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第1讲 七年级(上)Units 1-5‎ ‎1.my(pron.)→________ (名词性物主代词)我的 ‎2.one(num.)→_________ (序数词)第一 ‎3.good(adj.)→__________(adv.)好;对;满意地 ‎4.family(n.)→__________(复数)家庭 ‎5.this(pron.)→__________(复数)这些 ‎6.friend(n.)→________(adj.)友好的→________(adj.)不友好的→________(n.)友谊 ‎7.those(pron.)→________(单数)那个 ‎8.nine(num.)→_________(序数词)→________(十九)→_________(九十)‎ ‎9.easy(adj.)→__________(adv.)容易地 ‎10.help(v.&n.)__________(adj.)有益的 ‎11.know(v.)→__________(过去式)→_________(过去分词)知道 ‎12.many(adj.)→________(比较级)更多的→_________(最高级)最多 ‎13.interesting(adj.)→________(n.&v.)兴趣;对……感兴趣→________(adj.)感兴趣的 ‎14.difficult(adj.)→__________(n.)困难→_________(adj.反义词)容易的 ‎15.relaxing(adj.)→__________(adj.)感到轻松的→__________(v.)使轻松 ‎1._____________ name 名字 2.___________ name 姓 ‎3._______ school 中学;初中 4.________ number 电话号码 ‎5.ID ________ 身份证 6.____ and ____ 失物招领 ‎7.________ club 体育俱乐部 8.________ me 劳驾;请原谅 ‎9.______ ______ for... 为……而感谢你 10.a ______ of 一套;一副 ‎11.a _____ of my ______一张我的全家照 12. ______ English 用英语 ‎13.____ computer games 打电脑游戏 14. _______ ________ 做运动 ‎1.—_____ ____ ____?你叫什么名字? —Alan.艾伦。‎ ‎2.______ ____ ____ you!很高兴见到你!‎ ‎3.____ your ______number?你的电话号码是多少?‎ ‎4.—______ is she?她是谁? ‎ ‎5.______ ____ ____ day!祝你们过得愉快!‎ ‎6.Here _____ ____ ____ of _____ _______.这有一张我的全家照。‎ ‎7.—___ ____ your parents?他们是你的父母吗? —Yes,they are.是的,他们是。‎ ‎8.—Is ____/____ your pencil?这/那是你的铅笔吗?‎ ‎—No,it ____.It's ____ pencil.不,是他的铅笔。‎ ‎9.—_______ _______ ______ _______?这用英语怎么说? —It's a/an...它是……‎ ‎—______ do you spell it?你怎么拼写它?‎ ‎10.______ ____ ____ your help.感谢你的帮助。‎ ‎11._______ me ____ 6856034.拨打电话6856034找我。‎ ‎12.—_______ is/are...?某人(某物)在哪里? —It's/They are...它/他们在……‎ ‎13.—_____ ____ basketball.我们打篮球吧。—That ____ good.听起来很好。‎ ‎14.—Do you ____ a/an...?你有……吗?‎ ‎—Yes,I ____./No,I ____.是的,我有。/不,我没有。 ‎ 一、单项选择。‎ ‎1.—Let's go out for a picnic on Sunday. —____ (2014,泸州)‎ ‎ A.Good idea. B.Here you are. C.Nice to meet you. D.Don't worry about it.‎ ‎2.I have ____ English dictionary and it helps me a lot.(2014,重庆)‎ ‎ A.a B.an C.the D./‎ ‎3.—Oh,a nice photo!Is this your uncle's child? —Yes,it is my____.(2014,陕西)‎ ‎ A.cousin B.sister C.brother D.daughter ‎4.Meimei is a beautiful girl____ big eyes and dark hair.(2014,济宁)‎ ‎ A.in B.on C.at D.with ‎5.—Is that red bag yours?(2014,威海) —No,it isn't. ____is that black one.‎ ‎ A.Your B.I C.My D.Mine ‎6.Our teacher often asks us____ questions in groups.(2013,北京)‎ ‎ A.discuss B.to discuss C.discussing D.discussed ‎7.My sister______ her cat yesterday,but she didn't____ it.(2013,巴中)‎ ‎ A.found;look for B.looked;found C.looked for;find ‎8.It is____ for me to follow the Australian guests because I am good at English.(2014,安徽)‎ ‎ A.bad B.easy C.hard D.right ‎9.Da Shan is______ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very____.(2014,铜仁)‎ ‎ A.good;good B.well;well C.good;well D.well;good 二、选词填空。‎ one she other play open think speak keep both wide The 26-year-old Sui Feifei who is known as “beauty” on the sports ground shines in basketball games. 1 her pretty face and her talent(才能) attract many sports fans.‎ Because Sui is one of the top basketball 2 in Asia (亚洲),she was chosen to play in the WNBA(Women’s NBA) in the US. It’s the 3 time she has worked abroad. She said she was ready for the challenges ahead. She find friendship and help from her teammates and fans. So she always has confidence in 4 . Much of her confidence comes from her good 5 English.‎ ‎“My best point is that I enjoy speaking-I’m never afraid 6 my mouth!” She likes speaking English to 7 .‎ Off the sports ground, she is a good writer. She reads 8 , from foreign novels to Chinese Kungfu stories. That makes her love writing very much, She writes for many newspapers, and she enjoys 9 diaries. She feels free to put her 10 down on paper.‎ This is Sui Feifei, a popular new star.‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‎ ‎6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ‎ ‎►family ‎【拓展精析】‎ family为集合名词,根据意义不同,其谓语动词的形式有所不同。强调整体,指“家;家庭”时,谓语动词用单数形式;强调个人,指“家庭成员”时,谓语动词用复数形式。‎ ‎【辨析】family,house与home ‎①family的意思是“家庭;家庭成员”,与居住的房子无关。‎ ‎②house的意思是“房屋;住宅”。一般指家人居住的建筑物。‎ ‎③home的意思是“家”。主要指某人出生或居住的地方,通常有一定的感情色彩 ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎1)Sally considers Wuhan to be her second ______because she has lived here for 13 years.(2014,绵阳)‎ A.family  B.house  C.home  D.room ‎2)Jim's family ______very rich. The family _____going to China for vacation tomorrow.(2014,安庆模拟)‎ A.are;is B.is;are C.is;is D.are;are ‎►ask ‎ ‎【拓展精析】‎ ‎①ask sb.sth.询问某人某事 May I ask you a question?‎ ‎②ask sb.(not) to do sth.叫某人(不)去做某事 He asked to go with us.‎ ‎③ask sb.for sth.向某人寻求某事 ‎►with ‎ ‎【拓展精析】‎ ‎①意为“和……在一起”;‎ ‎②意为“具有;带有”,介词短语常用作后置定语;I want to buy a house with four bedrooms.‎ ‎③意为“用”,表示用某种工具;We write with a pen.‎ ‎④表示伴随,作状语。Miss Li walks into the classroom with a smile on her face.‎ 相关短语归纳:‎ with the help of sb.=with one's help在某人的帮助下 help sb.with sth.帮助某人某事 be strict with sb.对某人要求严格 provide sb.with sth.为某人提供某物 be angry with对……生气 get on well with与……相处融洽 ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎4)You see,Kevin is writing ____his left hand.(2014,河北)‎ A.at B.as C.for D.with ‎5)—A person's life is like a road ____ lots of difficulties.‎ ‎—Yes,so we need positive energy.(2014,连云港)‎ A.by B.with C.along D.during ‎►What's this in English?这用英语怎么说?‎ ‎【典例在线1】‎ What color is your pen?你的钢笔是什么颜色的?‎ What is she?她是做什么工作的?‎ ‎【拓展精析1】‎ what是疑问词,意为“什么”,经常用来提问姓名、物品、颜色、身份和职业等。‎ ‎【典例在线2】‎ Can you tell us the story in Chinese?你能用汉语给我们讲一下这个故事吗?‎ He writes words in ink.他用墨水写字。‎ ‎【拓展精析2】‎ in在本句中表示“用……语言”,它还可以表示“使用某种方式、手段、材料”。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎1)Gina,what's this ____English?(2014,成都)‎ A.by B.for C.in D.of ‎2)—____is your sister,Jim? —She's a journalist from CCTV.(2014,六安模拟)‎ A.What B.How C.Where D.Who ‎►Excuse me,Sonia. Is this your pencil?打扰了,索尼娅,这是你的钢笔吗?‎ ‎【拓展精析】‎ Excuse me是日常生活中人们询问、提出请求或表示自己要做的事可能会打搅他人时常用的客套语,以示歉意或礼貌,有“劳驾;打搅”的意思。‎ sorry则表示自己的事给对方带来不便而表示歉意,有“对不起”的意思。其常用答语为“It doesn't matter./Never mind.”。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎4)—____.Where is the bank?(2014,淮北模拟) —It's over there by the post office.‎ A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Come on D.Hello ‎5)—I'm sorry,I have broken the chair. —____.I can easily get it repaired. (2014,绍兴)‎ A.That's true B.You're welcome C.Never mind D.Sounds fun ‎►—Well,let's play basketball.那么,让我们打篮球吧。‎ ‎—That sounds good.那听起来很好。‎ ‎【拓展精析1】‎ let's是let us的缩写,意为“让我们……”。用来提出建议,后接动词原形。接受建议用:It/That sounds good./Good idea./Sure./OK./All right.等;不接受建议用:No,let's...“不,让我们……”(提出不同建议);I'd like to,but...“我倒是很想那样,但……”。‎ 注意:①let sb.do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,其否定形式为let sb. not do sth.。②以let's开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句为shall we;以let us开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句为will you。‎ ‎【拓展精析2】‎ sound为连系动词,意为“听起来”,后接形容词或名词短语作表语,说明听的感受。类似的感官动词有look(看起来),taste(尝起来),smell(闻起来)等。‎ ‎►look,see,watch,read,notice ‎【拓展精析】‎ look强调看的动作,其后跟介词at,再接宾语。Please look at the map of the world.‎ see强调看的结果,可直接接宾语。I looked but saw nothing.‎ watch意为“观看,注视”,强调观看运动着的事物或影像,如电视、比赛、表演等。‎ read是动词,意为“读,朗读”,通常用来表达“看书、报、信、杂志”等。‎ notice意为“注意到”,指有意识的注意,含有从无意识注意到有意识注意的变化。同时 ‎►good,well ‎【拓展精析】‎ 两者都是“好”的意思,但是用法不同。‎ ‎①good adj.好的;好心的;擅长的。可用在be动词、一些感官动词(taste,smell,sound)等之后作表语,也可放在名词前作定语。常用于be good at...,be good for...,be good with...短语中。‎ ‎②well adj.(身体)好,此时只能作表语,放在系动词(be、look)后;adv.好,常用来修饰行为动词,表程度。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎5)It's much ____ to have a small lovely room than a big cold one.(2014,黄山模拟)‎ A.good B.well C.better D.best ‎6)The bread smells ________ and it sells ____.(2014,蚌埠模拟)‎ A.well;good B.good;good C.good;well D.well;well ‎►find,find out,look for ‎【拓展精析】‎ find动词,意为“寻找”,通常强调“找”的结果。I found my hat under the sofa.‎ find out意为“了解,查明,找到”,多指通过调查、打听或研究之后搞清楚或弄明白。‎ look for也有“寻找”的意思,通常强调“找”的过程。She is looking for her pen everywhere ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎7)—What is Linda ____?—Her keys. Have you seen them?‎ A.look for B.looking for C.find D.finding 第2讲 七年级(上)Units 6-9‎ ‎1.healthy(adj.)→_________(n.)健康 ‎2.really(adv.)→________ (adj.)真的→________(adj.同义词)真的 ‎3.fat(adj.)→_________(adj.反义词)瘦的 ‎4.good/well→________(比较级)→________(最高级)‎ ‎5.buy(v.)→_________(现在分词)→_________(过去式)购买)‎ ‎6.sell(v.)→_________(过去式)_________(n.)特价销售;出售 ‎7.favorite(adj.)→____...____(同义短语)‎ ‎8.music(n.)→________(n.)音乐家→_________(adj.)音乐的 ‎9.happy(adj.)→________(反义词)→_________(n.)高兴 ‎10.busy(adj.)→_________(n.)生意;商业→_________(adj.反义词)空闲的 ‎11.art(n.)→__________(n.)艺术家 ‎12.useful(adj.)→_________(adj.反义词)无用的 ‎1.______ ________ 思考;思索 2.have...________ _______ 早餐吃 ‎3.____ sb.____ sth. 询问某人某事. 4.________ _________ 饮食习惯 ‎5.________ _______ ______和某人一起玩 6.a _______ _______ 一双 ‎7.one _______ ______最后一个问题 8._______ _______ ______ 给你 ‎9.________ _______ 英语测试 10._______ _______ 最美好的祝愿 ‎11.______ _______ _____  想成为 12._______ _______ 无疑;肯定 ‎13.______ a ______ price 以优惠的价格 14._______ _______ 在周末 ‎15.Have ____ ____ ____! 过得愉快! 16.________ subject 最喜爱的学科 ‎17.from...____... 从……到…… 18. _____ ____ _____ ____给某人买某物 ‎1.—______ ____ ____ salad?你喜欢沙拉吗? —Yes,I ____./No,I ____. ‎ ‎2.He _______ ________ _______.他不喜欢蔬菜。‎ ‎3.—______ _______ _______ the hat?这顶帽子多少钱? —It's five dollars.5美元。‎ ‎4.—______ is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候? ‎ ‎—My birthday is ____ May 2nd.我的生日是‎5月2日。‎ ‎5.______ do you like _______ ______?你早餐喜欢吃什么?‎ ‎6.I don't ______ ______ _______ ________.我不想变胖。‎ ‎7._______ _______ _______.给你。‎ ‎8.—_____ ______ ______ you?我能帮你吗? —Yes,________.好的,谢谢。‎ ‎9.______ girls,we have skirts ____ purple ____ only $20.对于女孩,我们有紫色的裙子仅售20美元。‎ ‎10.I'll ____ it.我买下了。‎ ‎11.—____ your ____ subject?你最喜欢的学科是什么? —My favorite subject is P.E.我最喜欢体育。‎ ‎—____ do you like P.E.?你为什么喜欢体育? —Because it's fun.因为它有趣。‎ ‎12.—______ is your geography class?你的地理课在什么时候?‎ ‎—It's ____ ______ and _______.在星期一和星期五。‎ 一、单项选择。‎ ‎1.Cathy was very happy to meet____ old friend on the plane to Paris.(2014,温州)‎ A.a     B.an     C.the    D./‎ ‎2.____month of the year is May.(2014,天津)‎ A.Two B.The second C.Five D.The fifth ‎3.Yesterday for dinner I had a piece of beef,vegetables and____.(2014,广州)‎ A.some rice B.a few rice C.a little rices D.a rice ‎4.Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened____ March in Fujiabian‎ Modern Agricultural ‎Park this year.(2014,南京)‎ A.on B.at C.in D.to ‎5.—Would you like to go to the cartoon show with me?‎ ‎—It sounds like fun,____I'm too busy.(2014,上海)‎ A.so B.for C.or D.but ‎6.Ann often helps me____ math after school.(2013,温州)‎ A.for B.with C.on D.by ‎7.Don't throw away the waste paper. It needs____ so that it can be reused.(2013,无锡)‎ A.to destroy B.destroying C.to collect D.collecting ‎8.—Must I be in hospital for a week,doctor?‎ ‎—No,you____.You can go back home tomorrow.(2014,益阳)‎ A.needn't B.mustn't C.can't D.may not ‎9.Mr.Black used to be busy. But now he's retired and____,so he has time to exercise.(2014,连云港)‎ A.hard B.calm C.free D.nervous ‎10.—My parents and I will go to London for a trip tomorrow. —Really?____.(2014,江西)‎ A.I don't think so B.Have a good time C.That's very strange D.You should try it 二、选词填空。‎ fill care look easy tell be prevent kill especial danger Today the roads which was 1 of cars are 2 places in the world. Thousands of people 3 or hurt by them. 4 in the US, a large number of people are killed on Christmas every year.‎ Children always cross the roads 5 . Of course, everything possible is done 6 dangers. Parents and teachers tell them 7 away from the dangers ad warn them to be careful. But little children and pupils 8 forget what they 9 and step off the pavement(人行道) or start to cross the road without 10 whether anything is coming.‎ One of the best ways to prevent children and pupils from losing their lives on roads is to help them form certain habits.‎ ‎1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ‎ ‎ 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ‎ ‎►need ‎【拓展精析】‎ ‎1.need意为“需要”,作行为动词 need sth.需要某物;‎ need to do sth.需要做某事 need doing=sth.need to be done某事需要被做 ‎2.need作情态动词,通常用于否定句或疑问句中,后接动词原形,无人称、时态和数的变化。‎ needn't作为“Must...?”句式的否定回答,相当于not...have to。‎ ‎—Must I do the work at once?—No,you needn't./No,you don't have to.‎ ‎3.need还可作名词,意为“需要”。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎1)Lisa is a little poor at Chinese. I think she needs ____ it every day.(2012,阜阳模拟)‎ A.practise to speak  B.to practise speaking C.practise speaking D.to practise to speak ‎2)—Must we take out the trash now? —____.You can do it after class.(2014,滨州)‎ A.Yes,you must B.No,you can't C.Yes,you may D.No,you needn't ‎►help ‎【拓展精析】‎ ‎1.help作动词,意为“帮助”,常用于以下结构:‎ help sb.with sth.在某方面帮助某人 help sb.do sth.帮助某人做某事 can't help doing sth.情不自禁做某事 help oneself (to sth.)随便吃……‎ help sb.=give sb.a hand/do sb.a favor帮助某人 ‎2.help作名词,为不可数名词,其形容词形式为helpful“有帮助的”,helpless“无助的”。‎ with one's help/with the help of sb.意为“在某人的帮助下”。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎3)Linda is not good at Chinese,but she passed the exam ____ the help of her classmates.(2014,宿州模拟)‎ A.with   B.under   C.without  D.of ‎4)It was such a funny show that people couldn't help ____ again and again.(2014,淮北模拟)‎ A.laugh B.to laugh C.laughing D.laughed ‎►buy ‎【拓展精析】buy动词,意为“买”,反义词为sell。‎ 相关词组:buy sth.for sb.=buy sb.sth.为某人买某物I need some money to buy gifts for my family.‎ buy为瞬间性动词,其相对应的持续性动词为have。I have had the book for 5 years.‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎5)Mary wanted to ________ a tie ____ her boy friend as his birthday present.(2014,合肥模拟)‎ A.buy;to  B.give;for  C.buy;for  D.give;/‎ ‎►How much are these socks?这些袜子多少钱?‎ ‎【拓展精析】‎ How much意为“多少钱”,常用来询问物品的价格,相当于What's the price of...?‎ How much还可以用来询问不可数名词的量;How many用于询问可数名词的量。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎1)—____ did you pay for the CD? —Only nine dollars.(2014,黄山模拟)‎ A.How many B.How much C.How long D.How often ‎2)—Jenny,I need some milk.(2013,铜陵模拟) —OK. Mum. ____ do you need?‎ A.How much B.How many C.How often D.How long ‎►When is your birthday?你的生日是什么时候?‎ ‎【拓展精析】‎ when意为“什么时候”。提问时间的疑问词还有what time:what time常用来提问钟点;而when除了可以提问钟点外,还可以询问日期、月份、年份等。在提问钟点时两者可以换用,其他场合则不可以。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎3)—____ did you visit the Science‎ ‎Museum? —Three months ago.(2014,池州模拟)‎ A.When B.Where C.What D.Which ‎4)—____ is it now? —It's six o'clock.‎ A.When B.What C.What time D.How ‎►and,but,or ‎【拓展精析】‎ 三者都为并列连词。and表示“和;同;又”,多用于肯定句,连接意思相近的两部分;‎ ‎ but表示“但是”,多用于否定句,连接意思相反的两部分;‎ ‎ or表示“或者”,多用于否定句、疑问句中,也可用于并列句中,表示“否则”。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎1)Practice more,____ you'll do better in playing chess.(2014,重庆)‎ A.but B.and C.when D.after ‎2)Which do you prefer to use to communicate with your friends,QQ ____ MSN?(2014,白银)‎ A.and B.nor C.or D.so ‎3)—I don't think your uncle really likes drama series. —No,____ he still watches the programme.‎ A.and B.so C.or D.but ‎►at,on,in ‎【拓展精析】‎ 三者都是介词。‎ at用于某时刻、饭点、某些节日和年龄前,如:at work,at lunch,at the age of...,at Christmas。‎ on用于星期和具体日期前,如:on Monday在星期一,on March 8th在三月八号。‎ in用于一天中的部分时间段,也可用于月份,季节和年份前。如:in summer在,in 1996 ‎ 注意:当morning/afternoon/evening有前置定语或后置定语限定时,要用on。如:on Sunday morning,on the morning of October 1st。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎4)The accident happened ____ a cold winter morning.‎ ‎5)School starts ____ September.‎ ‎6)We often do homework ____ the evening.‎ ‎7)I will get up ____ five thirty tomorrow.‎ ‎8)He went to Beijing ____ the age of ten.‎ ‎►take,bring,carry,get, fetch ‎【典例在线】‎ Bring your math book here.把你的数学书拿来,把这本英语书拿给你弟弟。‎ He has gone to get water.他取水去了。‎ Let me carry the box for you.让我替你拿这个箱子吧。‎ ‎【拓展精析】‎ 这四个动词都有“拿”和“带”的意思,但含义有所不同。‎ take意为“带走”,常用结构有take sb./sth.to sp.,表示“带某人/某物去某地”。Take the book to your brother.‎ bring意为“拿来”,常与here连用。‎ get意为“得到;拿;买”。‎ carry意为“搬运”,不强调方向,带有负重的意思。‎ ‎【活学活用】‎ ‎9)Don't forget to ________ your ID card here next time.‎ ‎10)The school bus _______ us to school every day.‎ ‎11)Please _______ some water for the young trees.‎ ‎12)It's polite to let the woman who is _______ a baby have your seat.‎

