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Part B(3)   Read and write & Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up 一、选出不同类的一项。 ( B ) 1 .A.where    B.water    C.when ( C ) 2 .A.Tuesday B.Sunday C.today ( C ) 3 .A.sleep B.read C.last ( A ) 4 .A.happy B.hotel C.library 二、单项选择。 ( B ) 1 .Robin     a broken chair yesterday.   A.fix B.fixed C.fixing ( A ) 2 .I wanted to watch TV, but the TV     .   A.didn’t work B.didn’t worked C.doesn’t work ( A ) 3 .My father often     lunch for us.   A.cooks B.cooked C.cooking ( C ) 4 .My mother didn’t like listening     loud music.   A.with B.at C.to 三、读问句 , 选答语。 ( C ) 1 .What did you do last Saturday? ( E ) 2 .Did you cook the food yesterday? ( D ) 3 .Was it a happy time? ( A ) 4 .What did John do last Sunday? ( B ) 5 .Where did you go last night? A.He helped his parents with housework. B.I went to the hospital last night. C.I walked in the park last Saturday. D.No, it wasn’t. E.Yes, I did. 四、看图完成句子 。 1 .My brother   read     a     book   yesterday evening.   2 .My sister   cleaned   her   room   last weekend.   3 .We   saw   a   film   last Friday evening.   五、走迷宫。小兔子去采蘑菇 , 不小心迷路了 , 它只有顺着动词的过去式走才能回到家 , 赶快帮它画出路线吧。

