Unit 6 同步练习1

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Unit 6 同步练习1

Unit 6 Keep our city clean同步练习1‎ 一、英汉互译。‎ ‎1.种树____________________ 2. keep our city clean_______________‎ ‎3.死鱼______________ 4. these pictures of our city________________‎ ‎5.乘地铁去上学 ____________________ 6. on an outing ____________________‎ ‎7.把工厂从城市里搬走__________________ 8. tired and hungry ____________________‎ ‎9.捡起它____________________ 10. slip on the banana skin ______________‎ 二、根据首字母填空。‎ ‎1. The cans and rubbish m___________ the streets dirty and messy.‎ ‎2. T___________ your dirty clothes in the washing machine.‎ ‎3. He is careless. He s_____________ on an icy ground.‎ ‎4. The box is so heavy. Can you help me m_________ it?‎ ‎5. The fish are d___________.‎ 三、选择题。‎ ‎(  ) 1. ______your city clean?‎ A. Do B. Does C. Is ‎(  ) 2.Look! There ___________much black smoke in the sky.‎ A.is B. are C. have ‎(  ) 3. Bobby is sick. He goes ________hospital.‎ A. to B. to the C. /‎ ‎(  ) 4. There_____ rubbish in the water and the fish ______dead.‎ A. is; are B. are; is   C. am; is ‎(  ) 5. ____ make yourself(自己) beautiful, you ___ eat more food. ‎ A. For; shouldn’t B. To; should C. To; shouldn’t 四、词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. What can we do ___________ (keep) our city clean?‎ ‎2. Yesterday it _________ heavily, (rain), so I ________ (take) a bus to school.‎ ‎3. What _____________ (do) the sign mean? It means “No swimming”.‎ ‎4. There ________ (be) a lot of rubbish in the water last year.‎ ‎5. What __________ (make) the river dirty?‎ ‎6. Well ______ (do), children! 7. The streets become very______ (mess).‎ 五、阅读理解。‎ It is March 12th. It’s Tree Planting Day. There are many people on the hills. They’re planting trees. People plant many trees today. Plants are important to us. They can make food from the air, water and sunlight. But animals and people can’t do so. Animals and people can get food from plants. Without plants, life will not go on. Plants make the air clean, They can keep water from flowing away(流失). They can stop wind from blowing up sand and earth.‎ But in some places people are cutting down too many trees. This brings about floods and sandstorm. Now more and more people know that plants are important. They will plant more trees and grow more plants. They will try to protect the trees.‎ ‎( ) 1. Trees Planting Day is on ____________________‎ A. the twelveth of March B. the twelfth of March C. March 13th ‎( ) 2. ___________ can make food from the air, water and sunlight.‎ A. People B. Animals C. Plants ‎( ) 3. Life needs ____________ to go on.A. food from plants B. animals C. sand ‎( ) 4. What can plants do? ‎ A. They can make the air clean and stop the wind.‎ B. They can keep the water from flowing away C. Both A and B ‎( ) 5._____________ will try to protect the plants.‎ A. Some people B. More and more people C. No people 答案:‎ 一、1. plant trees 2.保持我们的城市整洁 3. dead fish ‎ ‎4.这些我们城市的图片 5. take the metro to school 6.去远足 ‎ ‎7. move some factories away from our city 8.又累又饿 9. pick it up ‎ ‎10.滑倒在香蕉皮上 二、1. make 2. Throw 3. slips 4. move 5. dead 三、1-5 CABAC 四、1. to keep 2. rained, took 3. does 4. is 5. makes ‎ ‎6. done 7. messy 五、1-5 BCACB

