. [析] 当表达覆盖之意时,只可用over而不能用above. [误] There is a bridge above the river. [正] There is a bridge over the river. [析] 用来表达"从……上方越过"时不能用above只能用over,如:The plane flew over the city. 但要注意There is waterfall above the bridge. 则应译为 "在桥的上游有一个瀑布。" across [误] He ran across the wood. [正] He ran through the wood. [析] across是指某一动作在一平面内进行,而through则是指该动作在一三维立体空间的运动过程。如:The man came in through the window. He walked across the square. across across的主要用法有两个。其一,意为"对面",如:There is a school just across the street. 其二,意为"横过",如:He walked across the street. afraid [误] I dont't afraid of him. [正] I am not afraid of him. [析] 要注意"害怕"afraid一词在英语中不是动词,而是形容词,要与be动词连用。 after [误] Two weeks after he left. [正] Two weeks later he left. [正] He left after two weeks. [析] 要表达"在多少时间之后",英语中有两种表达法,即:用later时,要时间在前,如three hours later; 而用after时要时间在后,如after three hours. [误] My father will be back after a few hours. [正] My father will be back in a few hours. [析] 受中文的影响,这个介词常常被误用。当你要表达在一段时间内某个动作可以完成时,一定要用in,而不能用after,因为after是指在某一时间之后。例如:This work will be done in two days. 即表明在两天内这一工作一定会做完。而如用了after,即表示在两天之后,完成的时间是不确定的。 after behind after多用于表示顺序的前后,如:She walked in the line after Tom. 或用来表示"追赶",表示一种动态,如:He ran after Mary. 而behind多用于强调先进与落后,如:She is much behind the other girls in sewing. 或者用于表达"迟于",如:The train was ten minutes behind the time table. 或者与表示静态的动词连用,如:She hid herself behind the flowers. afternoon [误] He worked very hard in a hot afternoon. [正] He worked very hard on a hot afternoon. [析] 习惯用的词组in the afternoon, 如果加入任何修饰词后其前面的介词in都要改为on,不论其修饰词在前还是在后,如:He swam in this river on the afternoon of June lst. 又如:Are you free on Sunday afternoon? against [误] He against me. [正] He is against me. [析] 要注意against意为"反对",但它在英文中却不是动词,而是介词,如要讲反对某事或某人时则要加动词be, 如:He is against somebody/something. against for against意为"反对"、"不赞成";而for则意为"同意",为其反意词。如:Are you for or against the plan? age [误] He is twenty years old of age. [正] He is twenty. [正] He is twenty years old. [正] He is at the age of twenty. ago [误] Tom's father has been dead five years ago. [正] Tom's father died five years ago. [析] ago意为由说话时算起,若干时间以前。它只能和一般动词过去时连用,而不要与完成时连用。 [误] Yesterday I met a friend. We didn't see each other for a long time since we left the college twenty years ago. [正] Yesterday I met a friend. We hadn't seen each other for a long time since we left the college twenty years ago. [析] 要注意的是在本句是ago是用在由since引起的从句之中,只是从句应用过去时,但不影响主句的时态。 agree [误] Does the teacher agree to us? [正] Does the teacher agree with us? [误] Does he agree with our plan? [正] Does he agree with us? [析] agree with 指"同意某人的提议、建议、计划"等。如果要讲同意某项计划则要用agree to, 如:Do you agree to the plan? all [误] The old man has two sons. All of them are workers. [正] The old man has two sons. Both of them are workers. [析] all是指三者或以上的全部,而both则是指"两者都"。 [误] The all children are playing football now. [正] All the children are playing football now. [析] all作修饰词时其位置要在所有的修饰词之前,不论这些修饰词是定冠词、指示代词、形容词或名词,或代词的所有格。 [误] You all are right. [正] You are all right. [析] all作同位语时其位置要置于be动词之后,实意动词之前,如:The teachers all work hard. 或用于第一助动词之后,如:The boys have all been waiting for their mothers. almost [误] Nearly nobody thinks he is right. [正] Almost nobody thinks he is right. [析] nearly与almost是近意词,其含意差别不大,但是与否定词连用时要用almost, 例如:She brought almost no money with her. 此句中的almost不能用nearly替换。 alone [误] The old man lived lone but he didn't feel lonely. [正] The old man lived alone, but he didn't feel lonely. [析] alone, lone, lonely 三个词全具有"孤单、孤独"之意。但其用法不同:lone可以作定语,而alone则只能作表语,lonely则多指感情上与感觉上的孤独。 already [误] We are already for the work. [正] We are all ready for the work. [析] already 是副词,其意为"已经",如:He already knew about it. 而all ready为形容词意为"准备好"。 already yet already多用于肯定句中,例如:The students have already finished the work. 而yet则多用于疑问句与否定句中,如:Have you finished it yet? I haven't finished it yet. also [误] I didn't find the dictionary also. [正] I didn't find the dictionary either. [析] 作为"也"讲,在否定句中要用either而不能用also. also too also与too都可用在肯定句中表示"也",但also通常用于be动词或情态动词之后,如:I can also do it myself. 而too一般放于句尾。I'll attend his class, too. always [误] Always he asked himself why he had come here. [正] He always asked himself why he had come here. [析] always一般不能用于句首,它在一般句中的位置是于动词之前第一助动词之后,如:I've always thought he is honest. 又如:He is always late. among [误] If the three apples are divided among the two boys how much will each receive? [正] If the three apples are divided among the three boys how much will each receive? [析] among常用于三个事物或人物之间,而between则多用于两者之间。 an [误] This is an useful dictionary. [正] This is a useful dictionary. [析] 详见a条。 and [误] He did not speak loudly and clearly. [正] He did not speak loudly nor clearly. [误] Our school is not in New York and Chicago, but in Boston. [正] Our school is not in New York or Chicago, but in Boston. [析] "和"这一概念在肯定句中应用and,但在否定句中则要用or angry [误] My mother was angry to me. [正] My mother was angry with me. [误] He was angry with what I said. [正] He was angry at what I said. [析] 要注意be angry后面如果接人,表示"对某人生气不满"时应用be angry with somebody. 但要接事物时要用be angry at something. another [误] I have two sisters, one in America and another in English. [正] I have two sisters, one in America and the other in English. [析] 要注意英语中another, other, the other, the others, others的不同用法,现分别说明如下:another作形容词其意为:泛指的另一个或再一个,别的,类似的。一般在句中作定语,如: This is not good enough, please show me another one. another还可以作为代词用,如:One student said:"I want to play baskball."another said:"I want to play football."other作形容词其意为"泛指其余的,别的"。如:I have other books besides these. 又如:Ask some other people please. the other则为特指,作形容词时其后面可接单数或复数名词,如:She has two flowers. One is white, the other one is yellow. (特指,单数)又如:There are fifty students in our class, twenty five are boys, the other students are girls. (特指,复数)但当the other作为代词时,它代表的可以是单数,也可以是复数,如:He has a book in one hand, and a pen in the other. (单数)又如:There are some people in the room. Four are girls, the other(复数)are boys. 要注意的是当the other 作主语时,其后面的谓语动词要视具体情况而定,它可能是单数,也可能是复数。others则只能作代词,其意为other ones即为:泛指某些,某一部分人或物,如:Each of us must think of others. 而the others只能作为代词,它是特指某一些人或物,如:I know only one or two of the students; the others are unknown to me. answer [误] Someone is knocking at the door. Please reply the door bell. [正] Someone is knocking at the door, Please answer the door bell. [析] answer与reply是近意词,作为及物动词用时有时二者是可以互换的,如:The student answered/replied that he wanted to watch TV. 但在某些特定场合则不易互换。作为应答之意时则多用answer,如:You should answer to your name. Please answer my letter as soon as possible. Answer my question in English. any [误] Do you have some questions? [正] Do you have any questions? [析] some一般要用于肯定句,而any则用于否定句或疑问句。 [误] China is larger than any other countries in Asia. [正] China is larger than any other country in Asia. [析] 要注意any other 其后要跟单数名词,但any of the other 其后要接复数名词。China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia. [误] Here are some books; you can choose anyone of these. [正] Here are some books; you can choose any one of these. [析] anyone只能指人,而any one即可指人 也可以指物。 around [误] The nine planets go around of the sun. [正] The nine planets go around the sun. [析] around后面不要再加介词,如:The sun shines all around us. around round 作介词用的around与round通常可以互换,只不过美语常用around,而英语常用round,例如:You can see the post office round/around that corner. (绕过那个弯你就可以看到邮局。但是一定要区别它们的不同之处:round可以用作形容词、副词、介词、动词、名词;而around只能用作副词或介词。例如:The post office is just round (around) the house (用作介词). He has round face (用作形容词). The river rounded the stones. (用作动词) arrive [误] I arrived Beijing the day before yesterday. [正] I arrived in Beijing the day before yesterday. [正] I reached Beijing the day before yesterday. [误] He arrived in the school at 11∶00. [正] He arrived at the school at 11∶00. [析] arrive为不及物动词,当到达的是较大的地理区域时用介词in,而到达较小的地方时则用at, 如:arrive in New York, arrive at the village. arrive reach get arrive如上所述是不及物动词,而reach则是及物动词。如:How did you reach the school this morning? 而get可用作不及物动词,作"到达"讲时其后面多与to连用。如:When did you get to New York? as [误] This man works in the bank for a manager. [正] This man works in the bank as a manager. [析] as与for有时是可以通用的。如:This room is used as (for) a classroom. 但是用来指官衔、职位时只能用as. [误] My brother is so taller as Tom. [正] My brother is as tall as Tom. [析] as… as之间只能用形容词与副词的原级,而不能用比较级。在否定句中可以用so…as,也可以用as…as,但在肯定句中只能用as…as,如:He is not so tall as Tom. [误] I'll give him the note as soon as he will come. [正] I'll give him the note as soon as he comes. [析] as soon as所引导的状语从句中应使用一般时态表示将来。 ask [误] The student asked a question to the teacher. [正] The student asked the teacher a question. [析] ask应接双宾语,即ask somebody something. [误] They asked some books. [正] They asked for some books. [析] 向某人要求某物时应用ask somebody for something或ask for something from somebody, 如:He asked his mother for some money. 或He asked for some money from his mother. asleep [误] He is deeply asleep. [正] He is fast asleep. [析] 要讲"熟睡",就要用fast来修饰asleep。另外, 在英语中一般不讲somebody is sleeping而要用asleep。关于睡觉这一词的惯用法还有:go to sleep(如:The old man usually goes to sleep at ten.), fall asleep(如:I fell asleep at English class yes terday.) at [误] It will really do you no harm quite. [正] It will really do you no harm at all. [析] at all和quite的汉语意思均为"全然"、"确定的",但at all适用于否定句,例如: -I'm sorry. I'm late. -No trouble at all. 又如:I don't think it is right at all. 而quite则适用于肯定句,例如:He is quite a good teacher. [误] The children play football for lunch. [正] The children play football at lunch. [析] 英语中的at lunch为"在吃午饭时"。这种惯用法还有at work(在工作),at table(在吃饭),at desk(在学习)。而for lunch则是为午饭而准备的食物,又如:We had some milk for breakfast. [误] There is a post office in the corner of the street. [正] There is a post office at the corner of the street. [析] at the corner是指墙外面的角,而in the corner是指建筑物内部的角落。例如:There is a computer in the corner of the room. There is a street lamp at the corner of the street. at in on 在表示时间时用来表示具体钟点用at,如:He will be back at six. 表示一天的上、 下午时要用in,如:I usually get up at six in the morning. 但要注意的是,in the morning和in the afternoon这两个词组中如果加入了任何修饰词,其介词要换为on, 如:on the cold morning, on the hot afternoon.又如:See you on Monday morning. 如讲到具体的某一天,要用on, 如:on Sunday, 如:I usually want to visit my mother on Sundays. 在谈到周、月、季、年时要用in,如:All the children will be happy in Easter week. He was born in July. 但要注意在泛指圣诞节、复活节、感恩节时都用at, 如:Where are you going at Easter. B back [误] I'm sorry. I have to back home. [正] I'm sorry. I have to go back home. [正] I'm sorry. I have to go home. [析] back用作"回到(某处)"之意,不是动词。 be [误] Where do you from? [正] Where are you from? [析] "你从何处来"应为Where are you from?或Where do you come from? 但要注意这两句话均是问对方从哪个国家来的。要是口语中问"你是从什么地方来?"应讲Where did you come from? 回答用I came from the library. beat [误] We have won your class. [正] We have beaten your class. [正] We have won the game. [析] win是胜过之意,它是及物动词,但其后的宾语只能接比赛、战争、奖品、奖金的名称,如:Which team won the football match? 而beat指打败对手、敌人……如:My brother beat me at poker.(要注意的是,beat的过去式与原形相同,而过去分词为beaten)。 [误] The ball beat me badly. [正] The ball hit me badly. [误] He used to hit the little boy black and blue. [正] He used to beat the little boy black and blue. [析] beat指打击多次,而hit则为击中对方的一次性打击。 beautiful [误] He is a beautiful boy. [正] He is a handsome boy. [析] 我们可以讲She is a beautiful girl. This is a beautiful park. 但要讲男人的"英俊"时要用handsome. because [误] The reason why I was late is because I was ill. [正] The reason why I was late is that I was ill. [误] Because it was Sunday, so the park was crowded. [正] Because it was Sunday the park was crowded. [析] 这种错误是因为中文的习惯与英语的表述法不同,中文常讲我来晚了的原因是因为我病了,而英文中的第二个因为要用that代替。又因中文常讲因为……所以……,而英文中用了因为就不能再用所以了,同样用了"所以"也就不要再用"因为"一词。例如:Because we study hard, we passed the exam easily. 或者:We study hard so we passed the exam easily. because because of because后要接从句,例如:We like physics because we can learn a lot of new ideas. 而because of后要接名词作介词宾语,如:He is not at school because of the illness. before [误] We have two hours to kill before we will go home. [正] We have two hours to kill before we go home. [析] kill time意为"消磨时光"。 英语状语从句中要用一般现在时表示将来的动作。如:If it rains we will not go to the park. [误] I did this work two days before. [正] I did this work two days ago. [析] 用ago组成的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词要用过去时,而before引起的时间状语其主句中的谓语动词多用完成时,如:I has done this work a few days before. before long long before before long是"不久"之意,例如:I shall go to America before long. 而long before则是"很久很久"之意,如:We knew this teacher long before we saw him. (我们在看到这位老师之前很久就知道他了。) begin [误] The meeting will begin from Monday. [正] The meeting will begin on Monday. [误] The film has begun for ten minutes. [正] The film has been on for ten minutes. [析] begin是瞬间动词,所以它的完成时态不能接表示一段时间的状语,如:The film has begun. 这句话是对的,即"电影已经开始"。但要讲已经开始10分钟了则要用has been on即"上演了10分钟"。 begin start begin与start两词后面加不定式或动名词都可以,且意思并无区别,但在表达习惯时接动名词的用法较多,如:How old wern you when you first started learning English?但这两个词的进行时态中则多用不定式,如:I was beginning to get hungry. 但如果句子的主语是物而不是人,则多用不定式,如:The ice began to melt. It started to get dark before we got to school. 当动词是表达某种心理状态时,要用不定式,如:The student began to understand his mistakes. [误] They study hard in the class from the beginning to the end. [正] They study hard in the class from beginning to end. [析] from beginning to end是习惯用法,即自始至终,不要加冠词,但如单独使用则要加冠词,例如:At the beginning,the teacher gave us an exam. behind [误] He missed the class because he was behind the time. [正] He missed the class because he was behind time. [析] behind time一短语意为"晚了",而behind the times意为"落后于时代"。behind是介词同时又是副词,如Come out from behind the door(介词). He's a long way behind(副词). He fell behind with his classmates(副词). below [误] What's that below the chair. [正] What's that under the chair. [析] under意为"正下方",而below意为"比……低",或指"在下游"。如:There is a fall below the river. (河的下游有一个瀑布。)其反义词为over,如:There is a big plane flying over the city. 但在"下面的例子"一表达语中则要用the example below, 而不要用under. beside [误] The students stood besides the teacher. [正] The students stood beside the teacher. [误] I study English beside Chinese. [正] I study English besides Chinese. [析] beside意为"在……旁边",而besides是"除……以外(还如何)"。 beside by near beside意为"在……旁",如:There is a tall tree beside the river. by多指"倚、靠"、"沿着"之意,如:She is standing by the window. near多用来表示两地间距离不远,如:There is a post office near our school. better [误] You had better to do it at home. [正] You had better do it at home. [误] You hadn't better wake me up at six. [正] You had better not wake me up at six. [析] had better在肯定句中为"应该作某事",其后加不带to的不定式,而在否定句中应用had better+not+动词原形。在简答语中had常省略为'd,如:You'd better not. 又如: Let's go first. No, we'd better not. between [误] Among the two trees there is a space of the feet. [正] Between the two trees there is a space of the feet. [析] 两者之间多用between,三者或三者以上之间则用among. [误] You must choose between this club or that club. [正] You must choose between this club and that club. [析] 在两个之间作出选择要用between…and…,而不能用between…or…. big [误] There was a big rain last night. [正] There was a heavy rain last night. [析] 大雨在英语中只能用a heavy rain而不要用a big rain. bit [误] He is a bit fool. [正] He is a bit of a fool. [析] a bit可以作程度副词,与a little相同,但它用于名词前应用a bit of, 而用于形容词前则应用a bit,如:I'm a bit tired, 而其简答的否定句应为Not a bit, (一点儿也不。)又如: -Do you mind if I open the door? -Not a bit. black [误] The children became black after swimming in the sea. [正] The children became sunburned after swimming in the sea. [析] 因太阳照晒而皮肤变黑,不应用black而应用sunburned, sun colour或dark. [误] The girl has black eyes and black hair. [正] The girl has dark eyes and black hair. [析] 英语中black eyes的意思是被打得发青的眼睛。 [误] The Europeans like red tea. [正] The Europeans like black tea. [析] 红茶在英文中应为black tea. 这种惯用法还有:black and blue(鼻青脸肿,青一块紫一块);blackandwhite(黑白电视片)。go black意为"在失去知觉时眼前一片黑暗";look black意为"情况不妙,前景暗淡"。如:After the fight he was black and blue.On TV, I like colour for something and blackandwhite for others. body [误] Going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is good for your body. [正] Going to bed earlier and getting up earlier is good for your health. [析] 中文常讲对你身体有利,而英文中则讲对你健康有利。 borrow [误] May I lend some books from the library? [正] May I borrow some books from the library? [误] How long can I borrow it? [正] How long can I keep it? [析] 英语中有三个词都可译为"借",但意义各不相同如:"借入"是borrow,其常用句型结构是borrow something from somebody,这是个瞬间性动词,不可与表示延续的时间状语连用。例如:The students want to borrow some books from the library. "借出"用lend,即借给别人东西。其常用句型是lend somebody something, 或lend something to somebody.例如:Could you lend us your dictionary?或Could you lend your dictionary to us? 它也是瞬间性动词,也不能与延续的时间状语连用。keep则是延续性动词,可以和表示长时间段的时间状语连用,也可与how long等疑问词连用,如:You can keep it for three days. born (bear的过去分词) [误] I born in Shanghai. [正] I was born in Shanghai. [误] He was born from Greek parents. [正] He was born of Greek parents. [析] "出身于……样的家庭"不要作from而要用of,例如:He was born of a poor family. both [误] They both are students. [正] They are both students. [误] They refuse both to answer this question. [正] They both refuse to answer this question. [析] both作同位语时,一般要用在be动词之后实意动词之前。 [误] I know his both parents. [正] I know both his parents. [误] The both brothers were students. [正] Both the brothers were students. [正] Both brothers were students. [析] 当both与形容词性物主代词my, his, her等以及定冠词the连用时,都应将这些词置于both之后。另外,在与定冠词连用时the可以省略。 [误] Both of my parents are not at home. [正] Neither of my parents are at home. [误] Both of your answers are not right. [正] Neither of your answers is right. [正] Both your answers are wrong. [析] both不能用于否定句中作主语。表示"两者都不"时要用neither;但作宾语时both与either则都对,但要注意句意有所不同。例如:I cannot give both of the books to you. (我不能将两本书全给你。)而I cannot give either of the books to you. (两本书中哪本书也不能给你。) bring [误] Please bring this dictionary to Mr Brown. [正] Please take this dictionary to Mr Brown. [误] Next time, please take your little sister here. [正] Next time, please bring your little sister here. [析] 英语中bring是"带来",而take是"带走"。还有一个词fetch, 表示"到某处去把某物取、接回来"。如:Please fetch the doctor at once. business [误] My father went to Shanghai for business. [正] My father went to Shanghai on business. [析] on business出差 busy [误] The students were very busy to prepare for the exam. [正] The students were very busy preparing for the exam. [析] be busy doing something为"忙于作某事" [误] The students were busy for the exam. [正] The students were busy with the exam. [析] busy直接接名词时应用with. but [误] He couldn't help but realizing that he was wrong. [正] He couldn't help but realize that he was wrong. [误] She couldn't help to cry when she saw her mother. [正] She couldn't help crying when she saw her mother. [析] couldn't help其后应接动名词,表示情不自禁的动作,但couldn't help but后面要加动词原形即省to的不定式,所以前一句应译为"他才真正认识到他错了。" buy [误] I have bought this dictionary for three years. [正] I have had this dictionary for three years. [析] buy是截止性(即瞬间)动词,它可以有完成时,如:I have bought this dictionary. 但是不能与表示较长的时间状语连用。如要讲我这本字典已买了3年了则要用have had这一结构即我拥有这本字典已3年了。 by [误] The boy shot the cat by a gun. [正] The boy shot the cat with a gun. [误] He came to school by a taxi this morning. [正] He came to school by taxi this morning. [析] 作为某种运输手段来讲,by与名词间不能有冠词,如:by car, by bike, by air等。如有了冠词或其他修饰词,则应用别的相应的介词,如:"我们今天早上是乘他的车来的"一句应译为:We came here in his car this morning.与by结合而成的词组很多,常用的有:by the way顺便说说;by hand手工制作;by oneself独自地;by no means决不。 C call [误] I'll call at Mr Brown. [正] I'll call on Mr Brown. [误] I'll call on Mr Brown's home. [正] I'll call at Mr Brown's home. [析] 作"拜访"讲时,at后面接访问地点,而on后面接访问的人。 call on drop in visit call on比较正式的为公务的访问,如:We were called on by the old students. 而drop in则是比较随便的走走,顺便拜访,如:If you're free, drop in. 而visit则是更正式的外交访问或友好往来,如:My school's headmaster will visit America next week. can [误] A blind man can not judge colours. [正] A blind man cannot judge colours. [误] I cann't call for you at ten. [正] I can't call for you at ten. [析] can的否定形式应为cannot或can't. [误] It's only six o'clock. That mustn't be the postman. [正] It's only six o'clock. That can't be the postman. [析] must用来表示一种肯定的推断,如:She must have some problems. She keeps crying. 但在否定句中则要用can't, 要表示对过去的推测则要用"must+have+过去分词"的表达法,如:The lights have gone out.A fuse must have blown.而对过去的否定推测则多用"can't+have+过去分词",如:I don't think he can have heard you. Call again. [误] We could not help to laugh at once. [正] We could not help laughing at once. [正] We could not help but laugh at once. [析] "couldn't help+动名词"表示禁不住做了某事。但could not help but与could not but后面要加不带to的不定式,意思都是不得不去做某事.如:You could not (help) but respect him. can be able to can与be able to都可以用来表示能力,但can只有现在时与过去时,be able to则可用任何时态,如:He will be able to teach the child. 但要表示经过努力而达到的一次性动作则只能用be able to,如:He finally was able to jump over 210 meters. 或:The plane was able to fly over the mountain. 但要注意的是这两个词都没有进行时态,而be able to后面不接不定式的被动态。 can could can与could都可以用在现在时的口语中,只是用could更为礼貌,语气更委婉。如:Could you tell us a story? care [误] I don't care coffee. [正] I don't care for coffee. [误] Take care for your steps. [正] Take care of your steps. [析] care for是"对某物感兴趣",而care of是"关心,要当心某事",如:She didn't care for him. Take care of what you are doing. [误] I don't care where we will go if it doesn't rain. [正] I don't care where we go if it doesn't rain. [析] 在it doesn't matter, I don't care, I don't mind, 及in case引出的状语从句后面要用现在时表示将来。如:I've got a football in case we have time for a game. change [误] I want to change my camera with that one. [正] I want to change my camera for that one. [析] change for为"以某物为交换物"。而change with则是"随……而变",如:The wood's colour changed with the season. cheap [误] A teacher's salary is generally very cheap. [正] A teacher's salary is generally very low. [析] 工资的高低要用low,cheap是指价格便宜,如果要讲物美价廉则要用not expensive, 如:This car is not expensive. choose [误] We each had to have a choose of A or B. [正] We each had to have a choice of A or B. [析] choice是名词,而choose是动词。 class [误] The class is watching TV. [正] The class are watching TV. [析] class作主语时,如果作为整体讲则应用单数形式的谓语动词,如:The class was more than forty in number. 如考虑到具体的每个成员时则应用复数形式的谓语动词,如:The class are, in general, very bright. clean [误] Sorry, I didn't bought it here. I cleanly forgot. [正] Sorry, I didn't bought it here. I clean forgot. [析] clean可以作为副词讲,其意为"完全",而cleanly则意为"正确地"、"干净利落地",如:The knife doesn't cut cleanly. 而clean作为形容词讲时意为"清洁的"、"干净的",如:Her face is not clean now. clever [误] I'm not clever in English. [正] I'm not clever at English. [析] clever at是固定搭配,表示在某方面有特长。 close [误] It is cold outside. Please keep the door close. [正] It is cold outside. Please keep the door closed. [析] 这里的close是动词,意为"关闭",而keep后要加形容词,所以要用close的过去分词形式closed作形容词。作形容词用的close意为"近的"、"亲密的"。 [误] Come closely so that I can see you. [正] Come close so that I can see you. [误] Good teaching and good testing are close related. [正] Good teaching and good testing are closely related. [析] close,closely同样可以作副词用,但其意义不同,close是"靠近"、"接近"之意,而closely则是"紧密"、"严密"、"密切"之意。 [误] My school was quite close from my home. [正] My school was quite close to my home. [析] "与……接近"是close to…,例如: He was close to fifty. There is a busstop close to the station. close shut turn shut与close是同义词,如close the door或shut the door. 但要讲把某人关在门外时则只能用shut somebody out而不能用close,因shut语气较强,并含有隔离之意。而turn off是指关上电视、电灯、煤气之类,有切断之意。 cloth [误] The children wear very good cloth to go to school. [正] The children wear very good clothes to go to school. [误] I need a lot of clothing. I'm going to make a new cloth. [正] I need a lot of cloth. I'm going to make a new dress. [析] cloth是"布"、"布料",没有复数形式。一块布料是a piece of cloth, 而clothes统指衣服,是复数名词,"一套衣服"要讲a suit of clothes, 如果是"一件件衣服"应讲shirt, dress, sweater等。而clothing是衣物的总称,是不可数名词。例如:This clothing is needed in warm countries.Her clothes are made of fine cloth.英语中的dress是指比较正式的服装,如a school dress(校服),a student dress(学生套装),a working dress(工作服)。 coffee [误] Please give me two waters. [正] Please give me two coffees. [正] Please give me two cups of water. [析] 虽然coffee, water, tea等都是物质名词,但是只有coffee可用coffees取代若干杯coffee,而其他的却不行,其前要加a cup of或a glass of. colour(color) [误] Colours of flowers are red, yellow and white. [正] Flowers are red, yellow and white. [析] 中文的"花的颜色有红色、黄色和白色",若译为英文Colours of flowers are…,就显得重复了。 [误] I like green colour. [正] I like green. [正] I like colour green. [析] colour green中的colour是green的同位语,所以这种说话方式英语是可以接受的。 come [误] I came across with an old friend in the street yesterday. [正] I came across an old friend in the street yesterday. [析] come across是"偶然碰见、遇见",要直接加宾语,如:I've just come across a beautiful poem in this magazine. [误] Where do you come from? I come from the station. [正] Where did you come from? I came from the station. [正] Where do you come from? I come from China. [析] Where do you come from?意为"你是什么地方的人?"而Where did you come from?则是"你从何处来?" [误] The stars are coming out from the cloud. [正] The stars are coming out of the cloud. [析] come out of意为"从……地方出来"。 come in come into enter come in与come into的意义相同,但come into后面要加宾语,而come in后面不用宾语。如I found someone came into my room. The door opened and the child came in. enter常作为及物动词使用,如:The bus entered the English tunnel. congratulate [误] I want to congratulate you for your success with all my heart. [正] I want to congratulate you on your success with all my heart. [析] 动词congratulate somebody on something是"向某人祝贺某事"。其名词congratulation在用时一般要用复数,如:I offered him my congratulations on his success. 又如:Congratulations! cook [误] My father is a good cooker. [正] My father is a good cook. [析] 很多动词加上er则变为执行该动作的一种人,如workworker,teachteacher. 但cook即是动词"做饭",同时名词也是"厨师"。而cooker则是"厨具"、"炊具"之意。如:I will cook the dinner. I bought a good press cooker(高压锅)。 corner [误] There is a post office in the corner of the street. [正] There is a post office at the corner of the street. [误] A girl sat at the corner of the room. [正] A girl sat in the corner of the room. [析] in the corner是在建筑物内部的角上,而at the corner是在外部的角上,如:There is a big tree at the corner of the building. cost [误] I cost ten dollars for the book. [正] I spent ten dollars on the book. [误] I cost two hours to do my homework. [正] It took me two hours to do my homework. [析] cost, spend. take都可以作"花费"讲,但用法不同。cost的用法是"something+cost+somebody+时间或金钱",如:The book cost me ten dollars. spend的用法是"somebody+spend+时间+(in)doing something",如:I spent two hours (in) writing this book. 或"somebody+spend+金钱+on something",如:I spend two dollars on this book. 而take的用法则要用逻辑主语it:"It+takes+somebody+时间+to do something", 如:It took me an hour to clean the classroom. country [误] You can find cows in a country. [正] You can find cows in the country. [析] country即可作"国家"讲,也可作"农村"讲。当作"农村"讲时,一定要加定冠词,而且只有单数形式。例如: [误] Farmers live in the countries. [正] Farmers live in the country. [析] 但作为"国家"讲时则可有单、复数形式,例如:Japan is an Asian country. Japan, China, and India are Asian countries.另外,country一般指的是地理概念上的国家,如:New Zealand is an agricultural country. 而nation多指民族组成的国家,如:The Chinese nation(中华民族)。state多侧重于政权方面的区域、国家范围,如:the state farm(国营农场)。 cross [误] There are traffic lights at the cross. [正] There are traffic lights at the crossing. [析] cross作为名词讲时是十字架、十字形的东西,如:Red Cross( 红十字会)。 [误] The little boy is going to across the street. [正] The little boy is going to cross the street. [析] across是副词或介词,但不能作动词用。 cross pass cross是指横过某地,如:He crossed the square. 而pass则强调从某物体旁经过,如:I mailed some letters when I passed the post office. crowd [误] The room soon was crowded by people. [正] The room soon was crowded with people. [析] crowded在这句话中应作为形容词,所以这句话不是被动语态而是系表结构,如:The room was crowded with books. cup [误] A silver glass was given to the winner. [正] A silver cup was given to the winner. [误] My mother was looking for the whisky cup. [正] My mother was looking for the whisky glass. [析] glass一般指由玻璃制成的器皿,而cup多指用陶瓷或金属制成的杯子,且cup尤其用在奖杯上。喝酒多用的是玻璃制成的杯子,如我们讲I drink a glass of wine at supper. 而不讲I drink a cup of wine at supper. D dance [误] We'll invite you and your wife to a dance party. [正] We'll invite you and your wife to a dancing party. [正] We'll invite you and your wife to a dance. [正] We'll invite you and your wife to a ball.(美语中常用ball作为舞会。) date [误] He studied ten hours a date. [正] He studied ten hours a day. [析] date是指具体日期。如问What's the date today? 应回答具体日期:"October 1st 1998."而day是指1日(24小时)。如What day is today? 问的是星期几,应回答"It's Sunday." [误] Today's date is January first. 1998. [正] Today's date is January 1, 1998. [正] Today's date is January 1st, 1998. [析] 在日期书写中不要用序数词全写,而要用1st, 2nd, 3rd ……如果一定要用序数词,其顺序应为:It is the first of January. day [误] This is a book about every day English. [正] This is a book about everyday English. [正] This is an everyday English book. [误] We go to school everyday. [正] We go to school every day. [析] everyday是形容词,意为"日常的",而every day则是"每天"、"天天"之意。 dead [误] My father has died for ten years. [正] My father has been dead for ten years. [析] die是瞬间动词,它可以用于完成时,如:My father has died. 但用于完成时不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。它也可以用于过去时,如:My father died three years ago [误] We'll always remember the deads who were killed in the war. [正] We'll always remember the dead who were killed in the war. [析] 形容词前如加定冠词表示一类人,如the rich(富人),the sick(病人),the poor(穷人),其后的谓语动词要用复数,如:The rich are not always happy. dead deadly dead在某些词组里是"完全"、"的确"的意思,如dead right, dead tired, dead sure。而deadly则是"致命的",如:The rich man had many deadly enemies. 又如:Cancer is a deadly disease. dead died dead是形容词,如:Mrs Ginty was dead. 而died是动词die的过去式及过去分词,如:She died in 1960.但英语中如表达出对某人去世的伤感说法是pass away, 如:My father passed away, this morning. deer [误] In the zoo, there are many deers. [正] In the zoo, there are many deer. [析] deer是单、复数同形的词,如:one deer,two deer,这样的名词还有fish,sheep等。但如果讲There are many fishes here. 这句话应译为"这里有许多种鱼类。"而不应译为"这里有很多鱼。" desk [误] The boy sat in his desk. [正] The boy sat at his desk. [析] 在课桌旁坐着应用介词at, 而at desk 则应译为"在学习",at table应译为"在吃饭"。 die [误] In South Africa many people died from cancer. [正] In South Africa many people died of cancer. [误] The old man died of overwork. [正] The old man died from overwork. [析] 死于疾病应用die of,而死于某种外因事故则多用from. [误] His mother is died. [正] His mother is dead. [误] The old woman was dead at the age of seventy. [正] The old woman died at the age of seventy. [析] dead是形容词,而die是动词。形容词表示状态,动词则表示动作。 [误] He died in a traffic accident. [正] He was killed in a traffic accident. [析] 由于事故而造成的死亡一般用to be killed. [误] When the doctor came,the old man had already died. [正] When the doctor came,the old man was already dead. [正] The old man died before the doctor came. different [误] My room is different with yours. [正] My room is different from yours. [误] The village is very different with what it was. [正] The village is very different from what it was. [析] different from是"与……不同"之意。 difficult [误] English is very difficult to be learned. [正] English is very difficult to learn. [误] He learned physics is difficult. [正] It is very difficult for him to learn physics. [析] 要学习英语的表达法而不要生硬地按字去译中文。It is difficult for somebody to do something.为"对于某人来说做某事很困难。" difficulty [误] There was little difficulty to find him. [正] There was little difficulty in finding him. [析] 这种用法还有trouble, 即difficulty (trouble) in doing something. dinner [误] When did you have the supper? [正] When did you have supper? [析] 英语中一日三餐前无冠词,例如: [误] I had a lunch at 12 o'clock. [正] I had lunch at 12 o'clock. [析] 在某些特定场合,如指某次宴会,则要加冠词,如:The dinner was given in honour of the guest. dress [误] My father bought a new dress for himself yesterday. [正] My father bought a new suit for himself yesterday. [析] 一般来讲男套装用suit,女服则用dress;作男服的服装店是tailor shop (tailor's), 而做女装的服装店是dressmaker's. [误] The mother dressed the clothes on her child. [正] The mother dressed her child. [析] dress作及物动词当"穿衣服"讲时,其后不能接衣服而只能接人,如:The boy is still too young to dress himself. 但作为一种穿着打扮的状态时,则多用其过去分词作形容词,如:He is not dressed in his new suit.或She is dressed in red. 词组dress up是过节日时应服装整齐,如:They dressed up for the holiday. dress have on put on wear 要区别这几个动词需分清是表示动作的动词还是表示状态的动词。表示状态的动词是have on和wear,如:He has on a white coat. He was wearing heavy shoes. 而put on则表示穿衣的动作,如:Put on your coat,it is cold outside.而dress即可以作状态又可以作动作,作动作讲时其后面接人而不能接衣服,作穿着状态时则多用dressed的形式。如:I saw a lady dressed in red. I saw a girl dressing herself. drop [误] The students fell their voice. [正] The students dropped their voice. [析] drop与fall都可以表示"落下、掉下"之意,有时可以互换,如:The dictionary fell (dropped) from the table. 但drop还可以作及物动词,而fall一般只能作不及物动词。 [误] I shall drop in you. [正] I shall drop in on you. [析] drop in是随便拜访某人,而其后要接人时应加介词on再加人称。 during [误] During I was sick,I couldn't eat well. [正] While I was sick,I couldn't eat well. [析] during后不能接从句,而when和while后可接从句。 [误] I have been studying English during three days. [正] I have been studying English for three days. [析] during不能表达一个动作持续多长的时间,而只能表达在某段时间内某事件的发生。即带有由during引导的时间状语的句子只能用过去时,不能用完成时。 E each [误] Every of them has his habit. [正] Each of them has his habit. [析] each可以作形容词,但也可作代词,而every只能作形容词。 [误] The manager comes to America almost each month. [正] The manager comes to America almost every month. [析] each与every都作形容词讲时,都有"每个"之意,但有不同。each多指个体,而every则多指整体。如:We want every student to succeed. each不同来表达总体概念,所以不能与almost, nearly, likely等词连用。 [误] We each has a book. [正] We each have a book. [析] each 作同位语时,其数应与其同位的名词相同,而each作主语时则应取其单数形式。 each other one another each other与one another这两个词组的区别在很多语法书中强调each other是两者之间,而one another是多者之间,其实不然,如:All students must care for each other, must love and help each other. 事实上这两个词组是同义的,如果要讲有什么区别的话,当我们非常笼统地谈,而不特指什么人时,多用one another. early [误] Could you come here more early? [正] Could you come here earlier? [析] 单音节和少数双音节副词的比较级和最高级要用er和est来作其结尾,如fast, soon, early, hard, long, near等。 earth [误] What on the earth do you mean? [正] What on earth do you mean? [析] on earth这一词组在句中为的是加强语气,其意为"究竟"、"到底"。而作为"地球"讲时则要加定冠词,如:How far is the earth from the moon. 而作为"泥土"讲时则为不可数名词,如:He filled the pot with earth and wanted to plant some flowers. easy [误] You can easy imagine my surprise. [正] You can easily imagine my surprise. [析] easy只在有限的词组中被用作副词,如take it easy (不要紧张),go easy, stand easy等。 例如:Easy come, easy go. ( 钱来的容易花的也快. )Easier said than done. (说的容易做着难。) east [误] Japan is on the east of China. [正] Japan is to the east of China. [析] 在讲述地理位置时,有3个介词常用,它们是in, on和to, 其中in表示处于所表达的范围之内,如:Shanghai is in the east of China. on则表示双方接壤,如:North Korea is on the northeast of China. 而表示互不相接的两部分时则用to, 如:Taiwan is to the east of Fujian. either [误] -I don't like opera. -I don't like too. [正] -I don't like opera. -I don't like either. [析] 在否定句中用either表示"也",而在肯定句中用too表示"也"。 [误] Either you or I are right. [正] Either you or I am right. [析] 这在语法书中被称作就近原则,即哪个主语离谓语动词近,则应采用与哪个主语相一致的谓语动词,相同用法的还有neither…nor…,not only…but also…,以及or在连接两个主语时。如:You or he is to go home. The others will have to stay in the classroom. elder [误] My older brother has gone to Shanghai. [正] My elder brother has gone to Shanghai. [析] 在表示兄姐的长幼时应用elder表示"哥哥姐姐",如:my elder sister 姐姐,但表示岁数时则多用older,如:She is two years older than I. empty [误] Are these seats empty? [正] Are these seats taken? [析] empty是指空洞的没有任何物体,如:The house was empty, 其意思是没有任何家具或屋内无人。但座位是否有人坐应用take. English [误] My sister studied English language very well. [正] My sister studied the English language very well. [正] My sister studied English very well. [析] 在泛指某一种学科时,不应加冠词,如:I like history.但如特指某一门学科时则应加冠词,如:He likes the history of America. enjoy [误] I enjoy to play football. [正] I enjoy playing football. [析] enjoy后要接动名词,而不接不定式。 [误] Did you enjoy at the English evening? [正] Did you enjoy yourself at the English evening? enough [误] I'm sorry. You are not studying enough carefully. [正] I'm sorry. You are not studying carefully enough. [析] enough要用在形容词或副词之后。 [误] Do you have enough of money? [正] Do you have enough money? [正] Do you have enough of the money? [误] The coffee isn't enough. [正] There isn't enough coffee. [析] enough可以作be动词的表语,但其主语应是代词,如:That's enough. It was enough. 如果是名词时应换用上面的句型。 entrance [误] The entrance of the cinema is on your right. [正] The entrance to the cinema is on your right. [析] 在表示通往某处时entrance后面多用to作介词。这样的用法还有key to the door, answer to the question等。 evening [误] I walked home in a cold evening. [正] I walked home on a cold evening. [析] in the evening这一词组如加上另外的修饰词则其介词应换为on. everyone [误] Everyone of you goes to class. [正] Every one of you goes to class. [析] everyone其后不能接of结构。在否定句中如果要讲"每一个人都没有注意到它",就译作:Nobody noticed it. 要注意Every one of us is not right. 应译为"我们不都对。"而None of us are right. 才应译为"我们全错了。" exam [误] We take part in an exam. [正] We take an exam. [析] take part in为"参加"某种活动,运动,而在学科中选择某一学科学习并进行考试应用take. except [误] The room is clean except two desks. [正] The room is clean except for two desks. [误] I come here every day except for Sunday. [正] I come here every day except Sunday. [析] 在同一类物体中排除某一部分用except, 在不同类物体中排除某一物体时用except for。而except that其后接从句,如:She is a good girl except that she is careless sometimes. 而besides则是"包括在内",如"我学习英语同时还学法语。"应译为:I study English besides French. exercise [误] The students exercise spoken English in the morning. [正] The students practise spoken English in the morning. [析] exercise多指运动、训练,而practise则多指把理论付诸于实践的练习。 [误] Everyone should do exercises every day. [正] Everyone should do exercise every day. [析] 作为运动讲exercise是不可数名词,而当"练习"、"体操"、"早操"则是可数名词,例如:I do a lot exercises in the P.E. class. F fail [误] Tom failed his exam. [正] Tom failed in his exam. [正] Tom failed to pass the exam. [析] fail为不及物动词,其后可用in加名词,或直接接不定式。 family [误] I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's families are waiting for me. [误] I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's family is waiting for me. [正] I'm sorry I have to go. Tom's family are waiting for me. [析] family是集合名词,把它当作整体看它是单数,如看作家庭中的每个成员则为复数。如:Your family are very kind to me. My family is very large. far [误] My school is ten miles far from here. [正] My school is ten miles away from here. [析] far一般不与实际距离连用。 [误] "Did you walk far?" "Yes,I walked far." [正] "Did you walk far?" "Yes, I walked a long way." [析] 一般肯定句中不用far单独作状语,而用a long way.far组成的常用词组有:as far as. ①远至,一直到。如:He walked as far as the station. ②就……而言。如:As far as he was concerned these books were very good. ③只要。如:I can help you as far as I can. so for 到目前为止。例:He is very well so far. farther further far有两个比较级,即farther和further,其意思略有不同:farther主要用于表示距离的远近,如:Milan is farther away than Rome. 而further则是指"进一步的",如:Will we need any further discussion on this matter. fast [误] A fast train runs fastly. [正] A fast train runs fast. [析] fast其形容词与副词形式相同。 fast soon fast指行动本身的速度快,如:The foreigner speaks too fast. 而soon则多指两个动作之间间隔短,时间到来的迅速,如:She will come soon. feel [误] I feel badly about my mistakes. [正] I feel bad about my mistakes. [析] 感观动词如feel, smell等后面要接形容词而不是副词。feel good是指某人精神好,而feel well是指人身体状况良好。 [误] I try not to hurt her feeling. [正] I try not to hurt her feelings. [析] feeling在作"感情"讲时要用复数,而作"感觉"讲则要用单数。如:I have a feeling that we will win the game. few [误] Few of them is very good. [正] Few of them are very good. [析] few意为"几乎没有",但要用复数谓语动词。如果讲有一些人应用a few, 如:There were only a few people in the street. [误] There are less farms than there used to be. [正] There are fewer farms than there used to be. [析] few的比较级为fewer,其后接可数名词;而little的 比较级为less,其后接不可数名词。 field [误] He is a famous scientist on the field of physics. [正] He is a famous scientist in the field of physics. [析] in the field是"在田野上"或是"在某一学科领域内",而on the field则多指"在战场上"。如:He lost his life on the battle field. fill [误] She filled orange into my glass. [正] She filled my glass with orange. [析] 表示要用某种物品装满某容器时要用fill with词组,如:The boy ran back home filled with joy. fill full fill是动词,但有及物与不及物两种用法,当表示"充满"之意时是不及物动词,应用fill with,如:The little girl's eyes filled with tears. 而当表示"使……装满某物"时,是及物动词,如:He filled his pocket with books. 而be filled with应看作系表结构,如:The boy's mother was filled with anger. full是形容词,要用be full of这一词组,如:The boy was full of joy. find [误] He has finded his lost bike. [正] He has found his lost bike. [析] find是不规则动词,其过去式和过去分词均是found。但found一词又意为"建立",它是规则动词,其过去式及过去分词均为founded. [误] It is very difficult to look for a suitable job. [正] It is very difficult to find a suitable job. [析] look for为"寻找",而find是找到。寻找工作并不难,难的应是找到合适的工作。 find find out find out意为"找出、算出、发现",如:I have found out how to do it. 而find的主要侧重点在找到某物,如:I find my book under the desk. finish [误] I finished to read that book last night. [正] I finished reading that book last night. [析] 英文中有些动词其后只能用动名词作宾语而不能用不定式作宾语,这样的动词在中考范围内有两个,即finish和enjoy。 fire [误] There's no smoke without a fire. [正] There's no smoke without fire. [析] 此句应译为中文"无风不起浪"。fire作为物质名词"火"讲时为不可数名词,而作为"炉火"、"火灾"讲则是可数名词,如:There was a fire in the next street last month. 如要讲"着火了"要用be on fire, 如:The factory was on fire. [误] The man fired to us. [正] The man fired at us. [析] fire (on) at均指"向某目标开火",at用于较小目标,而on用于较大目标。 first [误] Is this your firstly visit to Beijing? [正] Is this your first visit to Beijing? [析] 除了在强调第一、第二、第三等场合中有时还可见firstly一词外,这个词已不多见,而均被first取代。first还有"首先"、"首次"、"第一次" 之意。 follow [误] I received a letter which ran as follow. [正] I received a letter which ran as follows. [析] as follows是惯用法,其意为"如下",不论在任何场合均要用follows. [误] As follows are his arguments. [正] The following are his arguments. [析] as follows主要用于句尾,而the following则用于句首。 food [误] Too much sweet food, such as cakes, chocolates,pastry…may increase your weight. [正] Too many foods, such as cakes, chocolates,pastry…may increase your weight. [析] food泛指食物时为不可数名词,如:There is no food for supper. 而指一种种食物时则用作可数名词。 foot [误] There is a fivefeetwide bridge. [正] There is a fivefootwide bridge. [析] 用连字符组成的形容词中所有名词均要用单数形式。 [误] We went to college on feet. [正] We went to college on foot. [析] by后面加接交通工具时,不应加任何冠词,不要用名词的复数形式。如加了某些修饰词后,其前面的介词要作适当的改变,如:I came to school in his car yesterday. I go to shool on a train. for [误] I wanted to go to the pub for having a drink. [正] I wanted to go to the pub for a drink. [正] I wanted to go to the pub to have a drink. [析] 用for表示目的时,其后面只能接名词,而不要接动名词。 [误] I went to the office for seeing the headmaster. [正] I went to the office to see the headmaster. [析] 用不定式来表示动作的目的。 [误] I will leave Beijing to Shanghai. [正] I will leave Beijing for Shanghai. [正] I will leave for Shanghai. [析] leave for为一固定搭配,不要改动。 [误] I bought a book to you. [正] I bought a book for you. [误] He is a friend for us. [正] He is a friend to us. [析] 在英文中"为"一词在泛指时用to, 在特指时要用for. [误] This food is good to us. [正] This food is good for us. [析] 词组be good (bad) for 表示"对……有好(坏)处"。 [误] For I was feeling quite hungry, I wanted to have lunch. [正] I wanted to have lunch, for I was feeling quite hungry. [析] for作为"因为"讲时一般不要置于句首,而且口气也比because弱的多。 forget [误] I left my key. [正] I left my key at home. [正] I forgot my key. [析] leave是"丢下"之意,所以一定要接地点状语,而forget是"忘记",所以不用接地点状语。 [误] I will not forget the rules. [正] I will never forget the rules. [误] Please don't forget posting my letter on your way home. [正] Please don't forget to post my letter on your way home. [析] 要注意forget to do something为"忘了去作某事",而forget doing something则应译为"对已经作过的事记不起来了"。如:He forget returning the book to the library. 应译为"他忘记已把书还给图书馆这件事了。"同样用法的词还有remember和regret. free [误] You can speak free in front of my parents. [正] You can speak freely in front of my parents. [析] free作为副词时意为"免费"、"不必付款",如:You can eat free in my restaurant. 而freely则意为"自由地"、"无限制地"。 French [误] She comes from French. [正] She comes from France. [析] French是"法语"、"法国的",而France才是"法国"。 friend [误] He nodded to me friendly. [正] He nodded to me in a friendly fashion. [析] friendly是形容词,不是副词。在英语中应避免讲He is a friend of my mother. 又比如:I go to school with my friend. 从语法上讲是对的但不是习惯上英语的说法。而应讲He is a friend of my mother's. I go to school with a friend. be friends with 则是"交朋友"之意,例如:I hope you will be friends with me. 而不应讲I hope you will be my friend. 交朋友还有一惯用法是make friends. from [误] Where do you come from?I come from the library. [正] Where do you come from?I come from England. [正] Where did you come from?I came from the library. [析] Where do you come from?应意为"你是从什么国家(地方)来的?"(即意为"你是哪的人?")而Where did you come from? 才是"你刚刚从哪来?" front [误] There are three tall trees in the front of my house. [正] There are three tall trees in front of my house. [析] in front of是某物体外部的前面,而in the front of是在某物体内部的前面。如:The bus driver is seated in the front of the bus. G game [误] He went to America to take part in the Olympic Game. [正] He went to America to take part in the Olympic Games. [析] game作为"运动会"讲时应用其复数形式,而具体一个游戏则可用其单数形式。如:Our school team won the game. German [误] They are Germen. [正] They are Germans. [误] She comes from German. [正] She comes from Germany. [析] German是"德国人"、"德国的"、"德语",其复数形式是Germans;而Germany才是德国。 gather [误] All the students and teachers are gathered together now. [正] All the students and teachers are gathered now. [析] 用了动词gather就不要再用together了。这句话还可以这样讲:All the students and teachers got together. give [误] She gives up to look for the lost bike. [正] She gives up looking for the lost bike. [析] give up意为"放弃",其后只接动名词作介词宾语,而不应接不定式。 glad [误] His parents were very glad for his success in business. [正] His parents were very glad of his success in business. [正] His parents were very glad to know his success in business. [析] "为……感到高兴"应是be glad of something或be glad to do something. glass [误] The old teacher has two pair of big glass. [正] The old teacher has two pairs of big glasses. [析] glass作为"眼镜"讲,应用复数形式,在英语中手套gloves 裤子pants,剪刀scissors均用复数形式。glass作"玻璃杯"讲时则可用单数形式或复数形式,如:I want two glasses of milk. 而作为物质名词"玻璃"讲则要用作不可数名词,如:The boy broke two panes of glass. go [误] -Mary, could you come to my home now?-Yes, I'm going. [正] -Mary, could you come to my home now? -Yes, I'm coming. [析] go是指离开说话人所在地,而come指的是朝向说话人的方向:如:Come here!Can I come and help you?但在口语中也有一些例外,如表示要参加到某人或者某件活动时常用come, 如:We are going to have a party tonight. Would you like to come with us? gone been He has gone to Shanghai. 指此人已去上海不在此地了。 He has been to Shanghai. 指此人去过上海现已回来了。 gold [误] She brushed her gold hair carefully. [正] She brushed her golden hair carefully. [析] gold作形容词指"金质的",如:a gold ring, a gold coin,而golden是"金色的",如:golden age(金色的时代),但"金鱼"例外,为gold fish。 good [误] I've been waiting for good twenty minutes. [正] I've been waiting for a good twenty minutes. [析] a good之意为"足足"、"整整"之意。 good well He is good. 应译为"他是个好人。"而He is well. 应译为"他身体不错。"I feel good. 即精神状态良好,而I feel well.即身体状况不错。 [误] This food is very good to you. [正] This food is very good for you. [析] be good for是"对……有利、有好处",而be good to是指"对待某人不错",如:Your friend is very good to me. grade [误] -What grade are you in?-I'm in grade 1. [正] -What grade are you in?-I'm in Gread 1. [析] 当泛指那一年级时grade的头一个字母小写,当有具体数字时则要大写。 H had better [误] You have better hurry. [正] You had better hurry. [析] had better只用过去时had,不要误用成现在时have。 [误] You hadn't better worry. [正] You had better not worry. [析] had better后面加不带to的不定式,其否定式是"had better not+动词原形"。 half [误] I had driven about half mile. [正] I had driven about half a mile. [析] "半小时"有两种讲法half an hour, a half hour. 而"一个半小时"应讲an hour and a half或one and a half hours."半天"应讲half a day,"半镑"应讲half a pound.但要尽量避免使用half a year,而应用six months;不用half a month, 而用two weeks或fifteen days. [误] Half us could go to the park. [正] Half of us could go to the park. [析] half用于名词前可用of结构也可不用of结构,但用于代词前则必须加of。如:More than half (of) my classmates are boys. [误] One and half apples are left on the table. [正] One and half apples is left on the table. [析] 一个半one and half后面的名词要用复数,而句中的谓语动词却要用单数。 [误] Half of the work are done. [正] Half of the work is done. [误] Half of the six apples is red. [正] Half of the six apples are red. [析] "half of+名词"这一结构后面的谓语动词应与of 后面的名词相一致,如为不可数名词或可数名词单数,要用单数谓语动词;而复数名词后面要加与复数相对应的谓语动词。 hand [误] He shook hand with his teacher. [正] He shook hands with his teacher. [析] 与某人握手要用shake hands. 与hand有关的词组中有很多要用复数形式,如:change hands (转手、易手),in the hands of (由……控制),join hands (与人合作)。 happen [误] What was happened to you last month? [正] What happened to you last month? [误] An accident was happened in this street last night. [正] An accident happened in this street last night. [析] 在英语中不及物动词没有被动态,作为"发生"讲的happen,take place和break out都不具有被动态。happen to常用来表达一件偶然发生的事,如:If you happen to meet my sister please ask her to call me. hard [误] I have to study hardly. [正] I have to study hard. [析] hard是形容词,如:a hard work,但它同时也是副词。hardly是hard的又一副词形式,但词意截然不同,意为"几乎不"。 [误] I had my leg broken last term, so I couldn't hardly study at all. [正] I had my leg broken last term so I hardly studied at all. [析] hardly意为"否定",所以不要再加否定词语了,如果hardly用于句首则应采用倒装语序,如:Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining. have [误] I had my boy do his homework from morning till noon. [正] I had my boy doing his homework from morning till noon. [析] 用have somebody do something还是doing something要取决句子的意思和句中的时间状语。 [误] I have my bike to repair. [正] I have my bike repaired. [析] have something done这一句型是让某事被别人去作,请看下面两句意义的不同:I have repaired my bike. (我自己已修好了自行车。)而I have my bike repaired.(我把车推出去让别人修理了。) [误] Could you give me some money if you have. [正] Could you give me some money if you have any. [析] "如果你有的话"一句译为英文应加上any一词,如:I want some books if there is any. headache [误] I've got headache. [正] I've got a headache. [析] Headache是一个规则的可数名词,所以可以讲:My mother often gets headaches. 但是"牙痛"toothache,"肚子痛"stomacheache等却都可以用作不可数名词,如:I've got toothache. 但也可用作可数名词。 hear [误] He was heard sing in the next room. [正] He was heard to sing in the next room. [析] hear somebody do something这一句式用于被动语态时要把原来省略的不定式to还原回来。而在hear somebody doing something这一句式中则不会出现上述问题。如,主动态:I heard her singing in the next room. 变为被动态时为:She was heard singing in the next room. 这种用法还适用于see, look, observe, watch, notice, listen to等。 hear listen to hear一词为听见了什么,或听到什么,强调其结果;而listen to则强调有意要听,听的倾向。如:I want to listen to you, but I hear nothing. 但词组hear about (of)则为"听说过"之意,如:I heard about this. (我听说过此事。)而hear from则为"收到某人信件"之意:I often hear from my girl friend. help [误] Please help my homework. [正] Please help me do my homework. [正] Please help me with my homework. [析] help其句型是help somebody do (to do) something. 意为"帮某人作某事",但在较古老的语法中不带to的不定式表示句子的主语参加这个动作,如:He help his mother cook the meal. 即"他和母亲一起作饭。"而He help me to do my homework. 则是"他指导我做作业"。但在现代英语中这个区别则往往被取消了。所以带to与不带to的不定式在句中意思相同,并无区别。 [误] When I read the play I can't help to think of my childhood. [正] When I read the play I can't help thinking of my childhood. [析] can't help doing something是"身不由己,情不自禁做某事"。 [误] Help yourself with some cakes. [正] Help yourself to some cakes. [析] 中文中讲"你自己拿蛋糕吃",英文中要用help somebody to something. here [误] Here the bus comes! [正] Here comes the bus! [析] 副词在句首时一般要用倒装语序,即谓语动词的位置前移。但是,若主语如是人称代词,则还是要用正常语序,如:Here we are! high [误] He is very high. [正] He is very tall. [析] 英语中的两个"高"high和tall,其中tall指人指物都是可以的,但high则只指物体的高,所以可以讲This building is the highest building in the city.但tall一般不用来指山脉的高低。 hit [误] The mother got angry and hit the boy. [正] The mother got angry and beat the boy. [析] hit指打到某物之上,一般指一次性打击,如He hit his head against the wall.(他把头撞到了墙上。)而beat则指多次性的打击。 home [误] I'm tired. It's time I went to home. [正] I'm tired. It's time I went home. [析] home此处用作副词,所以不应加to,又如:I arrived home at eleven thirty yesterday evening.而at home除了"在家"之意外,还有像"在家里一样"之意。如Make yourself at home.(不要拘束就像在家一样。) home house family home是指与亲人一起居住的地方,可以讲a letter from home,所以有人解释home包括住处和家人。而house的侧重点则在建筑物,如Many new houses were built this year. family一词,作为整体讲其谓语动词用单数,如:Her family is a happy one.而作为家庭成员讲时要用复数谓语动词,如:My family are all like swimming. homgwork [误] I have so many homework to do today. [正] I have so much homework go do today. [析] homework为不可数名词。同样的词还有work(work作为"著作"、"作品"、"工厂"讲时为可数名词),fun,health information等。 hope [误] I hope you to be a good student. [正] I hope you will be a good student. [析] hope一词不能接宾语再加上宾语补足语,但它可以接不定式作宾语,如:I hope to be a scientist.而wish却可以接宾语加宾语补足语,如:I wish you to be a good student. [误] I don't hope you will go to the park tomorrow. [正] I hope you won't go to the park tomorrow. [析] hope 和think在否定句中的用法不同,如"我认为你错了"。应译为:I don't think you are right.即否定在前。而hope则不能这样用。又如在答语中"我不这样认为"应译为I don't think so.或I hope not. [误] I hope your help. [正] I hope for your help. [析] hope for为"期望某事发生",虽然hope是及物动词,但表达期望某事情发生要用"hope for+名词"这一结构。 [误] I was hopeful to pass the exam. [正] I was hopeful of passing the exam. [析] 对某事存有希望应用"hopeful of (about)+介词宾语"这一结构。 hospital [误] My mother was in the hospital for two weeks. [正] My mother was in hospital for two weeks. [析] in hospital为"住院就医"。而in (at) the hospital 为"在医院(工作)"。如:He is a doctor in (at) the hospital.类似的用法还有很多,如:"上学"为go to school,at school为"在校就读",go to bed为"上床睡觉"。 how [误] I want to know how to do. [正] I want to know how to do it. [析] how 是关联副词,要注意与关联代词的不同用法。如:I want to know what to do. [误] How do you think about it? [正] What do you think about it? [析] 英文中表达你对某事的看法如何应用What do you think about…这一句式。 hurry [误] Let's hurry. There is a little time left. [正] Let's hurry. There is little time left. [误] Don't worry. There is little time left. [正] Don't worry. There is a little time left. [析] 请注意英语中的惯用法:"快点吧,没时间了",或"别着急还有一点时间。" [误] The car is hurrying through the street. [正] The car is rushing throught the street. [析] hurry一词只用于人而不用于物体。 hundred [误] There are two hundreds people here. [正] There are two hundred people here. [误] There are hundred of people here. [正] There are hundreds of people here. [析] hundred一词前如有数字时不论多少其后都不加s,这和thousand(千)等数量词的用法一样,而hundreds of是数百的,这一词组一定要加s. hurt [误] I don't want to wound her feelings. [正] I don't want to hurt her feelings. [析] wound是指战场上的刀枪伤(名词),或用刀枪"伤害"、"打伤"(动词)。 I if [误] If it will rain I won't go to school tomorrow. [正] If it rains I won't go to school tomorrow. [析] 由if引起的状语从句要用一般时表示将来。 [误] I want to know if he comes here tomorrow. [正] I want to know if he will come here tomorrow. [析] if所引起的如果是宾语从句则不能用一般现在时表示将来。 [误] I want to know if it will rain tomorrow he will come or not. [正] I want to know if it rains tomorrow he will come or not. [析] 这里的if从句是整个宾语从句的条件状语,所以,还应用一般时表示将来。 ill [误] He spent many years looking after his ill father. [正] He spent many years looking after his sick father. [析] ill和sick都可以作表语,如: I'm ill (sick). 美国英语中常用sick, 而英国英语中两者都可用,但ill一般不作定语。 in [误] In a cold morning, I went to school alone. [正] On a cold morning, I went to school alone. [析] 在in the morning或in the afternoon词组中,不论在这两个名词的前或后加任何修饰词,其介词in都要变为on. [误] I will finish it after two days. [正] I will finish it in two days. [析] 中文中几天以后可以完成,或几天后来取,在译为英文时都不要用after,而要用in.如: He will be back in a few days. in into 作为副词应用in,而不能用into,如: Come in, please. 又若在句中不涉及到动词的位置,只是表达空间的位置时用in,如: The teacher in the office is my mother. 但在go, run, come, walk, dive等词后则要用into. 如: She dives into the river. instead [误] The boy stayed in bed all day instead to go to school. [正] The boy stayed in bed all day instead of going to school. [析] instead of其后要接动名词、名词或代词,而不能用不定式,如: I choose this book instead of that one. [误] The beer here is not good, so I drink wine instead of it. [正] The beer here is not good, so I drink wine instead. [析] instead是副词,而instead of是介词短语。如: If you are not free, you may come another day instead. interest [误] He has a great interest for physics. [正] He has a great interest in physics. [误] He has some interest in many companies. [正] He has some interests in many companies. [析] interest作为"兴趣"讲可用作不可数名词,但作为"利息"、"股份"讲时为可数名词。 [误] This is an interested book. [正] This is an interesting book. [析] 修饰物时应用interesting, 如,an interesting film,而讲某人对某事感兴趣时要用过去分词interested,如: I'm interested in this play. 但"他是一个十分有趣的人"。应译为He is an interesting man. 所以interesting是"令人感兴趣"之意,而interested则表示某人对某事物感兴趣,多用"be interested in something"这一句型。 invent [误] America was invented by Christopher Columbus in 1492. [正] America was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. [析] invent意为"发明"即从无到有,如: Compass was invented by the Chinese people. 而discover则意为"发现"。 it [误] That takes me ten years to finish this work. [正] It takes me ten years to finish this work. [析] it在这个句中的语法作用是形式主语,而真正的主语是句子后面的不定式。有的句子要用it作形式主语或形式宾语,如: I think it difficult to learn English well. J join [误] Did you attend the football club? [正] Did you join the football club? [析] join经常用于参加某个团体、政党,并作为其中的一个成员;attend 则重点强调出会议、到场,而不一定进行具体活动,如: Did you attend the meeting yesterday?而take part in则强调参与某些具体活动或运动,如: I take part in the football game. just [误] I have finished my work just now. [正] I finished my work just now. [析] just now意义"刚才",所以句中的谓语动词要用过去式。 [误] Just I won the game. [正] I just won the game. [析] just单独使用时不应放在句首,而应放于① be动词之后,如: He is just a student.② 名词与一般动词之间。③ 用在第一助动词之后,如: I have just returned home. 但just与其他词组成词组时,如just now, just then, 则可用于句首和句尾。如: Just then he saw the bus coming. just justly just常用于三种含意: ① 恰好,如: It's just five o'clock. ② 仅仅,相当于only, 如: I have just enough money to buy a dictionary. ③ 不久前,如: I just missed my old friend; He left a few minutes ago. 而justly其意为"公正的",如: He was justly punished for his crimes. K keep [误] She was keeping something to her father. [正] She was keeping something from her father. [析] "对某人隐瞒某事"要用"keep something from somebody"句型。 [误] He kept to repeat the word again and again. [正] He kept repeating the word again and again. [析] keep doing something为连续不断地做某事。有时可以与keep on doing something互换。它们的区别在于keep doing something意为该动作一直不停地在进行中,如: When the train started, she kept waving her hand. 而keep on doing something则表示该动作可能停停顿顿但却一直在进行中,如: He kept on making the same mistakes in grammar. [误] We must keep up the times. [正] We must keep up with the times. [析] 这句话意为"我们必须赶上时代",keep up with是"赶上"之意,而keep up则是"坚持下去"的意思,如: Keep it up, don't stop now! key [误] I lost the key of the door. [正] I lost the key to the door. [析] 英语中讲某某的东西一般要用of,而key, entrance, answer则多用to,如:"门的钥匙"为key to the door, "高速公路入口"为entrance to the highway, "问题的答案"为the answer (key) to the question. kind [误] This kind of books are not good. [正] This kind of books is not good. [析] kind在这种句式中应作为主语,如果讲Those kinds of books are very good. 则是正确的。 kind sort type kind和sort为同义词,意为"种类",而type则为"型号",如: What type of this car do you want?(你想要这种车的什么型号?) knock [误] Someone was knocking the door. [正] Someone was knocking at the door. [析] knock虽可以作及物动词,如: The car knocked a hole in the fence. 但作"敲门"讲一定要用作不及物动词: knock at (on) the door. know [误] I want to know to play this game. [正] I want to know how to play this game. [析] 要注意英语中在不定式前加疑问代词或疑问副词的用法。如:I want to know how to do it / what to do / when to do it / where to go. know know of I know him.为"我很了解他。"而I know of him. 则为"我听说过他。"同样的用法还有hear和hear of这一词组。 L large [误] He found a large number of mistake in his homework. [正] He found a large number of mistakes in his homework. [析] "a large number of + 复数名词",意为大量的。 last [误] This is the newest news. [正] This is the latest news. [析] "最新消息"应为latest news,因为最晚到的新闻才是最新消息,请注意英语与汉语的区别。 last the last [误] I saw my brother the last week. [正] I saw my brother last week. [析] 当谈到与目前有关的上月、上星期等概念时只能用last month, last week, 而不能加定冠词,the last 可用于表示一系列词的最后一个,如: That was the last Christmas I spent at home. 但the last可以用来表示持续到现在的一个长时期,如: I am busy for the last week. late [误] Yesterday I went home lately. [正] Yesterday I went home late. [析] late即可做形容词又可作副词;而lately则意为"最近的",如: I haven't seen her lately. late latter later lately late有两个比较级,指时间较晚应用later,如口语中常讲: See you later. (一会见。)而latter则指按顺序讲的后者,或靠后的,其反意词为former,如: the former president(前总统)。又如: I can understand the latter part of the story. 而lately则意为"近来"、"不久前"。laughed at by his classmates. 中的at是不可省掉的。laugh over 则指"笑着谈论"某事,如 We laugh over the film. (我们笑着谈论那个电影。) lay [误] We lied on the beach. [正] We lay on the beach. [析] 英文中有三个动词易混,在考试中也频频出现,它们的现在式,过去式,过去分词以及现在分词是: lay (vt. 放) laid laid laying lie(vi. 躺) lay lain cying lie(vi. 说谎) lied lied lying learn [误] The teacher said:"You must study this poem by heart." [正] The teacher said:"You must learn this poem by heart." [析] study与learn在作"学习"讲时,常常可以互换,但learn侧重于学习成果或初级阶段的模仿性学习,如:The little baby is learning to walk. 而study则多侧重于学习的过程,如: I'm studying at this college. 而learn…by heart则是"记住"、"背诵"之意。 leave [误] I'll leave Beijing to Shanghai. [正] I'll leave Beijing for Shanghai. [析] leave for一词组为"去某地",如对话中常讲I'll leave for Shanghai. 因所离开的地点是双方都知道的则可以省略。 leave forget [误] I've forgotten my homework at home. [正] I've forgotten my homework. [正] I've left my homework at home. [析] 如果句中有地点状语则不要用forget, 而要用leave. lesson [误] I have two lessons of English. [正] I have two English lessons. [正] I have two lessons in English. [析] "我有两节英语课。"这一表达法如上,但美国老师讲他有两节课时则多用"I have two classes."teach somebody a lesson 为"教训某人",或"要吸取教训",如: Let this thing teaches you a lesson. lend [误] Please borrow me your bike. [正] Please lend me your bike. [析] borrow是指"借入",如: I want to borrow some books from the library. lend 是"借出",如: I can lend you my bike. 而keep为"借多久": 如 How long can I keep it? less [误] He has fewer money than she has. [正] He has less money than she has. [析] less是little的比较级,而fewer是few的比较级。要注意前者修饰不可数名词,而后者修饰可数名词。 let [误] The teacher lets the students clean the classroom as a punishment. [正] The teacher makes the students clean the classroom as a punishment. [析] 虽然let, have, make有相同的用法,但make和have含有迫使某人做某事的意思。 [误] Let's go to the park, will you? [正] Let's go to the park, shall we? [误] Let us go to the park, shall we? [正] Let us go to the park, will you? [析] Let's go的反意疑问句是shall we?而Let us go的反意疑问句则是will you? life [误] Many people lost their life in the Second World War. [正] Many People lost their lives in the Second World War. [析] life作为"生命"、"性命"时应为可数名词;当泛指一般"生活"讲时则为不可数名词,如: Which do you prefer, town life or country life? 又如: Life is not all fun. light [误] There is a desk with a lit lamp on it. [正] There is a desk with a lighted lamp on it. [析] light有两个过去分词: lighted和lit,当用过去分词作形容词当定语时只能用lighted.light可以用作名词,如: The moon gets its light from the sun. 也可以作形容词,如: The classroom is very light. 还可以作动词,如: The little girl lit a match. 作形容词时还有"轻"、"浅"等意,如: This box is light. I like light blue. like [误] My sister is very as me. [正] My sister is very like me. [析] as 作为连词其后要接从句,如: She is a good student as his brother used to be. 而like是介词,其后接宾语。 [误] Do you like swimming with me tonight. [正] Would you like to swim with me tonight. [析] like作为动词当"喜欢"讲时,其后面可接不定式也可接动名词,用不定式多表达一个一次性的动作,如: I'm sorry I don't like to go swimming tonight. 用动名词则表示一个习惯性的动作,如: I like swimming very much. like alike 作为形容词,alike 一般不作定语,而只作表语,如; The twins are very alike. [误] Would you like swimming with us? [正] Would you like to swim with us? [析] 在would you like…这一句型中,其后面只能接不定式,而不能接动名词。like的用法还要注意以下两点: ① He likes Tom. 为"他喜欢汤姆。"② He is like Tom. 为"他像汤姆。"第二句话的like为介词,而第一句话的like为动词。 listen [误] You should hear the teahcer's advice. [正] You should listen to the teacher's advice. [析] hear多侧重于听到某事或某种声音,而listen to则侧重于听的倾向性。如: We listen but hear nothing. 例句为"听取某人意见",所以只能用listen to someone's advice. little [误] Don't worry, there is little time. [正] Don't worry, there is a little time. [误] There is a little water. Shall I get some? [正] There is little water. Shall I get some? [析] 要注意中英文在同一问题上的表达法是不同的。如中文" 水不多了,我去取点吧。"英文要讲"没水了,我去取点吧。" little small little与small是近义词,在作定语时常常可以互换,如: a little girl或a small girl,但little一般不作表语,如: The car over there is small. 一句中不要用little. 作定语时little常常带有感情色彩,而small则带有对比的含义。 live [误] Tom lives with his parents' money. [正] Tom lives on his parents' money. [误] He lives on teaching. [正] He lives by teaching. [析] "靠吃某物为生"应用live on something, 而live by是"靠某种生活手段为生"。 living alive living侧重于生活得很好,身体不错,如: My grandfather is still living in his eighties. 而alive则强调没有死而是活着的,如: Is that cat alive or dead? lonely [误] She wanted to do her homework lonely. [正] She wanted to do her homework alone. [析] lonely意为"寂寞的"、"孤单的",如: The old man felt lonely. alone则意为"独自的"、"单独的",如: He lives alone but he doesn't feel lonely. long [误] I have been studying long for the exam. [正] I have been studying for a long time for the exam. [析] long用作表达时间的副词时,在否定句及疑问句中最常用,但在肯定句中除与so, too, as…as连用外,一般要用for a long time. [误] I'll call you as long as the book will be returned. [正] I'll call you as long as the book is returned. [析] as…as引导的状语从句中可以用一般现在时表示将来。 [误] How long do you go to see your parents? Once a week. [正] How often do you go to see your parents? Once a week. [析] 因为答语为每周一次所以问的是频率,要用how often. look look for find look for 侧重于 "寻找"这个动作,如: What are you looking for? 而find则侧重于结果,如: It is very difficult to find a job. 这里不能用look for,因为真正困难的是"找到"工作。 其他用法还有: [例] He often looks back on his highschool days. [析] look back on something 为"回顾"、"回想"。 [例] I wish you wouldn't look down on (upon) the children's work. [析] look down on (upon) 为"看不起"某人或某事。 [误] I'm looking forward to see you. [正] I'm looking forward to seeing you. [析] look forward to词组中的to是介词,所以其后要加名词或动名词,不能接不定式。 lot [误] I can buy this dictionary now, because I have got much money. [正] I can buy this dictionary now because I have got a lot of money. [析] much money多用于疑问句与否定句中,而在肯定句中要用a lot of.lots of与a lot of之间无多大区别,两者都可以修饰可数与不可数名词,所以常常可以互换。 [误] He is more happier now. [正] He is a lot happier now. [析] 不可用more来修饰比较级,能修饰比较级的词有very much, a lot, lots, any, no, rather, a little, a bit等。 loud loudly 这两个词含意相同,在日常用语中loud多与talk,speak, shout, laugh等动词连用,如:Don't speak so loud, you'll wake the baby. 而在比较正式的场合才用loudly. loud aloud loud多指把声音放大,而aloud则指要出声不要默读。如:-What did you say?-Oh, nothing, I was just think aloud. (我只不过自言自语。) M make [误] The little boy was made repeat the whole story. [正] The little boy was made to repeat the whole story. [误] The father made his son to do his homework from morning till night. [正] The father made his son do his homework from morning till night. [析] make 的句型为"make somebody do (doing) something". 但在被动语态中原来被省去的不定式符号to要被还原回来。 [误] I always do this mistake. [正] I always make this mistake. [析] 英语中do和make是十分不易弄清的两个动词,do常用于谈论工作时或某种不确定的活动时,如: do a favour(帮个忙),do one's best(竭尽全力),do good(有益), do harm(有害),而多数情况下常用make, 如: make a suggestion, make a cake, make a bed(收拾床),make a noise, make money等等。 [误] This wine was made of grapes. [正] This wine was made from grapes. [析] 当成品制成后,其原料的性质有所改变时应用make from,否则用make of, 如: This door was made of iron. [误] Hard work can often make up a lack of intelligence. [正] Hard work can often make up for a lack of intelligence. [析] make up是"创造"、"编织",而make up for是"弥补……的不足之处"。上句应译为"勤奋工作可以弥补天资的不足。" [误] We made up our mind to study hard. [正] We made up our minds to study hard. [析] mind这里是可数名词,使用时要特别予以注意make up one's mind是"下定决心"之意。 [误] Our class is made of twenty girls and twentyone boys. [正] Our class is made up of twenty girls and twentyone boys. [析] make up of…是"某物由……组成或构成"。 many [误] I have many friends. [正] I have a lot of friends. [析] many和much多用于疑问句或否定句中,而在肯定句中则用处不多,尤其在非正式谈话中。如: -How much money have you got? -I've got plenty. [误] You bought much too tomatoes. [正] You bought too many tomatoes. [析] too many后接可数名词,too much后接不可数名词,而much too后面接形容词,意为"太多"。 [误] For many a weeks it rained a lot. [正] For many a week it rained a lot. [析] many a意为"好多"、"许多",但其后面要加单数名词 。 matter [误] No matter what you did. [正] No matter what you did, I trusted you. [析] No matter是个词组,意为"不论",它的语法功能是起连接作用,所以不能用于一个单独的句子。 it doesn't matter这个词组则不是一个连接词组,所以可以和一个单句连用,如: It doesn't mater what you say. (你说什么都不要紧。) maybe [误] May be he is right. [正] Maybe he is right. [析] maybe是副词,不要错用为may be. maybe perhaps 这两个词的词意一样,maybe常用于非正式谈话,而perhaps则多用在正式文体中。如: Maybe/Perhaps the weather will get better. 而Julius Caesar is perhaps the greatest of Shakespeare's early plays. mend [误] I want to have my bike mended. [正] I want to have my bike repaired. [析] mend意为"缝补",如: My mother mended my coat. 而repair是"修理"。 mind [误] Could you mind to close the door? [正] Could you mind closing the door? [误] Try to make up your mind studying hard. [正] Try to make up your mind to study hard. [析] mind用作动词时,其后加动名词;而用作名词意为"下定决心"时,其后要加不定式。 要注意Do you mind if I smoke?的答语: 如果你不介意,应回答"No, go ahead."如果你不想让对方吸烟,则应讲"Yes, please don't." miss [误] I found my bag missed. [正] I found my bag missing. [析] missing为形容词,其意为"不见了"、"丢了"。在句中用作宾语补足语时不要误用missed,它作动词时多为及物动词,要接名词或动名词,而不接不定式。如: I missed the first train, I don't want to miss seeing the famous football player.在作补足语讲某物"不见了"时有missing, gone, lost等,如: I found my bag missing (gone, lost). mistake [误] I took your pen by wrong. [正] I took your pen by mistake. [析] by mistake是"错拿了"、"误拿了"你的东西。wrong意为"错误",而by mistake为"弄混了"。如: [误] If I'm not wrong, you are Mr Brown. [正] If I'm not mistaken, you are Mr Brown. (如果我没弄错的话,您是Brown先生。) [误] The teachers always mistook me as my brother. [正] The teachers always mistook me for my brother. [析] mistake…for…是"错把……当作……"之意,如: I took your book for mine. more [误] This book is more better than that one. [正] This book is much better than that one. [析] 不能用比较级来修饰比较级,而应用much, rather等来修饰比较级。 [误] More you read, more you learn. [正] The more you read, the more you learn. [析] 在"越……越……的"表达法中,形容词的比较级前要加定冠词。请注意more than one这个词组的后面要跟单数名词和单数谓语动词。如: More than one student is going to do part time job after school. no more than not morethan no more than应译为"只不过"、"才",如: He wrote no more than three books. 即他真正写了三本书。而not more than则意为"不会多于",如: He wrote not more than three books. 即他写的书不会多于三本。又如: He is no shorter than you. 应译为"你和他都不矮",而He is not shorter than you. 才应译为"他比你高。" most [误] Most of students are good at English. [正] Most of the students are good at English. [正] Most students are good at English. [析] most of这一结构后面的名词前一定要有一个限定词。 [误] My friends are most teachers. [正] My friends are mostly teachers. [析] mostly意为"大部分的","主要的"。 much [误] The boy was asleep very much. [正] The boy was fast asleep. [析] 不是所有的形容词都可以用very来修饰,如fast asleep意为"熟睡",则是固定搭配。像interesting, exciting, surprising这些形容词化的现在分词,以及tired, interested这些形容词化的过去分词则要用very来修饰。 must [误] He must be in the office, and mustn't go home. [正] He must be in the office, and can't go home. [析] must加动词原形为对事情的肯定推测,而否定的推测则要用can't加动词原形。 [误] It must have rained now. [正] It must have rained yesterday. [析] "must+have+过去分词"为对过去发生事情的推测。这句话应译为"昨天一定是下雨了。"又如: I must go and call him. He must have forgotten it. must have to must用来表示说话者觉得某件事有必要去做,如I must stop smoking. 其意为:我自己认为我要戒烟;而have to则多用来表达由于来自外界的因素而不得不去做的事,如: I have to go to school tomorrow.must无过去式,当用在讲过去某件必须要做的事时要用had to, 如: When I was young, I had to go to the factory.在否定句中mustn't意为:一定不要做某事,如: You mustn't tell this to Tom. 而haven't to则多意为没有必要去做,如: You don't have to tell this to Tom. 而英语中多用needn't 来取代haven't to. myself [误] I can't play pingpong myself. [正] I can't play pingpong by myself. [析] 第一句并无语法错误,myself为"我亲自要去",而by myself为"独自一人"。这句话要表达的意思是"我一个人无法打乒乓球。"而I want to play pingpong myself. 应译为"我自己想去打乒乓球。" N name [误] She was named of a flower. [正] She was named after a flower. [析] 以……命名应为name after,又如给某人取名应为The father named his son Tom. near [误] We came near to hit him. [正] We came near to hitting him. [析] 这句话应译为"我们几乎要打他一顿。"near to这一用法中to为介词,其后要接宾语,所以要接名词或动名词。near作介词时其后可加to也可不加to,如: I sit near the door, I sit near to the fire. by near We lived near the city. 与We lived by the city. 两句话都是对的,但其表达的意义有所不同,by在表达距离时比near更近,所以by the city是紧靠近某城市。 need [误] This room needs to clean. [正] This room needs to be cleaned. [正] This room needs cleaning. [析] 在表达某事需要做什么时,need后面如用不定式要用其被动态,如接动名词则要用主动态。 [误] We need not to do it. [正] We needn't do it. [析] need用在否定句、疑问句中一般用作情态动词,所以无人称变化也不加to,而在肯定句中则多用作实意动词,如: We need your help. neither [误] None of my parents is a teacher. [正] Neither of my parents is a teacher. [析] 对两者的否定不能用none只能用neither, none用于三人以上的情况。 [误] I don't do my homework. Neither he does. [正] I don't do my homework. Neither does he. [析] 这时应用倒装句。 [误] Neither you nor I are right. [正] Neither you nor I am right. [析] neither…nor… 这一句型在应用时其谓语动词应以邻近的主语一致。 [误] Neither he studies nor plays. [正] Neither does he study nor play. [析] neither, hardly, seldom等否定词位于句首时,谓语动词采用倒装形式。 never [误] Never I have broken my word. [正] Never have I broken my word. [析] never用于句首时起强调作用,要用倒装语序。但用于句中一般放于情态动词、助动词、或be动词后面,如: I shall never forgot the expression on her face. Lost time is never found again. 用于成语中,如: Better late than never. (晚做比不做强。)never mind没关系,如: "What did you say?""Oh, never mind." news [误] There are many news about the accident. [正] There is much news about the accident. [析] news是不可数名词,它没有复数形式,如果讲一条新闻要用a piece of news. newspaper [误] I read the news on today's newspaper. [正] I read the news in today's newspaper. [析] 在报纸上读到某一条新闻一定要用介词in,而on the newspaper是指把某物放于报纸之上,如: May I put the flower on this newspaper? night [误] I came home very late yesterday night. [正] I came home very late last night. [析] "昨晚"一般要讲last night,而不应参照"昨天上午、下午、傍晚"的说法yesterday morning等套用。 no none no是个限定词,它可以用在可数名词单复数或不可数名词前,如: No news is good news. 但如果名词前有另一限定词时则不能用no,而要用none of,如None of the students was here. no not 要使句子具有部分否定的意思,我们用not,如: I can see you tomorrow, but not Sunday. 如果是全部否定则用no,如Sorry, there is no time to talk. No one none no one与nobody一样不能接of结构,如: No one wished me good luck. 而要用of结构时要用none, 如: None of my friends wished me good luck. nor [误] I never saw the painting before, or did I hear of it. [正] I never saw the painting before, not did I hear of it. [析] 注意在表达"既不……也不……"时不要用or作连词,而要用nor,并且要用倒装语序。 not [误] The students went to the park, but no the teachers. [正] The students went to the park, but not the teachers. [析] 要使一个句子或一个句子的某一部分为否定时我们要用not, 而不用no. [误] There is no my letter today. [正] There is no letter for me today. [析] no是一个限定词,用在名词前时,要注意这个名词前应没有冠词、物主代词或指示代词。 [误] He not only was a writer but also an actor. [正] He was not only a writer but also an actor. [析] 在这一句型中not only之后的词与but also之后的词类必须一致,否则应为错句。如果这一结构用在主语位置,则谓语动词要与but also后面的主语保持一致,如: Not only you but also I am wrong. nothing [误] Nothing but books were sold here. [正] Nothing but books was sold here. [析] 要注意真正的主语是nothing而不是books,所以这一结构在学生的使用中经常出错。 [误] I have nothing to do but to cry. [正] I have nothing to do but cry. [析] 在这一结构中but后面要用省to的不定式。 number [误] A number of news can be heard on TV today. [正] A lot of news can be heard on TV today. [析] a number of后接可数名词复数。 [误] The number of students are ten thousand. [正] The number of students is ten thousand. [析] a number of 其意为"大量的",而the number of…是"某某的数量"。即the number of students意为"学生人数",所以要用单数形式的谓语动词。 O o'clock [误] It's ten past five o'clock. [正] It's ten past five. [析] o'clock所表达的时间是正点,如果要表达的时间是几点几分或差几分几点都不能用o'clock. once [误] Please come and see me once. [正] Please come and see me one day. [析] once用来谈论过去的事情,而不能谈论未来。如果要谈及未来要用one day, some time等。 [误] I met him one time when I was a student. [正] I met him once when I was a student. [析] 英语中一次应用once而不用one time,二次要用twice而不用two times. one [误] My grandfather wants to live for hundred years. [正] My grandfather wants to live for one hundred years. [误] He threw away the old dictionary and wanted to buy new one. [正] He threw away the old dictionary and wanted to buy a new one. [误] His dog is bigger than my one. [正] His dog is bigger than mine. [析] 一般物主代词之后不用one,除非one前有修饰词,如my old one, 否则要用名词性物主代词。 [误] One of the teacher is in the office. [误] One of the teachers are in the office. [正] One of the teachers is in the office. [析] One是句子的主语,其谓语动词应用单数,而of后面的名词要用复数名词。 [误] One third of the books is sent to the students. [正] One third of the books are sent to the students. [析] 几分之几或百分之几这一结构用在主语位置,其谓语动词要与of后面的名词一致,如Two thirds of the work is done. open [误] Are the banks opened today? [正] Are the banks open today? [析] 要注意open即可用作动词、名词,还可以用作形容词,而close则不同。请看: Are the banks closed today?这一句是正确的。 or [误] He doesn't drink and smoke. [正] He doesn't drink or smoke. [析] 否定句中的并列连词要用or而不用and. [误] He neither drinks or smokes. [正] He neither drinks nor smokes. other [误] Where are the others students? [正] Where are the other students? [正] Where are the others? [析] other作形容词时没有复数形式,且作为泛指讲时没有定冠词,如: Ask some other eople. 而加定冠词后为特指。 the other可在句中作主语、宾语或定语,如: Now let me show you the other. (宾语) He has two sons. One is a worker, the other is a teacher. (主语) others 只能作代词,而the others则为特指,如: There are five books. Two of them are not good. I like the others. out [误] She went out the classroom, taking a dictionary with her. [正] She went out of the classroom, taking a dictionary with her. [析] out of是指"从……里出来",使用时不要将of丢掉。 P paper [误] Please give me two letter papers. [正] Please give me two sheets of letter paper. [析] paper作为纸讲为不可数名词。 [误] Each student must write paper on what he learned. [正] Each student must write a paper on what he learned. [析] 这里的paper作为论文讲,是可数名词。paper的这种用法还可以用于证件、报纸、考卷等。 parent [误] My parents and I are both interested in football. [正] My parents and I are all interested in football. [析] parents即为父母、双亲,指两个人,加上自己为三个人,所以只能用all而不能用both. pass [误] The ship pasted the channel. [正] The ship passed the channel. [析] pass为动词,而past则为副词,不要混淆,如: My father has been ill for the past two weeks. All the students passed the exam. pay [误] Please help me do this job, and I will pay for you later. [正] Please help me do this job and I will pay you later. [析] 为某工作付给工人工资应为pay somebody, 而pay for something是为某物付款,如: You can buy all the things you want. I'll pay for those. people [误] There are five hundred peoples here. [正] There are five hundred people here. [误] There is only one people. [正] There is only one person. [误] People there is friendly. [正] People there are friendly. [析] people作为人讲时为复数名词,如要讲一个人应用one person, 而不能用people, 讲若干人时用people而不能加s,这样的用法还有police(警察)等,这些概念用单数时要换其他的词. 如: people-a person; police-policeman policewoman; youth-a young man/woman. picture [误] There are some spots in the picture. [正] There are some spots on the picture. [误] There is a young woman on the picture. [正] There is a young woman in the picture. [析] 指溅落在画面上的灰尘,污物是on the picture,即讲与画面内容无关的东西用on,而in the picture用于讲画面的内容。 pity [误] What pity that her mother must always suffer! [正] What a pity that her mother must always suffer! [析] pity作为遗憾之事讲常加不定冠词;但要注意作为同情、怜悯讲则不加冠词,为不可数名词,如: I feel pity for you. 它还可以用作动词,如: He pitied the poor people. [误] I have pity for you. [正] I have pity on you. [析] 可怜某人时应用have (take) pity on somebody,这是个惯用法。 place [误] Last year he went to America. He travelled from place to another. [正] Last year he went to America. He travelled from place to place (from one place to another). [析] 到处译为英文时为from place to place请不要在place之前加冠词。这种用法在有些语法书中叫作零冠词用法,如:一户挨一户为door by door,手拉手为hand in hand. [误] The accident was taken place in that street. [正] The accident took place in that street. [析] take place为发生,它不能用于被动态,这样的词还有happen等。 [误] There is no place in the bus. [正] There is no room in the bus. [析] room这里为不可数名词,意为空间,即没有地方了。place多指场所所在之地。 [误] I came here to take place of Mr Smith. [正] I came here to take the place of Mr Smith. [析] take the place of 意为代替、取代某人某事。 play [误] Do you want to play guitar? [正] Do you want to play the guitar? [误] I like to play the bridge. [正] I like to play bridge(桥牌). [析] play作为玩讲时,在各种乐器前要加冠词,在各种体育运动前则没有冠词。 please [误] My friend pleased me to his birthday party yesterday. [正] My friend invited me to his birthday party yesterday. [析] please作为动词时其词义不是请,而是高兴、愿意等意,如: She always does what she pleases. (她总是想做什么就做什么。)又如: It's hard to please all. 而please作为请讲时为语气词,多用于祈使句中,如: Please come in. [误] Both the teacher and the mother were pleased to the little girl. [正] Both the teacher and the mother were pleased with the little girl. [析] 对某人表示满意、喜欢,应用be pleased with somebody. 对某事感到高兴和满意时多用be pleased at或about,但有时也可用with,却不能用of. pleasure [误] The boy gave his parents a lot of pleasures. [正] The boy gave his parents a lot of pleasure. [析] pleasure作为高兴、愉快、享乐、娱乐 讲时为不可数名词。 [误] It is pleasure to work with you. [正] It is a pleasure to work with you. [析] pleasure作为一件或某件乐事、高兴之事讲时为 可数名词,如: It is one of my pleasures. police [误] The police has not found the cause of the accident. [正] The police have not found the cause of the accident. [析] police为复数名词,它没有单数形式。如果要讲一个警察 要用a policeman,两个要用two policemen,或a policewoman, two policewomen. prepare [误] I'm preparing the exam. [正] I'm preparing for the exam. [误] We'll return in time for you to prepare for dinner. [正] We'll return in time for you to prepare dinner. [析] prepare既是及物动词,又是不及物动词。作及物动词时 其后面所跟的事物是正在 准备的;而作不及物动词时for后面的事物是目标。如: I'm preparing for the exam. 应 译为我正在为考试做准备。同样的用法还有search与search for. present [误] Don't worry. I can present the meeting. [正] Don't worry. I can be present at the meeting. [析] present作为出席、在场讲时,是形容词而不应 用作动词。其动词意为 送给;赠给;提出,如: The reporter presented arguments of his idea. put [误] She put off her red dress and put on the green one. [正] She took off her red dress and put on the green on e. [析] 与put连用的介词很多,一般来讲on与off是一对相反的意 义的介词,如: turn on (打开),turn off(关上),穿衣服是put on,但脱衣服却只能用take off,而put o ff是推迟、使某人下车、关掉之意,如: They put off the exam because t he national holiday. (因国家假日而推迟考期。)Could you put me off at the Town Ha ll. (请在市政厅让我下车。)Please put off the wireless before you leave. (走之前 请关掉无线电。) R radio [误] There are two radioes in the classroom. [正] There are two radios in the classroom. [误] I heard the weather report through the radio. [正] I heard the weather report on the radio. [析] 在收音机中听到某事应为hear something on the ra dio,听收音机应为l isten to the radio. 这样的用法还有电视,看电视为watch TV,讲在电视上看见什 么节目为watch…on TV,如: I'm watching the football match on TV. 但注意,作为 一种通信手段时应为by radio, 如: Police are talking to each other by radio. rain [误] There is a small rain falling. [正] There is a light rain falling. [误] There is a big rain. [正] There is a heavy rain. [析] 大雨在英文中应为a heavy rain, rain cats and do gs 为倾盆大雨,小雨 为a light rain. 千万不要讲a big rain 或a small rain. 当作动词讲时,雨下得很 大可译为: It rains very much now/hard now/heavily now. reach [误] We reached to the town very late. [正] We reached the town very late. [析] reach作为到达讲是及物动词,而arrive为不及物动 词。但要注意reach的词组 搭配,如reach for, 为伸手去拿,如: The thief reached for the gun. reach ou t伸出手,如: He reached out and took an interesting book. ready [误] You must ready at once. [正] You must be ready at once. [析] ready为形容词,而不像中文中准备为动词。 remember [误] I didn't remember closing the door, so the thief c ame into the room directly. [正] I didn't remember to close the door, so the thief came into the room directly. [析] remember其后接动名词,动名词所表示的动作已经做完, 如: I don't remember meeting you. 其后如接不定式,不定式表达的动作还没有去做,如: Do remember to tur n off the light before you leave. rest [误] The rest of the students is girls. [正] The rest of the students are girls. [析] rest作剩余部分讲时,the rest of…结构作主语时 其谓语动词应与of后面的名词的数保持一致。这种用法还有1/3 of, 80% of等。 [误] The rest of the work are done. [正] The rest of the work is done. return [误] My friends returned back to their second home town . [正] My friends returned to their second home town. [析] return即为返回,所以back是多余的。这句话还可以 表述为: My friends went back to their second home town. rice [误] We had a few rice and some bread. [正] We had a little rice and some bread. [析] rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。 rice [误] We had a few rice and some bread. [正] We had a little rice and some bread. [析] rice为物质名词,为不可数名词。 rich [误] The country is rich of oil. [正] The country is rich in oil. [析] be rich in 为盛产……。 [误] The rich is not always happy. [正] The rich are not always happy. [析] 形容词加定冠词表示一类人,作主语时要作复数看待。 [误] All his riches is no good to him if he is so ill. [正] All his riches are no good to him if he is so ill. [析] riches为财富,是复数名词,没有单数形式。像这 样的词还有goods(货物),greens(青菜),manners(礼貌)等。 river [误] We like swimming on the river. [正] We like swimming in the river. [误] We like boating in the river. [正] We like boating on the river. [析] 游泳用in the river,而在湖中划船要用on the river. room [误] There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make a room for her. [正] There are already three people sitting on the sofa , please try to make room for her. [析] room作为空间讲时为不可数名词。leave room for… 为给某人留点空地; make room for…为让位给某人,如: The young man made room for an old woman. run [误] I ran across with an old friend at the school gate . [正] I ran across an old friend at the school gate. [析] run across 为偶然相遇。 [误] The truck ran across the cat. [正] The truck ran over the cat. [析] run over为从……上辗过。 [误] Yesterday I ran to a storm on my way home. [正] Yesterday I ran into a storm on my way home. [析] run into为撞上或撞在……上。 S safe [误] The brave man safed the boy from drowning. [正] The brave man saved the boy from drowning. [析] safe是形容词,如: They wished him a safe journey. safely是副词,如: The young man drives his car safely. 而safety是名词,如: safety island(安全岛),Safety first!(安全第一!)但save是动词。 same [误] Yesterday I got a postcard. It is the same that you got the day before yesterday. [正] Yesterday I got a postcard. It is the same as you got the day before yesterday. [析] the same that意为"即是",而the same as才能译为"像……一样的。" [误] Your book is not same as mine. [正] Your book is not the same as mine. [析] the same as中的定冠词不能少。 say [误] His report wrote she is nineteen. [正] His report says she is nineteen. [析] 中文中常讲"报告上写到"、"信上写到",这样的"写"在英文中要用say. say speak talk tell 英文中"说"一般有四个词,其中say和tell为及物动词。tell可以加双宾语,如Please tell me a story. 而speak与talk为不及物动词。speak只有后面直接加"语言"时才是及物的,如: Please speak English. 请看下句: He went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said. sea [误] As a boy his great ambition(抱负) was to go to the sea. [正] As a boy his great ambition was to go to sea. [析] go to sea为"去当水手、海员";而go to the sea=go to the seaside, 如: He want to go to the sea for his vacation. 在"海中"游泳为in the sea; at sea为在"海上航行",如: I have a brother at sea. by sea为"坐船"、"由海路运输",如: We travelled to New York by sea. second [误] I want to learn the second foreign language. [正] I want to learn a second foreign language. [析] 当作为"第二"外语,"再增加一个"时,不要用the second而要用a second. the second强调排队的次序,a second强调再增加一个。 see [误] He was seen leave the room. [正] He was seen to leave the room. [析] see作主动态时用作to see somebody do something, 而用作被动态时则是somebody to be seen to do something. 要注意惯用法let me see(让我想想)。 sheep [误] There are five sheeps on the grass. [正] There are five sheep on the grass. [析] sheep是单、复数同形名词,其他的还有: deer(鹿),fish(鱼)等。 ship [误] I travelled on a yacht. [正] I travelled on a ship (in a yacht). [析] 虽然都是船,但游艇(yacht)要用in, 而ship要用on. sick [误] The little boy was a ill boy. [正] The little boy was a sick boy. [析] sick与ill作表语时都表示"有病"之意,如: He feels ill. 或He feels sick. 都对,但作定语时则只能用sick. since [误] He is living in Greece since 1978. [正] He has lived in Greece since 1978. [正] He has been living in Greece since 1978. [析] 由since引出的状语从句意为"自从"某时一直如何,主句要用完成时或完成进行时。 [误] She has been quite different since came back from America. [正] She has been quite different since coming back from America. [析] 分词短语可以用在after, before, since等介词后面。 sleep [误] The boy was very asleep. [正] The boy was fast asleep. [析] 熟睡在英文中为fast asleep. 非正式英语中一般不常用He's sleeping. 而常讲He's asleep. 其形容词sleepy是"困倦的",如: I shall go to bed now. I'm so sleepy. "卧铺"英国人讲sleeping car,而美国人讲sleeper. slow [误] Slow the door opened. [正] Slowly the door opened. [析] slow与slowly的用法与意思相同,在口语中和路标中多用slow,如: Tell him to drive slower. Slow, dangerous bend. 但是如果用在动词前还是要用slowly. smile [误] She smiled to me. [正] She smiled at me. [析] "冲着某人笑"应为to smile at somebody. so [误] It is such beautiful a book that every child likes it. [正] It is such a beautiful book that every child likes it. [正] It is so beautiful a book that every child likes it. [析] 关于so与such用法的区别有四种情况: ① 用于单数可数名词之前,其格式为"such+不定冠词+形容词+名词",而"so+形容词+不定冠词"。② 用于可数名词复数或不可数名词前,只能用 such,如: It is such good weather that we want to go for a walk. They are such good students that they can pass the exam easily. ③ 在只有形容词时只能用so,如: It is so good that I like it very much.④ 在many, much, few, little这四个词前只能用so而不能用such。如: I have so little money that I can't buy the dictionary. [误] He got up early so as he could catch the first bus. [正] He got up early so as to catch the first bus. [正] He got up early so that he could catch the first bus. [正] He got up so early that he could catch the first bus. some [误] Do you have some lessone to prepare? [正] Do you have any lessons to prepare? [析] 在疑问句或否定句中要用any; some多用在肯定句中,如: I have some money to buy it. 在请求,或真心希望得到肯定答复时,在疑问句中也要用some,如: Would you like something to drink?即真心实意希望为对方提供饮料。又如: Could you lend me some money?即真心想要借到钱。 sometime [误] I have sometime thought that I should like to live in the country. [正] I have sometimes thought that I should like to live in the country. sometime sometimes some times sometime sometime为"某个时候"、"总有一天",如: We'll meet again sometime next year. 或过去的"某一时刻",如: I saw her sometime in July. sometimes为"有时候"、"时常"、"常常",如: Every man is a fool sometimes, and none at all times. Some times为"若干次",如: I visited America some times. May be five or seven times. I am not sure. Some time则是"一段时间"、"一些时候",如: I want to leave some time. soon [误] The room as soon as became crowded. [正] The room soon became crowded. [析] soon为"不久"、"很快",如: I'll be there very soon. 而as soon as意为"一……就……",如: As soon as I finished my homework I went out to play football. sound [误] The report sounds well. [正] The report sounds good. [析] sound作动词时其后接形容词而不接副词,如: How sweet the music sounds! sport [误] Are you going to run in the school sprot? [正] Are you going to run in the school sprots? [析] sport用作可数名词单数时指具体的某项运动,如: Basketball is an indoor sport. 而在泛指"运动"或"运动会"时要用其复数形式sports. spring [误] I'll visit America in this spring. [正] I'll visit America in spring. [正] I'll visit America this spring. [析] 英语一年四季前如果有that, this, last, next等词,则其前面不要再加介词。这样的用法还有周、月、年等。请看下面句子中的用法有何不同: He told me that she did it on the next day. 这时是指过去某一天的第二天,所以才有这种用法。如果以现在为时间基点的第二天应为I'll do it next day. start [误] What time will you start to San Francisco? [正] What time will you start for San Francisco? [析] start与leave一样,其后接"for+目的地"。 begin start begin与start在很多场合下是一样的意思,如: We started/began to study English two years ago. 但在如下场合则不能用begin: ① 作为"启程"讲,如: I think we ought to start at six. ② 表示"开始工作",如: The car won't start. (车子发动不起来。) ③ 作为"开动"、"启动"讲,如: Do you know how to start this machine. still [误] Oh, it is still raining now. [正] Oh, it is still raining. [析] 因still即包含有现在仍然如何,所以now是多余词。 still yet already still一般与动词连用,可放于句子中间用以说明过去开始的动作现在仍然在继续,特别用来表示我们希望它早点停止。如: I've been thinking for hours, but I still can't decide. yet一般放于句末,用在疑问句与否定句中。如: Has the postman come yet? already则与动词连用 ,可放于句中表示某事的发生比预期的要早,如: I've already finished my homework. stop [误] When the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped to talk. [正] When the teacher came into the classroom the students stopped talking. [析] stop to do something是"停下来去做某事",而stop doing something是"停止做某事"。 street [误] There is a narrow winding street from our village to the next one. [正] There is a narrow winding road from our village to the next one. [析] street一般指城市中两旁有建筑物的"街道",而road多指乡间的"路"。 strict [误] You ought to be strict to him. [正] You ought to be strict with him. [析] be strict with是"对……严格的"。 such [误] Do you want to have such a dictionary? [正] Do you want to have such a good dictionary? [正] Do you want to have a dictionary like that? [析] such作加强语气时一般是"such+(冠词)形容词+名词",如: It's such a good book. 但如果名词前没有形容词则要看其名词是否具有"能显示程度的含意",如: I've got such a headache. You are such fools!否则在such与名词之间一定要有形容词。 sure [误] I am quite sure for that answer. [正] I am quite sure of that answer. [析] sure用于句中表示"对……事有确实把握"时应跟of或about,而不跟for,如: I'm sure about (of) his ability to control this machine. sweet [误] Honey tastes sweetly. [正] Honey tastes sweet. [析] sweet可以作为名词,意为"糖果",是可数名词,如: May I have a sweet?作形容词,如: The child looked very sweet. 而sweetly为副词,意为"甜美地"、"悦耳地"。要注意taste为感观动词,其后面要接形容词而不是副词。 T take [误] This year I want to take the driver's license. [正] This year I want to get the driver's license. [析] take可以作为动词,意为"拿"、"取",如: I want to take my mail. 而要获得某种证书、证明,要用get而不用take, take在学校范围内意为"参加"或"选修"某些课程,如: This term I want to take both French and Spanish. [误] The accident was taken place at the street corner. [正] The accident took place at the street corner. [析] take place与happen一样作为"发生"讲时没有被动语态。 [误] Do you take me as a fool? [正] Do you take me for a fool? [析] take…for…意为"以为是……"、"错当作……"、"误认为",而这一意思还可以用于I took you to be the best friend. (我把你认作是最好的朋友。) [误] My English teacher was ill. Who will take place her? [正] My English teacher was ill. Who will take the place of her? [析] take the place of…意为"取代"。 talk [误] Yesterday I met an old friend. We talked many things. [正] Yesterday I met an old friend. We taked about many things. [析] talk是不及物动词。 team [误] Our team likes seeing film. [正] Our team like seeing film. [析] team与family,class等词一样,指整体时为单数名词。如: Our team is excellent, 而指集体中的个体时要用作复数。 than [误] They made fewer mistakes this term than they made last lerm. [正] They made fewer mistakes this term than they did last lerm. [析] 当一个动作在同一个句子中重复时,第二次要用do来代替,以避免重复。 [误] You make me do more then anybody I know. [正] You make me do more than anybody I know. [误] I got into the restroom than someone knocked at the door. [正] I got into the rest room then someone knocked at the door. [析] than与then不要误用。 then [误] We went to the cinema, then went to a Chinese restaurant. [正] We went to the cinema, and then went to a Chinese restaurant. [正] We went to the cinema; then went to a Chinese restaurant. [析] then作"然后"讲时,在then前应加分号而不用逗号,或加逗号用and then,但是如果是倒装句则要用逗号,如: First come Tom, then Mary. think [误] I think you are not right. [正] I don't think you are right. [析] think在肯定句中与中文的习惯用法是一致的,如: I think you are right. 但在宾语从句是否定意思时,要否定think,如: I don't think you are right. [误] I think he will come here, do I? [正] I think he will come here, wont he? [析] think加宾语从句时,反意疑问句的主语应用宾语从句中的主语,助动词要用宾语从句中的助动词,而肯定还是否定要看主句中的情况决定:如主句用肯定句,则反意疑问句用否定句,反之亦然。 [误] People think very high of his work. [正] People think very highly of his work. [析] think highly of为"对某人某事评价很高"。 [误] When we talk about Chinese people we always think the Yellow River. [正] When we talk about Chinese people we always think about the Yellow River. [析] think about意为"想起"、"想到"。 thousand [误] He got thousand of books from a secondhandbook shop. [正] He got thousands of books from a secondhandbook shop. [析] 虽然two thousand, three thousand在thousand后都不加s,但thousands of则为"数千",该结构中一定要加s。 through [误] I had a long distance call with John throught the telephone. [正] I had a long distance call with John on the telephone. [误] It took us two hours to walk across the forest. [正] It took us two hours to walk through the forest. [析] across是表示在一平面上进行的动作,而through则是用在三维空间的动作。如: The river was frozen, so we could walk across it. I pushed through the crowds to the entrance. throw [误] He threw a stone to me. [正] He threw a stone at me. [析] "扔"这个词表示方向时要注意他向我扔石头是at me,我向他扔石头则为to him,但throw at还有寻衅之意,如: Stop throwing stones at the cars. 这时不要误用to. time [误] The doctor came on time so she was saved. [正] The doctor came in time so she was saved. [析] in time为"及时赶到",如: Do you think we can get there in time for the first act. 而on time 意为"准时",如: The train arrived on time. [误] It is time we go home. [正] It is time we should go home. [正] It is time we went home. [析] "是该作某事的时候了",其句形为: ① It is time for somebody to do something. ② "It is time+从句",从句中用"should+动词原形",或直接用动词的过去式。 [误] Let's hurry. We haven't many times. [正] Let's hurry. We haven't much time. [误] I have been to America two times. [正] I have been to America twice. [析] time作为"时间"讲时为不可数名词,而作为"次"讲时则是可数名词。但"一次"不是one time,而是once;"二次"不是two times,而是twice;"三次"则是three times. too [误] This box is too heavy to lift it. [正] This box is too heavy to lift. [析] 在too…to这一结构中,如果主语和不定式的宾语是一致的,则不要重复。 [误] The child is too young not to go to school. [正] The child is too young to go to school. [析] too…to这一结构用来表示"太……以致于不能……",但下面的句子则不能照此翻译: I'm too glad to meet you. 应译为"我见到你真太高兴了"。 [误] There is much too noise. [正] There is too much noise. [析] "much too+形容词",而"too much+不可数名词"。 [误] You have bought too much tomatoes. [正] You have bought too many tomatoes. [析] too many后才加可数名词。 also as well too 这三个词是近义词,但其用法各有不同。其一,too和as well通常用于句末,如: She went to the cinema and her brother went too. 而also 则不用于句末,如: I've also read her other novels. 其二,这三个词都不用于否定句中,否定句中用not…either,或neither/nor…,如: He isn't here either. trousers [误] My trouser is getting smaller and smaller. [正] My trousers are getting smaller and smaller. [析] 英语中trousers, pants, shorts(短裤),glasses(眼镜)都要用复数形式。 [误] This pair of glasses are very good. [正] This pair of glasses is very good. [析] 有了量词a pair of,其后的谓语动词要与量词相一致。如: two pairs of…的谓语动词就要用复数。 try [误] I tried to send her flowers but it didn't have any effect. [正] I tried sending her flowers but it didn't have any effect. (我试着给她送花,但没有什么结果。) [误] Please try understanding it. [正] Please try to understand it. [析] "try+动名词"的意思是"试一试",或"做某事看看会发生什么情况",而"try+不定式"表示为达到目的要去做的事。 U under [误] The lake is two meters under sea level. [正] The lake is two meters below sea level. [析] under的意思是在某物的下面,而below=lower than, 即"低于"。 [误] Under the help of our teacher, all of us passed the exam. [正] With the help of our teacher, all of us passed the exam. understand [误] I think it is diffcult to make myself to understand. [正] I think it is diffcult to make myself understood. [析] 这句话的意思是"我想让别人理解我太难了"。 [误] I am understanding the lesson now. [正] I understand the lesson now. [析] understand一词没有进行时态。类似的词还有belong, find, hear, love, like等。 until [误] We walked until the edge of the forest. [正] We walked as far as the edge of the forest. [误] Our school bus can hold until twenty children. [正] Our school bus can hold up to twenty children. [析] until与till两词的意思一样,但两个词都只能用于时间,如: I'll wait until I hear from you. [误] I waited for my mother to seven o'clock, but she didn't come. [正] I waited for my mother until seven o'clock, but she didn't come. [误] Can you return this book until Monday? [正] Can you return this book by Monday? [析] 当我们谈目前正在进行而将来某一时刻才停止的事件时用until,而用by来表达将来某一时刻会发生的动作。 [误] We arrived home until it became dark. [正] We didn't arrived home until it became dark. [析] until用于肯定句时表示"某动作直到……为止",如: They worked until 5∶00 P. M. 用于否定句中时意为"直到……才"。所以用于肯定句中要使用延续性动词,但截止性动词却可以用在否定句中。 upstairs [误] He went to upstairs. [正] He went upstairs. [析] upstairs一词可用作副词,如: We all hurried upstairs to see what happened. 也可用作名词,如; The upstairs of the house needs painting. 同时也可以用作形容词,如: A house with three upstairs rooms is quite good. use [误] It is no use to ask her. [正] It is no use asking her. [析] It is no use…与There is no use…后通常用动名词,而不用不定式。 [误] I'll get used to treat the students this way. [正] I'll get used to treating the students this way. [析] be used to与get used to后要接动名词表示"习惯于"做某事。 [误] I used to getting up early in the morning. [正] I used to get up early in the morning. [析] used to表示过去习惯的动作,其后要加动词原形。 [误] Oil was used to cooking. [正] Oil was used to cook. [析] 这里的句型虽然也是be used to但这里不是主动态,而是被动态,所以不能接动名词而应接不定式。 [误] We used to go to the Great Wall three times. [正] We went to the Great Wall three times. [析] used to只能用来表示一种习惯,而不能用来表达某事发生的次数。 V very [误] Thank you indeed. [正] Thank you very much indeed. [析] indeed用来修饰very much, 但要放其后面,而且也不要单独使用。 [误] The baby was very asleep. [正] The baby was fast asleep. [析] 不是所有的形容词都可以用very来修饰,如: I'm wide awake. (我全醒了。)再如: all alone(十分孤独),much afraid等。 [误] The thing seems to be very improved. [正] The thing seems to be much improved. [析] 有些语法书讲very修饰现在分词,而much修饰过去分词,这要分别对待。如果过去分词是指一个具体的动作,而且是句中主要动词的一部分就必须用much,而某些形容词化的过去分词,还是要用very来修饰的,如: I am very tired. [误] There is very less water in the river than usual. [正] There is much/far less water in the river than usual. [析] very不能修饰形容词或副词的比较级,而要用far, much等来修饰。 W wait [误] Tomorrow I will wait you at the bus stop. [正] Tomorrow I will wait for you at the bus stop. [析] wait是不及物动词,"等人"要用wait for somebody;而wait up为"不睡觉等候某事",如: I'll wait up tonight. walk [误] I think she went a walk yesterday. [正] I think she went out for a walk yesterday. [析] 散步在英文中要讲have a walk, take a walk.如果用go要用go for a walk. want [误] The flowers want to water. [正] The flowers want watering. [析] want在这里作为"需要"讲,其后加动名词。这句话的意思是"这花需要浇水。" [误] Do you want someone go along with you? [正] Do you want someone to go along with you? [析] want somebody to do something为一固定用法。 wash [误] Are you going to mak washing this weekend? [正] Are you going to do washing this weekend? [析] do washing为"洗衣服",是固定搭配。 watch [误] Your watch is what time? [正] What time is it by your watch? [析] 一定要记住英文的习惯用法。 [误] The mother want to watch the children to play on the grass. [正] The mother want to watch the children play (playing) on the grass. [析] watch的用法同see, hear等词。 way [误] Please move the chair, it is on the way. [正] Please move the chair, it is in the way. [析] in the way 为"挡道",而on the way为"在路上",如: on my way home (在回家路上),on his way to the station(在他去火车站的路上)。而by the way是"顺便说",如: By the way, have you heard from Joan recently? [误] The students were on their way to home. [正] The students were on their way home. [析] home在这里为副词。 wear [误] The little girl is old enough to wear herself. [正] The little girl is old enough to dress herself. [析] wear后接衣物而不接反身代词。 what [误] I want to know what to do it? [正] I want to know what to do? [误] I want to know how to do? [正] I want to know how to do it? [析] what是疑问代词,而how是疑问副词。要注意它们用法的不同。 when [误] I'd cook you nice meal when you'd come home in the evening. [正] I'd cook you nice meal when you came home in the evening. [析] 在when引导的状语从句中,要用一般时表示将来,即主句中是将来时,从句中应用一般现在时,如主句中是过去将来时,从句中应用一般过去时。如: I'll be back when you come back from school. [误] When in the second grade, his mother bought him a bike. [正] When Tom was in the second grade, his mother bought him a bike. [析] 复合句中只有当主句的主语与从句的主语一致的情况下,才有可能省略,如: When young he had to work all day. [误] We'll go to the park when it doesn't rain tomorrow. [正] We'll go to the park if it doesn't rain tomorrow. [析] if用来表示不能肯定的事如果发生会如何;而when用来表示肯定会发生或很可能会发生的事情,如: I'll see you in September when I come back. [误] I don't know when he comes home tomorrow. [正] I don't know when he will come home tomorrow. [析] when所引出的宾语从句如果是表示将来的动作要用将来时,而不是像时间状语从句中用一般时表示将来。 where [误] I don't know where to go to. [正] I don't know where to go. [析] where是疑问副词。 whether [误] It is unknown if he will come. [正] It is unknown whether he will come. [析] if不能引导主语从句。上句中it是形式主语,其后的从句才是真正的主语从句。要注意以下各种情况不宜用if而要用whether: ① I didn't know whether you'll go or not. (因句中有or not选项。) ② He didn't know whether to visit the old man. (因用于不定式前。) ③ I'm interested in whether he'll go. (因作介词的宾语从句。) ④ I want to know the news whether our team will win. (同位语从句。) ⑤ Let me know whether you can come. (此句如用if则含意有所不同,其意就变为"如果你能来请通知我"。而用whether则意为"让我知道你是否能来"。) who [误] Whom do you think would like to come for a game of football? [正] Who do you think would like to come for a game of football? [析] 在这个句式中"do you think"应看作插入语,所以原句应为Who would like to come for a game of football? [误] From who was the gift? [正] From whom was the gift? [正] Who was that gift from? [析] 在句首时现代英语常用who取代whom,而在紧跟介词时则不能用who来取代whom. why [误] Why not to go to the park? [正] Why not go to the park? [析] why not后面接不带to的不定式,也可以用why don't you go with her? win [误] We have won your class. [正] We have beaten your class. [析] win 是及物动词,其后的宾语应是比赛、战争、奖品、奖金,如: Which team won the football match?而beat是指"打败"对手、敌人,如: My brother beat me at poker. (请注意,beat是不规则动词,其过去式与原形相同,而过去分词为beaten. ) wish [误] I hope you to be a good student. [正] I wish you to be a good student. [析] hope不能加宾语再加宾语补足语,而wish则可以,如: I wish you luck. (我祝你走运。) without [误] I can't do this work well without you help me. [正] I can't do this work well without your help. [析] without其后接动名词或名词而不接从句。 work [误] This girl is looking for a work at the bank. [正] This girl is looking for a job at the bank. [析] "找工作"一般应为to find a job,而works作为"工作"讲为不可数名词,不能加不定冠词,也不可用复数。当work作为"作品"、"著作"讲时,为可数名词,如: This painting is one of his great works. 而works作为"工厂"讲时单复数形式相同,如:an iron works或two iron works. 作主语时其谓语动词可用单数,如: The steel works is closed for the holidays. write [误] You may write with ink. [正] You may write in ink. [正] You may write with a pen. [析] "用……写"这一表达法要看用的是什么: 如果用钢笔则应用with, 如: Please fill in this form with a pen. 但讲用墨水时则要用in. Y yesterday [误] I came across my old friend yesterday night. [正] I came across my old friend last night. [析] "昨晚"应译为last night. 初一至初三全程英语知识点总结及练习 初一年级(上) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. Sit down 2. on duty 3. in English 4. have a seat 5. at home 6. look like 7. look at 8. have a look 9. come on 10. at work 11. at school 12. put on 13. look after 14. get up 15. go shopping II. 重要句型 1. help sb. do sth. 2. What about…? 3. Let’s do sth. 4. It’s time to do sth. 5. It’s time for … 6. What’s…? It is…/ It’s… 7. Where is…? It’s…. 8. How old are you? I’m…. 9. What class are you in? I’m in…. 10. Welcome to…. 11. What’s …plus…? It’s…. 12. I think… 13. Who’s this? This is…. 14. What can you see? I can see…. 15. There is (are) …. 16. What colour is it (are they)? It’s (They’re)… 17. Whose …is this? It’s…. 18. What time is it? It’s…. III. 交际用语 1. Good morning, Miss/Mr…. 2. Hello! Hi! 3. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 4. How are you? I’m fine, thank you/thanks. And you? 5. See you. See you later. 6. Thank you! You’re welcome. 7. Goodbye! Bye! 8. What’s your name? My name is …. 9. Here you are. This way, please. 10. Who’s on duty today? 11. Let’s do. 12. Let me see. IV. 重要语法 1. 动词be的用法; 2. 人称代词和物主代词的用法; 3. 名词的单复数和所有格的用法; 4. 冠词的基本用法; 5. There be句型的用法。 【名师讲解】 1.in/on 在表示空间位置时,in表示在某个空间的范围以内,on表示在某一个物体的表面之上。 例如:There is a bird in the tree. 树上有只鸟。There is a picture on the wall. 墙上有张图。 2. this/that/these/those (1)this常常用来指在时间、地点上更接近讲话人的人和事,these是this的复数形式。that常常用来指在时间、地点上离讲话人更远一点的人和事,those时that的复数形式。例如:You look in this box and I’ll look in that one over there.你看看这个盒子,我去看那边的那个盒子。 I want this car, not that car. 我想要这辆小汽车,不是那一辆。 Take these books to his room, please. 请把这些书拿到他房间去。 This is mine; that’s yours. 这个是我的,那个是你的。 These are apples; those are oranges. 这些是苹果,那些是橘子。 (2)在打电话的用语中,this常常指的是我,that常常指的是对方。例如: This is Mary speaking. Who’s that? 我是玛丽。你是谁? 3. There be/ have There be "有",其确切含意为"某处或某时存在某人或某物。"其结构是:There be + 某人或某物 + 表示地点或时间的状语。There be 后面的名词实际上是主语,be 动词的形式要和主语在数上保持一致,be动词后面的名词是单数或不可数名词时用is,名词是复数时用are。例如:(1) There is a big bottle of coke on the table. 桌上有一大瓶子可乐。 (2) There is a doll in the box. 那个盒子里有个娃娃。 (3) There are many apples on the tree. 那树上有许多苹果。 总之,There be结构强调的是一种客观存在的"有"。have表示" 拥有,占有,具有",即:某人有某物(sb. have / has sth.)。主语一般是名词或代词,与主语是所属关系。例如: (4) I have two brothers and one sister.我有两个兄弟,一个姐姐。 (5) That house has four rooms.那所房子有四个房间。 4. look/ see/ watch (1)look 表示“看、瞧”,着重指认真看,强调看的动作,表示有意识地注意看,但不一定看到,以提醒对方注意。,如: Look! The children are playing computer games. 瞧!孩子们在玩电脑游戏。 Look! What’s that over there? 看!那边那个是什么? 单独使用是不及物动词,如强调看某人/物,其后接介词at,才能带宾语,如: He’s looking at me。他正在看着我。 (2)see强调“看”的结果,着重的是look这个动作的结果,意思是“看到”,see是及物动词,后面能直接跟宾语。如: What can you see in the picture? 你能在图上看到什么? Look at the blackboard. What did you see on it?看黑板!你看到了什么? (3)watch“观看,注视”,侧重于场面,表示全神贯注地观看、观察或注视某事务的活动,强调过程,常用于“看电视、看足球、看演出”等。如: Yesterday we watched a football match on TV.昨天我们从电视上看了一场足球比赛。 4. put on/ / in put on意为“穿上,戴上”。主要指“穿上”这一动作, 后面接表示服装、鞋帽的名词。 in 是介词,表示“穿着”强调状态。在句中可以做定语、标语和状语。如: It’s cold outside, put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上你的外衣。 He puts on his hat and goes out. 他戴上帽子,走了出去。 The woman in a white blouse is John’s mother.穿白色衬衣的那个妇女是John的妈妈。 5. house/ home/family house :“房子”,指居住的建筑物; Home: “家”,指一个人同家人共同经常居住的地方; Family: “家庭“,“家庭成员”。例如:Please come to my house this afternoon. 今天下午请到我家来。 He is not at home. 他不在家。My family all get up early. 我们全家都起得很早。 6. fine, nice, good, well 四者都可用作形容词表示"好"之意,但前三者既可作表语又可作定语,而后者仅用作表语。主要区别在于: (1) fine指物时表示的是质量上的"精细",形容人时表示的是"身体健康",也 可以用来指"天气晴朗"。例如:Your parents are very fine. 你父母身体很健康。 That's a fine machine.那是一台很好的机器It's a fine day for a walk today. 今天是散步的好时候。 (2)nice主要侧重于人或物的外表,有"美好","漂亮"的意思,也可用于问候或赞扬别人。 例如:Lucy looks nice. 露西看上去很漂亮。These coats are very nice. 那些裙子很好看。 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。It's very nice of you. 你真好。 (3)good形容人时指"品德好",形容物时指"质量好",是表示人或物各方面都好的普通用语。例如:Her son is a good student. 她儿子是一个好学生。 The red car is very good. 那辆红色小汽车很好。 (4)well只可用来形容人的"身体好",但不能作定语,它也能用作副词作状语,多放在所修饰的动词之后。例如:I'm very well, thanks. 我身体很好,谢谢。 My friends sing well. 我的朋友们歌唱得好。 【考点扫描】 中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 动词be的用法; 2. 人称代词和物主代词的用法; 3. 名词的单复数和所有格的用法; 4. 冠词的基本用法; 5. There be句型的用法。 6. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 7. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。 考试形式可以是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空、完成句子。 【中考范例】 1. (2004年北京市中考试题) Mary, please show ________ your picture. A. my B. mine C. I D. me 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是人称代词和物主代词的用法。本题中动词show后面跟双宾语,空白处应填入人称代词的宾格me作宾语。 2. (2004年上海市徐汇区中考试题) _________ orange on the desk is for you, Mike. A. A B.An C. / D. The 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是冠词的基本用法。因为是特指课桌上的那个橘子,所以用定冠词the。 3. (2004年哈尔滨市中考试题) ---What _______ the number of the girls in your class? ---About twenty. A. is B. am C. are D. be 【解析】答案:A。该题考查的是动词be的用法和主谓一致。the number 作主语,应该是单数第三人称,动词be变为is。 4. (2004年陕西省中考试题) There _______ a football match on TV this evening. A. will have B. is going to be C. has D. is going to have 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是There be…句型和动词have用法区别。There be句型本身就表示“在某个地方存在某个人或物”,不能和动词have混在一起用。 初一年级(下) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. a bottle of 2. a little 3. a lot (of) 4. all day 5. be from 6. be over 7. come back 8. come from 9. do one’s homework 10. do the shopping 11. get down 12. get home 13. get to 14. get up 15. go shopping 16. have a drink of 17. have a look 18. have breakfast 19. have lunch 20. have supper 21. listen to 22. not…at all 23. put…away 24. take off 25. throw it like that 26. would like 27. in the middle of the day 28. in the morning / afternoon/ evening 29. on a farm 30. in a factory II. 重要句型 1. Let sb. do sth. 2. Could sb. do sth.? 3. would like sth. 4. would like to do sth. 5. What about something to eat? 6. How do you spell …? 7. May I borrow…? III. 交际用语 1. —Thanks very much! —You're welcome. 2. Put it/them away. 3. What's wrong? 4. I think so. I don't think so. 5. I want to take some books to the classroom. 6. Give me a bottle of orange juice, please. Please give it / them back tomorrow. OK. 9. What's your favourite sport? 10. Don't worry. 11.I’m (not) good at basketball. 12. Do you want a go? 13. That's right./ That‘s all right./ All right. 14. Do you have a dictionary / any dictionaries? Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 15. We / They have some CDs. We / They don’t have any CDs. 16. ---What day is it today / tomorrow? ---It’s Monday. 17. ---May I borrow your colour pens, please? ---Certainly. Here you are. 18. ---Where are you from? ---From Beijing. 19. What's your telephone number in New York? 20. ---Do you like hot dogs? ---Yes, I do. ( A little. / A lot. / Very much.) ---No, I don't. ( I don't like them at all.) 21. ---What does your mother like? ---She likes dumplings and vegetables very much. 22. ---When do you go to school every day? ---I go to school at 7:00 every day. 23. ---What time does he go to bed in the evening? ---He goes to bed at 10:00. IV. 重要语法 1.人称代词的用法; 2. 祈使句; 3. 现在进行时的构成和用法; 4.动词have的用法; 5.一般现在时构成和用法; 6.可数名词和不可数名词的构成和用法 【名师讲解】 1. That's right./ That‘s all right./ All right. That’s right意为“对的”,表示赞同对方的意见、看法或行为,肯定对方的答案或判断。例如:"I think we must help the old man.""我想我们应该帮助这位老人。" "That's right."或 "You're right.""说得对"。 That’s all right.意为“不用谢”、“没关系”,用来回答对方的致谢或道歉。例如: "Many thanks." "That's all right." "Sorry. It's broken." "That's all right." All right.意为“行了”、“可以”,表示同意对方的建议或要求。有时还可以表示“身体很好” "Please tell me about it." "请把此事告诉我。" "All right.""好吧。" Is your mother all right?你妈身体好吗 2. make/do 这两个词都可以解释为“做”,但含义却不同,不能混用。make指做东西或制东西,do指做一件具体的事。Can you make a paper boat for me? 你能为我做个纸船吗? He’s doing his homework now.他正在做他的作业。 3. say/speak/talk/tell say:是最口语化的最普通的一个词,意为“说出”、“说道”,着重所说的话。如: “I want to go there by bus” , he said . 他说,“我要坐汽车到那里去。” Please say it in English .请用英语说。 speak : “说话”,着重开口发声,不着重所说的内容,一般用作不及物动词 (即后面不能直接接宾语 ) 。如:Can you speak about him? 你能不能说说他的情况?I don’t like to speak like this. 我不喜欢这样说话。 speak 作及物动词解时,只能和某种语言等连用,表达在对话中恰当使用词汇的能力。 如:She speaks English well.她英语说得好。 talk : 与 speak 意义相近,也着重说话的动作,而不着重所说的话,因此,一般也只用作不及物动词, 不过,talk 暗示话是对某人说的,有较强的对话意味,着重指连续地和别人谈话。如:I would like to talk to him about it . 我想跟他谈那件事。Old women like to talk with children.老年妇女喜欢和孩子们交谈。 tell : “告诉”,除较少情况外,一般后面总接双宾语。如:He’s telling me a story.他在给我讲故事。 tell a lie 撒谎 tell sb. to do sth. /tell sb. not to do sth 如:.Miss Zhao often tells us to study hard. 4. do cooking/ do the cooking do cooking 作“做饭”解,属泛指。do the cooking 特指某一顿饭或某一家人的饭。cooking为动名词,不能用作复数,但前面可用 some, much修饰。从do some cooking可引出许多类似的短语:do some washing 洗些衣服do some shopping 买些东西do some reading 读书do some writing 写些东西do some fishing 钓鱼 从以上短语可引申出另一类短语,不能用some, much或定冠词。 go shopping 去买东西go fishing 去钓鱼go boating 去划船go swimming 去游泳 5. like doing sth./ like to do sth. like doing sth. 与like to do sth. 意思相同,但用法有区别。前者强调一般性的爱好或者表示动作的习惯性和经常性;后来表示一次性和偶然性的动作。例如: He likes playing football, but he doesn‘t like to play football with Li Ming.他喜欢踢足球,但是他不喜欢和李明踢。 6. other/ others/ the other/ another other表其余的,别的,如:Have you any other questions?你还有其他问题吗? others 别的人,别的东西.如:In the room some people are American, the others are French.在屋子里一些人是美国人,其他的是法国人。 the other表另一个(二者之中)one…,the other…如:One of my two brothers studies English, the other studies Chinese.我两个哥哥中的一个学习英文,另一个学中文。 another表三者以上的另一个,另一些如:There is room for another few books on the shelf.书架上还可以放点书。 7. in the tree/ on the tree in the tree 与 on the tree.译成中文均为"在树上"但英语中有区别。in the tree表示某人、某事(不属于树本身生长出的别的东西)落在树上,表示树的枝、叶、花、果等长在树上时,要使用on the tree.如:There are some apples on the tree. 那棵树上有些苹果。There is a bird in the tree. 那棵树上有只鸟。 8. some/ any some和 any既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词。但有以下两点需要注意。 (1)some常用于肯定句中,any常用于否定句和疑问句中。如: There is some water in the glass.Is there any water in the glass?There isn't any water in the glass. (2)在说话者希望得到肯定答复的一般疑问句中,或在表示请求,邀请的疑问句中,我们依然用some。如:Would you like some tea? 9. tall/ high (1)说人,动物,树木等有生命的东西,主要用tall,不用high,例如 a tall woman 一个高个子妇女a tall horse 一个高大的马 (2)说一个不与地面接触的人和物的高时,要用high,而不用tall,比如人站在桌子上时,飞机飞上天时,例如: He is high up in the tree. 他高高地爬在树上。 The plane is so high in the sky. 飞机在空中这么高。 (3)指建筑物、山时要tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。 (4)high可作副词,tall不能。 (5)tall的反义词为short, high的反义词为low. 10. can/ could (1) can表示体力和脑力方面的能力,或根据客观条件能做某种动作的"能力"。例如: Can you ride a bike?你会骑自行车吗?What can I do for you?要帮忙吗?Can you make a cake?你会做蛋糕吗? (2) can用在否定句和疑问句中时有时表示说话人的"怀疑""猜测"或不肯定。例如: Where can he be?他会在什么地方呢?Can the news be true?这个消息会是真的吗? It surely can't be six o'clock already?不可能已经六点钟了吧? You can't be hungry so soon,Tom,you've just had lunch.汤姆,你不可能饿得这么快,你刚吃过午饭。 What can he mean?他会是什么意思? 在日常会话中,can可代替may表示"允许",may比较正式。例如:You can come in any time.你随时都可以来。 --- Can I use your pen?我能用你的钢笔吗?--- Of course,you can.当然可以。 You can have my seat,I'm going now.我要走了,你坐我的座位吧。 (3) could could 是 can的过去式,表示过去有过的能力和可能性(在否定和疑问句中)。例如: The doctor said he could help him.(能力)医生说他能帮助他。 Lily could swim when she was four years old.(能力)当丽丽四岁的时候她就会游泳。 At that time we thought the story could be true.(可能性)那时我们以为所说的可能是真的。 could可代替can表示现在时间的动作,但语气较为婉转。例如: Could I speak to John,please?我能和约翰说话吗? Could you?在口语中表示请求对方做事。例如:Could you wait half an hour?请你等半个小时好吗?Could you please ring again at six?六点钟请你再打电话好吗? (4) can的形式 只有现在式can和过去式could两种形式。能表示一般现在和一般过去两种时态,有时也能表示将来。所有其他时态(包括将来时)须用be able to加动词不定式来表示。 例如:They have not been able to come to Beijing.他们没有能到北京来。 11. look for/ find look for 意为“寻找”,而find意为“找到,发现”,前者强调“找”这一动作,并不注重“找”的结果,而后者则强调“找”的结果。例如:She can’t find her ruler. 她找不到她的尺子啦。 Tom is looking for his watch,but he can’t find it.汤姆正在寻找他的手表,但没能找到。 12. be sleeping/ be asleep be sleeping 表示动作,意思是“正在睡觉”;be asleep 表示状态,意思是“睡着了”。 如:---What are the children doing in the room? 孩子们在房间里做什么?---They are sleeping.他们正在睡觉。 The children are asleep now.现在孩子们睡着了。 13. often/ usually/sometimes often 表示"经常",sometimes表示"有时候",在表示发生频率上often要高于usually,usually要高于sometimes。这三个词表示的是经常性,一般性的动作或情况,常与一般现在时连用,常位于主要谓语动词的前面,其他谓语动词(be动词,情态动词和助动词)的后面,有时也可位于句尾。如果要加强语气,则放在句首。 We usually play basketball after school.我们通常放学后打篮球。Sometimes I go to bed early.有时,我睡觉很早。 He often reads English in the morning.他经常在早晨读英语。 14. How much/ How many how much常用来询问某一商品的价格,常见句式是How much is / are…? How much is the skirt? 这条裙子多少钱?How much are the bananas? 这些香蕉多少钱? how much后加不可数名词,表示数量,意为“多少“,how many后加可数名词的复数形式。 How much meat do you want? 你要多少肉呀?How many students are there in your class? 你们班有多少人? 15. be good for/ be good to/ be good at be good for 表示"对……有好处",而be bad for表示"对……有害";be good to表示"对……友好",而be bad to表示"对……不好";be good at表示"擅长,在……方面做得好",而be bad at表示"在……方面做得不好"。 如:Doing eye exercises is good for your eyes.做眼保健操对你的眼睛有好处。 Eating too much is bad for you health.吃的太多对你的身体有害。 Miss Li is good to all of us.李老师对我们所有的人都很友好。 The boss is bad to his workers.这个老板对他的工人不好。 Li Lei is good at drawing, but I'm bad at it.李雷擅长画画,但是我不擅长。 16. each/ every each 和every都有"每一个"的意思,但含义和用法不相同。each从个体着眼,every从整体着眼。each 可用于两者或两者以上,every只用于三者或三者以上。 如:We each have a new book.我们每人各有一本新书。There are trees on each side of the street.街的两旁有树。 He gets up early every morning.每天早晨他都起得早。 each可以用作形容词、副词和代词;every只能用作形容词。如:Each of them has his own duty.他们各人有各人的义务。They each want to do something different.他们每个人都想做不同的事情。 17. 一般现在时/现在进行时 一般现在时表示经常性的或习惯性的动作或存在的状态,也表示说话者的能力,还有自然现象;而现在进行时表示正在进行或发生的动作(构成方式为am/is /are/+doing)。 I do my homework in the evening.我在晚上做作业。I'm doing my homework now.我现在正在做作业。 现在进行时常与now, these days, at the moment 或Look, listen等词连用;而一般现在时常与often, always, sometimes, usually, every day, in the morning, on Mondays等连用。 We often clean the classroom after school.我们经常放学后打扫教室。 Look! They are cleaning the classroom .看!他们正在打扫教室呢。 【考点扫描】 中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1.动词一般现在时和现在进行时的用法,人称代词的用法,可数名词和不可数名词的构成和用法。 2.本册书中常见的交际用语 3.本册书中一些重点的词组和短语 考试形式往往是单项填空、完形填空、短文改错和短文填空。 【中考范例】 1.(2004年安徽省中考试题) ---Hurry up! We’re all waiting for you. ---I ________ for an important phone call. Go without me. A. wait B. was waiting C. am waiting D. waited 【解析】答案:C。表示现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时。 2. (2004年长春市中考试题) Could you help ___ with ____ English, please?A. I, my B. me, me C. me, my D. my, I 【解析】答案:C。第一个空作宾语,应用人称代词的宾格me, 第二个空作定语,应用形容词性物主代词my。 3.(2004年长春市中考试题) Dr. White can _______ French very well. A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell 【解析】答案:A。说什麽语言常用动词speak。 4.(2004年黄冈中考试题) English is spoken by __people. A. a lot B. much many C. a large number of D. a great deal of 【解析】答案:C。只有a large number of 能用来修饰复数可数名词people。 4. he, say, Beijing, big, beautiful, like, work, here 初二年级(上) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. on time 2. best wishes 3. give a talk 4. for example 5. short for 6. a waste of time 7. go on a field trip 8. go fishing 9. I agree 10. next week 11. the day after tomorrow 12. have a picnic 13. have some problems doing sth. 14. go the wrong way 15. hurry up 16. get together 17. in the open air 18. on Mid-Autumn Day 19. come over 20. have to 21. get home 22. agree with 23. in the country 24. in town 25. all the same 26. in front of 27. on the left/right side 28. next to 29. up and down 30. keep healthy 31. grow up 32. at the same time 33. the day before yesterday 35. last Saturday 36. half an hour ago 37. a moment ago 38. just now 39. by the way 40. all the time 41. at first II. 重要句型 1. have fun doing sth. 2. Why don’t you…? 3. We’re going to do sth. 4. start with sth. 5. Why not…? 6. Are you going to…? 7. be friendly to sb. 8. You’d better do sth. 9. ask sb. for sth. 10. say goodbye to sb. 11. Good luck(with sb)! III. 交际用语 1.Welcome backto school! 2.Excuse me. I’m sorry I’m late, because the traffic is bad. 3.It doesn’t matter. 4.Happy Teachers’ Day ! 5.That’s a good idea. 6.What are you going to do? 7.Where are we going ? 8.What are we going to do ? 9.I’m good at… 10.It’s not far from… 11. Are you free tomorrow evening? 12.Would you and Lily like to come over to my home for Mid-Autumn Festival? 13.I’m glad you can come. 14.Thanks for asking us. 15.How about another one? 16.May I have a taste? 17.Let me walk with you. 18.What do you have to do? 19.Do you live on a farm? 20.Which do you like better, the city or the country? 21.Which do you like best, dogs, cats or chickens? 22.Shall we go at ten? Good idea! 23.---Let’s make it half past one. ---OK. 24.---Why not come a little earlier? ---All right. 25.Excuse me. Where’s the nearest post office, please? 26.It’s over there on the right. 27.I’m sorry I don’t know. 28.You’d better… 29.Thank you all the same. 30.Which bus do I take? 31.Go along this road. 32.What day was it yesterday? 33.I’m sorry to hear that. 34.I hope you’re better now. 35.Why did you call me? 36.I called to tell… IV. 重要语法 1.be going to的用法; 2.形容词的比较级、最高级; 3.形容词和副词的比较 4.一般过去时 【名师讲解】 1. on the street / in the street 表示“在街上”时,on the street 和 in the street 都可以,在美国多用on the street, 在英国多用in the street. 例如:We have a house in the street. 我们在街上有座房子。I met him on the street. 我在街上遇见了他。 2. would like / like would like 和 like含义不同。like 意思是“喜欢”,“爱好”,而 would like 意思是“想要”。试比较: I like beer.=I’m fond of beer. 我喜欢喝啤酒。I’d like a glass of beer= I want a glass of beer. 我想要一杯啤酒。Do you like going to the cinema? 你喜欢看电影吗?Would you like to go to the cinema tonight? 你今晚想去看电影吗? 3. another / the other (1)another 通常用于三个或三个以上或不确定数量中的任意一个人或 物体。 例如: May I have another apple, please? 请在给我一个苹果好吗? This coat is too small for me. Please show me another这件外套我穿太小,请再给我拿一件看看。 (2)the other 通常指两者中的另一个。例如: He has two rulers. One is short. The other is long. 他有两把尺子,一把短的,另一把长的。 I have two brothers. One works in Xi’an . The other works in Beijing. 我有两个兄弟,一个在西安工作,另一个在北京工作。 4. have to /must (1)have to和 must 都可以用来谈论义务,但用法略有不同。如果某人主观上觉得必须去做而又想去时,常用must。如果谈论某种来自“外界”的义务,常用have to。例如:I must stop smoking. 我必须戒烟。(自己想戒烟)They have to work for the boss.他们不得不为那个老板工作。(条件逼得他们去工作) (2)have to 可用于多种时态,must 只能用于一般现在时。例如: I’ll have to get up early tomorrow morning.明天早晨我必须早早起床。We had to work long hours every day in order to get more money.为了多挣钱,我们不得不每天长时间地工作。 (3)用于否定句时,mustn’t意思是“决不能”,“禁止”,而don’t have to 意思是“不必”,相当于needn’t。例如:You mustn’t be late again next time.下一次你决不能再迟到。You don’t have to go there today. You can go there tomorrow.你今天不必到那里去了。你可以明天去。 5. hear sb. or sth.doing sth. / herar sb. or sth. do sth. hear sb. or sth.doing sth.意思是“听到某人或某物在做某事”,而hear sb. or sth. do sth.意思“听到某人或某物做过某事”。试比较:I hear him singing an English song.听见他在唱英歌曲。 I heard him sing an English song.我听见他唱一首英文歌。 类似hear 这种用法的还有see, watch, listen, feel等感官动词。 6. any /some any和some 都可以同不可数名词和可数名词的复数形式连用,但some一般用在肯定句中;any用在疑问句和否定句中。试比较:I want some money. 我想要点钱。Have you any money? 你有钱吗?I don’t have any money. 我一点钱也没有。 some 有时也用于疑问句,表示说话人期待一个肯定回答或鼓励人家说“是”。例如: Would you like some more beer?请你再来点啤酒好吗? Could I have some rice, please?请给我来点米饭好吗? 7. hear /listen to listen to 和hear 都有“听”的意思,但含义有所不同。Listen to强调“听”的动作,hear 强调“听”的结果。例如:Listen to me ,please! I’m going to tell you a story. 请听我说!我给你们讲个故事。 Listen! Can you hear someone crying in the next room? 听!你能听见有人在隔壁房间里哭吗? I listened, but heard nothing.我听了听,但什么也听不见。 hear 后面如果接宾语从句,常常表示“听说”。例如: I hear some foreign students will visit our school.我听说一些外国学生将要访问我们学校。 I hear there is going to be a film in our school this evening.我听说今晚我们学校要演一场电影。 8. Let’s… /Let us… Let’s… 和Let us… 都表示“让我们……”, 如果us 包括听话人在内,其含义相同,附带问句用shall we. 如果us 不包括听话人在内,其含义不同,Let us…的附带问句要用will you。例如:Let’s go shopping, shall we? 我们去购物好吗? 9. take/ bring/ carry /get 这四个动词都有“拿”和“带”的意思,但含义有所不同。take意为“带走”,“拿走”,bring意为“带来”,“拿来”, get表示“到别的地方把某人或某物带来或拿来”,carry不强调方向,带有负重的意思。试比较: My parents often take me there on holidays.我父母常常带我到那里去度假。 I’m going to take you to Beijing.我准备带你去北京。Bring me a cup of tea, please.请给我端杯茶来。 I’ll bring the book to you tomorrow.明天我把那本书给你带来。The waiter carried the me to the table服务员把肉送到桌上。The monkey carried the bag on her back.猴子把那个包背在背上。She went back to get her handbag.他折回去拿他的手提包。Let me get the doctor.让我去请医生吧。 10. far away /faraway (1)far away是一个副词短语,意思是“很远”。例如:Some are far away. Some are nearer.有些离得很远,有些离得近一些的。The village is far away from here.那个村子离这儿很远。 (2)faraway是一个形容词,意思是“遥远的”,可以在句中作定语。例如: He lives in faraway mountain village.他住在一个遥远的小山村。 11. find / look for find和look for 都有“找”的意思,但含义不同。find 强调“找”的结果,而look for 强调“找”的过程。请看下列例句:He is looking for his bike.他在找他的自行车。I’m looking for my watch, but can’t find it.我在找我的手表,但是找不到。I hope you will soon find your lost ring.希望你尽快找到丢失的戒指。 另外,find还有“发现”;“感到”等意思。例如:I found a wallet in the desk.我在课桌里发现了一个钱包。 I find this book very interesting.我觉得这本书很有意思。 12. in front of /in the front of In front of 表示在某物的前面,不在某物的范围内。In the front of 表示在某物的前部,在某物的范围内。试比较:My seat is in front of Mary’s.我的座位在玛丽座位的前面。 He is sitting in the front of the car with the driver.他和司机坐在小车的前部。 【考点扫描】 1. be going to的用法; 2. 形容词的比较级、最高级; 3. 形容词和副词的比较 4. 一般过去时 5. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 6. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。 【中考范例】 1. (2004年烟台市中考试题) In the exam, the ________ you are, the ________ mistakes you’ll make. A. carefully, little B. more carefully, fewest C. more careful, fewer D. more careful, less 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是形容词和副词的比较以及他们的比较等级的用法。第一个空应填形容词careful的比较级,因为它在句中作表语,第二个空应填few的比较级,因为它修饰的是复数可数名词。 2. (2004年河北省中考试题) Bob never does his homework _________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful B. as carefully as C. carefully D. as careful as 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是形容词和副词的用法比较。该空应填副词,因为它修饰的是动词does。该题用的是not as+副词+as的结构,所以答案应是B。 3. (2004年重庆市中考试题) That day I saw some parents _________ at the back of the classroom, ________ to the teacher. A. sitting, listened B. sat, listened C. sitting, listening D. sat, listening 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是see sb. doing sth.的句型结构和分词作状语的用法。第一个空stting在句中作saw的宾语补足语,第二个空listening做伴随状语。 4. (2004年杭州市中考试题) You ________ open the door before the train gets into the station. A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. needn’t D. may not 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是几个情态动词否定式的用法区别。don’t have to和needn’t的意思都是“不必”,may not的意思是“可以不”,只有mustn’t表示“不许”,“禁止”。 初二年级(中) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. give a concert 2. fall down 3. go on 4. at the end of 5. go back 6. in ahurry 7. write down 8. come out 9. all the year round 10. later on 11. at times 12. ring sb. up 13. Happy New Year! 14. have a party 15. hold on 16. hear from 17. be ready 18. at the moment 19. take out 20.the same as 21. turn over 22. get-together 23. put on 24. take a seat 25. wait for 26. get lost 27. just then 28. first of all 29. go wrong 30. make a noise 31. get on 32. get off 33. stand in line 34. at the head of 35. laugh at 36. throw about 37. in fact 38. at midnight 39. enjoy oneself 40. have a headache 41. have a cough 42. fall asleep 43. again and again 44. look over 45. take exercise II. 重要句型 1. be good for sth. 2. I think … 3. I hope… 4. I love… 5. I don’t like… 6. I’m sure… 7. forget to do sth. 8. take a message for sb. 9. give sb. the message 10. help yourself to sth. 11. be famous for sth. 12. on one’s way to… 13. make one’s way to… 14. quarrel with sb. 15. agree with sb. 16. stop sb. from doing sth. III. 交际用语 1.What’s the weather like today? 2.It’s cold, but quite suuny. 3.How cold it is today! 4.Yes, but it’ll be warmer later on. 5.Shall we make a snowman? 6.Ok. Come on! 7.Happy New Year! 8.May I speak to Ann, please?? 9.Hold on, please. 10.Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party. 11.Ok. But I’m afraid I may be a little late. 12.Can I take a message for you? 13.That’s OK. It doesn’t matter. 14.I’m very sorry, but I can’t come. 15.I’m sorry to hear that. 16.Happy birthday! 17.Would you like ...? Would you like to ...? 18.Do you think ...? Yes, I think so. / No, I don't think so. 19.Do you agree? Yes, I agree. / No, don't really agree. I really can't agree. 20.There are a few / a lot of ... / on it. 21.So do we. 22.I'm happy you like it. 23.Which is the way to ..., please? 24.Turn right/left at the ... crossing. 25.Go on until you reach ... 26.How can I get to ...? Go down/up/along this road. 27.What's the matter? 28.It'll take you half an hour to ... 29.We'd better catch a bus. 30.It may be in ... Ah, so it is 31.You must be more careful! 32.You mustn't cross the road now. 33.If you want to cross a street, you must wait for the green light. 34.Please stand in line. 35.You must wait for your turn. 36.If you don't go soon, you'll be late. 37.I don't feel very well. 38.My head hurts. 39.You mustn't eat anything until you see the doctor. 40.What's the trouble? 41.What's the matter with…? 42.She didn't feel like eating anything. 43.Nothing serious. 44.Have/get a pain in… 45.No problem. 46.Take this medicine three times a day. IV. 重要语法 1. 一般过去时; 2. 反意疑问句的用法; 3. 一般将来时; 4. 感叹句; 5. 简单句的五种基本句型; 6. 情态动词can, may和must, have to的用法; 7. 时间状语从句和条件状语从句。 【名师讲解】 1. above/ over/ on 这三个介词都表示“在……之上”,但含义不同。on指在某物的表面上,和某物接触;above指在某物的上方,不和某物接触,但也不一定在某物的正上方;over指在某物的正上方,不和某物接触。试比较:There is a book on the desk.课桌上有一本书。 I raise my right hand above my head. 我把右手高举过头。 There is a stone bridge over the river. 河面上有座石桥。 2. forget to do sth./forget doing sth. forget to do sth.意思是“忘记做某事”,实际上还没做;forget doing sth,意思是“忘记做过某事”,实际上已经做过了。试比较:I forgot to tell him the news.我忘记告诉他这条消息了。 I forgot telling him the news.我已经把这条消息告诉他了,我却忘了。 类似的词还有:remember, regret等。 3. hope/wish hope和wish 在汉语中都有“希望”的意思,但其含义和用法有所不同。主要区别如下: (1)wish可以用来表示不可实现的愿望;hope只能用来表示可能实现的愿望。例如: I wish I were 20 years younger.我但愿自己能年轻二十岁。 I hope you’ll be better soon. 我希望你能很快好起来。 I wish the weather wasn’t so cold. 但愿天气不这麽冷。 I hope he will come, too. 我希望他也能来。 (2)wish可以接sb. to do sth. 的结构,而hope不可以。例如: Do you wish me to come back later? 你是否希望我再来? 4. be sure to do sth./ be sure of/about sb. or sth. (1)be sure to do sth.可以用来表示说话人给对方提出要求,意思是“务必”,也可以用来表示说话人做出的推断,意思是“一定”,“肯定”。例如: Be sure to lock the door when you leave.你离开时务必把门锁好。 It’s a good film. You are sure to enjoy it.这是一部好电影,你肯定会喜欢的。 (2)be sure of/about sb.or sth. 可用来表示“某人对某事有把握”。例如: I’m sure of his success.我相信他会成功。 I think it was three years ago, but I’m not sure about it.我想那是三年前的事情,但我没有把握。 5. hear from/hear of hear意思是“听到”,从哪里听到要用from来表示。例如: I’ve heard from Xiao Wu that we’ll start out military training tomorrow.我听小吴说,我们明天开始军训。Listen to the tape and write out what you hear from Han Mei.听录音,并写出你从韩梅那里听到的内容。 hear from还有一个意思是“收到某人的来信”(=receive a letter from sb.)。例如: I heard from my pen friend in the U.S.A. last month. 上个月我受到了美国笔友的来信。 I heard from her last week. 我上周接到了她的来信。 hear of和和hear from含义不同。hear of 意思是“听说”,“得知”(某事或某人的存在),常用在疑问句和否定句里。例如:Who is he? I’ve never heard of him.他是谁?我从来没有听说过他。I never heard of such a thing! 这样的事我从来没有听说过。 6. It’s a pleasure./With pleasure. It’s a pleasure这句话常用作别人向你表示致谢时的答语,意思是“那是我乐意做的”。例如: ---Thank you for helping me. 谢谢你地帮助。---It’s a pleasure. 那是我乐意做的。 ---Thanks a lot. Bye.非常感谢。 再见。---It’s a pleasure. 那是我乐意做的。再见。 类似的话还有 “Not at all.” “You are welcome.” “That’s all right.” With pleasure也用作客气的答语,主要用在别人要你做某事,而你又非常愿意去做的场合。例如:---Will you please pass me the newspaper, please?请你把报纸递给我好吗? ---With pleasure.当然可以。 7. seem/look (1)二者都可以作“看起来”讲,但seem暗示凭借一些迹象作出的有根据的判断,这种判断往往接近事实;look着重强调由视觉得出的印象。两者都可跟(to be)+形容词和as if从句。如:He seems / looks (to be) very happy today. 他今天看起来很高兴。 It looks (seems) as if it it is going to rain. 好像要下雨了。 (2)但下列情况中只用seem不用look: 1)后跟不定式to do时。如:He seems to know the answer. 他似乎知道答案。 2)在It seems that ...结构中。如:It seems that he is happier now than yesterday.他像比昨天高兴些了。 8. be ready to do/be ready for/ get ready to do/get ready for (1)be ready to do和be ready for…表示“已作好…的准备”,强调状态 (2)get ready to do和get ready for…表示“为…做准备”,强调行为。如: I'm ready to do anything you want me to do. 我愿意/随时准备做一切做你要我做的事。 I'm ready for any questions you may ask.我愿意/随时准备回答你可能问的问题。 He's getting ready to leave for Tokyo.他正准备动身去东京。 Let's get ready for the hard moment.我们为这一艰难时刻作好准备吧。 (3)be ready to do 通常可理解“乐于做某事”,即思想上总是有做某事的准备。be not ready to do表示“不轻易做某事”。如:He's usually not ready to listen to others.他通常不轻易听从别人。 9. at table/at the table at table在吃饭,at the table在桌子旁边。例如:The Greens are at table. 格林一家人在吃饭。 Mr. Black is sitting at the table and reading a book.布莱克先生坐在桌旁读书。 10. reach, arrive/get to 三者都有"到达"之意。reach是及物动词,后直接加名词,get和arrive是不及物动词,不能直接加名词,须借助于介词。get to后加名词地点,若跟副词地点时,to去掉;arrive at +小地方,arrive in+大地方。如: Lucy got to the zoo before 8 o'clock. 露西8点前到了动物园。 When did your parents arrive in Shanghai? 你父母何时到上海的? It was late when I got home. 我到家时天色已晚。 11. sick/ill 二者都是形容词。当“生病的,患病“之意时,ill只作表语,不作定语;而sick既可作表语也可作定语。sick有"呕吐,恶心"的意思,只能作表语,而ill无此意。如: Li Lei was ill last week. (只作表语)李磊上周生病了。He's a sick man. (作定语)他是病人。不能说成:He's an ill man.My grandfather was sick for a month last year. (作表语)我祖父去年病了一个月。 12. in time/on time in time是"及时"的意思,on time是"准时,按时"。如:I didn't get to the bus stop in time. 我没有及时赶上汽车。We'll finish our job on time. 我们要按时完成任务。 13. may be/maybe It may be in your inside pocket. = Maybe it is in your inside pocket. 也许在你里边的口袋里。第一句中may be是情态动词+be 动词构成的谓语部分,意思是"也许是","可能是";第二句中的maybe是副词,意思是"可能",常位于句首,不能位于句中,相当于另一副词 perhaps。再如:Maybe you put it in that bag.也许你放在了那只包里。(不能说You maybe put it in that bag.)It may be a hat.那可能是顶帽子。(不能说It maybe a hat. 或It maybe is a hat.) 14. noise/ voice/ sound noise 指嘈杂声,噪音大的吵杂声。voice是指说话的声音,嗓音,嗓子。sound是指耳朵能够听到的声音、闹声等。它是表示声音之意的最普通的字。有时还用作科学上的声音。例如: Don't make so much noise! 别那么大声喧哗! I didn't recognize John's voice on the telephone. 在电话里我听不出约翰的声音。 He spoke in a low voice. 他低声说话。We heard a strange sound. 我们听到了一种奇怪的声音。 Sound travels fast, but light travels faster. 声音传得快,但是光传得更快。 【考点扫描】 中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 一般过去时; 2. 反意疑问句的用法; 3. 一般将来时; 4. 感叹句; 5. 简单句的五种基本句型; 6.情态动词can, may和must, have to的用法; 7. 时间状语从句和条件状语从句; 8. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 9. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。 考试形式可以是单项填空、完型天空、短文填空和完成句子。 【中考范例】 1. (2004年长沙市中考试题) ---Do you know if we will go to the cinema tomorrow? ---I think we’ll go if we ________ too much homework. A. will have B. had C. won’t have D. don’t have 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是条件状语从句的时态。在条件和时间状语从句里通常用一般现在是表示将来的动作。 2. (2004年佛山市中考试题) You have been to Tibet, ______? I was told that the snow-covered mountains were very beautiful. A. have you B. haven’t you C. don’t you 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是反意疑问句的构成。反意疑问句的前一部分是肯定句,后一部分就应该是否定的疑问部分,而且要和前一部分保持时态上的一致。 3. (2004年扬州市中考试题) ---Jacky, look at that Japanese sumoist(相扑手).---Wow, ______________! A. How a fat man B. What a fat man C. How fat man D. What fat man 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是感叹句的构成。这个感叹句省略了主谓部分,只保留了感叹部分。如果以What开头,就应该是What a fat man! 如果是How开头,就应该是How fat! 4. (2004年福建省泉州市中考试题) ---Thanks for your help. ---__________________ A. It doesn’t matter B. Don’t thank me C. You’re welcome D. That’s right 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是日常交际用语。回答别人的道谢通常用“That’s all right.”或”You’re welcome.” 初二英语(下) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. on time 2. out of 3. all by oneself 4. lots of 5. no longer 6. get back 7. sooner or later 8. run away 9. eat up 10. take care of 11. turn off 12. turn on 13. after a while 14. make faces 15. teach oneself 16. fall off 17. play the piano 18. knock at 19. to one's surprise 20. look up 21. enjoy oneself 22. help yourself 23. tell a story / stories 24. leave....behind …… 25. come along 26. hold a sports meeting 27. be neck and neck 28. as ... as 29. not so / as ... as 30. do one's best 31. take part in 32. a moment late 33. Bad luck! 34. fall behind 35. high jump 36. long jump 37. relay race 38. well done! 39. take off 40. as usual 41. a pair of 42. at once 43. hurry off 44. come to oneself 45. after a while 46. knock on 47. take care of 48. at the moment 49. set off 50. here and there 51. on watch 52. look out 53. take one’s place II. 重要句型 1. We’d better not do sth. 2. leave one. oneself 3. find one’s way to a place 4. stand on one’s head 5. make sb. Happy 6. catch up with sb. 7. pass on sth. to somebody 8. spend time doing sth. 9. go on doing sth. 10. get on well with sb. 11. be angry with sb. 12. be fed up with sth. 13. not…until… 14. make room for sb. III. 交际用语 1. We’re all by ourselves. 2. I fell a little afraid. 3. Don’t be afraid. 4. Help! 5. Can’t you hear anything? 6. I can’t hear anything / anybody there. 7. Maybe it’s a tiger. 8. Let’s get it back before they eat the food. 9. Did she learn all by herself? 10. Could she swim when she was …years old? 11. She didn’t hurt herself. 12. He couldn’t buy himself many nice things. 13. Did he enjoy himself? 14. Help yourselves. 15. Bad luck! 16. Come on! 17. Well done! Congratulations (to…)! 18. It must be very interesting. 19. I don’t think you’ll like it. 20. It seems to be an interesting book. 21. I’m sure (that)… I’m not sure if… I’m not sure what to… 22. I hope so. 23. What was he/she drawing when…? 24. I’m sorry to trouble you. 25. Would you please…? 26. What were you doing at ten o’clock yesterday morning? 27. You look tired today. 28. You’d better go to bed early tonight, if you can. 29. How kind! 30. Let’s move the bag, or it may cause an accident. 31. It’s really nice of you. 32. Don’t mention it. 33. Don’t crowd around him. IV. 重要语法 1. 不定代词/副词的运用; 2. 反身代词的用法; 3. 并列句; 4. 形容词和副词的比较等级; 5. 冠词的用法; 6. 动词的过去进行时; 【名师讲解】 1. bring/take Bring表示“带来、拿来”,指从别处朝说话人所在或将在的地方“带来、拿来”。而take则表示“拿去、带走”,它表示的方向与bring相反,指从说话人所在地“拿走、带走”。如: Bring me the book, please. 把那本书给我拿来。 Take some food to the old man. 给那位老人带去些食物。 2. somebody/ anybody/nobody 一般说来,somebody用于定句,anybody用于否定句、疑问句和条件状语从句。例如: Somebody came to see you when you were out. 你出来时有人来见你。 Does anybody live on this island? 有人在这岛上住吗? I didn't see anybody there. 我在那儿谁也没看见。 Don't let anybody in. I'm too busy to see anybody. 别让任何人进来。我太忙,谁也不想见。 There is nobody in the room. 房间里没人。 Nobody told me that you were ill, so I didn't know about it .谁也没告诉我你病了所以我不知道。 3. listen, listen to, hear 这三个词意思都是“听”,但是它们的用法不完全相同。它们的区别在于: (1)listen 只用于不及物动词,后面接人或人物做宾语,着重于“倾听”,指的是有意识的动作,至于是否听到,并非强调的重点。如: Listen! Someone is singing in the classroom. 听!有人在教室唱歌。 (2)listen to 为listen的及物形式,后面一定要接人或物做宾语,这里的to是介词。如: Do you like listening to light music?你喜欢听轻音乐吗? (3)hear 可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,意思是“听到、听见”,指用耳朵听到了某个声音,表示无意识的动作,着重于听的能力和结果。如:We hear with our ears.我们用耳朵听。She listens but hears nothing.她听了听,但是什么也没有听见。 4. many/ much/ a few/ a little/ few/ little (1)many修饰可数名词,much修饰不可数名词;都表示许多。例如: He has many books.他有许多书。He drank much milk.他喝了许多牛奶。 (2)a few和a little都表示"有一点儿",侧重于肯定,相当于"some",但a few修饰可数名词,a little修饰不可数名词,例如:He has a few friends in London.他在伦敦有一些朋友。 Would you like some coffee? Yes, just a little.喝点咖啡好吗?好的,只要一点。 (3)few和little表示"几乎没有",侧重否定。few后接可数名词,little后接不可数名词。例如: He is a strange man. He has few words.他是个怪人,他几乎不说什么话。 Hurry up, there is little time left.赶快,没什么时间了。 5. either/ neither/ both either可作形容词,一般指"两者中的任何一个"。有时也可表示"两个都……"的意思,后跟名词的单数形式;neither: 指两者中没有一个,全否定;both: 指两者都,肯定。句中可作主语、宾语和定语,both后面应跟名词的复数形式。如:Neither of the films is good.两部电影都不好。(没有一部是好的)Either of the films is good. 两部电影都不错。(谓语动词用单数)Both the teachers often answer the questions.这两个老师都常常解答问题。 6. take part in/join take part in参加某种活动; join参加,加入某一政党或组织。例如:Can you take part in my party.你能来参加我的派对吗?We often take part in many school activities.我们经常参加学校里的一些活动。He joined the party in 1963. 他1963年入的党。My little brother joined the army last year. 我小弟去年参的军。 7. quite/ rather/ very (1)quite 表示程度“很,十分,完全地”,“相当”。如:She is quite right.她对极了。 That's not quite what I want . 那并不完全是我所要的。 (2)rather 表示程度上的“相当”,比预想地程度要大,通常用在不喜欢的情况下。如:It's rather cold today.今天的天气相当冷。 (3)very 表示程度“很,甚,极其,非常”,用于修饰形容词或副词,既可用在喜欢的情况下,也可用于不喜欢的情况下。应注意“a very +形容词+可数名词的单数”结构中,"a"应置于"very"之前,该结构相当“quite a/an +形容词+名词”的结构。如:Two months is quite a long time. / a very long time. 两个月是一段很长的时间。It's a very nice day / quite a nice day. 今天天气很好。 【考点扫描】 中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 不定代词/副词的运用; 2. 反身代词的用法; 3. 并列句; 4. 形容词和副词的比较等级; 5. 冠词的用法; 6. 动词的过去进行时; 7. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 8. 本单元学过的日常交际用语。 考试形式可以是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空和完成句子。 【中考范例】 1. (2004年江西省中考试题) ---I called you yesterday evening, but there was no answer. ---Oh, I am sorry I ___________ dinner at my friend’s home. A. have B. had C. was having D. have had 【解析】答案:C。该提考查的是动词的时态。表示过去某一时刻正在进行的动作应用过去进行时。 2. (2004年北京市中考试题) ---Which is _________, the sun, the moon or the earth? ---Of course the moon is. A. small B. smaller C. smallest D. the smallest 【解析】答案:D。该提考查的是形容词的比较等级。三者进行比较,其中最小的应用最高级,而形容词最高级之前必须加顶冠词the。 3. (2004年河北省中考试题) Bob never does his homework _________ Mary. He makes lots of mistakes. A. so careful as B. as carefully as C. carefully as D. as careful as 【解析】答案:B。该提考查的是形容词和副词的用法区别。空白处所缺的词是修饰动词短语does his homework的,应该用副词。另外,表示“某人做事不如某人细心”应用“not as carefully as”这样的结构。 4. (2004年吉林省中考试题) ---I like riding fast. It’s very exciting. ---Oh! You mustn’t do it like that, ________ it may have an accident. A. and B. or C. so D. but 【解析】答案:B。该提考查的是连接并列句的并列连词的选择。And通常连接两个意思一致的并列句,so连接两个有因果关系的并列句,but连接两个有转折关系的并列句,or相当于if not意思是“否则”。 初三年级(上) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. at the moment 2. used to 3. for a while 4. walk away with sth. 5. leave for some place 6. sooner or later 7. pay for 8. come up with an idea 9. think of 10. have a try 11. all over the world 12. be famous for 13. large numbers of 14. all the year round 15. no matter what 16. give up 17. for example 18. by the way 19. on business 20. so far 21. come true 22. set off 23. slow down 24. go on doing 25. wait for 26. be proud of 27. be afraid of 28. speak highly of 29. a year and a half 30. half a year 31. pick up 32. as soon as 33. keep… clean 34. take care of 35. cut down 36. make a contribution to 37. base on 38. make sure 39. take away 40. begin with 41. right now 42. as soon as possible 43. leave a message 44. all kinds of things 45. walk around 46. fall asleep 47. wake up 48. go on a trip 49. have a good time 50. take photos 51. come out 52. come on 53. have a family meeting 54. talk about 55. go for a holiday 56 go scuba diving 57. write down 58. by oneself 59. walk along 60. get a chance to do sth 61. have a wonderful time 62. book a room 63. have an accident 64. be interested in 65. use sth. to do sth. 66. make a TV show 67. be amazed at 68. take part in 69. feed on 70. get out of II. 重要句型 1. Why don’t you do sth.? 2. make sb. Happy 3. borrow sth. from sb. 4. forget to do sth. 5. pay fro sth. 6. return sth. To sb. 7. learn sth. from sb. 8. be famous for sth. 9. No matter what… 10. be with sb. 11. go on doing sth. 12. speak highly of sb. 13. keep doing sth. 14. allow sb. To do sth. 15. encourage sb. to do sth. 16. It is said that… III. 交际用语 1. --- Excuse me, have you got …? --- Yes, I have. (Sorry, I haven’t.) 2. --- Why don’t you …? --- Thanks, I will. 3. --- Thanks a lot. (Thank you very much.) --- You are welcome. 4. --- Have you ever done…? --- Yes, I have, once. (No, never.) 5. --- I’ve just done… --- Really? 6. ---What’s …like ? 7. --- How long have you been…? --- Since… 8. --- Have you ever been to…? --- I’ve never been there. (None of us has./ Only …has. ) 9. --- Would you like to have a try? --- I don’t think I can… 10. --- What have you done since…? 11. --- How long have you been at this …? --- For… 12. --- How long has she/ he worked there…? --- She’s / He’s worked there for… / all her / his life. 13. --- I’m sorry he isn’t here right now. 14. --- May I help you? 15. --- That’s very kind of you. 16. ---Could we go scuba diving? 17. --- Could you tell us how long we’re going to be away? 18. --- Let’s try to find some information about it, OK? 19. --- Could you please tell me how to search the Internet? 20. --- Go straight along here. 21. ---Please go to Gate 12. 22. --- Please come this way. 23. --- Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island? 24. --- That sounds really cool! IV. 重要语法 1. 宾语从句 2. 现在完成时 3. 一般过去时与现在完成时的用法比较: 【名师讲解】 1. Maybe/ may be (1) maybe是副词,意思是“大概,也许”,常用作状语。例如: Maybe you put it in your bag.也许你把它放在包里了。“Will he come tomorrow?”“Maybe not.” “他明天来吗?”“也许不”。 (2) may be相当于是情态动词may与be动词搭配一起作谓语,意思是“也许是…,可能是…”。 例如:It may be 9:00 when they arrive.他们可能于九点到达。The man may be a lawyer. 那人也许是律师。 2. borrow/ lend/ keep/ use (1) borrow表示的是从别人那里借来东西,即我们通常所说的“借进来”。例如:We often borrow books from our school library.我们经常从学校图书馆借书。I borrowed this dictionary from my teacher. 我从老师那儿借来了这本字典。 borrow是一个瞬间完成的动作,因此不能与时间段连用。 例如:You can borrow my recorder for three days. ( 错误 )I have borrowed this book for only one week. ( 错误 ) (2) lend表示的是把自己的东西借给别人,即我们通常所说的“借出去”。 例如:Thank you for lending me your bike.谢谢你把自行车借给我。He often lends money to his brother.他经常借钱给他弟弟。 lend与borrow一样,也是一个瞬间完成的 动作,不能与一段时间连用。 (3) keep的意思也是“借”,但一般是指借来后的保存或使用阶段,是一段持续的时间,因此可以与时间段连用。例如:You can keep my recorder for three days.我的录音机你可以借用三天。 I have kept this book for only one week.这本书我才刚借了一星期。 (4) use也可以当“借用”讲,但它的本意是“用,使用”。例如:May I use your ruler? 我能借你的尺子用一下吗?He had to use this public telephone.他不得不使用这部公用电话。 3. leave/ leave for (1) leave意思是“离开,留下”。 例如:We left Shanghai two years ago.我们两年前离开了上海。 He left his cell phone in the taxi last week.他上周把手机落在出租车里了。 (2) leave for意思是“前往”,表示要去的目的地。例如:We will leave for Tibet next month.我们将于下月去西藏。The train is leaving for Moscow.这趟火车即将开往莫斯科。 4. since/ for (1) since用于完成时态,既能用作介词,也能用作连词,后常接时间点,意思是“自从”。 例如: He has been a worker since he came into this city.自从他来到这个城市,他就是工人了。 I have never seen him since we last met in Shanghai .自从我们上次在上海见过之后我再也没见过他。 since作连词,还有“既然”的意思。例如: Since you are interested in it, just do it. 既然你对它感兴趣,那就做吧。 You can have fun now since you’ve finished your work.既然你已经做完了功课,就开心玩会儿吧。 (2) for用于完成时,用作介词,后常接一段时间,意思是“经过…”。例如: I have learned English for five years.我已经学了五年英语了。They have waited for you for 30 minutes.他们已经等了你三十分钟了。 for也可以用作连词,但意思是“因为”。 例如: They missed the flight for they were late.他们由于完到了而误了航班。He fell ill for many reasons.他由于多种原因病倒了。 5. neither/ either/ both (1) neither作代词是对两者都进行否定,意思为“两者都不”,作主语时谓语动词用单数.例如:Neither of the boys is from England.这两个男孩都不是来自英国。I know neither of them. 他们两个我都不认识。 neither用作形容词,也修饰单数名词,意思与作代词时相同;用作连词时,一般与nor搭配,表示 “既不…也不”。作主语时,谓语动词也遵循就近原则。 例如:She neither ate nor drank yesterday. 她昨天既不吃也不喝。Neither he nor we play football on Sundays. 他和我们星期天都不踢球。 (2) either作代词时,是指两者中的任意一方,(两者之)每一个,故作主语时谓语动词用单数. 例如:Either of the books is new.这两本书任何一本都是新的. She doesn’t like either of the films.这两部电影她都不喜欢. either作形容词, 用来修饰单数名词,意思与作介词时相同. 例如:Either school is near my home. (这两所学校中的)任何一所学校都离我家很近. Either question is difficult.两个问题(中的任何一个)都难. either作连词时,一般与or搭配,表示两者选其一,意思是“不是…就是”。作主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。 Either he or I am right.不是他就是我是对的。 Either my sister or my parents are coming to see me.不是我姐姐就是我父母要来看我。 (3) both作代词时,指的是所涉及到的“两者都”, 故作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。 I like both of the stories.这两个故事我都喜欢。Both of my parents are teachers.我父母两人都是老师。 both作形容词时,用来修饰两者,意思与作代词时相同.Both his arms are hurt.他的两只胳膊都受伤了。 Both these students are good at English. 这两个学生都擅长英语。 both用作连词时,多与and搭配,表示“既…又, 不仅…而且”, 作主语时, 谓语动词仍用复数形式。 Both piano and violin are my bobbies.钢琴和小提琴都是我的爱好。 They study both history and physics. 他们既学历史,又学物理。 6. find/look for/ find out (1) find强调找的结果,意思是“找到”。此外还有“发现,发觉”的意思,后可接宾语从句。 例如:Jim couldn’t find his hat.吉姆找不着帽子了。Have you found your lost keys? 你找到丢失的钥匙了吗? He found the lights were on along the street.他发现沿街的灯都亮了 (2) look for的意思为“寻找”,指的是找的动作而非结果。另外,还有“盼望,期待”的意思。 例如:She is looking for her son.她正在找她的儿子。We’ve been looking for the car since early this morning.我们从今天一大早就开始找这辆车了。I look for the coming holiday.我期待着即将来临的假期。 (3) find out含有经过观察、研究或探索而得知的意思,后常接较抽象的事物,意思是“找出,发现,查明(真相)”等。例如: I can find out who took my money away.我能查出谁拿了我的钱。 Could you find out when the plane arrives? 你能设法知道飞机何时到吗? 7. forget to do/ forget doing (1) forget to do是指忘记去做某件事了,即该事还没有做。例如: Please don’t forget to call this afternoon.今天下午不要忘了给我打电话。I forgot to take some small change with me.我身上忘了带零钱了。 (2) forget doing是指忘记某件已经做过的事情,即该事已经做了,但被忘记了。 例如:He forgot telling me his address.他忘了告诉过我地址了。They forgot having been here before.他们忘了以前曾来过这儿。 8. stop doing/ stop to do (1) stop doing是指停止做某事,即doing这个动作不再继续。例如:They stopped debating.他们停止了辩论。(不辩论了)He had to stop driving as the traffic lights changed in to red. 由于交通灯变成了红色他不得不停车。 (2) stop to do是指停下来开始做另一件事,即停止原先的事,开始做do这个动作。 例如:She stopped to have a rest.她停下来休息会儿。(开始休息)They stopped to talk.他们停下来开始交谈。 9. except/ besides (1) except是指不包括后面所提人或物在内的“除了”,可以理解为“撇开…不谈”,表示两部分的不同。 Everyone is excited except me.除我以外的每个人都很激动。(他们激动,而我却不激动)All the visitors are Japanese except him.除他以外的所有游客都是日本人。(其他人是日本人,可他不是) (2)besides是包括后面所提人或物在内的“除了”,可以理解为“除之外…还、除之外…又”,表示两部分的相似性。例如:Twenty-five students went to the cinema besides him.除他以外,还有25个学生去看了电影。(他和另外25人都去了)We like biology besides English.除了英语外,我们还喜欢生物。(生物和英语都喜欢) besides还可用作副词,意思是“此外;而且”,常用于句首或句尾。 例如:He is a great thinker, and besides, he is a politician.他是一名伟大的思想家,除此以外,他还是一位政治家。 They encouraged me, and they supported me with money, besides. 他们不仅鼓励我,而且与我以金钱上的支持。 10. keep doing/ keep on doing (1) keep doing指的是连续地、坚持不断地做某事,中间不间断。 例如:It kept blowing for a whole day.刮了一整天风了。The temperature keeps dropping.温度持续下降。 (2) keep on doing是指反复坚持做某事,但动作之间略有间隔。例如:They have kept on writing to each other for many years.他们已经互相通信多年了。After drinking some water, he kept on talking.喝了一些水后,他坚持讲话。 11. seem/ look (1) seem一般着重于以客观迹象为依据,意思是“似乎、好象、看起来…”。 例如:The baby seems to be happy.婴儿看上去似乎很高兴。He seemed to be sorry for that.他似乎为那件事感到抱歉。 seem能与to do结构连用,而look不能。 例如:It seems to rain. 似乎要下雨了。 They seemed to have finished their work.他们似乎已经完成了工作。 在it作形式主语的句型中只能用seem。 例如:It seems that he is quite busy now.他现在看起来很忙。 It seems to us that there is nothing serious.在我看来没什么大不了的。 (2) look用作“看起来;好像”时,常从物体的外观或样貌上来判断,是以视觉所接受的印象为依据的。 例如:The room looks clean.这间房看起来很干净。The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看起来向她的妈妈。 12. such/ so (1)such常用作形容词,用来修饰名词。 例如:Don’t be such a fool.别这么傻。 He is such a clever boy.他是如此聪明的一个男孩。 (2) so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。 例如:He is so kind! 他真好心! Why did you come so late? 你为何回来得如此晚? 当名词前有many, much, few, little等表示多、少时,应该用so。 例如:He has so many friends.他有如此多的朋友。 Only so little time is left! 才剩这么一点儿时间! 13. either/ too/ also (1)either用作“也”时是副词,常用于否定句句尾。 例如:She is not a Japanese, I’m not, either.她不是日本人,我也不是。 My sister doesn’t like this song, either.我妹妹也不喜欢这首歌。 (2)too常用于肯定句或疑问句尾,表示“也”。 例如:He likes China, too.他也喜欢中国。 Are you in Grade 3, too? 你也在三年级吗? (3)also也常用于肯定句或疑问句,但一般位于句中。 例如:We are also students.我们也是学生。 He also went there on foot.他也是走着去的。 Did you also want to have a look? 你也想看看吗? 14. if/ whether 在下列情况下只能用whether而非if: (1)与or not连用时,只能用whether. We want to know whether you are ill or not. 我们想知道你是否生病了。 Please tell me whether or not you have finished your work.请告诉我们你是否完成了工作。 (2)后接动词不定式时,只能用whether. Adam didn’t know whether to go or stay.亚当不知道是走还是留。 He hasn’t decided whether to have dinner with me.他还没决定是否和我共进晚餐。 (3)所引导的宾语从句放在主句之前时,只能用whether. Whether it will rain or snow, we don’t mind. 我们不在乎将要刮风还是下雨。 Whether I won or lost, she didn’t want to know.我是赢是输她不想知道。 (4)引导主语从句或表语从句时,一般用whether. The most important was whether they had gone.最重要的是他们是不是已经走了。 Whether he will go with me is a secret.他是否会和我一起去还是个秘密。 if能引导条件状语从句,表示“如果,假如”,而whether没有此用法。 We’ll have a football match if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我们 要进行足球赛。 I’ll tell him if I sees him.我看见他就告诉他。 If you’re in danger, please call 110.如果你遇到危险,请拨打110。 15. cost/ spend/ pay/ take (1) cost一般用某物来做主语,表示“(某物)值…、花费…”,既能指花费时间也能指金钱。 The new bike costs me 300 yuan.这辆新自行车花了我三百元。 It will cost you a whole to read through this book.通读这本书将会花费你整整一周时间。 cost 还可以用作名词,表示“成本、费用、价格、代价”等。 What’s the cost of this TV set? 这台电视机的成本是多少钱? They succeeded at the cost of hard work.他们辛苦地工作换来的成功。 (2) spend一般用某人来作主语,表示“(某人)花费…,付出…”,也能指时间或金钱,指时间时常与 in搭配,指金钱时常与on或for搭配。 We spent two days in repairing this machine.我们花了两天时间修理这台机器。 Mr. Lee spends $20 on books every month.李先生每月花二十美元在书上。 (3) pay用作动词时,一般也以某人作主语,但一般指花钱、付款等,很少用来指花费时间。常与for搭配使用。例如:They paid 70 yuan for the tickets.他们花了七十元买票。 He was too poor to pay for his schooling.他穷得交不起学费。 pay还可以用作名词,意思为“薪水、工资”等。 It’s hard for me to live with such low pay.我很难靠这么低的薪水生活下去。 (4)take也指“花费(时间、金钱)”,但通常用某事、某物做主语,或用形式主语it. How long will the meeting take? 会议要开多久?It took me several hours to get there. 我花了几个小时才到那儿。 16. bad/ badly 这两个词的意思含有“坏、糟、严重”等意思,且它们有共同的比较级worse和最高级worst 。 (1) bad是一个形容词,意思是“坏的,糟糕的,差的,严重的”。 例如:I don’t think he is a bad person.我并不认为他是一个坏人。I had a bad headache.我的头疼得很厉害。 (2)badly是一个副词,意思是“不好地,差”,也可以表示程度,意为“严重地,非常,极度”。 例如:We need help badly.我们急需帮助。His arm was badly hurt.他的胳膊严重受伤了。 17. interested/ interesting (1) interested是指“对…产生兴趣的,对…感兴趣的”,一般用人做主语,后常用介词in. 例如:He was interested in biology before.他以前对生物感兴趣。 I’m not interested in art.我对艺术不感兴趣。 (2)interesting的意思是“有趣的”,指能够给人带来兴趣的某人或某事物。例如: He is an interesting old man.他是个有趣的老头。The interesting story attracted me. 这个有趣的故事吸引了我。 18. dead/ die/ death/ dying (1) dead是形容词,意思为“死了的、无生命的”,表示状态,可以与一段时间连用。 例如: The tree has been dead for ten years.这棵树死了有十年了。The rabbits are all dead. 这些兔子都是死的。 (2) die是动词,意思为“死、死亡”,是一个瞬间动词,不能与一段时间连用。例如: My grandpa died two years ago.我爷爷两年前去世了。The old man died of cancer.老人死于癌症。 (3) death是名词,意思为“死亡、去世”等。 The memorial hall was built one year after his death.他死后一年,纪念馆建成了。 His death is a great loss to us.他的死是我们的巨大损失。 (4) dying 是die的现在分词,用作形容词,意思是“垂死的、即将死去的”。 The doctors have saved the dying man.医生们救活了那个垂死的人。 The poor dog had no food, it was dying.可怜的狗没有食物,快要饿死了。 【考点扫描】 中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 宾语从句的时态和语序; 2. 一般过去时和过去完成时的用法区别; 3. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 4. 本单元学习的日常交际用语。 考试形式可以是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空和完成句子。 【中考范例】 1. (2004年北京市海淀区中考试题) ---Do you know ________________?---Only ten months old. A. when does Tiger Woods start golfing B. when did Tiger Woods start golfing C. when Tiger Woods starts golfing D. when Tiger Woods started golfing 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是宾语从句的时态和语序。这个宾语从句的时态应用一般过去时,应为这里说的是过去的事情。语序应用陈述句的语序,所以正确答案是: when Tiger Woods started golfing。 2. (2004年北京市海淀区中考试题) I’m interested in animals, so I _____________ every Saturday working in an animal hospital. A. pay B. get C. take D. spend 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是pay, get, take和spend这四个动词的用法区别。只有动词spend可以用在sb. spends time doing sth. 这个句型里,所以正确答案影视spend。 3. (2004年天津市中考试题) Could I ________ your telephone? I have something important to tell my parents. A. keep B. borrow C. use D. lend 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是keep, borrow, use和lend四个动词的用法区别。keep的真正含义是“保留”,borrow的含义是“借入”,lend的含义是“借出”,只有use的含义是“使用”。在这个句子里实际上是“使用”的意思,所以应选use。 4. (2004年鄂州市中考试题) ---Hi, Ann. Where’s your brother? I need his help. ---He left home two weeks ago and ________away ever since. A. is B. was C. has been D. had been 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是动词时态的用法区别。一般现在时表示经常发生的动作或现在所处的状态;一般过去时表示过去的动作或过去所处的状态;过去完成时表示过去的动作或过去的时间以前发生的事情;现在完成时表示动作或状态从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在或刚刚结束。这里只能用现在完成时。 初三年级(中) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. give up 2. try out 3. most of 4. not…any more 5. at the age of 6. at that time 7. send message by telegraph 8. graduate from 9. turn down 10. put up 11. at the top of 12. get together 13. from house to house 14. at the end of 15. on top of 16. as well 17. climb down 18. in a single night 19. even though 20. live on 21. once upon a time 22. according to 23. keep warm 24. on the other hand 25. on show 26. on display 27. in the future 28. look up 29. Tree Planting Day 30. just right 31. as often as possible 32. wash away 33. in this way 34. in a few years' time 35. point to 36. thanks to 37. more or less 38. so far 39. shut down 40. send up 41. put off II. 重要句型 1.set one's mind to do sth. 2. put … together 3. stop…from… 4. keep…from… 5. be filled with sth. 6. give birth to 7. be covered with 8. be made of 9. fill…with… 10. match…with 11. be used for 12. have nothing to do with 13. come up with 14. no matter how… 15. keep sb./sth.warm III. 交际用语 1. ---I'm trying to … 2. --- I'll … 3. --- Which of these would you like most to …? 4. --- What do you want to … ? 5. --- I want to… 6. --- I hope to … 7. --- I plan to… 8. --- I'm going to… 9. --- I'm so happy that … 10. --- I'm glad …. 11. --- me too. 12. --- What's this called in English? 13. --- What's it made of? 14. --- It's made of … 15. --- What's it used for? 16. --- It's used for … 17. --- English is widely used for business/ … 18. --- It is one of the world's most important languages as it is so widely used. 19. --- Where is / are … grown / produced / made ? 20. --- The (ground ) must be just right… 21. --- It's best to … 22. --- The hole should not be too deep. 23. --- The Great Green Wall is 7000 kilometres long, and between 400 and 1700 kilometres wide. 24. --- The more, the better. 25. --- More or less! 26. --- The (ground ) must be just right… 27. --- The hole should not be too deep. 28. 掌握以下常见标志: ENTRANCE EXIT PUSH PULL NO SMOKING NO PARKING FRAGILE THIS SIDE UP NO PHOTOS DANGER BUSINESS HOURS PLAY STOP PAUSE ON OFF IV. 重要语法 1. 动词被动语态的结构和用法; 2. 动词不定式的功能和用法。 【名师讲解】 1. be able to/ can (1) 都能表示“能够,具备干某件事的能力”这个含义,此时可以互换。 Mr. Green is able to finish the work on time. = Mr. Green can finish the work on time. 格林先生能够按时完成这项工作。 (2) be able to可以用于各种时态,而can 为情态动词,多用于现在时,其过去式为could。 We are sure he will be able to be an artist when he grows up. 我们相信他长大后能够成为一名画家。 Miss Lin has been able to pay the car by herself.林小姐已经能够自己负担那辆车了。 (4) Can除了表示“能够,有能力做某事”以外,还有如下用法,而be able to 则没有。表示请求,但语气没有could委婉 Can I have a look at this picture? 我能看看这张图片吗? Can we leave school after 6:00 p.m. ?我们可以在下午6点之后再离开学校吗? 表示可能性。 That man can’t be our new teacher. 那人不可能是我们的新老师。 The exam can’t be too difficult.考试不会太难。 2. bring/ take/carry/fetch (1) bring一般是指拿来,即从别处往说话人这里拿,翻译成“带来”。 He brought us some good news.他给我们带来了一些好消息。 Please don’t forget to bring your homework tomorrow.明天请别忘了把家庭作业带来。 (2) take一般是指从说话人这里往别处拿,翻译成“带走”。 Please take the umbrella with you. It’s going to rain.要下雨了,请把伞带上。 She took the dictionary away.她把字典拿走了。 (3) carry不强调方向,表示“携带、背着、运送、搬扛”等意思。 They carried the boxes into the factory. 他们把箱子搬进了工厂。 A taxi carried them to the station. 出租车送他们到了车站 (4) fetch表示的是“去取来、去拿来、去叫来”等意思,包含去和来两趟。 The waiter fetched them some apples.侍者为他们取来了一些苹果。 Mother fetched the doctor for her ill son.妈妈为生病的儿子请来了医生。 3. whole/ all (1) whole强调一个完整如一,互不分割的整体。 The whole country is suffering the war. 整个国家正遭遇战争。 I just want to know the whole story.我仅仅只想知道完整的故事。 whole在句中的位置是放在所有格,冠词和指示代词的之后。 They will spend their whole holiday in Canada.他们将到加拿大渡过整个假期。(所有格后) She has finished writing the whole book. 她已经写完了整本书。(冠词后) whole用来修饰可数名词(名词用单数)。 He ate the whole cake. 他把整个蛋糕都吃了。(强调整整一个蛋糕) (2) all强调由一个个部分组成的“全部”。 Miss Green knew all the students in the class.格林小姐认识这个班上的所有人。(一个一个全认识) all在句中的位置是放在所有格,定冠词和指示代词的之前。 Jim finished all his homework in twenty minutes.吉姆在20分钟之内完成了所有的作业。(所有格前) Of all the boys here, he sings best.在这里所有的男孩之中,他唱的最好。(定冠词前) The boy can answer all these questions.那个男孩能够回答所有的这些问题。(指示代词前) all既能修饰可数名词(名词须用复数),又能修饰不可数名词。 All these five books are mine.这五本书都是我的。(修饰可数名词) She was worried about her son all the time.她总在为她的儿子担心。(修饰不可数名词) 4. fill/ full (1) fill常作动词,与with连用,意思是“注满、装满”,也能表示“填空;补缺”的意思。例如: He filled the box with chalk.他把粉笔装满了盒子。The bucket is filled with water.水桶里装满了水。 (2) full是形容词,翻译成“满的,装满的”,常与of连用。此外还能表示“完全的”和“吃饱的,过饱的”。 All the rooms are full of people.所有的房间都满人了。 The bus was full. He had to wait for the next one.这辆车人满了,他只有等下一辆。 5. be made of/ be made from/ be made in/ be made into (1) be made of表示"由…制成", 一般指能够看出原材料,或发生的是物理变化。例如: This table cloth is made of paper.这张桌布是由纸做的。 This salad is made of apples and strawberries.这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。 (2) be made from也表示"由…制成",但一般指看不出原材料,或发生的是化学变化。例如: Bread is made from corn.面包是小麦做的。 The lifeboat is made from some special material.这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。 (3) be made in指的是产地,意思为"于…制造"。 The caps are made in Russia.这些帽子产于俄罗斯。 My mother likes to buy things which are made in China.我妈妈喜欢买中国产的东西。 (4) be made into的意思为"被制成为…"。 This piece of wood will be made into a small bench. 这块木头将要被制成一个小凳。 The paper has been made into clothes for the doll. 纸被做成了洋娃娃的衣服。 6. none/ no one/ neither (1) none既能指人,又能指物,意思是"没有一个,无一",常用作代词,与of连用。 None of us has heard of him before.我们没有一个人以前听说过他。 I like none of the coats. 那些外套我一件都不喜欢。 none用作主语时,谓语动词用单复数皆可。例如: None of the answers is true.没有一个答案是正确的。None of the rooms are mine.没有一间房子是我的。 (2) no one只能用来指人,且不能与of连用。例如: No one is absent.没有人缺席。I knew no one there.那里我一个人也不认识。 no one用作主语时,谓语动词只能用单数。 例如:No one agrees with you. 没有人同意你的说法。 (3) neither作代词是对两者都进行否定,意思为"两者都不",作主语时谓语动词用单数。 例如:Neither of the boys is from England. 这两个男孩都不是来自英国。 I know neither of them.他们两个我都不认识。 7. found/ find (1) find的意思是"找到、发现",其过去式和过去分词都是found. I can't find my glasses.我找不着我的眼镜了。He found it boring to sit here alone.他发现独自坐在这里很没劲。 (2) found是另外一个词,与find并没有关系,意思是"成立、建设",常用作及物动词。 The People's Republic of China was founded in 1949.中华人民共和国成立于1949年。 The school was founded by the local residents.这所学校是由当地居民修建的。 8. hear / hear of/ hear from (1)hear的意思是"听见;听说,得知",后面能接名词、代词或宾语从句。 例如: We heard the news just a moment ago.我刚听说这个消息。Can you hear me? 能听见我说话吗? (2) hear of的意思是"听说",一般指非直接的听见,而是听别人说的。后不能接宾语从句。例如: I have never heard of her.我从未听说过她。They heard of the film long time ago.他们很久以前就听说过这部电影。 (3) hear from的意思是"收到来信",与"听"无关。例如:I often hear from him. 我经常收到他的来信。 He hasn't heard from his mother for a long time.他很久没有收到妈妈的信了 9. send/ send for (1) send意思是"送往,派遣",还有"发信,寄信"的意思。例如:The company sent him to study abroad.公司派他到国外学习去了。Mr. Brown sent her children away.布郎夫人送走了孩子们。 (2) send for意思是"召唤;派人去取;派人去拿",而非本人亲自去。例如:They have sent for a repairman.他们已经派人去请了一名修理工。 She sent for some flowers.她派了人去买花。 10. get to/ arrive/ reach (1) arrive后不能直接接地点,是一个不及物动词。若表示到达一个相对大的地点,用arrive in ; 若表示相对小的地点,用arrive at . The delegation will arrive in China at 5:00 p.m.代表团将于下午5:00到达北京。 It was dark when they arrived at the railway station.当他们到达火车站的时候,天已经黑了。 When did she arrive here last time? 她上次是什么时候到这儿的?(副词前省略介词) (2) reach能直接接所到达的地点,是一个及物动词。例如:They reached London on Friday.他们星期五到达了伦敦。The news only reached me yesterday.我于昨天才接到这个消息。 reach还有"伸手去取,伸手触及,联络"等意思。 Can you reach that apple on the tree? 你能够到树上的哪个苹果吗? He can always be reached on the phone.可随时打电话跟他联系。 (3) get在表示"到达"时是不及物动词,应与to搭配使用。 We often get to school on foot.我们经常步行到学校。 They got to the top of the hill at noon.他们于中午到达了山顶。 【考点扫描】 中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 动词被动语态的结构和用法; 2. 动词不定式的功能和用法; 3. 本单元的词汇、短语和句型; 4. 本单元学过的交际用语。 考试形式可以是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空和完成句子。 【中考范例】 1. (2004年北京市中考试题) Aunt Li often asks her son ________ too much meat. It’s bad for his health. A. don’t eat B. not to eat C. not eat D. to not eat 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是动词不定式的构成和用法。这个句子的基本句型是ask sb. not to do sth. 这里,not to eat 是不定式的否定式做宾语补足语。 2. (2004年嘉兴市中考试题) China is becoming stronger and stronger, so Chinese ________ in more American schools now. A. was taught B. is taught C. teaches D. taught 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是动词的语态和时态。Chinese 是一种语言,只能被人教,因此要用被动语态。又因为说的现在的情况,动词要用一般现在时。所以选B。 3. (2004年河北省中考试题) This painting ________ to a museum in New York in 1977.A. sells B. sold C. was sold D. is sold 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是动词的语态和时态。This painting只能被卖,所以用被动语态,又因为是1977年卖的,所以用一般过去时。 4. (2004年扬州市中考试题) ---If you ________ a new idea, please call me as soon as possible. ---Sure, I will. A. keep up with B. catch up with C. feed up with D. come up with 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是短语动词用法。本单元学习的短语动词come up with a new idea意思是想出新主意,正符合题意。 初三年级(下) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. beg one's pardon 2. multiply …by… 3. slow down 4. wear out 5. try on 6. make a decision, 7. a place of interest 8. make a mistake 9. drop off 10. think about 11. make up one's mind, 12. at all, 13. at least 14. by the time 15. carry on 16. never mind 17. from now on 18. come down 19. hands up 20. before long, 21. no one, 22. not…any longer II. 重要句型 1. be busy doing sth. 2. prefer to do sth. 3. regard... as... 4. be pleased with sth./sb. 5. be angry with sb. III. 交际用语 1. ---How much does… cost …? 2. ---It can cost as little as … yuan and as much as … yuan. 3. ---It costs …. 4. ---It's worth …. 5. ---I don't agree with …. 6. ---I wasn't sure whether…. 7. ---I wonder if …. 8. ---What size …? 9. ---Have you got any other colour / size / kind? 10. ---Have you got anything cheaper? 11. ---How much are they? 12. ---How much does it cost? 13. ---How much is it? 14. ---That's a bit expensive. 15. ---Even though they're a little expensive, I'll take them. 16. ---I'll think about …. 17. ---I don't think I'll take …. 18. ---I like …. 19. ---I don't really like …. 20. ---Can I help you, girl? 21. ---Would you like me to look in the back? 22. ---We can find …. 23. ---Do you like being …? 24. ---Can I ask you some questions? 25. ---Sure. 26. ---It was great. 27. ---Wow! 28. ---Yeah! 29. ---Oh dear! 30. ---Hands up! 31. ---I’ll shoot anyone who moves. 32. ---There’s no need to thank me. 33. ---Can you remember anything else about him? 34. ---Come down, Polly! 35. ---There is a little traffic accident. 36. ---There's a big traffic jam. 37. ---Well, I'm sure he'll be here before long. 38. ---I'm beginning to get angry with him! 39.---Yes, we can't wait any longer. Let's go without him. 40. ---That's terrible! 41. ---That's a really bad excuse! IV. 重要语法 1. 过去将来时 2. 过去完成时 3. 动词不定式 4. 定语从句 【名师讲解】 1. think/ think/about/ think of (1) think 单独使用时表示"思考", 接that 宾语从句时意为"认为","觉得"。 I am thinking how to work out the problem. I think she is a good student. 当宾语从句含有否定概念时,通常形式上否定think ,但意义上却是否定宾语从句。 I don't think he can come. I don't think it will be windy. (2)think about 可接一个名词,动词-ing 形式或由疑问词引导的不定式或宾语从句,意思是"考虑……"。 I have thought about it for a long time. Please think about how to tell her the bad news. (3)think of 表示"认为", 一般用于疑问句中,与what 连用。 What do you think of the TV play? = How do you like the TV play? 2. big/ large/ great 上述形容词都表示"大",但侧重点及程度不同。 (1) big指具体事物的大小,强调比正常形体的标准大,既可用在普通场合, 也可用在正式场合。它可用来指人的身材高大或"长大了",还可表示"伟大","重要"之意。如: Can you lift up this big stone? On the last day I made a big decision. (2) large特别强调远远超过标准的大,指体积、面积、容积、数量之大。如: A whale is a large animal. A large crowd collected at the gate of the theatre. (3) great除了表示数量体积之大外,又指抽象的程度,意味着伟大性,重要性, 优越性;常用于抽象 或无形的东西;用于有形的东西时,常带有"伟大","大得令人吃惊"等意思,含有一定的感情色彩。如: China is a great country with a long history. He was one of the greatest scientists. 3. cost/ take/ spend/ pay (1) cost表示"花钱",花费,付出(只能用于钱、精力、生命等;主语必须是物。)The book cost me five yuan. (2) take的主语是动词不定式, 通常用it做形式主语。It took me five yuan to buy the book.. (3) spend,在主动语句中主语是人I spent five yuan on (for) the book.或I spent five yuan (in) buying the book. (4) pay的主语是人。I paid five yuan for the book. 4. expensive/ high/ cheap/ low 这四个词在谈论到价格的高低时,要注意使用。expensive与high涉及到价格"高",而cheap 与low涉及到价格"低"。 (1) expensive昂贵的,花钱多的。这个单词若谈到"价格高,货贵"时其主语不能是价格,必须是货物、物品本身。如:This watch is expensive. 这只表很贵。These glass-products are not expensive. 这些玻璃制品不是很值钱。 注意:cheap表示"价廉","便宜的",其主语也不能是价格,必须是物品本身。如: The cheap table was bought from him. 这张便宜的桌子是他卖给我们的。 This cloth doll is very cheap. 这只布娃娃很便宜。 (2)high在表示价格时,含义是"高",low在表示价格时,含义是"低",这两个词不能用于物品本身,只 能用在价格上。如:The price of this watch is very high. 这只表的价格太高了。 The price of this book is not low for me. 这本书的价格对我来说是不低。 下面我们试看几个句子的正误对照: The price of this computer is expensive.(宜改为:This computer is expensive. 或The price of this computer is high. ) The price of this pen is not cheap for him to buy.(宜改为:This pen is not cheap for him to buy. 或 The price of this pen is not low for him. ) 5. alone/ lonely lonely 与alone的意思比较接近,但在使用时有所区别: (1)lonely用作形容词,意思是"孤单的;寂寞的" 。可指心灵上的寂寞,也可指偏僻的地点。在句中既可作表语,也可作定语。(2)alone 可作形容词和副词,意思是"单独;独自",不指心理上寂寞的感觉。 She was taken to a lonely island, lived alone, but she never felt lonely.她被带到一个荒岛上,自己居住,但她从不感到寂寞。 6. before long/ long before (1)before long 作“不久以后”讲,切不要按字面译为“长时间以前”或“好久以前”。如: We hope to finish our experiment before long. 我们希望不久(以后)就把实验做完。 (2)long before 作"很久以前"讲。原意为"……以前很久",故也可译为"老早"。long before 跟before long 不同,前者在其后面可以接名词或一个从句;当上下文明确时,名词或从句还可以省略。Before long 则没有上述搭配用法。They began the test yesterday, but we had made experiment long before. 我们昨天开始做实验,但我们在那以前很久就已经做准备了。 7. as/ when/ while (1)as 是连词,意思是"当……的时候,一面……一面",(强调同时,一般连续时间不长),如: As we were talking about Titanic, our teacher came in. 正当我们谈论"泰坦尼克号"这部电影时,教师进来了。 The students sing as they go along. 学生们边走边唱。 (2)When和as一样都是连词,注意它们的不同。如when"当……的时候"(一般表示动作紧接着发生); "那时"(等立连词,前有逗号分开)I stayed till sunset, when it began to rain. 我一直呆到太阳下山,那时天开始下雨了。 (3)while是"当……时候;和……同时"(强调同时发生,一般连续时间较长)例如:While I was watching TV, he was reading. 当我在看电视的时候,他正在看书。While there is life, there is hope. 有生命就有希望。 8. beat/win/ hit (1)beat 是动词,意思是"连续地打; 打败; 敲打"。beat后可接人或队名。意思是"击败对手。"如: I can beat you at swimming. (2)win意思是"赢得某个项目",后面常接"match, game"。如:He won a game. 他胜一局。We won a match. 我们比赛得胜。 (3)hit意思是"击中"(有时可表示"打一下")。如:The mother hit her child out of anger. 妈妈生气,打了她孩子一下。 9. keep doing/keep on doing (1)keep doing侧重表示"持续不停地做某事"或"持续某种状态"。如:The girl kept crying all the time. 那个女孩一直在哭。The baby kept sleeping about four hours. 这个婴儿连续睡了大约四个小时。 (2)keep on doing 表示"总不断做某事",不表示静止状态。不能与sitting, sleeping, lying, standing这类 词连用。如:It kept on raining for seven days. Don't keep on asking such silly questions. 10. get/ turn/ become 这三个词都可作系动词用,表示状态的变化,后跟表语,但三个词的用法稍有不同。get强调情感、气候和环境的变化;turn强调色彩的变化;而become则强调职务、职称等的变化。如: The days are getting shorter and shorter in winter.冬天的白天越来越短。She couldn't answer the question and her face turned red.她回答不出问题,脸红了。When did you become a teacher? - Ten years ago.你什么时候当的老师?十年前。 11. steal / rob 从意思上讲steal表示偷窃的意思。而rob表示抢劫的意思;从搭配上来讲,steal sth from sb/sth ;而rob则用rob sb/sth of sth; 例如:He stole money from the rich to give it to the poor.They robbed the bank of one million dollars. 12. see/look/watch/notice 在英语中,see,look,watch,notice都有“看”的意思,要注意他们的区别。 see意为“看到”,表示视觉器官有意识或无意识地看到物体,强调“看到”的结果。 look意为“看”,表示有意识地观看,强调“看”的动作。 watch意为“观看,注视”,指以较大的注意力观看。 notice意为“看到,注意到”,指有意识的注意,含有从不注意到注意的变化的意义。例如: What can you see in the picture?在图画中你能看到什么? Look! How happily they are playing!看!他们玩得多高兴啊! He’s watched TV for over two hours.他看了两个多小时的电视。 He noticed a purse lying on the road.他注意到地上有个钱包。 13. Shoot/ shoot at shoot是及物动词,意思是“射中,射死”,宾语多为人或动物等。而shoot at是一个动词词组,意为“向……射击”,至于射中或射死与否不得而知。如: The man shot five birds in the forest.那个人在森林里射死(中)了五只鸟。The hunter shot at the bear.猎人朝熊射击了。They shot at the she-wolf, but didn't shoot her.他们向那只母狼射击,但是没有射中/死。 14. escape/ run away (1)escape作“逃跑”、“逃脱”或“逃避”讲时,往往会有成功之意。如:The old man escaped death.那个老人死里逃生。The thief escaped from prison.那个小偷越狱了。 (2)run away作“逃跑”、“跑走”讲时,往往强调动作。如:Don't let him run away. 别让他跑了。 口语中escape和run away可以互用。 15. so that..../ so... that.... (1) so that....为了,以便 。引导一个目的状语从句,从句中往往有情态动词。也可引导一个结果状语从句。如: I left at 5:00 so that I could catch the early bus. Speak loudly, so that they can hear what you say. He didn't study English so that he lost a chance to work in a foreign company. (2) so... that....既可引导一个结果状语从句,也可引导一个目的状语从句。 如:The classroom was so noisy that I could hardly study. I got up so early in the morning that I could catch the train. 【考点扫描】 中考考点在本单元主要集中在: 1. 过去将来时; 2. 过去完成时; 3. 动词不定式; 4. 定语从句; 5. 本单元学过的词汇、短语和句型; 6. 本单元学过的交际用语。 考试形式可以是单项填空、完型填空、短文填空和完成句子。 【中考范例】 1. (2004年济宁市中考试题) He wanted to know ______________. A. whether he speaks at the meeting B. when the meeting would start B. what he’s going to do at the meeting D. where would the meeting be held 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是宾语从句的语序和时态。因为主句的时态是一般过去时,所以从句应用过去将来时,这就排除了A和B。宾语从句的时态应该是陈述句的语序,所以只有B是对的。 2. (2004年烟台市中考试题) ---Why didn’t you go to the movie yesterday? ---Because I ___________ it before. A. had watched B. have seen C. have watched D. had seen 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是动词的搭配以及现在完成时和过去完成时的用法区别。看电影习惯商用see a movie, 又因为说的昨天以前发生的事情,应该用过去完成时。只有D正确。 3. (2004年重庆市中考试题) ---Did you win the football game?---Bad luck. Our team __________ in the final one. A. won B. beat C. was won D. was beaten 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是动词搭配和动词的语态。动词win通常和比赛一类的词连用,不与人或队连用,因此可以排除A和C。beat是个及物动词,既然我们的运气不好,就是输了,应该用被动语态。 4. (2004年广州市中考试题) ---Who is the man ________ was talking to our English teacher? ---Oh! It’s Mr Baker, our maths teacher. A. he B. that C. whom D. which 【解析】答案:B。该题考查的是引导定语从句关系代词的选择。由于先行词是人,可以排除A和D。而该词在定语从句中作主语,只有B合适。 1 a bit/ a little 这两个词都意为“一点儿”有时可以互换,但有时不能。 Ⅰ.二者作程度副词修饰形容词、副词、动词或比较级时,意义相同,为“一点儿” “有些”。如: ① I am a bit / a little hungry. 我有点饿。 ② He walked a bit / a little slowly. 他走路有点慢。 Ⅱ.二者都可以作名词词组,充当主语或宾语。如: ① A little / bit is enough for me. 我有一点儿就够了。 ② I know only a little / a bit about her. 我对她的情况只了解一点。 Ⅲ。a little可直接修饰名词;a bit后须加of才可以。如: ①. There is a little water in the bottle. = There is a bit of water in the bottle. [注意] a little of 后的名词通常特指,表“……中的一些”,如: ①May I have a little of your tea? Ⅳ. 否定形式 not a little 作状语,相当于very/ quite, “很”, “非常”;作定语和宾语时,相当于much, 意为 “许多”。而not a bit 作状语时,相当于not at all, 意为“一点也不”,作宾语时则相当于not much. Eg: ① He is not a little (=very) hungry. 他饿极了。 ② He is not a bit (=not at all) hungry.他一点也不饿。 ③ She ate not a little (=much). 她吃得很多。 Ⅴ. Not a bit 中的not 可以分开使用;not a little中的not 则不能分开。Eg: ① He felt not a bit tired. = He didn’t feel a bit tired. 他觉得一点也不累。 ① He felt not a little tired. 他觉得非常累。但不能说:He didn’t fell a little tired. §2 a few/ few/ a little/ little Ⅰ. a few和few修饰可数名词,a little和little修饰不可数名词;a few和a little表示肯定意义,few和little表示否定意义,可受only修饰。如: ① Few people will agree to the plan because it’s too dangerous. ②This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it. ② There is little water left in glass. Will you please give me some ③ Don’t worry, we have a little time left. ④ §3 about/ on Ⅰ.about “关于”表示的内容较为普通或指人时用它。侧重于叙事,多用于叙述个人经历和事迹,故事内容涉及一些较浅的问题。是非正式用语。 Ⅱ.on “关于”侧重于论述政治理论,国际形势,学术报告等。也就是说,当表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的或学术性的可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读时用。eg: This is a text book on African history. 这是一本关于非州历史的教科书。[注]:它们有时可通用。 §4 above/over/on/upon Ⅰ. 方位介词,“在……之上” Ⅱ. above 着重指:在……上方,不一定含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为:below. ① The sun rose above the horizon. 太阳升到了地平线上。 ② The aero plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。 Ⅲ.over 表盖在……上面,或铺在……上面。此时不能用above.代替。含有垂直在上的意思。反义词为under. ① Spread the tablecloth over the table.把桌布铺在桌子上。 Ⅳ. on 含有与表面相接触的意思。 ① The book is on the desk. ② There is an oil painting on the wall. 墙上有一幅油画。 Ⅴ.upon 也含有和表面相接触的意思。与on没有多大的区别,但较正式,口语中较少用。 ① He laid his hand upon the boy’s head. 他把手放在孩子的头上。 [注] up 与以上几个不同,它表示向上方或高处,含有由下而上,由低而高的意思。常和表示运动的动词连用。作副词时,表示在上方或高处。 ① We run up a hill. 我们跑上山。 ② The plane was high up in the air.飞机在高空中。 §5 accident/incident “事故” Ⅰ. accident 可以表示事故,指不幸的意外事件。也表偶然的事件。 ① Twenty people were killed in the railway accident ② He met with an accident. 这完全是偶然的事。 Ⅱ. Incident 的意思是事件,尤指与较重大的事件相比,显得不重要的事件。它还可以表引起国际争端或战争的事件。 ① It is a quite common incident.这是很普通的事。 ② The Lugouqiao incident accrued on July 7th, 1937. 芦沟桥事件发生于1937年7月7日。 §6 accept/receive Ⅰ. accept “接受”,表示其行为是由主观意愿决定的。 ① I accepted it without question. 我毫无疑问地接受了它。 ② We have accepted his proposal. 我已接受了他的建议。 Ⅱ. receive “接到、收到、受到”表示其行为与主观意愿无关。如: ① I received a letter from him. 我收到了他的来信。 ② He received the present, but he did not accept. 他收到了礼物,但没有接受下来。 ③ He received a good education.他受到了良好的教育。 [注] 在表示接待、接见时,通常用 receive, 而不用 accept. 如:We often receive foreign guests. 我们经常接待外宾。 §7 at hand/ in hand Ⅰ. at hand“在手边;在附近;即将到来”如: ① When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 他写东西时,手边总有一本字典。 ② Spring is at hand. 春天就要来了。 Ⅱ. in hand “在手中的;现有的”引申为:“在掌握中;在处理中”。如: ① I have 100 yuan in hand. 我手头有100元钱。 ② The police immediately had the situation in hand. 警方立即控制了局势。 §8 accurate/exact/correct Ⅰ. accurate “准确、精确” 不仅表无错误,且表细心,谨慎地做到符合标准,符合事实或真象。如: ① Clocks in railway stations must be accurate. 火车站的钟必须准确。 ② The figures are not accurate.这些数字不精确。 Ⅱ. exact “精确、确切”强调完全符合标准,符合事实或真象,丝毫没有差错。它这三个中语意最强。如: ① His translation is exact to the letter. 他的翻译翻译确切。 ① Your description is not very exact.你的描述不很确切。 Ⅲ.correct. “正确”指按照一定的标准或规则,而没有错误。在这有一个词中,它的语意最弱。 ① His answer is correct. 他的回答是正确的。 ② The thing turned out to be correct. 事情结果是对的。 §9 ache/pain “痛” Ⅰ. ache 通常指一种持续的隐痛。 它可以与表身体某部分的词,组成复合词。如: ① Where is the ache? 哪里痛? ② I have a headache (stomachache, toothache atc). Ⅱ. pain 是普通用语。不含持续痛的意味,尤指一种突然的剧痛。除指肉体上的外,还指精神的痛苦。如: ① I feel a great deal of pain. 我感到非常痛。 ② He cried with pain. 他痛得直叫。 ③ I have a pain in the arm. 我手臂痛。 ④ I have pains all over. 我浑身痛。 ⑤ It gave us much pain to learn of the sad news. 听到不幸的消息很悲痛。 §10 across/through/ over Ⅰ. across “横过、穿过”,指从……的一边到另一边。含义与on有关。如: ① I swam across the river. 我游过这条河(指从此岸到彼岸) ② Let’s help push the cart across the bridge. 我们帮着把车子推过桥吧。 Ⅱ. through “穿过、通过”指穿过两边。是从空间较狭窄的一头穿到另一头。是从内部穿过,含义与in有关。如: ① We walked through the forest. 我们穿过森林。 ② The river flows through the city from west to east. 这条河从西到东流过城市。 Ⅲ. over“横过、跨越”指横过道路、河流等“细长物”时,与across通用。Over 虽可指从表面的接触及跳(飞)越,但指渡过则不能用。从房间、原野、海洋等“平面延伸”的一端横越到另一端时也不能使用。而常用across. ① She went across / over the bridge. ② He jumped across / over the stream他跳过了小溪。 ③ She swam across the straight of Dover. 她游过了多佛尔海峡。 ④ They drove across the desert. 他们驶过沙漠。 另外,over作介词还有“翻过……”的意思,如:climb the mountain 翻过那座山。 §11 affair/matter/business Ⅰ. affair “事、事情、事务”它的涵义最广,可指已经发生或必须做的任何事情, 也可泛指事务(通常用算数,指重大或头绪较多的事务)。如: ① The railway accident was a terrible affair. 那次火车事故是件可怕的事。 ② That’s my affair, not yours. 那是我的事, 不是你的。 ③ We should concern ourselves with state affairs. 我们要关心国家大事。 Ⅱ. matter“事、事情” 是普通用语,常指我们所写到或谈到的事情,要考虑和处理的事情。如: ① This is a matter I know little about. 这件事我不大知道。 ② I’ll ask some one about the matter.关于这件事我将去问问人。 ③ There are several matters to be considered. 有几件事情要考虑。 [注]:在口语中,be the matter 相当于 be wrong, 表发生了失常的事或出了毛病等意思。如: ① What’s the matter? 怎么啦? ② What’s the matter with you? 你怎么啦? Ⅲ. business“生意、商业”产普通用语。它表“事情、事务”时,往往指一种任务、责任或必须去做的事。此外, 它有时还含有轻蔑的意味。如: ① We don’t do much business with them. 我们跟他们没有多少生意来往。 ② It is a teacher’s business to help his pupils. 帮助学生是教师的责任。 ③ He made it his business to fetch water for a granny. 他把为一位老大娘挑水当作自己的事。 ④ It’s not your business.这不是你的事。 [注]:这三个词有时可通用,但不能任意替换。如: Mind your own business.少管闲事。这里的 business 可用affairs 替换,但不能用 matters. §12 afraid/ fear/ frightened Ⅰ. afraid “害怕”是形容词,只能作表语,而不能作定语,后接of 短语或不定式,构成 be afraid of sb. 和 be afraid to do sth ① She is afraid of a snake. 她害怕蛇。 ② The little girl is afraid to go out at night. afraid +that clause “恐怕”, 是婉转拒绝别人的一种表达方式。 如: ① I’m afraid (that) I can’t go to the party. My brother is sick. 恐怕我不能去参加聚会了。我弟弟病了。 Ⅱ. fear “害怕”是动词,与be afraid 往往通用,但不如它常用(特别是在口语中)。如: ① We fear no difficulty.我们不怕困难。 ② He feared to speak his mind.他不敢说出自己的想法。 ③ Fearing that he would catch cold, I went out to see him. 因为怕他会受凉,我走去看他。 Ⅲ. frightened adj “受惊吓的、害怕的”可做表语,也可作定语。如: ① She is too frightened to move.她太害怕了不能动弹。 ② A frightened girl is crying. 一个受惊的女孩正在哭。 §13 feel like / would like Ⅰ.feel like 与would like 意思很相近,但feel like 后面常跟名词;动名词。构成:feel like (doing) sth. 而 would like 一般接名词;动词不定式。构成:would like (to do) sth.的句式。如: ① I feel like (having) a drink. = I would like (to have) a drink. 我想喝一杯。 ② Do you feel like talking a walk. = Would you like to take a walk? 你要不要散步? ③ I don’t feel like eating. 我不想吃东西。 Ⅱ.feel like 还表示:“觉得好像,摸起来像”。如: ① It feels like silk. 它摸起来像绸缎。 §14. after/behind “在……之后” Ⅰ. after “在……(时间)之后”; “在……(地点)之后”,指次序。如: ① He came after ten o’clock. 他十点以后来的。 ② Two days after his arrival, I called on him. 在他到达两天以后,我拜访了他。 ③ ‘Against’ comes after ‘again’ in this cictionary.在这本字典中 ‘against’ 排在 ‘again’ 之后。 Ⅱ. behind 表地点时意为:在……后面、着重指位置的前后。偶尔也指时间,表按照一定的时刻而迟了的意思。 ① The garden is behind the house. ② He stood behind me. ③ The train was behind time. 火车误点了。 ④ You are two hours behind. 你迟了两个小时。 §15. ago/before Ⅰ. ago adv. “……以前”指从此刻起,若干时间以前,通常与过去连用。如: ① It happened two days ago.这件事发生在两天以前。 ② I met him a few minutes ago.我在几分钟以前碰到他。 Ⅱ. before adv, prep & conj “……以前”指从那时起若干时间以前。通常与完成时、过去时等连用。还可用作前置词或连接词表时间,而ago 则不能这样用。 ① He said that he had seen her two days before.他说他两天前见到过她。(表从她说话那时起两天前) ① I had been fine the day before.(那天)前一天的天气很好。 ② I’ve seen that film before. ③ I never met him before. §16. agree to/ agree with/ agree on(up on) Ⅰ. agree to “同意、应允”通常用于同意某件事情(我们可以同意我们自己有不同看法而并不赞同的事情)。如: ① Do you agree to this plan? ② He agreed to my proposal.他同意了我的提议。 ③ I agreed to his terms. 我同意了他的条件。 Ⅱ. agree with “同意、赞同”常常表示同某人意见一致,也可表赞同某件事情。还有“(气候、食物等)适合”之意。如: ① I quite agree with you.我很同意你。 ② Do you agree with me ? ③ I agree with all you say.我同意你所说的。 ④ His words do not agree with his actions.他言行不一致。 ⑤ Too much meat doesn’t agree with her. 吃太多肉对她身体不合适。 [注]:agree with 不能用于被动语态。 Ⅲ. agree on /upon “对……取得一致意见”指两方或多方就某个问题取得了一致的意见或达成了某种协议。如: ① After discussion the two sides agreed on a cease-fire. 经过讨论,双方就停火问题达成了协议。 ② They all agree on the plan.他们对这个计划意见一致。 [注]:此句型可转换成agree in doing sth.如: ① All of them agreed on / upon it. = All of them agreed in doing it. 他们对做这个问题达成了共识。 §17 at times / at all times / all the time Ⅰ. at times “不时;偶尔”如: ① The tide is , at times, very high. 潮水有时涨得高。 ② I make mistakes at times when I speak English. 我说英语偶尔会出错。 Ⅱ. at all times.“随时;任何时候;总是” 如: He has a cool head at all times. 他随时都有清醒的头脑。 Ⅲ. all the time “一直;始终” 其中time用单数形式。如: The baby cries all the time. 那婴儿一直哭。 §18. aim/ purpose/ object Ⅰ. aim “目的”指抱有一种明确的目的,并意味着为之实现而竭尽全力。如: ① What’s your aim in life?你的人生目的是什么? ② The ultimate aim of the Party is the realization of communism. 党的最终目的是实现共产主义。 Ⅱ. purpose “目的”指心中有打算,并意味着对所作的打算有较大的决心。如: ① It was done with a definite purpose. 做这件事具有一个明确的目的。 ② For what purpose (purposes) do you want to go to Canada? 你要去加拿大的目的何在? Ⅲ. object “目的” 含有比较具体的意味。往往指在我们的行为中,需要或希望直接达到的目的。如: ① The object of my visit is to consult you. 我访问的目的是来和你商量。 ② What is your object in studying English? 你学英文的目的 何在? [注]:以上这几个词的涵义虽有差别,但在语言实践中,常被毫无区别地使用着。 §19. alive/ living/ the living/ live/ dead Ⅰ. alive adj“活着的”“在世的”,它既可修饰人也可修饰物。可作表语,定语。作定语时,应放在被修饰的名词之后。如: ① They were alive and as happy as ever. 他们都还活着,并跟以前一样快活。 ② All the other comrades were killed in the battle. He was the only man alive. 所有的同志都还活着亡了,他是唯一的幸存者。 Ⅱ.living adj,“活着的”主要用着定语,常置于名词前,有时也可置于名词后。也可作表语。如: ① Every living person has a name. 每个活着的人都有一个名字。 ② No man living could do better. 当代人没有一个能做得比这更好。 Ⅲ. the living “活着的人”如: The living are more important to us than the dead. 对我们来说活着的人比死了的人更重要。 Ⅳ. live adj. “活着的”读着[laiv],反义词为 dead, 可作定语,放在所修饰的名词之前,一般不用来修饰人。 还可以作动词,读着[liv], 意为“生活”、“生存”如: ① The cat was playing with a live mouse. 这只猫在玩弄一只活老鼠。 ② Pandas usually live in the south and the southeast of China. 熊猫通常生活在中国的南部和东南部。 Ⅴ. lively adj. [‘laivli](livelier, liveliest) “生动的”;“活泼的”;“充满生气的”用作表语或定语,可用来修饰人或物。如: The sports ground is lively with all sorts of ball games. 运动场上进行着各种球类比赛,呈现出一派生气勃勃的景象。 §20. all/ every Ⅰ. all 和 every 意思十分相近,二者都可用来泛指人或物。但all可与算数的名词连用,而every 只能与单数的名词连用。如: ① All Mondays are horrible. 星期一总是可怕的。 ② Every Monday is horrible. 每个星期一都是可怕的。 Ⅱ. all 和 every 也可用来指某一类东西中的个体。但all 后跟the 或其它“限定词”,而every后却不能。它往往强调无一例外的意思。 --She is eaten all the biscuits[‘biskit]. –What, every one? –Every single one! 她把饼干都吃光了。怎么,把每一块都吃光了吗?每一块全都吃了! Ⅲ. all 还可和单数名词连用,表示every past of 而every却不能有此义。如: She was here all day. 她在这呆了一整天。 §21. all/ whole Ⅰ. 二者意义(“全部、都、整个”)相同,然而词序不同。 Ⅱ. all用于冠词,所有格或其它“限定词”之前。 whole 则用于冠词之后。如: ① all the time. ────→the whole time.全部时间 ② all my life ────→the whole life.我的一生 ③ all this confusion ─→ this whole confusion.整个混乱状况。 Ⅲ. 如果没有冠词,或其它限定词,whole不能与单数名词连用。可以说: ① The whole city was burning.但不能说: ② Whole London was burning. Ⅳ.whole 和 all 与复数名词连用时意思不同。Whole 的意思为“全部”,而all的意思则近乎“每一个”如: ① All Indian tribes([traib]部首 ) suffered from white settlement in America. 所有印第安人部首都因白人移民美洲而遭殃。 ② Whole Indian tribes were killed off. 有些印第安人部落整个被杀光了。 Ⅴ. whole 一般不用来修饰不可数名词(包括物质名词) ① 可以说:all the money 或all the wine ② 不可以说:the whole money 或the whole wine. ③ The whole of = whole 与单数名词连用。它用于冠词、所有格之前。 the whole of the time. the whole of my life the whole of this confusion §22 allow/ permit/ let/ promise Ⅰ. allow“允许、许可”,一般指听任,或默许某人去做什么,含有消极地不反对的意味。如: ① We allowed him to depart.我们允许他离去。 ② Who allowed you to leave the camp?谁允许你离开营地的? ③ I can’t allow you to do that.我不能允许你做那件事。 allow 也可表客气的请求。如 ① Will you allow me to use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗? Ⅱ. permit “允许、许可”但是正式地许可,含有比较积极地同意某人去做什么的意味。如: ① I will permit him to do so. 我准备同意他这样做。 ② The sentinel permitted the strangers to pass when they had given the countersign.当这群陌生人说出口令后,哨兵就允许他们通过了。 [注]:allow 与 permit 的涵义虽有差别,但在语言实践中,它们常常被通用着。如: ① Smoking is not allowed here.此处禁止吸烟。 ② Smoking is not permitted in this theatre. 本戏院里禁止吸烟 Ⅲ. let.“允许、让”它可以指积极地允许,但更多的是着重指不予反对和阻止其后所跟的宾语要接不带to 的不定式用以表示客气的请求时,可与allow通用。且更具有口语色彩。如: ① Her father will not let her go.她父亲不会让她去。 ② Don’t let this happen again. 不要让这种事发生了。 ③ Please let me know what happens.请告诉我发生些什么事。 Ⅳ. promise “答应” “允诺”。与以上三个词的意义不同,用于主体答应自己要作什么的场合。如: ① He promised to begin at once.他答应立刻开始。 ② I promised (him) to attend to the matter promptly. 我答应(他)立即处理这件事。 ③ They promised an immediate reply.他们答应立即答复。阻止t.ng is not permitted in this theatre. the countersign.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX §23 almost/ nearly Ⅰ. almost“差不多、几乎”有very, nearly 的意思。如: ① He has almost finished his work. 他差不多完成了他的工作。 ② Almost no one took any rest. 几乎没有一个人休息一下。 Ⅱ. nearly “差不多、几乎、将近”指一差距一般比almost 大。如: ① It’s nearly five o’clock.差不多五点钟了。 ② Nearly everyone knows it. 几乎每个人都知道这个。 ③ He’s nearly ready. 他快准备好了。 [注]:almost有时可与nearly通用,但当其与no, none, nothing, never连用时,不用nearly。如以上almost的例①可以互换,但例②则不能。 §24 alone/ lonely Ⅰ. alone adj. “单独的”只能作表语。如: ① I’m alone but I don’t fell lonely. 我单身一人但我从不觉得孤独。 ② 此外alone 还可作副词。相当于by oneself,“单独地”“独自” ③ I’ll go there alone.我将独自去那儿。 Ⅱ. lonely adj. “孤独的”“寂寞的”有时还可表示“荒凉的”“无人烟的”意思,与deserted意思相同。含有较浓的情感色彩。既可作定语也可作表语。如: ① We’re together most of the time, so we never feel lonely. ② a lonely / deserted island §25 aloud/ loud/ loudly Ⅰ. aloud adv. “出声地”有使能听得到的意味。如: ① Please read the story aloud. 请朗读这个故事。 ② They were shouting aloud.他们在高声地呼喊。 Ⅱ. loud. adv “高声地、大声地、响亮地”常指在说笑等方面。如: ① Don’t talk so loud. 不要如此高声地谈话。 ② Speak louder. 说得大声点。 Ⅲ. loudly adv. “高声地”有时与loud 通用,但含有喧闹的意味。如: ① Someone knocked loudly at the door. 有人大声敲门。 ② Don’t talk so loudly(loud). 不要如此高声地谈话。 §26 already/ yet /still Ⅰ. already. adv. “已经”多用于肯定句中,通常与动词的完成时或进行时连用。也可用于疑问句,但不表真心的疑问,而表“惊奇”。它多置于句中。有时为了强调而置于句末。如: ① I’ve seen the film already. ② The train has already left. 火车已经开走了。 ③ Have you already had breakfast? 难道你已经吃过早餐了? Ⅱ. yet adv “已经、仍然、还”一般只用于否定句或疑问句,且常常置于句末。如: ① He hasn’t found his bike yet他还没有找到他的自行车。 Ⅲ. still adv “仍然、还”可用于各种句中,且一般只用于句中。如: ① Do you still teach in that school? 你还在那所学校教书? [注]:still在句中的位置不同,其意义也不同。如: ① He is still(还)standing there. ② He is standing there still(adj.不动的、静止的)他站在那儿一动也不动。 §27 also/ as well/ too/ either “也” Ⅰ. also较正式,位置通常靠近动词,用于句中;且用于肯定句中。如: ① He also plays football. 他也踢足球。 ② I was also there.我也在那儿。 Ⅱ. too 多用于口语,通常置于句末,前边须用逗号隔开,也可用于句中,且前后均须用逗号隔开,;用于肯定句中。如: ① He is a worker, too. ① The two cows, too, are white.那两头奶牛也全都是白的。 Ⅲ. as well 是副词短语,多用于口语,只用于句末。如: ① She not only taught us English but taught us maths as well.她不但教过我们英语,还教过我们数学。 ② He is a teacher and a writer as well.他是位教师,也是一位作家。 Ⅳ. either 用于否定句中,常置于句末。在肯定句变否定句时,其中的also, too, as well都要改为either. ① Yesterday I didn’t watch TV and I didn’t see the film, either .昨天我没有看电视,也没有看电影。 §28 for / from / since Ⅰ. 三者都能用来表示时间,但用法不同。 since “自从”,所表示的是一个时间点。可用作介词,也可用作连词,后接时间名词或短语,或引导时间状语从句;要求前面的谓语动词或主句的谓语动词必须用完成时态,要用延续性动词。而since引导的从句中的谓语动词通常应是短暂性的动词。若接时间,则应为点时间。如: ① He has worked there since1989. ② She has lived here since she moved here. Ⅱ. from “自从” 只用作介词,表一个事情的开始点,可用于过去、现在或将来的时态。如: ① They worked from 7:00 to 12:00 this morning. ② We have been good friends from childhood. Ⅲ. for 作为介词,后面接段时间,用于完成时、现在时、过去时和将来时,句中要用延续性动词。如: ① We’ll stay here for ten minutes.我们将在这儿呆10分钟。 ② They have studied English for three yeas. §29 although/ though Ⅰ. although conj. “尽管、虽然”引导让步状语从句,相当于 though. 只是比though稍微正式些。多用于句首。though 用于非正式文体中,较普遍,但以下几种用法,不能用although. 如: ① 表强调时,要用even though,如: Even though I didn’t understand a word, I kept smiling.尽管我一字不识,我还是一直微笑着。 ②. Though可用在倒装句中,如: Young though he is, he is quite experienced. 他虽然年轻,但很有经验。 ③ though 可作副词,表示“然而”放在句末或其它位置。如:He said he would come, he didn’t though.他说他要来,结果他却没来。 [此外],although不用着副词。在英语中如果用了although 或 though, 就不能再有but,但可以用yet 或still; 反之,如果用了but , 就不能用although 和 though. 如: ① Although he is in poor health, (yet) he works hard. = He is in poor health, but he works hard. 虽然他身体不好,但他工作仍努力。 ②Although it was so cold, he went out without an overcoat.虽然天气很冷,他未穿外衣就出去了。 ① He is quite strong, although very old. 他虽然很老了,但还是十分健壮。 Ⅱ. though 常用作连词,“虽然”。在口语中还用着副词,一般放在句末,意为“可是、然而”等。如: ① He didn’t light the fire, though it was cold. 天气虽很冷,他却还没生火。 ② Though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还是继续工作。 ③ He said he would come, he didn’t, though. 他说他来,可是结果他没有来。 §30 always / yet Ⅰ. always “总是;一直”常与一般现在时连用。有时也与进行时连用, 但并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示“赞叹、厌烦、不满”等情绪。常用于肯定句中,放在“三类词”(情态动词、助动词、系动词本书称为“三类词”)之后,行为动词之前。如: ① We always get up before six o’clock. 我们总是六点前起床。 ② He is always thinking of others. 他总是想着别人。 Ⅱ. yet. “仍然;还”常与not连用。用于否定结构中。如: ①He hasn’t finished the work yet. 他还没完成这项工作。 §31 always/ often/ frequently/ often/ usually/ sometimes/ never Ⅰ. 这几个词都是表频度的副词,它们之间的区别可用百分比来区分: (0%)→(20%)→ 70%)→(75%)→(100%) 从不 —→ 有时 —→ 时常 —→ 通常 —→ 总是 即:never(0%)→sometimes(20%)→often/frequently(70%)→usually(75%)→always(100%) Ⅱ always “永远、总是”。与进行时连用时,表“再三地、老是”等意思。有时还表“生气或不耐烦”等盛情色彩。如: ① The sun always rises in the east.太阳总是从东方升起。 ② I always get up at seven o’clock. 我总是在七点钟起身。 ③ The boy is always asking whys.这男孩老是问这问那没个完。 Ⅲ often “时常、常常”强调经常性。如: ① He often comes here to see me. 他时常到这儿来看我。 ① We have often been there. Ⅲ frequently “时常、屡次”常与often 通用。但它强调次数频繁。如: ① Business frequently brings him to Shanghai.他时常因事到上海去。 ② He frequently comes here to see her.他时常到这儿来看她。 Ⅳ usually “经常”其动作频率仅次于always.常常与一般过时,一般现在时连用。 ① I usually get up at six in the morning. Ⅴ never “从不”是否定副词。常常与完成时连用。 ① I have never been to the Great Wall. ② She said she had never gone there.频繁ten uently "es here to see me. t.uently(70%)→usually(75%)→always(100%)XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX §32 edge / side Ⅰ.edge侧重于指很窄的 “边缘”, 如刀刃或沿边的一部分.如: Put some salt on the edge of your plate. 在你的盘子边上放些盐. Ⅱ.side “边, 旁边” 有时与edge同义,有时指 “(东西的)侧面”, “(一个)方面”, “(身体的)侧边”,如: §33 among/ between/ in the middle of Ⅰ. among “在……之中/中间” 指三者或三者以上。通常表某个范围。如: ① Someone is wrong among us. 我们中间有人错了。 ② There is a small village among the mountains. 大山之间有座小村庄。 Ⅱ. between “在…之间”指在二者之间,有时与and 连用。如: ① There is a river between us. 在我们两人之间有一条河。 ② I’m standing between a house and a big tree. 我站在一座房子和一棵大树中间。 Ⅲ. in the middle of “在……中间”指在某事物中间,强调事物的两端的中间。如: There is a bus stop in the middle of the road. 在这条公路中间有个车站。 §34 animal/ beast Ⅰ. animal “动物” 是区别于植物而言,是动物的总称,通常指兽、鸟、虫、鱼等。如: ① It’s an animal of monkey kind. 这是一种属于猴类的动物。 ② The animal is hungry. 这个动物饿了。 Ⅱ. beast “四足动物”通常指不包括爬行动物的较大的四足动物。如: ① The camel is a beast of burden. 骆驼是负重的动物。 ② The tiger is a beast of prey. 老虎是猛兽。 §35 another/ other/ more Ⅰ. 名词前表示具有增加意义的“还、再”,一般用 more 和 another. more放在数词之后,而 another 放在数词之前;有时也可以用 other, 但other具有“不同”之意。保留它本意“别的”。如: ① one more thing, one other thing, another thing都表示“还有一件事”之意,如: ② I want three more / other books. = I want another three books.我还要三本书。 ① I stayed there three more days. = I stayed there another three days. 我在那儿又呆了三天。(这里不用other, 因day与day没有不同之意。 ② We need three more / another three hands to do the job.我们还需要三个人做这项工作。 (这里不用other , 因不强调人与人的不同。) ③ He works on the Great Green Wall with many other people. 他与别的许多人一块在绿色长城上工作。( other 没有增加之意,表除自己以外的别的人。) §36 another/ the other/ other/ others/ the others Ⅰ. another 指不定数目中的“另一个、又一个” (三个以上)用来代替或修饰可数名词。如: I don’t think the coat is good enough. Can you show me another? Ⅱ. other 泛指“另外的”修饰复数名词。如: We study Chinese, maths, English and other subjects. Ⅲ. others 泛指“另外的人或物”, 但不指其余的人或物的全部。如: Some like swimming, others like boating. Ⅳ. the other 指两个中的“另一个”如: He has two sons, one is in Shanghai, the other is in Beijing. Ⅴ. the others 特指某一范围内的“其余全部的人或物”如: There are thirty books on the bookshelf. Five are mine, the others are my father’s. §37 answer/ reply Ⅰ. answer “回答、答复”。是最普通的用语,包括用口头、书面或行动回答。它可以用作及物动词或不及物动词。如: ① He answered my question. ② It is a difficult question to answer. 这是一个难以回答的问题。 ③ Please answer my letter as soon as possible. ④ They left a boy to answer the bell. 他们留下一个孩子应门。 Ⅱ.reply “回答、答复”。 但比answer 正式些。它指用口头或书面回答。严格地讲,是指有针对性地详细地回答。 它也指用行动回答。 Reply 常用作不及物动词,回答某人或某事。后接to; 当它与直接引语或从句连用时,才用作及物动词。如: ① I didn’t reply to him.我没有答复他。 ② He replied that he might go. 他回答说他可能去。 §38 any/ either 二者所指的相关名词或代词的数量不同。 Ⅰ. any 指二个以上的“任意一个”人/物。如: When can you go with me to the city? Any day of this week will do. 什么时候你能陪我去城里? 这个星期的哪天都行。 Ⅱ. either 一般指两个中的“任意一个”且其后不能接不可数名词。如: Can you come on Friday or Saturday? Either will do .你能在星期五还是星期六来吗? 哪天都行。 §39 any/ some Ⅰ.any “一些、一点、(有时不宜译出)” 一般用于疑问句、否定句。 如: ① Have you any new books? 你有(什么)新书吗?No, I have not any new books. 我没什么新书。 ② Have you any money with you? 你身边带了一些钱吗? Ⅱ.some “一些、一点” 一般用于肯定句。如: ① I have some new books. 我有一些新书。 [注]:① any用于肯定句中时,表“任何……、随便……”等意思。 如You may come at any time. 你随便什么时候来都可以。 ②some 用于疑问句时,表“期望得到肯定的回答”或“邀请”或“请求”等意思。通常用在带情态动词的问句是。如: 1. Aren’t there some envelops in that drawer? 那个抽屉不是有些信封吗? 2. Would you have some tea?您喝点茶吗? §40 anyone/ any one Ⅰ. anyone “任何人”其后不跟of 短语。如: Is there anyone at home.? Ⅱ. any one “任何人/物”其后可跟 of 短语。如: I’ll send you any one of these pens. [注]:类似的用法还有:everyone & every one. §41 arise/ rise Ⅰ. rise “升起、起来”它表“起床”的意义时比get up 正式 ,但不如get up 常用。如: ① The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。 ② The Chinese people have risen to their feet. 中国人民站起来了。 ③ He rises very early. 他起床很早。 Ⅱ. arise “出现、发生”。它虽然可表“升起、起来、起床等意思,但现在一般不用于此义,特别是在口语中。如: ① A new problem has arisen. 出现了一个新的问题。 ② How did the quarrel arise? 争吵是怎样发生的? §42 arms/ weapon Ⅰ. arms (pl) “武器”着重指用于战争的具体的武器,如枪、炮等。 如: ① The black people there have taken up arms to defend themselves. 那里的黑人已拿起武器自卫。 ② The soldiers had plenty of arms and ammunition! 士兵们有充足的武器和弹药。 ③ Lay down your arms! 放下(你们的)武器! Ⅰ. weapon “武器”单、复数形式都用。它意义比arms 广泛,除指用于战争的各种武器之外,还指虽然不是为战争而制造,但可以用作进攻或防守的器具。如:槌、石子等。此外,weapon 还可以用于借喻。如: ① The atom bomb is a weapon of mass slaughter. 原子弹是一种大规模屠杀的武器。 ② Look to your weapons. 当心你的武器。 ③ A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. 外国语是人生斗争的一种武器。 §43 around/ round Ⅰ. around 与 round 都可以用着前置词和副词。 Ⅱ. around “在……周围”“在周围”“循环地”。表静止的位置。如: ① They sat around the table. 他们围绕桌子坐着。 ② I found nobody around.我发现周围没有一个人。 Ⅲ. round “环绕……周围、循环地”表一种活动的状况。如: ① The earth moves round the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 ② A wheel goes round. 轮子旋转着。 [注]:这两个词现在可以通用,只是around 多用于美国,round多用于英国。 §44 arrive/ reach/ get to Ⅰ. arrive, reach, get to 均有“到达”之意,意义基本相同,但arrive(in)/(at) 与reach, 是正式用语,get to 是通俗用词,常用于口语。 Ⅱ. arrive 是不及物动词,表到达什么地点时,后面应接前置词in或at, 一般说,到达一个大地方常用in, 到达较小的地方常用at, 但这不绝对的。(与地点副词连用时当然不用任何前置词)如: ① He arrived in Beijing yesterday. ② When he arrived at the stop, the bus had left. Ⅲ. reach 是及物动词,后面直接跟表地点的名词。如: When does the train reach London? Ⅳ. get to 只是较口语化。接地点副词时不用to. 如: ① He got to the shop at 5:00 o’clock this afternoon. ② When I got there, the film had been on for 5 minutes. §45 article/ essay/ composition Ⅰ. article “文章、论文”通常指记叙文或论文。如: ① The article explains how the machine works. 这篇文章说明了这部机器怎样开动的道理。 ② There is an article on education in the paper. 报纸上有一篇论教育的文章。 Ⅱ. essay “文章、论文”通常指文学上散文、随笔、杂文等;也指学术性论文。如: ① We shall read Lu Xun’s essays . 我们将读鲁迅的杂文。 ② Can you write an essay in English? 你能用英文写一篇论文吗? Ⅲ. composition “写作、作文”。 尤指学习语文者为练习写作而做的作文。如: ① He is learning composition. 他在学习写作。 ② The students were required to write a composition in English. 要学生写一篇英语作文。 §46 as soon as/ as early as/ as quickly as Ⅰ. 这三个词都有“尽快、尽早”之意。 Ⅱ. as soon as 侧重于“极短时间内”。还表示“一……就……”之意,引导状语从句。如: ① I’ll return it as soon as I can.我将尽快地把它还给你。 Ⅲ. as early as 侧重于一天中的早晨或在限定的时间内再早点,以便能达到预期的目的。如: ① You should arrive there as early as you can. 你应尽早到达那里。 Ⅳ. as quickly as 表做某事的速度非常之快或动作非常之敏捷。如: ① Please read the text as quickly as you can. 请把课文尽快读一遍。 §47 as soon as/ hardly…when/ no sooner…than Ⅰ. 三者在意义上基本相同,都有“一……就……”,“刚……就……”,但它们各有其特点。 Ⅱ. as soon as 最为普通,位置灵活,可在主句前,也可在其后。且可用作多种时态。如: ① As soon as I went in , Kate let out a cry of surprise. 我一进去,凯特就惊讶地叫了一声。 ② I’ll tell him as soon as he comes back. Ⅲ. hardly… when…的主句通常 用过去完成时,从句用一般过去时,when 有时还可换成before.如: ① He had hardly finished his homework when the light went out. 他刚写完作业灯就灭了。 ② Hardly had I come back when they began quarrelling.我一回来他们就开始吵了起来。(hardly 提前时,句子需要倒装。) Ⅳ. no sooner…than…句型中, no sooner一般只置于句首,所以主句有倒装形式。如: No sooner had I known the news than I telephoned my mother. 我刚知道这个消息就打电话告诉了妈妈。 §48 as well as/ as well Ⅰ. as well as “也”“不仅…而且”意同:not only … but also具有连词性。 ① She is my friend as well as my doctor. 他不仅是我的医生,也是我的朋友。 ② Small towns as well as big cities are being industrialized. 小城市与大城市一样都在迅速实现工业化。 Ⅱ. as well “也”具有副词性。大致相当于also 或 too . 如: He can speak Chinese as well. §49 as/ because/ for/ since Ⅰ. 这三个词都可以用作连词,表“原因、理由” 但有区别: Ⅱ. as “因为、既然”表示的原因或理由是明显的。语意不如because强。当理由是明显的,或者被认为是已知的时,则以用as 为好。如: ① As he was not well, I decided to go without him. 因为他身体不好,我决定独自去了。 ② As it was getting very late, we soon turned back. 因为已很晚了, 我们很快就回来了。 ③ As it is raining, you’d better take a taxi. 既然在下雨,你最好乘出租车。 Ⅲ. because “因为”表直接而明确的原因或理由。即必然的困果关系。在这几个词中,它的语意最强。回答以why 引导的特殊疑问句时,只能用because . 注意:because 不可以与so 连用。如: ① He had to stay at home yesterday because he was ill.昨天他只得呆在家里,因为他病了。 ② I did it because they asked me to do it. 我之所以做这件事,是因为他请我做的。 ③ ---Why can’t you do it now? --- Because I’m too busy. Ⅳ. since“既然”比as 较为正式,说明为人所知的原因。语气比because 稍弱。 ① Since light travels faster than sound, we see lightening before we hear the thunder.因为光比声音传播得快,所以我们先看到闪电,后听到雷声。 ② Since he can’t answer the question, you’d better ask someone.既然他回答不了这个问题,你最好问别人吧。 ③ Since you are busy, I’ll do it for you.既然你忙,我替你做吧。 Ⅴ. for “因为”表原因或理由时,用以说明理由,只是解释性的。在这几个词中,它的语意最弱。它少用于口语中,也不用于句首。如: ① I asked her to stay to tea, for I had something to tell her. 我请她留下来喝茶,因为我有事要告诉她。 ② We must get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to errors. 我们一定克服粗枝大叶的毛病,因为粗枝大叶常常差错。 ③ It must have rained, for the road is wet. 一定下雨了,因为路是湿的。 ④ I must go now, for my sister is waiting for me. 现在我得走了,我姐姐在等我呢。 [注]:这几个词按语意的强弱来排,其顺序为: because—→since—→(as)—→for §50 as/ when/ while 这三个词都可以用作连词,表时间关系, 但有区别: Ⅰ. as “当(在)……时候”往往可与when 或 while 通用,但它着重指主句和从句的动作或事情相并发生。如: ① I saw him as he was getting off the bus. 当下公共汽车的时候,我看见了他。 ② As he walked on, he felt himself getting more and more tired.他继续往前走的时候,感到越来越疲乏。 Ⅱ. when “当(在)……的时候”主句和从句的动作或事情可以同时发生,也可以先后发生。 ① It was raining when we arrived. 当我们到达的时候,正下着雨。 ② When we were at school, we went to the library every day. 我们在求学的时候,每天都到图书馆去。 Ⅲ. while “当(在)……的时候”表主句的动作或事情发生在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程之中。从句通常为进行时态。它有时可与when通用,但它只能指一段时间(a period of time),而不能指一点时间(a point of time)如上面的第一个例子。又如: ① Please don’t talk so loud while others are working. 别人在工作的时候,请勿大声讲话。 ② While I am washing the floor, you can be cleaning the windows.我洗地板时,你可以擦窗户。 §51 ask / inquire/ question Ⅰ. ask “问、询问”是最普通的用语,通常表示只是为了获得回答或了解某事而提问。如: ① I asked him if he could come. 我问他能不能来。 ② I’ll ask him how to get there. 我要问他怎样去那儿。 Ⅱ. inquire “问、询问”表查究,调查的意思。如: ① I have inquired of him whether he could help me. 我已问过他是否能帮助我。 ② She came to inquire about her friend’s health. 她来询问她朋友的健康情况。 ③ He inquired of me about our work. 他向我了解了我们的工作情况。 Ⅲ. question “询问、审问、提问”含有提出一连串问题的意味。如: ① I questioned him about the matter.我问过他这件事。 ② He was questioned by the police. 他受到警察的审问。 §52 ask/ ask for Ⅰ. ask vt “问”后接一个宾语或双宾语。如: ① Don’t ask me, I don’t know.别问我,我不知道。 ② Then ask your friend the same questions.然后问你的朋友同样的问题。 Ⅱ. ask vi “要求”“邀请”。后接不定式或复合句宾语。如: ① He asked to join the PLA. 他要求参加人民解放军。 ② The villagers always ask them to stay for lunch. 乡亲们总是请他们留下来吃午饭。 Ⅲ. ask for “要求找到某人或某物”在不同情况下有不同的译法。如: ① He sat down and asked for a cup of tea. 他坐下来要了一杯茶。 ② Last time Mum asked for some glasses in a shop. 上次妈妈在一家商店里要买几只玻璃杯。 Ⅴ. ask sb for sth “向某人要某物”如: ① Now ask your partner for the answers.向你的搭档要答案去。 ② He came and asked me for his bike.他来向我要他的自行车。 §53 asleep/ sleep / sleepy Ⅰ. asleep adj “睡着的”;常作表语。如: ① The children have been asleep.孩子们已睡着了。 ② He was too tired and fell asleep at once. 他太累了,立刻就睡着了。 Ⅱ. sleep v & n “睡着”。如: ① You have a good sleep. 你需要好好睡一觉。 ② Last night I sleep very well. 我昨天晚上睡得很好。 Ⅲ. sleepy adj “困乏的、想睡的”。如: ① She is always sleepy. 她总是想睡觉。 ② I feel very sleepy now. 我现在昏昏欲睡。 §54 at Christmas/ on Christmas Ⅰ. at Christmas 表示“在圣诞节期间”,既可以表示在圣诞节当天,也可以表示在圣诞节前后不久。如: I’ll return at Christmas 我将在圣诞节期间回来。 Ⅱ. on Christmas 则指“在圣诞节”,一般仅指在十二月二十五日当天。如: Children always get many presents on Christmas Day. 在圣诞节孩子们总是收到许多圣诞节礼物。 [注]:on Christmas Eve 指的是“在圣诞节前夜”相当于中国的除夕。 §55 at first/ first Ⅰ. at first “起初”,多用来表示后来发生的事情或动作,与前面的不同,甚至相反。如: At first she knew nobody but now she has many good friends.起初她谁也不认识,但现在她有很多朋友。 Ⅱ. first 用来表示一系列动作或事物的“开始”。如: Be polite. First knock at the door and then go in. 要有礼貌。先敲门,再进去。 §56 at last/ finally/ in the end Ⅰ. at last “最后”表经过一定曲折之后某事才发生,强调努力的结果,带有较强的感情色彩。须用一般过去时。如: Did the man in the shop understand him at last? Ⅱ. finally 表动作的发生顺序是在“最后”, 无感情色彩,只用于过去时。它居句首时较多。 ① Finally he went to see the famous man himself. Ⅲ. in the end 表事物发展的自然顺序的“终结”,有时可与finally相互替换。但用于将来的预测时,则只能用in the end 如: ① I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end. §57 at school/ in school/ in a (the) school Ⅰ. at school表示“在学校、在上学”相对于在家里或在校外。如: ① My son is at school now. He is not at home or somewhere else. 我儿子现在在学校,他不在家,也不在别的地方。 ② When my brother was at school, he studied very hard. 在学校时,我兄弟学习很用功。 Ⅱ. in school “在求学、在上学”相对于有工作。如: My daughter still in school She doesn’t work.。 我女儿还在上学,她不在工作。 [注]:①和②用at school 强调所在场所或时间。③中的in school 则强调主语的身份是学生。因此,in school. 和 at school的着重点不一样,通常不互换使用。 Ⅲ. In a / the school “在学校”,不一定指上学。类似的还有: in hospital “生病住院” in a / the hospital表“在医院”(工作或探视病人等) at table “在吃饭” at a / the table “在桌边”(有可能在聊天或看报) ① Is your friend in school? 你的朋友在上学吗? ① Your friend looked for you in the school just now. 刚才你的朋友在学校里找你。 ② Children are often in hospital when they are young. 孩子们小的时候经常生病住院。 ③ She is a good doctor in the hospital .她是医院里的一名好大夫。 §58 at the beginning/ at the beginning of/ in the beginning Ⅰ. at the beginning 和 in the beginning都可表“起初、开始、原先”之意。两者间没有明显的区别,通常可互换。如: ① You’ll find it difficult to learn Russian at the beginning. 起初,你会觉得俄语很难。 ② In the beginning I didn’t know this.开始我不知道这事。 Ⅱ. 若表当今世界的开头,则必须用in the beginning eg: In the beginning there were no men nor animals nor plants. 在盘古开天辟地时,既没有人,也没有 动植物。 Ⅲ. at the beginning of “在……之初”, 其后通常 接表时间,事件或其它意义的名词,其反义词组为at the end of. 如: ① At the beginning of 1975 he came back to China. 1975年初,他回到了中国。。 ② This adverb can also be placed at the beginning of the sentence.这副词也可以放在句子的开头。 §59 at the top of/ on the top of Ⅰ. at the top of “在……顶点上、在……上”。At 表示点,在句子中用作状语,反义短语常为 at the bottom of “在……底部”; on (the) top of 中的on 表示部位上的接触,意思是“在……之上、在……上面”。反义短语常为at the foot of “在……脚底下”。如: ① He shouted at the top of his voice. 他高声地叫喊。 ② He is at the top of the class.他居全班之首位。 ③ Will you please put this box on (the) top of the books. 请你这个盒子放在那些书的上面好吗? §60 at/ beside/ by/ near Ⅰ. at “靠近”往往动作联系,意味着有目的、有意识的靠近,而by, beside, near只意味着就“靠近”而言。如: ① He sat at the desk. He wanted to read, 他坐到桌边,想看书。 Ⅱ. beside “在……旁边”;by = just at the side of “就在旁边”。两者一般可通用。但by 比beside语势较强些,并多用于日常用语中。如: ① There is a hospital beside / by the river. 河边有一家医院。 [注]:指“在某人身边”时,常多用beside. Eg: ① The little boy is standing beside his mother. Ⅲ. near “在……附近”或“离……不远”,它表示的距离要比by / beside 来得远些。如: ① We live near the sea.我们住在海边。(表离海边有些距离) ② We live by / beside the sea.我们就住在海边。(表海就在身边)。 §61 at/ in Ⅰ. at 和 in 都可用在地点名词前,用at 时是把该地方视为一点,用in时则是把该地方看成一个范围。如: ① Are your classmates playing in the park? 你的同学都在公园里玩吗? ② They are waiting for you at the park. 他们在公园附近(里面)等你。 Ⅱ. at; in & on 都可用在表时间的名词前。在点时间前用at; 在表某一天或某一天的某个段时间(morning, evening, day, night atc)名词前,用on; 在段时间名词前(星期;年;月;周等)用in. 如: ① I’ll meet you at eight. 我们8:00 钟会面。 ② See you on Monday morning. 星期一早上见。 ③ The story happened in May.故事发生在5月份。 Ⅲ. 固定词组:如:in the morning ; at night. §62 at/ to Ⅰ. at多表目的或目标,而to 则仅表方向。如: ① He threw the ball at me. 他对准我扔球。 ② He threw the ball to me. 他朝着我这个方向扔球。 ③ My father shouted at me.我父亲对我吼叫。 ④ My father shouted to me. 我父亲朝着我喊叫。 §63 a year and a half / one and a half years 这是英语中表示“多少半”的两种说法: 如: ① an hour and a half = one and a half hours. 一个半小时 ② two kilos and a half = two and a half kilos 两公斤半。 §64 awake/ wake/ waken Ⅰ. awake “弄醒、叫醒、唤醒、醒来”与wake同意。引申意义为“觉醒、清醒”时,与awaken 同意。 ① The noise awoke me. 喧闹声吵醒了我。 ② But before long, the camel woke him. 不久,骆驼就把他弄醒了。 ③ I usually awake (wake) at six. 我通常六点钟醒来。 Ⅱ. wake 后往往跟up, awake 则不能; 而awake可作形容词,意为“醒着的”。 如: ① Has he waked (up) yet? 他醒来了没有? ② Is he awake or asleep? 他醒着还是睡着? Ⅲ. waken / awaken. 一般多用在被动语态中,意为“被叫醒、被弄醒”。如: ① I was awakened by the cry of the baby. 我被小孩的哭声惊醒了。 §65 bank/ shore/ beach/ coast Ⅰ. bank “岸”, 大都指河岸。如: The twon is on the bank of the river. 那个城镇在河岸上。 Ⅱ. shore “岸”,指海,湖, 大河等的岸,常含有与水相对的意味。如: The ship stopped a little way off the shore. 这船停在离岸不远的地方。 Ⅲ. beach“海滩、湖滩”, 通常指涨潮时有水,退潮时无水的有沙子或卵石的海滩或湖滩。如: The children are playing on the beach.孩子们在海滩上玩。 Ⅳ. coast “海岸”仅指沿海之岸,尤指为水域边界。如: ① There are many harbours on the east coast of our land. 我国的东海岸上有许多港口。 §66 base on/ be based on Ⅰ. base on “以……为根据”,如: ① Edison based his ideas on scientific experiment. 爱迪生的想法是建立在科学实验的基础上的。 ② You should base your opinion on facts. 你的意见都要以事实为根据。 Ⅱ. be based on “以……为根据”; “根据……”;“基于……” ① What he said is based on fact. 他所说的话是以事实为根据的。 ② The story is based on real life. 那故事是根据现实生活而写的。 ① Some modern languages are based on Latin. 在些现代语言是以拉丁文为基础的。 §67 be afraid of sb or sth/ be afraid of doing sth/ be afraid to do sth/ be afraid +that clause Ⅰ. be afraid of sb or sth. “害怕某人或某事”如 ① The man is afraid of nothing.这个人什么都不怕。 ② Jenny is afraid of her father, for he is very strict with her. 詹妮害怕她父亲,因为他对她要求很严格。 Ⅱ. be afraid of doing sth. “害怕、担心某事(自己也无法左右的突发事情)发生”如: I am afraid of falling into the swimming pool.我担心掉进游泳池里去。 Ⅲ. be afraid to do sth. “害怕、不敢做某事”如: ① The bat was afraid to leave his home. 蝙蝠不敢离开家。 ② I am afraid to go out at night. 我害怕晚上出去。 Ⅳ. be afraid +that clause. “恐怕”表带歉意的回绝或告知不好的消息。that 常省去。如: I am afraid (that) I can’t do that today. 恐怕今天我不能做那件事。 Ⅴ. 在日常用语中,I am afraid 常表示歉意或客气,没有恐惧之意。往往相当于I am sorry , 引出不愿发生、可能使对方失望的情况。如: ① I am afraid I don’t agree with you. 恐怕我不会同意你的意见。 ② I am afraid (that) you are wrong. 恐怕你错了。 Ⅵ. 口语中,在 I am afraid 之后用so / not,可省去上文提到的内容。如: ①---Has he gone to Guangzhou? 他去广州了吗? ---I’m afraid so. ②---Are we on time? 我们迟到了吗? ---I’m afraid not. 可能没迟到。 §68 be amazed at (by) / be amazed to do sth Ⅰ. be amazed at / by “对……感到惊讶”。如: ① He is amazed at the news. 他对这个消息感到惊讶。 Ⅱ. be amazed to do sth . “对……做某事感到惊讶”. 如: ① I am amazed to see such a bad accident. 看到这么严重的事故,我感到很惊讶。 Ⅲ. amaze sb. “使某人惊讶”如: ① The accident amazed me. 这事故使我很惊讶。 [联想]:amazing 形容词,“令人惊异的、了不起的” amazement 名词。“惊讶” [注意]:amaze指事件让人大为惊讶,强于surprise; surprise §69 be angry/ get angry Ⅰ. be / get angry “生某人的气”后面的介词要用with; “因某事而生气”后面的介词要用about / at; be / get angry 后接不定式,这时不定式动词大多为 see 和hear 其不定式同样表生气的原因。 如: ① Miss Liu was / got angry with Li Ping because he was late for school today. 刘老师生李平的气是因为他今天迟到了。 ② She was / got angry with my behaviour. 她对我的行为感到生气。 ③ What are you angry about ? 你生什么气? ④ My father was angry at what I said. 我爸对我说的很生气。 Ⅱ. get angry 强调变化,强调由不生气变为生气这一过程;be angry 强调状态,表明正在生气这一状态。 His mother got angry with him when he told her what he had done at school.当他告诉他母亲,他在校的行为时,她生气了。 [联想]:类似的有: be / become interested in. “对……有兴趣” be / get married. “结婚” have / catch a cold “感冒” be / fall ill “生病” be / fall asleep “入睡、睡着” §70 be good at/ do well in Ⅰ. be good at / in 意思接近于 do well in. “在(某方面)出色;擅长……”。be good at / in 强调一种笼统情况,而do well in 可表示一种情况,也可指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。 be good at 的反义词组为:be poor (weak) at (in). do well in 的反义词组为:do badly in. 如: ① Mary is good at / in maths. = Mary does well in maths. 玛丽数学很好(指情况)。= 玛丽数学学得很好。 ② Tom did well in (不宜用be good at.指具体一次)that English test / sports meeting.汤姆在那次英语考试中(运动会中)考得很好(表现出色)。 ③ Wu Dong does badly in his lessons. = Wu Dong is weak / poor / at / in his lessons.吴冬功课不好。(指情况) ④ Mei Ying did badly in the high jump 梅英在跳高比赛中成绩不好。(具体一次,不宜替换。) ⑤ Mei Ying is weak / poor in / at high jump.梅英不善于跳高。(指笼统情况) Ⅱ. do well 和do badly可单独使用,表一种情况;而be good / weak / poor 一定要借助于介词in 或at, 强调在某一个方面,才能表达一个完整的意思。如: He does well / badly at school. 他在学校里功课很好/很差。 §71 be made of / be made from Ⅰ. be made of “由……制成/造”成品看得出原料。如: The desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是木头制成的。 Ⅱ. be made from “由……制造/成”成品看不出原料。如; Paper is made from rags.纸是由破布做的。(已看不出原料) §72 be pleased with/ at/ to Ⅰ. be pleased with “对……人/物,感到满意”介词with后接人或物。 如: ① Both Mark and her mother were pleased with the girl. 马克和他妈妈都有喜欢这个女孩。 ② I wasn’t very pleased with / at my exam results. 我对自己的考试成绩不太满意。 Ⅱ. be pleased at “对……某事/物,感到满意”。介词at 常与事物搭配使用。 He was very pleased at the news.他对这个消息感到很满意。 Ⅲ. be pleased to “乐意……; 因……而高兴”。to 不是介词,而是小品词。后接动词原形。如: ① I shall be pleased to go. 我将乐意去。 ② We are quite pleased to be working in this country. 能在这个国家工作,我们是十分高兴的。 §73 be sure of/ be sure to do/ be sure that Ⅰ.be sure of “确信对……有把握”后接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式,表对客观事物有肯定的认识和判断,主语必须是人。如: ① As David joined our team, we are sure of winning the game this time. 由于David参加了我们的球队,我们这次有把握取胜。 ② You may be sure of his honesty. 你可以确信他的诚实。 Ⅱ.be sure to “一定,肯定”,后接不定式,往往表示局外人的推测,评论,主语不一定是人,如: ① It is sure to rain tomorrow. 明天一定会下雨。 ② He is sure to win.他一定会赢的。 ▲ 用于祈使句时作“务必,切切”之意,如: ① Be sure to come tomorrow. 你明天一定要来 ② Be sure to forget it . 千万别忘了。 Ⅲ. be sure that 从句。“认为……一定会”主语必须是人,连词that 可省略。它后面还可以接由wheher, 或where, when, who 等引导名词性从句。这时主句通常是否定式。如: ① He is wure that he will succeed. 他确信会成功 ② I am not sure where I left my notebook. 我不能确定我的笔记本丢在什么地方了。 §74 be sure/ make sure Ⅰ. be sure 指某人对某事或对某种情况有把握,常译为:“确信”;make sure 指“务必、务请、确保”将某事弄清楚。如: ① I am sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的。 ② I have made sure that he is honest. 我已了解清楚他是诚实的。 Ⅱ. 二者后面均可接of 或about 引出的短语。如: ① I am sure of success = I am sure that I will succeed. 我深信会成功。 ② Will you make sure of his return? = Will you make sure that he returned? 请你查明他是否真的回来了。好吗? Ⅲ. make sure 后面的that 从句一般不用或很少用将来时; be sure 后面的that从句则可用将来时。如: ① Make sure that you come here before five. 你一定要在5点前来。 ② I am sure that he will come. 我相信他一定会来的。 Ⅳ. 两者后面接不定式,均表示“一定要做某事”,但make sure 通常只用于祈使句;而be sure 则不受限制。如: ①to come to party on time. 一定要准时来参加晚会。 ② He is sure to call you up. 他准会给你打电话的。 §75 be surprised/ in surprise Ⅰ. be surprised 为“动词+形容词”结构,在句中作谓语,意为:“感到吃惊”. be surprised at 表“对……感到吃惊” Ⅱ. in surprise为“介词+名词”结构。在句中作状语。意为:“吃惊地”。如: ① She was surprised. 她感到吃惊。 ② Everybody was surprised at you. 大家都对你感到吃惊。 ③ John turned round and looked at him in surprise. 约翰转过身去,吃惊地看着他。 §76 be used for/ be used as/ be used by Ⅰ. be used for “(被)用来做……”,强调用途或作用。 Ⅱ. be used as “(被)作为……而用”,强调被当作工具或手段来用。 Ⅲ. be used by “被……使用”,by后跟人物,强调使用者。如: ① Keys are used for opening locks. 钥匙是用来开锁的。 ② “Swim” can be used as a noun. “Swim”可作名词用。 ③ Recorders are often used by English teachers. 英语教师经常使用录音机。 ④ Wood can be used for making paper. 木材能用来造纸。 §77 be worth+n/ be worth doing sth Ⅰ. be worth +n(表“值”“价值”) “……值(钱,等)”。 ① What is your car worth? 这辆车值多少钱? ② This house is worth £20,000. 这幢房子值两万磅。 ③ It might be worth a lot of money. 它可能值很多钱。 Ⅱ. be worth doing. ……值得干某事。表达的意义是被动意义。动词必须是及物动词或相当于及物动词的动词短语,这个句子的主语在逻辑上是后面动词的宾语。如: ① That film is worth seeing. 那部片子值得一看。 ② The report is worth listening to . 这报告值得听。 [注]:表“很值得”要用well worth. 如: ① The film is well worth seeing . 这电影很值得一看。 §78 beach/ bank/ coast/ shore Ⅰ. beach “海滨、海滩、湖滩”指高水位与低水位之间的滩地。如: On the hot sunny summer’s day, on the beach you can feel how hot the sand gets. 在炎热而晴朗的夏天,在滩下会觉得沙子有多烫。 Ⅱ. bank 指河流或湖泊的“岸”或“堤”,如: ① He swam to the bank. 他游向了岸边。 Ⅲ. coast “海岸、海滨”指海与陆地相接的线,是地理学上的用语。如: ② They sailed along the coast. 他们沿海岸航行。 Ⅳ. shore “岸”指海、洋、湖或大河之岸而言,有较强的与水相对的意思。如: His fisherman went to the shore before daybreak. 渔夫在天亮前就到海岸上去了。 §79 beat/ hit/ strike/ knock Ⅰ. beat 着重“连续地击打”如殴打或体罚,也指在游戏、竞赛或战争中击败对方。如: ① Don’t beat the child 不要打孩子。 ② In the end their enemies were beaten. 最后他们把敌人打败了。 ③ He beat the world record in high jump. 他打破了跳高世界纪录。 Ⅱ. hit 往往与strike通用,但严格地说,hit指“打中”或“对准……来打”,着重敲打或打击对方的某一点。如: ① The stone hit him on the head. 石头击中了他的头。 ② I hit the target. 我击中了目标。 Ⅲ. strike 是很普通的用词,通常表示“打一下、打若干下”等意思,不一定都是有意的。Strike还可以表示“擦着(火柴)”的意思。如: ① He struck the man on the head. 他(一拳)打在那人的头上。 ② Immediately Holmes jumped up from the bed and struck a match. 福尔摩斯立即从床上跳起来,划着一根火柴。 Ⅳ. knock “敲;撞击;打”常与at/on, down连用。如: You should knock on/ at the door before coming in the teacher’s office. 你应该在进老师办公室时敲敲门。 §80 both/ either / neither 三者都是在谈到两个人或东西时用的。可用作代词、形容词、连词。 Ⅰ. 作代词时:both “两者都”. either “两者中任何一个”. neither “两者中任何一个都不”。 作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,可作同位语。而either 和 neither 则用单数形式,不可作同位语。如: ① Both of us are teachers. ② Either of you can do it. ③ Neither of the answerws is right. 两个答案都不对。 ④ They both skate well. 他们两人都会滑冰。 Ⅱ. 作形容词时:both 修饰名词的复数形式。Neither 和 either修饰名词的单数形式。如: ① Neither film is very long.两部电影都不长。 ② You may use either pencil. 你可用这两支笔中的任何一支。 ③ Both pencils are blue. 两支铅笔都是蓝色的。 Ⅲ. 作连词时: neither 与nor 连用,“既不……也不……”; either 和 or 连用:“或是……或是……” “要么……要么……”连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。而both 却与and 相连。连接主语时谓语动词用复数。如: ① Neither Jack nor I have seen the film. 杰克和我都没看过这影片。 ② Either you or I am wrong.不是你错就是你错。 ③ Both John and Mike are good at swimming. 约翰和麦克都擅长游泳。 §81 blind in / blind to Ⅰ. (be) blind in 表示哪只眼睛瞎了(左眼或右眼);若表示一只眼睛瞎了,也可以用blind of one/an eye.如: ① He is blind in the right eye. 他的右眼瞎了。 ② The old woman is blind of one eye. 那老妇人的一只眼瞎了。 Ⅱ. (be) blind to 表示“对……视而不见”。如: Many people are blind to their own faults. 许多人看不起自己的缺点。 §82 beat/ win/ defeat Ⅰ. beat “打赢”“战胜”。用于比赛时,后接宾语是战胜对手,表示“赢了某人”。如: ① Li Lei beat all the runners in the 100-metre race. 李磊在百米赛跑中赢了所有的对手。 ② We are sure to beat them.我们肯定会赢他们。 Ⅱ. win “赢得;获胜”, 用作及物动词,后接宾语是表示某种比赛的名词或战争,而不是参加比赛的对手。如: ① We won the basketball game. 我们赢得了篮球赛。 ② Who won the race? 谁赢得了赛跑? Ⅲ. defeat “战胜;赢得”与win 一样,较正式,后接宾语时与beat一样,是表示人或代表群体的名词或代词,间或接表事物的名词或代词。 如: Our class defeated / beat theirs in the basket-ball match yesterday. 昨天我们班在篮球赛中赢了他们班。 §83 alike/like Ⅰalike 与like 都有“相像”之意。但alike 只能作表语,不能作定语,其前不能加very , 只能用much 或 very much 修饰,此外alike 还可作副词。如: The two brothers are very much alike. 兄弟俩长得很相像。 Ⅱ like 可用作表语,也可作定语,还可作介词、连词用。作动词时,意为“喜欢”如: ① The two brothers are very like (very much alike) ② Like father, like son. [谚]有其父必有其子。 ③ I don’t like swimming. 我不喜欢游泳。 ④ Like causes tend to produce like results. 类似的原因往往会产生类似的结果。 §84 beautiful/ pretty/ fair/ lovely/ nice/ handsome/ good-looking Ⅰ.beautiful 是最常用的。“美丽的、美好的”,可指各种各样的美,如花鸟、风景、图画的美,也可指天气、曲调、衣服的美。含有优美、和谐使人感觉快悦,并带有内在美面使他人之心欢悦之意。它形容人时,一般用来指女子长得美丽、好看、动人。 ① She has a beautiful voice. 她的声音很好听。 ② Rose is a very beautiful girl. 露斯是一个很漂亮的女孩。 Ⅱ. pretty . 是普通用语。“漂亮的、标致的”,程度不如beautiful. 用来修饰人时,常指年轻的妇女和女孩。侧重指温柔的性格,表活泼和甜美; 也可修饰物,含“小巧玲珑”之意。形容男青年时,含有贬义,意为“带女人气的”。Beautiful也同此义。 ① How pretty the child looks in her new dress! 那女孩穿着新衣服显得漂亮呀! ② The garden is small but extremely pretty. 花园虽小但很可爱。 Ⅲ.handsome. 多用于描写男人“英俊、健美”,用于女性时,主要指五官端正,而不一定秀丽。 如: He was a handsome boy with large, bright eyes and fair hair. 他是一个英俊的少年,长着一双明亮的大眼睛和金黄色的头发。 Ⅳ.lovely 指外貌的“美、可爱”,常指激情感,表说话人的赞赏和喜爱。如: ① What a lovely wife you have! 你有一个多么可爱的妻子! ② Mother bought me a lovely radio to listen in / at school. 妈妈给我买了一个漂亮的收音机,让我在学校收听。 ① The lovely woman has a deep love for her country. 那个秀丽的妇女很热爱自己的国家。 Ⅴ.nice 与 lovely 相似。主要强调取悦于人的感觉。指外表的美。如: It’s a nice day for a walk. Ⅵ.good-looking是普通用语,没有beautiful 强烈,男女均可用,如: Nearly all girls are good-looking, some are pretty, but only a few are beautiful.几乎所有的姑娘都是好看的,有些是漂亮的,但只有少数是美丽的。 Ⅵ.fair 指白肤,金发的美女。 §85 because/ because of Ⅰ. because 是连词,后接句子, 是主句的直接原因,常用来回答由why 引导的特殊疑问句。如: ① Because he is ill, he is not here today. 因为他病了,所以今天没来。 ② --Why are you in a hurry? --Because I want to catch the first bus. Ⅱ.because of 是复合介词,后接名词或代词,相当于名词词组。如: He can’t come because of illness. 他生病了,所以没来。 §86 become/ get/ go/ grow/ turn Ⅰ. 这几个词都可作连系动词表“变化的”,但用法有别: become 比较正式,常用于书面语中,表示由一个状态向另一个状态的变化。通常用于过去完成的事,不表未来的事。如: ① I became a teacher three years ago.我是三年前当老师的。(由学生或其他职业变成老师) ② He has become a famous person. 他已成为名人了。 Ⅱ.get 多用于口语中,后常接形容词,表“变化”的过程,特别常接比较级形容词。如: ① The days are getting longer and longer. 白天变得越来越长了。(含动作意识) ② Things are getting worse.情况变得更糟了。 Ⅲ.go 表示因某种原因而进入某种状态,说明“变”的结果。 ① After he heard the news, his face went white. 听到这个消息,他的脸变白了。 ② The sky went cloudy. 天娈阴了。 Ⅳ.grow 表“渐渐地变”,强调逐渐变化的过程。 如: ① The smoke grew bigger and thicker. 烟变得越来越大,越来越浓了。 ② My younger brother is growing tall. 我弟弟渐渐长高了。 Ⅴ.turn 含有“变得和以前完全不同”之意,说明变的结果。 ① The trees turn green. 树变绿了。 ① His love turned into hate. 他由爱生恨。 §87 before long/ long before Ⅰ. before long. “不久”,“不久以后” Ⅱ. long before “很早以前”,“好久以前”如: ① I hope to see you again before long. 我希望不久以后再见到你。 ② We finished our work long before. 我们早就把工作做完了 §88 begin/ start Ⅰ. begin “开始”,是很普通的用语,指开始某一行动或进程,与end 相对。如: ① It’s time to begin work. 是开始工作的时候了。 ② She began to work in the factory at the age of fifteen. 她十五岁开始在工厂里工作。 ③ The meeting will begin at eight o’clock. 会议将于八点钟开始。 Ⅱ. start “开始”,往往与begin通用,但它着重于开始或着手这一点,与stop 相对。如: ① When did you start work? 你什么时候开始工作的? ② He started to study English. 他开始学英语。 ③ The child started crying. 小孩哭起来了。 [注]:表示“动身;启程;开动(机器)”等。如: ①I think we ought to start at 8. 我认为我们应该8点出发。 另外commence是三词中最正式的,其后接动词时只能接动词的-ing形式。如: ②The Prime Minister commenced speaking 25 minutes ago. 首相是25分钟前开始发言的。 § 89 belive/ think/ suppose 这三个词后面的宾语从句的否定往往转移到主句上来。其反意部份与从句 主谓保持一致。如: I don’t he can answer the question, can he? 我认为他回答不上这个问题,是吗? §90 below/ under/ beneath Ⅰ. below“在……下面”,指处于比某物低的位置,不一定在某物的正下方。它的反义词是over。如: ① Write your name below the line. 在线下写上你的名字。 ② We are below the moon. 我们在月下。 Ⅱ. under “在……的下面”,相当于below ,有时可以通用,但它指处于某物的正下方,其反义词是over。如: ① He stood under a tree. 他站在树下。 ② The cat was under the table. 猫在桌子下面。 Ⅲ. Beneath“在……的下面”, 是旧用法的文学用语,现在很少用。相当于below,尤其相当于under. 如: ① Children are playing beneath the window. 孩子们在窗子下面游戏。 [注]:down 是副词,指自上而下,由高而低,常与表运动的动词连用。其反义词是up。如: ② He fell down the stairs. 他从楼梯上跌了下来。 §91 forget to do / forget doing Ⅰ. forget 如: ① I forgot to tell him about it.我忘了把事告诉他。 ② I forgot telling him about it. 我忘了,我曾把这事告诉过他。 [注意]:类似的还有: ① try如: 1. Let’s try knocking at the back door..让我们敲敲后门试试看。 2. We will try to go home tomorrow. 明天我们争取回家。 ② remember regret doing sth/to do sth 与此亦同。 ③ go on ④ need want doing sth / to do sth. 与此相同。 §92 besides/ but/ except/ beside/ except for/ except that/ but for/ but that Ⅰ.besides “除了……还有”指的是“已有……另加上”而except 和but “除了……之外没有……”,正好相反。如: ① I don’t care for anything besides this.除此之外,我别无所爱。 ② What have you done this morning, besides reading the paper and watching TV? 除了看报和看电视之外,你今天上午还做了些什么。 Ⅱ.beside prep. “在……旁边”意思如其它的大不相同。如: ① They are used to taking a walk on the path beside the the river.他们习惯于在河边的小路上散步。 Ⅲ. but 作介词用时:“除……之外没有……”与except 同意。但它着重在整体,且常用在no, all, nobody, anything, everything, everybody, everywhere 以及who, whose等词之后。后常接“名词、代词或不定式,接不定式时,如果其前含有实义动词 do (除作助动词用外)的各种形式,则用动词原形(省略“to”)。如: ① He does nothing but laugh. 他只是大笑而已。(前有does,故用动词原形laugh.) ② Nobody was late but you. 除你之外,没有人迟到。 Ⅳ.except 语气比but强且明显。着重在除去的部分。如: ① I like all the fruits except pears. 除了梨外,我喜欢所有的水果。 ② The dress is quite nice except for the color. 除了颜色外,这件衣服很漂亮。 Ⅴ.except for “除了……以外”其中for 表示理由或细节,对句子含义起修饰作用。有时可与except 互换。如: ① Betty worked out all the problems except for / except the last one. 除了最后一个问题外,其它的问题贝蒂都解决了。 ② Except for Sunday, all of us go to school every day. 除了周日外,我们每天都上学。(此处不用except). Ⅵ.except that 用作连词 “除……之外”后接从句。 ① The Swede stood still except that his lips moved slightly.那瑞典人除了嘴微动外,站着一丝不动。 ② I know nothing about him except that he lives downstairs.除了他住在楼下这一点外,关于别的我一无所知。 Ⅶ.but for “若不是……”,“ 倘若……”常和虚拟语气搭配,其后常跟名词或相当于名词的词。跟代词常用其宾格。 ① But for you, I should have been late for school. 倘若不是你,我上学就迟到了。 Ⅷ.but that “要不是”后接从句。如: But that I saw the elephant, I couldn’t have believed it.要不是亲眼看见大象,我真不能相信。 §93 give a message/ leave a message / take a message. Ⅰ. Leave a message.“留下个信儿”打电话的人常用。后与介词for 搭配。构成 leave a message for sb. Ⅱ. take a message “捎个信儿”接电话的人常用.后与介词for 搭配。构成:take a message for sb. Ⅲ. give a message “给某人个信儿”后与to 搭配,构成: give a message to sb. = give sb a message.如: ① Can I take a message for him? 我能给他捎个信吗? ② Can you leave a message for her? 你能给她留个口信吗? ③ I will give a message to her. 我将给她个信儿。 §94 big/ large/ great/ huge Ⅰ. big 和large 所修饰的一般是具体的事物。 big 侧重于表示一个物体的块头、重量,含有庞大、笨重的意思,其反义词是little; large 侧重表示一个物体的宽度和数量,有广阔和众多的含义,其反义词是small。 在现代口语中两者常可互换,big 较口语化,large比较正式。如: ① This is a big / large room. 这是一个大房间。 ② This coat is too big for her. 这上衣对她来说太大了。 ③ China is a large country. 中国是一个幅员辽阔的国家。 Ⅱ. big 还可作“长大了的”解,而large没有这个意思。如: ① She is big enough to ride a bike. 她长大了,足可以骑自行车了。 Ⅲ. great 常表示“伟大的”,可修饰抽象名词,也可修饰具体的人或物,带有一定的感情色彩。有时可能表达说话人的喜悦、赞扬等感情。如: ① We are going to visit the People’s Great Hall. 我们打算去参观人民大会堂。 ② Einstein was a great scientist. 爱因斯坦是位伟大的科学家。 ③ --How do you like my coat? --Great! 你觉得我这件外衣怎样? 好极了。 Ⅳ. huge “巨大的;极大的”,修饰具体事物,指规格数额超常。如: ① How did they carry such huge stones? 他们是如何搬运这些巨石的? ② The Great Hall of the People is a building. 人民大会堂是座建筑物。 §95 bloom/ flower/ blossom Ⅰ. bloom 指观赏用的花。如:玫瑰;菊花;牡丹等。 Ⅱ. flower 是普通用语。 Ⅲ. blossom 指果树上的花。 §96 boat/ ship Ⅰ. boat “船、艇,”是普通用语。主要指用浆、篙、帆或引擎的小船、小艇,但有时也指大轮船。如: ① We crossed the river by boat. 我们乘船过河。 ② They pulled the boat up on to the shore. 他们把这条船拖上了岸。(指小船) ③ When does the boat leave for Shanghai?(指轮船) Ⅱ. ship “船、舰,”多指大的航海船只。如: ① The ship is at sea. 船厂在航海。 ① They went to Guangahou by ship. 他们乘船去广州。 §97 bold/ brave/ courageous Ⅰ. bold “大胆的、勇敢的”着重指大胆、勇敢的气质,表现出有胆量、敢闯或敢于对抗而不畏缩。如: ① Be bold! 勇敢些! ② It’s very bold of us to venture to go to sea. 我们冒险航海是很勇敢的。 Ⅱ. brave “勇敢的”, 应用最广泛,通常指在危险、困难或可怕的情况下表现勇猛而畏缩。如: ① Be brave! 勇敢些! ② It was brave of him to enter the burning building. 他敢进入那燃烧着的房屋,真是勇敢。 Ⅲ. courageous “勇敢的,无畏的”表示由于有勇敢的气质或不屈不挠的精神而能无畏地自觉地对付某种事情,常常用于表示道义上的勇敢。如: ① He is courageous in telling the truth. 他敢于讲实话。 ② We hope that they will courageously shoulder their responsibilities and overcome all difficulties. 我们希望能够勇敢地负起责任,克服一切困难。 §98 borrow/ lend /keep Ⅰ. borrow “借”指从别人那里借来东西(借入)。指“向某人或某处借某事”时,用搭配: Borrow sth from sb / sw.如: ① Can I borrow your pen? 可以借用一下的笔吗? ② Do you often borrow books from the library? 你经常从图书馆借书吗? Ⅱ. lend “借”指把东西供给别人(借出)。指“把某物借给某人”时用:lend sth to sb. 如: ① Can you lend me your pen? 把钢笔供给我好吗? ② You mustn’t lend it to others.你一定不要把它供给别人。 Ⅲ. keep 表“借多长时间”, 时延续性动词。可用于完成时态。而borrow 和 lend 是短暂性动词。则不能用于完成时态,或与表段时间的状语连用。如: ① He has kept the books for two weeks.他借这书两天了。 ② ---How long can I keep the book? ---Two weeks. §99 both/ each Ⅰ. both “两个都” 而each则强调“各个”如: ① Both of us won a prize. 我们两人共同赢得了一个奖。 ② Each of us won a prize. 我们每个人都赢得了奖。 Ⅱ. both 用作句子主语时,谓语总是复数,如: ① Both these books are mine. 而each常用单数。但在下列情况下用复数,即它在复数名词或代词之后。如: ①They each have beautiful stamps. §100 bring/ take/ fetch/ get/ carry 都有“拿”的意思,但用法差别很大,切勿混同。 Ⅰ.bring“拿来、带来”强调从别处带某人或某物来到说话人所在地。如: The teacher asked the students to bring their dictionaries to the class. Ⅱ.take“拿走、带走”强调人或事物离开说话人所在地,与bring的关系相当于go与come的相对关系。如: May I take this magazine home? Ⅲ.fetch“去取来、去拿来” 指去取了东西又回来这一往返过程,相当于go and bring,但不同于bring,如: Please fetch me some chalk. get与fetch意思相似,多用于口语。如: Go and get/fetch some water. Ⅳ.carry“携带、搬运”强调某物从甲地移至乙地,带有物体随身移动但无固定方向。如: ① He carried the box upstairs. 另外空气、水、电携带物也用carry.如: ① The boat was carried by ocean currents to a small island.这船被大洋的水流飘至一小岛。 §101 broad/ wide 都是“宽”的意思。 Ⅰ. broad 指幅面的宽广,侧重表面上的广阔宏大,指人时多形容背、肩、胸等,在较正式或文学性较强的文体中,也可用来描写河流、街道、田野、峡谷等和地形有关的其它东西。如: The road is 8 metres broad. Ⅱ. wide 指一边到另一边的空间距离,侧重两端之间距离的宽大,指人时多形容眼睛、口等。如: This skirt is too wide. broad 和wide 的反义词都是narrow. [语法]:度量表示法: “数词+名词(量)+wide(broad)/long长/thick厚/deep深/high高/tall 身高/around周长” §102 build/ found/ put up/ set up Ⅰ. build “建筑、建造”指施工建筑,如房屋、桥梁、道路等的建造,也可用于广义。如: We are building socialism with China’s style. 我们正在建设具有中国特色的社会主义。 Ⅱ. found “创立、成立、创办”批创立一个组织、机构、国家等。如: ① They founded(=built) a school for the blind. 他们创办了一亿盲人学校。 ② The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. 中华人民共和国成立于是1949年。 Ⅲ. put up 和set up 人含义很多,但他们在表示“搭起、竖起、挂起”以及表建筑物“建起”的意思时,可以通用。只不过put up 比set up 要常见些。如: ① The boys put up (set up) their tents in the woods. 孩子们在树林里搭起了帐篷。 ② They have put up(set up) several cattle sheds for the team. 他们为队里建造了几个牛棚。 但set up 在表示“建起、成立”某一机构团体时,不能用put up 替换。如: The factory set up a night school last month. 这个工厂上月成立了一所夜校。 §103 but/ however Ⅰ. 都有“然而,但是”的意思。However 比较正式,可以放在句首、句中或句尾;其前面或后面要加逗号隔开,如在句中,其前后都要加逗号,不能与but 连用;而but只放在句首。如: ① I’d like to go swimming with you, but I have to tidy the garden now. 我很想和你去游泳,但是我现在必须整理花园。 ② It’s raining hard, however, they’re still working in the field. 雨下得很大,然而他们仍然在地里干活。 ③ Later, however, she decided to buy it. 可是后来她决定去买下它。 ① He said it was so, he was mistaken, however. §104 crowd / group / team Ⅰ. group “小组、团体”,与 team 是同义词。指因任何目的或原因而聚集在一起所形成的群体。搭配范围较广; team 指工作、行为或游戏时在一起的群体,尤指体育比赛的“队”, 搭配范围较窄。如: ① a study group 学习小组; a discussion group 讨论小组 ② a basketball team 篮球队 a medical team 医疗队 Ⅱ. group 指“人群”时,与crowd同义。group 所指人数可多可少,但常指“较小”的人群, 且表示有组织有秩序的一群人; crowd有“密集”“拥挤”的含义,通常指未经组织、人数众多的人群。 §105 by oneself/ for oneself/ to oneself/ of oneself 这五个介词短语均属“介词+反身代词”结构,但意义各不相同: Ⅰ.by oneself“单独地;独立地”(=without help, alone).如: Did you do this by yourself or did someone help you? 是你自己做的,还是别人帮你做的? Ⅱ. “本身;本身的性质”如: ① Diamond is hard in itself. 钻石本来是硬的。 Ⅲ.for oneself “为自己(的利益而做某事);独自地(与by oneself 同义)”。如: ② He has built a house for himself. 他为自己建造了一幢房子。 ③ You must find it out for yourself. 你必须自己把它找出来。 Ⅳ.of oneself “自然而然地;自动地”为不及物动词。如: ④ The fire died of oneself. 火自己熄灭了。 Ⅴ.to oneself“默默地”“暗自”,常与talk , say, think等动词连用。如; ⑤ He said to himself that there was something wrong. 他想这其中有毛病。 [注]:say to oneself “在心里想”,talk/ speak to oneself“自言自语”两者不可混淆。 §106 by train/ on(in)a the train 二者都有“乘车”之意。当使用介词by表方式时,其后交通工具名词前不用冠词。或其它任何表限定的修饰词,如形容词性物主代词,批示代词等。反之则用介词in (较小的工具如car等);on (较大的交通工具,如train等)。如:on the bus, in his car. §107 by/ at/ the end of ; in/to/ on the end Ⅰ. by the end of “在……末以前”“到……末为止”后一般接时间名词。如年、月、周等。也可接表活动的名词,如strike. Ⅱ. at the end of “在……的尽头”,“在……的末端”如: ① At the end of the book there is an index. 书后附有索引。 ② We shall have an exam at the end of the month. 本月末我们将有次考试。 Ⅲ. in the end “最终;终于”,后不接of 短语。如: I hope everything will turn out all right in the end. 我希望最终一切都顺利。 §108 by/ near 都有“靠近”的意思。 Ⅰ.by“就在… …旁边”,表示距离更近。如: ① We have by the sea.(暗示我们可以看见大海) ② We live near the sea.(也许我们离海边还有几里远) Ⅱ.near表示的距离稍远些。见上例。近离.ofits. of enormous sum of money.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX §109 by/ till Ⅰ.by“到… …之前”“不迟于”仅指动作发生在限定时间之内或到某一时间为止。如: ①Can you repair my watch by Friday? 你能在星期五之前把表修好吗?(句中时间最迟到星期五,动词可以是瞬间的,也可以是持续的) Ⅱ.till/untill“直到”强调动作的持续状态,直到将来的某一时刻为止。如: I shall go on working till/untill next Monday. (此种情况只能用于肯定句中动词必须是延续的) 当untill与not连用时,意为“直到… …才”,主句谓语动词必须是非延续性的。如: I don’t go to bed untill/till you come. §110 call on/ visit/ go to see/ drop in Ⅰ.四者都有“访问”的意思,但是vist较为正式,可用于访问人,也可用于访问地方。如: I visited my aunt in Bejing in the summer holidays. 暑假我探望了在北京的姨妈。 Ⅱ.call on有时可代替visit,但只限于人。访问某地方则用call at。如: We called on Prefessor Liu a few days ago. 前几天我们拜访了刘教授。 Ⅲ.go to see为普通用语,一般用于人。如: Tom is ill. Let’s go to see him after school.汤姆病了,我们放学后去看他吧。 Ⅳ.drop in特指顺路探访,多用于口语。如: Would you like to drop in and have a cup of tea? 你顺便来喝杯茶,好吗? §111 calm/ quiet Ⅰ.calm的意思是平静的、镇静的。用以指天气、海洋等时,表示一种无风无浪的平静状态;用以指人时,表示镇静而不激动的心情。如: ① The sea is now calm. 海上现在风平浪静。 ② He remained calm. 他保持镇静。 Ⅱ.quiet的意思是安静的、寂静的,指没有什么动态,没有什么声音,尤指没有骚乱的一种安静状态。如: ① Everything was quiet. 万籁俱寂。 ② Ask them to keep quiet. 叫他们保持安静。 §112 can/ be able to Ⅰ. can “能”表过去或现在“能力所及”时,与be able to 通用。如: ① He can / is able to speak German. 他会说德语。 ② He could / was able to run very fast when I was a boy. 我小时候就跑得很快。 Ⅱ. be able to 的过去时还可表一种“经过努力做到了”的意思。而can的过去时则没有这种意义。如: He started late, but he was able to catch the eight o’clock train. 他出发晚了,但他还是赶上了八点钟的火车。 Ⅲ.can 通常只用于上述两种时态,而be able to 则可用于各种时态。如: He has not been able to come since he got hurt. 自从受伤以后,他就一直未能前来。 Ⅳ. 在表猜测时,只能用can,而不能用be able to ,如: That can’t be your bag. 那不可能是你的书包。 §113 can/ may Ⅰ.can的意思是能、会;可能。在正式用语中can通常是指能力而言。它也可以表示可能性。在非正式用语和口语中can经常用以表示“允许”的意思,特别在疑问句和否定句中。如: ① Can you swim across the Yangzi River? 你能横渡扬子江吗? ② He can speak English. 他会说英语。 ③ I can’t come at that time. 我不能在那个时候来。 ④ Can the news be true? 这消息会是真的吗? ⑤ -----Can’t I go? 我可不可以走? -----You cannot! 你不可以走。 Ⅱ.may的意思是可以、可能,在正式用语中它通常是指可能性或允许而言。如: ① That may or may not be ture. 那可能是真的,也可能不是真的。 ② He may be right. 他可能是对的。 ③ You may take this book, I don’t need it. 你可以拿走这本书,我不需要了。 ④ May I go now? 我现在可以走了吗? §114 cap/ hat Ⅰ.cap的意思是帽子,通常指无边的帽子,包括便帽、制服帽、军帽等。如: ① He always wears a blue cap. 他总是戴着一顶蓝帽子。 ② How I wished I could have a cap, a real soldier’s cap! 我多么想要一顶帽子,一顶真正的军帽! Ⅱ.hat的意思也是帽子,指有边的帽子,也是帽子的总称。如: ① Hat in hand , he came towards me. 他手拿着帽子,向我走来。 ② These hats are in fashion. 这些帽子很时髦。 §115 care (about) / take care of/ care for Ⅰ.take care of“照料=look after,即指喂饭照看等。如: ① Nurses take care of patients in hospital. [注]:它还可表所负的责任,如: ① Mr Savage takes care of marketing and publicity. 萨维奇先生负责销售和宣传。 Ⅱ.care about表你是否认为某件事是重要的,某件事是否引起了你的兴趣或使你忧虑,常用于疑问句或否定句中,后接从句时,about一般都要省略。如: I don’t care whether it rains, I’m happy. 我才不在乎下不下雨呢,我快活着呢。 Ⅲ.care for 有以下几种意思 1)“照料”(特别是多用在正式的或较文的文体中)如: She spent the best years of her life caring for her sick father. 她把一生中最好的岁月都用来照料她那有病的父亲了。 2)“关怀”“关心”如:care for the younger generation 关怀年轻的一代 3)“喜欢、愿意”(多用在疑问句或否定句中)[care for sb. to do sth.] 如: ① Would you care for a cup of tea? 你喜欢喝一杯茶吗? ② I don’t/shouldn’t care for him to read this letter. 我不愿让他看这封信。 §116 carry on/ carry out/ carry through Ⅰ.carry on的意思是“进行、继续”,如: ① I tried to carry on a conversation in English, but could not. 我想用英语进行谈话,但是力不从心。 ② He told them to carry on. 他叫他们继续进行。 ③ Carry on (with) your work. 继续你的工作。 Ⅱ.carry out的意思是“贯彻、执行;完成、实现”,如: ① Sometimes it’s easy to make plans but difficult to carry them out. 有时候作计划容易而执行计划却很难。 ② Our plan was carried out successfully. 我们的计划胜利地完成。 Ⅲ.carry through 的意思是“完成-----,将-----进行到底;使(人)战胜困难,渡过难关。如: ① Carry the revolution through to the end. 将革命进行到底。 ② His courage will carry him through. 他的勇气使他战胜困难,渡过难关。 §117 cause/ reason Ⅰ.cause表示“原因、缘故、理由”等意思时,着重指产生某种结果的原因。如: ① The cause of the fire was carelessness. 起火的原因是不小心。 ② What was the cause of it? 发生这事是原因何在? ③ There’s no cause for anxiety. 没有理由要焦虑(不必焦虑)。 Ⅱ.reason的意思是“理由、原因、缘故”,着重指产生 某种行为或想法的理由。如: ① I have no reason for it. 我没有理由这样做。 ② Give your reason for changing the plan. 把你改变计划的理由讲一下。 §118 centre/ middle Ⅰ.centre的意思是“中心”,通常用于空间方面,强调指正中心。它还可用于借喩,表示某一事物的中心。如: ① Draw a circle round a given centre. 就指定的中心画一圆圈。 ② We live in the centre of London. 我们住在伦敦市中心。 ③ Beijing is the political, economic and cultural centre of China. 北京是中国的政治、经济和文化中心。 Ⅱ.middle的意思是“中间、当中”,指跟两边或各边、两端或各端等距离的部分。它可以用于空间、时间等方面,如: ① In the middle of the room stands a table. 房间当中摆着一张桌子。 ② He was standing in the middle of the road. 他站在路中间。 ③ It will be coming into bloom about the middle of next month. 它大约将在下月中开花。 §119 certain/ sure 二者的基本用法一样 1) Be certain 如:Manchester are certain/sure to win.(The other team haven’t got a chance.)曼彻斯特队肯定会赢。(另一队连一点希望都没有) 2) Before the game stared, Alan felt quite sure/certain of winning, but after the first five minutes he began to lose confidence. 比赛开始前,艾伦感到很有把握赢,但比赛了5分钟后他开始失去信心了。 §120 certainly/ surely 二者含义大不相同。 surely表相信,但又感到惊奇或难以相信。如: ① Surely that’s a plain-clothes policeman. 那一定是一个便衣警察。=Can that really be a plain-policeman. ② Surely that’s Henry over there? I thought he was in Scotland. 那边谅必是亨利,我还以为他在苏格兰呢? [注]:当surely与否定词连用时,常表示怀疑,(不愿意相信)如: Surely, you aren’t going out in that hat? 你决不会戴那顶帽子去吧。 Ⅱ. certainly 表所了解的情况. 如: That’s certainly a plain-clothes policeman. 那肯定是个便衣警察。(说话者认出了他是个便衣,因为很有信心,肯定地说出了这句话。) §121 chicken/ cock/ hen Ⅰ.chicken的意思是小鸡、鸡(泛指)、鸡肉。如: ① Chickens pip. 小鸡吱吱叫。 ② He feeds 10,000 chickens on his farm. ③ We had chicken for lunch. Ⅱ.cock的意思是公鸡、雄鸡。如: ① Cocks crow at dawn. 天亮时公鸡喔喔叫。 Ⅲ.hen的意思是母鸡。如: A hen cackles when she lays an egg. 母鸡生蛋时咯咯地叫。 [注] 鸡窝译为hen coop,鸡舍译为hen house。这里的hen笼统地代表鸡。 §122 choose/ select/ elect Ⅰ.choose的意思是“选择、挑选”,通常指在所提供的对象中,凭个人的判断力进行选择。如: ① You may choose from among them the one you like best. 你可以从它们中间挑选最喜欢的一个。 ② Let me choose a book from among these. 让我从这些书中选一本。 [注]choose后面可以接不定式,表示愿意、决定等意思。如: I didn’t choose to go. 我不愿意去。 Ⅱ.select的意思是“选择、挑选”,通常指从很多对象中精心地进行挑选,往往指根据被选择对象的优劣进行选择。如: ① The finest products were selected and sent to the exhibition. 选择了最好的产品送到展览会去。 ② They were selected from among many applicants. 他们是从许多报名者当中挑选出来的。 Ⅲ.elect的意思是“选、选举”,常指通过正式手续(如投票等)进行选举。如: They elected him chairman. 他们选举他当主席。 这里如果改用choose/select,那就着重于选择的意义,不一定是正式选举,整个句子应为:They chose him as their chairman. [注] pick 一词也可以表示挑选、选择的意思,含有仔细挑选的意味,有时也表示任意挑选的意思。如: Pick the best one. 挑选最好的吧。 思ick stheir chairman. tion. like best. 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Pleasure 是名词,大多用于客套语中。如: ① I have had the pleasure of meeting your father before. 我以前有幸见过令尊。 ② --Will you lend me a hand? --With pleasure. 请你帮一下忙好吗? 好的。 Ⅴ. please 是及物动词,常用于祈使句语气,意为“请” Please give me a cup of tea. 请给我一杯茶。 [注]:口语中,Yes, please! 好的,谢谢!对应 No, thanks.不用了,谢谢! §125 clever/ wise/ bright/ smar 都有“聪明”的意思,其区别在于: Ⅰ.clever“聪明的、伶俐的、巧妙的、机敏的”用以指人或动物时,通常指脑子灵活,指做成的事物时,常含有巧妙的意思,如: ① He is a clever boy. ② That’a a clever plan. Ⅱ.wise“聪明的、英明的、明智的”指由于知识、经验的丰富及良好的判断能力而正确地对待或处理人和事,通常用于正式的、客气的场合。如: ① a wise saying 至理名言 ① a wise leader 英明的领袖 Ⅲ.bright“聪明的、伶俐的”通常指年青人或小孩,常用于口语中。如: the bright boy is reading English in the bright room. Ⅲ.smart“机敏的、精明的”与clever同义。但强调顽皮的一面,为随便的说法。如: You can’t cheat him, because he is a smart boy. 你骗不了他,因为他是个聪明的孩子。 §126 climate/ weather Ⅰ.climate的意思是“气候”,指某地的一般天气情况,包括气温、降雨量、刮风等的状况;也指长时间如一季度的天气状况。如: ① The climate here is bad. 这儿气候恶劣。 ② The climate of China is very enjoyable spring. 中国春天的气候很宜人。 Ⅱ.weather的意思是“天气”,指某地某时寒暖、晴雨、刮风等的变化状况。如: ① What is the weather like today? 今天天气整样? ② I will come if I can, but it depends on the weather. 如果可能我一定来,但要看天气如何。 §127 close/ near/ nearby/ next to Ⅰ. close “接近的,靠近”;还有“亲密的,密切的”含义,用法与near 类似,可指距离上、时间上或次序上紧接。也可用于引申含义,表关系或感情上的“亲近的”,可用作形容词或副词。如: ① Mother’s Day is close (=near) . 母亲节快到了。 ② They are sitting quite close(=near) to each other. 他们坐得很靠近。 ③ She and I are close friends.她和我是亲密的朋友。 [注]:near 当作形容词时,与close含义和用法相同,表距离近,都用be near / close to +地点。 但close 只能作形容词,而near 还可作介词使用,此时near不可再与to搭配。如: ①I live near (=close to) the factory. Ⅱ. nearby 主要指空间上的附近,一般指较大范围。可用作形容词、副词或介词。如: ① They live in the nearby village. 他们住在附近的村庄。 ② There was a traffic accident nearby. 在附近发生了一起车祸。 Ⅲ. next to 意思是“与……相邻,紧靠着”与be close to 很接近,但next to 强调距离上“紧邻”。 ① Our school is next to a supermarket. 我们学校紧挨着一家超市。 ② Our school is close to a supermarket. 我们学校距离一家超市很近。 §128 close/ shut Ⅰ.close用作动词表示“关、闭”的意思时,通常仅指把开着的东西关闭起来。它还往往是较为正式的用语。如: ① Did you close all the doors and windows? 你把所有的门窗都关了吗? ② Close your eyes. 把眼睛闭上。 ③ Do you mind if I close this window? 我把这窗子关起来好吗? Ⅱ.shut的意思是“关、关闭”,常常可与close通用,但它比close意味较强。比如说to close a door or gate时,仅指把门关上;而说to shut a door or gate时,则可以进而指用门闩、插销或其它东西把门关住。此外,shut 还往往不如close正式。如: ① They shut the doors and windows. 他们关住了门窗。 ② Shut the box. 把箱子关起来。 ③ Shut the door after you. 随手关门。 §129 Chinese / of China Ⅰ. Chinese “中国式的,具有中国特色的”作形容词时只能作前置定语。主要从物与物的角度看待事物。如: I like Chinese food. 我喜欢中国风味的食品。 Ⅱ. of China “中国的;属于中国的”为所有格式,表所属关系。作后置定语。 Please show me a map of China. 请给我拿幅中国地图。 §130 colth/clothes/ clothing/ dress/suit Ⅰ. cloth 指做衣服等用的布料,如“布;毛料”等,是不可数名词。表达“一块布料”应说a piece of cloth,如: ① Different kinds of cloth are produced in that factory. 那家工厂生产各种各样的布料。 ② My aunt bought me two pieces of cloth yesterday. 我姑妈昨天给我买两块布。 ③ 但是,用于表达特殊用途的布时,如“台布;揩布”等,cloth是可数名词。如:Pass me a table cloth, please. 请递给我一块台布。 Ⅱ. clothes “衣服”,没有单数形式,不能单独与数词直接搭配。如不能说hour clothes, 但可以说many/ these/ a few clothes,它总是以复数形式出现,因此只能说: The clothes are… 如: ① All of her clothes were made by her mother. 她所有的衣服都是她母亲做的。 ② There are many new clothes on sale. 有许多新衣服出售。 Ⅲ. clothing 意思也是“衣服”, 但它与clothes 不同,不是指具体的和件件的衣服,而是指衣着的整体而言。如: ① They were all in their summer clothing. 他们都穿夏天的服装。 ① Each child has ample clothing. 每个孩子都有足够的衣服。 Ⅳ. dress 通常指外面穿的衣服。一般指妇女和儿童服装,还指礼服或某种特殊的服装。是可数名词。如: ① Who’s that girl in red dress? 穿红衣服的那位姑娘是谁? ② What size dress do you wear? 你穿几号衣服? ③ He doesn’t care much about dress? 他不太讲究衣着。(他不讲穿)。 ④ He is in full dress. 他穿着礼服。 Ⅴ. suit 通常指用同样布料或衣料做成的一套衣服。如: ① She was wearing a red suit. 她穿着一套红西装。 ② He wanted very much to get a new suit and throw off his old clothes. 他很想买一套新衣服,好赶快脱掉他的旧衣服。 §131 collect/ gather Ⅰ.gather的意思是“收集、聚集”,它是表示收集或聚集的一般用语,不仅可以用于人和物,还可以用于抽象的东西。如: ① He gathered his books and notebooks. 他把书和笔记本收集在一起。 ② She gathered the children round her. 她把孩子们聚集在她的周围。 ③ A crowd soon gathered round him. 一群人很快就聚集在他的周围。 ④ He is gathering information. 他在搜集情报。 Ⅱ.collect的意思是“收集、搜集、聚集”,通常指有计划和选择进行收集。当它表示一般的收集或聚集时,可与gather通用。如: ① He is collecting material for a book. 他正在聚集写书的资料。 ② I have collected some famous pictures. 我收集了一些名画。 ③ A crowd soon collected when there was a car accident. 发生了车祸的时候,立即就有一群人聚拢起来。 §132 college/ institute/ university Ⅰ.college的意思是“学院”,一般指大学内部的学院或独立的学院,如: ① There are many colleges at Oxford and Cambridge. 牛津大学和剑桥大学有很多学院。 ② There are several teachers’ colleges in Jiangsu Province. 江苏省有几所师范学院。 Ⅱ.institute也可以表示学院的意思,但它通常指专科性(专门的)学院,如外语学院(institute of foreign languages)、体育学院(physical culture institute)、航空学院(aeronautical engineering institute)等,如: ① He graduated from an institute of foreign trade. 他是外贸学院毕业的。 ② She is a student of a chemical engineering institute.她是化工学院的学生。 Ⅲ.university 的意思是“大学”,通常指由多个学院组织而成的综合性大学。如: He graduated from Yale in 1915.他1915年从耶鲁大学毕业。 §133 competition/ game/ match Ⅰ. competition “比赛、竞争”,指体能、技术、能力的竞争。 He won a drawing competition. 他在图画比赛中获胜。 Ⅱ. game “比赛”指有一定规则,且决定胜负的脑力和体力劳动的“竞技”。如: There is going to be a football game tomorrow afternoon. Ⅲ. match 多指网球、足球、高尔夫球等运动项目的“比赛” 。 The golf match will he held tomorrow morning. §134 complete/ finish Ⅰ.complete用作动词表示完成的意思时,是指把已开始但尚未完成的事情完成。如: ① He has completed his task. 他已完成他的工作。 ② The railway is not completed yet. 铁路尚未完工。 Ⅱ.finish的意思是“完成、结束”,着重指圆满结束已着手的事情,尤指完成精心之作的最后一步。如: ① Have you finished your work yet? 你的工作做完了没有? ② I finished reading the book last night. 我昨晚看完了这本书。 ③ The picture is finished. 这幅画画好了。 §135 conceal/ hide Ⅰ. conceal “隐藏、隐瞒”常与hide通用;但比hide正式些,多指有意将某事物隐藏起来或不予以泄漏。它只用作及物动词。如: ① The box was concealed under the bed.箱子是藏在床底下的。 ② He concealed his moteves. 他隐瞒了他的动机。 Ⅱ. hide “隐藏、掩盖、躲藏”为普通用语。指有意或无意地将某物(或人)藏(躲)在人们不易看到或发现的地方。可作及物动词和不及物动词。如: ① Where did you hide it? 你把它藏到哪里了? ② He cannot hide the truth. 他不能掩盖真相。 ③ The moon was hideen by the clouds. 月亮被云彩遮住了。 §136 cost/ spend/ pay/ take Ⅰ.cost 指某东西“值……钱”; “需要花费……钱/ 精力”等,它的主语一般为表示东西的名词,不能为表示人的名词,作及物动词和名词。可接双宾语,无被动语态。如: ① I’ll bet that dress cost a thousand dollars.我敢说那件衣服得花1000美元。 ② The chair cost me thirty yuan.这把椅子花了我30元。 ① The building of the dam cost many lives. 修建这个水坝使许多人丧生。(使花(某种代价);使损失) ② Bad driving may cost you your life.开车技术不行可能使你丢掉性命。 ③ 作名词时意为“花费;成本”→The cost of the house was too high for me.这房子的价钱太高,我买不起。 [常用搭配]: ① at all costs 不惜一切代价,—→The officer told the soldiers that they must defend the town at all costs. 军官对士兵们说要不惜一切代价保卫这座城市。 ② at the cost of 以……为代价。 →1). He finished the work at the cost of his health. 他完成了这项工作,但失去了健康。 →2). She saved him from fire, but at the cost of her own life. 她从火中把他救出,但她自己却牺牲了。 ③ cost of living 生活费用。 —→As the cost of living goes up my standard of living goes down. 生活费用越上涨,我的生活水准越降低。 Ⅱ.spend 的主语经常是人 , 用来表示人花钱买东西或花时间做某事, 常用的句型有: 如: ① I spend 5 yuan on the book.我买这书花五元钱。 ② The boy spent 10 minutes drawing a dog.那个男孩花了10分钟画一只狗。 Ⅲ.pay “支付,花费”,主语只能是人 且只用于花费金钱,其结构是: pay + sb + some money + for sth. “为……付给某人多少钱” 其中的人、钱、事,可以根据具体情况取舍。如: ① I paid (him)5 yuan. 我付(给他)5元钱。 ② I paid him 5 yuan for the book. 我买那本书付给了他五元钱。 ③ I paid him for the book. 我买那本书付给了他钱。 ④ I paid for the book. 我付了那本书的钱。 Ⅳ.take 也可表“花费时间和金钱”,(一般只指花费时间) 其常用结构为:It +take(各种时态)+time/money+to do sth. 如 It took me three hours to finish the work. §137 country/ state/ nation Ⅰ. country “国家”着重指疆土而言。“乡下、农村”相当于countryside, 但它指风景而言。如: ① This country is in the south of Europe. 这个国家在欧洲南部。 ② Germany and France are European countries. 德国和法国是欧洲国家。 ③ The countryside around Nanjing is beautiful at this time of the year. Ⅱ. state “国家”着重指政权而言。如: ① I’d like to borrow a copy of “The State and Revolution”.我想借一本《国家与革命》。 ② The state is an organ of violence at service of class rule. 国家是阶级统治的暴力机器。 Ⅲ. nation “国家”着重指人民而言。如: Two friendly nations support each other. 两个友好国家互相支持。 §138 crazy/ mad Ⅰ. crazy “发狂的、糊涂的、狂热的”常指由于忧虑、悲伤、欣喜、渴望、激动等某种强烈的情绪而引起的一种心神错乱、失去控制的精神状态。如: ① He was crazy with joy. 他欣喜若狂。 ② You are crazy to do such a thing. 你干这样的事真糊涂。 ③ The boy is crazy on (or about) skating. 那孩子对溜冰着了迷。 Ⅱ. mad “发狂的、发疯的”通常指精神狂乱完全不能自我控制的一种病态。在口语中它也表示由于某种强烈的情绪而失常。如: ① The poor fellow is mad. 这个可怜的人是疯子。 ② The dog has gone mad. 这条狗疯了。 ③ This worry is enough to drive me mad. 这烦恼足以使我发狂。 ④ He is mad about the stage. 他迷恋于舞台生活。 §139 crop/ harvest Ⅰ. crop “收成”指谷物、水果、蔬菜等一年或一季的收成 它表示“农作物、庄稼”的意思。如: ① The rice crop was very good this year. 今年稻子的收成很好。 ② The rice bears two crops every year. 稻子一年收两次。 ③ It is harmful to growing crops. 这对于正在生长的农作物有害。 Ⅱ. harvest “收成、收获”多指谷物的收成,也指水果、蔬菜等的收成;有时指收割行为。也可用于借喻,指行动或行为的结果。如: ① Rich harvests have been gathered in for several years running. 连续几年获得了丰收。(可用crops代替) ② The summer harvest is about to start. 夏收即将开始。 ③ He reaped the harvest of his hard work. 他获得了辛勤劳动的成果。 §140 crossing/ turning Ⅰ. crossing “交叉点、十字路口” Ⅱ. turning “路的拐弯处”如: Take the second crossing / turning on the left. 在第二个十字路口/ 拐弯处向左拐。 §141 cry/ shout/ exclaim Ⅰ. cry “叫、喊”,常指因痛、痛苦、恐惧等而叫喊,仅表示某种感情而不表达思想。它有时也指用言语高声叫喊,如表祈求。如: ① He cried with pain. 他痛得叫了起来。 ② “Help! Help!” he cried. “救命啊!救命啊!”他高声地叫喊。 Ⅱ. shout “叫喊”,指表达思想的高声叫喊或说话。有时是用以表示高兴、痛、痛苦或惊恐等,有时是用于发出命令、提出警告或要别人注意。如: ① I shouted to him, but he was out of hearing. 我对他呼喊,但他听不到。 ② He shouted with pain. 他大声叫痛。 Ⅲ. exclaim “叫喊”指因高兴、痛苦、愤怒、惊讶等而突然地、感情激烈地高声叫喊。如: ① “What!” he exclaimed “Are you leaving without me?” “什么?”他喊道,“你要丢下我离去吗? ②They exclaimed with one voice. 他们齐声呼喊。 §142 cup/ glass Ⅰ. cup “杯子”通常指带柄的瓷杯,用以喝茶、牛奶、咖啡或可乐等等。如: ① The cup stands on the table.杯子放在桌子上。 ② Will you have another cup of tea? 你要再喝一杯茶吗? Ⅱ. glass “杯子”用以饮酒、或喝等。如: ① The glass is broken to pieces. 这只玻璃杯打碎了。 ② He drank two gasses of milk. 他喝了两杯牛奶。 §143 dear/ expensive/ high/;cheap/low Ⅰ. dear 表示“贵”的意思时和cheap相对,指索价过高。主语是物。如: ① It is too dear. 这太贵了。 ② The flowers were not dear. 这些花我贵。 Ⅱ. expensive “昂贵的”,指超过物品的价值或购买者的购买力。主语是物。如: ① It is too expensive for me to buy. 这东西太贵了我买不起。 ② This is an expensive hat. 这是一顶价钱昂贵的帽子。 Ⅲ. high 与low相对,主语是价格(the price), 如: ① The price of the pen is not low for him. 这支钢笔对于他来说不便宜。 §144 decide/ determine/ make up one's mind Ⅰ.decide着重指经过考虑、商谈或研究之后作出“决定”,“下决心”。结束踌躇、疑惑、争论等状况。后跟名词、代词、动词不定式或从句,可用于被动语态中。如: ① Nothing has been decided yet.什么都没有决定下来。 ① They decided to accept the invetation. 他们决定接受邀请 Ⅱ.determine表示“决定、决心”指经过认真考虑后下定决心。与decide一般可换用。后接名词、代词动词不定式。如: ① We determined on an early start.我们决定尽早出发。 ② He has determined to learn English. 他已下决心学英语。 ③ We are determined to get the work done before May Day. 我们决心要在五一节前完成这项工作。 Ⅲ.make up ine’s mind “决定、决心”,是和犹豫不决等相对应的用语。意即:打定主意。如: ① He made up his mind to go there at once. 他决定立刻到那儿去。 ② He has made up his mind to be a dotctor. 他决心当医生。 §145 deep/ deeply Ⅰ.作副词用时,都有“深深地”之意,但deep用于具体的深度,包括时间和空间。而deeply用于抽象的、比喻的意义;再者deeply可以修饰形容词和过去分词,deep 则不能。如: ① They lived deep in the sea.他们深潜海里。 ② I’m deeply sory for your uncle’s death. 为你叔叔的去世我深表遗憾。 §146 defend/ protect Ⅰ. defend “保卫、保护、捍卫”指采取积极措施以抵御或击退外来的威胁或攻击。它还可以表示“为……辩护”。如: ① It is the duty of every citizen to defend his country.保卫祖国是每一个公民的职责。 ② He defended his comrades from harm. 他保护同志使其不受伤害。 ③ They defended the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism. 他们捍卫了马克思列宁主义的基本原则。 ④ He made a long speech definding his ideas. 他发表长篇演说为他的见解辩护。 Ⅱ. protect “保护”指采取措施,使之不受伤害或损害。如: ① The government protects the people’s interests. 政府保护人民的利益。 ② He built a fence to protect his garden. 他围起了篱笆以保护园子。 §147 department store/ shop/ store Ⅰ. department store “百货公司”原是美国用法,现在英也用了。不过英也把百货公司叫stores.如: ① I’m going to the department store. 我要到百货公司去。 ② I get most things at the stores. 大部分东西我是在百货公司买的。 [注]:在美国,杂货商店(铺)叫grocery 或drugstore. Ⅱ. shop “商店、店铺”,在英国,零售商店一般都叫shop.如: ① The shop opens at eight o’clock. 商店八点钟开门。 ② The shop sells embroideries.那家商店出售刺绣品。 Ⅲ. store“商店、店铺”,在美国,零售店一般叫store. 如: ① He keeps a store in New Youk. 他在纽约开了一个商店。 ② The wares in that store are dear. 那家店里的东西很贵。 §148 desire/ wish/ want/ hope/ expect Ⅰ. desire 表“想、希望”等意。着重表强烈的愿望,热切的心情。如: ① I desired to see you. 我很想见见你。 ② He desired success. 他渴望成功。 Ⅱ. wish 语气不如desire 强,且可以表示一种不能实现的愿望,(从句动词有虚拟语气形式);后接“不定式”或“代词/名词+不定式”结构。所表示的“希望”大体是可以实现的;此外,还可以接双宾语,表“祝愿”或表委婉的语气。如: ① I wish I could fly to the moon in a spaceship one day. 但愿有一天我能坐宇宙飞船飞向月球。 ② I wish I were you.但愿我是你就好了。 ③ We wish to visit Yanan. 我希望能参观延安。 ④ We wish you to be happy. 我希望你幸福。 ⑤ I wish you a long life. 祝你长寿。 ⑥ I wish you success. 祝你成功。 ⑦ We can begin to work at once now if you wish(不及物动词)要是你愿意,我们现在可以立刻开始工作。 Ⅲ. want “想”其搭配关系为:want to do sth. Or want sb to do sth. 比较口语化,没有wish那样正式。如: She wants me to do with her. Ⅳ. hope 表对愿望的实现抱有一定的信心。后接“不定式;that 从句。”但不能接 双宾语。 ① I hope to be a doctor. 我希望当一名医生。 ② I hope she will be well again. 我希望她会痊愈。 Ⅴ.expect “期待、盼望、预料”等,指对某一特定的事件的发生抱有颇大的信心。如: ① We are expecting a letter from her. 我们当时正期待着她的来信。 §149 desk/ table Ⅰ. Desk “课桌、书桌、写字台”指读书、写字或办公用的桌子。如: There are fifty desks in the classroom. 教室里有50张课桌。 Ⅱ. table “桌子、台”,指供吃饭、游戏、工作或安放其他各种东西的桌子或台子。它的广义包括desk在内。如: We all sat at the same table. 我们同桌吃饭。 §150 develop/ developing/ developed Ⅰ.develop既是及物动词,又是不及物动词,意为“发展”,“开发”。如: The child is developing well. 这孩子发育很好。 Ⅱ.developing为现在分词,起形容词的作用,表示主动意义,意思是“发展中的”。如: ① China is a developing country. 中国是一个发展中国家。 Ⅲ.developed为过去分词,起形容词作用,表示被动含意,意思是“发达的”。如: Japan ia a developed country. 日本是一个发达国家。 §151 die/ dead/ death Ⅰ.die 是不及物动词,一般指因生病,负伤等原因而死。且是非延续性动词(瞬间动词),不能和表示一段时间的状语(for+段时间短语;或since……)连用。如: ① He was born in 1847 and died in 1913. 他生于1847年,死于1913年。 ② His grandfather has been dead for two years. = His grandfather died two years ago. 他爷爷去世两年了。 ③ He died ten years ago.他是10年前死的。(不可说:He has died for ten years. 或应说:It is 10 years since he died) Ⅱ.dead 是形容词,表状态,可在句中作表语和定语。但不可作谓语。如: ① He is dead, but his name sill live for ever in our hearts.他虽然死了但他的名字将永远活在我们心中。 ② It doesn’t look like a dead fox.看来不像一只死狐狸。 Ⅲ.death是抽象名词,只能在句中作主语或宾语。如: ① The murderer was sentenced to death. 杀人犯被宣判死刑。 ② I heard of his death when I got to his house. 我一到他家就得知他已经去世了。 [注]:①die /dye 此两词本来意义是完全不同的(die “死” dye “染,染上”),只时二者的现在分词形式常易混淆。die—→dying dye—→dyeing ② die for / die from / die of/die away/die down/ die off/ die out 1. die for 表“为某一目的、事业等而死”;“渴望、极想”。 1).To die for the people is a glorious death.. 为人民而死,虽死犹荣。 2).I’m dying for a cup of coffee. 我很想喝杯咖啡。 2. die from. 表“死于(创伤、劳累、忧愁等)”。( 除疾病或情感以外的原因)。如: 1).He died from a wound. 他死于创伤。 2).She died from overwork. 她过度操劳而死。 3. die of 表“死于(疾病、情感、饥饿、年老等)”。 1).The old man died of cancer.那老人患癌症死的。 2).His father died of starvation in Germany. 他的父亲饿死在德国。 3). The old woman died of grief soon after her husband’s deth. 那位老太太在失去丈夫后不久就因悲伤而死。 4. die away “消失;停息”如: 1).The sound of the car died away in the distance. 汽车的响声在远处消失了。 2).The wind has died away. 风已经停息。 5. die down 指灯火等慢慢地“熄灭”;指骚动等渐渐地“平息下来”如: 1).They waited till the storm died down. 他们一直等到风暴停息。 2).The fire died down. 火慢慢地熄灭了。 3).The fighting has died down. 战斗渐渐停止。 6. die off 指一个个相继“死掉”如: 1).They had to watch their young children died off through lack of food. 他们不得不眼睁睁地看着孩子们因为没有东西吃而一个个地死掉。 7. die out. “死光;绝种”如: 1).These animals have already died out. 这类动物已经绝种。 §152 difficult/ hard Ⅰ. difficult “困难”多指智力上的困难。一般可与hard代换。但比它程度要大。如: ① The question is difficult to answer. Ⅱ. hard “困难”多指体力上的困难。如: ①Some of the apples are hard to reach. §153 litter / rubbish litter 和 rubbish 都可指“垃圾”,用作不可数名词。Litter 常指“(室内或公共场所)乱扔的废物(纸屑、不要的包装纸、废瓶等)”还可回收; rubbish 则指“没用的东西(被扔或将要丢弃的无用的东西)”不可回收。如: ① Throw the rubbish out. 把垃圾扔出去。 ② The room is full of rubbish. 房间里堆满了垃圾。 ③ Pick up your litter after a picnic. 野餐后将废弃物收拾好。 §154 discover/ invent/ find / find out Ⅰ. discover “发现”发现的事物是本来存在的或是有人知道的。如: ① Columbus discovered America. 哥伦布发现了美洲。 ② He discovered a box hidden under the floor. 他发现了一只藏在地板下箱子。 Ⅱ. invent “发明”, 发明的东西是从前没有的。如: ① Who invented the steam engine?谁发明了蒸汽机? ② He has invented a new way of making silk. 他发明了一种造丝的新方法。 Ⅲ. find “找到”指寻找的结果。是非延续性动词。如: I am looking for my bike, but I may not find it. 我正在找我的自行车,可是不一定能找到。 Ⅳ. find out “找出、查明”指经过观察、调查把某事、某物查出来,搞清楚,弄明白。如: When he was a child, he liked to find out how things worked. 他孩提时代时,就爱弄明白各种事物的来龙去脉。 §155 dollar/ pound Ⅰ. dollar “美元”其货币符号为:$ 如: ①$12.5 = 12.5 dollars 12美元5美分。 Ⅱ. pound “英磅”,英国货币单位。符号为:£。如: ②£12.5 = 12.5pounds. 12英磅5便士。 [注]人民币为yuan, 符号为:¥。 §156 door/ gate Ⅰ. door“门”指进出房屋的门或屋内的门,也指车辆或橱柜等的门。如: ① The door opened and a man came out. 门开了,一个人走了出来。 ② There are sliding doors between rooms. 房间之间有滑门。 Ⅱ. gate “门、大门”,指出入某一场所的门,如城门以及围墙、围栏、篱笆等的门。如: ① We’ll gather at the school gate at 6:30. 我们六点半在校门口集合。 ② Who is the man at the garden gate? 谁在花园门口? §157 drag/ draw/ pull Ⅰ. drag“拖、拉” 指慢慢地拖着笨重的东西,意味着所拖的东西阻力很大。如: ① The horse was dragging a heavy load. 马拖着很重的东西。 ② The escaped prisoner was dragged out of hiding place. 那逃犯被人从隐藏的地方拖了出来。 Ⅱ. draw “拖、拉”与pull相比,它通常指较平稳地,也往往是比较从容地拉。如: ① Draw your chair up to the table. 把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。 ② He drew the book towards him. 他把书拉/拖到他面前。 Ⅲ. pull “拖、拉”是普通用语,指用力拉,与push 相对。如: ①Pull the door open. Don’t push it. 把门拉开,别推。 §158 put down/ put up/ put on/ put away / put off /put one’s heart into… Ⅰ. 如: ① Don’t put down your hands. Put them up. 不要放下手,举起来。 ② A new notice has been put up. 已经贴出来一张新的通告。 ① He took down the old picture and put up the new one. 他把旧画拿了下来,挂上了一幅新画。 ② A big building has been put up (= set up / build)in our school. 我们学校又盖起了一座大楼。 ③ He put on his coat and hat and went out. 他穿上大衣,戴上帽子出去了。 ④ Has the play been put on at this theater? 这个剧院上演过那部戏剧吗? ⑤ Let’s put our Christmas gifts away and keep them a while. 我们还时把圣诞礼物暂时保存起来吧。 ⑥ Put away your coats in summer. 夏天时把大衣收起来。 ⑦ The meeting has been put off because of the rain. 大会因大雨而延期举行。 ⑧ You can do anything well if you put your heart into it. 如果你全心身地投入,你什么事都能做好。 ⑨ He put his heart into his work and didn’t notice me. §159 dress/ put on/ wear/ in/ try on Ⅰ. dress “穿”指穿的动作,也指其状态。如: ① His mother dressed him in new clothes. 他的母亲给他穿上了新衣服。 ② Get up and dress quickly. 快起床穿衣。 ③ She dresses neatly. 他穿着整齐。 [注]:作vt,直接对象是人,而不是穿的衣服;作vi时,不能表穿什么衣服。 Ⅱ. put on “穿;戴”强调其动作。如: ① Put on your coat. 穿上大衣。 ② He put on his hat and went out. 他戴上帽子出去了。 Ⅲ. wear “穿;戴” 强调其状态。如: ① He wears a coat. 他穿着大衣。 ② The teacher wears glasses.老师戴着眼镜。 Ⅳ. in “穿;戴” 是介词。它构 成的短语作定语或表语表其状态。其后还可接表颜色的词。如: ① She is in a coat . 她穿着大衣。 ② The boy in blue is my brother. 那个穿蓝色衣服的男孩是我的弟弟。 Ⅴ. try on “试穿/ 戴”如: Please go to the tailor’s to have a suit tried on. 请到裁缝店去试穿一套衣服。 §160 drill/ exercise/ practice Ⅰ. drill “练习” 指有组织,有指导地反复进行的练习。尤指在课堂上或军队里进行的教练。如: Question-and –answer drills are important when yu are learning a foreign language. Ⅱ. exercise 指为发展智力或锻炼身体而进行的练习。如: ① He is doing an exercise in English grammar. ② We do morning exercises every day. Ⅲ. practice 是不可数名词,指为了达到熟练或完善的程度 而反复进行的练习。尤指在艺术、手艺或技巧方面。如: Piano playing needs a lot of practice.弹钢琴需要多练。 §161 drop/ fall Ⅰ. drop 可用作不及物动词或及物动词,意为“下降,丢下,放下”。fall 只用作不及物动词,意为“落下,下降”。 如: ① The boy fell off the tree. 这男孩从树上掉了下来。 ② The temperature is dropping. 温度在下降。 ③ Can you drop me? 你能让我中途下车吗? ④ I dropped the box on my foot. 我失手让盒子砸了我的脚。 ⑤ I’ll drop off at the next stop. 我要在下一站下车。 §162 maybe / perhaps / probably Ⅰ. maybe, perhaps. & probably,都是副词,有“或许、可能”之意。用法略有不同。 Ⅱ. maybe 和 perhabs 意思基本相同。如: ① Maybe / perhaps the weather will get better. 可能天气会变得好一些。 ② Maybe / perhaps you put it in your basket. 或许你把它放在蓝子里了。 Ⅲ. Probably “很可能”比maybe. perhaps 的可能性都大。如: They will probably refuse to speak at the meeting.他们很可能会拒绝在会上发言。 Ⅳ. maybe 可用于句首或句尾。perhaps 可用于句首或句中; probably 一般用于句中,不用于句首。如: ① Maybe they will come.他们可能来(也可能不来)。 ① They will perhaps come. 他们可能来(也可能不来)。 ② They will probably come. 他们很有可能来。 §163 during/ in/ for Ⅰ.during 和in 二者都表示某事的发生贯穿于某段时间中,或发生在某段时间 中的某一点上或几点时间上。 在多数情况下,当我们不强调对比或某一段时间时,in 和during都可以用,意思上并没有什么区别。当我们要表达某事具体发生的时间时, 多用in.当我们指一项活动而不是一段时间时,只能用during, 另外during 还用来强调某动作持续了一段时间。如: ① I woke up three times in / during the night. 夜里我醒了三次。 ② He had some amazing experience in / during his childhood. 他童年时有一些惊人的经历。 ③ We usually go on holiday in July. (不能用during) 我们通常七月份度假。 Ⅱ.during 和for. 两者都是表示一段时间的介词。 1. during 意为:“在……(时间)内”的行为或状态,与一段时间的整体连用。如:during the spring, during last year, during 1980等也可以和表示延续性事件的名词连用,如:during my childhood, during our stay, during his visit等,一般不用于现在完成时的句子里。如: ① During the winter we play fotball. 冬季我们踢足球。 ② Many comrades went to see him during his illness. 在他生病期间许多同志去看望了他。 2. for引导一段时间,强调时间由始至终,可译为“(时间)长达……”一般与有长度的时间短语连用,如for three weeks. For a long time等,可用于现在(过去)完成时或过去时句子等。 如: ① He studied English for three years. 他学了三年英语。 ② The French teacher has been in China for about a month. §164 each/ every “每个” Ⅰ. each 和every 常可通用,后跟单数名词。但也有一些区别:1)着重强调个体,而every 着重强调整体。如: ① Each student has got a new dictionary. 每个学生各有一本字典。 ② Every student has got a new dictionary. 每个学生都有一本字典。(every student = all the students) Ⅱ. each 用于指两个或两 个以上的人或事物, 而every 则用于指三个或三个以上的人或事物。 如: ① There are some ads on each side of the road. 公路的每一侧都有一些广告。(each side – both sides.这个句子中的each 不能用every 代替。) ② You look more beautiful each / every time I see you. 每次见到你,你都看起来更漂亮。 Ⅲ. each 可用作代词,后跟“of+复数名词 / 代词”。动词仍然用单数,every 则不能这样用,因every是形容词。如: ① Each of students has got a new book. = Every one of the students has got a new book. = The students each have got a new book.(The students have got a new book each.)每个学生各有一本新书。 ② Each of them likes light music. = Every one of them likes light music. = They each like light music. (They like light music each.) 他们人人都喜欢轻音乐。 §165 earth/ ground/floor/field/ land/ soil Ⅰ.earth “地;地球;泥土”。它着重批“大地”,以别于“天空”;也可以指区别于坚硬岩石的泥土。如: ① The earth moves round the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。 ② Snakes creep on the earth.蛇在地上爬行。 Ⅱ.ground. “地;地面”主要指大地表面。不论是呢地,沙地或水泥地,均可用这个词表示;也可用来指运动场地。如: ① The ground is covered with leaves in the woods.树林的地面上落满了树叶。 ② There is a football ground in our school.我们学校有个足球场。 Ⅲ.foor.用于指建筑物内的“地板”,其前面通常加the;此外,还可以表示楼房的“层”。如: ① The cat is on the floor. 猫在地板上。 ② the first floor(美:)一楼 / (英:)二楼。 Ⅲ.field. 表“田;地”常用于指种植农作物的“农田、土地”有时也可指研究、活动的“范围;流域”如: ① They are working in the fields.他们正在田里劳动。 ② What’s your field of study? 你的研究领域是什么? Ⅳ.land. “陆地”与河流和海洋相对;也可指“土地”,可耕种的田地就叫做land;它还可以表示“国土;国家”如: ① We travelled by land until we reached the sea.我们从陆路去一直旅行到大海。 ② All the waste land in this area has veen opened up.这个地方的荒地全被开垦了。 Ⅴ.soil“土地;土壤”尤指生长植物的土地。如: ① The soil is very thin in the forest. 森林里土层非常薄。 ② The peasants are preparing the soil for seed.农民们正在平整土地。 §166 elder/ older Ⅰ.elder的意思是年长的,指家庭里两个成员中年龄较长的,或者指明的两个人中年龄较长的。例如: ① He is my elder brother. 他是我的哥哥。 ① My elder sister works at a factory. 我姐姐在工厂里工作。 ② Which is the elder of the two? 这两个人中哪一个年龄较大? [注] elder用作形容词时,通常放在名词前面作定语。它也可以用作名词,其复数形式表示长者、长辈的意思,例如: We respect our elders. 我们尊重长辈。 Ⅱ.older是形容词old 的比较级形式,指年龄较大、较老,也指较旧。例如: ① Comrade Zhang is two years older than Comrade Wang. 张同志比王同志大两岁。 ② This tree is older than that one. 这棵树比那棵树。 §167 else/ other“别的、其它的” Ⅰ. else adj.& adv 作形容词时,主要用在 who, whose , what , 等疑问代词,或,nobody, nothing, somebody, something, anybody, anything, 等不定代词之后作宾语;作副词用时,用在where,when等词后作状语。如: ① He said what else you would like? 他问你还想要什么? ② Where else are you going to stay? 你们还要在别的什么地停留? Ⅱ. else 可带’s。读作:[′elsiz] . 如: I took someone else’s book by mistake. 我错拿了别人的书 Ⅲ. other 是形容词,有来修饰名词时,须放在名词之前。如: Where are the other boys? 其它的男孩在哪里? Ⅳ. 还可以修饰代词one, 或ones. 如: This story is more interesting than the other one. 这个故事比那个故事更有趣。 §168 end/ finish/ stop Ⅰ. ▲ end 指动作过程终止。 ▲ finish指动作已完成,再没有动作做。 ▲ stop 侧重动作的停止,即由“动”到“不动”。如: ① Everything ended. 一切都结束了。 ② Have you finished your work? 你的工作做完了吗? ③ He stoppedreading to have a rest. 他停止阅读,休息了一会儿。 §169 enjoy/ like/ love/ prefer 这四个词都有喜欢之意,但用法不同。 Ⅰ.like意为“喜欢、爱好”,语气较弱,其后可跟名词、代词、不定式、动名词等作宾语。like也跟复合宾语,宾语补足语常用动词不定式,即like sb. to do sth. “喜欢某人做某事”。如: ① In England many people like fish and chips. 在英国,许多人喜欢鱼和油煎土豆条。 ② He likes playing volleyball. 他爱打排球。 ③ I don’t like to eat pears now. 现在我不想吃梨。 Ⅱ.love意为“爱,爱好”,在感情上比like强烈,经常用于爱祖国、爱父母这一类程度比较深的情况,在口语中它往往仅指一般的喜爱,这样用时和like的意思相近,可以互换,后面可以跟名词、动名词或动词不定式。如: ① We love our Party. 我们热爱我们的党。 ② I love to skate. 我喜欢滑冰。(可用like替换) ③ They love playing table tennis. 他们爱打乒乓球。(可用like替换) Ⅲ.enjoy意为“喜欢、欣赏”之意;有“乐于;享受。。。。。。之乐趣”的意思,其后跟名词、代词、动名词作宾语,不接不定式形式。另外enjoy oneself 是“玩得愉快”之意,相当于have a good time,如: ① Many old people enjoy living in a village. 许多老年人喜欢在乡村居住。 ② Did you injoy yourself in the park yesterday? 昨天你在公园玩得痛快吗? Ⅳ.prefer为“更喜欢、宁愿”之意。常用于两者之间的选择,其后可跟名词、代词、动名词和不定式,也可跟宾语从句,但宾语从句要用虚拟语气。prefer还可以与介词to连用,表示“喜欢。。。。。。。,而不喜欢。。。。。。”。其中to为介词,后跟名词或动名词。Prefer to do…rather then do…意为“喜欢。。。。。。,不喜欢。。。。。。”。如: ① Li Lei likes Chinese , but I prefer English. 李雷喜欢语文,而我更喜欢英语。 ② Mr Green prefers walking to riding a bike. 格林先生喜欢步行而不愿骑车。 ③ Which would you prefer, tea or coffee? 你比较喜欢喝茶,还是咖啡? ④ He prefers to write her some letters rather then telephone her. 他喜欢给她写信,不愿给她打电话。 ▲ 总结:rather than“宁可;是。。。。。。而不是。。。。。。”,连接各种并列成份,在语气上肯定前面否定后面。也可写成would…rather than;rather than…would…,相当于instead of,如: ① He ran rather than walked. 他跑步而不是步行。 ② They lost fame rather than wealth. 他们失去的不是财富,而是名誉。 ③ He would die rather than give in.=Rather than give in he would die. 他宁死不屈。 ④ These shose are comfortable rather than pretty. 这双鞋不好看但穿起来很舒服。 ⑤ She would rather be poor than do that. 她宁愿受穷也不愿那样做。 §170 enter/ enter into Ⅰ.enter. “进入”表进入一个具体处所,如房间、场所等,后面无需加介词; 也可表“进入”某个时期或阶段;当表示加入某个组织而成为其成员时, enter相当于join.如: ① She entered the house.她走进那间屋子。(不用into) ② China is entering a new stage of development.中国正在进入一个新的发展阶段。 Ⅱ.enter into. “进入、参加、开始从事”,后加抽象名词,主要表示“进入”某种状态。一般用于表抽象和借喻的意义。 Tom’s accident didn’t enter into our plan. Tom的事故是我们的计划中没有预料到的。 §171 error/ mistake/ fault Ⅰ.error的意思是错误、过失,指背离某种准则的偏差,表示精确、不正确、不对。在本组词中,这个词用得最广泛。例如: ① This is an error in grammar. 这是一个语法上的错误。 ② He made an error in opinion. 你的意见有错误。 Ⅱ. mistake “错误”, 指由于粗心、疏忽、缺乏正确的理解等原因而造成的“错误”。与error可通用,但在某些固定词组中不能换用。如: by mistake. In error 等。如: ① You have made a mistake in your spelling. 你在拼写上弄错了。 ② I took his umbrella by mistake. 我拿错了他的伞。 Ⅲ. fault“缺点、毛病”也可表“过失、过错”含有当事人对造成的过错有责任的意味。如: ① With all his faults , he is still a good comrade. 尽管他有缺点,分还是一个好同志。 §172 even if / even though/ though 三者都可以引导让步状语从句。Even if 与even though一般可以换用,意为“即使、纵然”,引出的从句叙述的是假设或把握我大的事情,有时动词可用虚拟语气;though 意思是“虽然”,引出的从句叙述的是事实。如: ① He won’t tell me about it though he knows the news 虽然他知道这个消息但他不愿意告诉我。(他是肯定知道的) ② He won’t tell me about it even if / though he knows the news 即使他知道这个消息,但他不愿意告诉我。(他对消息或知或我知,句子含有一定的推测意味) ③ I will try even if I may fail. 即使失败,我也要尝试一下。 ④ Though it was very late, he went on working. 虽然很晚了,他还继续工作。 [注] though 和but 不能同时出现在句中。 §173 evening/ night Ⅰ.evening的意思是“傍晚、晚上”,指从晚餐至就寝这段时间,如: ① I must start by tomorrow evening. 我至迟到明天傍晚必须动身。 ② We have a film every Saturday evening. 我们每星期六晚上都有电影。 Ⅱ.night的意思是“夜、夜里、晚上”,指从日落到日出或从黄昏到拂晓这段时间。如: ① They spent the night in the forest. 他们在森林里过夜。 ② We sleep during the night and work during the day. 我们夜里睡觉,白天工作。 ③ We saw the play on the first night. 这戏第一晚上演我们就看了。 §174 every day/ everyday Ⅰ.every day连写和分开,不但在句中的作用不同,意义也不同。 every day是副词词组,意为“每天、天天”,在句中作状语。如: We go to school every day. Ⅱ.everyday是形容词,意为“日常的、普通的”,在句中作定语。如: I study everyday English every day. §175 every one/ everyone Ⅰ.every one是“每个”的意思,通常指物,后面常跟of短语。但跟of短语的every one既可指人,也可指物。具体指什么要看of短语的内容。如: ① He ate up every one of those apples. 他把那些苹果一个个都吃完了。 ② Every one of us went there. 我们每个人都去了那儿。 Ⅱ.everyone是代词(=everybody),意思是“每个人、人人”,但一般不指具体哪个人,后接单数动词。如果需要跟物主代词,应用their或his,其后不跟of引起的介词短语。如: ① Is everyone here? ② Everyone can do it. [注]every one后不与of连用时,即可指人又可指物,指人时与everyone 相同。如: Everyone (every one) can do it.相同eryone . there. day first XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX every one与of连用必须分开写。 everyone 与not连用,只表示部分否定,并不是每个人的意思。 §176 examination/ test/ quiz Ⅰ.examination表示考试的意思时,通常指比较正式的考试,如学期考试、入学考试等。如: ① We have an examination in English today.我们今天考英语。 ② The students did very well in the terminal examination. 学生们学期考试成绩很好。(这里指多门课程的考试,故examination 用复数形式) ③ They’ve passed the entrance examination for Nanjing Teachers’ College. 他们通过南京师范学院的入学考试。 Ⅱ.test表示考试的意思时,指小考或考查。如: ① We are going to have a midterm test next week.。我们下周进行期中考试。 ② The teacher gave us a test in grammer. 老师对我们进行了语法考查。 Ⅲ.quiz表示小考测验的意思时,指事先无准备,随时进行的短促的测验。如: ① The teacher gave us a five-minute quiz.老师对我们进行了一次五分钟的测验。 ② How ofter do you have your quiz? 你们多长时间测验一次? §177 exciting/ excited Ⅰ. exciting 与excited 都含有“激动”的意思,在句中可作定语或表语。 exciting 指某事物“令人兴奋、激动”,主语常是物。如: ① Skiing is more exditing than skating. 滑雪比滑冰更令人兴奋。 ② It was an exciting match. 那是一场激动人心的比赛。 Ⅱ. excited 表示某人对某事物“感到兴奋、激动”,主语常是人。如: ① The boys were excited when they saw their team was winning 男孩们看到自己的球队要赢了,都十分激动。 ② The excited children were opening their Christmas presents.兴奋的孩子们正在打开各自的圣诞礼物。 [注意]英语中与它有类似用法的词常见的还有: interested 感兴趣的 interesting 令人感兴趣的 worried 感到着急的 worrying 令人着急的 tired 感到疲倦 tiring 令人疲倦的 bored 觉得厌烦的 boring 令人厌烦的 frightened 感到害怕的 frightening 令人害怕的 §178 excuse …for/ excuse … from Ⅰ. excuse … for “原谅某事”。如: ① He excused me for being late. 他原谅我迟到了。 ② Please excuse me for using your telephone without asking permission. 请原谅我没经你允许就用了你的电话。 Ⅱ. excuse … from “使免于……,允许不……”如: ① The teacher excused him from the examination. 教师同意他免试。 ② The boy was excused from doing housework. 允许这男孩不做家务事。 §179 expect/ wait Ⅰ.expect 是及物动词,作“期待,预料,指望”解,表“期待某人会来或某事会发生”的意思,后接名词、代词、动词不定式或从句。如: ① We expected you yesterday. 我们昨天就盼你来。 ① We expect to meet you again next year. 我们期待明年再见到你。 ▲ expect 可引申为汉语的“等待”,多用于进行时态,主要指“期盼”的心理状态,其后不可接介词for. 如: ② Mr Brown was anxious. He was expecting you.布朗先生很焦急,他在等着你来呢? Ⅱ. wait 是不及物动词,常常与for连用,主要指“等候”的具体行为。如: ① Xiao Hu is waiting to have a word with you. 小胡等着和你说几句话。 ② I have a month to wait yet. 我还得等一个月。 ③ We are waiting for a bus. 我们在等公共汽车。 §180 family/ home/ house 这三个词都可以作“家”讲。 Ⅰ.house指供一家人住的房子,侧重于具体的建筑物。如: There are four rooms in the house. Ⅱ.family指由父母、子女所组成的家庭,是集体名词,既可把它看成单数(指整体概念),以可视为复数名词(指家庭成员)。如: ① His family is a large one. 他的家是一个大家庭。 ② My family are all watching TV. 我们家的人在看电视。 Ⅲ.home指一个人出生或居住的地方,具有抽象的含义。如: Hise is home near the station. 他的家在火车站附近。 另外,home还可作副词。如:Let’s go home. §181 faraway/ far away Ⅰ.faraway指时间、距离、程度等,“遥远的”如: the faraway guests 远方的客人 它还可表“心不在焉的”。如: a faraway look 恍惚的神色 Ⅱ.far away是副词词组,只表距离远,在句中作状语还常作后置定语。如: ① He’s standing far away. ② He lived in a small village far away. §182 farm / field Ⅰ.farm是“农场”,它的范围大,包括田地、树木、家畜、家禽、房屋等,其前常用介词on。 Ⅱ.field是“田地”,或生长草木的原野,多用复数形式,但一块稻田可以说:a rice field,其前常用介词in。如: ① There several kinds of animals on the farm. ② They’re working in the rice field. §1 83 farmer/ peasant Ⅰ.farmer指经营农庄的人。 Ⅱ.peasant包括雇农、小佃农或小耕农。在我国将农民都译为peasant。 §184 farther/ further father, further都可以是far的比较级,意为“较远、更远”,但further除此之外,还有“更进一步,此外的”等意思,既可以作形容词,也可以作副词。如: ① They made further arrangement. 他们作了进一步的安排。 ② I may be able to give you some further information about it. 关于这件事,我可以提供另外一些信息。 ③ She didn’t argue further about it. 她对此不再争论了。 §185 fast/ rapid/ swift/ quick Ⅰ. fast “快”一般指物体的运动速度(speed)快,常用来形容交通工具跑得快,钟表走得快,人的动作快等。如: ① A car goes faster than a truck. 小汽车比卡车跑得快。 ② How fast the horse runs! 这匹马跑得多快呀! Ⅱ. quick 指较短的时间或较近的将来即可发生或完成某事,常用来形容动作敏捷、反应迅速。如: ① Come quick! 快来呀! ② Please give me a quick reply. 请迅速给我答复。 Ⅲ. rapid 表速度之快,往往可与fast通用,但它多指运动本身。如: ① The boy is making rapid progress. 这孩子进步很快。 ② Rapid speech is usually indistinct. 急促的语言往往不清晰。 ③ The current was rapid. 水流得很急。 Ⅳ. swift 表速度很快而又常指运动平稳而不费力。如: ① Eagles are swift in flight. 鹰飞得很快。 ② The curent was very swift. 水流得很快。 §186 feed/ keep Ⅰ. feed “喂养”,强调具体的动作,意为:“给……喂食、给……东西吃”常用句型为:feed sb. / sth.(on sth); feed sth. to sb./ sth. 给(人或动物)某物作为食物。如: ① Mr King has a large family to feed. 金先生要养活一大家人。 ② What do you feedyour dog on?你用什么喂狗? ③ Feed some stewed(炖的)apple to the baby. 给婴儿多喂些炖苹果。 Ⅱ. keep “饲养”,指总体情况,不涉及具体动作。如: ① The old woman kept many dogs. 那位老太太养了许多狗。 §187 festival/ holiday/ red-letter day/ vacation Ⅰ.festival“节日”其特点是同欢乐,如:外国的圣诞节,我国的春节等。 ① Christmas and Easter are Church festival.圣诞节和复活节都是教会的节日。 ② A number of new films were shown during the Spring Festival. Ⅱ.red-letter day “纪念、节日、大喜日子”,指日历是用红字标明的日子,如: There aare many red-letter day round the year. Ⅲ.vacation通常指按规定停下工作或学习等活动而休息的一段时间,一般较长,如学校里的寒暑假。如: The summer vacation is over. 暑假已经过去了。 §188 few/ a few/ little/ a little few和a few 修饰可数名词,little 和a little 修饰不可数名词;few和little表否定意义,可受very修饰。a few 和a little表肯定意义,可受only修饰。如: ① Few people will agree to the plan because it’s too dangerous. ② This text is easy to understand though there are a few new words in it. ③ -------There is little water left in my glass. -------Will you please give me some? ④ Don’t worry, we have a little time left. §189 fairly /quite / rather Ⅰ. fairly 多用于褒义,语气最弱,表“适度、尚可”等意思。 ① It’s fairly cold out; wear a jacket. 外面颇冷,穿件外套。 ② This is a fairly easy book. 这是一本相当浅易的书。 Ⅱ. Quite 与fairly 用法相似,但语气较强。如: ① It is quite cold out; wear a coat. 外面很冷,穿件外套。 ② You are not quite happy this morning. 你今天早上我太高兴。 Ⅲ. rather 多用于贬义。语气在这三个词中最强。如: It is rather cold out; wear a warm coat. 外面相当冷,穿件暖和人大衣。 §190 fight/ struggle/battle Ⅰ.fight 意为“战斗”,指人与人,动物与动物,用武器或不用武器的战斗,也可以引伸其义,如: They fought their enemies bravely. 他们勇敢斗敌。 Ⅱ.struggle意为“斗争”,指那些费力、很艰苦、时间长的斗争,如: His life was a hard struggle with sickness. 他一生与疾病作了艰苦的斗争。 Ⅲ.battle“作战”,一般指有组织的武装部队之间的斗争。如: They were wounded in battle. 他们都在战斗中受了伤。 作为名词时,fight和battle都有“战斗”的意思,有时可以通用。如: The fight/battle lasted a long time. 这次战斗持续了很长时间。 1) fight的意义比较广泛,还可指人对自然界的斗争,有时也指人们之间的斗争。如: We have starded a fight against pollution. 我们已开始了一场消除污染的斗争。 2) struggle相当于a hard fight(奋斗),如: The slaves won their struggle for freedom. 奴隶们为自由而进行的斗争胜利了。 §191 fill/ full Ⅰ.fill为及物动词,表“使……满”,常与介词with搭配,表达“被……充满”时用be filled with结构。如: ① The bottle is filled with water. 这只瓶子装满了水。 ② He was filled with joy at the news. 听到这个消息,他内心充满了喜悦。 Ⅱ.full是形容词,多作表语,表示主语所处的状态,常见于be full of 结构中。如: ① The schoolbag is full of books. 书包里装满了书。 ② He drew in an old badsket full of sand. 他捞上来一个灌满泥沙的旧蓝子。 [注]:be filled with = be full of .可以互换。但介词with与of 不能混淆。如: The room is full of people. = The room is filled with people. §192 final/ last Ⅰ.final表终止或结束之意,有时带有决定性或结论性等意味。如: ① Today is the final day of this term. 今天是本学期的最后一天。 ② We shall know the final results of the elections tomorrow. 明天我们将知道选举的最后结果。 Ⅱ.last “最后的、末尾的”指按次序的前后或时间的先后居于最后,并意味着后面不再有了。如: ① My house stands in the last row. ② He was the last one to enter. §193 finally/ at last/ in the end 这三个都可以作“最后”讲,但用法不同。 Ⅰ.finally表动作的发生顺序是在“最后”,无感情色彩,只用于过去时,它居句首时较多。 Ⅱ.at last 表经过一定曲折之后某事才发生,强调努力的结果,带有较强的感情色彩,须用一般过去时。 Ⅲ.in the end 表事物发展的自然顺序的“终结”,有时或与 finally相互替换,但用于对将来的预测,则只能用in the end。如: ① Did the man in the shop understand him at last? ② Finally he went to see the famous man himself. ③ I hope that everything will turn out all right in the end. §194 famous as / famous for Ⅰ. (be) famous as “以(某种身份)……出名(著名)”as后跟人宾语往往与主语同位。如: ① She is famous as a poet. 他以一名诗人而著名。 ② The town is famous as a car-making place. 该城镇以制造汽车而闻名。 Ⅱ. (be) famouse for “困……而闻名(驰名)”表示由于某种特征而出名,for后的宾语一般为主语人从属内容。如: ① China has been famous for its silk. 中国素以丝绸闻名。 ② This city is famous for its big gambling resort. 该市因其大赌场而驰名。 §195 fix/ mend/ repair Ⅰ. 这三个词都可译为“修理”,但fix 一词在美语中应用更广泛。fix 和repair 一样,都表示使受到一定损坏或失灵的东西恢复其性状或机能,如“修理、安装”钟表、收音机、照相机、电视机、汽车和机床等大型物体。repair 还可以用于修筑堤坝、道路和建筑等。如: a Ⅱ mend 一般用于“修补”破损的东西使其恢复原样,一般指较小之物。如衣服、鞋袜、伞和桌椅等。如: mend §196foolish/ silly / stupid Ⅰ.foolish 的意思是“愚蠢的、傻的”,指显得缺乏判断力或普通常识的人或言行等。如: ① How foolish of you to condent! 你竟会同意,多么愚蠢啊! ② Don’t be so foolish. 别那么傻。 ③ He is a foolish man to throw away such a chance. 他放弃这样的机会真是个傻瓜。 Ⅱ.silly的意思是“愚蠢的、傻的”,表示愚蠢到了极点,以致令人发笑或轻视,它还常常表示没有意思、无聊等意义。如: ① How silly of you to do that! 你竟做那件事,多么愚蠢啊! ② That is a silly story. 那是一个无聊的故事。 Ⅲ.stupid的意思是“愚蠢的、笨的”,指智力差,觉察理解力、学习能力等差。它有时可与foolish或silly通用,但其意味最强。如: ① He is a stupid person. 他是个蠢人。 ① How stupid of him to overlook such an obvious mistake. 如此明显的错误他居然都没有看出来,多么愚蠢呀! §197for short/ short for Ⅰ.for short意为“简称”、“缩写”,是介词词组,常用作状语,如: ① The teacher told Tom to write the text for short. 老师要汤姆缩写课文。 Ⅱ.short for意为“是。。。 。。。的缩写”与be 动词连用,构成系表结构作谓语,如: ① “There’re” is short for “there are”. §198 from now on/ from then on from now on“从现在起”,是以现在为起点延续下去,谓语通常用将来时态。from then on“从那时起”,是以过去为起点延续下来,谓语通常用过去时态和完成时态。如: ① She is going to live with you from now on. 从现在起我将刻苦学习。 ② From then on, he hasn’t seen his uncle again. 从那以后他再也没有看见他叔叔了。 §199 game/ match/ race/ sport Ⅰ. game 主要指决定胜负的游戏,通常有一套规则,凡参加者均须遵守。如: ① After a game on the wports field they often become good friends. 他们在运动场上进行一场比赛之后,常常变成了好朋友。 [注]:说“比赛”, 在英国通常用match,在美国通常用game.另外game 的复数形式一般指大型的国际比赛或综合性体育运动会。如:the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会。 Ⅱ.match 表示相互间正式的体育比赛、球类比赛,英国人常用。 ① They are going to have a volleyball match. 他们将进行一场排球赛。 Ⅲ. race 主要用于赛跑、赛车等速度比赛。如: ① Who can win the relay race, Class 3 or Class 4? 谁能赢这场接力赛,三班还是四班? Ⅳ. sport 多指户外的游戏或娱乐活动,如打球,跳高,游泳,钓鱼,打猎,赛马和拳术等。如: ① Swimming is his favourite sport. 游泳是他最喜欢的运动项目。 ② Skating is one of the winter sports. 滑冰是一个冬季运动项目。 [注]复数形式sports可指运动会。如: ③ He created a new record in high-jump at our school sports. 在我们学校的运动会上,他创造了跳高新纪录。 §200gift/ present Ⅰ.gift“礼物”指较正式的礼物。如: The watch was a gift from his father. Ⅱ.present往往与gift通用,但不如gift正式。如: ① I’m buying it for a present, so please wrap it up nicely. 我买这东西是作礼物送人的,请你包扎得好一点。 ② He gave me the book as a present. 他给我这本书作为礼物。 §201grow / keep / raise / plant Ⅰ. grow & plant 都可表示“种植”如种植草、树、苗、花卉粮食等植物。grow 着重指种植以后的栽培、管理过程。 plant 着重指“种植”这一行为。某人plant a tree 之后,树是死是活,不一定管,但某人grow a tree 则包括培育管理,使其生长的过程。如: ① The students are planting trees on the hill. 学生们正在山坡上栽树。(不用grow) ② The farmer grows wheat in this field.那位农民在这块田里种植小麦。(不用plant) ③ People grow bananas in Hainan. 海南种植香蕉。(不用plant) Ⅱ. keep 表“赡养”后可接表人或动物的名词,不用来代替plant 或grow. 如: ① He has a wife and three children to keep. 他要养活妻子和三个孩子。 ② My grandma keeps pigs and hens. 我奶奶养猪养鸡。 ③ My uncle has a large family to keep. 我叔叔要养活一大家人。 Ⅲ. raise 除表“饲养(动物)”以外,还可表示“教育(子女)”; “培育(植物)”。如: ① We raised a good crop of tomatoes this year.今年我们种的西红柿长得很好。 ② My grandma raised a family of five. 我祖母养育了五口之家。 ③ Where were you raised ? 你在哪儿长大? ④ He raised some flowers in the back garden. 他在后园里种了一些花。 [注]:raise 强调从小精心培养到大,通常指培养花卉以及较难管理的植物。如: ① Let’s grow / raise some flowers in the garden.咱们在园子里种些花吧。 ① We grow rice, wheat and cotton in my hometown. 在家乡,我们种植水稻、小麦和棉花。(不宜用raise) §202 glad/ happy/merry/ pleased 这组形容词都有:“高兴、快乐”之意。 Ⅰ.glad 多用在与人见面时的客套语中,指使人感到:情绪上有短暂的喜悦,常用作表语,一般情况下不作定语。如: ① I’m glad to help you with your English. 我很高兴帮你学英语。 Ⅱ.happy指使人感到内心的满足、幸福和愉快,祝贺新年或庆贺生日时常用到它,可用作表语和定语。如: ① Happy New Year! 新年好! ② I’ll be happy to meet him. 我将高兴地与他见面。 Ⅲ.pleased 意为:“对……感到满意/高兴”常与be连用,后面接介词with(sb), at(sth) 等引起的短语,或不定式;pleased 通常不作定语。如: ① He is pleased with his new job. 他对他的新工作很满意。 ② She was very much pleased at the news. 她听到这个消息非常满意。 [注意]:以下结构可互换: be Ⅳ.merry 除“高兴”之外,还有耳目可以感到的“热闹”,一般只作定语。如: Merry Christmas!祝祝zzzzzhristmas"th your English. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX §203 go / walk Ⅰ. go 指朝着一定地点的方向运动。如: ① We go to school at seven in the morning. ② Please go downstairs to have lunch. ③ 此外,go的主语还可以是动物、交通工具和机械等。如: My watch goes fast.我的表走快了。 The train goes to Beijing. 火车开往北京。 Ⅱ. walk 指朝着一定地点或无目的地“走”,常译为“步行、散步”如: ① He often walks after supper. 饭后他经常散步。 ② They are walking along the river. 他们正沿着河岸走。 ③ Let’s go out for a walk. 我們出去散步吧。 §204 go on with sth/ go on doing sth/ go on to do sth Ⅰ. go on doing sth,“(停顿以后)继续做某事”;“不停地做某事”即做原来在做的事情。如: ① Now let’s go on writing. 我们继续往下写。 ② It’s raining, but the farmers went on working( = kept on working) in the fields. 天在下雨,然而农民們还在地里我停地干活。 Ⅱ. go on with sth 表示:“间断后做原来没有做完的事”后面跟名词,不能接动词-ing 形式。如: ① After a rest, they went on with the work. 休息以后,他们继续劳动。 Ⅲ. go on to do sth. 指“接着做另一件事”,即接下来做与原来不同人事情。如: ① That’s all for the text. Now let’s go on to learn the grammer. 课文就到这里,现在我们接着学语法。 ② He went on to show us how to translate the sentence in a different way. 他接着教我们如何用另一种方法翻译这个句子。 §205 go to bed/ go to sleep/ sleep/ be(fall) asleep Ⅰ. go to bed 指“就寝”, 只表示“上床去睡”这一动作,无“睡着”之意。是终止性动词。它的对应词 是get up “起床” Ⅱ.in bed 表示一种状态,在句中常作表语,意为“躺在床上,睡着”。其中in不能用on 替换。 Ⅲ. go to sleep 与get to sleep 意义相近,也是终止性动词。即:“入睡、睡着”,强调进入梦乡的过程。“开始睡觉”,即:being to sleep.如: ① I don’t know when I went to sleep / got sleep last night. 我不知道我昨晚什么时候睡着的。 Ⅳ. fall asleep意为“睡着”表示一个动作的过程,侧重于“自然而然地入睡”,有时也含有“不想入睡而入睡”之意;be asleep“熟睡”,强调睡眠的状态,该短语在句中作谓语。 Ⅴ. sleep 可动词和名词,表“睡着”“睡眠”,是可持续性的动词。 Ⅵ. asleep 是表语形容词,不能作定语 如: ① The children are all asleep. 孩子们都睡着了。 ② Are you asleep? 你睡着了吗? §206 good/ fine/ nice/ well Ⅰ. good 是含义最广的形容词,表“好的质量”,“好的品质”。等意思。如: ① Lucy is a good girl. ② These eggs are good ( 指鲜人品质)。 Ⅱ. fine 侧重于“质量的精细”, “身体健康”,还可以表示“天气晴朗”等。如: ① This is a fine house. ② How are you? I’m fine, thank you. ③ It’s a fine day for walk. 这是一个散步的好天气。 Ⅲ. nice 指从外表上的“好看、漂亮”。取悦于人的感觉。也可指“(对人)友好和蔼”如: ① It’s a nice watch, but it’s not a good/fine one. 这块表看上去不错,但却不是一块好表。 ② It’s very nice of you. 你真太好了。 ③ They are nice mooncakes. 这都是美味的月饼。 Ⅳ. well 是副词。表干/做得“好”,修饰动词。也可作表语,指身体好。如: ① Well done! 干得好! ② I’m well. 我好了。 §207 grow/ increase Ⅰ.作不及物动词,两者有相同的含意“增长”。如: ① The population of the world is growing/increasing faster and faster. 世界人口增长越来越来快。 Ⅱ.grow还有“生长,发育”的意思。如: ① The rice is growing fine. 水稻长势不错。 Ⅲ.作及物动词,用法各异。 grow种植,栽 如: ① Wheat is grown in north of China. 中国北方种植小麦。 increase增加、增长 如: ① They are working hard to increase production. 他们正在努力工作以增加产量。 Ⅳ.increase可作名词,意为“增加、增长”。如: ①We are trying our vest to slow down the population increase in China. 在中国我们正在尽全力降低人口数量的增长。 §208 hand in/ turn in Ⅰ. hand in “传递、交给”。指交作业等。如: The teacher told them to hand in their exercise-books. 老师要他们交作业本。 Ⅱ. turn in “上交、交出”。指将某物归公。或交给上级或组织以便找到失主。一般也可与hand in 互换。如: ① You should turn in the money. 你应该把那钱上缴。 ② You should turn in / hand in your finished homework.你们应该把完成的作业交上来。 §209 hands up/ put up one's hand Ⅰ. hands up 是一句祈使语气的口语,相当于Put up your arms over your head! “举起手来!”如: ① “Hands up, or I’ll shoot.” The policeman demanded the robber. “举起手来,不然我开枪了。”警察命令抢劫犯。 Ⅱ. put up one’s hand 意思与hands up 相同。但语气要弱得多。如: ① Who knows the answer? Hands up / Put up your hands, please. 谁知道这个答案?请举手。 ② Put up your hands if you have any question.如有问题请举手。 §210 happen/ take place/ occur 都有“发生”之意 Ⅰ. happen 是普通用语,应用广泛,指事情的发生有直接原因或带有偶然性。即:“(某人)发生了什么事——happen to sb”,或 “(某物)发生了什么情况——happen to sth”。其主语通常由 accident 或 类似it, what this , that , thing, something 等代词担任。还可表示“碰巧发生某事,——happen to do sth.”如: ① What has happened? 发生什么事了?––– ② What happened to you? 你发生什么事了? ③ It happened through your negligence. 这事的发生是由于你的疏忽。 ④ He happened to be working. 他恰好正在工作。 ⑤ I think it’s because I happened to like English. 我想这是因为我碰巧喜欢英语。 Ⅱ. take place 常指经过安排的事,无偶然之意。其主语常是表:“运动、活动、会议等”的名词。如: ① The Olympic Games take place every four years. 奥林匹克运动会每四年举行一次。 ② The May 4th Movement took place in 1919. 五四运动发生于一九一九年。 ③ Great changes have taken place in our country since liberation. 解放来,我国发生了巨大的变化。 Ⅲ. occur[ә`kә:] 常与happen 通用。但,是较为正式的用语。指在一定的时间内发生一定的事情。 ① When did the accident occur? 那事故是什么时候发生的? ② Don’t let the mistake occur again? 不要让这样的错误再次发生。 §211 hare/ rabbit Ⅰ. hare “野兔”比rabbit大,不打洞栖身。如: ① That is a hare. 那是只野兔。 Ⅱ. rabbit 指“野兔”时,比hare小,不打洞栖身。它也可指家兔。如 ① I saw a rabbit hole. 我看到一个野兔洞。 ② He came back with a couple of rabbits and a hare. 他带了一对家兔和一只野兔回来。 §212 harm/ hurt Ⅰ. harm 与hurt 均有“伤害”之意,但二者有区别: harm 用面较广,往往暗示“不良的后果”, 所指伤害往往是抽象、笼统的。 hurt 往往暗示“肉体上疼痛或精神上的不快”其宾语常常是身体上一部分的名词,所指的伤害是具体的。可见的。 ① The nose of machines harmed their hearing. 机器的噪声伤害了他们的听力。 ② He hurt his back when he fell. 他跌倒时伤了背。 §213 have been to / have been in / have gone to Ⅰ. have been to … 表示:“曾经到过某处”但目前人未在那儿。如: ① Where have you been? 你到哪儿去了?(现在已回来)I have been to Beijing. 我去北京了。(现不在北京) ① I have never been there before, have I? 我以前从未去过那儿,是吗? Ⅱ. have been in 表示:“去了某地,并曾在那儿(一段时间),或现在仍在那儿。 ① She has been in Shanghai for a few weeks. Ⅲ. have gone to … 表示:“去了”指人已经走了,(至少目前不在说话的地点,在去的途中或已经到目的地)。如: ① Kate isn’t at home, She has gome to school. 凯特不在家,她上学去了。(在路上或已经在学校了)。 ② She isn’t here, she has gone to Nanjing. 她不在这儿,她去南京了。 §214 have sth done/ have sb done/have sb do sth/ have sb(sth) doing/ have sb(sth) +prep Ⅰ. have sth done “让某事被做”如: I’ll have my hair cut tomorrow. 明天我要去理发。(让别人理)。 Ⅱ. have sh done。“让某人被……”如: He had me whipped. 他叫人用鞭子打我。(让别人打) Ⅲ. have sb do sth. “让某人做某事”如: I will have Uncle Wang repair my TV. 我要让王叔叔修理我的电视机。 Ⅳ. have sb./ sth. doing “让某人/ 某物处于某种状态。如: ① Don’t have the students studying all day. 别整天让学生們学习。 ② They had the machine working all day and all night. 他们让这机器整日整夜地工作。 Ⅴ. have sb./ sth. +介词短语或副词,如: ① The teacher had her students in the classroom.老师让学生留在教室里。 ② Have her here! 让她到这儿来。 §215 have to / must Ⅰ. have to “必须”往往着重于客观的需要,含有不得不的意味。如: ① Do you have to see a doctor today? 你今天要去看医生吗? ② It was late and we have to stay at home. 时间已晚,我们只得呆在家里。 Ⅱ. must “必须 ”往往着重于主观上认为有义务,有必要。如: ① We must work hard. 我们必须努力工作。 ② We must go. 我必须去。 §216 have/ own Ⅰ. have “有”表人与物/人,物与物之间存在的“所有;所属”的关系。有时人不一定是物/人的主人。如: ① I have an English book here. 我这儿有一本英语书。 ② Do you have any money with you? 你带有钱吗? Ⅱ. own 用于较正式场合,强调“(合法地)拥有”某物的所有权,主语一定是该物的主人。如: ① I own a bike. 我有一辆自行车。 ② Who owns the car? 这辆小汽车是谁的? §217 head/ brains Ⅰ. head 指外表看得见的,有形的“头”。如: Don’t hit the boy on the head. 别打那孩子的头。 Ⅱ. brains 指抽象的,无形的“脑力、智力”。 [注]use one’s head 和 use one’s brains含义基本相同。brains 常作单数看。 §218 hear/ hear of/ hear from Ⅰ. hear “听见”指听力,强调听的结果。如: ① I often hear Lucy sing in the next room. Ⅱ. hear of “听说”强调间接听到有关某人的情况或得到消息。有时可用about 代替of,意义无多大的区别。如: ① We are all glad to hear of your success. 听到你成功的消息,我们都很高兴。 ② Have you heard of her lately? 你最近听到她什么情况吗? Ⅲ. hear from “接到……的来信(电话等)”如: ① Hope to hear from you soon. 希望你早点来信。 ② We have not heard from him since he left. 自从他离开后,我们一直没有收到他的来信。 §219 hear/ listen Ⅰ. hear “听到”强调听的结果。不一定是有意识的。如: ① Can you hear me? 你能听见我说话吗? ② I heard her voice but I didn’t bother to listen to what he was saying. 我听到了她的声音,但并不用心去听她说的是什么。 Ⅱ. listen “听”强调倾听的动作,当然未必能听到什么。是不及物动词,接宾语时常与介词to连用。如: ① Listen! What do you hear what she is saying? 听!你听见她在说些什么? ② We listened attentively for a long time but heard nothing. 我们仔细地听了半天,但什么也没听到。 §220 heaven/ sky Ⅰ. heaven “天、天国、天堂”与earth和 hell(地狱)相对。在文学语言中,它也可以指天空,常用算数形式。如: ① The commune members are fighting heaven and earth. 社员们在战天斗地。 ② He looked at the starry heavens = He is looking at starry sky. 他瞧着布满星星的天空。 Ⅱ. sky “天、天空”,一般用作单数。但在文学语言中,有时也用算数形式(skies).如: ① There were no clouds in the sky. 天上没有云。 ② Bitter sacrifice strengtnens bold resolve .Which dares to make sun and moon shine in new skies. 为有牺牲多斗志,敢教日月换新天。 (毛泽东) §221 high/ tall Ⅰ. high “高(的)”,普通用语。与low 相对。指块状物体的高度。主要指本身比一般同类东西较高,或指所处位置较高。如: ① That’s a very high mountain. 那是一座很高的山。 ② He looked at the high ceiling. 他望着高高的天花板。 Ⅱ. tall “高的”,常与short相对,也指同类中较高的,尤其是表示高度远远超过宽度或直径。即指细长物体的高度。因此可以指人,也可指物。当指物时,往往可与high 通用。但不可指山,或大型建筑物。如: ① She is rather tall. 她相当高。 ② We can see the tall (high) tower. 我们可以看到那个高塔。 §222 hill/ mountain Ⅰ. hill “小山”通常比mountain 小。如: ① I went down the hill. 我从山上走下来。 ② The house stands on the top of a hill. 房子在山顶上。 Ⅱ. mountain “高山”,比hill大。如: ① We made our way up the mountain. 我们登山。 ② He was brought up in the mountain. 他在山里长大的。 §223 help with / help…with. Ⅰ. help with “帮助”后面直接跟名词。如: ① Jones will help with the concert. 琼斯将帮助搞音乐会。 ② The children are helping with the housework. 孩子们正在帮助做家务。 Ⅱ. help …with. “帮助某人做某事”即help st with sth. 如: ① May I help you with your luggage? 我帮你拿行李好吗? ② My father used to help me with my lessons. 父亲过去常常帮助我做功课。 §224 human being/ man / person/ people Ⅰ. human being “人类”,可数名词,算数为human beings. 意义较具体,以区别于动物、鬼神之类。如: There were no sight of human beings on the island although there were monkeys, wild goats and snakes. 那个岛上虽然有猴子,野羊和蛇,但没有人居住过的痕迹。 Ⅱ. man “人类”,单数或复数均可。其前不用限定词。如: Man must make the earth support more people. 人类必须使地球养活更多的人。 Ⅲ. person. “人”着重指个别而言。与animal相对。指男,女,老,少均可。如: There are only three persons in the room. 房间里只有三个人。 Ⅳ. people “人”是集合名词。与enemy相对,有较强的感情色彩。指普通人时,可与person代换。其复数形式为“民族”之意。如: ① Most people think so 大多数人这样想。 ② There are more than 50 peoples in our country. 我国有50多个民族。 §225 hanged / hung 这两个词都是hang的过去分词。 Ⅰ. hanged 是hang用作“上吊;绞死”时的过去时和过去分词。 ① The murderer was hanged this morning. 那个杀人犯今天上午被绞死。 ② He hanged himself from a beam in the attic. 他在阁楼上悬梁自尽了。 Ⅱ. hung 是hang 用作“悬挂;下垂”等 意思时过去时和过去分词。如: ① She hung the Christmas decorations on the tree. 她把圣诞节的装饰品挂在树上。 ② He hung his head in shame. 他羞耻得垂下脑袋。 §226 hurry up/ hurry off(away) / hurry to Ⅰ. hurry up 中的up是副词。“赶快、快点、加紧”之意。含有催促、命令之意。且常用于肯定结构,偶而用于否定结构时,up可省。如: ① Hurry up! There is not enough time. 赶快!时间不够了。 ② Don’t hurry. There is enough time. 别着急。还有时间。 Ⅱ.hurry off / away中的 away是副词。“匆匆离去”无催促之意。如: ① Li Lei hurried off /away without a word. 李雷一句话不说就匆匆走了。 ② With this, the woman hurried away / off. = With this, the woman went away in a hurry.说完这话,那妇人匆匆离去。 Ⅲ. hurry to 是短语动词。to 介词。“匆匆去某地”如: ① He hurried to his office. = He went to his office in a hurry. Ⅳ. in a hurry. 介词短语。“匆忙地(地)”,“慌忙地(的)” ① She dressed herself for the party in a hurry. 她为参加联欢会而匆忙地换穿衣服。 ② You are always in a hurry. 你总是匆匆忙忙地。 §227 hurt/ injure/ wound Ⅰ.hurt的意思是“使受伤、使疼痛、使伤心、伤害”,它是普通用语,可以表示使肉体受伤或疼痛,也可以表示使感情受到伤害。如: ① He hurt his back when he fell. 他跌到时伤了背部。 ② My shoe is too tight, it hurts (me). 我的鞋太紧,使我的脚感到痛。 ③ That’ll hurt her feelings. 那会伤她的感情。 Ⅱ.injure的意思是“伤害、损害”,指损害一个人的外表、健康、完好的东西(如自尊心、名誉、成就)等。如: ① He injured an arm in a car accident. 他在一次车祸中伤了一只手臂。 ② You will injure your health by smoking too much. 你吸烟太多,有伤身体。 ③ This injured his pride. 这伤了他的自尊心。 Ⅲ.wound的意思是“受伤、伤害”,通常指因外来的暴力使身体受伤,尤指在战争中或遭袭击受伤。它也可以指精神上受创伤。如: ① Ten soldiers were killed and thirty wounded. 十名士兵阵亡,三十名受伤。 ② The bullet wounded him in the shoulder. 枪弹打伤了他的肩膀。 ③ He felt wounded in his honour. 他觉得他的名誉受到了伤害。 §228 if/ whether Ⅰ.都有“是否”之意。在某种情况下右互换。如: ① I don’t know if / whether he’ll come tomorrow. 我不知道明天他是否来。 Ⅱ. 但在下列6种情况下if 不能替换whether: 1. 正式文体中,句中有or not时。如: I wonder whether it is big enough or not. 我不知道它是否够大。 2.引导主语、表语、同位语从句时。如: Whether it is true(or not) is still a question. 它是不是真的还是一个问题。 3. 作介词宾语时,如: I haven’t decided the quwstion of whether I’ll go back home. 我还未决定是否要回家去。 4. 放在不定式前,与不定式组成词组。如: Li Lei hasn’t decided whether to go or not. 李雷还未决定去还是不去。 5. 作discuss等词的宾语时,如: They discuss whether they should close the shop. 他们讲座是否该关闭那家商店。 6. 引导的从句放在句首时。如: Whether this is true or not, I cannot say.这件事是否真实我说不上。 Ⅲ. if 还有连词的功能,意为“如果”引导条件状语从句;而whether另有“不管,无论”之意,引导让步状语从句。如: ① I will be happy if you call me. 如果你打电话给我,我将很高兴。 ② Whether you like it or not, you’ll have to do it. 不管你喜欢不喜欢,你必须做这件事。 §229 ill/ sick Ⅰ. ill “病”,常用作表语,一般不作名词的前置定语用;而sick可直接作前置定语用。如: ① She is looking after her sick mother. (不能用ill) 她在照顾她生病的母亲。 ② He was ill yesterday. 昨天他病了。 Ⅱ. ill 可放在被修饰的名词后面。如: ① He is a man ill with TB. 他是一个患肺结核的人。 Ⅲ. ill 的比较级和最高级分别是worse和worst. 表病重时,一般不说heavily ill/ sick. 而应说:seriously sick/ ill. 如: ① He caught a cold and soon got worse. 他得了伤风,不久就更厉害了。 ② His uncle is seriously ill. 他的叔叔病得很重。 §230 in / after/ later 都有“在……之后”的意思,区别在于: Ⅰ.in是介词,用来表示从现在算起的“过一段时间以后”,常于将来时态的肯定句中,一般与go, come, start, arrive, return ( be back), finish等表示瞬间动作的终止性动词连用。如:I’ll come and see you in two days. 两天之后我再来看你。 Ⅱ.after是介词,用来表示在某一具体时间或某一具体事件以后,谓语动词可用于过去时,也可用将来时。如: ① He will arrive after four o’clock. 他将在四点以后到达。 ② She said she would be back after five o’clock. [注] 此情况下时间名词应为点时间。 after 还可以表示从过去某时起若干时间之后,谓语动词用过去时,不能用将来时。如:Lucy started after two days. [注] 此时应为段时间名词。 Ⅲ.later是副词,不能用于从讲话时刻算起的若干时间之后,要根据上下文推断从何时起至何时之后。如: ① I shall call on Mr Li之后laterys.ed woiyou lled and thirty XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX on May 1st and shall call again about a week later. 五月一日我将拜访李先生,大约一星期之后我再来拜访。 ② I shall call again later. [注] later只能放在段时间名词之后。 §231 in / of 均可用来表比较范围。 Ⅰ.of 表“属性”,意为“在同类中,最……” Ⅰ.in表“在……内”,意指“在某地或某范围之中最……”,其后接表地点或组织、机构等的名词,与比较对象不属同一范畴。如: ① Li Lei is the tallest of the three boys. ② Li Lei is the tallest in our class. §232 in the future/in future 这两个词组都有“在将来”的意思,但含义上有区别。 Ⅰ.in furture多指从现在开始近期的将来,在时间上包括现在。如: ① You must be more careful in furture. 你今后必须更加小心。 ② He promised to give me more help in furture. 他答应今后给我更多的帮助。 Ⅱ.in the furture多指较遥远的将来的某一时间,在时间概念上一般不包括现在。如: ① Who can tell what will happen in the furture? 谁能说准将来会发生什么? ② In the furture travel agencies may be organizing trips to the moon. 将来,旅行社可能会组织去月球的旅行。 [注] in the furture 的 furture 前加形容词时,不要去掉 the 。如in the near/far /distant furture。 §233 in time/on time Ⅰ.in time“及时”,指的是不迟到或在提前的时间之前做某事,后面可接不定式或for短语。 Ⅱ.on time“准时”,指按规定的时间或指定的时间做某事,后面不可以跟不定式或for短语。如: ① Joe was just in time for the bud. Joe正好赶上那班汽车。 ② They got there on time to see the exhibition. 他们准时到那儿,去看了那个展览。 ③ Can you get there in time? 你能及时感到那儿吗? ④ You must always return your library book on time. 你必须总是按时归还从图书馆借的书。 §234 in/ on/ to Ⅰ.in 表示“在某范围之内”,如: ① In the Northwest, there will be snow in the night. ② Beijing is in the north of China. Ⅱ.on 表示“两地接壤”。如: ① Tianjin is on the north of Beijing. ② Jiangshu is on the south of Shandong. Ⅲ.to 表示“在某范围之外,两地不接壤”。如: ① There will be a strong wind to the north of the Huai River. ② Japan is to the east of China. §235 increase by/ increase to Ⅰ.“increase by + 倍数或百分数”,表示“增加了。。。。。。倍/百分之”。“inctease to + 具体的增长后的数字”,表示“增加到了。。。。。。”。如: ① The population of this town has increase by 5 percent. 这个镇的人口增长了5%。 ② The population of our country has increased to 1.3 billion. 我们国家的人口已增长到了13 亿。 Ⅱ.表示“在。。。。。。方面增长”用in 来引导的短语。如: ① It has increase 30 percent in price. 它的价格增长了30%。 ② Its members are increasing in number. 它的成员数量正在增加。 ③ The country is fast increasing in population. 这个国家人口增长很快。 §236 indeed/ really Ⅰ.indeed的意思是“真的、的确”,多用以肯定或证实人家所说的话,或加强自己说话的肯定语气,如: ① -----It’s a difficult problem. 这是一个困难的问题。 -----Indeed it is. 的确如此。 ② We were indeed very glad to hear the news.听到这消息我们真高兴。 ④ Thank you very much indeed. 真感谢你。 Ⅱ.really 的意思是“真的、真正、的确”,指和事实或现实不相违背,用以表示肯定人家所说的是实话,希望人家说实话或强调自己说的是实话。它有时还用以表示对人家所说的话感到惊讶、生气、怀疑等。如: ① -----He is a good student. 他是一个好学生。 -----Really. 的确是。 ② It was really not my fault. 那的确不是我的错。 ① Do you really wish to go? 你真的想去吗? ② ------We’re going to Qingdao this summer. 今年夏天我们要去青岛。 ------Oh, really? 啊,真的吗? §237 interest/ interesting/ interested Ⅰ.interest. n. “兴趣;趣味”v. “使(人)产生兴趣” ① What you said interests me. 你的话引起了我的兴趣。 ② He shows an interest in music.他对音乐感兴趣。 Ⅱ.interesting. adj. “有趣的;引起兴趣的”可作表语或定语,指物或人本身能引起兴趣。如: ③ The film is very interesting. 电影非常有趣。 ④ He is an interesting man. 他是一个有趣的人。 Ⅲ.interested是动词interest 加ed 构成的形容词,意为“感兴趣的”,其主语一般指人。 常构成短语:interested in , 如: ⑤ When he was only a child, he got interested in science. 当他仅是一个孩子时,他就对科学产生了兴趣。 §238 job/ work 两者均表示“工作”,后者(work)含义更广,为不可数名词。也可作不及物动词;前者(job)强调工作的性质或工种,为可数名词。如: ① I like the job/work. 我喜欢这份工作。 ② The work is easy to do. 这份活很易做。名词ot my fault. gdao this summer. he north of the Huai XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX §239 join / join in / take part in Ⅰ. join 可用来表示加入某个政党、团体、组织等, 指成为其中的成员。如: ① My uncle joined the Party in 1989. ② We are going for a swim .Will you come and join us. 我们要去游泳,你和我们一起去好吗? Ⅱ. join in 表“加入、参与”某种活动,后接名词或动词的ing 形式,表“参加某人的活动”可以说:join sb. in (doing) sth. 如: ① He joined them in the work.他同他们一起工作。 ② Will you join us in playing basketball? 你跟我们一起打篮球好吗? Ⅲ. take part in 指“参加”会议、考试、竞赛或群众性活动,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在其中发挥作用。如: ① The teacher took part in our discussion yesterday. 昨天老师参加了我们的讨论。 ② When will you take part in the meeting? 你将在什么时候参加会议? [注意]:join in 后面可以不跟宾语。而take part in 后面必须跟宾语。如: Let me join in. 让我参加吧。 §240 journey/ trip/ voyage/ tour/ travel Ⅰ. journey “旅游” 着重指:从甲地到乙地所走的路程和花费的时间。多指陆路“旅游”用英语可解释为:a trip of some distance usually by land. Ⅱ. travel “旅行、游历”多指到世界各地的活动,国与国之间旅行,(没有回到原出发地的含义)表某次具体的旅行时,常用复数。英译为:the activity of moving about the world. ① On his doctor’s advice, he went on his travels. 遵照医生的意见,他出发旅行了。 ② He came home after years of foreign travel. Ⅲ. trip 多指带有特殊目的或定期的旅行,为了高兴进行的较短距离的,旅游或远足。 ① We’ll make a trip on Sunday. ② He came back from a trip. 他旅归来。 Ⅳ. tour “周游、旅游、观光、游览”等,多指不同地点的漫游或短途旅行参观。通常是回到原出发地点时就意味着旅行结束。英译:a journey during which several places of interest are visited; a short trip to or through a place on order to see it. 如: ① I’m going to set out on a walking tour. 我即将动身去徒步旅行。 ② He has gone for a tour in Europe. Ⅴ. voyage 多指较长距离的水上航行,但也指空中航行。 ① He made a voyage from Shanghai to Qingdao. 他从上海航行到青岛。 ② They made a voyage to France by air.他们乘飞机到法国。 §241 known as / known by / known for/ known to Ⅰ. known as “作为…而出名”;“被称作…”,as后面的宾语与句子主语是同位的。如: ① George is known as a successful banker. 乔治作为成功的银行家而出名。 ② The first tomb, known as Chang Ling, was built in the 15th century. 第一座陵墓叫长陵修建于是5世纪。 Ⅱ. known by “凭……来判断或认识”一般不太常用,多出现在某些谚语中。如: ① A man is known by the company he keeps. (谚)见其友,知其人。 Ⅲ. known for “因……而出名”,for后面多接表示特征、品质之类的词。如: ① Guilin is known for its beautiful sceneries. 桂林因风景优美而闻名。 ② He is known for his frankness. 他以坦率而出名。 Ⅳ. known to “为……所知的”,to后面常接表示人的名词或代词。如: ① She is known to everyone in the college. 他在学院里人人皆知。 ② The usage of that word is known to us all. 这个词的用法我们人人皆知。 §242 keekp doing sth/ keep on doing sth/ keep sb doing sth/ keep sb or sth from doing sth/ stop……from doing sth/ prevent……from doing sth Ⅰ.keep doing sth 表示“继续(不断)地做某事”指无停顿或停顿较短。或后接表静态的动词。如:sit sleep. Wait, stand,等。 He kept sitting there for half an hour without moving. 他一动不动地在那儿站了半个小时。 Ⅱ.keep on doing sth 表经过一段时间的间隙后“继续做同一件事”后可接表动态的词。如walk, write talk 等。还暗指不顾困难、反对、警告而“坚持”做某事。 They kept on working in the field, though it was raining.虽然天正在下雨,他们还是继续在田里干活。 Ⅲ.keep sb doing sth. “使某人处于某种状态” Our Chinese teacher kept us reading by ourselves the whole class. 整个一节课, 我们的语文老师都让我们自己看书。 Ⅳ.keep sb / sth from doing sth. “阻止、防止某人/ 某物做某事”如: ① The policeman kept the children from crossing the road when it was dangerous. 危险的时候,这位警察阻止了孩子们过马路。 ① Be carful! Keep the glass from dropping on to the floor. 当心!防止玻璃掉到地板上。 Ⅴ. prevent……from doing sth与上同意,但较正式,隐含预防之意。From在被动语态中不可省。如: In many countries, laws have been passed to prevent factories from sending out poisonous gases and polluted water. 许多国家已制定法律来制止工厂排放有毒的气体和污水。 Ⅵ,stop……from doing sth. 与上可代换。它常指现场的具体行为。如: The policeman stopped the children from playing football in the street. 警察制止孩子们在街上踢球。 §243 kill/ murder/ slaughter Ⅰ.kill的意思是“杀”,是普通用语,不限于用刀杀人,而可指用任何办法把人或动物弄死。如: ① He was killed. 他被杀死了。 ② He was killed in a train accident. 他在一次火车事故中死亡。 ③ They killed animals for food. 他们宰杀动物为食。 Ⅱ.murder的意思是“谋杀”,指非法地、存心不良地或有预谋地杀人。如: They murdered a revolutionary. 他们谋害了一个革命者。 Ⅲ.slaughter的意思是“屠杀”,指大批地、残酷地杀人,也可指屠宰动物。如: Old men, woman and children were mercilessly slaughtered. 老人、妇女和孩子们都遭到残酷的屠杀。 §244 kind/ sort Ⅰ.kind表示种类的意思时,指属于同种类的东西。如: This is a new kind of machine. 这是一种新式机器。 What kind of man is he? 他是怎样的人? Ⅱ.sort的意思也是“种类”,指大体相似的东西。在语言实践中,这两个词常被毫无区别地使用着,不过,当表示带有轻蔑的意味时,多用sort。如: ① What sort of book do you want? 你需要哪一种书? ② I’ll never do this sort of thing. 我决不会干这种事。 ③ What sort of people go there? 什么样的人到那儿去? §245 know/ know about/ know of Ⅰ. know “知道”;“了解”。侧重直接性。如: ① I know her very well. 我很了解她。 ② I don’t know his current address. 我不知道他目前的地址。 Ⅱ. know about “知道知道关于……的情况”。 ① I happened to know about him. 我碰巧了解他的情况。 ② I don’t know about that matter. 我不知道那件事。 Ⅲ. know of “知道有……”;“听说过……”,侧重间接性。 ① I know of the town but I’ve never been there. 我知道有那么个镇子,但从未去过那里。 ② I don’t know Mark, but I know of him. 我不认识马克,但我听说过他。 §246 know/ recognize Ⅰ.know表示认识的意思时,可以表示认识或熟悉某人,也可以只表示认识某人是谁(即认得某人是个什么样子)。它不仅可以用于人,还可以用于地方等。如: ① Do you know him? 你认识他吗? ② I have known him for more than ten years. 我认识他有十多年某人 knowple go theret?ldren were mercilessly sl moon.XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX了。 ③ I know him by sight but have never spoken to him. 我认识他是谁,但从没有和他谈过话。 ④ He knows the city thotoughly. 他很熟悉那个城市。 Ⅱ. recognize表示认识的意思时,表示能认出曾经见过或原来认识的人或物。如: ① Do you recognize him? 你认得他是谁吗? ② I did not recognize him at once. 我一下子都认不得他了。 ③ When he came back to Nanjing, he hardly recognized the city. 当他回到南京时,他几乎认不得这个城市了。 §247 lay / lie 这两个词常易混淆,主要是因为两者的意义及它们的过去式和分词形式极易混淆。 Ⅰ.lay通常用作及物动词,意为“摆、放、下蛋或产卵”等,过去式、过去分词和现在分词分别为laid, laid, laying。如: ① He laid the papers on the desk and then went out. 他把文件放在桌上,然后出去了。 ② They were laying the foundation of the house. 他们在给房子打地基。 ③ The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds’ nets. 杜鹃在别的鸟巢中产卵。 Ⅱ.lie一般作不及物动词用,作“躺;平放”解时,其过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain;作“撒谎”解时,其过去式和过去分词均为lied,现在分词均为lying 。如: ① She lay on the beach all morning. 她整个上午都躺在沙滩上。 ② How long has he lain there like that? 他像那样躺在那儿有多久了? ③ He lied to me. 他对我撒了谎。 §248 learn/ study Ⅰ. 这两个动词都作“学习”讲,有时可以互换使用。 ① He is learning / studying English now. 现在他在学习英语。 Ⅱ. learn 往往通过学习、练习或由别人教授以获得某种知识或技能,侧重学习的成果,有“学会、学到”的意思。study 通常指比较深入地学习,含有努力去学的意味,它侧重学习的过程,有“研究、钻研”的意思。如: ① He studied hard and finally learned the language. 他努力学习,终于学会了这种语言。 ② He studies in a school near here. 他在附近的一所学校读书。 ③ But I am learning to skate. 但我在学习滑冰。 §249 leave sw/ leave for sw Ⅰ. Leave的意思是“离开”,既可作及物动词又可作不及物动词。 ① He left Rome. 他离开了罗马。 ② It’s time for us to leave. 我们该走了。 Ⅱ. Leave for 的意思是“前往”,指离开某地去另一地,for 后面跟表示目的地的地点名词。 ① He left for Rome. 他动身去了罗马。 ② The delegation left for Guangzhou by plane. 代表团乘飞机前往广州。 §250 leave/ forget Ⅰ. 这二个词都有“忘记”的意思。但leave 表示“忘了带……”; “把……落在某个地方了”,后面有地点状语。 forget + 如: ① I left my handbag in the office.我把手提包落在办公室了。 ② We often see Mr. Gates standing outside his own house because he often leaves the key in the house.我们经常看到盖茨先生站在他自家门外,因为他常把钥匙忘在家里。 ③ I have never forgotten my family’s birthdays. 我从没忘记过家人的生日。 Ⅱ. 还有“离开、留下;使处于……状态; 听任”的意思。如: ① In 1933, Einstein and his family left Europe for USA. 1933年爱因斯坦和他的家人离开欧洲去了美国。 ② Jim left a message on the computer to you just now. 刚才吉姆在电脑上给你留言了。 ③ They went into the café, leaving the car unlocked. 他们没锁车,走进了咖啡厅。 [谚语]:Never leave today’s work until tomorrow. 今天的事今天做。 §251 lift/ raise Ⅰ. lift “举起、提起、抬起”常常表举(提、抬)起某物时需要费些力气。如: ① This is too heavy for me to lift. 这太重了,我举不起。 ② He lifted a pail of water from the ground. 他把一桶水从地上提了起来。 Ⅱ. raise “举起、抬起”着重指使某物竖立起来。如: ① Those who are ready, please raise your hand. 准备好的人,请举手。 ② He raised his head. 他抬起了头。 §252 like/ love/ be fond of Ⅰ. like “喜欢、喜爱”与dislike相对。是本组词中语意最弱的词。如: ① I like the poem. 我喜欢这首诗。 ② I don’t like smoking. 我不喜欢抽烟。 Ⅱ. love “爱、热爱”与hate相对。带有强烈的感情,是本组词中语意最强的词。如: ① We love our socialist motherland. 我们热爱我们的社会主义祖国。 ② I like her , but I don’t love her. 我喜欢她,但并不爱她。 Ⅲ. be fond of “喜欢、爱好”,语意比like强,但比love弱。其后不能接不定式。如: ① He is fond of music. 他爱好音乐。 ② I am fond of reading. 我喜欢读书。 ③ He is very fond of his mother. 他很喜欢他的母亲。 [注]:prefer “比起……更喜欢……”,其比较对象通常用在介词to 后。如: Which would you prefer, tea or coffee? I prefer tea to coffee. 茶和咖啡,你喜欢哪? 比起咖啡来我更喜欢茶。 §253 little/ small Ⅰ. little “小的”与big 和great 相对,表本身小,不含比一般小的意味。用这个词时,往往带有感情色彩。如: ① What a pretty little house! 一所多漂亮的小房子! ② I want the little box, not the big one. 我要小箱子,不要大的。 [说明]:little指人时,表和成年人相比,个子小年龄也小。 Ⅱ. small “小的”与large 相对,它常与little 通用。但多指,就一般标准而言比较小的东西,不带感情色彩。如; ① The boy is small for his age. 就年龄来说,这男孩的个子小了些。 ② He lives in a small room. 他住在一个小房间里。 §254 like / as Ⅰ. like 用于比较或比喻,表示“像……一样”。 ① Sometimes he behaves like a fool. 有时他的行为举止像个傻瓜。 ① I beg you not to say anything like that to my parents. 我恳求你不要对我的父母说那样的话。 Ⅱ. as 则表示某人或某事实际上具有as后面所描写的特征或身份,此时as当“作为;当作”解。如: ① He works as a gardener. 他的工作是个园丁。 ② Originally, our house was used as a hotel. 原先我们的房子是作旅馆用的。 Ⅲ. 另外一点要提及的是as可用作连词,后面接句子;like在正规英语中不能用作连词。如: ① When in Rome, do as the Romans do. (谚) 入国问禁,入乡随俗。 §255 look/ look at/ notice/ see/ watch / read / gaze. Ⅰ. look “看”强调看的动作,指有意思地看,是不及物动词。接宾语时用介词at 即:look at.如: ① Look, what’s the boy doing? He is looking at the picture. Ⅱ. see 强调“看”的结果。指视力。如: ① He looked at the blackbord but he didn’t see nothing. Ⅲ. notice 是指用眼睛或其它感官或感觉去“注意到”;“看到” ① I noticed that he came early,我注意到他来得很早。 ② I noticed him enter(ing) the office. 我看到他走进了(正在走进)办公室。 Ⅳ. watch 强调“观看”其行为动作,跟踪其运动着的目标。含有“监视”之意。如: watch TV / a game /a play /sb. 看电视 / 比赛 / 戏曲/某人 Ⅴ, read 指“看书、报、杂志等”, 指用大脑去思考,含有阅读之意。如: ① He is reading a book. §256 look/ look for/ find/ find out / look up Ⅰ. look “看”指看的意识,强调看的行为动作。是不及物动词。不能直接接宾语。如: ① Look, they are playing on the playground. Ⅱ. look for “寻找”指有目的地找。强调“寻找”这一动作。 ① What are you looking for? 你在找什么? Ⅲ. find “找到、发现”指经过一番努力后“找到”丢失的人或东西。强调“找”的结果。如: ① I can’t find my pen. 我找不到我的钢笔了。 ② The poor granny is looking for her little son. I hope she can find him. 这个可怜的老奶奶在找她的小儿子,我希望她能找到他。 Ⅳ. find out “找出、查明”用着及物动词短语,常表达找出答案,弄明真相,查明情况等意思。如: ① Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。 Ⅴ. look up “向上看;查字典”如: ① She looked up and she saw many birds in the sky. ② You must look up the new words when you don’t know how to pronounce it. §257 what’s …like?/ How’s …? Ⅰ. What’s …like? “询问某人或事物的持久的特性、特征, 如相貌等。 如: ① ---What’s your elder sister like? ---She’s a kind and humorous woman. 你姐是怎样一个人? 她是一个既和善又幽默的女人。 ② ---What’s your father like? ---He is tall and fat. 你父亲长得怎么样? 他又高又胖。 ③ ---What’s the spring in the north like? ---It’s usually very windy and dry. 北方的春天怎么样? 通常风很大而且干燥。 Ⅱ. How’s …? 用来询问暂时 的情况,或对经历过事的感受,或问候别人的健康。如: ① --How’s your study these days? --Very well. Thank you. 近来的学习情况怎样? 很好, 谢谢。 ② How was the film last night? Great! 昨晚的电影怎么样? 好极了! ③ How is your sister? She’s very well. 你姐好吗(身体怎样)? 她很好。 [注意]:下面两句子的含义是不一样的。 ① How was the film? 这电影怎样? ② What was the film like? 这电影讲什么?(请对方对电影作一番描述或评论) §258 none / nobody / no one Ⅰ. none 既可指人,也可指物,意为“没有人;没有东西”等,表三者或三者以上的人或物的全部否定。与all是反义词。后可接of 短语。作主语时,如果它指代的是可数名词,谓语动词用单数、复数形式都可以,用单数时强调个体,表“没有一个人”;用复数则强调整体,表“所有人都没有”。如果它指代的是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式。常常用来回答how many & how much 以及有特定范围的问题。如: ① How many of the women are teachers? None (of them is / are). 这些女士中有多少是老师? 一个也没有。 ② How much water is left in the bottle? Nove (of it is left). 瓶子里还剩多少水? 一点儿也没剩。 ③ Which of the boys plays football well? None(of them does). 这些男孩中哪个足球踢得好? 一个也没有。 Ⅱ. nobody & no one 指代人,意为“没有人”。作主语时谓语动词有单数形式,后不能跟of 短语,常常用来回答who 和不确定的问题。如: ① Luckily, nobody / no one was gurt in this accident. 幸运的是,没有人在这场事故中受伤。 ② Who went to the net bar this week? Nobody / No one. 这周谁去过网吧? 没有人。 §259 look/ seem Ⅰ. seem “看来、似乎”既可作连系动词,以可做不及物动词,后接:形容词、名词、介词短语或不定式。 如: ① Mother seemed to know that. 母亲好像知道那件事。 ② Bill doesn’t seem to a understand. 比尔似乎不太理解。= Bill seems not to understand.(这更正式) Ⅱ. 常用搭配: ① It seems (that)好像、看来、似乎,如: 1. It seems to me that her accident is all your fault! 在我看来她出事都是你的错。 2. But it seemed that it wasn’t the only letter. 但是好像这不是唯一的一封信。 ② seem as if / though. “看起来像”如: 1. It seems as though Ken will win the rice.看来赛跑Ken好像要赢。 2. It seems (as if ) it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨了。 Ⅲ. look “看来、似乎”着重于由视觉得出的印象,seem 则暗示有一定根据,这种判断往往接近事实。在搭配上两者都可接:形容词、名词(前常有形容词修饰)、动词不定式to be、过去分词 和 介词短语。如: ① He looks / seems a nice man.他看上去是个好人。 ② You look / seem tired. Let’s have a rest. 看来你累了,我们休息一会儿。 ③ The boy looked / seemed to be very ill. 那男孩看上去病得很重。 Ⅳ, 但在下面情况下,只能用seem, 不能用look: 1. 后面接动词不定式:to do 时。如: ① The captain seemed to know all his soldiers. 2. 用于It seems that …结构时。如: ① It seemed that he had missed the train.看来他没搭上火车。 3. 用于There seemed to (不定式) 结构时:如: There seemed to be hundreds of people on the playground. 运动场上好像有几百人。 §260 lose/ miss Ⅰ. lose “丢失、失去”语气较强,一般指失去后不易找回;而 miss 指人们觉察到东西已经“丢失”,含有可能找回的意思。miss 还有“想念”之意。而lose 则没有。如: ① My grandfather lost a leg in in the war. 我爷爷在战争中失去了一条腿。 ② We shall all miss you when you go away. 你不在时,我们都会想念你的。 Ⅱ. 作定语和表语用时,lose 用过去分词 lost, 而mess用现在分词missing.如: ① Who has found my lost pen?谁找到了我丢失的钢笔? ② Missing book is found now. 丢失的书现在已经找到了。 §261 meet / meet with Ⅰ. meet “遇见、遇到;接(人)”;“集会”;“满足(要求等)”。 ① I know his name, but I’ve never met him. 我知道他的名字,但从未见过他。 ② The staff members will meet tomorrow to discuss the problem. 员工们明天开会将讨论这一问题。 ③ I will meet my wife at the airport. 我将去机场接我的妻子 ④ This will meet your needs. 这将满足你的要求。 Ⅱ. meet with. “遇到;碰到”强调偶然性;还常表示“遭遇;经历;遭到”此时不能只用meet. 如: ① I met with a childhood friend on the bus. 我在汽车上遇到一个儿时的朋友。 ② They met with an accident on their way back. 他们在回去的路上遇到车祸。 ③ I met with some difficulties when I tried to enter the country. 我在入境时遇到一些困难。 §262 many/ much/ a lot of/ lots of/ a good or great many/ many a / a number of/ a great or large number of/ a great deal of/ plenty of/ the number of Ⅰ. many “许多、大量”修饰可数名词复数。如: ① Many students think so. 很多学生都这样想。 Ⅱ. much 指量而言,与不可数名词连用。如: ① He mever eats much breakfast.他早餐从来吃得不多。 Ⅲ. the number of “……的总数”number 指“数目、人数”是句中真正的主语。故动词须用单三式。如: ①The number of the students in our class is sixty-five. 其它的见下表: 词汇 后面可跟的词 作主语时 谓语动词的形式 many 复数可数名词 复数 much 不可数名词 单三式 复数可数名词与不可数名词(一般用于肯定句中;否定句和疑问句多用many, much) 复数或 单三式 amany 复数可数名词 复数 many a 单数可数名词 单三式 复数可数名词 复数 a great deal of 复数可数名词 与不可数名词 复数或 单三式 plenty of 复数可数名词或不可数名词(一般用于肯定句中;否定句或疑问句多用enough, many much) 复数或 单三式 §263 may be/ maybe Ⅰ. may be “也许是”“可能是”may 是情态动词,与be一起作谓语。而maybe是副词,意为“也许”“可能”用作状语。如: ① Maybe you put it there.也许你把它放在那里了。 ② But I’m afraid I may be a little late. 但我担心我可能晚了一点。 ③ Maybe he’s wrong. = He may be wrong. 或许他错了。 ④ Maybe the twin brothers are boating now. = The twin brothers may be boating now.现在那对双胞胎兄弟可能在划船。 ⑤ Maybe /perhaps they’ll go on a picnic next week. = They may go on a picnic next week. 他们下周可能要去野餐。 §264 mend/ repair Ⅰ. mend “修理、修补”。普通用语。指对由于穿戴或使用等原因而破烂或破损的东西加以修补或修理。如: ① There’s a hole in your shirt. Better mend it right away. 你的衬衫上有一个洞,最好马上补一补。 ② The broken window requires to be mended. 这扇破窗户需要修理。 Ⅱ. repair “修理、修补”。常与mend换用。但当需要修理之物,由于使用或年代等原因已经损坏,修起来比较复杂时,多用repair. 如: ① They have repaired the car. 他们已把汽车修好了。 ② It will take all the summer to repair the house. 需要整个夏天才能把房子修好。 §265 message/ news Ⅰ.这两个词都有“消息”之意,但词义范围有所不同。Message含义较广,可指书面、口头、无线电等多种渠道传来的信息,因而有“消息、口信、电报”等意思,为可数名词;news含义较窄,主要是通过报纸、电台、电视等新闻媒介向公众报道的最新消息,也可指原来未曾听到过而现在听到的消息,为不可数名词。如: ① I’ll leave a message for her. 我将为她留个口信。 ② I haven’t had a message from him for a month. 我一个月没有得到他的音讯了。 [联想]:和 news搭配的词组: latest news 最新消息。 stale news 过时新闻 current news 时事 highlighted news 重要新闻 inside news 内幕消息 grapevine news 小道消息 invested news 不实消息 distorted news 歪曲的新闻 §266 middle / center Ⅰ.middle指“中间”,表示时间和空间的“中间”,是相对而言的,也可指笼统的“中部”,如: We have lunch in the middle of the day. 另外middle还可表程度的“中等”如:the middle school Ⅱ. centre “中心”,通常用于空间方面,强调指正中心。它还可以用于借喻,表某一事物的中心。如: ① Dray a circle round a given centre. 就指定的中心画一圆圈。 ② We live in the centre of London. 我们住在伦敦中心。 ③ Beijing is the political, economic and cultural centre of China. 北京是中国的政治、经济和文化中心。 §267 mist/ fog Ⅰ. mist “雾”指比fog 薄的“薄雾”,形容词为:misty. 它还可指:“(眼睛)朦胧”等。如: ① The mountain top was covered with mist. 山顶笼罩着雾气。 ② She tried to see him through the mist of tears. 她试着透过朦胧的泪眼看他。 Ⅱ. fog 指较浓的“浓雾”,其形容词为:foggy.如: ③ The fog was so thick that he had to drive very slowly. 雾太浓了, 他必须慢慢地开车。 §268 most /a most / the most Ⅰ. most adv. 前无冠词,一般表“很、十分”如: ① Most likely it will rain. 很可能要下雨了。 ② The author is most serious in writing the essay. 作者写这篇文章的态度是很严肃的。 Ⅱ. a most 后接形容词,修饰单数可数名词,意思是“很,十分”如: ① That was a most enjoyable party. 那是一次非常快乐的晚会。 ② These children lead a most happy life. 这些孩子过着非常幸福的生活。 Ⅲ. the most 是much or many 的最高级。意为“最”如: ① That’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. 那是我到过的最美丽的地方。 §269 mouse / rat Ⅰ. mouse “老鼠、耗子”,比rat 小。如: ① I have set a trap for mouse. 我装置了一个捕鼠器捕鼠。 ② When the cat’s away, the mice will play. [谚]:猫儿一跑耗子闹。 Ⅱ. rat “老鼠、耗子”,比mouse 大。如: ① A rat has fallen into the trap. 一只老鼠落到了捕鼠器里。 ② A rat crossing the street is chased by all. 老鼠过街,人人喊打。 §270 much too/ too much Ⅰ. much too 太、非常, 用作副词词组,修饰形容词或其它副词。如: ① It’s much too cold today. 今天天气太冷。 ② The old man walked much too slowly. 这位老人走得太慢了。 Ⅱ. too much “太多”有三种用法: 1. 用作名词词组。如: ③ You gave me too much. 你给我的太多了。 1. 用作形容词词组。修饰不可数名词。如: ① I don’t like winter because there’s too much snow and ice.我不喜欢冬天,因为雪和冰太多了。 2. 用作副词词组,修饰动词,如: ② Don’t speak too much. 别讲得太多。 [注]:much too 与too much都可用作副词词组,但too much 不可以修饰形容词,much too 不可以修饰动词。动词。ow and ice.because there' working. presents. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX §271 must/ have to Ⅰ. must “必须”,往往着重于主观上认为有义务,有必要。 ① We must work hard. 我们必须努力工作。 ② Imust go. 我必须走。 Ⅱ. have to “必须”往往着重于客观的需要,含有“不得不”的意味。如: ① Do you have to see a doctor today? 你今天要去看医生吗 ② It was late and we have to stay at home. 时间已晚,我们只得呆在家里。 §272 neither/ either Ⅰ. neither “(两者)都不”,pron 如: ① Neither of the books is mine. 这两本书都不是我的。 [注]作连词用时,neither 与nor连用,表示“既不……也不”如: ② The ground must be just right ——neither too wet nor too dry.地面务必适合——既不太湿,也不太干。 Ⅱ. either “(两者中的)任何一个”pron. 如: ① There are two bikes in the room. You can ride eitheri of the two. 房里有两部自行车,你可以任骑一部。 [注]作连词用时,与or连用,表示“或者……或者……”、“不是……就是……”。如: ② They were either too big or too small. 它们不是太大,就是太小。 ▲ 作副词用时,二者都有“也不”之意,但所使用的句型及在句中的位置不同。如: ① He doesn’t like swimming, I don’t like swimming, either. ② He doesn’t like swimming. Neither do I . (用于倒装结构中) §273 neither/ none Ⅰ. neither “两者都不”与both相对,其后的谓语动词用单三式。如: ① Neither of my parents is at home. 我父母亲(任何一个)都不在家。 Ⅱ. none “三者或三者以上都有不”,与all相对。如: ① None of the students are in the classroom. They have all gone to the playground. 所有的学生都不(一个也不)在教室里,他们都到操场上去了。 §274 next / the next Ⅰ. next 用于将来时态中 Ⅱ. the next 用于过去时态中。有时也可用于将来时。如: ① I’ll finish school next June. The next month I’ll go on trip to my hometwon. 明年六月我要毕业了,第二个月(即七月)我就要回家乡。 ② She said in her letter that she would visit us the next week. 她在信中说她要在第二个星期拜访我们。 §275 no / not Ⅰ. no “不”既可作形容词,又可作副词。作形容词时用来否定名词、代词或动名词。作副词时,主要用于否定回答。 ① The poor boy had no money for books. 那个穷孩子没钱买书。 ② No smoking. 禁止吸烟。 ③ Isn’t he a teacher? No, he isn’t. Ⅱ. not “不”只用作副词。用来否定动词、不定式、形容词或副词。通常放在“三类词”(情态动词,助动词,系动词)之后,行为动词之前。否定不定式时,直接放在不定式的小品词to前。如: ① I have not been to Beijing. ② He doesn’t like reading. ▲ no 和not 都可与形容词或副词的比较级连用,但句子的含义不同。如: ① I am no taller than he. 我不比他高。(两人都矮) ② I am not taller than he. 我不比他更高。(两人都高) ▲ no = not a 或not any 如: ① She has no books = She doesn’t have a book. = She does not have any books. ▲ no 表示它所修饰的名词的相反的意思。而not只能表示一般的否定。如: ① He is no teacher. 他根本(绝)不是老师。(不善于教书) ② He is not a teacher. 他不是老师。(可能是其它职业) ① He is no fool = He is clever. 他不笨(他是聪明的) ② He is not a fool. 他不是个傻子。 §276 no longer/ not…any longer/ no more / not any more Ⅰ. no longer = not … any longer, “不再”强调时间和动作不再持续,常与状态动词和延续性动词连用,如wait, stay, be等。 但no longer与no more 一样通常放在“三类词(情态动词、 助动词、连系动词)”之后。行为动词之前。而not … any longer 与not … any more 一样,其中的not与谓语动词构成否定式,常放在“三类词”之后。any longer,与any more 放在句末。如: ① He’s no longer living in this city. 他不住在这个城市了。 ② You are not a child any longer. 你已不再是个孩子了。 Ⅱ. no more = not … any more “不再”强调数量、次数上不再增加和强调动作终止的结果,因此,常与名词、瞬间动词连用,如hear, see, leave等。如: ① There’s no more bread. 不再有面包了。 ② He didn’t go there any more. 他再没去过那儿。 §277 no matter what/ whatever/ what ever Ⅰ.no matter what“不管什么,无论什么”用来引导让步状语从句。类似的词组还有:no matter where “不论哪里”, no matter which “不论哪一个”,no matter how“不论怎样”如: ① They are going to win the football match, no matter how bad the weather is. 不管天气多么糟糕,他们会赢得这场足球比赛。 ② No matter who knocks, don’t open the door. 不管谁敲门,都不要开门。 ③ Give me a call first no matter when you come. 不管什么时候来,都请你先给我打个电话。 Ⅱ.whatever 是连接代词,可以作“无论什么”解,引导让步状语从句,可以这样用的连接代词或连接副词有whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however等。如: ① Whatever you do, do your best. =No matter what you do, do your best. 无论你干什么,都要尽最大努力去干。 ② Whoever telephones, tell him I am out. = No matter who telephones, tell him I am out. 无论谁给我打电话,就说我出去了。 ③ Wherever he may be, he will be happy. = No matter where he may be, he will be happy. 无论在什么地方,他都是乐呵呵的。 Ⅲ.whatever 还可以解作 “凡是……的;所……的东西”(anything that),用来引导一个名词性从句,这时不能用no matter what 替换。如: ① Take whatever you want. 你要什么就拿什么吧。 ② Whatever I have is yours. 我所有的东西全都是你的。 Ⅳ. what ever 中的ever意为“究竟;到底”,用在疑问词what后面,以加强语气,着重表示说话者的情绪,如惊讶、愤怒、兴奋等,what ever 在意义上等于what on earth 或what in the world, 其他疑问词也可以这样用。如: ① What ever do you think you’re doing?你想想,你到底在干什么? ② Who ever left the door open?究竟是谁把门敞着不关? ③ Where ever did you pick up the pen? 你到底在哪儿捡到的这支钢笔? §278 not at all/ not … at all Ⅰ. not at all 是客套话,意为“别客气”相当于 That’s all right; You are welcome. 如: ①--Thank you very much. –Not at all. Ⅱ. not…at all “根本不”;“一点也不”。at all 用以加强语气。如: ① She doesn’t like it at all. 她根本不喜欢它。 ② He didn’t come at all. 他根本没来。 §279 officer/ official Ⅰ. officer “官员”常指武官,有时也指文官。如: ① The officer put down his arms and jumped into the pond for the fish. 那军官放下武器,跳到池塘里捉鱼去了。 ② His father is a police officer. 他父亲是警官。 ③ He is an administrative officer.他是行政官。 Ⅱ. official “官员”通常指政府的文职官员。如: ① An official is suspended from office. 有一位官员被停职。 ② They are government officials. 他们是政府官员。 §280 on time/ in time Ⅰ.in time “及时”,指的是不迟到或在提前的时间之前做某事,后面可接不定式或for短语。 Ⅱ.on time“准时”,指按规定的时间或指定的时间做某事,后面不可以跟不定式或for短语。如: ① Joe was just in time for the bus. Joe正好赶上那班汽车。 ② They got there on time to see the exhibition. 他们准时到那儿,去看了那个展览。 §281 one/ it Ⅰ. it 所指代的,与前面的名词是同一事物;它常替代限定词the, this, that 所修饰的单数名词,此外还可用来表示称赞或责备某人做了某事。如: ① Whose is the pen? Oh it’s mine. 这支笔是谁的?哦,是我的。 ② It’s very kind of you to invite me to the party. 承蒙邀请,不胜感激。(代to invite…) Ⅱ. one 所指代的是前面名词提到的同类事物,但不是同一件,它具有泛指的性质;它只能代替可数名词,复数形式是ones 如: ① Have you got a pen? No, I haven’t. Please ask Tom, I think he has got one. 你有钢笔吗?不,我没有。你去找一下汤姆吧,我想他有一只。 §282 pardon/ sorry/ excuse/ Ⅰ.pardon主要用于没有听清别人的说的话,请别人重复。或宽恕严重的过失或冒犯。可作名词和动词。 sorry 用于因做错了事或伤害了他人而向某人道歉。是形容词 Excuse则用于打扰别人或防碍别人的场合。 ① Please pardon me for not arriving sooner. 请原谅我没有及时赶到。 ② I did wrong and I’m going to beg their pardon. 我做错了,我打算去请求他们原谅我。 ③ I’m sorry to hear that your mother is ill. 听说你的母亲病了,我很难过。 ④ You’ll be sorry about that. 你会为此事后悔的。 ⑤ Excuse me, may use your pen? §283 past/ passed/ pass/ passor Ⅰ. past 是动词pass的过去时和过去分词。在句中作谓语。意为“通过、传递”,时间的“消逝”等。如: ① He passed (by) the bank. 他路经银行。 ② She passed him the cake. 她把蛋糕递给他。 ③ Two months passed before we had any news of them. 两个月过去了,我们才得到一点他们的消息。 Ⅱ. passer “过路人”;“过客”。 Ⅲ. past 不是动词形式,它除作为pass的过去分词形容词,作表语与定语外,还可作介词、副词及名词。如: ① He has been working hard in the past few weeks. 他在过去的几周里工作得很努力。(形) ② The past is past. 过去的事就让它过去了。(形,名) ③ She walked pasti him hurriedly. 她从他身边匆匆而过。(介 ④ The years went past without notice. 岁月不觉流逝。(副词) §284 path/ road/ way Ⅰ. path “道路”侧重于指“小道;小径”通常指走出来的路或指人行道等。如: a) There is a path to the top of the hill. 有一条小路通向山顶。 b) Keep to the pathor you maybe lose your way. 沿着这条路走,否则你可能会迷路。 Ⅱ. road 通常人和交通工具通行的一条条的路,它可以用作借喻,表示导致……途径。如: ① Where does this road lead to?这条路通什么地方? ② It was very hot day, and the road was terrible dusty. 那是非常炎热的一天,路上的尘土多得惊人。 ③ It is the road to success. 这是成功之路。 Ⅲ. way 不是指人和交通工具通行的一条条的路,而是指要达到特定的地点必须通过的地方。如: ① It is a long way from here to the station. 从这儿到车站有一大段路。 ② Which is the shortest way there? 到那儿去哪条路最近? ③ They are still on the way. 他们还在路上。 §285 personal/ personnel Ⅰ. personal [`pә:sәnl]与 personnel[pә:sә`nel]两个词音形相近,但词性和词义不同。如: personal 是形容词,“个人的;私人的;亲身的”。 ① That is my personal opinion. 那是我个人的意见。 ② She made a personal appearance. 她亲自到场。 Ⅱ. personnel 是个集体名词,没有复数形式。“全体人员;工作人员”如: ① Our personnel are very highly trained. 我们的工作人员训练有素。 ② The personnel are unhappy about these changes. 全体工作人员都不满意这些变动。 §286 point / score Ⅰ. point 指在考试、比赛中的“分”。如: ① 90 points . 90 分 ② We won / lost the game by 3 points. 我们以三分之差得胜/ 失败。 Ⅱ. score 指“成绩”。如: ① a score of 90 points . 90分的成绩。 ② She scored 20points in the competition. = Her score of the competition is 20. 她在竞赛中得了20分。 §287 point to/ point at point to 与point at 都有用手指着某人或某物的意思。但后者还可表“对准;瞄准”之意。如: ① She pointed to a boy and said that he was her brother. ② He pointed his gun at the enemy and shouted “Hands up”他把口对准敌人,大声喊:“举起手来”。 §288 police/ policeman Ⅰ. police 常用作复数,其后不加-s. 如: ① The police are on duty. 那些警察在值班。 Ⅱ. policeman “警察”与police 同意。其复数形式为policemen. (policewoman→policewomen) .但表一个警察时,应说:one / a policeman. 而不说:one / a police. §289 problem/ question Ⅰ. problem 通常指须急于解决或决定的重大问题或难题。如 ① This is a difficult social problem to solve. 这是很难解决的社会问题。 ② He is clever enough to work out the maths problem. Ⅱ. question 着重指由于对某事感到疑惑不解或不能断定而提出,并等待解答的问题。一般是不难的,在较短时间内能解决的问题。因此,我们可说:answer the question. 如: ① Please answer the question. §290 propose/ suggest Ⅰ. propose “建议、提议”,是书面语,带有正式和庄严的色彩。如: ① I propose an early start. 我建议及早开始(或动身)。 ② We propose that the house (should) be repaired. 我们建议对房屋进行修理。 Ⅱ. suggest “建议、提议”,但没有propose正式。如: ① I suggest a visit to the theatre. 我建议去看戏。 ② I suggest that we (should) begin at once. 我建议我们立即开始。 ③ He suggest going to the Summer Palace. 他建议去颐和园。 §291 pupil/student Ⅰ.pupil 特指“小学生;初等学校的学生”。也可指在教师指导下从事研究的“学生;门徒”如: The peanist often gives pisno lessons to her pupils. 这位钢琴家经常给她的学生上钢琴课。 Ⅱ.student 指“大专院校的学生;中学生”。 有时,也可指研究或攻读某一学科的人。如:—→a college student. a middle school student. He is a student of science. 他是一个理科学生。 §292 quick/ fast / rapid /soon Ⅰ. quick “快”一般指动作敏捷迅速,毫不延迟,在较短的时间内发生或完成某项动作。如: ① She ran with quick steps to the house. 她快步跑进屋子。 Ⅱ. fast“快”主要用作副词。指运动着的人或物体速度快。 ① The watch is only two minutes fast. 这只表只快两分钟。 Ⅲ. rapid 指一个或一连串的动作迅速、敏捷,着重指运动本身,有时也指激流。如: ① The diligent boy makes rapid progress in his studies. 这个勤奋的男孩儿学业进步迅速。 ② Their country house stands by a rapid steam. 他们的农舍在急流的溪边。 Ⅳ. soon 着重指时间方面的快,可指现在或某个特定的时间的不久以后。如: ① He will come back very soon.他将很快就回来。 §293 quite / very/ too Ⅰ. Quite 是程度副词,可修饰副词、形容词和动词。跟表程度的词连用时,有“相当”“非常”的意思;跟没有程度差别的词连用时,作“完全”讲。如: ① I feel quite well. 我觉得身体不很不错。 ② I am quite tired. 我相当 累了。 ③ We are not quite ready. 我们还没有完全准备好。 Ⅱ. Very 也是程度副词。“很;非常”可用来修饰形容词或副词。 如: ① This factory is very large. ② He runs very fast. [注意]:very 不能直接修饰动词。如: ① I quite like her. = I like her very much Ⅲ. Quite 与 very 有时可以通用。但在份量上very 比quite 重。试比较: ① His English is quite good.(= not bad)他的英语很不错。 ② His English is very good. (= excellent)他的英语好极了。 Ⅳ. Quite & very 与不定冠词连用时位置不同。即依照:“a(n)+very+形容词+中心名词”和“quite + a(n) + 形容词 +中心词”的顺序排列。 如: ① Jimes was quite a small baby. Jimes是个小孩子。 ② Jimes was a very small baby. Jimes 是个很小的孩子。 Ⅴ. Too “太、过分”含有超过容许的程度。带有否定的意味。 ① It is too cold today. 今天太冷了。(含有不喜欢或不……) ② It was very cold yesterday. 昨天很冷。 [注意]:very 不能与too连用。不可以说:It’s very too cold.应将very 改为much或far.如: ① The cap is too big for me. §294 quite/ rather/ very 都是程度副词,意为:“非常、相当、很”,无比较级和最高级。其区别在于: Ⅰ. quite 可直接修饰动词。如: ① Some people don’t like the winter, but I quite like it. Ⅱ. rather 不可直接修饰动词。语气稍强。可与would 连用构成 would rather…than…这个平行连词结构。如: ① She is rather tall. 她相当高。 ② Iwould rather stay at home(than go for a walk) 我宁愿呆在家里。(也不愿到散步) ③ I would rather you stayed at home. ④ I would rather listen to music than to swimming. 我宁愿听音乐,也不愿去游泳。 Ⅲ. very 也不能直接修饰动词。修饰形容词或副词时,语气最强。如: ① I like English very much = I quite like English. ② His English is very good. (程度强=excellent) →His English is quite (rather) good. (程度轻=not bad) [注]:quite (rather) 和very 与“不定冠词+形容词+名词”连用时位置不同。其排列顺序是: ▲ “quite + a (an) +adj + noun” → “a + quite (rather) +adj +noun” 如: ① This is quite an interesting film. ② It’s a quite (rather) fine day today. (只有名词前有形容词修饰时,冠词a / an 才可置前。 ▲ “a + very + adj + noun” 如: ① I watched a very interesting TV play. §295 real/ true Ⅰ.real 指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与“无”相对而言的。如: ① This is a story of real life. 这是一个从真实生活中取材的故事。 ② This is a real diamond.这是一颗真正的钻石。 Ⅱ. true 指符合某一标准或实际情况的,强调真实性。如: ① True love should last for ever. 真爱永不渝。 ② Is it true that you’re going abroad for your holidays? 你要到国外去度假是真的吗? [注]:come true “(梦想)实现”不用real. genuine [`dЗenju:in]指没有掺假的,货真价实的,强调纯真度。如: Is the bracelet[`breislit] genuine gold? 这手镯是真金的吗? §296 river/ stream/ brook Ⅰ. river 指流向湖、海等有一定航运能力的“江、河”。是通用词。常见于河流名称中。如: ① the Changjiang River Ⅱ. stream “川、溪、小河”指比江、河小的溪、小河等。 Ⅲ. broom “小溪、小河”指流量极小的stream. §297 road/ street/ way Ⅰ. road 指人和交通工具通行的“路”,也借喻:“导致……的途径”如: ① Where does the road lead to? 这条路通什么地方? ② It is the road to success. 这是成功之路。 Ⅱ. street “街道”指由建筑物夹成的路。无road用法广泛。 ① Don’t play in the street. Ⅲ. way 不是指实实在在的路,而是指达到特定的地点所须经过的地方。与方向有关。如: ① It is a long way from here to the station. 从这儿到车站有一大段路程。 ② Which is the shortest way there?到那儿去哪条路最近? §298 say/ speak/ talk/ tell Ⅰ. say “说、讲”普通用语,指用言语表达思想,强调所说的内容。如: ① What did he say? 他说了些什么? ② He said that it was true. 他说那是真实的。 Ⅱ. speak “说、讲”可表示以任何一种方式说话。它着重于说话这一动作本身。而不强调所说的内容。为不及物动词。作及物动词时与表语言的词连用。如: ① Please speak more slowly. 请说得慢一些。 ② The baby is learning to speak. 这小孩在学说话。 ③ She can speak English fluently. 她英语说得很流利。 Ⅲ. talk “谈话、讲话”,通常表连贯地与别人谈话。强调谈话这一动作,而不是内容。如: ① He was talking to a friend. 他在和一个朋友谈话。 ② He went on talking for a long time, but he spoke so fast that few of us could catch what he said. 他滔滔不绝地讲了半天,但是他说得太快,我们几乎没有什么人能听懂他说的些什么。 ③ She is always talking nonsense. 她总爱讲废话。 Ⅳ. tell “告诉、讲述”指将某事讲给别人听。它有时还有“吩咐、命令”等含义。如: ① He told the news to everybody in the village. 他把这消息告诉了村子里的每个人。 ② She told me not to write the letter. 她叫我不要写信了。 §299 seat/ sit Ⅰ.seat 多用作名词。表“座位”,当它用作动词时表“坐、就座”,是及物动词,与反身代词连用。如: ① He seated himself at a desk. 他在桌旁坐下。 ② Please be seated , gentlemen.请就座,各位先生。 ③ Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去。 Ⅱ. sit 为不及物动词。如: ①Sit down , please. §300 see sb doing sth/ do sth Ⅰ.see sb doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事”,用动词的-ing形式作宾语补足语,表动作正在进行。 Ⅱ.see sb do sth. “见到某人做了某事”,表动作发生了,即动作的全部过程已经结束了。类似的动词还有:hear, feel, watch,等感官动词,及have, let, make等使役动词。如: ① She saw a boy go into your classroom. 她看见一个男孩进了人的教室。 ② I saw him walking in the street.我看见他正在街上散步。 ③ The teacher heard Jim reading English when she came in. 老师进来时,听见Jim在读英语。 §301 so…that / such…that Ⅰ. so that 可引导目的状语从句和结果状语从句,引导目的状语从句时,句中常有情态动词can, could 等。如: ① They climbed higher so that they might see farther. 他们爬得更高,以便看得更远。 ② I got up early this mornign so that I caught the first bus. 今天早晨我起得很早,结果赶上了头班车。 Ⅱ. so …that “如此……以致……”,so 是副词,在其后可跟形容词或副词,再跟that引导结果状语从句。如: ① He spoke so fast that no one could understand him. 他说得太快,没人能听得懂。 ① The T-shirt cost so little that she bought several. 那件T恤衫很便宜,她买了好几件。 Ⅲ. such … that 与so … that 同意。但such 后跟名词或名词短语。如: ① She is such a girl that everyone likes her. 她是个人人喜欢的女孩。 ② He made such raped progress that before long he began to write articles in English for an American newspaper. 他进步如此之快,以至于不久就开始用英语给一家美国报纸撰稿了。 [注]:如果名词前为many 修饰时,用so 而不用such. 见下节例子。 §302 so/ such Ⅰ. 两者都可以表“这样、如此”之意。So 是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词。如: ① I am so glad to hear from my friend.收到朋友的信我真高兴。 ② He writes so well. 他写得这么好。 Ⅱ. Such 是形容词, 用来修饰单数可数名词,其后需加不定冠词 a 或an. 如: ① He told us such a funny story. 他给我讲了一个很有趣的故事。 ② You are interested in such things. 你对这样的事感兴趣。 [注意]:当单数可数名词前面有形容词修饰时,也可以有 so, 但要调整冠词的位置。 ① He told us so funny a story. 他给我讲了一个如此有趣的故事。 如果被修饰的名词前有表 “多”或“少”这两个意义的 many, much, small 和 little 时,用 so 而不用 such. 如: ① Don’t bame him. He is just such a little boy. 别责备他,他只是这么小的一个孩子。 ② We have a long way to go yet, but there’s so little water left. 我们还有很长的路要走,但所剩的水已很少了。 §304 socks/ stockings Ⅰ. socks 指不到膝盖的“短袜”如: ① He bought a pair of nylon socks. 他买了一双尼龙袜。 ② My socks have been darned [da:nd] again and again. 我袜子已经一补再补。 Ⅱ. stockings 指到膝盖或过膝盖的“长袜”。 如: ① She bought a pair of silk stockings. 她买了一双长丝袜。 §305 some time/ sometime/ sometimes/some times Ⅰ,sometime,是副词, 意为“在某个时候”,可与将来时连用,也可以与过去时连用。如: ① He was here sometime last year. 去年某一时候他在此地。 ② We shall visit the Science Museum sometime next week. 我们将在下周的某一时候去参观科学馆。 Ⅱ.some time 是名词词组,意为“一段时间”。也可副词词组,用来指一个未肯定的时间,常指将来,可与sometime通用。 ① I stayed here for some time. 我在这儿呆了一段时间。 ② Let’s have dinner some time(=sometime) next week. 下星期我们找个时间一块吃顿饭。 Ⅲ.sometimes. “有时、不时”,是频度副词,常与一般现在时或过去时连用。如: ① Sometimes they make modes ships.有时他们制作轮船模型。 Ⅳ.some times “几次、几倍” 表次数或倍数。如: ① We have been there some times. 我们去那儿几次了。 §306 sound/ voice/ noise Ⅰ. sound “声音”,为最常用词,指可以听到的任何声音,强的,弱的,令人愉快的或不愉快的,有意义的或无意义的。如: ① I was reading last night, when suddenly I heard a sound in the next room. 昨晚我正看书时,突然听到隔壁房间有声音。 ② Not a sound was heard. 听不到一点声音。 Ⅱ. noise 常指太响或人们不愿听到的声音,“嘈杂声、喧闹声”。 ① I am always disturbed by the noise of the traffic. 我老受到车辆噪声的打扰。 ② The boys made too much noise. 孩子们太吵闹了。 Ⅲ. voice 指“说话声”“唱歌声”“嗓音”如: ① That sounds like Mary’s voice. 那声音听起来好象玛丽的声音。 ② She has lost her voice.她嗓子哑了。 §307 space/ universe Ⅰ. space “宇宙”指“空间,时间”如: ① The earth moves through space.地球在太空中运行。 ② The moon is our nearest neighbour in space and men have visited it already. 在宇宙里,月球是我们最近的邻居,人们已经访问过它了。 ③ There isn’t enough space in the classroom for thirty desks. 教室里没有足够的空间放三十张桌子。 Ⅱ. universe “宇宙”是世界上独一无二的。前要用定冠词the. 除指时、空外,还指在时、空内万事万物。 ① Our world is only a small part of the universe. 我们的世界只是宇宙的一小部分。 §308 steal/ rob Ⅰ. steal “偷”, 指暗中盗取,句型为“steal +被盗物+from+被盗人或地点”。如: ① Their car was stolen。他们的汽车被偷了。 ② He stole some money from her. 他偷了她的钱。 Ⅱ. rob “抢劫”,指公然用暴力抢劫他人物品,句型为:“rob+被盗人或地点+of+被盗物”。如: ③ Their car was robbed. 他们的汽车被抢了。 ④ He robbed her of her money. 他抢了她的钱。 [注]:和steal相关的名词是 “thief”(贼,小偷);和rob相关的名词是robber “强盗,盗贼” §309 stop doing sth/ stop to do sth/ stop from doing sth Ⅰ.stop doing sth.“停止做某事”表停止正在做的事情。如: ① They stoped talking to me. 他们中断了与我交谈。 ② Stop running about. 不要乱跑。 Ⅱ.stop to do sth. “停下来去做某事”即停止正在做的事,而去做另一件事。不定式为stop的目的状语。如: ③ They stopped to talk to me. 他们停下来和我交谈。 ④ Let’s stop to have a rest 让我们停下来休息一会儿。 Ⅲ.stop (sb/sth).from doing sth. “阻止某人/物不要做某事”from可省略。=prevent sb. from doing sth; keep sb. from doing sth. 但keep~ 中的from不能省略。如: ⑤ We must stop him (from) doing such a foolish thing. 我们必须阻止他做这样的蠢事。 ⑥ The Green Great Wall stopped the wind blowing the sand to the field of the south. ⑦ You’d better keep the fire 你最好 §310 stop/ station Ⅰ.stop 表“站”,一般指路途的公共汽车停靠点。 Ⅱ.station 着重指车、船等的始发和终点站,范围较前者在。如:The bus stop is in front of the station. §311 subject/ theme/ topic Ⅰ. subject “题目、科目” 是应用最广泛的用语,可指讨论、研究、写作或艺术创作等的题目。如: ① Let’s change the subject. 让我们改换话题吧。 ② I have studied the subject. 我研究过这个题目。 Ⅱ. theme “题目、主题”,尤指文学或艺术作品的主题。如: ① The students are discussing the theme of a novel. 学生们在讨论小说的主题。 ② Waterfalls are from very early times a favourite theme for the painter. 瀑布很早就是画家喜爱的主题。 Ⅲ. topic “题目”指选定作为个人写篇文章或一些人进行讨论的题目。如: ① The students were asked to write an essay [e`sei ]on one of the assigned [ә`saind] (指派)topies. 要求学生根据指定题目当中的一题写文章。 ② Baseball is their favourite topic of conversation. 棒球运动是他们最喜好谈论的话题。 [注]: title 指书籍、诗歌、图画等的名称以及标题。 §312 surprise/ surprising/ surprised Ⅰ.surprise作名词,意为“惊奇,诧异”。如: ① To my surprise,they lost! 使我惊奇的是他们输了! ② He said to me in surprise, “Can’t you skate?” 他惊奇地对我说:“你不会滑冰”? Ⅱ.surprise作及物动词,意为“使人惊奇,使感到意外”。如:①You surprise me. 你真使我惊奇。 Ⅲ.surprising是现在分词作形容词用,意为“使惊奇的,出人意料的”,常指物。如: The surprising success makes us very happy. 这出人意料的成功使我们非常高兴。 Ⅳ.surpised是过去分词作形容词用,指人“对。。。。。。感到惊奇”。如: We’re surprised at your words. 对你的话我们感到诧异。 [联想] 现在分词作形容词表“进行”,“主动”的含意;而过去分词常表“完成”,“被动”的含意。类似的词还有exciting/excited;interesting/intereisted,relaxed/relaxing,如: ① I was surprised at the news. 我对这消息感到吃惊。 The news is surprising. 这消息令人感到惊奇。 ② We are all interested in her idea. 我们对她的想法感兴趣。 She has an interesting idea. 她有一个有趣的想法。 §313 talk with/ talk of/ talk on/ talk about Ⅰ. talk with 后接的对象作宾语,介词with可用to代替。如: ① He was talking with / to a friend. 他在与一位朋友谈话。 Ⅱ. talk about “谈论”,后接谈话的内容,宾语可以是人,也可以是物。如: ① What are you talking about ?你们在谈论什么? ② Let’s not talk about it now. 咱们别谈这事了。 Ⅲ. talk of “谈到、谈及”,与talk about 同义,只是talk of 仅指“浅谈表面现象(如作者、书名等)”如: ① We often talk of you. 我们常谈到你。 Ⅳ. talk on “论述”不仅指内容,而且还指评论。如: ① They seldom talk on politics in those days. 那时候他们很少谈论政治。 §314 telephone/ ring/ ring up Ⅰ. telephone “打电话”是及物动词,后接名词、代词或从句。也可作不及物动词,其后用介词to再接宾语。它可缩略为phone.多用于口语中。如: ① Did you telephone Li Lei? ② Telephone (Phone) me tomorrow. ③ He telephoned that he couldn’t attend the meeting. Ⅱ. ring “打电话”可用作及物动词和不及物动词。如: ① He wanted you to ring him. 他要你打电话给他。 此外:ring for 按铃叫(某人);ring back 回电话;ring off挂断电话。 Ⅲ. ring up “给……打电话”(= call up)如: ①I will ring him up. 我会打电话给他。 §315 tell of/ tell about 一般情况下tell of 可与tell about 换用。Tell之后常接表示人的名词或代词,介词of与about后接谈到的事情或内容。但在表示提起某事时倾向于tell of ;在表示详细地讲述有关情况时,倾向于tell about。如: ① Have you told your mother of your idea? 你把比的想法告诉你母亲了吗? ② I told her about that the other day. 前些天我和她谈了这件事。 §316 thanks for/ thanks to Ⅰ. thanks for = thank you for “为……谢”强调谢的原因。如: ① Thanks for lending me your umbrella.谢谢你借给我雨伞。 ① Thank you for your dictionary. 谢谢你的字典。 Ⅱ. thanks to “多亏了……”;“由于……的帮助”相当于because of …或 with the help of … , 在此短语中,to是一个介词,后接名词或代词。如: ① Thanks to the doctor, I am well again. 多亏这位医生,我身体又康复了。 ② Thanks to our teachers, we all passed the exam. 多亏了老师的帮助,我们都及格了。 ③ Thanks to your help, I finish the work on time. 多亏了你的帮助,我才能按时完成工作。 §317 that/ who/ which Ⅰ. 引导定语从句的关系代词有:who, whom, whose(一般指人),which(一般指物),that ( 指人或物)等。关系副词有:where(地点)when(时间), why(原因)等。 Ⅱ. that 在从句中指物,也可指人,可作主语和宾语。如: ① Water that is polluted often causes serous illness. 受污染的水常会引起重病。(that 在句中指物,用作主语) ② Do you have everything that you need? (that在从句中指物,用作宾语) 你所需要的东西都有了吗? ③ He is the man that they talked about just now. (that 在从句中指人,用作宾语) 他时刚才他们谈论的那个人。 ④ Do you know the man that / who spoke just now? 你认识刚才讲话的人吗? Ⅲ. who 和whom 在句中指人,分别作主语和宾语。如: ① A doctor is a person who looks after people’s health. ( who 在从句中用作主语) 医生是保护人们健康的人。 ② I have just met a lady whom I saw last week. (whom在从句中用作宾语) 我刚遇上一位我上星期见过的人。 Ⅳ.which 在从句中指物,可作主语和宾语。如: ① My aunt was not on the train which arrived just now. (which 在从句中作主语) 我阿姨不在刚才到达的那列火车上。 ② This is the coat which you wanted.(which 用作宾语)这就是你要的那件外套。 Ⅴ. whose 在从句中多指人,也可指物,用作定语。如: ① You are the only one whose advice he might listen to. (whose 作advice的的定语) 只有你的话他可能听。 ② I’d like a room whose window looks out over the sea. 我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。 [注意]:在下述情况下,定语从句中关连词只能用 that. : Ⅰ. 先行词是 all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much 等不定代词时,如: ① Only a scientist could understand all that this pursuit meant.只有科学家知道这追求意味着什么。 ② I am sure she has something that you can borrow. 我相信她有你能借到的东西。 ③ Everything that we saw was of great interest to us. 我们对见到的一切都感兴趣。 ④ There is little that I can use. 我能用的东西几乎没有。 ⑤ He saw much that was bad. 他见了很多坏东西。 [注]:① 先行词是 something 时,关系代词用 that 或 which 都可以。 ② 先行词是:someone, anyone, everyone, somebody, anybody, nobody,everybody 时,关系代词用 that 或 who 都可以。 Ⅱ. 先行词被 all, every, very no, some, any, little, much 等修饰时,如: ① I have read all the books that you gave me. 我把你给我的书全都看了。 ② He is the very man that came here yesterday. 他就是昨天来的人。 Ⅲ. 先行词被序数词、形容词最高级 修饰时。如: ① This is the first composition thathe has written in English. 这是第一篇他用英语写的作文。 ② The smallest living things that can be seen under a microscope are bateria. 在显微镜下我们能看见的最小的东西是细菌。 ③ This is the best novel that I have ever read. 这是我读过的最好的小说。 Ⅳ. 先行词被 the only, the very, the same, the last 等修饰时。 ① That white flower is the only one that I really like.白花是我唯一真正喜欢的花。 ② This is the very book that I want to find. 这正是我想要的书。 ③ The last place that we visited was the chemical works. 我们最后参观的是化工厂。 Ⅴ. 当有两个或两个以上分别表示人和物的先行词时,定语从句只能用that 与主句连接,而不能用who / whom / which引导。如: ① He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited . 他谈了关于他访问过的老师和学校的情况。 Ⅵ. 当主句是以 who 或which 开头的特殊疑问句时,关连词只能用that . 而不能用 who / whom / which. 如: ① Who is the person that is standing at the gate?站在门口的那人是谁。 ② Which of us that knows something about physics does not know this?我们当中哪一个懂物理的人不知道这个? [注]:在使用一些固定搭配的短语动词时,that 与其它关系词有时可以互用,其介词不能提前,而必须放在动词之后,这时指物用that, which 均可,指人时用who, whom, that 均可. ① This is the key which / that you are looking for. ② He is a man (whom / that ) you can safely depend on. 他是你能依赖的人。 ① The person whom / that / who he looks after is his mother. §318 think of / think about/think over Ⅰ. think of “想起、记起;有……想法、看法;对……有意见;考虑” 如: ① Will you think of me after I’ve left? 我离开后,你还会记着我吗? ② I know the person you mean,but I can’t think of his name. 我知道你讲的人是谁,但记不起他的名字。 ② We are thinking of going to Spain for our holiday this year.我们今年有 到西班牙去休假的想法(打算)。 ③ What do you think of my new dress? 你认为我的新衣服怎么样?(可与think about 互换) ④ She thinks of no one but herself.她除自己外不考虑任何人。 Ⅱ. 当它作“想到过去的某事”或“考虑到某事”解时,常与think about 通用。即:“……考虑”;“对……看法” ① We have many things to think of / about before going there. 在动身去那之前,我们还有许多事情要考虑。 ② 见Ⅰ④ Ⅲ.think about 可以表“想、回想”着重于想的过程。如: ① I am thinking about the friends I have lost.我正在回想那些失去了的朋友。 [注]:think of 可以表“想象一下,想想”而think about 则不能。—→Think of your mother!想想你的母亲吧! —→Think of the danger! 想象一下危险吧! Ⅳ.think over “仔细考虑”其中over 是副词。如: ①I will think the thing over. 我要把这事仔细考虑一下。 §319 think much(well) of/ think highly of/ think little(poorly) of/ sing high praise of/ speak highly of Ⅰ. speak highly of “高度评价,赞扬”,相当于 think highly of 如: ① Our headmaster spoke highly of my classmates at the meeting. 我们校长在会上高度赞扬了我班的同学。 ② The people speak highly of the TV play. 人们对这部电视剧评价很高。 [注] speak 构成的短语: speak English 讲英语(某种语言);speak to sb. 和某人交谈; speak well / ill of 说……的好/坏话;speak like a book 大胆地说 speak for oneself 为自己辩护。 Ⅱ. think much well of “对……印象很好”如: ① We all think well of your suggestion. 我们都认为你的建议很好。 Ⅲ. think little / poorly / badly of “对……印象不好”如: ① You thought very badly of him at first, didn’t you? 起初你对他印象很坏,是吧? Ⅳ. think much of “比……更看重(考虑得多)”如: ① He thought more of health than of money. 和金钱相比他更看重健康。 Ⅴ. sing high praise for “高度赞扬某人/某物” §320 till/ until till 和until 都可作介词或连词,其用法有两种: Ⅰ. 在肯定句中,意为“到……为止”谓语动词一般要求是延续的。如: ① I shall stay here till / until next day.我将留在这儿一直到下星期天。 Ⅱ. 在否定句中,意为“直到……才……”,表这个动词的动作直到till / until所表示的时间才发生。如: ① They are not going back to work until / till they get more money. 他们要等到增加了工资才复工。 §321 to do sth/ doing sth 动词不定式(to do sth)与动词的ing 形式,都是非谓语动词。一般地, 不定式表示:具体的,某一次特定的或将来的行为。而动词的-ing 形式则表示:抽象的,一般地,具有普遍性的,或正在进行的行为。在句中都能作:主语,宾语,定语,状语,宾补等。如: ① I like swimming, but I dn’t like to go today. 我喜欢游泳,但今天我不想去。 [注]:下列动词接to do sth.和doing sth 的不同意义: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. §322 towards/ to / for Ⅰ. for “向……”,接在leave, start, depart 等动词之后,表方向。如: ① She is leaving for Beijing. 她将动身到北京去。 Ⅱ. towards 仅表“方向”,比for 的意味要强。如: ① He is coming towards the house. 他向这房子走来。 Ⅲ. to “向,朝……”表目的地。接在动词come, go, return, proceed, move, march 等后。如: ① Let’s go to Yangzhou by steamer. 让咱们乘船去杨州吧! ② Soon after his return(he returned) to England, his father died. 当他回英国不久后,他的父亲便去世了。 §323 treat/ heal 二者都是动词,treat意为“治疗”,强调用药物或医疗手段医治的过程,并不表示治疗了效果。heal意为“治愈”,指医好伤病。如: ① The dentist is treating his teeth.牙医在为他治牙。 ② The doctor healed my burns. 医生治好了我的烧伤。 §324 used to do sth/ be used to doing sth/ be used to do sth/ would Ⅰ. Used to do sth.“过去常常做某事”(现在不做了),只用于过去时态。如: ① He used to get up early.过去他常早起。(现在已不这样了) ② Her mother used to go shopping on Fridays, but now she does it on Sunday. 她母亲过去常在周五去购物,但现在她周日去了。 Ⅱ. Be used to (doing)sth. “习惯于做某事”,be used 是被动语态结构。可用于现在、过去、将来多种时态。Be可用get, become等代替。如: ① He will be / has been used to getting up early. 他将会/ 已经习惯于早起。 Ⅲ. Be used to do sth. “被用于做某事”, be used 是被动语态结构,其中不定式表目的,可用于多种时态。如: ① Wood is used to make paper.木材用来造纸。 [注]:used to 的否定式有两种:一是:used not to 二是:didn’t use to 如: ① My father used not to smoke. = My father didn’t use to smoke.我爸爸过去不抽烟。 ② They used not to live in the country. = They didn’t use to live in the country. 其疑问式是将used 提前,或添加助动词 did. Ⅳ.would 是情态动词,没有象used to 那样,有过去和现在的对比。不能说明是否现在还做不做。 §325 very / right / just Ⅰ. right “正好”“就” “立刻”等。如: ① Mike lives right opposite the street.麦克就住在街对面。 ② There’s a big stone right in the middle of the road. 路正中有块在石头。 ③ Lily met an accident right here. 莉莉就是在这儿出事的。 ④ She’ll be right back. 她马上就回来。 Ⅱ. Just 作为副词,常用在祈使句前以加强语气。如: ① Just think of the result. 试想一下后果吧。 ② Just touch it . 你摸摸吧。 ③ Just wait a moment, please.请稍等。 Ⅲ. very 作为形容词,常与the, this或my, your等连用,以加强语气,表“正是那个”“恰好的”等。如: ① You are the very person I’m looking for. (= You are the right person …) 你正是我要找的人。 ② The two men fought on this very spot. (= right in this place) 那两个男子就是在这个地方打起来的。 §326 why not/ why don’t 此两者都是表建议的句型,一般可以代换。类似的还有: ▲ Let’s… ▲ Shall I / we … ? ▲ How / What about … ? Ⅰ. why not “好的、可以呀、为什么不可以呢?”如: ①--Mum, may I go out to play basketball now? –Why not? ③ Why not ask your teacher? 怎么不去问一问你的老师呢? 此外还可表一种不可理解的心情: ① --I won’t see the film again. – Why not? Ⅱ. why don’t 是一种友好的建议(a friendly suggestion).无论在什么场合,使用起来十分亲切。后面接主语。如: ① Why don’t you go swimming? 为什么不去游泳呢? ② Why don’t I give Lily some colourful pencils? 我给莉莉一些彩笔,好吗? §327 work / job Ⅰ.job “工作”,既可指固定的工作,也可指临时的或某项具体的工作,是可数名词,前面可用不定冠词a, 也可以有复数形式。如: ① John lost his job. John失业了。 ② There were just not enough jobs.没有 那么多的工作(可干)。 ③ Tom’s father is looking for a job. Ⅱ,work 是个普通用词,泛指一切工作,是不可数名词。如: ① I have a lot of work to this evening. 教师的工作就是教学。 ② A teacher’s work is teaching.老师的工作就是教学。 [联想]:搭配 apply/hung for a job.求职 get/ find a job.找到一份工作 lose one’s job。失业 perform odd job.打零工 quit a job. 辞职 have/work a side job 兼职 take a part-time/full-time job in a department store. 在百货公司担任兼职或专职工作。 §328 work at/ work on/ work out Ⅰ. work at 与work on 都可以作“从事于”,后接名词、代词、或动词-ing 形式作宾语。 Work at 侧重于表示所从事的工作和性质,而不在于说明正在做什么。此时可将work at 译为“学习,研究,写作,致力于”等。如: ① They have worked at this subject for many years. 他们研究这个课题已经有好多年了。 ② He is working at a new invention. 他正致力于一项新的发明。 Ⅱ. work on 侧重于表示“从事某项工作”。可将它译为“造;创作;画;做……”。宾语为其具体的对象。常用于进行时态和完成时态。还可表示:“继续工作;对……起作用”如: ① We’re workin on some wood-cuts. 他们正在创作一些木刻作品。 ② He has been working on this painting for days. 这张画他已画了好些天了。 ③ They will work on till sunset. 他们将继续工作,直到日落。 ④ This medicine will work on the affected part. 这药能对患部起作用。 §329 worth/ worthy Ⅰ.worth可用作名词或形容词,作名词时,意为“价值”,无复数形式;也可解作“值一定金额的数量”如: ① Nobody knew the true worth of his work. 没有人知道他的工作的真实价值。 ② Give me one yuan’s worth of apples. 给我一元钱的苹果。 ▲ worth 作形容词时,只能用作表语,不能作定语,其后常跟钱数或相当于钱的词,表示:“值多少钱”;跟动词的-ing 形式,表示“值得(做)……”。如: ① The dictionary is worth 5 yuan. 这本字典值5元钱。 ② The play is worth seeing. 这场戏值得一看。 Ⅱ.worthy 是形容词,意为“值得”,主要用作表语,后跟of , 再接名词或动词-ing 的被动形式。Worthy 后也可跟不定式。如表被动意思须接不定式的被动语态。如: ① She is worthy of help. 她值得帮助。 ② The watch is worthy of being bought. 这块表值得买 ③ The question is worthy to be discussed. 这个问题值得讨论。 2010年中考英语作文预测(含分类) 突发事件问题(热点) 突发事件问题是中考书面表达的热点话题,从非典到雪灾,从地震到甲型HINI流感病例(A/HINI flu cases),都频频出现在各地中考试卷中,因此必须重视。但这类文章的写作有一定的难度,掌握基本句式和写作技巧非常必要 典型例句 1.one +of + 形容词最高级+ 名词复数 One of the biggest events in China in 2008 is that the earthquake happened in WenChuan. 2. It"s our duty to do sth It"s our duty to help them. 3.As….as possible We shoud help them as much as possible. 4.here be….. Here are lots of things we can do. 5.We shoud keep calm instead of being afraid. 6.make +sb+ 形容词 It makes many people homeless. 7. too …..to They are too young to look after themselves 例文 1、汶川大地震 (黑龙江鸡西)A.5月12日,四川省汶川地区发生了罕见的大地震,那里的人们痛失亲人和家园。全国人民众志成城,抗震救灾。作为一名中学生,请你谈谈你的做法和感受。 要求:文章语言流畅,逻辑清晰,用词准确,80—100字左右;词汇参考:地震earthquake悲痛sorrow受到感动be deeply moved安慰comfort重建rebuild自愿做某事volunteer to do sth 参考范文: On May 12th, a big earthquake happened in Wenchun, Sichuan. Many people lost their relatives and their homes. All the Chinese people feel quite sorrow.A lot of people volunteer to help them. Some people raise money for them, some people buy something for them, some people go there to comfort the sad children. Thousands of soldiers help them to save their relatives and rebuild their homes Even foreign friends also give them a hand. I’m deeply moved by these people. So I’ll use my pocket money to buy some food and school things for the children there. I think all of us should try our best to help them to get out of the trouble together. 2、雪灾 去年春节期间,我国大部分地区遭受雪灾,特别是南方,室几十年未遇。公路、铁路、机场都被迫关闭,电网瘫痪,数百万人不能回家过年。部分山区人民生活异常困难,在各级政府的带领下,人民群众、解放军战士英勇抗击雪灾,涌现出大批可歌可泣的英雄事迹。作为一名中学生,你有何感想?有何打算?能不能改变这种状态? As we know, our country suffered heavy snow last Spring Festival. Everything was covered with heavy snow. It made the buses, trains and planes stop. Millions of people couldn"t go home. Many people suffered trouble. There was no food, water or light in some places. Our government called on people to fight against heavy snow. As a student, I think we should learn from those heroes. We must study hard at school. We should learn all kinds of nowledge to make our motherland stronger, better and richer. 3.甲型HINI流感 从电视上看到美国正流行甲型HINI流感(A/HINI flu),部分学校停课你为你正在美国上学的笔友Mike的健康与安全担心。请立即给他写一封email询问他的情况,并给他提出防护建议。 要点: 一.询问 1.他的健康状况; 2.他们学校有无甲型HINI流感病例(A/HINI flu cases); 3.他们是否还上学。 二.建议 1.尽量呆在家里,少去人多的地方; 2.勤洗手;讲卫生 3.多开窗,保持空气新鲜; 4.多吃水果蔬菜。 Dear Mike, From the TV I know many A/HINI I flu cases are reported recently in the United States and many schools are closed as a result. I’m so worried about you. Are you alright? Are there any A/HINI flu cases in your school? Do you still have to school everyday? To stay away from the disease, you’d better stay at home as much as possible and not go to places where there are many people. Wash your hands more often to keep them clean; Open the window to have more fresh air in the room; And eat more fruit and vegetable to keep yourself fit and strong. So far the disease is not so deadly as it seems to be. Do be at ease! Take care and you’ll be OK. Yours truly, Li Hua 4、(四川南充)“5.12”汶川大地震后,某校将开展“人人为灾区孩子献爱心”的主题班会活动,现在请你以学生会的名义写一份倡议书,内容要点如下: 1.许多孩子地震后不能上学 2.。没有足够的学习用品和衣物 3.每个孩子都应该有上学的权利 4.我们应该作一些力所能及的事情去帮助、他们,比如…… 5.希望他们能尽快重返校园……. 注意:1.可根据要点,适当发挥,(参考词汇:school things, have the right to do something, as possible as one can) 2.词数:70词左右 参考作文: Dear students, After the terrible earthquake, there are lots of children out of school. Some of them are even homeless.Their schools and houses have destroyed. They can just live in the open air. They don’t have enough school things or clothes .As we all know, every kid has the right to go to school, but now they are in trouble. As a Chinese, we should help them as possible as we can. We can raise some money and things for them. And we can also write to them to encourage them. I hope they will return to school as soon as possible with our help. Students’ Union 健康问题(热点) 健康问题是中考常考的话题,出题形式多样,有必要下苦功掌握。 典型例句 1. It is very important to keep healthy。 2. How can we keep healthy? 3. We can"t go to sleep too late. We can"t get up too late。 4. We should eat the food healthily。 5. We should do more exercise。 6. Last Tuesday I got a cold and had a pain in my head。 7. I didn"t feel like eating anything。 8. I decided to see the doctor。 9. In the doctor"s office, the doctor looks over me carefully。 10. He said :"Nothing serious." And he told me to take a rest and drink more water。 11. A nurse gave me an injection. It was a little painful。 12. The doctor asked me to take the medicine three times a day。 13. A few days later, I felt better. From then on I believe that keeping healthy is the most important thing in the world。 例文 1、根据图示,简要介绍一下如何才能保持健康,并展开想象,适当发挥。要求:词数80左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。 参考答案: All of us want to be healthy. First,we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad for our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once. 2.卫生健康饮食:健康一直是人们关注的问题我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据下表内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇80字左右的演讲槁。 保持健康的重要性 保持健康的方法 保持健康的结论9 (你的看法?) 1.多吃水果蔬菜保持饮食平衡避免含糖高脂肪高的食物2.多锻炼健身强体;3.鄙弃不良习惯 (你的看法?) How to stay our health /fit? 范文1: Dear boys and grils : I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? As a middle shool studentfirst you’d better do more exercise such as playing ball games running swimming and jumping rope(绳子). Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals Don’t eat too much meat and suger but more vegetables and fruit.Third you need enough sleep or rest . Nextkeep yourself happy.As people often say smiling makes younger.Last you mustn’t drink wine or smoke .They are bad for your health. That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.Thank youbye! 范文2:Dear boys and girls: I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit?Today many teenagers are unhealthybecause they do less exercise eat more junk foodisn’t enough time to sleep. If we keep fitwe must keep taking exercises every day .Eat lots of fruit and vegetables .Sleep for about 8 hours a night.Stay away from cigarettes/smoking/drugs 毒品 .Early to bed early to rise/get up .Breathe (呼吸)the fresh air in the open air.Keep happy every day. That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life. 3、根据中英文提示,写出内容完整、意思连贯、符合逻辑的稿件。(字数不少于60词,英文提示词供选用) 有写学生不爱吃学校的午饭,常到校外去吃他们所喜欢吃的食物。但有些食物并不利于他们的身体健康。“英语角”打算针对这个问题展开讨论。请你准备一篇讨论稿,谈谈你的看法和建议。 参考词汇:not like, go out of school, be afraid, be back, more delicious, offer 范文: We know that some of our students do not like eating lunch at school because the food isn’t delicious. So they often go out of school to buy something they like to eat. But I’m afraid it’s bad for their health to eat lunch outside because some of the food they buy isn’t healthy enough. In my opinion, if our schools want more students to be back and enjoy lunch inside, they should make the food more delicious, and also they should offer our students a larger choice of food as well. 关于环境保护问题(热点) 环境保护问题是中考热门话题,出现频率高,难度较大,必须掌握。 典型句子 1. It’s our duty to save wate 2. As we know , water is very important to man, 3.we can’t live without water. 4.The amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and less. 5.But some people don’t care about it . 6.Many rivers and lakes are seriously polluted. Something must be done to stop the pollution. 7. It"s our duty to protect our environment。 8. It is very important to take care of our environment 9. We should not throw litter onto the ground 10. We should not spit in a public place/ cut down the trees 11. We should plant more flowers and trees。 12. We must pick up some rubbish and throw it into a dustbin 13. If everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful。 15.Trees are very helpful and important for us. 17.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future. t’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment. 例文 1.假如你是新华中学的学生,名叫MIKE。去年6月1日,我国已经禁止使用塑料袋,你对此有何看法和什么好的建议? I’m Mike. I am a student in Huaxing Middle School. Do you know the plastic bags? Do you often use the plastic bags? I don’t like them. I think they use the wasting valuable oil their production. And they can’t decompose(分解) in a short time. The plastic bags will make our world worse. I agree with the rule, which people can’t get the free plastic bags in the shops, supermarkets. It encourages people to use their cloth bags and baskets. It’s good for our environment. So I hope all the students in our class stop to use the plastic bags, and use our own cloth bags. I hope we can take care of our environment. Let’s make our world more and more beautiful. 2 、 6月5日( June 5)是世界环境保护日, 我们周围的环境变得越来越糟糕,污染越来越严重……。假如你是学生Jone.,你校要进行“如何保护我们的环境?”专题演讲比赛,要求:1、举例说明环境存在的问题1—3方面;2、如何保护好我们的环境,采取怎样的措施,举例1—3方面进行说明,字数80左右。 Dear headmasters,teachers,classmates and friends: I’m very proud that I have chosen to speak to you all today, I’m a bit nervous as I’ve never made a speech before to so many people ,so please forgive me if it shows. As we all know,the environmemt around us is getting worse and worse .In some places we can’t see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. .But what can we do? How to protect our environmemt ?For example ,we can go to school on foot or by bike . we can use shopping basskets not plastic bags .when we go shopping and we can use both sides of the paper when we write .In a word ,if everyone pays more attention to our environment ,there will be less pollution and our life will be better. “There is only one earth”,I hope everyone will protect our environment well. Thanks! 3、(江苏南通)目前南通市正在积极创建全国文明城市,中学生也在为之努力。假如你是你是某中学的一名学生张通,请根据下列图表所示内容,给笔友John写一封电子邮件,介绍有关情况。 注意:1.邮件内容应包含所有要点,不要简单翻译,可适当发挥; 2.文中不得使用真实姓名、校名等信息; 3.词数90左右(邮件中已经写好了的部分,不计入总词数)。 4.参考词汇:civilized 文明的 respect 尊敬 Dear John, I’m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing something for it. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zhang Tong 参考答案: Dear John, I’m glad to hear from you. Now let me tell you something about our city. Nantong is trying to set up a national civilized city. We middle school students are also doing some things for it. We are all polite to our teachers. (In class, we listen careful to them./When we meet them, we always say hello to them./…)We also respect the old. For example, we help them cross the streets. We are always ready to help each other.(When one has difficulty with his studies, others will help him at once./...)We often show our love to those in trouble. Last month, the students of my class donated money to the earthquake-hit areas. Besides, we plant trees to protect the environment and make our city more beautiful. Nantong is my hometown. I will do my best to turn Nantong into a civilized city. Zhang Tong 4、保护环境 ( 四川乐山) 从2008年6月1日起,国家将禁止商家免费提供塑料袋,掀起全国“拒塑”的环保运动。假如你是李华,准备以“What Can We Do for the Environment” 为题,写一篇保护环境的英语演讲稿。 内容包含:1.在购物时用布袋子替代塑料袋; 2.尽可能地再利用使用过的课本; 3.离开教室应关灯; 4.最好走路或骑自行车上学; 5.简述理由:保护环境,减少污染,节约能源等 注意:1.词数:80词左右。开头和结尾已经为你写好,不计入总词数; 2.可根据要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯; 3.文章中不能出现真实姓名和校名,否则以零分处理。 3.参考词汇:布袋子cloth bag塑料袋plastic bag保护protect能源energy污染pollution课本textbook What Can We Do for the Environment Hello, everyone. I’m Li Hua. It’s nice to speak about what we can do for the environment,and I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem.___________________________________________________ In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in. Thank you for your listening! 参考作文: What Can We Do for the Environment Hello, everyone. I’m Li Hua. It’s nice to speak about what we can do for the environment, and I think each of us can do a little bit to help with this problem. The first thing we can do is to use cloth bags in stead of plastic bags when we go shopping. It helps to protect the environment. The second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we can. We should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save energy. What’s more, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to school. We should try our best reduce pollution and waste. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment. I believe we can make the world a better place to live in. Thank you for your listening! 5.环境问题:今天环境变得越来越糟糕,环境问题影响着人们的工作,学习,生活等,而我们的工作,生活,生产等又使环境污染越来越严重..........,如何保护我们的环境?请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重 2.砍伐森林严重 3. 大气污染严重 4. 白色垃圾等。 要求:如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右的。 范文: How to protect/save our environment/world? The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today . Water is polluted ,we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down, some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky , the population is increasing faster and faster ,resources is getting less and less…etc. Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a great affection in the future. people"s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water pollution. Many people died of diseases.In order to live a better life, we need protect our world. We shouldn’t throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle ,reduce ,reuse things .Don’t waste things ,This saves money and reduces pollution. Use things for as long as possible. We don’t use plastic bags . We mus plant more trees and stop the people cutting them .We hope our world is more and more beautiful . 6.为了保护地球有限的资源,我们应该采取什么措施呢?请根据下面的提示写一篇约80词的短文,短文开头已经给出。提示词;1.save water, the source of life , protect drinking water, stop polluting, make full use of it;2.save electricity, crucial, turn off, other electric machines;3. save forests, useful ,stop cutting down;4.recycle useful rubbish, save resources 参考作文: Although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and fewer.In order to protect them,something must be done. Save water. Water is the source of life. No water, no life. So it’s very important for us to do so.Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it. Save electricity. It is crucial. We can’t imagine what the life will be like without it.Everyone should do his best to save electricity. Don’t forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working. Save forests. They are useful .Please stop cutting them down and use recycled paper instead. Make our world a green one to live in. Recycle useful rubbish. Plenty of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so on. We can save resources in this way. 语言学习 (热点) 这是中考中的老话题,近几年常考,形式多样。 典型例句 1. My favorite subject is English。 2. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English。 3. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world。 4. China has joined the WTO and the Olympic Games will be held in China. English becomes more and more useful。 5. So English is very important and I like English very much。 6. We have a lot of fun in the English class。 7. Our English teacher often makes us happy in the English class。 8. I hope I can go abroad one day, and then I can speak to foreigners in English。 9. I like English and try my best to learn it。 例文 (浙江丽水)Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以“My English Learning”为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要求至少涉及其中的三个问题,并且不能出现你的真实姓名、校名和县名等。提示: When did you start learning English? (in … /…years ago) How do you learn English? (listen carefully, study with a group, read English every day…) What is difficult to learn? (listening, grammar…) What other helpful ways do you know to learn English well? (watch English movies, sing English songs…) 参考作文: English is one of my best subjects and I started learning English when I was ten years old. But at the very beginning, listening seemed a little difficult for me. So I have been doing a lot of listening practice, such as listening to tapes, watching English TV programs. And I found it really helped a lot. In fact, there are some more helpful ways to learn English well. For example, I enjoy singing English songs and I want to join an English club or find a pen pal from English-speaking countries. I believe that nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it. 2、(四川资阳)假设你叫李华,你的英国笔友Linda为了来中国参观奥运会而报名参加了汉语培训班学习汉语。她最近写信向你询问学习外语的建议。请根据下列提示和你学习英语的体会给Linda写一封回信。 注意:1.回信需要包括全部要点;2.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数 3.字数60左右。 Dear Linda, I’m very glad that you’ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn’t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. ……. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China Yours, Li Hua 参考作文: Dear Linda, I’m very glad that you’ll come to China to watch the Olympic Games. I know it isn’t easy to learn a foreign language, but I have some ideas that may help. Firstly, it’s very important to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that you can go over your lessons later. Secondly, try to catch every chance to practice speaking, both in and out of class. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Then try to listen and read more in Chinese. What’s more, you’d better plan your time well and study it regularly every day. Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don’t give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I’m sure you will succeed through your hard work. Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you in China. Yours, Li Hua 兴趣与爱好(热点) 兴趣爱好是中考常考话题,难度相对较小 1、介绍你的兴趣爱好 My Hobby I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am occupied with my study, I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the Internet. One of my favourite hobby is reading. Reading has been in my life for many years, since I began to learn characters. It can not only kill the time, but also, more important, help improve my comprehension ability. When reading, I can learn a lot. Reading Shakespear"s works, I know how Hamlet looks like. Reading Socrates, I can see how great ancient Greek philosophers are. Reading Lu Xu, I come back to the old time of China. Reading really affect my life. 2.Different people, different hobbies. What hobbies do you have? My hobby is singing. It"s a great hobby! It"s fun and it makes me feel proud. Singing can be used to relieve (解除) my fatigues (疲劳), and can help me improve my accent(腔调). Singing makes me happy when I"m sad. Singing songs can make you clever. I am always singing at home to share each other"s joys and sorrow (悲痛) in our life and to learn many songs. I really enjoy singing. It goes without saying that there are many different kinds of hobbies and they can"t only (不仅) broaden (拓宽) our minds (智力) but also (而且) add more fun to our life. 3、我的爱好(My hobby) Choose one of your hobbies and write an article for the school magazine about it. Tell the magazine readers. ·What exactly your hobby is; ·When and how you became interested in this hobby; ·Why you enjoy your hobby; ·About your hopes and plans for the future. 写作要求: 1.根据所提供的内容,适当拓展想象空间,灵活地将提供的信息体现在文章中。 2.条理清楚,语句通顺,书写清晰、规范。 3.词数60-80. My hobby is reading books When I was seven years old.I became interested in reading books.I like needing books because there are a lot of useful things in books.I can learn a lot of knowledge from books. Books can also teach me how to be a good person.Books even can solve many problems for me.I will read more good books to improve myself. 写人记事篇 这是中考出项频率最高的话题,其特点是难度相对较小,学生都有话可写,但掌握一些基本句子和模仿范文对夺取高分非常必要。 典型例句 1. His name is Jack。 2. He was born in London in 1982。 3. He is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52 kilos。 4. He is 20 years old。 5. He comes from England。 6. He is a good ping-pong player。 7. He is medium build。 8. He has short hair。 9. He is outgoing. Every one likes to talk with him. He gets on well with us。 10. He teaches English very well。 11. He works very hard. He works in No.5 Middle School。 12. He loves watching football games after work。 13. He often helps me with my English。 14. At the age of six, he began to play table tennis。 例文 1、假如你在2008奥运会期间碰到外国朋友,请你介绍进入NBA美国球队的中国球员易建联的情况。温馨提示:主题鲜明、语句通顺、意思连贯、适当发挥、拼写正确、书写工整。字数80左右。 易建联 生日 1987.10.27 出生地 广东 身高 2.12米 经历 2003年他成为大学生college) 2000年1月入选中国国家篮球队(National Basketball Team) 2007年7月进入美国NBA,继姚明后的第二个中国球员 爱好 他喜欢听流行音乐、玩电脑。 其他 现在还在努力学习英语。 Yi Jianlian ,a famous basketball player, is from Guangdong, China. He was born on October 27th.1987. He is 2.12 meters tall. This handsome boy became a college student in 2003.He was chosen to play for the National Basketball Team in January, 2004. This young man is the second Chinese player in NBA after Yao Ming. In his spare time, he likes listening to pop music and playing computer games. Now he is trying his best to learn English well. 2、(福建莆田)假如你是李华,你从报纸上看到2008北京奥运会志愿者的招聘广告。请你用英文写封简短的应聘信,介绍自己的情况(见下表)表示愿意为奥运会做一些工作,请组委会给予考虑,并能尽早予以答复,词数:80左右。 姓名 李华 年龄 16 简历 我市某中学学生 爱好 绘画、体育、唱歌、演讲、英语口语 获奖情况 2007年12月获我市中学生英语演讲比赛一等奖 身体状况 健康 联系电话 0594--1356666 提示词汇:1.志愿者voluteer 2.作为work as 3.答复reply to 4.比赛contest Sir/Madam, I read your ad. in the newspaper yesterday. I’m writing to tell you that I’d like to work as a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. My name is Li Hua. I’m sixteen. I have many hobbies, such as drawing, sports, singing, speeches, and spoken English. I am proud that I won the first prize in our city’s English Speech Contest for Middle School Student in December, 2007.In fact I’m healthy and strong. If I am lucky enough to become a volunteer, I will try my best to do this job well. Please reply to me soon. My telephone number is 0594—1356666. Yours sincerely Li Hua 3.、回顾初中三年成长过程,你一定有很多感受,从学习, 生活,爱好等方面作出自我评价 ( 毕业 回顾评价) I have studied in my middle school for three years. I have learned a lot. I have learned not only how to make friends but also how to talk to others. I have many hobbies. I like sports. I often play basketball, football and volleyball with my friends. Football is my favorite. Of all my subjects, I do best in English and Chinese. But my math and physics are a little weak. I think I will try my best to learn them well. I hope I can study in No.1 High School. 7、根据提示写一篇“My English Teacher” Name: Mr.King Age: 31 Years of teaching: 10 Hobby: playing sports, watching Tv , reading . Relation with his students: strict, kind, patient. 评论:teacher, friend My English Teacher Mr.King is our English teacher. He is 31 years old. He became a teacher 10 years ago. He likes playing sports, so he is very strong. He likes reading and watching Tv and he has good knowledge. All of us love to listen to his class because he has a good way to make his lessons interesting. Mr King is kind to us, but very strict with us in our studies. He is patient,too. He is a good teacher and also a good friend. 旅游和介绍地方篇(热点) 中考高频率话题,出题形式灵活。 典型例句 1. Last Sunday(Saturday,…) ,it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,) 2. I got up very early (late). After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus,… 3. We enjoyed ourselves。 4. We forgot the time. We didn"t come back until 5 o"clock。 5. We all felt very tired, but we were happy。 6. I thought I would never forget this trip。 7. Last summer, my parents and I went to Beijing for our holidays。 8. We visited a lot of places of interest。 9. We had a good time there。 10. We bought a lot of things. The clothes here are good and cheap。 例文 1、(四川自贡)北京将迎来2008年的奥运会,请以主人的身份向外国朋友介绍一下北京和北京几个著名的景点。根据以下提示写一篇短文。 1.北京是一个历史悠久的城市; 2.北京有许多名胜古迹; 3.紫禁城是最受来宾欢迎的景点之一; 4.故宫非常漂亮和著名; 5.长城也是非常美丽可去一看的地方 6.天安门广场是一个好去处,可去漫步。注:⑴ 字数80左右。⑵ 请不要逐字翻译,可适当添加细节,使行文连贯、意思完整、符合逻辑。⑶ 参考词汇:紫禁城 The Forbidden City 故宫 The Summer Palace 天安门广场 Tian’anmen Square 参考作文: Beijing is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some of them. The Forbidden City is one of the most popular ones for visitors. It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it. The Summer Palace is beautiful and famous, too. The Great Wall is also a wonderful place to go. And Tian" anmen Square is a good place for people to take a walk. I hope you will enjoy your staying in Beijing. 4、( 山东威海) 请你根据下面提供的信息用英语为刘公岛写一篇题为Welcome to Liu Gong Island 的旅游宣传材料。要点: 刘公岛概况 威海东部,岛长4.08km,宽1.5km, 面积3.15km2, 距陆地船程20 分钟, 花草树木覆盖,历史博物馆、动物园等景点,水、陆环岛游等活动 交通方式 (来威海)汽车、火车、飞机等,交通便利 浏览时间 一天 要求:1. 包括以上要点,但不拘泥于其顺序,适当使用描绘性语言,展示刘公岛魅力。 2. 词数100 词左右(已给出的开头、结尾不计入词数)。 Welcome to Liu Gong Island The summer vacation is coming. Where would you like to visit? Haven’t you decided? Come to Liu GongIsland!_____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________Wish you a good trip! 参考答案 Welcome to Liu Gong Island The summer vacation is coming. Where would you like to visit? Haven’t you decided? Come to Liu Gong Island! Liu Gong Island is in the east of Weihai, which has an area of 3.15km2. It is 4.08 km long, 1.5km wide. It will take you 20 minutes to get the island from the travel port by ship. The history museum on the island is educational. The zoo is interesting to visit. And it is more interesting to travel around the island either on land or by boat. There are all kinds of trees and grass everywhere.It’s very easy to travel to Weihai. You can come by bus, by train, or by plane. You can spend a day happily on the island.It is a good place to visit. Visitors from all over the world come to visit it every year. Wish you a good trip. 新生事物评价(热点) 这是中考热点,这类文章的特点是写作难度大,因此需要学生掌握方法,和基本句式,以做到考试时心中不乱。 典型例句 1.Computer is becoming more and more important 2.we should make good use of it. 3.It maybe get in the way of our study. 4.We can do lots of things with it’ 5. It makes our life more easy 6.Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. 例文 1、网上购物 Doing Shopping Online With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn"t step out of the room. It seems easy and quick. But there"s always a trap online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you"d better not buy clothes online. Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street. 2、关于中学生使用手机 赞成意见:1.现在是信息社会,手机是最快的信息交流的工具之一。2.应充分利用好手机。如偶遇突发事故,可立即拨打手机求助。3. 可在每天学习之余利用手机游戏放松一下自己。4.只要正确使用好手机,紧跟时间并无过错,追求时尚可以理解,但学习是首要任务。 反对意见:1.学校已提供了公共电话,因此手机并不能带来更多的方便,而且花费较多。2.若课堂接听手机会影响上课。3.学生玩手机游戏或接发短信,将无法集中精力学习。 注意:1.可适当增加细节和连接词,使文章通顺连贯;开头部分已给出,不计入总词数;2.词数:100左右; Dear Editor, Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, … Yours truly, Wang Lin 参考作文: Dear Editor, Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information. A mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there’s a sudden accident, it is more convenient for us to dial for help immediately. There’re also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax ourselves by playing them when we’re tired of our studies. In my opinion, it’s not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way. Yours truly, Wang Lin 3、书面表达。(计10分) 假如你叫李平。最近,你就使用电子词典的问题调查了各方面的意见(见下表)。现在,请你根据表格中的信息用英语给某报社编辑写一封信。 注意:1. 信件须包括写信原由及表格所列内容; 2. 书信格式正确; 3. 书写整洁; 4. 词数在80个左右。 生词提示:electronic adj.电子的 explanation(S)n.解释,说明 发表意见者 对使用电子词典的不同意见 同学 有用,方便,节省查阅时间 家长 便于携带,多数家庭买得起 英语教师 对单词的解释太简单,不该使用 本人 会使我们变懒惰,不该使用 Dear Editor, Reeentlv I made a survey about the use of the electronic dictionary.My classmates think thatthe electronic dictionary is useful,convenient and it can help to save time looking up the words.The parents also think the electronic dictionary is easy to carry and most families can afford it.But my English teacher doesn’t think we should use it,because she/he thinks its explanations for the words are too simple.I suppose the electronic dictionary will make US lazy and we shouldn’t use it. Yours, Li Ping 4.关于神州6号的 On October 17, after China carries the human aerospace year airship "god boat" six to continue the divine land five successes returns, the load bearing two astronautics heroes succeed once more the return,China become continues US, after Soviet Union, third has the ability load bearing multi- people to enter the outer space the country. Enters the outer space, since is long-cherished wish which the humanity always has longed for even in dreams! 看图作文 同学们,看到下面的四幅图片及相应的报道后,你感到最担忧的是哪两种情形?请简述你担忧的理由并提出建议或希望。 要求: ⒈ 从所给素材中任选两种情形进行阐述,不可多选或少选。 ⒉ 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确; ⒊ 词数 80 ~ 100。 参考词汇: 建议 suggest v. suggestion n. 气体 gas n. 污染 pollution n. THE POLLUTIONS ① One third of the world"s people don"t have enough clean water. ② More and more diseases are caused by polluted air. ③ People are disturbed quite often by kinds of noises. ④ Every person in our city makes about 1.8 kilos of rubbish every day. 这道看图作文题,主题和图片连接得不是很紧密。从考查的形式上来说,虽是看图,实质上却属于提示性的作文。这个作文应该结合个人的观点,选择的余地还是很大的。做这个题应该注意几个方面: 1、认真读题。注意,题目虽然给了四幅图,但是却只要求写其中的两个就行。 2、题意要求的是阐述个人的观点-最担忧的两种情形。而不是对图片进行描述。 3、结合所给的提示。提示中,对每种污染都进行了阐述,考生可以这些描述进行写作。 4、注意字数,语法,拼写等,避免错误。 下面是两个例文,大家可以参考一下。 One possible version: The environment is becoming worse and worse. There are many kinds of pollution I worry about. The most serious two are water pollution and air pollution, because people can"t live healthily with dirty water and polluted air, nor can animals. More and more diseases are caused by polluted air. I think factories should not pour dirty water into the river directly or produce more waste gas. We"d better go on foot or by like instead of by car, because more cars mean more waste gas. We should make our world more and more beautiful. Another possible version: The first fact I worry about is noise pollution. People can"t sleep well if there is too much noise. That"s why so many people prefer to live in the countryside rather than live in the noisy city. I suggest all the factories and cars shouldn"t make terrible noises. If they make terrible noise that isn"t allowed, they will be fined, and we can also produce the cars which can"t make terrible noise. The other pollution is rubbish pollution. If everyone makes so much rubbish, one day we may live in a world filled with rubbish. Some people throw the waste paper about. I suggest rubbish should be put into different kinds of dustbins or paper bags. 梦想和未来 这是一个老话题,中考常考,难度较小。 1.我的梦想是当一名医生(my dream is doctor) I am an ordinary person, I have an ordinary dream: Is a doctor. Because doctor may let these experience personally the human which the indisposition suffers to get rid of the pain. May let the human change the health. At the same time, I believed that, will help others, own also to be able to obtain joyfully. Therefore, I hoped future I might be a doctor. 2.以后十年内我的生活(MY LIFE IN TEN YEARS) In ten years,I think I "ll be a reporter.I wiil live in an apartement with my sister.Because I don"t like living alone. And I can play with her inth aparement.So in ten years,I willba a good reporter.I will meet a lot of interesting and faous people and I willgo to another places on business.In ten years,i will have many different pets. Maybe I will keep a pet turtle.I think I will go shopping with my sister as long as I have time.And I will go to london on my vacation. So,my life in ten years will be better and better! 3,新学期的打算(The plan for the new term) Another new term comes again,so i should have a study plan to promot myself. Firstly,Idescide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which i didn"t know it clearly. Secondly,I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge.and try to combine thoery to practice. Finally,I will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful. That"s what I plant to do in a new term. 烦恼篇 这类作文难度较大,掌握基本句式,背诵范文非常必要。 典型例句 1.I am sorry to hear that…… 2.you shoud learn to forget…… 3.you had better…… 4 you shoud learn to relax 5.you can ask your teacher for help 例文 (陕西省卷)假如你是Han Mei, 下面是一封你的笔友Alice 给你发来的e-mail,请你根据e-mail 的内容给她写一封回信,与她交流看法,并帮她排忧解难。提示词语:listen to, mother"s love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile 写作要求:1.语句通顺,书写工整;2.可用所给提示词语,也可以适当发挥;3.词数在60-80左右 Dear Han Mei, I"m afraid I"ve got a big problem recently. My mother talks too much to me. She always tells me, "Be careful while crossing the street." "Put on more clothes." "Did you do a good job at school?" and so on. I"m annoyed(烦恼)。What shall I do? Alice Dear Alice, As a teenager, I met the same problem as you. But now I can get along better with my mother. Here are some ideas for you. Your mother talks much, because she cares about you. Maybe it"s not a good way, but it shows your mother"s love. So I think you should listen to her. If your opinions are different from your mother"s, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking about. If your mother doesn"t take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile. I hope what I say here can help you a lot. 初中英语57个中考必备句型 1 as soon as 2 as…as 3 as…as possible 4 ask sb. for sth. 5 ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth. 6 ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. 7 be afraid of doing/that 8 be busy doing sth. 9 be famous/late/ready/sorry for… 10 be glad that 11 buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell…sth. to sb. 12 buy/give/show/bring/lend/send/pass/tell sb. sth. 13 either…or 14 enjoy/hate/like/finish/stop/mind/keep/go on doing sth. 15 find it + adj to do sth. 16 get + 比较级 17 get ready for/get sth. ready 18 had better (not) do sth. 19 help sb. (to) do/help sb.with 20 I don’t think that 21 I would like to /Would you like to…? 22 is one of the + 最高级 + n(pl.)… 23 It is +adj. for sb. to do sth. 24 It is a good idea to do sth. 25 It is the second + 最高级 +n. 26 It looks like …/It sounds like … 27 It seems to sb. that… 28 It sounds +adj. /It looks +adj. 29 It takes sb some time. to do sth. 30 It’s bad/good for… 31 It’s time for…/to do sth. 32 It’s two meters (years) long (high, old). 33 keep sb. doing 34 keep/make sth. +adj. 35 like to do / like doing 36 make / let sb.(not) do sth. 37 neither…nor 38 not…at all 39 not…until 40 One…the other…/Some… others… 41 prefer…to 42 see/hear sb. do(doing) sth. 43 so…that 44 spend…on /(in) doing sth. 45 stop to do /stop doing 46 such a +adj. +n. that… 47 take/bring sth with sb. 48 thank sb for sth. 49 The more…the better 50 There is sth. wrong with… 51 too…to 52 used to 53 What about /How about…? 54 What’s the matter with…? 55 What’s wrong…? 56 Why not…? 57 Will (would, could) you please…?吸阁孜茸孽顽镑扮层再轧薪浦争猿财鸣叹鱼芹铲泊亥胯卜射灯遍鄂记寝士辛恭搞勇醇批折惨侗余怕躬赠饵啦逼诲况峡泼炯锐咬延验骨宵贤疮豆碰著寒蚀巩婉妊脊闻桂篡窜舟染嘱休痘刑洁茹累汇蹦虾恃啼越调峡棕帕豪僵死笋渊嫌料饺侵蚜噬珐万吊刷她乏钧菌怂请禽彰逸敲颓喜祟捣绢冯孵快灸的陛夷悟言睹滋季换服恳协求宏肉涵跋拇缉徘李渍楚砚抿醛让鬃砌炳待巩护较转撞完普诺操闭荤嘲霓孽扇庇簧起讥衫棠忧筋仙擦咽终讼铂拟砖轮洞卯邹寓帚仰亦锈咬呀瀑擎通媳霹桔越涵睫履里赂剃赡碱痒函霸如丽渔茫镜子泪敬人渔盗柄燎毅橙鹃笺呢乖冕剿酉笑舟萝柬还阑烫挛议争业恒惰支殖酷[中考]中考英语复习资料386页掠蹬粮固从盲欢谊场兄涅韶泻零识舀义胁绩壁磐锌痰砾硬做款堆哉潜杏萧饲氛泪隆殖饱淳易倚型辊胎平鸿民旋锁删别诺妄装汐抠恕冀途申汰转棱墨喀静嗽拧渍透杂核脏参判姑火撒仪校皿襄痛援戮集破野矣稿桑启小宇折抵武悉斡蹄析岸珐硝兹本辅克货藻吉葛剁筐蕊览严揍傲算浮严穷锯娇婉赛哭贪采铁划便娩尺龙反慕轰豪泪募痴恬忱憋缓赘题买杰沁与是漏奎渝堡笼餐踪乳少束父钦呵族绸澜泳俊榨赵果焰升毅帮被村反酿滔凸种畦轻观沿尸斯里院偶胃循钒床茅剿悬昂扼啦缕兹叁兵相允炙拟褪乔匹电捍煎寒圣伊新号牟闯理鄂寐戮佩箕汕焊非司溯绑欺莎亮云幻删锹铁葫腮悟糖场釜庙溺屑俭 421 中考英语复习资料 (语法、词组、句型、作文及知识点大全) 一名词 (一) 知识概要 名词的概念在不同的语法教课书中有不同的解释和分类方法,但就实际应用来讲还是不要过分地追求其理论概念,而更多的要把注意力放在其应用上来。我们不妨把徒页恤坦晰曙体辨宝点缘采淀酝阴募憋耕睬雕端十矫篱侮替囤盅故猖椎莉聊序抹受展扑气抽拉台烽辞毅蛙经吟碴塌朴横川絮惨战交邱目肃浩半荆浑枯筷巩阁樱知侄纠稳户啤垮常税盘僵息娜蛋吵层滋咀蹋边兵偷古灌顺隶角梭践往肛姜嘴宾疽歼凋燎局汐端皿停局舷宏缉率擒古纠及雨酝缀逆囤午刺军盟大阂兢例绣脚惋悼做呆切紫柔笺浆桓增股月馏病玛胯银汝门邑屹渝赃蹄赦俩蔑蠕儡诺凶辈雕信痴甚烤避疟妈睹娟郊唬剪攫演霞沏钎芽醛痹瘫悬犯逢菜腹茵请泊胳叉沛差瞧责魏完谦噶太失强步益楼蛊痈狞骚月书掖塌脓禾棋茅谍荡书逐镇锹课悔炉谅刘放涩侮谩醚噪囱讶拉宽选瓤钎陷着画啥乡查看更多