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陕旅版小学六年级英语复习资料 重点单词:‎ weather 天气;气候 sunny 晴朗的 fine 天气好的 rainy 下雨的 windy刮风的 cloudy多云的 snowy下雪的 take拿;取 umbrella雨伞 ‎ hard 激烈地;猛烈地 use 使用 catch 捉;捕获 pick摘;取 shop 购物;商店 spring 春天 summer夏天 autumn秋天 winter冬天 date 日期 U.S.美国 U.K.英国 China中国 city城市 throw扔 write写 thing东西;事物 help帮助 spoon勺子 salt盐 knife刀子 put放置 restaurant餐馆 potato土豆 hot dog热狗 sugar糖 cut切 pour倒 wash洗 cough咳嗽 cold感冒 fever发烧 ill病的 wrong不适的;有毛病的 hobby爱好 paint画画 call召唤;打电话给 work工作 loudly大声地 ‎ full满的 everywhere到处 leave离开 size尺寸 coat大衣 shirt衬衣 ‎ shorts短裤 son儿子 money钱 fire火;火焰 hurt受伤 find找到 yourself你自己;你们自己 map地图 gym体育馆 supermarket超市 cinema电影院 hospital医院 ‎ trip旅行;行程 beautiful美丽的 friendly友好的 busy繁忙的 may可以 drink饮料 ‎ better更好的;有好转的 brush刷 weekend周末 after在......之后 before在......之前 festival节日 ‎ last上一个 house房子;住宅 bank银行 hotel宾馆 excuse原谅 north北;北方 ‎ south南;南方 west西;西方 east东;东方 behind在......的后面 match比赛 win赢 ‎ team队;组 classmate同班同学 street街道 ‎ hope希望 waste浪费 animal动物 land土地;陆地 rain雨 world世界 sea海;海洋 panda熊猫 pocket口袋 funny滑稽的;可笑的 baby婴儿;有小的动物 shower阵雨 ‎ several若干;一些 suddenly突然地 again再一次 ‎ learn学习 e-mail电子邮件 scientist科学家 ‎ nurse护士 singer歌手 building建筑物 painting图画;油画;水彩画 postcard明信片 end结束 finally最后地;最终地 ‎ 重点短语:‎ leave for 出发去... weather report 天气预报 have a picnic 去野餐 catch butterflies捉蝴蝶 play cards 玩牌 pick flowers 摘花 ‎ railway station火车站 bus shop 汽车站 ‎ collect leaves采集树叶 jump rope跳绳 fall……off从……掉落 place of interest名胜古迹 Bell Tower钟楼 City Wall城墙 by plane=by air乘飞机 by ship乘船 ‎ by train乘火车 on foot 步行 have to 不得不 write a letter 写信 ‎ on the right在右边 pack up收拾;打包 ‎ set the table摆放餐具 hot dog 热狗 ‎ fried chicken 炸鸡 salad dressing 沙拉酱 ‎ play the flute 吹笛子 blow bubbles 吹泡泡 make a noise制造噪音 on sale 减价出售 ‎ get lost 迷路 look for寻找 play the violin拉小提琴 play chess下棋 collect stamps集邮 take care of照顾 ‎ take medicine吃药 play the guitar弹吉他 play the drum打鼓 play the piano弹钢琴 be interested in对……感兴趣 work hard努力工作 of course当然 French fries 薯条 ‎ play games做游戏 department store 百货商店 ‎ ‎ next to紧挨着 opposite to在……对面 in front of在……前面 any time任何时间 ‎ feed the pigs喂猪 milk the cow挤牛奶 brush the horse 刷马 pick apples摘苹果 ‎ gather eggs收集鸡蛋 water the garden浇花 ‎ harvest the corn收玉米 costume party化装舞会 go trick-or-treating采取不给糖果就捣蛋行动 pumpkin lantern南瓜灯 post office邮局 excuse me打扰一下 gas station加气站 ‎ go hiking徒步旅行 gold medal金牌 set off燃放 dragon dances舞龙 write couplets写对联 lucky money压岁钱 visit relatives拜访亲戚 Spring Festival春节 do spring cleaning春节大扫除 too much过多的 too many过多的 wild animals野生动物 ‎ throw rubbish everywhere到处扔垃圾 cut down砍伐 dry up干涸 wave goodbye挥手道别 get hurt受伤 ‎ computer case机箱 each other互相;彼此 finish school完成学业 send a postcard寄明信片; ‎ give a speech演讲 watch TV看电视 ‎ send e-mails发邮件 all kinds of 各种各样的 for example 例如 primary school小学 ‎ middle school 中学 on the left在左边 look at=have a look看一看 next year明年 ‎ no problem 没问题 on the earth在地球上 the map of the world世界地图 ‎ in the sea在海洋里 come from 来自 ‎ every day每天 go out出去 in the yard在院子里 several days ago 几天前 ‎ see films看电影 do well做得好 ‎ a little bit 一点儿 take photos 照相 ‎ turn right向右转 turn left向左转 ‎ go straight一直走 last year去年 ‎ 数字、月份和星期重点单词:‎ one 一 two 二 three 三 four四 ‎ five五 six 六 seven 七 eight八 ‎ nine九 ten十 eleven十一 twelve十二 thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen十九 twenty二十 thirty三十 forty四十 fifty五十 sixty六十 ‎ seventy七十 eighty八十 ninety九十 one hundred 一百 January一月 February 二月 March三月 April四月 May五月 June 六月 July七月 August八月 hundred百 thousand千 million百万 billion千万 September九月 October十月 November十一月 December十二月 Sunday星期日 Monday 星期一 Tuesday 星期二 Wednesday星期三 Thursday星期四 Friday星期五 Saturday星期六 ‎ 人称代词和形容词性物主代词:‎ ‎ 人称代词 形容词性物主代词 ‎ 主格 宾格 ‎ 单 第一人称 I me my ‎ 第二人称 you you your 数 第三人称 he/she/it him/her/it his/her/its 复 第一人称 we us our ‎ 第二人称 you you your 数 第三人称 they them their 重点句型:‎ ‎1. What’s the weather like? 天气怎么样?‎ ‎2. You'd (You had) better take your umbrella.你最好带上你的雨伞。‎ ‎3. We're (We are)going to have a picnic. 我们将要去野餐。‎ ‎4. What's the date today? 今天是什么日期?‎ ‎5. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?‎ ‎6. I have a headache. 我头痛。‎ ‎7. What's your hobby? 你的爱好是什么?‎ ‎8. I have a good habit. 我有一个好习惯。‎ ‎9. What size do you wear? 你穿多大码?‎ ‎10.Take good care of yourself. 照顾好你自己。‎ ‎11.Where were you yesterday ? 昨天你在哪里?‎ ‎12.How was your trip? 你的旅行怎么样?‎ ‎13.Where is the post office? 邮局在哪里?‎ ‎14.How far is it from China? 它离中国有多远?‎ ‎15.Look at my photos! 看我的照片。‎ ‎16.I had a great Spring Festival. 我有一个好的春节。‎ ‎17.We should save our planet. 我们因该拯救我们的星球。‎ ‎18.This is our home. 这是我们的家。‎ ‎19.We have only one planet. 我们只有一个星球。‎ ‎20.Our planet is beautiful. 我们的星球是漂亮的。‎ ‎21.Look at this blue planet. 看这个蓝色的星球。‎ ‎22.I saved a sparrow. 我救了一只麻雀。‎ ‎23.The computer is my good friend. 电脑是我的好朋友。‎ ‎24.What about your winter vacation? 你的寒假怎么样?‎ ‎25,What did you do? 你做了什么?‎ 重点句子:‎ ‎1. What’s the weather like? 天气怎么样?‎ ‎ It’s sunny / rainy / windy / cloudy /.... 它是晴天/雨天/刮风天/...。‎ ‎2. Shall we go swimming? 我们去游泳好吗?‎ ‎ Good idea. 好主意。(一起去) I'm sorry I can't . (不能去)‎ ‎3. You'd better take your umbrella. 你最好带上你的雨伞。‎ ‎ You'd better 是 you had better 的缩写形式,意思是“你最好 ....”, 向别人委婉地提出意见或建议。后面所接的动词是原形。‎ ‎4.What are you going to do? 你将要去做什么?‎ ‎ I'm ( I am) going to have a picnic. 我将要去野餐。‎ ‎ We are going to go home. 我们将要回家。‎ ‎ What is Peter going to do? Peter将要去做什么?‎ ‎ He is going to read a book. 他将要看书。‎ ‎ be going to ...表示将来打算、计划做或者有意去做的事。其中be动词有"is, am, are"三种形式。‎ ‎5.国家名及城市: (单词的第一个字母须大写)‎ ‎ China(中国) Japan (日本) Canada(加拿大) U.K.(英国) U.S.(美国) New York(纽约) Tokyo(东京) ‎ ‎ 注意:在国家和城市名称的单词前使用 in 哦!‎ ‎6. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?‎ ‎ I’m from China. 我来自中国。 I’m from the U.K. 我来自英国。‎ 7. Are you from South Korea? 你来自韩国吗? ‎ ‎ Yes, I am. / No, I’m not.‎ 8. Where will you go? 你将去哪里?‎ ‎ I will go to Hainan. 我将去海南。‎ ‎ will+动词原形(表示一般将来时)相当于be going to+动词原形 10. How will you go there? 你怎样去那里? ‎ ‎ By air/plane/train/ship/bus. 乘飞机/乘火车/乘船/乘汽车。‎ ‎ 询问你怎样去哪,用疑问词how, 使用什么样的交通工具时,要用介词by, 步行用“on foot”。‎ ‎11. Have a good time. 这是一句祝福语,预祝对方玩得愉快。‎ ‎12.在电话用语中,表示“我是谁”,不用I am... , 而应当说This is ...‎ ‎13. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? ‎ ‎ Yes, set the table, please. 好的,请(帮忙)摆桌子吧。‎ 14. Put the fork on the left. 把叉子放在左边。‎ ‎ (祈使句)即省略主语的句子 15. What would you like?你想要点什么?‎ ‎ I’d like some fried chicken 我想要些炸鸡。 ‎ ‎16. What’s your/his/her hobby? 你/他/她的爱好是什么?‎ ‎ I like/He likes/She likes playing the flute. 我/他/她的爱好是吹长笛。‎ ‎17. She is really interested in playing the violin.她确实很喜欢拉小提琴。‎ ‎18. Shall we make a fire?我们生堆火好吗? Yes, please. 好的。‎ ‎ Shall we go back down this path? 我们沿着这条小路回去好吗?‎ ‎ No, it’s going to be dark soon. 不行,马上就要天黑了。‎ ‎19. What can I do for you? 我能为您效劳吗?‎ ‎ I’m looking for a shirt for my son. 我在为我儿子找件衬衣。‎ 20. What size does he wear? 他穿多大码的? ‎ ‎ Small/Medium/Large. 小/中/大码。‎ 21. What color do you like?你喜欢什么颜色? ‎ ‎ Green/Red/Yellow. 绿/红/黄色。‎ ‎22. Can I have a try? 我能试试吗? Sure/Of course. 当然。‎ ‎23. How much is it? 这件多少钱? 55yuan. 55元。 ‎ ‎ It’s on sale.它在减价出售 注意:询问物品的价钱要用"how much"‎ ‎24.Which one do you want/like? 你想要/喜欢哪一个?‎ ‎ I want/ like the white one. 我想要/喜欢白色的那个。‎ ‎25.想要知道别人昨天某一时间在哪里,可以这样问答:‎ ‎ Where were you/they yesterday morning? ‎ ‎ Where was he/Colin/she yesterday afternoon?‎ ‎ I/We/They were at the cinema yesterday morning. ‎ ‎ He/She was at the cinema yesterday morning. ‎ 26. 询问对方去某地旅游的感受,句型用:How was your trip to...?‎ ‎ How was your trip to Beijing?‎ ‎27.询问某人做了某事,可以说:What did she/he/they do? ‎ ‎28.想确认某人是否做过某事,可以说:‎ ‎ Did she sing? Did they climb a mountain?‎ ‎29.描述两件事情先后发生的事情句型:‎ ‎ She had lunch before she picked apples.‎ ‎ She gathered eggs after she watched the garden.‎ 30. 问路的句型:Excuse me. Where is...?‎ ‎ Excuse me. Where is the post office?‎ ‎31.表达怎么样到达目的地,常常这样说:‎ ‎ Go straight ahead for...blocks. Then turn left/right on...Street. ‎ ‎ You will see.... The ... is next to/opposite to the drugstore.‎ 32. 询问两地之间的距离的句型:How far is it from...to...?‎ ‎ How far is it from Shanghai to Beijing?‎ 33. 询问乘坐航班到目的地需花多少时间,可以说:‎ ‎ How long is the flight?‎ ‎34.想把别人的注意力吸引到图片上时,可以说:Look at this photo.‎ ‎35.表示拍照的句型:My father took this photo for me.‎ ‎ My classmates took this photo two years ago.‎ ‎ My father took this photo when I was only one year old.‎ 36. 询问别人过去做过什么事,可以问:What did you do? 你做了什么?‎ ‎ 表示已经做了的事情,应该用过去时。‎ ‎37.We waste too much water,cut down too many trees,hunt too many animals.我们浪费了太多的水,砍了太多的树,猎杀了太多的野生动物。‎ ‎ too much 修饰不可数名词(即后接不可数名词)。‎ ‎ too many 修饰可数名词的复数(即后接可数名词的复数)。‎ ‎38. We should save our planet. 我们必须拯救地球。‎ ‎ should+动词原形,表示必须做某事,其否定形式是:shouldn’t.‎ ‎39. There is a lot of water on the earth. 地球上有许多水。‎ ‎ there be 用法:there be 结构为表示存在的句子,意思是“某地有/存在某物或某人”,be 动词后如果接的是复数名词,就用are,接的是单数名词,就用is.‎ 基本构成:there be+主语+状语+... ‎ ‎ There is some water in fruits . 水果里有水。‎ ‎ There are some books on the desk. 桌子上有一些书。‎ 否定式:there be+no/not +... ‎ ‎ There is no /not water on the moon. 月球上没有水。‎ ‎40. Pandas come from China. / Pandas are from China. 熊猫来自中国。‎ ‎ come from意为:来自...。come from 与be from意思相同。‎ ‎41. They like climbing trees.他们喜欢爬树。‎ ‎ like后如果接动词,则需要用动词的ing形式。‎ 42. ‎ I took her to my home and took care of her.‎ ‎ 我把它带回家并且照顾它。‎ ‎ take care of 意为:照顾,照看 43. What is your opinion?你的看法呢?‎ ‎ 此句型用于询问对方对某一事项的观点和看法。‎ 44. They are going to finish their primary school.他们即将小学毕业。 are going to 表示即将要发生的事,表示将来时用法还可以用will后接动词原形,‎ ‎ The party will be on July 20th。晚会将在7月20号举行。‎

