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中考英语完形填空专项练习 July 20,1969 was an important __1____ .Two Americans landed(着陆) __2___the moon. .Their ___3___ were Armstrong and Aldrin. They went in a spaceship, and its name was ApolloⅡ. Apollo Ⅱ left Cape Kennedy (肯尼迪角) ___4___ July 16 and went ‎385,000 km. The journey ___5__ three days. On July 20 the spaceship ___6__on the moon. Armstrong __7___ on to the moon. The two men moved about on the moon. They picked up some rocks and ___8__ them __9___ the spaceship . They jumped up and ___10__ . Then they put a flag on the __11___ . They were tired after their moon __12___ so they took a ___13__ . On July 21 ApolloⅡ__14___ the moon and returned to the earth . Three days later it came down in the sea . A ship __15___ them back to America and to their families .‎ ‎1. A.time B.day C.point D.place ‎2. A.in B.on C.at D.by ‎3. A.names B.name C.family D.call ‎4. A.in B.at C.on D.to ‎5. A.make B.paid C.spent D.took ‎6. A.went B.come C.landed D.reached ‎7. A.stepped B.go C.left D.returned ‎8. A.showed B.passed C.gave D.put ‎9. A.at B.to C.in D.on ‎10. A.low B.up C.down D.lower ‎ ‎11.A.ground B.earth C.water D.air ‎12.A.trip B.swim C.talk D.walk ‎13.a.look B.rest C.sleep D.move ‎14.a.left B.went C.returned D.saw ‎15. A.bring B.put C.took D.carry ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. B ‎3. A ‎4. C ‎5. D ‎6. C ‎7. A ‎8. D ‎9. C ‎10. C ‎11.A ‎12.D ‎13.B ‎14.A ‎15.C 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎2‎ on the moon 在月球上 ‎9‎ in the spaceship 在宇航飞船里 ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎3‎ 这里是介绍宇航员的姓名 ‎4‎ 具体日期前用介词 on ‎5‎ takes“花费”, spend的主语是人,pay for sth.为……付帐。‎ ‎6‎ land“着陆”‎ ‎8‎ put“放置”‎ ‎10‎ up and down “上上下下”‎ ‎12‎ trip指一次旅程,此处他们并未返航 ‎15‎ bring …back 带回来 ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎1‎ ‎1969年7月20日是重要的一天。‎ ‎7‎ 这里指军事宇航员Armstrong踏上月球 ‎11‎ 月球上没有水,也没有空气,在旗子只能插在地面上。‎ ‎13‎ 本句理解:因为在月球上行走后很疲劳,所以他们休息了一会。‎ ‎14‎ 工作结束,离开月球,返航。‎ ‎(1)☆☆☆‎ This story __1___ about an American general __2___ was a very important man in the American army __3___ the First World War . Everybody in the United States knew him and many people __4___ a picture or something of his in their home .‎ Soon after the war the general returned to Washington. One day he went to the doctor and had six teeth __5___. A week later, the general heard that his teeth were being sold in some shops at 5 dollars __6___. On each of the teeth there was a note __7___ the name of the general and words: "Buy these teeth and show them to your friends at home.” The general got _8____. He rushed to his office and ordered to buy all his teeth.‎ The officers went __9___ and visited every shop in the capital. They were away from office all day . In the evening they returned and put__10___ they had bought on the table front of the general. They had collected l75 teeth!‎ l. A. are B. is C. has D. were ‎2. A. who B. whose C. what D. he ‎3. A. at B. on C.during D. for ‎4. A.hoped to have B.wished to have C.hope to take D.wish to take ‎5. A.pulled out B.pulling out C.pull out D.to pull out ‎6. A. price B. money C. each D. every ‎7. A. has B.of C. on D. with ‎8. A. happy B.surprised C. angry D.hungry ‎9. A. out B. off C. back D. after ‎10. A.tooth B.teeth C.the tooth D.the teeth(首届“冰凌花”)‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. A ‎3. C ‎4. B ‎5. A ‎6. C ‎7. D ‎8. C ‎9. A ‎10. D 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎9‎ go out “出去”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ 本句的主语是this story,看成单数名词。‎ ‎2‎ who在定语从句中充当主语。‎ ‎3‎ during“在……期间”,on + 具体日期 ‎5‎ have sth. done “请别人替你干某事”‎ ‎6‎ each侧重个别,every强调整体。‎ ‎7‎ with表示伴随的动作或状态。‎ ‎10‎ tooth的复数是teeth .the表示特指。‎ ‎③逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎8‎ 自己的牙齿被卖掉,当然生气。‎ ‎④上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎4‎ 本句理解:美国的每个人都认识他,许多人都期望在自己的家中有他的照片或什么有关他的东西。‎ ‎(2)☆☆☆‎ My friend has a large police dog __1___ Jack. Police dog are often very ___2__ Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks __3___.‎ ‎___4__ Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time __5___my friend to take Jack for his walk. But the ___6__ stayed. Jack became very __7___his walk in the park . He walked around the room several times and then sat down directly (直接地)___8__ the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention to(很少注意). He went on talking. Finally Jack could stand (忍受)it___9__. He went out of the room and came back a few minutes later. He sat down again, but this time he __10___ the visitor's hat in his month.‎ l. A.whose name B.his name C.named D.that ‎2. A. clever B. foolish C.polite D. big ‎3. A. very much B.much more C.too D. more ‎4. A. In one B. Once C. One D. On one ‎5. A. with B. for C.of D. to ‎6. A. Jack B. my friend C. visitor still D. visitor yet ‎7. A.worrying about B.worried about C.worry for D.worried for ‎8. A.to facing B.faced C.in fornt of D.in the front of ‎9. A.no longr B.at any longer C.not longer D.not any more ‎10. A. brought B. held C. took D. hid ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. A ‎3. A ‎4. C ‎5. B ‎6. C ‎7. B ‎8. C ‎9. A ‎10. B 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎5‎ It’s time for sb. to do sth. “某人该干某事的时间到了”‎ ‎7‎ become worried about “开始担心……”‎ ‎9‎ no longer“不再”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ 过去分词作定语 ‎3‎ very much修饰行为动词like .‎ ‎8‎ in front of 在……前面;in the front of 在(某范围内的)前面。‎ ‎10‎ hole指狗用嘴把客人的帽子叨来了,其意在提醒客人该走了。‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎2‎ 根据文章意思,此狗的确聪明。‎ ‎4‎ 本句理解:某个星期天的下午,一位年青人来拜访他的朋友。‎ ‎6‎ 来方访的人还没走,因为他不知道主人要带Jack去散步。‎ ‎(3)☆☆☆‎ When Jimmy was a boy, he always liked watches and clocks __1____. When he was eighteen years old, he went __2___ the army, and after a year, he __3___ to teach himself to mend watches. A lot of his friends __4___him broken watches , and he mended them for them.‎ Then his captain __5___ about this, and one day he brought him a watch too, __6___ said, "My watch has stopped. Can you mend it for me, ___7__ ?"Jimmy said "Yes, sir, l can. " After a few days, he brought the watch ___8__ to the captain.‎ ‎"One pound, sir, "Jimmy answered. Then he took a small box out of his pocket and gave it to the captain, saying, "___9__ are three wheels(机轮) from your watch. I didn't find a place for them ___10__ I put everything back.”‎ ‎1. A. very well B.very much C. very D. better ‎2. A. into B./ C. to D. in ‎3. A. began B. came C. go D. became ‎4.A.returned B.brought C.gave D.bought ‎5. A. though B.looked C. heard D. lisened ‎6. A. and B. but C. and so D. then ‎7. A. please B. can't you C.will you D. thank you ‎8. A. up B. around C. again D. back ‎9. A. Those B. these C. Here D. There ‎10. A.when B.because C.before D.so 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. C ‎3. A ‎4. B ‎5. C ‎6. A ‎7. A ‎8. D ‎9. C ‎10. A 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎2‎ go to the army “参军”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ very much修饰行为动词。‎ ‎4‎ bring带来,return归还 ‎6‎ and表示顺承关系。‎ ‎7‎ 这是一般疑问句。‎ ‎8‎ bring sth. back“把……拿回来”‎ ‎9‎ Here are … 表示存在结构 ‎10‎ when引导时间状语从句。‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎3‎ 本句理解:一年之后,他开始自学修理手表。‎ ‎5‎ 本句意为:接着长官听说了这事。‎ While Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside, they enjoyed __1___ the seagulls. They__2___ a lot about these lovely birds.‎ They will often come close to you on the beach (海滩) when you are eating anything .If you __3___ a piece of bread to them they soon snatched it up .‎ Seagulls swim well , but they do not often dive for fish . They are also good at flying__4___ their large wings. When a seagull is flying, he puts his legs __5__.‎ Tom often watched them __6___ close to the ground because he liked the way they __7___ the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they __8___ the ground ‎ Mary liked to see them gliding (滑翔) over the __9___ as they often do, without their __10___ moving, but she said she didn't like the noise they make.‎ 1. A.watch B. to watch C. watching D.wathed 2. A.understood B. learned C. found D.thought 3. A.threw B.took C.sent D.pulled 4. A. with B. to C. for D. of 5. A. under B. about C.on D. in 6. A. to come B. came C. coming D. comes 7. A. help B. beat C. put D. kept 8. A. hit B. arrived C. got D. touched 9. A.water B. land C. sky D. ground 10. A. eyes B. feet C. legs D. wings ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. B ‎3. A ‎4. A ‎5. A ‎6. C ‎7. B ‎8. D ‎9. A ‎10. D 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ enjoy doing sth. 喜欢干某事 ‎3‎ throw“扔”,take“拿走”。‎ ‎4‎ With“使用”‎ ‎6‎ watch是感官动词,后接现在分词或省略不定式符号to的动词原形作宾语补足语。‎ ‎7‎ beat “击打”‎ ‎8‎ touch“触及”‎ ‎②逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎5‎ 海鸥飞翔时把脚缩在身体下面。‎ ‎9‎ 海鸥一般在水面上滑翔。‎ ‎10‎ 滑翔时海鸥的翅膀不用拍击空气。‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎2‎ 下文主要讨论海鸥的情况,这有赖于Tom和Mary在观察中所学习到的知识。‎ ‎ (1) ☆☆☆‎ One day Mozart saw an old blind street-performer playing the violin in the street corner __1____ a hat in front of him . He found out the old man was ___2___ one of his compositions . The old man played for __3____ but still nobody put any money into his hat . Mozart asked the old man , “Do you often play compositions by Mozart ?” “Yes, __4____ ,” answered the old man . “now, everybody knows Mozart and likes his music .” “Do you __5___ a living by playing the violin ?” The old man said he ___6__ . Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play .‎ He played so well ____7__ all the passesby stopped to listen to the wonderful music and soon the old man felt very ___8___ that the man could play so well . He asked Mozart , “Who are you , sir ?” “Your colleague , a poor ___9___ like you .” ‎ Then Mozart gave the ___10___ back to the old man and went away .‎ ‎1. A.on B.by C.with D.to ‎2. A.writing B.playing C.reading D.listening ‎3. A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time D.some times ‎4. A.you B.it is C.Mr. D.Sir ‎5. A.make B.buy C.give D.take ‎6. A.certainly B.did C.yes D.sorry ‎7. A.which B.how C.that D.what ‎ ‎8. A.happy B.worried C.disappointed D.surprised ‎9. A.musician B.artist C.scientist D.writer ‎10. A.money B.violin C.food D.hat ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. B ‎3. C ‎4. D ‎5. A ‎6. B ‎7. C ‎8. D ‎9. A ‎10. B 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎5‎ make a living “谋生”‎ ‎7‎ so … that… “如此……以致”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ with “拥有”‎ ‎2‎ play“演奏”‎ ‎3‎ some time表示“一段时间”,sometimes“有时”,sometime“某时”。‎ ‎4‎ Mr. 后接人的姓,在不知对方是谁时,可用sir .‎ ‎③逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎8‎ 老人不知道拉小提琴的就是大师莫扎特,所以他十分惊奇。‎ ‎④上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎6‎ 本句理解:那位老人说他是靠拉小提琴来谋生。‎ ‎9‎ 前句的 “your colleague”提示他们是音乐家。‎ ‎10‎ 上文提到莫扎特是借老人的琴演奏,所以此处指他归还乐器。‎ ‎(2)☆☆☆☆‎ The Great Wall of China is __1___ longest wall in the world . It __2___ from west to east . __3___ mountains , ___4__ valleys and finally __5___ the sea .‎ The Great Wall __6___ a history of over two ___7__ years . People began to build the wall in the Spring and Autumn Period(春秋时期) __8___ Chinese history . In about 221 B.C (公元前)Qin Shihuang had all the walls _9___ . ___10__ , the Great Wall came to the world .‎ The Great Wall is more than 6,000 kilometres long , 6-7 metres high and 4-5 metres wide . In __11___ places it is wide enough for five horses or ‎ ten men to walk __12___ along the top .‎ It was very __13___ to build _14____ a great wall in the old _15____ . Thousands of men __16___ when they build it . The Great Wall was made not only of stones , but millions of __17___ .‎ Today , the Great Wall has become __18___ interest not only to the Chinese people , but also to people all over the world .‎ ‎___19__ the Egyptians feel proud(自豪)of their pyramids , __20___ Chinese people also feel proud of our Great Wall . ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎1. A.an B.a C.the D./‎ ‎2. A.comes B.goes C/is D.stands ‎3. A.through B.from C.over D.turns ‎4. A.and B.of C.to D.through ‎5. A.arrives at B.comes C.reaches D.arrives in ‎6. A.have B.has C.was D.is ‎7. A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of ‎8. A.of B.at C.in D.on ‎9. A.joined in B.joined up C.connected D.connected in ‎10. A.Since then on B.Since now on C.From then on D.From then ‎11. A.much B.any C.more D.most ‎12. A.side to side B.side and side C.side by side D.side a side ‎13. A.easy B.difficult C.good D.bad ‎14. A.like B.look C.so D.such ‎15. A.times B.time C.days D.day ‎16. A.had died B.was died C.died D.dead ‎17. A.life B.live C.lives D.living ‎18. A.the place of B.a place of C.place of D.a place ‎ ‎19. A.Just as B.As if C.Look like D.Such ‎20. A.us B.we C.our D.ours 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. B ‎ ‎3. C ‎4. D ‎5. C ‎6. B ‎7. A ‎8. C ‎9. B ‎10. C ‎11.D ‎12.C ‎13.B ‎14.D ‎15.A ‎16.C ‎17.C ‎18.B ‎19.A ‎20.B 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎9‎ join up 把……连起来 ‎10‎ from then on 从那时起 ‎12‎ side by side 肩并肩的 ‎15‎ in the old times在古时候 ‎18‎ a place of interest 名胜古迹 ‎19‎ just as 就在……时候 ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ 形容词最高级前用the .‎ ‎2‎ ‎“go from east to west ”译作“从东到西”‎ ‎3‎ over在……上方,这儿指长城建在山脉的顶部。‎ ‎4‎ through穿过某个空间,从内部穿过。‎ ‎5‎ reach“抵达”‎ ‎6‎ 主语是 “the great wall”是单数。‎ ‎7‎ 一般用“具体数字 + thousand (million) +名词,thousands of “成千上万的”‎ ‎8‎ in + 一段时间 ‎11‎ most “大部分的”‎ ‎14‎ such + 名词;so +形容词或副词 ‎16‎ 成千上万的人在建长城时死了,动词应用一般过去时。‎ ‎17‎ life的复数是lives.‎ ‎20‎ we就是指Chinese people作主语。‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎13‎ 本句理解:在古时候建成如此壮观的城墙很困难。‎ ‎(3)☆☆☆‎ ‎___1__ boys and girls were swimming in a small lake. Boys with white caps on their heads ___2__ girls__3__red ones. A boy said one of them ‎ __4__ when he saw that in _____5___ small lake the number of white caps and __6___ of red ones __7____equal . A girl also agreed __8__ the boy when she __9___ that the number of white caps was double that of the red . (of course neither of them could see their own) ‎ There were four boys and three girls in the small lake . __10__ of them were missing .‎ ‎1. A.All B.Some C.Any D.Few ‎2. A.but B.or C.and D.yet ‎3. A.with B.for C.in D.of ‎4. A.was missed B.missed C.were missed D.was missing ‎5. A.a B.the C.an D./‎ ‎6. A.those B.this C.that D.these ‎7. A.was B.is C.are D.were ‎8. A.on B.with C.in D.about ‎9. A.finds B.founded C.found D.was finding ‎10. A.None B.Neither C.Both D.Either 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. C ‎3. A ‎4. D ‎5. B ‎6. C ‎7. D ‎8. B ‎9. C ‎10. A 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎8‎ agree with sb. “同意某人的观点”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎2‎ and 连接并列成分 ‎3‎ with表示“携带,拥有”‎ ‎4‎ 被动语态,主语 “one of + 可数名词复数”表示单数。‎ ‎5‎ 定冠词the有“复指”功能(上文中提到的人或事物)‎ ‎9‎ 整件事表述的是一件过去的事,应用一般过去时。‎ ‎10‎ none指三者或三者以上,neither指两者之间“没有一个……”‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎1‎ 本句意为“有些男孩和女孩在池塘里游泳。‎ ‎6‎ that 指代上文的 “the number” .‎ ‎7‎ 本句理解:当一个男孩看到池塘里白帽子的数目和红帽子的数目一样时,他说他们中的一个丢了。‎ ‎(4) ☆☆☆‎ Bill and Fred were students at a university and they were friends . They didn’t have __1___ money , so when it was time for their summer vacation . Bill said , “Let’s __2___ our vacation in a trailer , Fred . It’s ___3__ a hotel , I can __4___ .” Fred was very happy , so they got the trailer and __5___their vacation .‎ They wanted to __6___ the next day to go fishing , but they didn’t have an alarm clock .‎ ‎“That’s all right , Bill” Fred said , “I’ll put these small pieces of bread on the roof of the trailer tonight and they’ll ____7__ in the morning .‎ Bill was very __8___ , but he didn’t say ___9___ . Fred was __10____ . As soon as it began to get light , small birds came down to eat the bread , and their noise on the roof of the trailer woke Bill and Fred up very quickly .‎ ‎1. A.many B.much C.some D.a lot ‎2. A.take B.took C.taken D.taking ‎3. A.cheap as B.cheap than C.cheaper as D.cheaper than ‎4. A.lend my father’s trailer B.lend the trailer to my father ‎ C.borrow my father’s trailer D.borrow the trailer to my father ‎5. A.begin B.begins C.began D.begun ‎6. A.wake up B.wake up us C.wake them up D.wake them ‎7. A.wake up B.wake up us C.wake them up D.wake them ‎8. A.surprise B.surprises C.surprised D.surprising ‎9. A.something B.anything C.somebody D.anybody ‎10. A.bad B.good C.wrong D.right 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. A ‎3. D ‎4. C ‎5. C ‎6. A ‎7. A ‎8. C ‎9. B ‎10. D 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎6‎ wake up“醒来” ‎ ‎7‎ wake sb. up“把某人唤醒”‎ ‎8‎ be surprised“惊奇地”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ much修饰不可数名词。‎ ‎2‎ let后接省略不定式符号to的动词原形作宾补。‎ ‎3‎ 形容词比较级 + than ‎9‎ anything用于否定句中,something用于肯定句中。‎ ‎③逻辑推理 ‎5‎ 本句是描述已结束的一篇故事,应用一般过去时。‎ ‎④上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎4‎ 本句意为“我可以借我父亲的挂车”,borrow“借入”,lend“借出”。‎ ‎10‎ 根据文章理解第二小鸟到挂车上来吃食,声音把他俩吵醒了。‎ ‎(5) ☆☆☆‎ Mark was a farmer . He lived in a village far away . One day he became very ill and everyone knew he would ___1__ soon . They sent for a doctor . Two days __2___ the doctor came and examined the sick man . __3___ asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine . But there was no pen __4___ paper in the village , because no one could write .‎ The doctor ___5__ up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the door of the house . “Get this medicine __6___ him ,” he said , “and he’ll soon get __7___ .”‎ Mark’s family and friends did not know ___8___ to do . They could not read the strange words . Then a young man ___9__ an idea . He took off the door of the house , put it on his carriage and drove to the nearest hospital . He bought ___10__ there , and Mark was soon well again .‎ ‎1. A.be sorry B.cry C.die D.live ‎2. A.later B.late C.ago D.before ‎3. A.The sick man B.Mark C.The doctor D.The farmer ‎4. A.and B.or C.then D.also ‎5. A.picked B.held C.made D.looked ‎6. A.to B.with C.at D.for ‎7. A.better B.worst C.bad D.good ‎8. A.where B.what C.when D.which ‎9. A.thought B.hit C.caught D.had ‎10. A.the paper B.the house C.the medicine D.the pen 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. A ‎3. C ‎4. B ‎5. A ‎6. D ‎7. A ‎8. B ‎9. D ‎10.C ‎ 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎5‎ Pick up “拾起”‎ ‎9‎ Have an idea “有想法”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎2‎ 一段时间 + later “……之后”‎ ‎4‎ 否定句中连接并列部分用 “or” ,此句A改为 “and no”亦可。‎ ‎6‎ 介词for表示对象。‎ ‎8‎ ‎“疑问词 + 动词不定式”充当宾语,what是不定式to do 的动作对象。‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎1‎ 前句提到Mark病得厉害。‎ ‎3‎ 医生开药方。‎ ‎4‎ 本句意为“把这些药给他吃,很快他就会好的。”‎ ‎10‎ 门上写着药名,这个聪明的人把门运到医院,买了药。‎ ‎(6)☆☆☆‎ A young man once went to town and bought himself ___1__ trousers . When he got home , he went to his room and put them __2___ . He found that they were about two inches too long . He went into the kitchen , and his mother and two sisters were doing some washing there . He said to them , “The new trousers are too ___3__ . They need cutting by two inches . Would one of you mind __4___ this for me ?” His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said ___5___ .‎ But as soon as his mother had finished washing up , she went to ___6__ silently and cut the trousers by two inches . She came back without saying anything to her daughters . After supper , the elder sister __7___ her brother’s trousers . She went to his room and cut the trousers by two inches __8___ saying anything to anyone . The younger sister went to the cinema . But when she came back , she also remembered her brother’s __9___ . __10___ she went to his room and cut them by two inches , too .‎ ‎1. A.a pair B.a pair of C.pairs of D./‎ ‎2. A.on B.off C.away D.up ‎3. A.expensive B.warm C.long D.dirty ‎4. A.selling B.doing C.returning D.washing ‎5. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything ‎6. A.the kitchen B.her son’s room C.her daughter’s room D.her room ‎7. A.cut B.remembered C.bought D.sold ‎8. A.by B.not C.without D.with ‎9. A.film B.trousers C.room D.sister ‎10. A.But B.Because C.So D.As 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. A ‎3. C ‎4. B ‎5. A ‎6. B ‎7. B ‎8. C ‎9. B ‎10. C 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎1‎ A pair of “一条……”‎ ‎2‎ Put on “穿上”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎4‎ ‎“do this” 指上文得到的 “cut by two inches” .‎ ‎5‎ 否定句中用anything .‎ ‎7‎ Remember“记得,想起”‎ ‎10‎ So因此 ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎3‎ 上文提示裤子长‎2英寸 。‎ ‎6‎ 主语是母亲,她应是去“儿子的房间”‎ ‎8‎ 下文提到妹妹又去把哥哥的裤子剪去‎2英寸,所以此处姐姐没有把剪裤子的事讲出来。‎ ‎9‎ 下文中提到妹妹去剪裤子,所以此处她想起了哥哥的要求。‎ When you have a post office , the postman does not bring letters to you , but you have to go to the __1___ and get your letters and parcels from your box . The box is locked , and you have the key , so the letters are quite ___2__ .‎ One day Mr. Brown , the __3___ of a school , wrote to the post office and asked for a post office box for his school . He soon got an answer . It __4___ , “We will give you a post box __5___ one month .”‎ Two months later , Mr. Brown wrote to the post office ___6__ and said , “Why haven’t we got a post box yet ?” Five months later , there was still __7___ news . Mr. Brown was __8___ angry that he went to the office and asked why .The postman said , “We have written two letters to you and told you to get the __9___ to your post box back , but you didn’t __10___ .” “Where are the letters ?” “We sent them to your post box .”‎ ‎1. A.school B.post office C.station D.postman ‎2. A.strong B.good C.fast D.safe ‎3. A.headmaster B.manger C.postman D.student ‎4. A.told B.spoke C.said D.talked ‎5. A.after B.before C.in D.on ‎6. A.again B.then C.quickly D.happily ‎7. A.much B.no C.good D.bad ‎8. A.so B.very C.not D.at once ‎9. A.answer B.letters C.money D.key ‎10. A.go B.come C.arrive D.pay ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. D ‎3. A ‎4. C ‎5. C ‎6. A ‎7. B ‎8. A ‎9. D ‎10. B 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ① 惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎8‎ so… that … “如此……以致”‎ ‎9‎ the key to the box “开信箱的钥匙”‎ ② 词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎2‎ 因为信箱有锁,所以信很安全。‎ ‎4‎ say此处指信中写道。‎ ‎5‎ in后加一段时间;on+具体日期或星期。‎ ‎10‎ 邮局里的人只能要求校长“come”, “go”表示去别的地方。‎ ③ 逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎6‎ 邮局答应一个月内办到的事,可过了两个月还没完成,所以Mr. Brown只得再写信去询问。‎ ④ 上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎1‎ 前句提到在邮局你有自己的信箱,那么应去邮局拿信和包裹。‎ ‎3‎ 学校里的“头”应该是校长了。‎ ‎7‎ 下文中提到Mr. Brown很生气,就是因为自己的信如同石沉大海,毫无音讯。‎ ‎(1)☆☆☆‎ A: Sometimes English is very difficult !‎ B: That’s __1__ . It isn’t the easiest language in the world .‎ A: Think about t-h-e-r-e and t-h-e-y’-r-e and t-h-e-i-r . They ___2___ alike , but they have different meanings . And the plural(复数) of ox is oxen , but the plural of “box” isn’t __3__ ! And “hard” can mean ___4__ or it can mean the opposite(相反的) of soft . I don’t think I’ll ever learn English .‎ B: Oh, don’t be discouraged(气馁的) . You’re doing very well . And things could be worse !‎ A: What do you mean ?‎ B: Be happy you aren’t __5____ the Eskimo __6___ !‎ A: Why ? Is Eskimo harder than English ?‎ B: It certainly is . You were talking about the two ___7___ meanings of “hard”. Some Eskimo(爱斯基摩人)nouns ___8__ more than a thousand meanings ! ‎ A: I’m glad I don’t ____9__ in Alaska(阿拉斯加)! I don’t think I’m strong enough to study Eskimo !‎ A: Don’t you mean clever enough ?‎ B: No, I mean strong enough . I don’t think I’m strong enough to __10___ an Eskimo dictionary !‎ ‎1. A.wrong B.true C.good D.easy ‎2. A.spell B.write C.sound D.look ‎3. A.boxes B.box C.boxen D.plural ‎4. A. “hard” B. “strong” C. “easy” D. “difficult”‎ ‎5. A.liking B.studying C.living D.leaving ‎6. A.people B.country C.language D.meanings ‎7. A.different B.interesting C.same D.English ‎8. A.bring B.have C.talk about D.there are ‎9. A.learn B.arrive C.take D.live ‎10. A.learn B.look up C.carry D.write ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. C ‎3. C ‎4. D ‎5. B ‎6. C ‎7. A ‎8. B ‎9. D ‎10. C 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎1‎ That’s true . 表示赞同对方的观点。‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎2‎ Look alike“看上去一样”,spell指拼写方面,sound指发音。‎ ‎3‎ 不能以为ox的复数是oxen,就推出box的复数是boxes .‎ ‎4‎ ‎“hard”有“困难”的含义。‎ ‎6‎ language“语言”,people “人们”,country“国家”。‎ ‎8‎ have“拥有”,本句意为“有的Eskimo名词有一千多种意思”‎ ‎10‎ carry指搬运重物,look up查字典,本句意为“我认为我是搬不动Eskimo语的字典。‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎5‎ 本句理解为“还有比这(学英语)更糟的,好在你不是在学爱斯基摩语。‎ ‎7‎ different meaning of “hard” 指刚才A提到英语难学列举的 “hard” 理解为困难和是“软”的反义词两种意思。‎ ‎9‎ 我庆幸自己不是生活在Alaska.(否则要学那么难的语言)。‎ ‎(2)☆☆☆‎ ‎ Mr. and Mrs. Wang are very forgetful . For example , Mr. Wang sometimes goes to work on Sunday morning , because he thinks it is __1___ . And Mrs. Wang sometimes forgets to cook supper for the family .‎ ‎ One summer they planned to __2___ to New York for their holidays . They got to the airport only ten minutes ___3__ the plane took off . So time was short . But __4___ Mrs. Wang said she must tell Lingling , their daughter , not to forget to __5___ the front door when she went to school . But Lingling then was at school . They couldn’t tell her about it by __6___ .So they hurried to the post office . Mrs. Wang wrote a short note to Lingling , and Mr. Wang bought a ___7__ and an envelope . Soon the note was ready . They put the stamp on the envelope in a hurry and dropped it in the letter __8___ , but suddenly Mrs. Wang began to cry . The short note was __9___ in her hand . She had put the plane ticket in the __10___ .‎ ‎1. A.sunny B.cloudy C.Monday D.Sunday ‎2. A.walk B.drive C.fly D.run ‎3. A.before B.often C.when D.because ‎4. A.often B.ever C.always D.suddenly ‎5. A.open B.lock C.close D.push ‎6. A.plane B.train C.telephone D.bus ‎7. A.note B.pen C.stamp D.letter ‎8. A.envelope B.box C./ D.office ‎9. A.still B.already C.always D.not ‎ ‎10. A.plane B.envelope C.hand D.school ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. C ‎3. A ‎4. D ‎5. B ‎6. C ‎7. C ‎8. B ‎9. A ‎10. B 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎4‎ suddenly“突然地”‎ ‎9‎ still“仍然”,用在系动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。‎ ‎②逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎1‎ 星期一是上班时间。‎ ‎5‎ 家里人全部外出,门当然是要锁起来。‎ ‎6‎ 他们只是想告诉女儿锁门,应该打电话就可以了。‎ ‎8‎ 信要投在信箱里。‎ ‎③上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎2‎ 下文中提到他们去飞机场,那么此处他们的计划一定是乘飞机 ‎3‎ 本句理解:他们在飞机起飞前十分钟赶到机场。‎ ‎7‎ 想寄信当然要买信封和邮票。‎ ‎10‎ 根据文章理解这对粗心夫妇把飞机票当成写好的信装进了信封 ‎(3)☆☆☆‎ ‎ School may be frightening to young children . They are ___1___ in their school . Before that they stayed at home . At home children may have been able to do ___2__ they wanted when they wanted to do it . But in school they are ___3__ time for talking , working ,playing and eating . At home children are scolded in private , but in school children will be scolded in front of their __4___ . “Bob,” the teacher may say , “Why are you the only one in class who __5___ do your yesterday’s homework ?” Or , “David , why are you the only one who can’t work quietly at your ___6___ ?” In school the child may not be noticed very much by the teacher or the teacher is too busy to __7___ him or her . But at home the parents will treat their son or daughter __8___ . For these and other reasons , it is not ___9__ that children may not like to stay at school .‎ Though it is much __10___ in school , the children can learn a lot . They can’t learn so such out of school .‎ ‎1. A.happy B.new C.angry D.old ‎ ‎2. A.what B.that C./ D.why ‎3. A.had B.given C.spent D.got ‎4. A.teacher B.classmates C.brothers and sisters D.paretns ‎ ‎5. A.haven’t B.won’t C.hadn’t D.didn’t ‎6. A.home B.desk C.school D.room ‎7. A.teach B.look at C.take care of D.scold ‎8. A.carefully B.angrily C.carelessly D.happily ‎9. A.interesting B.good-looking C.sleeping D.surpring ‎10. A.happier B.better C.stricter D.worse ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. ‎ ‎2. ‎ ‎3. ‎ ‎4. ‎ ‎5. ‎ ‎6. ‎ ‎7. ‎ ‎8. ‎ ‎9. ‎ ‎10. ‎ 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎7‎ take care of “照顾”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎2‎ what 引导宾语从句,作动词want的宾语。‎ ‎3‎ 这里指规定时间交谈、学习、娱乐和吃喝。‎ ‎5‎ 昨天的作业没完成,用一般过去时。‎ ‎8‎ 父母总是很关心子女。‎ ‎③逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎4‎ 在学校里学生往往被叫到全班学生前受到责罚。‎ ‎6‎ 一般来说,学生是在自己的课桌上安静学习。‎ ‎④上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎9‎ 本句理解:因为这些或别的原因,你就不会惊讶孩子为什么不愿意呆在学校。‎ ‎10‎ 本句理解:虽然孩子们在学校被受到更严厉的管教,但他们能学到更多。‎ ‎(4)☆☆☆☆‎ Once a tiger was caught in a cage . Soon a good man went by . When __1___ saw the man , the tiger began to __2___ , “Please ! Please ! Please let me __3___ .” “__4___ .” said the good man . “___5__ I do , you will eat me .” “I will not eat you ,” the tiger said , “Please let me out .”‎ The good man believed the tiger . He __6___ the door of the cage . The tiger jumped out . “How stupid(愚蠢的) you are ,” the tiger ___7___ “Now I am going to eat you .” “Wait” the man cried . “It is wrong for you to eat me . Let us ask others what they think .” “you may ask __8__others,” the tiger said .‎ The good man asked a tree . The tree said , “I give shade(遮阳) . Yet I am cut down . Let the tiger eat __9___ .” Next . the good man asked a bird . The bird said , “I hurt _10____ . Yet people hunt and kill me . Let the tiger eat you .” For the last time the good man asked the roads . The road said , “I don’t care if the tiger eats you . People could not get along too well __11___ me . Yet all day long people step on me without even a ‘thank you’ .”‎ The tiger was ready to eat the good man . __12___ a dog came by . “What __13___ ?” asked the dog . The man told the dog the whole story . “ I don’t understand ,” said the dog . “The tiger wants to eat you because you __14___ the cage ?” “No, no ,” said the man . “ __15___ put him in a cage .” “Oh,” the dog said , “he is going to eat you because you don’t have a cage .” “Stupid dog !” the tiger said , “___16___ you understand ? I was in the cage . This man let me out .” “Oh, I see ,” the dog said , “When the man was in the cage , you let him out .” “I was in the cage !” the tiger cried . “ ___17__ !” with that , he jumped back into the cage . ___18___ , the dog closed the door of the cage . Oh, the dog laughed .‎ The good man said , “___19___ I understand !” The good man and the dog walked off and the tiger looked sad . If he waited long enough , perhaps , __20____ good man would come by.‎ ‎1. A.the good man B.the tiger C.the dog D.the bird ‎2. A.smile B.shout C.eat D.jump ‎3. A.in B.out C.help D.eat ‎4. A.No B.Ok C.All right D.No hurry ‎5. A.Because B.Whether C.If D.For ‎6. A.looked at B.knocked at C.closed D.opened ‎7. A.talked B.jumped C.worried D.laughed ‎8. A.every B.a few C.all D.each ‎9. A.me B.you C.him D.them ‎10. A.no one B.any one C.some one D.one ‎11. A.with B.to C.for D.at ‎12. A.When B.While C.Just then D.Just now ‎13. A.are you B.is happening C.is the time D.about the story ‎14. A.put him in B.let him out of C.don’t put him in D.don’t let him out of ‎15. A.Some more men B.Many men C.Some other men D.Other men and I ‎ ‎16. A.Do B.Don’t C.Are D.Aren’t ‎17. A.Just this B.Only this C.Like this D.Look this ‎18. A.Quickly B.Slowly C.Sadly D.Loudly ‎19. A.At the end B.At times C.At first D.Now ‎20. A.the other B.other C.another D.the others ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. B ‎3. B ‎4. A ‎5. C ‎6. D ‎7. D ‎8. B ‎9. B ‎10. A ‎11.A ‎12.C ‎13.B ‎14.A ‎15.C ‎16.B ‎17.C ‎18.A ‎19.D ‎20.C 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎11‎ Get on well with sb. “和某人相处融洽”‎ ‎12‎ Just then “就在那时”‎ ‎13‎ What is happening ?“发生什么事?”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎2‎ Shout “叫喊”,老虎被关在笼子里,目前只能“叫喊”。‎ ‎3‎ Out是副词,“请放我出去”‎ ‎5‎ If“如果”,引导的是条件状语从句。‎ ‎8‎ others是复数,所以A、D不正确,根据意思是“你可以问所有别的人。‎ ‎9‎ 老虎要吃的是那人,you代替 “the man” .‎ ‎16‎ 谓语是行为动词understand,助动词应用do,本句意为“难道你不理解吗?”‎ ‎17‎ like是介词, like this“就像这样”‎ ‎18‎ quickly指行动迅速。‎ ‎20‎ another“再一,又一”;the other和the others特指“别的,别人”.‎ ① 上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎1‎ 从下文的 “the tiger began to shout”可以推出此处被困在笼子里的老虎看到一个人。‎ ‎4‎ 下句的意思是“如果我放了你,你会吃掉我”,此处那人一定是拒绝了老虎的请求。‎ ‎6‎ 根据上文那人相信了老虎的话,此处指那人打开了笼门,放老虎出来。‎ ‎7‎ 老虎自由了,它笑了。‎ ‎10‎ 本句意为“我从未伤害过谁,然而人们还是想抓住我,想杀我”‎ ‎14‎ ‎“把他关在笼子里”。‎ ‎15‎ 此处强调不是自己关的老虎,而是“某些别的人”。‎ ‎19‎ 现在老虎又被关在笼子里了,那人才理解狗是在装疯卖傻。‎ ‎(5)☆☆☆☆‎ One evening Peter went home and said to his wife , “You have been a very good wife .You __1___ in the home . You have ___2__ me some very good meals . You have looked after _3__ very well . Today is your birthday and I have bought you a __4__ !” ‎ ‎“ Oh, thank you ,” said his wife . “This is a piece of good __5__ ! What have you bought me ?”‎ ‎“ I’ve bought you a watch ,” said Peter . He took it out for his wife to ___6__ but he ___7__ it .‎ ‎“Oh, dear !” he said , “I’ve dropped it .” He began to ___8__ it on the floor , but it was __9__ inside their little house and he could not see anything . He went __10__ and began to look for the watch in the __11___ . ‎ ‎__12___ a friend came along . “What’s the matter ?” he asked Peter .‎ ‎“I’ve lost a watch ?” said Peter .‎ ‎“I’m __13___ to hear that ,” said his friend . “Let me help you to look for it . __14___ did you lose it ?”‎ ‎“Inside the house ,” said Peter . “I lost it there .”‎ ‎“Inside the house ?” said his friend . ‘You’ve lost it indoors and you are looking for it outdoors . I don’t ___15__ . I don’t think that’s very __16___ .”‎ ‎“Let me explain ,” said Peter . “It is very dark inside my house . I can’t see very well . I shall __17___ find the watch there . But out here the __18___ are bright . I can see much more __19____ . This is a much better __20___ to look .”‎ Peter’s friend said nothing . He looked at Peter and said , “Goodbye , Peter , ” and went away .‎ ‎1. A.have worked hard B.stayed long C.were back D.were ill ‎2. A.bought B.brought C.had D.cooked ‎3. A.the dog B.the family C.my wife D.the watch ‎4. A.match B.meal C.watch D.meat ‎5. A.news B.meal C.watch D.meat ‎6. A.have B.see C.do D.keep ‎ ‎7. A.found B.broken C.dropped D.threw ‎8. A.pick up B.find out C.go after D.look for ‎9. A.dark B.bright C.cold D.clean ‎10. A.back B.outside C.inside D.on ‎11. A.house B.office C.floor D.street ‎12. A.Just then B.Just now C.At time D.Long ago ‎13. A.glad B.ill C.sorry D.clear ‎14. A.When B.Where C.How D.Who ‎15. A.understand B.guess C.want D.find ‎16. A.wrong B.interesting C.happy D.clever ‎17. A.easily B.never C.even D.ever ‎18. A.rooms B.cars C.lights D.floors ‎19. A.slowly B.brightly C.clearly D.nearly ‎20. A.room B.place C.watch D.light ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. A ‎2. D ‎3. B ‎4. C ‎5. A ‎6. B ‎7. C ‎8. D ‎9. A ‎10. B ‎11.D ‎12.A ‎13.C ‎14.B ‎15.A ‎16.D ‎17.B ‎18.C ‎19.C ‎20.B 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎8‎ look for “寻找”‎ ‎12‎ just then “就在那时”‎ ‎13‎ I’m sorry to do sth. 此句型用于听到不幸的事表示遗憾。‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ 该句时态应一致,都用完成时。‎ ‎6‎ 目的是把手表拿出来给妻子看,see “看见”。‎ ‎7‎ 根据下文可知,他把手表弄掉了,drop“丢失”。‎ ‎15‎ understand“理解”,朋友不明白,因为表丢失在屋里,他却在外面的街道上寻找。‎ ‎16‎ 这样做是愚蠢的,clever“聪明的”。‎ ‎17‎ 街上的光线好,当然看得很清楚,clearly“清晰地”。‎ ‎③逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎5‎ 因Peter还没把表拿出来给妻子看,所以可推理出妻子认为这是“一则好消息”。‎ ‎10‎ 屋里光线暗,只有到外面去找。‎ ‎11‎ 房子的外面应是“街道”。‎ ‎17‎ Peter解释是屋里光线暗,永远也找不到。‎ ‎18‎ 街上能发亮的是路灯。‎ ‎④上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎2‎ 本句后是meals提示此处是cook sb. a meal “为某人烧饭”。‎ ‎3‎ 狗和手表明显不正确,You这儿就是指 “my wife”,应是“照顾全家”。‎ ‎4‎ 下文中 “I’ve lost a watch”暗示此处给妻子的生日礼物是“手表”。‎ ‎9‎ 屋里找不到,因为里面光线暗。‎ ‎14‎ 答句是地点,因此是用where提问的。‎ ‎20‎ place 指代上文提到的街道。‎ ‎(6)☆☆☆☆‎ A young woman __1___ alone through the country . It __2___ dark and raining . Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the __3____ , holding her hand out as if she __4___ a lift .‎ ‎“I can’t ___5___ her out in this weather ,” the woman said to herself , so she stopped the car and opened the __6___ .‎ ‎“Do you want a lift ?” she asked , the old woman nodded and __7___ the car . After a while she said to the old woman , “Have you __8___ for a long time ?” The old woman shook her head . “Strange,” ___9__ the young woman . She tried again , “Bad weather for the time ___10__ year ,” she said . The old woman nodded . Although the driver tried some more , the lady said __11___ except for a nod of the ___12__ or something else . ‎ Then the young woman __13___ the lady’s hands, they were very large and with thick hair . Suddenly she knew the lady was a ___14____! She stopped the car . “I can’t see that mirror __15___ ,” she said , “Would you mind cleaning it for me ?” The lady nodded and __16___ the door .‎ As soon as the lady was ___17__ the car , the woman drove off quickly .‎ When she got to the next village she ___18__ .She found that the old lady had left a ___19___ behind . She picked it up and opened it . She gave out a deep breath . ___20__ the bag was a gun !‎ ‎1.A.has driven B.had driven C.was driving D.drove ‎2.A.was getting B.did C.was doing D.was coming ‎3.A.hill B.trees C.country D.road ‎4.A.liked B.asked C.had D.needed ‎5.A.throw B.leave C.make D.let ‎6.A.door B.car C.glass D.had ‎ ‎7.A.took in B.get off C.climbed into D.went to ‎8.A.lain B.kept C.sat D.waited ‎9.A.thought B.said C.spoke D.talked ‎10.A.out B.off C.in D.of ‎11.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything ‎12.A.hand B.head C.face D.eye ‎13.A.searched B.knew C.saw D.looked ‎14.A.boy B.girl C.woman D.man ‎15.A.quickly B.clearly C.carefully D.slowly ‎16.A.opened B.turned C.closed D.put ‎17.A.on B.out of C.into D.in ‎18.A.feared B.slept C.stood D.stopped ‎19.A.shoe B.box C.handbag D.watch ‎20.A.On B.Out of C.Inside D.Outside ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. A ‎3. D ‎4. D ‎5. B ‎6. A ‎7. C ‎8. D ‎9. A ‎10. D ‎11.A ‎12.B ‎13.C ‎14.D ‎15.B ‎16.A ‎17.B ‎18.D ‎19.C ‎20.C 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎7‎ climb into 爬进 ‎8‎ wait for 等待 ‎10‎ the time of year 每年这个时候 ‎17‎ be out of 在……外面 ‎20‎ inside 在……里面 ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ 此处指一个年青的妇女正开车经过一个村子,应用过去进行时 ‎2‎ get“变得”‎ ‎4‎ need “需要”‎ ‎5‎ leave “丢”‎ ‎13‎ see强调结果“看见”;look是不及物动词,用look at + 宾语。‎ ‎15‎ clearly“清晰地”‎ ‎③逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎3‎ 此妇女在路上开车,应在路边看到人。‎ ‎6‎ 这位妇女想给人搭便车,当然该开车门。‎ ‎9‎ 这位妇女很奇怪乘客不说话,这是心中所想。‎ ‎12‎ 点头表示赞同对方。‎ ‎14‎ 此人的特点:手很大,覆有厚厚的毛,由此推断此人是男的。‎ ‎16‎ 驾驶员要求乘客去擦窗户靠外的玻璃,那么他只得开门去擦。‎ ‎④上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎11‎ 本句理解:虽然驾驶员尽量讲了不少话,但那位“妇女”除了点一下头或什么别的外一句话也不说。‎ ‎18‎ 开到了下一个车站,她才停下车。‎ ‎19‎ 下文中提到包里有把枪,所以那人丢下的是一个手提包。‎ ‎(7)☆☆☆☆‎ Policemen were called __1___ a shop in Southend early ___2__Christmans morning. When they __3__they found two burglars (破门偷盗者) were kept in a lift___4___a heavy box of money. The two men were in the twenties. They__5___an office in the ___and took the money box and ran __6___the lift. They did not see the sign__7___the door saying that it__8__no more than two people.‎ ‎“They were kept between the _9___because they __10__a heavy box,” the police officer said, “they __11__there for six hours,__12__on what they hoped to be their Christmas__13__.They were doing this at a time when people were at ___15___ for the Christmas with their families. It was a very special_16__when the policemen__17__the door and they walked__18__holding our arms. They said they had never been___19__pleased to see policemen.” The policeman said they were pleased to see them policemen said they were pleased to see them __20__.‎ ‎1.A.up B.by C.on D.for ‎2.A.one Bon C.in D.of ‎3.A.reach B. got C.arrived D.were ‎ ‎4.A.with B.take C.on D.in ‎ ‎5. A.broke up B.broke out C.broke D.broke into ‎6. A.street B.station C.shop D.box ‎7. A.out B.into C.inside D.off ‎8. A.on B.in C.by D.to ‎ ‎9. A.runs B.drives C.makes D.carries ‎10. A.earth B.ground C.floors D.floor ‎11. A.lifted B.took C.brought D.made ‎12. A.were kept B.kept C.were taken D.were hit ‎13. A.sits B.sit C.sat D.sitting ‎14. A.box B.tree C.present D.money ‎15. A.work B.home C.ease D.place ‎16. A.happy B.hurry C.moment D.worry ‎17. A.opened B.closed C.turned D.shut ‎18. A.away B.off C.in D.out ‎19. A.much B.very C.too D.so ‎20. A.too B.either C.neither D.also ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. B ‎3. C ‎4. A ‎5. D ‎6. C ‎7. B ‎8. A ‎9. D ‎10.C ‎ ‎11.B ‎12.A ‎13.D ‎14.C ‎15.B ‎16.C ‎17.A ‎18.D ‎19.D ‎20.A 命 题 目 的 题号 解 题 点 拨 ‎①惯用语 ‎ 词语搭配 ‎5‎ break into 破门而入 ‎7‎ run into 跑进……‎ ‎16‎ a very special moment “很特别的时刻”‎ ‎18‎ walk out “走出来”‎ ‎②词汇含义与用法 ‎ 词语辩析 ‎ 语法 ‎1‎ 此句是被动语态,介词 “by + 名词”充当宾语。‎ ‎2‎ 节日和星期前用介词on ;in + 一段时间 ‎3‎ arrive “到达”,依据文意应用一般过去时。‎ ‎4‎ with表示随身携带的意思。‎ ‎9‎ carry指运送重物。‎ ‎11‎ take“拿走”,bring“带来”。‎ ‎12‎ 被动语态,“他们被关在电梯里6个小时”。‎ ‎13‎ 这是动词的现在分词,表示状态,作状语用。‎ ‎20‎ either用于否定句末尾;too用于肯定句末尾;also用于句中。‎ ‎③逻辑推理 ‎ 常识性知识 ‎8‎ 标记总是标在门上。‎ ‎15‎ 过圣诞节,人们大都团聚在家中。‎ ‎④上下文推理 ‎ 文章理解 ‎6‎ 文章第一句提到某商店打电话找警察,此处指小偷偷了这家商店的办公室。‎ ‎10‎ 小偷乘的是电梯,应该被困在某楼层之间的电梯中。‎ ‎14‎ ‎“坐在他们所希望的圣诞礼物上”,这儿的礼物就是他们偷走的钱箱。‎ ‎17‎ 小偷被关在电梯中,警察来了当然要先开门,再抓人。‎ ‎19‎ 本句意为“这两个小偷说他们真高兴能见到警察(以前从未有过)‎ ‎1 ☆☆☆‎ ‎ Two friends __1___ a bear when they went through a forest __2__ . One of them ran to __3___ tree and climbed up very quickly . He forgot his friend . He thought only of __4___ . His friend __5___ bears __6___ dead men . __7___ he __8___ when the bear came to him . Then the bear went away . The man called his friend in the tree , “You can __9__ now .” The man smiled and asked , “What did the bear say to you ?” His friend answered , “He said I needed a new __10____ .”‎ ‎1. A.looked for B.met C.looked at D.watched ‎2. A.by bus B.by bike C.on foot D.by car ‎3. A.the nearest B.the good C.a taller D.a biggest ‎4. A.himself B.his mother C.the bear D.his girl friend ‎5. A.knew B.thought C.saw D.watched ‎6. A.wasn’t like B.needn’t find C.didn’t eat D.couldn’t touch ‎7. A.And B.So C.But D.Because ‎8. A.moved B.ran C.opened his eyes D.didn’t move ‎9. A.climb up B.get up C.stay there D.come down ‎10. A.teacher B.dress C.house D.friend ‎ (97年全国中学生能力竞赛初二组初赛)‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2.C ‎ ‎3.A ‎ ‎4.A ‎5.A ‎6.C ‎7.B ‎8.D ‎ ‎9. D ‎10.D ‎ ‎2 ☆☆☆‎ Sam: Tomorrow is Saturday . What ___1___ ?‎ John: Let’s have a picnic .‎ Mike: __2___ !‎ Sam: ___3__ can we go ?‎ John: To the big park .‎ Mike: To the beach .‎ Sam: There __4___ going to be a lot of people at the beach . Let’s go to ___5__ .‎ Mike: You always like __6___ . OK! How do we __7___ there ?‎ Sam: By bus . __8___ is one at nine o’clock .‎ John: __9___ do we meet ?‎ Sam: Eight thirty at the bus stop . And I want to bring some __10___ .‎ John and Mike: We can bring something to drink .‎ ‎1. A.day is it B.do you think of it C.are you doing D.are we going to do ‎2. A.Great B.Thank goodness C.Well D.Oh dear ‎ ‎3. A.Where B.How C.When D.Why ‎4. A./ B.are C.was D.were ‎5. A.the beach B.the zoo C.the park D.the picnic ‎6. A.my picnic B.his ideas C.his park D.many people ‎7. A.reach B.walk C.come D.get ‎8. A.The bus B.He C.It D.There ‎9. A.How B.When C.Where D.When and Where ‎10. A.chicken and dumplings B.desks and chairs C.books and pens D.water and porridge ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. D ‎2.A ‎ ‎3.A ‎ ‎4.B ‎5.C ‎6.B ‎7.D ‎8.D ‎ ‎9.D ‎ ‎10.A ‎ ‎3 ☆☆☆‎ One Saturday morning John and his mother went ___1__ a shoe shop __2___John a pair of new shoes . Mrs. Lee put her bag on a chair ___3__ she looked at some shoes . She could not see __4___ she liked and went away . suddenly she said , “Oh, my bag , someone __5___ it away !” All __6___ people in the shop stopped ___7__ and looked at her . John ran after the man at once . A few minutes _8____ , John came back with __9___ . He gave it to his mother . She opened the bag and had a look in ___10__ . Then she said , “Oh, good , everything is still there .”‎ ‎1.A.for B.by C.on D.to ‎2.A.to buy B.to give C.to take D.got ‎3.A.some B.any shoes C.any bags D.shops ‎4.A.so B.but C.when D.how ‎5.A.went B.had C.took D.got ‎6.A.another B.the other C.any D.the others ‎7.A.saying B.sitting C.thinking D.talking ‎8.A.after B.later C.past D.earlier ‎9.A.the bag B.the shoes C.tha man D.his mother ‎10.A.one B.it C.them D.him ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. D ‎2. A ‎3.C ‎ ‎4.B ‎ ‎5.C ‎ ‎6.B ‎ ‎7.D ‎ ‎8. B ‎9.A ‎ ‎10. B ‎4 ☆☆☆‎ ‎ Let me tell you an interesting story . After I __1___ a small village ___2__ Farmland of France , I drove on to __3____ village . On the way __4__ it , a young man asked for a lift . When he got into __5___ , I ___6__ good morning to him in ___7__ and he answered in __8___ language . I knew __9___ French words so we didn’t speak after that . When we reached the village , the young man asked very slowly , “Do you speak English ?” I knew at once he is English __10___ !‎ ‎1. A.moved B.left C.lived in D.drove ‎2. A.call B.calls C.called D.calling ‎ ‎3. A.the B.that C.the next D.an ‎4. A.for B.from C.of D.to ‎5. A.the car B.Farmland C.the train D.the village ‎6. A.told B.spoke C.said D.talked ‎7. A.French B.English C.Chinese D.Japanese ‎8. A.a different B.the different C.a same D.the same ‎9. A.a lot of B.few C.a little D.many ‎10.A.myself B.himself C.herself D.itself ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. C ‎3. C ‎4. D ‎5. A ‎6.C ‎ ‎7.A ‎ ‎8.D ‎ ‎9.B ‎ ‎10.B ‎ ‎5 ☆☆☆☆‎ ‎ Getting plenty of exercise is very important . I enjoy __1___ very much . __2___ , I went to the beach every day , I plan __3___ there this summer too , but I may not be able to . I have __4___ new job , sometimes I have to work until __5___ at night . Although I now work more hours than I used to , __6___ I do receive ___7__ larger salary . I didn’t receive __8___ pay on my old job . I like ___9__ new job , but had I known that it would take up so much of my free time , I ___10__ it . I __11___ swimming to spending money .‎ I __12___ that riding a bike is good exercise . Maybe I will be able to __13___ enough money to buy a bike . My neighbour, ___14__ , has a bicycle that I could __15___ , but I would rather own my own bike . If I used __16___ , I would worry about damaging it . Since I make more money now , __17___ I think that I can __18___ to buy my own . Getting a bike is really a good idea , because while I am riding to and from work , I will be __19___ at the same time. It’s easler to get to the beach by bike , too . I might be able to go swimming every day after all . This new job is great ! I’m very __20____ This will be a summer full of exercise . ‎ ‎1. A.to swim B.swimming C.swim D.the swim ‎2. A.In last summer B.During last summer C.Last summer D.last summer ‎3. A.go B.going C.to go D. to going ‎4. A./ B. a C.the D.some ‎5. A.lately B.late C.very long D.black ‎6. A./ B.but C.however D.moreover ‎7. A./ B.a C.the D.some ‎8. A.some B.many C.each D.much ‎9. A.some B.a C.my D.its ‎10. A.will not take B.won’t take C.wouldn’t have taken D.an not takes ‎11. A.better enjoy B.enjoy better C.rather D.prefer ‎12. A.hearing people say B.have heard C.listen D.am hear ‎13. A.saving B.keep C.save D.maintain ‎14. A.The Mrs. Wilson B.the Mr. Wilson C.Mrs. Wilson D.Mrs. ‎Wilson ‎15. A.borrow from him B. lend me C.lend from her D.borrow from her ‎16. A./ B.his C.the her one D.hers ‎17. A./ B.therefore C.and D.so ‎18. A.enjoying B.want C.afford D./‎ ‎19. A.making exercise B.do exercise C.getting exercises D.exercise ‎20. A.excited B.exciting C.excite D.many excitements ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. C ‎3. C ‎4. B ‎5. B ‎6.A ‎ ‎7. A ‎8. D ‎9. C ‎10. C ‎11.D ‎12.B ‎13.C ‎14.C ‎15.D ‎16.D ‎17.A ‎18.C ‎19.C ‎20.A ‎6 ☆☆☆☆‎ My wife and I have always enjoy travelling by sea , and last year we had a long trip . Although our holiday was rather expensive we thought that the ___1__ standard of accommodation , the first-class food and ___2__ interesting places we saw __3___ the price we paid .‎ We found that most of the other __4___ were friendly and ___5__ , but there was one man , ___6__ , who made us unhappy , and not __7____ us but all __8___ who had meals with us at the same table . Whatever subject we talked about , it seemed that he was ___9__ it . He had , apparently , read more books , visited more ___10___ and studied more languages than anyone else . After a few days , we ate our meals in __11___ , because nobody wanted to __12___ a conversation that would soon be taken up by __13___ .‎ Then my wife had an idea . Fortunately , the ship had a library , and she suggested that we __14__ of an unusual subject , look it up in an encyclopaedia and then __15____ it at dinner . If it were unusual enough Mr. James could not __16___ know anything about it . The subject we __17___ was “ English Agriculture in the Eleventh Century”.At dinner that night we talked a lot about this subject . Mr. James was __18____ . We realized we had at last __19____ to find ___20__ he knew little about .‎ ‎1. A.new B.good C.high D.tall ‎2. A.many B.the many C.the few D.some ‎3. A.well were worth B.were worth well C.worth well were D.were well worth ‎4. A.passengers B.ships C.captains D.women ‎5. A.shy B.careful C.cruel D.interesting ‎6. A.the Mr. James B.ashy B.careful C.cruel D.interesting ‎6. A.the Mr. James B.a Mr. James C.Mr. James D.some Mr. James ‎7. A.only B.for C.like D.out of ‎8. A.the other B.the others C.others D.the other one ‎9. A.worried about B.listening to C.satisfied with D.good at ‎10. A.cities B.villages C.countries D.universities ‎11. A.silence B.surprise C.public D.secret ‎ ‎12. A.interrupt B.cause C.begin D.stop ‎13. A.my wife B.this man D.the others D.other people ‎14. A.had thought B.would think C.thought D.think ‎15. A.tell his about B.forget C.ask about D.talk about ‎16. A.certainly B.possibly C.mainly D.quickly ‎17. A.expressed B.gave C.chose D.required ‎18. A.silent B.noisy C.calm D.active ‎19. A.wanted B.returned C.gone D.come ‎20. A.anything B.something C.nothing D.everything ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. B ‎3. D ‎4. A ‎5. D ‎6.B ‎ ‎7.A ‎ ‎8.B ‎ ‎9.D ‎ ‎10.C ‎ ‎11.A ‎12.C ‎13.B ‎14.D ‎15.D ‎16.B ‎17.C ‎18.A ‎19.D ‎20.B ‎7 ☆☆☆☆‎ Mr. Thomas and his wife had taken their nine-year-old grand-daughter to Paris for a short holiday . One morning they set off for a _1___ on one of the Metro lines where the trains run on rubber wheels . In changing from one line to __2__ the child was _3___ behind on the platform in the rush to get on the train . __4__ that Mr. and Mrs. Thomas could do was __5__ out at the next station and ask a station official to telephone back to __6__ the child taken care of . They caught the very __7__ train back and felt pleased to see the little girl __8__ patiently on a bench on the opposite platform .‎ ‎__9___ they had crossed __10___ , the child had vanished . An official told them that he had __11__ her (in French , of course ) and she had immediately run away . __12__ followed an hour of searching every passage in the station until __13__ Mr. Thomas went to the police , who agreed to __14__ the search .One police officer had the __15__ idea of telephoning the hotel where they were staying . _16__ a relief to hear that the child had been saved by a _17____ young lady and brought __18__ to the hotel ! The child , who spoke no French , had __19___ the name of the Metro station near __20__ .‎ ‎1. A.rest B.play C.ride D.walk ‎2. A.others B.the other C.other D.another ‎3. A.left B.fallen C.taken D.passed ‎4. A.What B.All C.So D.Now ‎5. A.get B.to get C.got D.getting ‎6. A.ask B.let C.make D.have ‎7. A.big B.fast C.next D.last ‎8. A.to sit B.sat C.sitting D.sit ‎9. A.By the time B.By the way C.In no time D.On the way ‎10. A.round B.down C.back D.over ‎11. A.laughed at B.spoken to C.found out D.played with ‎12. A.That B.There C.Also D.Never ‎13. A.quickly B.though C.finally D.always ‎14. A.begin with B.go on with C.finish D.stop ‎ ‎15. A.clever B.foolish C.slow D.polite ‎ ‎16. A.Where B.Why C.What D.How ‎17. A.worried B.rude C.bad D.kind ‎18. A.over B.back C.out D.up ‎19. A.forgotten B.given C.answered D.learned ‎20. A.the train B.the platform C.Paris D.the hotel ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. D ‎3. A ‎4. B ‎5. B ‎6. D ‎7. C ‎8. C ‎9. A ‎10.D ‎ ‎11.B ‎12.B ‎13.C ‎14.B ‎15.A ‎16.C ‎17.D ‎18.B ‎19.B ‎20.D ‎8 ☆☆☆☆‎ Once the King of India fell ill and sent for the __1___ . The doctor came , examined him and said , “You will be well again in a few days if you take bull’s milk .”‎ The King was very __2__ , for he never heard of a bull that gave milk . “How is it possible ?” he asked . “Order Gulbo the scholar to get it for you . He can do __3___ .” The doctor was __4___ to Gulbo and thought this would be a way of making him suffer . When the King told Gulbo __5__ the doctor said and ordered him to get bull’s milk , Gulbo immediately __6__ what the doctor was trying to do .‎ When he got home , he sat thinking how to ___7___ the difficulty . His daughter , seeing him __8___ , asked what was the matter . On hearing what the King asked for she said , “Don’t worry , father . I will help you .”‎ ‎__9___ she took some old clothes , went to the bank of the river near the _10____ , and chose a place below the King’s bedroom windows in the middle of the _11____ , when everyone was in bed , she started to do her washing . She made so much noise that the King was very angry and sent a guard to ___12__ what was the matter . The soldier found the girl and __13___ her to the King . “Why do you wash your clothes here at night ?” asked the King .‎ The girl pretended to be afraid , and said , “I _14____ wash clothes at night . This afternoon my __15___ had a baby . I was busy all day because of that . Then I found there were no __16___ clothes for the baby , so I had to come and wash them now .”‎ ‎“What ?” cried the King , “Are you trying to __17___ a fool of me ? Who ever heard of a man having a baby ?”‎ ‎“Well , if __18___ himself orders someone to get bull’d milk for him , __19___ can’t a man have a baby ?”‎ The King smiled and said , “You must be Gulbo’s daughter . Go and tell your father that he may keep the __20___ for his lovely baby .”‎ ‎1.A.son B.wife C.servant D.doctor ‎2.A.glad B.sorry C.surprised D.frightened ‎3.A.anything B.something C.nothing D.things ‎4.A.a friend B.an enemy C.a neighbour D.a schoolmate ‎5.A.that B.what C.why D.which ‎6.A.thought B.asked C.believed D.understood ‎7.A.work out B.keep up with C.get out of D.go on with ‎8.A.angry B.worried C.disappointed D.happy ‎9.A.One day B.The other day C.The next day D.Tomorrow ‎10.A.garden B.palace C.office D.bridge ‎11.A.night B.palace C.garden D.day ‎12.A.find B.find out C.look for D.explain ‎13.A.gave B.drove C.carried D.led ‎14.A.could B.should C.had to D.might ‎15.A.sister B.mother C.father D.aunt ‎16.A.new B.clean C.clear D.old ‎17.A.make B.take C.have D.do ‎18.A.Gulbo B.a man C.the doctor D.the King ‎19.A.when B.where C.why D.how ‎20.A.bull’s milk B.cow’s milk C.clean clothes D.old clothes ‎ ‎ 答案 :‎ ‎1. D ‎2. C ‎3.A ‎4.B ‎5.B ‎6.D ‎ ‎7.C ‎ ‎8.B ‎ ‎9.C ‎ ‎10.B ‎ ‎11.A ‎12.B ‎13.D ‎14.C ‎15.C ‎16.B ‎17.A ‎18.D ‎19.C ‎20.A ‎9 ☆☆☆‎ ‎ A man wanted to buy a hat , so he went to a hat shop and spoke to the assistant , “I__1___ buy a hat , please ,” he said . “Can I try on ____2__ , please ?” ‎ ‎“Of course,” the assistant answered and he brought __3__ several hats .‎ The man ___4__ one by one but he didn’t like __5___ of them . “This one is too big and this one doesn’t ___6__ very nice and this one must be too cheap . Would you mind bringing __7___ hats , please ?” “__8___ ,” the assistant said . He went to the back of the shop and brought out some more hats. “Let’s try this one ,” the man said . “No, I’m afraid it’s too wide .” “What about this one ?” “No, I’m afraid it isn’t ___9__ . None of the hats are the right size ,” the man said . The assistant was very angry now .” “The hats are all right , sir,”he said , “but I’m afraid your __10___ isn’t the right size .”‎ ‎1. A.would B.would to C.like D.would like to ‎2. A.more B.a few C.a lot D.a little ‎3. A.to B.from C.on D.in ‎4. A.put them on B.take them on C.tried them on D.wore them ‎5. A.one B.any C.all D.every ‎6. A.look B.feel C.be D.see ‎7. A.some B.several C.a few more D.any ‎8. A.Yes, I would B.No at all C.Yes. You’re welcome D.Certainly ‎9. A.enough wide B.cheap enough C.wide enough D.very wide ‎10. A.mind B.heard C.heart D.hand 答案 :‎ ‎1. D ‎2.B ‎ ‎3. D ‎4.C ‎5.B ‎ ‎6.A ‎ ‎7.C ‎ ‎8.B ‎ ‎9.C ‎10.B ‎ ‎10 ☆☆☆‎ About 70 million Americans are trying to lose weight . It is almost one out of __1___ three people in the United States . Some people go on diets .This __2___ they eat less of certain foods , especially fats and sugars . Other people exercise with special equipment , take medicine , __3___ even have surgery . Losing weight is hard work , but it can also cost a lot of money . So _4___ do so many people in the United States want to lose weight ?‎ Many people in the United States are anxious for looking __5___ and pleasure . To many people ___6__ good means being thin . Other people worry about their __7___ . Many doctors say being overweight is unhealthy . But are Americans really fat ?‎ Almost 30 million Americans weigh at least 20 percent less than their proper weight . __8___, the United States is the most overweight country in the world . “The stored __9___ of adult Americans weighs 2,300 million pounds ,” said an American scientist . He said burning off that stored energy would produce __10___ power for 900,000 cars to go 12,000 miles . Although losing weight is hard work , most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat .‎ ‎1. A.the B.all C.every D.these ‎2. A.tells B.means C.shows D.asks ‎ ‎3. A.or B.that C.which D.until ‎4. A.what B.how C.when D.why ‎5. A.ready B.worried C.young D.old ‎ ‎6. A.being B.looking C.eating D.acting ‎7. A.friends B.looks C.health D.work ‎8. A.And B.In fact C.At least D.At once ‎9. A.energy B.meat C.fat D.beef ‎10. A.strong B.great C.enough D.much 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2. B ‎3. A ‎4.D ‎5. C ‎6. B ‎7. C ‎8. B ‎9.C ‎10.C ‎ ‎11 ☆☆☆‎ Tom is a thirteen-year-old boy . He is tall and strong . And he ran faster than __1____ in his class . So he was often proud of it . Two weeks _2___ a new student came . His name is Dick . He is thin and short . But his classmates found he ran very fast when they were playing football . Henry , one of Tom’s friends , told him about ___3__ . Of course , he didn’t believe it :‎ ‎“Why __4__ a race with him ?” said Henry .‎ ‎“It’s a good idea !” said Tom , “Go to tell the boy . I’ll have a race with him tomorrow .”‎ The next afternoon , when the classes were over , Tom got ready __5___ the race . He was sure he could win the first place . Henry didn’t __6___ his homework and couldn’t go with him . That evening Henry went to see his friend . They began to ___7__ about the race . Tom’s grandma heard them in the next room . She came in and asked , “Which place did you __8__ , Tom?” ‎ ‎“The second place , Grandma ,” answered Tom .‎ ‎“Congratulations to you !” the old woman said __9__ .And which place did Dick win ?”‎ ‎“The last ___10__ one .”‎ ‎1. A.any other boy B.any boys C.any other boys D.any other’s boy ‎2. A.before B.late C.ago D.then ‎3. A.this B.it C.that D.them ‎4. A.have B.have not C.having D.not have ‎ ‎5. A.to B.for C.about D.by ‎6. A.finish B.get C.do D.find ‎7. A.tell B.speak C.say D.talk ‎8. A.arrive at B.reach C.get D.see ‎9. A.very happy B.happily C.happyly D.happy ‎10. A.but B.or C.and D.as 答案 :‎ ‎1. A ‎2. C ‎3. B ‎4.D ‎5. B ‎6.A ‎ ‎7.D ‎ ‎8.C ‎ ‎9.B ‎10.A ‎ ‎12 ☆☆☆‎ We live in a village and have several children , so we always get up early . My husband is a famous singer ___1__ he is now working , he always comes down to breakfast at the time . some people think it is __2___ that we choose to live in the village , but my husband __3___ it a relaxation(休息) from the constant(不断的) __44__ when he is working . When he goes to foreign countries , we __5__ go with him and rent a house for the children .‎ ‎ Perhaps __6__ is wrong to take them everywhere but I remember __7__ lonely I was in my childhood when my parents were __8__ and I know my husband does not like being separated __9___ the children because they are always his first thing , even when he is __10___ in front of __11__ of people . My husband wants me to __12___him in the group , but whenever he asks me , I always __13__ . The excitement of being a singer does not __14___ very much to me , but when I am in the village , and I feel the wind blowing __15___ my hair , I am happy .‎ ‎1. A.Whether B.If C.Because D.Though ‎2. A.good B.interesting C.lucky D.strange ‎3. A.says B.tries C.finds D.looks ‎4. A.travelling B.talking C.walking D.speaking ‎5. A.usually B.never C.seldom D.something ‎6. A.this B.that C.it D.which ‎7. A.how B.what C.why D.very ‎8. A.in danger B.away C.unhappy D.in trouble ‎9. A.with B.of C.off D.from ‎10. A.writing B.studying C.singing D.saying ‎11. A.a thousand B.thousands C.one thousand D.several thousand ‎12. A.join B.leave C.please D.help ‎13. A.agree B.think C.try D.say “no”‎ ‎14. A.do B.give C.mean D.bring ‎15. A.through B.with C.off D.into 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2. D ‎3. C ‎4.A ‎5.A ‎ ‎6.C ‎ ‎7.A ‎ ‎8.B ‎ ‎9.D ‎10.C ‎ ‎11.B ‎12.A ‎13.D ‎14.C ‎15.A ‎13 ☆☆☆‎ Llewellyn , Prince of North Wales , had a faithful dog , Gelert , that went with him everywhere and that he was very fond of . But one day the Prince went out __1__ and he told Gelert to stay at home and guard the Prince’s baby son . Gelert obediently lay down by the cradle of the baby , and Llewellyn went away.‎ When he returned in the evening, Gelert came out joyfully __2___ him , and the Prince was horrifiled to see that the baby’s cradle was overturned , the bedclothes and floor _3___ with blood and there was blood round Gelert’s mouth . The baby was nowhere __4__ . The Prince thought the dog __5__ the child and wild with rage and fear he drew his sword and thrust it into Gelert’s heart .The _6___ cry of the dog __7__ by a child’s cry . Llewellyn looked round hastily , and there , under the torn and bloodstained blankets was his baby son , quite safe .‎ And beside it was the baby of a huge wolf that Gelert had killed in __8__his mater’s son .‎ Llewellyn was so filled with sorrow that it _9___ he never smiled again .He buried Gelert , and ever since , the place __10__ as Beddgelert , which means “The Grave of Gelert”.‎ ‎1. A.hurn B.to hurnt C.hunting D.to be hunted ‎2. A.meet B.to meet C.meeting D.to have me ‎3. A.had covered B.have covered C.were covered D.have been covered ‎4. A.to see B.to be seen C.to have seen D.to have been seen ‎5. A.kills B.was killing C.has killed D.had killed ‎ ‎6. A.dead B.died C.to die D.dying ‎7. A.follows B.followed C.was following D.was followed ‎8. A.defend B.defends C.defending D.to defend ‎9. A.says B.is saying C.will say D.is said ‎10. A.had known B.has been known C.had known D.had been known 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2.B ‎ ‎3.C ‎ ‎4.B ‎5. D ‎6.D ‎ ‎7.D ‎ ‎8.C ‎ ‎9.D ‎10.B ‎ ‎14 ☆☆☆‎ One afternoon two policemen sat in a car by a straight road in Australia . They were __1___ the traffic and looking for a stolen car . One of the policemen who was driving the car saw a small plane flying __2___ them . He followed it for a few minutes because it was very __3___ .When the plane flew near to the police car , the driver saw something __4___ from it and land in a __5___ by the road . He got out of the car and walked across the field .He saw a wallet __6____ the ground and __7___ it up .Inside the wallet there was a note which ___8___ , “Oil nearly __9___ . I have to land on the road . Please ___10___ the traffic .”‎ ‎1. A.seeing B.stopping C.driving D.watching ‎2. A.above B.after C.on D.by ‎3. A.small B.old C.slow D.fast ‎4. A.drop B.dropping C.to fall D.falling ‎5. A.ground B.field C.car D.traffic ‎6. A.by B.in C.on D.at ‎7. A.put B.looked C.gave D.plcked ‎8. A.wrote B.said C.heard D.saw ‎9. A.filled B.used C.finished D.left ‎10. A.watch B.stop C.open D.start 答案 :‎ ‎1. D ‎2. A ‎3.C ‎ ‎4.A ‎5.B ‎ ‎6.C ‎ ‎7.D ‎ ‎8.B ‎ ‎9.C ‎10.B ‎ ‎15 ☆☆☆‎ Things always know when a person isn’t well . At such times , things __1___ life hard for people . They have special __2___ of doing this .‎ When I’m not well , I can ___3___ find the things I need . The things I need ___4___ away from all the places where I except to find them . ___5__ I need something , I can not __6____ it quickly .‎ When we aren’t well , boxes become heavy . Doors don’t want to open . The wind becomes cold . The sun becomes too hot . Distances are ___7___ than they were when we felt __8___ . ‎ The things around us usually do ___9___ they should if we’re well and strong . But when we aren’t things often well us that they are __10___ not our friends , but our enemies .‎ ‎1. A.change B.keep C.make D.become ‎ ‎2. A.ideas B.ways C.days D.words ‎3. A.easily B.often C.always D.never ‎4. A.have gone B.to find C.not leave D.haven’t left ‎5. A.Because B.Though C.If D.Before ‎6. A.lose B.miss C.forget D.find ‎7. A.shorter B.longer C.better D.worse ‎8. A.fine B.ill C.tired D.strong ‎9. A.how B.why C.what D.which ‎10. A.only B.really C.suddenly D.quickly 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2.B ‎ ‎3.D ‎ ‎4.A ‎5.C ‎ ‎6.D ‎ ‎7.B ‎ ‎8.D ‎ ‎9.C ‎10.B ‎ ‎16 ☆☆☆‎ Brickton is a little village not __1___ from Manchester . When people __2___ go to Manch-ester , they usually go by train . __3___ about __4___ . A lot of people live in Brickton , but __5__ are in Manchester . In Manchester there are _6____ cinemas , than in Brickton . The people there don’t like ___7__ to cinemas , but if they want to see films , they can often see __8___ on TV . Brickton is ___9__ Manchester and so the people there ___10__ use their cars so often .‎ ‎1. A.far B.near C.long D.away ‎2. A.want B.want to C.will go D.wanted to ‎3. A.It spends B.It uses C.It takes D.They take ‎4. A.a hour B.half hour C.half a hour D.half an hour ‎5. A.their family B.their houses C.their jobs D.their work ‎6. A.more B.much C.many D.most ‎7. A.go B.going C.walk D.sitting ‎8. A.old one B.some old C.old ones D.any new films ‎9. A.is as small as B.more small then C.is bigger than D.much smaller then ‎10. A.don’t need to B.needn’t to use C.don’t need use D.aren’t use 答案 :‎ ‎1. A ‎2. B ‎3. C ‎4.D ‎5.C ‎ ‎6.A ‎ ‎7.B ‎ ‎8.C ‎ ‎9.D ‎10.A ‎ ‎17 ☆☆☆‎ Mum: Lingling , what are you doing in your room ? It’s time ___1__ .‎ Lingling: I know , but I haven’t ___2__ my English workbook __3___ .‎ Mum: ___4__ you put it into your school bag last night ?‎ Lingling: No. I remember I ___5__ it on the writing-table . Oh, where is it ? I’ll be late ___6__ school again .‎ Mum: You were late yesterday morning , __7___ ?‎ Lingling: Yes .‎ Mum: Did you __8___ sorry to your teacher at the time ?‎ Lingling: Of course I did . I promised __9__ be late again . Why ! It’s under the bed .‎ Mum: You’d better __10___ everything ready before you go to bed .‎ Lingling: Yes, Mum . I must be going now . Bye .‎ ‎1. A.for go to school B.you go to school C.to go to school D.go to school ‎2. A.looked for B.looked at C.found D.found out ‎3. A.already B.never C.ever D.yet ‎4. A.Didn’t B.Don’t C.Won’t D.Aren’t ‎5. A.putted B.put C.putting D.to put ‎6. A.at B.for C.on D.of ‎7. A.weren’t you B.were you C.didn’t you D.did you ‎8. A.speak B.talk C.tell D.say ‎9. A.don’t B.to not C.not to D.won’t ‎10. A.be B.to be C.get D.got 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2.C ‎ ‎3.D ‎ ‎4.A ‎5.B ‎ ‎6.B ‎ ‎7.A ‎ ‎8.D ‎ ‎9.C ‎10.C ‎ ‎18 ☆☆☆‎ Johnny ___1__ nine years old , and he was a very naughty boy . His mother always ___2__ that he would behave better . One day , after he got home from school , Johnny’s teacher __3___ his mother and said , “Do you __4___ , Miss Perkins , that Johnny saved a boy who fell into the river this morning .”‎ Mrs. Perkins was very __5___ when heard this . She __6___ to Johnny and said , “You’re a brave boy . Why __7___ tell me that you have saved one of your friends when he fell into the river this morning ?”‎ But Johnny did not ____8___ very happy . His face became very __9___ , and he said , “Well , I really ___10__ pull him out , because I pushed him in .”‎ ‎1. A.is B.are C.was D.were ‎2. A.wanted B.liked C.hoped D.worried ‎3. A.asked B.told C.called D.spoke ‎4. A.know B.heard C.see D.think ‎5. A.surpried B.sorry C.afraid D.pleased ‎6. A.turned B.asked C.called D.looked ‎7. A.didn’t you B.did you C.weren’t you D.were you ‎8. A.like B.look C.looked D.looking ‎9. A.red B.white C.blue D.black ‎10. A.would B.had to C.could D.might 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2.C ‎ ‎3.C ‎ ‎4.A ‎5.A ‎ ‎6.A ‎ ‎7.A ‎ ‎8.B ‎ ‎9.A ‎10.B ‎ ‎19 ☆☆☆‎ Sir William Thompson __1___ very deaf but he didn’t like people __2__ this . One evening he invited several friends to dinner . While they __3____ __4____ the table , one of __5___ told a funny story . Everyone laughed , Sir William Thompson laughed as __6___ as others . Then he said : “That was a very funny joke , but I know a __7___ one . Would you like to hear it ?” His friends all said that they __8___ , so Sir William began his story . When it ended , everyone laughed __9___ than ever and Sir William smiled ___10__ . But he didn’t know that he had told the very same story that his friend had just told .‎ ‎1. A.is B.are C.was D.were ‎2. A.know B.knew C.knowing D.to know ‎3. A.are sitting B.were sitting C.sat D.had sat ‎ ‎4. A.at B.with C.on D.by ‎5. A.his friend B.he friends C.the friend D.the friends ‎6. A.aloud B.loudly C.louder D.more loudly ‎7. A.more funny B.funny C.funnier D.more funny ‎8. A.will B.would C.do D.did ‎9. A.more loud B.louder C.loudlier D.loudly ‎10. A.happy B.happyly C.happily D.happly 答案 :‎ ‎1. C ‎2.C ‎ ‎3. B ‎4.A ‎5.D ‎ ‎6.B ‎ ‎7.C ‎ ‎8.B ‎ ‎9.B ‎10.C ‎ ‎20 ☆☆☆☆‎ The Christmas season is an important time in the United States . It starts from Thanksgiving Day to New Year’s Day . Thanksgiving Day always __1___ on the fourth Thursday in November , it it kept in the US __2___ a holiday on which God is __3___ for the crops which have been __4___ gathered in . New Year’s Day is always one ___5__ after Christmas . Christmas Day , December 25 , celebrates the ___6__ of Jesus Christ , the ___7__ of the Christmas religion . It is __8___ and the best-loved holiday season . Many people give parties at their homes or attend functions at hotels or __9___ .‎ ‎ Dancing and drinking go on __10___ midnight , when people carefully ___11__ the last ___12__ minutes of the old year and ___13__ welcome the New Year with firecrackers , gunshots and the ’pops’ of champagne bottles . The morning after is usually a lazy one since most people __14___ recover from the effects of __15__ too much . On New Year’s Day there are many university championship football games . They are ___16__ by a large __17___ of Americans on TV . Most people go back to work __18___ January 2nd , __19___ students prepare for the next __20___ to begin .‎ ‎1. A.is B.comes C.goes D.keeps ‎2. A.as B.for C.in D.on ‎3. A.thought B.thanked C.stood D.looked ‎4. A.early B.much C.safely D.always ‎5. A.time B.week C.month D.day ‎6. A.name B.death C.birth D.festival ‎7. A.founder B.finder C.owner D.winner ‎8. A.big B.bigger C.the bigger D.the biggest ‎9. A.homes B.universes C.parties D.restaurants ‎10. A.until B.with C.to D.for ‎11. A.count on B.count out C.count down D.count up ‎12. A.few B.a few C.bit D.a bit ‎13. A.luckily B.especially C.noisely D.politely ‎14. A.can B.may C.should D.must ‎15. A.drinking B.being drinking C.being drunk D.having drunk ‎16. A.seen B.looked C.read D.watched ‎17. A.number B.lot C.plenty D.team ‎18. A.in B.on C.at D.for ‎19. A.but B.or C.and D.though ‎20. A.exam B.term C.autumn D.dance 答案 :‎ ‎1. B ‎2.A ‎ ‎3.B ‎ ‎4.C ‎5.B ‎ ‎6.C ‎ ‎7.A ‎ ‎8.D ‎ ‎9.D ‎10.A ‎ ‎11.C ‎12.A ‎13.C ‎14.D ‎15.D ‎16.D ‎17.A ‎18.B ‎19.C ‎20.B

