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三年级上册单词 黑体字(73个单词) pen      pencil       pencil-case      book    bag ruler     eraser     crayon     sharpener     school head     face     nose     mouth      eye     ear   arm     hand     finger     leg       foot     body   red        yellow     green        blue      purple   white      black      orange       pink     brown cat     dog      monkey    panda   rabbit    duck squirrel    mouse   elephant    pig     bird    bear cake  bread  hot dog  hamburger chicken  French fries Coke  juice   milk   water   tea     coffee    one   two   three    four   five   six   seven   eight    nine    ten    doll    ball   boat   kite balloon   car      plane    三年级下册单词 黑体字(72个单词、词组) boy       girl       teacher      student      this  my  friend   nice  good morning  ‎ goodafternoon  meet goodbye    too    I’m=Iam father     dad      mother        mom      man       woman      grandmother     grandma     grandfather   grandpa    sister   brother  let’s=let us   really      great      and     howeleven  twelve  thirteen fourteen   fifteen        sixteen  seventeen  eighteen nineteen   twenty       how many   can   look at    peach   pear   orange  watermelon  apple       banana   grape    strawberry   like     some     thanks     bus        bike        taxi        jeep desk        chair         walkman        lamp your         zoo small       big        long       short     tall    giraffe      deer 四年级上册单词 黑体字(66个单词、词组) window    board     light       picture     door floor      classroom    computer     wall      fan  teacher’s desk Chinese book    English book   math book   schoolbag story-book   notebook   twenty-one  thirty   thirty-one forty      forty-one   fifty    long hair   short hair   thin   strong   quiet   friend(s)   music    science   sports    computer game   painting    study      bathroom     bedroom    living    kitchen     phone     bed     sofa     shelf    fridge    table     rice    fish      noodles   beef   vegetable     soup    knife      chopsticks     spoon      plate      fork  family     parents    uncle    aunt     baby      driver    doctor     farmer      nurse  baseball player       四会单词(36个) bag      pencil     pen    book   ruler   pencil-case teacher   student    boy    girl    friend home      room     school       classroom   window    desk      door      chair       bed rice      beef      bread   milk   egg   waterchicken    fish sister       brother        father       mother driver        doctor       farmer       nurse 四年级下册单词 黑体词(50个单词、词组) playground     garden     teacher’s desk   canteen art room   computer room   washroom  music room gym      TV room lunch  English class  music class  breakfast   dinner P.E. class   get up  go to school  go home  go to bed sweater    jeans    pants    socks   shoes   shorts hot       weather     rainy     windy     cloudy  colourful   pretty     cheap    expensive   sneakers slippers    sandals    boots sheep      hen     lamb    goat    cow   tomato cucumber   potato   onion ‎ ‎  carrot 四会单词(88个) computer   board   fan    light   this  is   my  that your    teacher’s desk   picture  wall  floor   yes  it one   two   three   four   five   six   seven   eight nine    ten    what     time   it’s    o’clock   math Chinese    English     P.E.    music    for     class jacket      shirt      skirt     dress    T-shirt   red blue     yellow     green   white   no   not  colour warm    cold    cool   today   jeans   pant   socks    shoes    let’s    play    football     snowy   sunny how much    big    small    long    short    apple banana     pear    orange   watermelon   are   they horse     aren’t    cat   rabbit    pig   duck   dog eleven     twelve    thirteen      fifteen      twenty how many     there 五年级上册单词黑体字(16个单词、词组) principal   university student   cabbage   pork  mutton empty the trash    put away the clothes    air-conditioner over     in front of      sky      cloud     mountain village    city    四会单词、词组(93个) young     funny     tall    strong      kind    old short     thin    who’s=who is   Mr   what’s=what is like    he’s=he is    strict    smart   active    quiet she’s=she is     very      but      Monday    Tuesday   Wednesday   Thursday   Friday day   have   on   Saturday  Sunday    do homework watch TV     read books      What about…?     too eggplant  fish  green beans   tofu   potato   tomato  for    lunch   we  tasty   sweet   sour  fresh   salty ‎ ‎ favourite    they’re=they are   fruit   don’t=do not  grape       cook the meals        water the flowers sweep the floor     clean the bedroom      make the bed   set the table        wash the clothes      do the dishescan’t=cannot     use a computer    curtain    trash bin  closet    mirror    end table bedroom kitchen  bathroom living room    in    on    under   near  behind    clothes   river    ‎ flower   grass   lake   forest   path   park picture   house   bridge  tree   road   building  clean 五年级下册单词 黑体字(18个) January    February   March   April   May   June July    August    September   October   November December   first    second    third   fourth   fifth Eighth    ninth     twelfth    twentieth 四会单词、词组(83个) do morning exercises   eat breakfast   have English class play sports   eat dinner   when   evening  ‎ get up  at usually   noon   climb mountains    go shopping play the piano   visit grandparents   ‎ go hiking  weekend often    sometimes   spring   summer  fall   winter season  which   best   swim  ‎ ‎ fly kites   skate make a snowman   plant trees  why   because  sleep Jan.   Feb.  Mar.  Apr.  May   June   July   Aug. Sept.  Oct.  Nov.  Dec.  birthday  uncle  her   date draw pictures        cook dinner        read a book answer the phone     listen to music      clean the room write a letter   write an e-mail  mom   grandpa   study fly     jump    walk     run     swim    kangaroo sleep    climb   fight     swing   drink     water take pictures       watch insects       pick up leaves do an experiment    catch butterflies     honey count insects       collect leaves       write a report play chess         have a picnic 六年级上册单词 黑体字(16个) plane    ship    subway   science museum   north south    east     west      tonight      tomorrow take a trip      read a magazine     go to the cinema  magazine      dictionary      ‎ ‎ vapour   四会单词、词组(71个) by   foot    bike    bus   train   how   go to school traffic   traffic light    traffic rule   stop   wait  get to library   post office   hospital    cinema   bookstore where   please   nest to   turn  right   left   straight then    next week     this morning     this afternoon this evening   comic book   post card  newspaper  buy hobby   ride a bike   dive  play the violin  make kites collect stamps  live(s)  teach(es)  go(es)  watch(es)read(s)  does  doesn’t=does not  singer writer  actor  actress ‎ ‎ artist  TV reporter engineer  accountant   policeman  salesperson  cleaner where    work    rain  ‎ ‎ cloud    sun   stream  seed come from   soil   sprout   plant   should    then   六年级下册单词 四会单词(25个) taller   shorter   stronger  older   younger   bigger heavier   longer   thinner   smaller    have a fever   hurt     have a cold    have a toothache have a headache    have a sore throat    matter   sore nose  tired   excited   angry   happy   bored  sad 三年级上册句子 读下列句子,写出中文意思. 1.     Hello! ___________       Hi! _____________________________ 2.     Hello! I’m Wu Yifan. I’m from China.__________________________ 3.     What’s your name?_______________________________________ 4.     My name’s Chen Jie. ______________________________________ 5.     I have a pencil. ____________________ Me too._________________ 6.     Good morning._______________ Good afternoon._______________ 7.     This is Miss White. _____________Nice to meet you. ____________ 8.     Where are you from? ____________ I’m from America.___________ 9.     Let’s go to school. __________________ OK.________ 10. . How many cakes? ____________________One cake.__________ 11. How are you? ________________I’m fine, thank you._____________ 12. Let’s paint. _________________ Great.________________________ 13. I like green._________________ Me too. ______________________ 14. I have a rabbit. ___________________________________________ 15. Cool! ________ Super!_________ Great!________ Wow!_________ 16. May I have a look? ___________________Sure. _________________ 17. Here you are. _________Thank you. __________You’re welcome 18. I like hamburgers._______________ Me too. ___________________ 19. Have some French fries. ____________________________________ 20. Can I have some chicken? ____________________Sure. __________ 21. How old are you? ____________________ I’m nine. ____________‎ 三年级下册句子 1. Where are you from?              I’m from America. 2. Good morning!                   Good afternoon! 3. Class, we have a new friend today. 4. Who’s that woman?             She’s my mother。 5. Who’s that man?               He’s my ‎ father. 6. Who’s this boy?               My brother. 7. I have a new kite.              Oh, it’s beautiful. 8. How many kites can you see?        I can see 12. 9. The black one is a bird.          Oh, how nice! 10. How many crayons do you have?    I have 16 crayons. 11. Open it and see.                  That’s right. 12. Do you like peaches?           Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. 13. What about pears?          Oh, I like them very much. 14. Let’s have some peaches and pears. 15. Have some fruits.             Thank you, Miss White. 16. Sorry, I don’t like bananas. 17. Can I have an apple, please?       Certainly. 18. Have some more?          No, thank you. 19. Where is my car?           It’s under the chair. 20. Excuse me. Can I use your pencil?    No problem. 21. Here you are.                     Thank you! 22. Come on, children. Look at the elephant. 23. Wow! It’s so big!                It’s so funny! 24. It has a long nose and a short tail. 25. It has small eyes and big ears. 26. Look at the giraffe.              Oh, it’s so tall. 27. The giraffe is tall. The deer is short. 28. You’re tall. I’m short.            You’re right. 29. Let’s fly it.                     OK. 30. What a big fish!‎ 四年级上册句子 ‎1. What’s in the classroom? 2. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate. 3. We have a new classroom. 4. Where is my seat?              It is near the door. 5. Let’s clean the classroom.         Good idea! 6. Let me clean the board.          All right. 7. It is nice and clean!             Good job! 8. What colour is the schoolbag?  It‘s black and white. 9. May I have a look?  Sure. Here you are. 10. My schoolbag is heavy. 11. What is in the schoolbag? 12. How many picture-books do you have? 13. My friend is strong. He has short hair….14. I have a new friend.     He likes sports.    She likes music.15.What’s his name ?         His name is Zhang Peng.     16. What’s her name ?        Her name is Amy.                 17. Is this your bedroom?       Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.18. I have a new eraser.19. Is she in the study?     No, she isn’t. She’s in the kitchen.20. Where are the keys?        They are in the door.21 Are they on the table?             No, they aren’t.   22. What’s for dinner?        Rice, fish and vegetables. 23. What would you like for dinner?  I’d like some rice and soup. 24. Everything’s ready.        Thanks /Thank you. 25. Dinner’s ready!         Your forks and knives. 26. Help yourself!  Thank you. 27. I can use chopsticks.  Let me try. 28. Mm…Yummy, I like Chinese food.       Me too. 29. We had a good time. See you tomorrow. 30. How many people are there in your family?   Three. 31. Who are they?            My parents and ‎ me. 32. My family has seven members.33. Who’s this man?               He’s my uncle. 34. Who’s this woman?            She’s my aunt.35. Is this your aunt?      Yes, she is. /No, she’s my sister. 36. What’s your mother?         She’s a teacher.37. What’s your father?          He’s a doctor. 38. Are they farmers?      Yes, they are. / Yes, you’re right. 四年级下册句子 ‎1. Where is the canteen?            It’s on the first floor.      2. This is the teacher’s office.         That is my classroom.       3. How many students are there in your class?        Forty-five.    4. Do you have a library?                       Yes! 5. The canteen is on the first floor.       6. This is my computer.                   That is your computer.‎ ‎7. Is this a teacher’s desk?                 Yes, it is.No, it isn’t. ‎ ‎8. Is that the art room?                    Yes, it is.No, it isn’t. 9. What time is it?                        It’s nine o’clock. 10. It’s time for English class.                Breakfast is ready!   11. School is over. Let’s go to the playground. 12. Let’s go home.                          I’m ready. 13. It’s 7:05.  It’s time to go to school. 14. It’s 8:30 .It’s time for music class. 15. I like the white sweater with the green skirt. 16. I like the blue dress.         17. Where is my skirt? 18. What colour is it?                                Blue. 19. Is this your skirt?       Yes, it is./No. it isn’t. My T-shirt is red. 20. Is that your T-shirt?                 No, it’s not. 21. Whose is it?                       It’s my T—shirt. 22. Whose is this?                     It’s your baby brother’s! 23. What are they?     These are your baby pants. They’re so small. 24. Are those my shoes?                   Yes. But what for? 25. Our neighbour has a new baby! 26. This is the weather report.                  It’s cool in Lhasa.  27. Can I wear my new shirt today?    No, you can’t. /Yes, you can. 28. It’s warm today.                 You can wear your new shirt. 29. Can I wear my T-shirt?                       Yes, you can.  30. What are you doing?                          Not much.  31. What’s the weather like in Beijing?          It’s rainy today.  32. How about New York?                        It’s sunny. 33. What’s the matter?                           34. It’s windy now.               I have to close the window.35. Look at that dress.         It’s colorful.      It’s very pretty. 36. Can I help you?                      Yes. 37. How much is this dress?            It’s ninety-nine Yuan.   38. What size?                        Size five. 39. Are they all right? Yes, they are. 40. How much are they?                They’re thirty-five Yuan. 41. What are they?                         They are goats.   42. Are they sheep?                No, they aren’t. They are goats. 43. Are they horses?             No, they aren’t .They are donkeys. 44. Look at the hens.                     They are fat. 45. How many cows do you have?          One hundred. 46. What do you see in the picture?           I see five cats. 47. Are these tomatoes?              Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. 48. What are these? They are carrots.‎ ‎ 1. is, my, this, computer (.)      2. your, is, that, computer (.) 3. teacher’s desk, this, is, a (?) 4. is, it, time, what (?)           5. o’clock, it’s, two (.) 6. time, math, for, it’s, class ‎ (.) 7. this, is, your, T-shirt (?)         8. colour, it, is, what (?) 9. warm, it’s, today (.)           10. play, let’s, football (.) 11. much, how, it, is (?)          12. yuan, it’s, ten (.) 13. they, much, how, are (?)       14. three, they, yuan, are (.) 15. they, ducks, are (?) 16. many, horses, there, are, how (?)‎ 五年级上册句子 ‎1. Who’s your math teacher?           Mr Zhao. 2. What’s he like?               He’s thin and short. He’s very kind.    3. Who’s that young lady?             She’s our principal.   4. Is she strict?                 Yes, she is.   5. Is she active?                No, she isn’t. She’s quiet.   6. I have a new math teacher. Her class is so much fun.   7. What day is it today?                It’s Monday.   8. What do you have on Wednesdays?  9. We have English, science, computer and P.E..   10. What do you do on Saturdays?   11. I often do my homework.   12. What about you?        I do my homework too.   13. What would you like for lunch?    I’d like some tomatoes and mutton.   14. What do you have for lunch today?  15. I have eggplant and tomatoes.   16. It’s tasty. It’s my favourite. 17. What’s your favourite food?       Fish.   18. I don’t like grapes.           They’re sour. 19. Are you helpful at home?            You’re helpful.   20. What can you do?              I can sweep the floor. 21. Just do it!   22. Can you set the table?        Yes, I can.  No, I can’t. 23.I have my own room now.   24. What’s it like?  25. There is a big closet, a new air-conditioner and a new mirror. 26. There are blue curtains. 27. Where is the trash bin?         It’s near the table. 28. There is a forest in the nature park. 29. Is there a river in the park?         Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. 30. There are many small houses in my village. 31. Are there any bridges in your village?         Yes, there are. 32. Are there any tall buildings in your village?     No, there aren’t.‎ ‎1. your, who’s, teacher, English (?) 2. he, what’s like (?) 3. tall, strong, and, he’s (.) 4. she, is, quiet (?) 5. it, today, is, what, day (?)  6. do, what, have, you, Thursdays, on (?) 7. English, science, on, we, Thursdays, have, and, math (.) 8.do, what, you, do, Saturdays, on (?)  9. on, I, TV, Saturdays, watch (.) 10. do, I, homework, my, too (.)  11.for, have, do, what, you, Mondays, on, lunch (?) 12. tofu, tomatoes, we, and, fish, have (.)   13. fruit, what’s, favourite, your (?) 14. can, you, what, do (?) 15. sweep, I, the, floor, can (.)  ‎ ‎16. water, I, the, can, flowers (.) 17. you, make, can, bed, the (?) 18. use, computer, a, you, can (?)  19. two, kitchen, bedrooms, a, living room, are, there, a, and (.)   20. is, there, big, a, closet, mirror, a, bed, a, and (.)   21. near, table, the, closet, the, is (.)  22. in, park, there, is, the, a, forest (?)  23.any, are, there, in, the, mountains, pandas (?) 24. fish, are, in, rivers, the, there, any (?)‎ 五年级下册句子 ‎1. do, when, you, dinner, eat (?) 2. which, do, season, like, best, you (?) 3. is, when, birthday, your (?) 4. what, they, doing, are ‎ (?) 5. he, playing, is, chess (?) 6. eat, at, I, the, in, evening, dinner, 7:00 (.)  7. usually, at, I, get, 12:00, up, noon (.)  8. the, weekend, what, do, on, do, you (?)  9. visit, I, my, sometimes, grandparents (.) 10. do, like, why, you, summer (?) 11. in, swim, I, lake, the, can, because (.) 12. Bill’s, is, June, Uncle, birthday, in, too (.)   13. her, is, in, birthday, June (?) 14. cooking, is, mom, dinner, the, in, kitchen (.) 15. in, study, he’s, writing, e-mail, an, the (.) 16. is, she, what, doing (?)   17. are, climbing, they, trees (.) 18. eating, the, are, honey, they (?)  19. are, you, doing, what (?) 20. winter, I ,best, like (?) 21.fall, but, my, is, season, favourite (.)  22. watch, and, go, TV, shopping, I, usually (.)‎ ‎1. When do you eat dinner?  I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening. 2. When do you get up?    I usually get up at 12:00 noon. 3. What do you do on the weekend?   4. Usually I watch TV and go shopping. Sometimes I visit my grandparents. 5. I often play football. Sometimes I go hiking. 6. What’s your favourite season?              Winter. 7. Which season do you like best?              Fall. 8. It’s always sunny and cool. 9. I can play with snow. 10. Why do you like spring?      Because I can plant trees. 11. When is your birthday?        My birthday is in June. 12. Is your birthday in June, too?  No. My birthday is in December. 13. It’s October 1st, our National Day. 14. Who has a birthday in October?         Me. 15. What’s the date?          It’s October 1st. 16. What are you doing?  I an doing the dishes. 17.What is your father doing?     He’s writing an e-mail. 18. This is Nina. Can I speak to your mom, please? 19. Please hold on.           There’s a call for you. 20. I see the mother elephant. 21. What is she doing?          She is walking. 22. What about the baby elephant?    23. What is it doing?            It’s running. 24. What are the elephants doing?          They’re drinking. 25. What is Mike doing?             He’s watching insects. 26. What are you doing?      I’m watching my classmates. 27. Where are they?               They are in the woods. 28. Are they catching butterflies?    No, they aren’t. /Yes, they are. 29. Where is Zhang Peng?         He’s in the woods. 30. Is he taking pictures?          Yes, he is. /No, he isn’t.‎ 六年级上册句子 ‎1. do, school, go, you, how, to (?) 2. on, go, school, to, foot, I, usually (.) 3.by, I, go, sometimes, bike (.) 4. get, can, how, I, to, Zhongshan Park (?) 5.by, can, go, you, No.15 bus, the (.) 6. is, the, where, cinema, please (?) 7. hospital, next, the, to, it’s (.) 8. straight, turn, go, at, left, the, cinema, then (.) 9.are, what, you, to, do, going, the, on, weekend (?) 10.visit, this, I’m, to, going, grandparents, my, weekend (.) 11. are, going, this, where, you, afternoon (?) 12. going, am, I, buy, to, a, book, comic (.) 13. likes, he, stamps collecting, too. (.) 14. she, English, does, teach (?) 15.does, father, your, do ,what (?) 16. rain, the, rain, where, come, does, from (?) 17. do, how, you, that (?) 18. does, go, work, to, she, how (?) 19. TV reporter, my, a, is, uncle (.) 20. comes, the, clouds, it, from (.)‎

