冀教六年级上UnitLesson How Many Are There篇

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冀教六年级上UnitLesson How Many Are There篇

冀教版六年级英语上册教案 Lesson 12 How Many Are There ‎(一)教学目标:     知识目标:‎ ‎1.掌握可数名词复数的3种情况。     2.掌握句子单复数的用法,This is a/an +名词的单数形式     These are +名词的复数形式     能力目标:1.可以根据教师的提问做出相应的回答。     2.可以复述录音机所说的句子。     3.能根据图片信息说出简单的句子。     情感态度与价值观:     激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣和好奇心,提高他们的语言表达能力。     (二)重难点:     1.以”s” “sh” “ch” “x”为结尾的可数名词变复数时,在词尾后加-es     2.不规则变化,如:下列词man, woman, child 等等。     (三)教具准备:     录音机、教学磁带、课件     (四)学情分析:     学生已经掌握了很多的可数名词的复数形式,因而使本节课的教学就减少了不少负担,教师整理得有条有理,学习的内容对学生来说就简单容易多了。     (五)教学设计:     一、歌曲导入,激发兴趣     T: Today there are many teachers study with us. Are you happy      S: Yes, we are happy.     T : How to express your happiness ,×××      S1: Sing a song. ‎ ‎    T: Good idea! Let’s sing a song of “This is the way”. Ok      S: Ok.     (设计意图:通过师生一起歌曲演唱,给学生创造了轻松愉快的课堂气氛,有助于师生情感的交流,使学生很自然的驶入了英语课堂。)     二、新授     T: Are you ready for English class      S: Yes, we are ready.     T: Well, Today we will learn Lesson 12 How Many Are There  Now read together.     S: Lesson 12 How Many Are There      T: I have many pictures in the TV. Do you want to see      S: Yes.     1. Pencils and stamps.     T : (课件图片) What is this       S1: This is a pencil .(板书pencil)     T: How many are there  How many      S2: One pencil.     T: Yes, this is one pencil. (课件句子)     T : (课件图片) What are these       S3: These are pencils .(板书pencils)     T: Good. We can use‘many’in this sentence .Who can       S4: These are many pencils.     T: How many are there      S5: Eleven pencils.     以同种方式教授This is a stamp . These are many stamps .(板书stamp,stamps)     (设计意图: 呈现图片可以给他们以刺激,问答的形式可以使其保持注意力,并锻炼其语言的准确性。)     T: Now, look at the blackboard. (手指pencils, stamps并将s描红) Do you see the s at the end of these words       S: Yes. ‎ ‎    T: These words get bigger with an s. (板书) This word ’s Chinese meaning is ……(手指bigger)     S5:比较大。     T : Yes ,very good .这些单词在加了字母s后数目就变大了。Please read this sentence together.     S:These words get bigger with an s .     2.Dresses ,dishes and buses     T: I have another six pictures. Do you want to see      S: Yes.     T: Ok. But I have a request (要求).According(根据) to the pictures ,repeat the sentences that the tap says .Are you ready to listen to the tap       S: Yes, we are ready.     课件每出示一张图片,放一段录音,随即然学生单独重复,即时板书dress, dresses, dish, dishes, bus, buses     (设计意图:学生听录音,模仿标准的语音语调,培养了听的习惯,同时为他们最终的说打下良好的基础。)     T:(手指单词dresses ,dishes, buses) These words get bigger with an …(边说边板书)     S: es     T: (板书es) All of you are very good . Read after me ‘These words get bigger with an es .’     S: These words get bigger with an es.     3. Men, women and children     T: At last, I only have six pictures .They are about people. (出示课件一男人图片) According this picture ,who can say a sentence .     S1: This is a man.     S2: He is a man. (板书man)     T: He is a handsome man. Do you think so       S: Yes. ‎ ‎    (出示课件几个男人图片)     S3: They are men.     S4: They are five men. (板书men)     以同种方式教授 woman, women, child ,children 并板书     (设计意图:给学生充分的自由,让他们根据图片信息,发挥想象,自由地说出句子,只要无大的语病即可。鼓励、相信他们的能力,这不但能锻炼他们的口语表达能力,并可增强他们的信心。)     T: (手指单词men ,women, children) Do they get bigger with an s or an es  (板书)     S: No. (板书)     T: This words don’t have an s or es .They are special words.(板书special words)     三、拓展运用     T:今天我们学习了名词的单复数,名词的复数有三种情况,第一种情况是     S: 在单词的后面加s。     T: 第二种情况是     S: 在单词的后面加es。     T: 最后是不规则的变化,如men,women,children。我们已经学习了好多的可数名词,谁能说出一些,并说如何变成复数形式?     S: book---books toothbrush---toothbrushes chair---chairs room---rooms ……     从学生说出的众多单词中,总结名词变复数加es的规律:以”s” “sh” “ch” “x”为结尾的可数名词变复数时,在词尾后加-es 。不规则变化的单词:tooth,foot ,man,woman,children sheep people country family ……‎ ‎(设计意图:在教师的引导下,让学生自己发现并总结规律,锻炼学生的自主学习意识,并体验成功的喜悦)‎ ‎(冀教版)英语教案六年级上册 unit2 Lesson12‎ Lesson 12 How Many Are There ?‎ 教学目标:‎ 学生能够理解名词的复数并能灵活掌握和运用 规则名词和不规则名词的复数形式。‎ 教学重点:‎ 学生能够掌握不规则名词的复数形式。‎ 教学难点:‎ ‎ 学生能够掌握和在句中灵活运用名词的复数。‎ 教学过程:‎ 教 学 设 计 设 计 意 图 (1) a.Greeting : ‎ Hello ,class ! ‎ How are you today ? ‎ How is the weather ?‎ ‎……‎ b.Play a game : “WHANT`S WRONG” to ‎ review nouns that form regular plurals . Here are some nouns that form regular plurals that the students already know : book, chair, girl , boy , desk , school , teacher , eraser , pencil , pen , marker , arm , ear , eye , leg , hand , finger , toe ,apple , banana , orange , stamp ……‎ ‎ (2) New concepts ‎ a .Review the word :dishes”. The singular form of “dishes” is “dish” .‎ ‎ Write “bus , box, watch”on the blackboard . ‎ b.Tell Ss the word end in x ,s, sh , ch , ‎ 用游戏作为教学开头,活跃课堂气氛。既复习了以前学过的单词,又引出这节课的重点。‎ they need to add “es” , and pronounce /iz/ . So :‎ dish --- dishes bus --- buses ‎ box --- boxes watch---watches c. Write “man , woman , child” on the blackboard .‎ Lead the Ss guess their plural form .‎ man ---men woman --- women child --- children d. Play the audiotape and the Ss read these words after the tape .‎ e. Play “TIC-TAC-TOE” to practice regular and irregular plurals .‎ f .Do the exercise of activity book No1.‎ g. Listening :Activity Book No. 2 and No 3.‎ Blackboard design:‎ Lesson 12 : How Many Are There ?‎ ‎ (1) pencil ---pencils stamp---stamps ‎ (2) dish --- dishes bus --- buses ‎ box --- boxes watch---watches ‎ (3) man ---men woman --- women child --- children Exercise :用单词的适当形式填空 ‎ ‎1. We have many ( box ) .‎ ‎2. I like those (dress ) .‎ ‎3. I am washing the (dish ).‎ ‎4. There are many (child) in the class.‎ 用学过的知识引出新知,是学生很好的学习方法,让学生小组合作讨论总结所学知识,体验知识的形成过程,有助于对新知识的掌握和理解。‎ 用游戏进行复习,调动学生的积极性,有利于练习部分内容的顺利进行。‎ ‎5. The (glass) are new .‎

