Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play英文版

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Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play英文版

Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play 一.Teaching Objectives and Demands:‎ ‎1.Student can understand read say and practice the dialogue of this lesson . ‎ ‎2.Student can understand and practice the future tense.‎ ‎3.Student can understand read say and practice the following phrases: go to the park, skip, fly kites, play sports, read a book and listen to the radio.‎ 二.The Importance and The Difficult point:‎ The importance: Practice the dialogue.‎ The difficult point: Practice the future tense.‎ 三.Teaching Aids:‎ some pictures, some vocabulary cards and one tape-recorder 四.Allocation of time: one course 五.Teaching steps:‎ ‎ Step 1.Organizing the teaching ‎1.Greetings ‎2.Sing the Monday song ‎ Step 2. Revision 4‎ ‎1.Play “Simon says”to review action words (swim, jump, walk and run)‎ ‎2.Review locations and the structure “Let’s go to the _____ (location) to ___(verb) ___(noun).”with an object—prompt drill.‎ Object phrase pot Let’s go to the kitchen to make supper.‎ ‎ Soap Let’s go to the bathroom to wash hands. TV Let’s go to the living room to watch TV.‎ Clothes Let’s go to the shop to buy ____.‎ ‎ Book Let’s go to the library to red books.‎ Step 3.Key concepts: will skip fly very park ‎1.Introduce:‎ a.The Ss have seen much of the key vocabulary in this lesson before, especially “fly kites” and “park”. When we introduce “park” and “fly”, ask the class to say “Let’s go to the park to fly kites”.‎ b.Demonstrate“skip” with skipping rope. ‎ 4‎ Remember that the Ss mastered “skipping rope”.‎ c.Demonstrate “very” by skipping fast and then very fast as the teacher say the words.‎ d.Here’s a way to introduce “will”. Explain that will is another way to say “going to”. Ask the volunteers to draw lines to match the words.‎ Yesterday today tomorrow Worked walk going to laugh Ate go going to see Laughed jump going to eat Jumped see going to jump Went laugh going to walk Saw play going to go ‎ Played eat going to play ‎2.Student book :Play the audiotape as the students follow along their books.‎ ‎3.Practice:‎ Divide the class into small groups. Ask each 4‎ ‎ group to make up a dialogue about going to the park tomorrow.‎ ‎ 六.Students’ activity:‎ ‎1.Sing the English song.‎ ‎2.Play “Simon says”.‎ ‎3.Practice “Let’s go to the ____(location) to ___(verb) _____(noun)”.‎ ‎4.Imitation.‎ ‎5.Group work to make up a dialogue.‎ 七.Blackboard:‎ Lesson 14 Tomorrow We Will Play ‎ Fly a kite Go to the park ‎ ‎ I’m going to ….‎ I will ……‎ 4‎

