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‎2014高考英语快速命中考点6‎ ‎1.The 2016 Summer Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,which becomes the first city in South America ________ Olympics.‎ A.hosting B.having hosted C.being hosted D.to host ‎2.________ that the government can help them live a normal life,people in the earthquakehit areas are confident about their future.‎ A.Convincing B.Convinced C.Having convinced D.To convince ‎3.—Shall we take a taxi?‎ ‎—Oh,no.There is no need ________ because I've heard all the flights have been cancelled because of the bad weather.‎ A.to hurry B.hurry C.hurrying D.hurried ‎4.With the electric map ________ in the car showing the exact position,I had no trouble finding the destination.‎ A.fixing B.fixed C.to fix D.having fixed ‎5.Keeping healthy,with easy access to affordable medical care,is still a dream for many people with medicine prices ________ sharply.‎ A.rising B.risen C.being risen D.to rise ‎6.Exercising outdoors can greatly improve your mood and help you keep fit,thus ________ you a little bit happier.‎ A.makes B.to make C.made D.making ‎7.As the final exam is approaching,students expect there ________ more reviewing classes.‎ A.is B.to be C.have been D.being ‎8.If she gets promotion again,she will have no choice but________ an even greater challenge.‎ A.meet B.meets C.to meet D.meeting ‎【盘点】‎ 变式训练 ‎1.Judging from 2.Weather permitting ‎3.to be discussed ‎【历炼】‎ ‎1.D 解析:考查动词不定式作定语。句意:2016年夏季奥运会将在巴西里约热内卢举行,里约热内卢成为第一个举办奥运会的南美洲城市。当名词前有the first,the ‎ last或形容词最高级修饰时,后面需要用动词不定式作后置定语。‎ ‎2.B 解析:考查动词ed形式作状语。句意:相信政府能够帮助他们过上正常的生活,地震灾区的人们对未来充满信心。分析句意和句子结构可知,convince意为“使相信”与people之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故空处用动词的ed形式作状语,表示原因,相当于Because they are convinced that...。‎ ‎3.A 解析:考查动词不定式。There is no need to do sth.是固定句型,表示“没有必要做某事”。因此答案为A项。‎ ‎4.B 解析:考查with复合结构。句意:由于车内安装了电子导航仪来指示精确的位置,我毫不费力就找到了目的地。the electric map是“被”安装在车内的,因此用动词的ed形式。‎ ‎5.A 解析:考查with复合结构。由于medicine prices是动词rise动作的发出者,构成逻辑上的主谓关系,因此需用动词的ing形式。‎ ‎6.D 解析:考查动词ing形式作状语。句意:户外锻炼可以大大改善你的心情,帮助你保持健康,因此可以使你更开心。Exercising outdoors与make构成逻辑上的主谓关系,因此空处填making,“thus+动词的ing形式”表示结果。‎ ‎7.B 解析:考查动词不定式作宾语。expect的宾语含there be结构,expect to do sth.“期待做某事”,因此空处填to be。‎ ‎   ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎9.Generally,________ to a university in western countries,international students need to prove their ability to speak English.‎ A.admitting B.admitted C.being admitted D.to be admitted ‎10.I regret ________ hard last term,or I would get first prize in the final exam.‎ A.not to study B.having not studied C.to have not studied D.not having studied

