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中考英语考纲词汇用法详解(F)‎ face[feis] n. 脸,面孔:My face is burning. 我的脸在发烧。/ He often makes faces at children. 他常常对孩子们扮鬼脸。‎ fact[fAkt] n. 事实,真相:Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。/ You must face facts and accept that he has gone. 你必须面对并接受他已离开事实。‎ ‎【短语】 in fact 实际上:No one believed it, but in fact, Mary did pass her exam. 尽管没有人相信,但实际上玛丽确实考试及格了。‎ factory[5fAktEri] n. 工厂:His factory is in the suburbs. 他的工厂在郊外。/ The factory is run by our village. 这个工厂由我们村经营。‎ fail[feil] v. 失败,不及格:We tried, but failed. 我们试过,但失败了。/ We’re glad nobody failed this time. 我们很高兴,这次人人都及格了。/ He failed the examination in math. 他数学考试不及格。‎ fall[fC:l] (fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒:The snow is falling. 正在下雪。 / The apples have fallen from the tree. 苹果从树上掉下来。‎ ‎【短语】 fall asleep 睡觉,入睡:He was so tired that he fell asleep in the car. 他太累,在汽车里睡着了。fall behind 落在……后面:Several of the runners fell behind in the race. 有几个运动员在比赛中落后了。fall down 倒下,跌倒:The boy fell down from a tree and hurt his leg. 男孩从树上掉下来,跌伤了腿。fall off (从……)掉下:The dictionary fell off the desk. 字典从书桌上掉下来了。‎ family[5fAmEli] n. 家,家庭:She was born in a poor peasant family. 她出身于贫农家庭。 / All the families are coming here for the holidays. 家里所有的人都将到这儿来度假。‎ ‎【短语】family name 姓:What’s your family name? 你姓什么?/ The family name of the whole village is Zhang. 整个村子的人都姓张。‎ famous[5feimEs] adj. 有名的,著名的:He is famous for his learning. 他以学问渊博著名。‎ ‎【短语】be famous for 以……出名:This place is famous for its scenery. 这个地方以风景出名。‎ far[fB:] (farther, farthest / further, furthest) adj.& adv. 远的(地):Our school is not far from here. 我们学校离这儿不远。/ He is a man of far sight. 他是一个目光远大的人。/ How far did you walk today? 你今天走了多远?‎ ‎【短语】 far away 遥远:Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away. 许多星星不能看见是因为他们太遥远了。‎ farm[fB:m] n . 农场:There are 60 cows on this farm. 这个农场有60头牛。/ They are working on the farm. 他们正在农场干活。‎ farmer[5fB:mE] n . 农民:He is a farmer. 他是一个农民。‎ farming[5fB:miN] n. 农业;务农:Farming is difficult when the weather is bad.天气不好时种田很困难。‎ farmland[5fB:mlEnd] n. 农田:It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. 它将阻止风沙朝南部肥沃的农田移动。‎ farther[5fB:TE] adv. 较远地,更远:I am tired and cannot walk any farther. 我累了,不能再走远了。adj. 更远:Rome is farther from London than Paris is. 罗马比巴黎离伦敦更远。‎ ‎【注意】farther 是far的比较级。‎ farthest[5fB;Tist] adv.最远:He jumped farthest of all. 他跳得最远。adj. 最远的:Go to the farthest house in the village and I’ll meet you there. 到村上最远的那座房子那儿去,我在那里与你会面。‎ ‎【注意】farthest 是 far 的最高级。‎ fast[fB:st] adj. 快的,迅速的:Your watch is 10 minutes fast. 你的表快了10分钟。adv. 快地,迅速地:Can’t you run any faster than that? 你不能跑得再快点吗?‎ father[5fB:TE] n. 父亲:My father and mother are school teachers. 我父亲和母亲都是学校老师。/ What is his father? 他的父亲是干什么的?‎ favorite[5feivErit] adj. 特别喜爱的:Green is my favorite color. 绿色是我最喜欢的颜色。 / Football is my favorite sport. 足球是我最喜欢的运动。‎ February[5februEri] n. 二月:February comes after January. 二月在一月之后。/ It’s February 2nd. 今天是二月二日。‎ feed[fi:d](fed, fed) v. 喂,饲养:Don’t forget to feed the dog. 别忘了喂狗。/ She feeds the baby with a spoon. 她用小勺喂孩子。/ He must feed his family. 他得供养他的家庭。‎ fed up [7fed5Qp] adj. 不开心:What’s the matter? You look really fed up. 怎么啊,你看上去那么不开心?‎ ‎【短语】 be fed up with 厌倦:I’m fed up with work! 我感到工作烦死了!/ I’m fed up with waiting for the phone to ring. 我等电话都等得不耐烦了。‎ feel[fI;l] v. 觉得,感到:How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎样?/ You can’t see air, of course, but you can feel it. 你当然看不见空气,但你能感觉到它。/ I feel my heart beating. 我感到心在跳。‎ festival[5festEvl] n. 节日:Christmas is an important Christian festival. 圣诞节是基督教的大节日。‎ few[fju:] adj. 少数的,不多的:Few people live to be 100. 活到100岁的人很少。/ He has few friends here, has he? 他这儿几乎没有朋友,是吗?‎ ‎【辨析】few和a few:few表示数量很少甚至几乎没有,强调“少”,含有否定意味;而a few 表示数量虽不多,但毕竟还有,强调“有”,含有肯定意味。如:I have a few friends besides you. 除了你,我还有几个朋友。/ I have few friends except you. 除了你,我几乎没有朋友。‎ field[fI:ld] n. 田地:The children are playing in the field. 孩子们在野外玩。/ The fields were covered with snow. 白雪覆盖着田野。‎ ‎【短语】 field trip 野外旅游:Our field trip lasted two weeks. 我们的野外旅游持续了两个星期。‎ fifteen[7fif5tI:n] num. 十五:Seven and eight is fifteen. 7加8等于15。‎ fifth[fifW] num. 第五:May is the fifth month of the year. 五月是一年的第五个月。‎ fifty[5fifti] num. 五十:There are fifty students in our class. 我们班上有50个学生。/ She is in her fifties, but she looks young. 她已经50多岁了,但看起来很年轻。‎ fill[fil] v. 装满,填充:Her eyes filled with tears. 她眼泪盈眶。‎ ‎【短语】 be filled with用……充满:Her heart was filled with gratitude. 她心里充满了感激之情。‎ film[film] n. 影片,电影:Have you seen any good films lately? 你最近看过什么好影片吗?/ There is a good film on at the cinema this week. 这个星期有部好片子上映。‎ final[5fainl] adj. 最后的:The final victory always belongs to us. 最后胜利总是属于我们的。/ This will be the final lesson of our course. 这是本课程的最后一课。‎ ‎【注意】final只用于名词前作定语,不用作表语。‎ find[faind] v. 找到,发现;I hope you will soon find your lost ring. 愿你尽快找到丢失的戒指。/ You will find it a difficult book. 你会发现这是本很难的书。‎ ‎【短语】 find out 找出,查出:We must find out what caused the accident. 我们必须查明事故的原因。‎ ‎【辨析】find 和find out:前者指偶然地“发现”、通过实验而“发现”、或通过寻找而“找到”等;而后者则指通过调查或观察询问等而“查明情况或事实真相”。如:We found him a good teacher. 我们发现他是位好老师。/ We must find out the truth of the matter. 我们必须查明事实真相。/ We must find out where he lives. 我们必须查明他住在什么地方。‎ fine[fain] adj. 好的,(身体)健康的:That’s the finest painting I’ve ever seen. 这是我见过的最好的作品。/ His pulse is fine. 他的脉搏正常。‎ finger[5fiNgE] n. 手指:Children learn to count on their fingers. 小孩用手指学数数目(www.yywords.com)。‎ finish[5finiF] v. 完成,结束:Have you finished your breakfast? 你吃完早餐了吗?/ The house will soon be finished. 房子不久就要完工了。‎ ‎【用法】finish后接动词时,要用动名词,不能用不定式。如:He has finished (doing) the work. 他把工作做完了。/ Have you finished reading the book? 这本书你读完了吗?‎ fire[faiE] n. 火;火炉:There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。/ Please sit down before the fire. 请在火炉前坐下。‎ fireplace[5faiEpleis] n. 壁炉:There was a fire in the fireplace. 壁炉里生了火。‎ first[fE:st] adj. 第一:January is the first month of the year. 一月是一年中的第一个月。 adv. 首先,最初: You must finish your work first. 你必须首先完成你的工作。‎ ‎【短语】 at first 起先,首先:At first she was afraid of the water, but she soon learned to swim. 起初她怕水,但很快就学会游泳了。/ At first I wasn’t interested in English. 开始时我对英语不感兴趣。‎ fish[fiF] n. 鱼:Will you have a little more fish? 再吃点鱼好吗?/ There are lots of fish in the lake. 湖里有很多鱼。v. 钓鱼:Can we fish in this river? 我们可以在这条河里钓鱼吗?‎ fishing[5fiFiN] n. 钓鱼:I am very fond of fishing. 我很喜欢钓鱼。‎ fit[fit] adj. 健康的;适合的,得当的:These shoes are not fit to wear. 这些鞋子不适合穿。/ Is he fit for the job? 他适合干这份工作吗?‎ five[faiv] num. 五:We work five days a week. 我们每周工作5天。‎ fix[fiks] v. 修理;安装:I must have the recorder fixed up. 我得找人把录音机修理一下。/ We are going to fix the broken machine. 我们要把那台破机器修好。‎ flight[flait] n. 航班,飞行:We took a flight from Paris to London. 我们乘从巴黎到伦敦的航班。/ Too much money has been spent on space flight. 在太空飞行上花的钱太多了。‎ flood[flQd] n. 洪水,水灾:Many houses were destroyed by the flood. 许多房屋被洪水冲垮了。v. 淹没:The rains flooded the farmland and destroyed all the crops. 雨水淹没了农田,毁坏了所有的庄稼。‎ floor[flC:] n. (室内)地,地板:Shall I sweep the floor? 我来扫地好吗?‎ flower[5flauE] n. 花:The flowers are out. 花开了。 / The rice is in flower. 稻子花开了。‎ fly[flai] v.(flew, flown) 放(风筝,飞机模型等;飞,飞行):Last Sunday they flew their model planes. 上星期天他们放模型飞机。/ A bee flew in through the open window.一只蜜蜂从开着的窗户飞进来了。‎ foggy[5fCggi] adj. 有雾的,多雾的:It’s unpleasant to be out on a foggy day. 大雾天出去是令人不愉快的。 / What a foggy day! 真是浓雾笼罩的一天!‎ follow[5fClEu] v. 跟随:A dog follows its master. 狗跟在主人后面。/ You go first and I’ll follow. 你先走,我跟着就来。‎ food[fu:d] n. 食物:Many animals prefer grass as food. 许多动物以草为食。 / You can get very good food at the restaurant. 在那个饭馆里你可以吃到很好的饭菜。‎ foot[fut] n. 脚:I hurt my left foot. 我左脚受了伤。 / A dog has four feet. 狗有4条腿。‎ ‎【短语】on foot 步行,走路:Shall we go by car or on foot? 我们坐车还是走路去?/ I prefer to go there on foot. 我更愿意步行到那去。‎ ‎【注意】foot的复数是feet。‎ football[5futbC:l] n. 足球:Boys are fond of playing football. 男孩子喜欢踢足球。/ He took part in a football match. 他参加了一场足球赛。‎ for[fC:] prep.为;给:This is a present for you. 这是给你的礼物。 / I have got some picture books for you to look at. 我有一些让你看的连环画。‎ foreign[5fCrEn] adj. 外国的:He’s visited many foreign countries and has learnt several foreign languages. 他参观过许多国家,学会了几种外语。/ The foreign friends were given a warm welcome by the students. 外宾受到学生们的热烈欢迎。‎ forest[5fCrist] n. 森林:The children got lost in the forest. 孩子们在林中迷路了。‎ forever[fE5revE] adv. 永远:She has gone forever. 她一去不复返了。/ I wish the holidays would last forever! 我真想假放个没完!‎ forget[fE5get](forgot, forgotten) v. 忘记:I almost forgot about it. 这事我几乎忘了。/ I’m sorry I have forgotten your name. 对不起,我忘记你的姓名了。/ I’ve forgotten how to open the box. 我忘了怎样打开这箱子。‎ fork[fC:k] n. 叉,餐叉:Everyone at the table was given a knife and fork. 餐桌上每人给了一副刀叉。‎ ‎ form[fC:m] n. 表格:Please fill in this form, giving your name, address and business. 请填这张表,写上姓名、地址和职业。‎ forty[5fC:ti] num. 四十:Life begins at forty. 四十岁是有为之年。‎ found[faund] v. 成立,建立:The hospital was founded last year. 这座医院是去年建立的。/ The People’s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1949. 中华人民共和国于‎1949年10月1日成立。‎ ‎【注意】不要将动词found(建立,创立)与动词find(发现)的过去式found混淆。‎ four[fC:] num. 四:Those four and Bob formed a basketball team. 那4个人加上鲍勃组成一个篮球队。‎ fourteen[7fC:5ti:n] num. 十四:A fortnight has fourteen days. 两周有十四天。‎ fox[fCks] n. 狐狸:The fox is said to be very sly. 据说狐狸很狡猾。/ He is an old fox. 他是一只老狐狸。‎ France‎[frB:ns] n. 法国:Have you ever been to France? 你曾经到过法国吗?/ Do you know the Civil War in France? 你知道法兰西内战吗?‎ French[frentF] n. 法语:She can speak not only English but also French. 她不仅会说英语而且会说法语。‎ Frenchman[5frentFmEn] n. 法国人:A Frenchman had caught a very bad cold. 一个法国人得了重感冒。‎ free[fri:] adj. 空闲的;自由的;免费的:I shall not be free until five o’clock. 我要到五点才有空。/ England is said to be a free country. 据说英国是自由的国家。‎ ‎【注意】free表示“空闲的”、“空着的”、“免费的”等义时没有比较等级变化。如:He gets a free afternoon once a week. 他每周有一个下午空闲。/ Are the drinks free? 这饮料是免费的吗?‎ freeze[fri:z] (froze, frozen) v. 结冰,疑固:Water freezes at 0 degree. 水在零摄氏度结冰。 / It was so cold that the river had frozen. 天气冷得河水都结冰了。‎ Friday[5fraidi] n. 星期五:Can’t we meet on Friday? 我们星期五会面不好吗?‎ fridge[fridV] n. 电冰箱:Help yourself to the drink in the fridge. 冰箱里的饮料随便喝。 / Don’t forget to put the milk back in the fridge. 别忘了把牛奶放回冰箱里。‎ friend[frend] n. 朋友:We have friends all over the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。/ A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真朋友。‎ ‎【短语】 make friends with sb与某人交朋友:He had made friends with a young couple. 他结识了一对年轻夫妇(www.yywords.com)。‎ frighten[5fraitn] v. 惊恐,吓唬:Don’t frighten us. 不要吓唬我们。/ Walk quietly so that you don’t frighten the birds away. 放轻点儿脚步,别把小鸟吓跑了。‎ frightened[5fraitnd] adj. 受惊的,害怕的:I was frightened of making a fool of myself. 我怕出洋相。 / The frightened girl was speechless. 这个小女孩被吓得连话都说不出来。 / He was frightened at the sound. 他听到那声音非常惊恐。‎ ‎【辨析】frightened和frightening:前者指“感到害怕”,后者指“令人害怕或使人害怕”。如:I was frightened whenever I heard a frightening story. 每当我听到一个恐怖的故事我就感到害怕。‎ from[frCm] prep. 从,从……起:He works from nine o’clock until five o’clock. 他从9点工作到5点。/ The football match is from 3:00 to 4:30. 足球赛是3:00点到4:30。‎ ‎【短语】from now on 从现在起:He’s left school and will go to work from now on. 他已经毕业,从今以后就要工作了。/ From now on I will try to do better. 从今以后我要努力去做。from…to…从……到……:We handed the photo from one to another. 我们把这张照片传过来传过去。‎ front[frQnt] adj. 前面的:We sat in the front row of the classroom. 我们坐在教室的前排。 n. 前面,正面:The fronts of them look better than the backs. 它们的正面看上去比背面好。‎ ‎【短语】in front 前方:Mr Smith was in front. 史密斯先生在前面。in front of 在……前面:Don’t cry in front of your friends. 别在你朋友面前哭。‎ fruit[fru:t] n 水果:Apples and oranges are common fruit. 苹果和橘子是常见的水果。‎ ‎【注意】表示“水果”通常表示总称或表示集合意义,是不可数名词;当要强调水果的种类时,可用作可数名词。‎ full[ful] adj. 满的:The bus was full of students. 公共汽车载满了学生。/ Her eyes are full of tears. 她眼泪汪汪。/ We can’t go into the theatre because it is full. 电影院我们进不去了,因为已经坐满了。‎ ‎【短语】be full (of)充满……的:The bottle is full of wine. 这瓶子装满了酒。‎ fun[fQn] n. 有趣的事;娱乐:We had a lot of fun at the picnic. 我们野餐吃得开心极了。/ What fun we had! 我们玩得真开心呀!‎ future[5fju:tFE] n. 将来,未来:I am saving for the future. 我在为往后的生活存点钱。/ I shall work harder in future. 今后我要更努力工作。‎ ‎【短语】in the future 将来:Who knows what will happen in the future. 谁知将来会发生什么事。‎

