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中考情景对话大全 III.情景交际(共10小题,记10分)‎ A) 用所给的句子填空,完成对话。‎ ‎36.A: Will you join us for lunch?‎ ‎ B: _____‎ ‎ A. No, I won't. B. Yes, with pleasure.‎ ‎ C. Ok, let's go together. D. Yes, please.‎ ‎37.A: How about some drinks?‎ ‎ B: _____‎ ‎ A. Yes, great! B. No, I can't. Sorry.‎ ‎ C. Yes, you are welcome. D. I'm afraid I have no time.‎ ‎38.A: _____‎ ‎ B: I'd love to, but I have a lot of work to do now.‎ ‎ A. Would you like to go to the cinema tomorrow?‎ ‎ B. Why don't you go for a walk with me?‎ ‎ C. What about coming to my birthday party this evening?‎ ‎ D. Do you mind if I close the window?‎ ‎39.A: Would you mind if I turn on the radio now?‎ ‎ B: _____‎ ‎ A. Take it yourself. B. Yes, you may.‎ ‎ C. No, I don't mind. D. No, please don't.‎ ‎40.A: Can I have a look at your new shoes, please?‎ ‎ B: _____‎ ‎ A. Why not? B. Excuse me.‎ ‎ C. But you don't touch them. D. I can't agree with you.‎ B) 从A、B、C、D中选出一组正确的排列顺序,使所给的语句组成一段文理通顺的对话。‎ ‎41.① Socer. But we call it football in China.‎ ‎ ② Would you like to watch a football game with us?‎ ‎ ③ What are you gong to do tomorrow?‎ ‎ ④ I'd love to. What kind of football, American or soccer?‎ ‎ ⑤ Nothing much. Why?‎ ‎ A. ④①⑤②③ B.②①④③⑤ C.③⑤②④① D.④③①②⑤‎ ‎42.① That's too light.‎ ‎ ② Yes, That's just right. Can I try it on?‎ ‎ ③ What about this sweater?‎ ‎ ④ Certainly!‎ ‎ ⑤ Is this one better?‎ ‎ A. ⑤①④③② B.③①⑤②④ C.②④⑤①③ D.③④②⑤①‎ ‎43.① We'd better start at once.‎ ‎ ② It's half past seven.‎ ‎ ③ Oh, we must hurry, or we'll be late for the film.‎ ‎ ④ We've got 15 minutes to get there.‎ ‎ ⑤ What's the time, please?‎ ‎ A.⑤②③④① B.⑤③②④① C.①③④②⑤ D.③④②⑤①‎ ‎44.① It's my birthday party.‎ ‎ ② I hope you can come to my party this evening.‎ ‎ ③ Hello. Lily. What a beautiful day!‎ ‎ ④ Party? What party?‎ ‎ ⑤ Yes, it's beautiful.‎ ‎ A.③⑤④①② B.②④⑤③① C.①④②⑤③ D.③⑤②④①‎ ‎45.① Can we do anything to help?‎ ‎ ② Yes, please.‎ ‎ ③ I'll get you some tea now.‎ ‎ ④ No, thanks. Help yourself to the cake.‎ ‎ ⑤ Would you like to drink?‎ ‎ A.⑤②③①④ B.②④⑤③① C.⑤③①④② D.①③②⑤④‎ 根据对话内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ ‎ Doctor : What’s the matter ?‎ ‎ Jill : 66 ‎ ‎ Doctor : How are you feeling now ?‎ ‎ Jill : 67 ‎ ‎ Doctor : Let me take your temperature . It’s a cold . Nothing serious .‎ ‎ Jill : 68 ‎ ‎ Doctor : Did you eat anything for breakfast ?‎ ‎ Mother : 69 ‎ ‎ Doctor : Well , take this medicine three times a day . Have a good rest and drink more water .‎ ‎ Jill : OK . Thank you .‎ 从下边方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话,每个句子只能使用一次。 ‎ M:Don't sit on the chair! ‎ W:(1)_____ ‎ M:Look!One of its legs is broken.It's dangerous to sit on it. ‎ W:(2)_____ Who's broken it? ‎ M:I don't know.I found it this morning when I was cleaning the floor. ‎ W:Let's tell our headmaster about it.Maybe he can mend it. ‎ M:(3)_____But I can mend it myself. ‎ W:Yourself?Have you learned to menda chair? ‎ M:Yes.My father is a worker.(4)_____ And he's taught me how to do that. ‎ W:(5)_____May I be your helper? ‎ M:Certainly.Let's begin. ‎ ‎    A.Thank you for telling me about it. ‎ ‎    B.That's great! ‎ ‎    C.I'm afraid he can't. ‎ ‎    D.What's the matter? ‎ E.He's good at mending tables and chairs ‎1.      ① I think my kite is broken. Can you mend it? ‎ ‎②Thanks very much. ③ Certainly, Mabel, what's wrong?‎ ‎④Could you help me, please?‎ ‎⑤I think so. Let me see. Yes, here you are.‎ A. ①⑤④③② B. ③①⑤④② C. ④③①⑤② D. ④③⑤①②‎ ‎2. ①How do you like China? ‎ ‎②Only a little.‎ ‎③Do you speak Chinese?‎ ‎④Excuse me, are you from England?‎ ‎⑤We like it very much. It's great!‎ ‎⑥No, we come from the USA.‎ A. ④⑥①②③⑤ B.④⑥③⑤①② C. ①⑤④⑥③② D.④⑥①⑤③②‎ ‎3. ①Where do you live?‎ ‎②Oh, I live in a house in a small village outside the city.‎ ‎③About twelve kilometres. ④I live in a tall building in the middle of the city. What about you? ⑤How far is it from here? ‎ A. ①②④⑤③ B.①④②⑤③ C.⑤③①②④ D.⑤③①④②‎ 三、排列下面各组对话的正确顺序,并把序号填入方框内。(4分)‎ ‎①     Yes, please ‎②I'll get you some tea now.‎ ‎③No, thanks. Help yourselves to the cakes!‎ ‎④Thank you.‎ ‎⑤Would you like a drink?‎ ‎⑥Can we do anything to help?‎ ‎⑤ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ②‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎2. ①Will you help me plant this tree, please? ②OK. Is it straight?‎ ‎③Of course! What do you want me to do? ④More or less!‎ ‎⑤Well, I've dug this hole. Hold this stick, while I knock it in.‎ ‎①‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ②‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 从下边方框内选择正确的句子完成对话,每个句子只能使用一次。‎ A.I’m looking for a pen.‎ B.go along this street and turn right.‎ C.It’s June 26th.‎ D.I’m not feeling well.‎ E.It’s a pleasure.‎ F.The same to you.‎ G.Hold on for a moment, please.‎ H.Yes, I’d like some cakes.‎ ‎1.Happy New Year!‎ ‎2.What’s the date?‎ ‎3.What’s wrong with you?‎ ‎4.Thanks a lot.‎ ‎5.Would you like something to eat?‎ ‎6.Can I help you?‎ ‎7.Where’s the station?‎ ‎8.Hello, could I speak to Kate, please?‎ IV. 选用方框中所给的内容完成下列情景对话。(5分) ‎ A. Can I help you? ‎ B. Of course, I'm glad to. ‎ C. I'm going to the shop. ‎ D. It's so kind of you! ‎ E. Anything else? ‎ F. How many do you want? ‎ G. You're welcome. ‎ A: Where are you going? ‎ B: ____________1______________ ‎ A: Oh, could you do something for me? ‎ B: ______________2____________ ‎ A: Please buy a ruler and two pens for me. ‎ B: All right. __________3____________ ‎ A: Yes, I'd like to have some exercise-books, too. ‎ B:____________4______________ ‎ A: Four, please ‎ B: OK. Is that all? ‎ A: Yes. Thank you very much. ‎ B: ____________5______________ ‎ E. 从方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(5分) ‎ a. It takes only two hours.b.I'm from Shanghai.c.Yes,they do. ‎ d. How do you go to Shanghai? e. But it's very expensive. ‎ A: Where are you from? ‎ B: (1)________ ‎ A: Do your parents live in Shanghai now? ‎ B: (2)________ ‎ A: Do you often go to see them? ‎ B: Yes, I do. ‎ A: (3)________ ‎ B: By train. ‎ A: Why don't you fly to Shanghai? (4)______ ‎ B: Well, it's a short trip. (5)________ ‎ A: Yes, you are right. It's cheap and safe by train. ‎ ‎1. ago, before ‎ ‎(1) I'll ring you up ________ I leave home. ‎ ‎(2) He finished the work five days ________ . ‎ ‎2. deep, deeply ‎ ‎(1) The death of his friend affected him______. ‎ ‎(2) To find water, they had to dig ________. ‎ ‎3. alone, lonely ‎ ‎(1) Don't leave the baby ________ at home. ‎ ‎(2) When his wife and two little children left him, he was very ________. ‎ ‎4. also, as well, either ‎ ‎(1) He ________ likes swimming in summer. ‎ ‎(2) My father didn't go to the park, and I didn't go, ________. ‎ ‎(3) Are they coming ________ ? ‎ ‎5. much too, too much, too many ‎ ‎(1) There is _____water on the floor. That's ________wet. ‎ ‎(2) Eating ________ is bad for our health. ‎ ‎(3) There are________ books in the library. ‎ ‎6. near, nearly ‎ ‎(1) I like sitting ________ the fire. ‎ ‎(2) Be careful! You ________ crashed into that cyclist. ‎ ‎7. wide, widely ‎ ‎(1) Computers are ________ used in schools nowadays. ‎ ‎(2) He threw the ball ________ . ‎ ‎8. hard, hardly ‎ ‎(1) He tries very ________ to make her happy. ‎ ‎(2) She used to be a great musician, but she_____ plays at all now. ‎ 四、完成对话。(5分)‎ Jenny:Mcrn, I'm really stressed.‎ Mother: 71 ‎ Jenny:We are going to havea big test tomorrow. 72 ‎ Mother: 73 You' ve been ~rking hard recently. Jenny:But I am still not sure of myself. ‎ Mother: 74 That' 11 help you relax. ‎ Jenny:Good idea! Maybe I should go to bed early tonight. ‎ Mother: ‎75 A good night's sleep will refresh you for tomorrow.‎ 从Ⅱ栏中找出与Ⅰ栏句子配对的答语,将其序号填入题前的括号内:‎ ‎ Ⅰ Ⅱ ‎ 1.How do you do? A.I’m in Class Two.‎ ‎ 2.What's the time? B.Thank you very much.‎ ‎ 3.How does he go to work? C.Hold on for a minute, please.‎ ‎ 4.What's your trouble? D.Glad to meet you.I'm Jack.‎ ‎ 5.Nice to meet you. E.How do you do?‎ ‎ 6.My name is Mike. F.Good night.‎ ‎ 7.Here's a present for you. G.It's eight o'clock.‎ ‎ 8.Good night. H.By train.‎ ‎ 9.Which class are you in? I.Nice to meet you.‎ ‎ 10.Is Bob there? J.I've got a headache.‎ Ⅴ.情景交际 (10%)‎ A.根据对话情景,重新编排下列句子的顺序。‎ ‎⒈ ① No, never. ② Sorry, I have to help Dad in the garden. Let’s go tomorrow instead. ③ Have you been to the zoo? ④ OK! See you tomorrow then!⑤ Shall we go to the zoo now?‎ A. ③①⑤②④ B. ③②①⑤④‎ C. ⑤②④③① D. ⑤①③②④‎ ‎⒉ ① At six. But you’d better get there a little earlier. ② Do you know what to do after the game? ③ When? ④ To the restaurant behind the park. ⑤ Where? ⑥ We’ll go out for supper.‎ A. ②⑥③④⑤① B. ②④⑥③⑤①‎ C. ⑤④②⑥③① D. ②⑥⑤④③①‎ ‎⒊ ① What about a school bag? ② Tomorrow is Children’s Day. I want to buy a present for my sister. ③ What can I do for you? ④ She has one. Oh, I’d like to buy a new pen for her. She lost her pen days ago. ⑤ The green one looks nice. Do you ‎ think so? ⑥ Yes, I’ll get it.‎ A. ①⑤②③⑥④ B. ②⑥④③⑤①‎ C. ③②①④⑤⑥ D. ③②⑤⑥④①‎ ‎⒋ ① OK! Thanks. Bye! ② You’d better take a bus home, I think. ③ Why not stay a little longer? ④ You can take either Bus No.8 or Bus No.10. ⑤ We’re afraid we have to go home now. ⑥ It’s quite late. ⑦ Yes. But which bus shall we take?‎ A. ②⑤①⑥③④⑦ B. ⑤③⑥②⑦④①‎ C. ③⑥②⑦④①⑤ D. ④①③⑥⑦②⑤‎ ‎⒌ ① Why? ② Where’s your homework, Jim? ③ I was ill yesterday. ④ Sorry, Mr Li. I wasn’t here yesterday. ⑤ Yes, I am. Thanks. Can I bring my homework here tomorrow? ⑥ I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you’re better now. ⑦ Yes. But you’d better finish it today.‎ A. ②④①③⑥⑤⑦ B. ②③⑥⑤⑦④①‎ C. ①③②④⑥⑤⑦ D. ①③⑥⑤⑦②④‎ B.通读对话,选择能填入相应空白处的五个答案。‎ A:Where are my school clothes, Dad? Do you know?‎ B: ‎ A:No, they aren’t there.‎ B: ‎ A:Thanks, Dad.‎ B:Ah, here they are.‎ A:No, these are old ones. ‎ B:Look! What are those behind the door?‎ A:Those are them. Are they too long?‎ B:No. ‎ A:Thank you, Dad.‎ A. Where are my new ones? ‎ B. Let me put them on.‎ C. I think they are OK.‎ D. You must look after your clothes.‎ E. Well, let me help you find them.‎ F. Are they in the wardrobe?‎ ‎ IV情景交际(满分10分, 每空两分)‎ 根据对话内容,选出最佳选项,有两项为多余选项 Mike: Good morning!‎ Doctor: Good morning! 1 ‎ Mike: Well, it’s my eyes. I can’t see clearly. ‎ Doctor: 2 .‎ Mike: Since last week, I think.‎ Doctor: Let me have a look. Oh, Mike, I guess you are working too hard these days and taking less care of your eyes.‎ Mike: 3 . What should I do then?‎ Doctor: Well, when you feel tired, just stop working and come out to enjoy a short rest. Remember, never go to bed too late and don’t read in bed.‎ Mike: 4 . ‎ Doctor: Sure, Mike.‎ Mike: 5 . Thank you very much.‎ A. Do you think that will help? B. That’s true. C. You are wrong. ‎ D. What’s the trouble, Mike? E. How long have you had the problem?‎ F. All right, doctor. I’ll try it. G. Good idea!‎ V词语运用 A 阅读短文, 根据短文内容,用所给词的适当形式填空。每词只能使用一次(14分)‎ good herself help in teacher way words happy certainly programme well say clever why ‎ ‎ Jolin Tsai,24, used to cry when shi couldn’t speak English 1_______. Now the pop star has turned into an English 2______. But she is not staying in a classroom to give you talks 3______English. She writes books for students. Jolin is 4________ students learn English in a light-hearted 5_____ and give you useful 6________ for life outside your ‎ textbooks. “I hope it’s a 7 ______English book,” she 8_______,”Only when you learn English in a fun way will you want to keep on doing it.”‎ This 9________ doesn’t mean just reciting words. Jolin has a lot of 10_______ ways of learning. She has been 11_______ at English since Grade ‎3 in primary school. This is 12________ she wanted to study English at college. Because of this, she hosted an English news 13___________ on the radio 14 __________.‎ ‎ 根据对话内容,从方框中所给的7个选项中,选出5个适当的句子,填入空白处补全对话。 ‎ A. I'll take it.‎ B. Here you are.‎ C. I don't like it.‎ D. Can I help you?‎ E. How much is it?‎ F. What do you want?‎ G. What: size do you want?‎ A: Good morning, sir. 71‎ B: I'd like to buy a white shirt. Do you have any white shirts?‎ A; Yes. 72‎ B; I want Size M.‎ A: Here you are.‎ B: Can I try it on?‎ A: Sure. Is it all right?‎ B: Yes. I like it very much. 73‎ A: 296 yuan.‎ B: That's a bit expensive. Do you have any other kind? I want a cheaper one.‎ A: What about this one? It's only 108 yuan.‎ B: OK. 74 Here is the money.‎ A; 75 Goodbye, sir.‎ A:Will you help me plant this tree,please? ‎ B:(46) ‎ A:Well,I’ve dug the hole.Hold this stick while I knock it in. ‎ B:OK!Is it straight? ‎ A:(47) ‎ B:What’s next? ‎ A:The tree must be put in the hole now. ‎ B:(48) ‎ A:Good!Hold it straight.I’ll fill in the hole with earth. ‎ B:OK!That’s done. ‎ A:Now the tree must be tied to the stick. ‎ B:Well,that’s done.(49) ‎ A:A drink?We’ve just started.There are twenty more trees to be planted! ‎ B:(50) ‎ ‎46. A. Why not? I’ll go to dig the hole. B. OK. What shall I do? ‎ C. With pleasure! D. That sounds good. Let’s go. ‎ ‎47. A. That’s right. B. Yes. It’s OK. C. No. Do it again. D. Yes. It’s strict. ‎ ‎48. A. Is it in the hole now? B. Is the tree straight? C. Is it next to the stick? D. Is it OK? ‎ ‎49. A. Let’s have a rest. B. Why not have bottles of juice? ‎ C. Can we give it some water? D. Water it now? ‎ ‎50. A. Oh, my dear. B. OK. Let’s do now. C. That’s all. I must go. D. Why not ask the others? ‎ 根据对话内容,用适当的句子补全对话,使对话意思完整,每空一句。‎ ‎ A:Hello,may I speak to Bruce,please?‎ ‎ B: (76).I’ll see if he is in.‎ ‎ (A few minutes later)‎ ‎ C:Hello!Bruce here.‎ ‎ A:Hello, Bruce! This is Bill speaking.It’s Sunday tomorrow.‎ ‎ What are you going to do?‎ ‎ C: (77).Do you have any ideas?‎ ‎ A:I hear many old inventions will be shown in the science museum tomorrow.‎ ‎ (78)?‎ ‎ C:Good idea. (79)?‎ ‎ A:Let’s meet outside the school gate at half past eight in the morning.‎ ‎ C:How shall we go there?‎ ‎ A: (80).‎ ‎ C:Sorry,my bike is broken.Let’s go by bus,OK?‎ ‎ A:All right.See you!‎ ‎ C:See you!‎ Ⅷ.补全对话(共5小题,计1 O分) ‎ ‎ 补全下列对话,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,符合情景,所写的句子必须与所给的标点符号一致。‎ Wang: Hello! 76____?‎ Jim: Speaking.‎ Wang: Hi! Jim. This is Wang Tao speaking.‎ Jim: Hi,Wang Tao. What's up?‎ Wang; What are you going to do next Sunday?‎ Jim: 77 . Do you have any ideas?‎ Wang; Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there's a dolphin show there.‎ Jim: A dolphin show? Good idea! 78 ?‎ Wang: By bus or by bike?‎ Jim: OK, let's go by bike. 79 ?‎ Wang: What about a quarter past ten?‎ Jim: Why not meet a little earlier? Let's make it half past nine.‎ Wang. Good! No problem. ‎ Jim: 80 ?‎ Wang: Let's meet outside the zoo gate.‎ Jim: All right. See you then.‎ A; Hello, Uncle John!‎ B: Hello, Bob! 36____ You look worried and upset.‎ A: 37____ I really need your help.‎ B; What do you mean?‎ A: Well, 38____ but now it becomes more and more difficult since I am in Grade Three. My parents don't allow me to play basketball.‎ B: Maybe your parents are right. 39____‎ A: I see. I do well in all my lessons and I think I should be allowed to do the things that I'm interested in.‎ B: OK. 40____‎ A; Thank you, Uncle John. It's very kind of you.‎ A. Work must come first.‎ B. I Ml talk with your parents about the problem.‎ C. My parents like me to play basketball.‎ D. What's wrong with you?‎ E. The problem is that I love basketball.‎ F. I have a problem.‎ G. You can ask your parents to buy you a basketball.‎

