牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 》PPT课件 (4)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 》PPT课件 (4)

The lion and the mouse 1 The lion is… There was a lion in the forest, he was very large and strong. The mouse is … How did they meet? Read Part 2. One day the mouse walked by and woke the lion up . The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. 走过 …… 叫醒 …… The lion laughed loudly Why ? A. The lion liked the mouse. B. The lion thought he can eat the mouse. C. The mouse said:” Please don’t eat me,I can help you some day.” But the lion thought it was funny. Read Part 2 and choose. Read in pairs, 注意各自的 语气 。 laughed loudly said quietly The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net. What happened next? The lion bit the net and got out. Two men took the lion away. C. Someone helped the lion. Read Part 3. Read Part 4. 1. How did he help? 1. How did he help? The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth. Read Part 4. Why can’t he make a hole by himself? 为什么狮子自己不能咬个洞出来呢? Discuss( 讨论 ) this in groups. What happened at the end of the story? 小组讨论,充分发挥想象并把结尾写在纸上。 Listen and repeat. There was a lion in the forest. He was very large and strong. One day, a mouse walked by and woke the lion up. The lion was angry and wanted to eat the mouse. “Please don’t eat me. I can help you some day,” said the mouse quietly. “You’re so small and weak! How can you help me?” laughed the lion loudly. Then, he let the mouse go. The next day, two men caught the lion with a large net. The lion bit the net with his sharp teeth, but that did not help. “How can I get out?” asked the lion sadly. Just then, the mouse saw the lion. “I can help you,” he said. Soon, the mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth. The lion got out. “Thank you!” said the lion happily. From then on, the lion and the mouse became friends. 1. 。 2. 注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。 3. 一小组表演时,其他小组观看并评分。 朗读 基本流利 ,表情动作 基本到位 。 朗读 较为流利 ,表情动作 比较到位 。 基本能够 脱稿 ,表情动作 十分到位 。 Showtime ! What do you learn from the story? A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 B. The mouse is very clever. C. The strong ones also have the disadvantages( 劣势,缺点 ) , the weak ones also have the advantages( 优势,优点 ).We should help each other. Homework 1.Read the story fluently. 2.Try to retell the story by yourself. 3.Share this story with more people.

