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最新人教版六年级英语上册 教案(全册)+新版 PEP 小学英语六上教学反思 Unit 1 第一课时 总第一课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能借助读音规则、录音和图片,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写四会单词 science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital,能读懂句子 Where is the … ? It’s next to the ….并能在情景中运用,达到语音清晰,语调自然。(重点) b.我会借助图片,在老师的帮助下,在实际情境中模仿范例写句子,达到书写规范, 格式正确。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量。) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s review.(通过提示写出 next 的同类词,复习三年级下册和五年级上册学过的 单词:in,on,under,behind,in front of。 句子:Where is the … ? It’s next to the ….) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) science museum, post office, bookstore, cinema, hospital Where is the … ? It’s next to the …. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Make a map and talk. A: There is a pet hospital in my city. B: Where is it? A: It’s near the park. Using the map to make a new dialogue. ①Talk about with your partner. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a.If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars.If you can’t, please copy the words three times.You can get 2 stars. b.Talk about “Where is Xinhua bookstore?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A Let’s learn science museum post office bookstore cinema hospital A:Where is the cinema? B:It’s next to the bookstore. Reflection after class: Unit 1 第二课时 总第二课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写:Where is the … ? It’s near/next to/behind the ….做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能创编一个新的对话。达成率 90%。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English: Two heads are better than one. 一个好汉三个帮。 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: Where is the museum shop/post office? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: Where is the museum shop/post office? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Make (创编) a new conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). Talk about the places in your town/village. Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: How are you? B: I’m … , thank you. A: Is there a … in your town/village? B: Yes, there is./No, there isn’t. A: Where is it? B: It’s near/next to/behind…. A: Let’s go to the … tomorrow. B: OK! Bye! A: Bye! 2. Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 1 How can I get there? Part A Let’s talk A:Where is the museum shop? B:It’s near/next to…. Reflection after class: Unit 1 第三课时 总第三课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能借助拼读规则、录音和图片,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写四会单词 crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right ,能读懂句子 Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here? No ,turn left.并能在情景中运用,达到语音清晰,语调自然。达成 率 100%。(重点) b.我会借助图片,在老师的帮助下,在实际情境中模仿范例写句子,达到书写规范, 格式正确。达成率 95%。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :A miss is as good as a mile.失之毫厘,差之千里。 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here? No ,turn left. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Be a tour guide. Chen Jie is trying to be a tour guide for Oliver in Beijing, help her finish the guide. Using the map to make a new dialogue A: Hello, Oliver. Now we are in front of Tian’anmen. Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum. B: Wow! It’s great! Where is the …? Turn … here? A: Yes, this way, please. / No, turn … . B: Let’s go there. A: OK! ①Talk about with your partner. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a. If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars. If you can’t, please copy the words three times. You can get 2 stars. b. Talk about “Where is Zhengtong restaurant?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Let’s learn crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right A:Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here? B:No, turn left. Reflection after class: Unit 1 第四课时 总第四课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写:Where is the … ? It’s near/next to/behind the ….How can … get there? Turn … at ….做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能创编一个新的对话。达成率 95%。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English: Better to ask the way than go astray.问路总比迷路好。 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: Where is the Italian restaurant? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: How can Wu Yifan and Mike get to the restaurant? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? Make (创编) a new conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: I like ….I know a great …. B: Where is it? A: It’s near/next to/behind…. B: How can I get to the … ? A: Turn left/right at …. B: Let’s go to the … tomorrow. A: OK! Bye! B: Bye! 2. Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Let’s talk A:Where is the Italian restaurant? B:It’s near/next to…. A:How can we get there? B:Turn left at the …. Reflection after class: Unit 1 第五课时 总第五课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Read and write 课型:读写课 Learning aims: a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写: How can Wu Y ifan and his friends get to the Italian? They … and …. They … and then turn right again.做到发音清楚,语调达 意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能较完整地复述这个故事。达成率 95%。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English: Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: You are in a car .Which of these can help you find a place? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: What is Robin’s new feature? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. Tips for pronunciation (1)Listen. (2)Look. Robin has GPS . Follow me ,please ! Is it far ? Where is the restaurant ? (3)Say. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Answer the questions of P9. (2)Fill in the blanks of P9. (3)Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 1 How can I get there? Part B Read and write A: How can Wu Yifan and his friends get to the Italian?. B: They … and …. They … and then turn right again. Reflection after class: Unit 1 第六课时 总第六课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 1 How can I get there? Part C Let’s check &Story time 课型:综合实践活动课 Learning aims: a.我能借助图片和录音,在老师的帮助下,听、说、读、写:Where is the London Eye? It’s next to the film museum near the Thames.Is the Thames far from here? 做到发音清楚, 语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能较完整地复述这个故事。达成率 95%。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English: Well begun is half done.好的开端是成功的一半. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: Where is the … ? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: Where is the London Eye? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 (2)Listen and tick the places you hear. (3)Listen again and write the words under the pictures. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 1 How can I get there? Part C Story time A: Where is the London Eye? B: It’s next to the film museum near the Thames. Reflection after class: Unit 2 第一课时 总第七课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a. 我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写有关乘坐交通工具的词组:by plane、 by ship、on foot、by bus、by train、by subway.并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。 (重点) b. 我能正确运用上述词组和句型:How do you get there?谈论交通方式。达成率 95%。 (难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s review.(通过提示写出 bike 的同类词,复习三年级下册和五年级上册学过 的单词:bus,plane,taxi,ship.) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) by plane、by ship、on foot、by bus、by train、by subway. How do you get there? Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Write and say. A: How do you get to the USA from China? B: By plane. Using the pictures to make a new dialogue. ①Talk about with your partner. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a.If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars.If you can’t, please copy the words three times.You can get 2 stars. b.Talk about “How do you get to the …?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A Let’s learn by plane by ship on foot by bus by train by subway How do you get there? Reflection after class: Unit 2 第二课时 总第八课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a. 我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型: How do you come to school? I usually/sometimes/often come on foot.提问及作答。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English: A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: How do you come to school? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: How do Mike, Amy and Mrs Smith come to school? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) How do your classmates and teachers come to school? Do a survey. Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: How are you? B: I’m … , thank you. A: How do you come to school? B: I usually/sometimes/often come on foot. A: That’s good exercise. 2. Write the report on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A Let’s talk A:How do you come to school? B: I usually come to school….Sometimes I come …. Reflection after class: Unit 2 第三课时 总第九课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Let’s learn &Role-play 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写四个描述交通规则的单词和词组:wait, slow down,go,stop 并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能正确运用核心句型:We must ….及上述四个单词和词组为他人提建议。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) wait, slow down,go,stop Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. We must …. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Role-play. A: Excuse me. How can I get to…? B: It’s near the …. Let me help you. (Red light) A: Stop and wait! B: Thank you. A: You’re welcome! ①Talk about with your partners. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a. If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars. If you can’t, please copy the words three times. You can get 2 stars. b. Talk about the traffic rules with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Let’s learn Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. Reflection after class: Unit 2 第四课时 总第十课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Let’s talk & Let’s try 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:You must…和 Don’t…提出要遵守 的交通规则。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English: A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: What do you know about the traffic rules? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: What do you learn about riding a bike from the dialogue? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? Make (创编) a new conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: I like ….I know a great …. B: Where is it? A: It’s near/next to/behind…. B: How can I get to the … ? A: Turn left/right at …. B: Let’s go to the …. A: Hey, don’t go at the red light. A: Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights! 2. Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Let’s talk You must …. Don’t …. Reflection after class: Unit 2 第五课时 总第十一课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Read and write 课型:读写课 Learning aims: a.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,在语篇中寻找关键词,通过细节进行推理, 并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能根据范例完成有关安全的海报设计。(难点) 学习过程 Step1: Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English: A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: How many ways can you think of to go to school? Step 3 :While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Choose some suggestions for the kids on page 18. 5.Tips for pronunciation (1)Listen. (2)Look. come and have a look pictures of stop at a red light (3)Say. Look at the text on page 18. Find and say more like these. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Answer the questions of P19. (2) Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 (3)What suggestions will you give to your friends? Make a poster. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the traffic rules in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a poster, you can get 4 stars. If you can show a poster next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part B Read and write by sled by ferry on foot Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Stop and wait at a red light. Go at a green light. You must …. Don’t …. Reflection after class: Unit 2 第六课时 总第十二课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part C Let’s check/Let’s wrap it up/Story time 课型:综合实践活动课 Learning aims: a. 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能在实际情景中灵活运用本节课学习的语言,并能较完整地复述这个故事。达成率 95%。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English: A friend in need is a friend indeed.(患难见真情) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: What should you do at the red/green/yellow light ? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Watch the cartoon and answer: How can the family go home? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the story with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把故事熟练地读下来,你们可以前进两步。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can retell the story, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part C Story time left right England China Australia the USA Reflection after class: Unit 3 My weekend plan 课程纲要 ◆课程类型:必修课程 ◆ 教学材料:人民教育出版社 ◆课时安排:6 课时 ◆授课教师:新密市曲梁镇下牛小学 冯桂涛 ◆授课对象:小学六年级 词汇课(Part A、B) 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。能在口头表达中发音清楚。语调 达意。能根据拼读的规律,认读所学的词语。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的 语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写有关周末活动的四个词组:visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket 并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。 (重点) 2.我能正确运用上述词组和句型:What are you going to do...?谈论周末活动。(难点) Part B: 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写四个描述书店中常见物品的四个单词和 词组:dictionary,comic book, word book,postcard,并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重 点) 2.我能正确运用核心句型:Where are you going? What are you going to buy?及上述四个单 词和词组描述书店中常见的物品。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,you’re clever... 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:利用拼读规则看图认读新单词。 游戏(What’s in my hand?) 目标 2: Make a survey and fill in the form.  Show time 结果纸笔测试:1.Listen and write 2.Write down a sentence according to the pictures. 对话课(Part A、B) 课程标准相关的陈述 能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问。能就日常生活话题做简短的叙述。能正确朗读所学对话 或短文。 能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型: What are/is ... Going to do? I’m going to ...He/She is going to ...提问及作答。 (难点) Part B: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:Where are/is ... going? ...is going to ... When are/is ... going?谈论计划的地点与时间。(难点) 评价任务:1.激励性评价:口语评价 You’re super,perfect,wonderful. 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:Listen and answer the question. Read the dialogue Instead the red words to the new words. 目标 2:Make a new dialogue according to the pictures. Pair work. 结果纸笔测试: Listen and choose the best answer. Set new situation and make a new dialogue.First saying out and then write it down . 语篇教学(Part B) 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片读懂简单的故事,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。能正确朗读所学故事或短文。 能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下描述和讲述简单的小故事。 学习目标: Part B: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解语篇大意,在语篇中寻找关键词,通过细节进行推理, 并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能模仿日记描述自己家庭成员在中秋节的活动,并能够运用核心句型写出自己的计 划。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,great,... 2.过程性评价:奖励苹果。 学习活动: 目标 1: Read after the tape. I can retell the test. Read in pairs. 目标 2:I can make a new dialogue according to the real life. 结果纸笔测试:Read and tick or cross. Write down the traffic rules 评价细则:过程表现:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 作业评价:Good Better Best Unit 3 第一课时 总第十三课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 3 My weekend plan Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a. 我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写有关周末活动的四个词组:visit my grandparents,see a film,take a trip,go to the supermarket 并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重点) b. 我能正确运用上述词组和句型:What are you going to do...?谈论周末活动。达成率 95%。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :Knowledge is power.(知识就是力量。) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s sing.(通过欣赏歌曲,引出问题“What are you going to do today?”) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) visit my grandparents see a film, take a trip go to the supermarket What are you going to do today? Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Make a plan.(Fill in the form“What are you going to do on Saturday?”) Using the form to make a new dialogue. ①Talk about with your partner. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a.If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars.If you can’t, please copy the words three times.You can get 2 stars. 2.b.Talk about “What are you going to do on Saturday?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 3 My weekend plan Part A Let’s learn visit my grandparents see a film take a trip go to the supermarket What are you going to do today? Reflection after class: Unit 3 第二课时 总第十四课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 3 My weekend plan Part A Let’s talk & Let’s try 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a. 我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:What are you going to do...? 提问及 作答。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 2. Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: What are you going to do...? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: What are Mike and Sarah going to do tomorrow? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) How do your classmates and teachers come to school? Do a survey. Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: I’m going to … . A: Sounds great! I’m going to … . B: Have a good time. A: You too.I have to .... Bye! B:OK! Bye! 2. Write the conversation on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 3 My weekend plan Part A Let’s talk A: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: I’m going to … . A: Sounds great! I’m going to … . Reflection after class: Unit 3 第三课时 总第十五课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let’s learn & Role-play 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写四个描述书店中常见物品的单词和词组: dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard 并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。 (重点) b.我能正确运用核心句型:We must ….及上述四个单词和词组描述书店中常见的物品。 (难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English . 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard A: What are you going to buy? B: I’m going to buy ... Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Role-play. A: Can I help you? B: Yes. Do you have ...?(Red light) A: Yes. Here you are! B: Thank you. C;What are you going to buy? D: I’m going to buy ... ①Talk about with your partners. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a. If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars. If you can’t, please copy the words three times. You can get 2 stars. b. Talk about the traffic rules with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let’s learn dictionary, comic book, word book, postcard A: What are you going to buy? B: I’m going to buy ... Reflection after class: Unit 3 第四课时 总第十六课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:Where are/is ... going? ... Is going to ... When are/is ... going?谈论计划的地点与时间。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stag Ask and answer according the pictures: A: Where are you going ? B: I’m going to the ... A: When are you going? B: I’m going ... Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: Where are Jack and John going next week? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? Make (创编) a new conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: Where are you going this afternoon? B: I’m going to the ... A: What are you going to do there? B: I’m going to ... A: When are you going? B: I’m going ... A: Cool! Have a good time! B: Thank you! 2. Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Let’s talk A: Where are you going this afternoon? B: I’m going to the ... A: What are you going to do there? B: I’m going to ... A: When are you going? B: I’m going ... Reflection after class: Unit 3 第五课时 总第十七课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Read and write Tips for pronunciation 课型:读写课 Learning aims: a.我能通过读前问题的引导回忆背景知识及相关话题词汇。并能通过阅读问题,学习在 语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息,提高思维能力。还能模仿日记描述自己家庭成员在中秋节的活 动,写出自己的计划。(重点) b.我能根据例词提示在日记中找到更多双音节或多音节单词,掌握单词重音,并能正确 朗读出来。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: What do you usually do on National Day? What do you usually do on Spring Festival? What do you usually do on Christmas Day? What are you going to do on Mid-Autumn Festival? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: What are Wu Yifan’s family going to do on Mid-Autumn Festival? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Fill in the table. 5.Discuss with your partner. What are you going to do for Mid-Autumn Festival? Write your plan. 5.Tips for pronunciation (1)Listen. (2)Clap. lesson dinner tonight tomorrow (3)Repeat. Look at the text on page 28. Find and say more words like these. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework】 If you can write the traffic rules in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a poster, you can get 4 stars. If you can show a poster next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 3 My weekend plan Part B Read and write What are Wu Yifan’s family going to do on Mid-Autumn Festival? What are your family going to do on Mid-Autumn Festival? Reflection after class: Unit 3 第六课时 总第十八课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 3 My weekend plan Let’s check / Let’s wrap it up /Story time 课型:综合技能活动课 Learning aims: a. 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,并完成选图和填空任务。达成率 95%。(难点) C.我能在教师帮助下小结一般将来时疑问句的结构。达成率 100%。(重点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: What is John going to do tomorrow? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Watch the cartoon and answer: What is Zoom going to do tomorrow? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the story with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把故事熟练地读下来,你们可以前进两步。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 (2)Listen and tick.(P30) (3)Listen again and fill in the blanks.(P30) 2. Let’s wrap it. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can retell the story, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 3 My weekend plan Part C Story time Am is are what when where I we you they he she it Will be going to Reflection after class: Recycle 1 第一课时 总第十九课时 教学设计 课 题 : P32- Listen and circle/Look at these pictures and fill in the blanks/Listen again and answer. 课型:复习课 Learning aims a.复习 1---3 单元所学的词汇和句子,要求学生能描述场所的位置、 能 正确指路。 b.完成课本中听音画圈和听音填空的练习。 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s sing. Step 2:Pre-task stage 1、师生对话: T : Good morning. S1: Good morning. T : How do you usually come to school? S1 : I usually come to school on foot. T : I want to buy a word book . Where is the bookstore? S1 : It’s near the post office .Go straight .Turn left at the crossing . Then turn right at the post office. T : Thank you very much. S1: You’re welcome. 2、学生两人一组,模仿进行对话。 3、活动:Where am I going ? 活动方式:请学生根据教师的描述,猜猜“”。如: T : I’m going to see many famous pictures. S1: Art museum. T : I’m going to buy a dog. S2:Pet shop. T : I’m going to buy some postcards and a dictionary. S3 : Bookstore. T : I’m going to see a doctor. S4 : Hospital. T : I’m going to have a big dinner with my family. S5: Restaurant. T : I’m going to read some books about space travel. S6: Library. T : I’m going to see a comic film. S7 : Cinema. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Listen and circle. 2.Fill in the blanks. Step 4: Post-task stage Listen again and answer. (1)、全班齐读教材中的两个问题。 (2)、再次播放录音,学生静听。 (3)、请一些学生来回答这两个问题。 (4)、全班一起回答这两个问题。 Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework】 1、听录音,跟读对话。 2、复习 1---3 单元学过的单词和句型。 Writing design: Recycle 1 Go straight . Turn left . Turn right . Are they going by bus or on foot? When are they going? Reflection after class: Recycle 1 第二课时 总第二十课时 教学设计 课题: P33 Look at the picturesand guess what they are saying./Now listen and tick or cross 课型:复习课 Learning aims: a. 复习 1---3 单元所学的词汇和句子,能正确理解并使用一般将来时。 b.能完成看图说话、听音打钩或画叉等练习。 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 3. Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. Step 2: Pre-task Stage 1.复习有关交通工具类的单词或词组:on foot , bus , plane , taxi , ship , subway ,train , sled , ferry . 活动方式:先快速抽读这些单词卡片,接着将这些单词卡片和图片发给学生, 教师读单词 bus ,拿到该单词卡片和图片的同学迅速将手中的卡片贴在黑 板上。 2.复习动作类词组:visit my grand parents , see a film , take a trip , go to the supermarket ,have an art lesson , do my homework , draw some pictures , go ice-skating , go for a picnic … 活动方式:先快速抽读这些单词卡片,然后将这些词组卡片发给学生,接着 教师将这些词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师每贴一幅图,持有该图片词组的学 生要将词组贴在相应的图片下方,全班评价其图片贴的是否正确。 2.复习时间类的单词:evening , tonight , morning , afternoon , tomorrow , next week , weekend … 活动方式:先快速抽读这些词组卡片,然后让学生将单词和汉语配对。 Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Wu Yifan and Robin is going to visit his grandma and grandpa . On the way they see a little boy crying on the street . Look at the pictures and guess what they are saying . 2. Listen and tick or cross . 3. The little boy is waiting for his mother . Now Robin is singing a song to him . Listen to the song , please . 4. Read and circle . Step 4:Post- task Stage 1、Sing the song : Hush , little boy . 活动方式:教师播放歌曲录音,全体学生边唱边做动作。 2.活动:情景剧“A crying boy” 活动方式:学生四人一组,根据教材提供的情景,发挥想象,编排一个小“情 景剧”,最后请上一些小组到台前表演。如: Wu Yifan : Robin , look at the little boy . He’s crying . Robin : I see . (The boy is crossing the street .) Wu Yifan :Stop! Don’t go at a red light .It’s very dangerous . Why are you crying ? Little boy : I can’t find my mum. Wu Yifan :Don’t cry . We’re going to drink some juice .then I’ ll call your mum .Robin ,where’s the restaurant ? Robin :Go straight .Then turn right at the cinema . Wu Yifan :Thank you .Let’s go . Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a、听录音跟读单词。 b、完成配套练习。 Writing design: Recycle 1 on foot , bus , plane , taxi , ship , subway ,train , sled , ferry . Reflection after class: Recycle 1 第三课时 总第二十一课时 教学设计 课题:P33-34 Listen and read the song aloud/Read and circle./Read ,answer and do/Listen and read aloud 课型:复习课 Learning aims a.复习 1---3 单元所学的词汇和句子。 b.能完成看图填空、看图会答等练习 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English . 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Sing the song :Hush ,little boy . Step 2:Pre-task stage 1 . 活动:我问你答,你问我答。 活动方式:学生四人一组,采用我问你答,你问我答的方式进行连环问答, 回答错误或回答不上来的学生则被判出局。如: S1:Where is the bookstore? S2: It’s near the supermarket .What are you going to do? S3: I’m going to draw a picture .Are you going to draw a picture? S4 : Yes ,I am .Where are you going? S1: I’m going to the bookstore .How can I get to the bookstore?…. 2.活动:快乐寻宝 活动方式:教师准备一张简明的城市交通图,在图中标出若干个地点以及 在这些地点所埋藏的宝藏,如:A、B 、C 等,请全体学生根据老师的指示 语,去寻找埋藏宝藏的地点。谁先找到宝藏,谁就获胜。如:I’m at Point . I go straight from A .Then turn left at the traffic lights .Where am I ? … Step 3: While-task stage 1.Wu Yifan , Robin and the little boy are at the police station . The policeman is calling his mum . Let’s see . (1)、教师让学生根据地图所示,将警察和妈妈的对话补充完整。 (2)、全班讲评订正。 (3)、两人一组,分别扮演警察和妈妈进行对话练习。如: Policeman : MA’am ,we have your son . Come to the police station, please . Mum : Thank you . Thank you! How can I go there? Policeman : Where are you now ? Mum : I’m in front of the hospital .Is it far ? Should I go by bus?… (5)、请上一些学生到台前表演。 2.Read , answer and do . (1)、How can the boy’s mother go to the police station?请几个学生 来回答。 (2)、画出对话中提及的交通方式,然后在横线上写下他们所知道的其他交 通方式。 (3)、全班讲评订正。 3、Listen and read aloud . (1)、根据标注提示试读句子。 (2)、播放录音,全班跟读。 Step 4: Post-task stage 1.活动:问卷调查-----“Happy Weekend” 活动方式:学生六人一组,利用教师提供的表格,询问同伴本周末的安排, 调查表格如下: Name Activity Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a.复习 1---3 单元学过的单词。 b.完成配套练习。 Writing design: Recycle 1 Reflection after class: Unit 4 I have a pen pal 课程纲要 ◆课程类型:必修课程 ◆ 教学材料:人民教育出版社 ◆课时安排:6 课时 ◆授课教师:新密市曲梁镇下牛小学 冯桂涛 ◆授课对象:小学六年级 词汇课(Part A、B) Name Activity 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。能在口头表达中发音清楚。语调 达意。能根据拼读的规律,认读所学的词语。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的 语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写有关爱好的四个词组:dancing,singing,reading stories,playing football, doing kung fu 并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重点) 2.我能正确运用上述词组和句型:What are your hobbies?谈论自己或他人的兴趣爱好。 (难点) Part B: 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写四个描述日常活动的四个词组:cooks Chinese food,studies Chinese,does word puzzles,goes hiking,并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重 点) 2.我能正确运用核心句型及上述四个单词和词组描述自己的日常活动。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,you’re clever... 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:利用拼读规则看图认读新单词。 游戏 目标 2: Make a survey and fill in the form.  Show time 结果纸笔测试:1.Listen and write 2.Write down a sentence according to the pictures. 对话课(Part A、B) 课程标准相关的陈述 能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问。能就日常生活话题做简短的叙述。能正确朗读所学对话 或短文。 能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型: What are ...’s hobbies? He/She likes ...谈论他人的爱好与个人信息。 (难点) Part B: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:Does he live in ...? No,he doesn’t. Does he like doing...?提问及作答。(难点) 评价任务:1.激励性评价:口语评价 You’re super,perfect,wonderful. 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:Listen and answer the question. Read the dialogue Instead the red words to the new words. 目标 2:Make a new dialogue according to the pictures. Pair work. 结果纸笔测试: Listen and choose the best answer. Set new situation and make a new dialogue.First saying out and then write it down . 语篇教学(Part B) 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片读懂简单的故事,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。能正确朗读所学故事或短文。 能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下描述和讲述简单的小故事。 学习目标: Part B: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解语篇大意,在语篇中寻找关键词,通过细节进行推理, 能补全广告信息,复习动词第三人称单数的用法。(重点) 2.我能根据范例确定文段句子中哪些词重读、哪些词轻读,并正确朗读文段。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,great,... 2.过程性评价:奖励苹果。 学习活动: 目标 1: Read after the tape. I can retell the text. Read in pairs. 目标 2:I can make a new dialogue according to the real life. 结果纸笔测试:Read and tick or cross. Write down the traffic rules 评价细则:过程表现:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 作业评价:Good Better Best Unit 4 第一课时 总第二十二课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a. 我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写有关爱好的五个单词和短语:dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu。达成率 100%。(重点) b. 我能正确运用上述单词和词组谈论自己或他人的兴趣爱好。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :Like father,like son.(虎父无犬子。) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s sing.(通过欣赏歌曲,引出问题“What are your hobbies?”) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu What are your hobbies? I like .... Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage Interview your classmates and then give a report. Using the form to make a new dialogue. ①Talk about with your partner. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a.If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars.If you can’t, please copy the words three times.You can get 2 stars. b.Talk about “What are your hobbies?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Let’s learn dancing, singing, reading stories, playing football, doing kung fu What are your hobbies? I like .... Reflection after class: Unit 4 第二课时 总第二十三课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a. 我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型: What are ...’s hobbies? He/She likes ...谈论他人的爱好与个人信息。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1: Warm-up 4. Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: What are ...’s hobbies? He/She likes ... Step 3: While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: What are Peter’s hobbies? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Who is your best friend? Talk about his or her hobbies. Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: Who is your best friend? B: My best friend is .... A: What are his/her hobbies? B: He/She likes .... A:Really? Me too! Thank you for telling me. B:You are welcome! 2. Write the conversation on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part A Let’s talk A: My best friend is .... B: What are his/her hobbies? A: He/She likes .... Reflection after class: Unit 4 第三课时 总第二十四课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims a.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写四个描述日常活动的词组:cooks Chinese food,studies Chinese,does word puzzle,goes hiking。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能正确运用核心句型:Does he live in China? No,he doesn’t.及上述四个词组谈论或描 述自己的日常活动。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English . 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) cooks Chinese food,studies Chinese, does word puzzle,goes hiking A: Does he live in China? B: No,he doesn’t. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Listen,match and say. A: Come and see my new pen pal.His name is .... B: Does he live in China,too? A: No,he doesn’t.He lives in .... B: Does he ...?. A: Yes,he does./ No, he doesn’t. ①Talk about with your partners. ② Show in class. 2.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework a. If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars. If you can’t, please copy the words three times. You can get 2 stars. b. Talk about the traffic rules with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Let’s learn cooks Chinese food,studies Chinese, does word puzzle,goes hiking A: Does he live in China? B: No,he doesn’t. Reflection after class: Unit 4 第四课时 总第二十五课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:Does he live in ...? No,he doesn’t.Does he like doing...? Yes, he does.(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: A: Does he live in ...? B: No,he doesn’t. A: Does he like doing...? B: Yes, he does. Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: What do the two Johns like? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Talk about a cinema or restaurant you like. How can you get there? Make ( 创 编 ) a new conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: What are you doing? B: I’m .... A: Does he live in ...? B: No,he doesn’t. A: Does he like doing...? B: Yes, he does. A: Amazing! I like those too! Can I also be his pen pal? B: Sure. Why not? A: Cool! 2. Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Let’s talk A: Does he live in ...? B: No,he doesn’t. A: Does he like doing...? B: Yes, he does. Reflection after class: Unit 4 第五课时 总第二十六课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Read and write / Tips for pronunciation 课型:读写课 Learning aims: a.我能通过读前问题的引导回忆背景知识及相关话题词汇;能在四则广告中捕捉细节信 息,并提高思考、推理的能力;能补全广告信息,复习动词第三人称单数的用法。(重点) b.我能根据范例确定文段句子中哪些词重读、哪些词轻读,并正确朗读文段。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer,finish the table with your partner: A: What are your hobbies? B: I like .... Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: Do the four people in the text want pen pals? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read,answer and write. 4. Finish the ad for a cooking club.. 5.Tips for pronunciation (1)Listen. 1. We can share. 2. I like dancing. 3. He lives on a farm. 4. What are Peter’s hobbies? (2)Repeat. Look at the text on page 40. Find and say more sentences like these. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Make an ad for a singing club. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write an ad for your club with your partner, you can get 2 stars. If you can write an ad for your club by yourself, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part B Read and write A: What are your hobbies? B: I like .... Reflection after class: Unit 4 第六课时 总第二十七课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 4 I have a pen pal Let’s check / Story time 课型:综合技能活动课 Learning aims: a. 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,并完成选图和填空任务。达成 率 95%。(难点) 学习过程 Step1: Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: A: What are your hobbies? B: I like .... Step 3: While-task Stage 1. Watch the cartoon and answer:What are Monkey King’s hobbies? What are Zac’s hobbies? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the story with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把故事熟练地读下来,你们可以前进两步。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 (2)Listen and tick.(P30) (3)Listen again and fill in the blanks.(P30) 2. Let’s wrap it. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can retell the story, you can get 2 stars. If you can act the story next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 4 I have a pen pal Part C Story time What are Monkey King’s hobbies? What are Zac’s hobbies? Reflection after class: Unit 5 What does he do?课程纲要 ◆课程类型:必修课程 ◆ 教学材料:人民教育出版社 ◆课时安排:6 课时 ◆授课教师:新密市曲梁镇下牛小学 冯桂涛 ◆授课对象:小学六年级 词汇课(Part A、B) 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。能在口头表达中发音清楚。语调 达意。能根据拼读的规律,认读所学的词语。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的 语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写有关职业的单词和词组:factory worker,postman,businessman,police officer,并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重点) 2.我能正确运用上述四个单词和词组谈论职业。(难点) Part B: 1. 我 能 够 借 助 拼 读 规 则 、 图 片 、 听 、 说 、 读 、 写 四 个 表 述 职 业 的 单 词 : fisherman,scientist,polit,coach,并能在情景中正确运用。达成率 100%。(重点) 2.我能正确运用核心句型及上述四个单词描述常见的职业。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,you’re clever... 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:利用拼读规则看图认读新单词。 游戏 目标 2: Make a survey and fill in the form.  Show time 结果纸笔测试:1.Listen and write 2.Write down a sentence according to the pictures. 对话课(Part A、B) 课程标准相关的陈述 能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问。能就日常生活话题做简短的叙述。能正确朗读所学对话 或短文。 能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型: What does he/she do?He/She is...提 问并回答他人的职业。(难点) Part B: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:Where does he work?He works ... How does he go to work?He goes to work ...询问并回答他人的工作地点和乘坐的交通工具。(难点) 评价任务:1.激励性评价:口语评价 You’re super,perfect,wonderful. 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:Listen and answer the question. Read the dialogue Instead the red words to the new words. 目标 2:Make a new dialogue according to the pictures. Pair work. 结果纸笔测试: Listen and choose the best answer. Set new situation and make a new dialogue.First saying out and then write it down . 语篇教学(Part B) 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片读懂简单的故事,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。能正确朗读所学故事或短文。 能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下描述和讲述简单的小故事。 学习目标: Part B: 1.我能通过读前活动的引导回忆与话题相关的背景知识及话题词汇,并能在语篇中捕捉 不同类型的信息回答表格中的问题。(重点) 2.我能根据例句在文段中找到更多句中停顿现象,并能正确朗读句子。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,great,... 2.过程性评价:奖励苹果。 学习活动: 目标 1: Read after the tape. I can retell the text. Read in pairs. 目标 2:I can make a new dialogue according to the real life. 结果纸笔测试:Read and tick or cross. Write down the traffic rules 评价细则:过程表现:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 作业评价:Good Better Best Unit 5 第一课时 总第二十八课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 5 What does he do Part A Let’s learn& Listen, match and say 课型:词汇课 Learning aims 1.我能借助拼读规则、图片,听、说、读、写 factory worker,businessman,postman 和 police officer 四个职业单词。(重点) 2. 我 能 借 助 图 片 运 用 What does he/she do? He /She is a…, Is he/she a…? Yes,he/she is.(No,he/she isn’t.)(难点) 学习过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1.Everyday English 2.Show the learning aims. 3.Look and say.(教师利用多媒体课件出示学过的人物职业图片,让学生读。 4.Let’s chant. (教师利用多媒体课件出示人物职业图片,学生操练 What is he /she? 句型。 Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(借助实 物、拼读规则、录音和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词) factory worker,businessman,postman 和 police officer Step 3: While-task stage 1..Let’s learn (1)look and listen (2)Listen and repeat (3)Follow the teacher (4)Read in groups (5) Read with your partner and recite the words 2.Play a game.What’s missing? 3. Guess Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Lisen ,match and say 教师播放 Listen, match and say 部分的录音,让学生匹配相应信息,题目如下: Jiao Jie’s mother police officer Ge Nan’s father postman Zhou Jia’s mother factory worker Liu Qian’s father businesswoman … 学生做好练习,教师核对答案。然后教师和一名学生示范对话,最后学生间就此部分信 息展开对话练习,鼓励学生运用所学语言自由发挥,如: T: Is Jiao Jie’s mother a police officer? S: No, she isn’t. T: What does Jiao Jie’s mother do? S: She’s a businesswoman. 2.Write and say Step5: Sum up 1.这节课我学会了---------------------------------。 2.我会用的句型-----------------------------------。 Step6: Homework(任选其一) 1.If you recite the words,you only write one time ,if you can’t recite,you must write three times.(会背的单词,只写一遍,不会的写三遍) 2.Can you think of any other jobs? Write them on your exercise books.Ask and answer with your classmates.(你能想出一些其他职业吗?在练习本上写下来,并和你的同学问一问 答一答) Writing design: Unit 5 What does he do? factory worker postman businessman police officer Is your father a postman? No, he isn’t. What does he do? He’s a businessman. Reflection after class: 节课的教学内容是在原有知识的基础上继续学习有关职业名称的单词,教师把单词放入 句子中巩固学习,学生印象会更加深刻。在 Warm-up 阶段就通过这种方法操练本单元的重点 句型,让学生熟练运用重点句型,在难度并不大的情况下,充分调动学生的积极性,把握好 本课时的重点。在歌曲的轻松氛围下导入新课的设计很好,虽然歌曲中存在难点单词,但是 歌曲这一形式能很好地分散难点,同时为新课奠定学习基调。整个课时以照片或表演引出新 单词,以男女交替问答、拆音拼音法、游戏法等多种形式学习巩固新知,具有趣味性,让学 生在轻松愉悦的氛围下理解并掌握知识。 Unit 5 第二课时 总第二十九课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 5 What does he do Part A Let’s talk & Let’s try 课型:对话课 Learning aims: a. 我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) b.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) c.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用以下句型:What does he /she do...?He is a/an… 提问并回答他人的职业。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2.Everyday English: Doing is better than saying! ( 说 到 不 如 做 到 ! ) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Let’s try Listen ana circle Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Read the conversation by yourself. If you can’t read or understand the words or sentences ,circle it,then ask. 2.Listen and answer: (1)What does Oliver’s father do? (2) What does Oliver’s mother do? 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read after the teacher. 5. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 6.Practice the conversation with your partner . 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 7.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1. Test:Fill in the blanks with the right sentences 2. What does your father /mother do?Write the conversation on the exercise-book and show.(P48) Step 5:Sum up 这节课我学会的句型有: . Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 5 What does he do Part A Let’s talk & Let’s try Country head teacher A: What does your father/mother do ? B: He is a doctor.. Reflection after class: 本课时的重点在于学会如何询问对方的职业,同时教师拓展介绍了如何询问他人未来的 职业理想,这点做得很好,可以让学生对自己的未来有一个思考,在情感上给学生带来了正 能量。虽然增加知识点会加重学生的学习负担,但是适当的拓展有利于学生的全面发展。本 课用表演做动作的形式在预热阶段就调动了学生的学习兴趣,同时又给学生提供了复习旧知 识的机会,趣味性的练习使学生学英语不再单调,更利于学生接受。 本课的另一个特色就是充分引入一些当代歌手信息,在不影响教学进度的前提下,适当 加以拓展,既调动了学生的积极性,又让学生了解到了许多课堂以外的信息。除了可以在课 堂上充分练习本单元的重点句型以外,学生还可以在家与家长进行练习,这样不仅巩固了所 学句型,同时加强了学生与家长之间的交流。 Unit 5 第三课时 总第三十课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 5 What does he do Part B Let’s learn & Write and discuss 课型:词汇课 Learning aims 1.我能借助拼读规则、图片,听、说、读、写 fisherman,scientist,pilot ,coach 四个职业单词 和 university 地点名词 。(重点) 2.我能借助图片,会运用 What does he/she do? He is a/an… What does he/she work? He works at/in… (难点) 学习过程 Step 1: Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English . 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Show “Let’s talk”(学生两人一组表演) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(借助实 物、拼读规则、录音和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词) fisherman,scientist,pilot ,coach Step 3: While-task stage 1..Let’s learn (1)look and listen (2)Listen and repeat (3)Follow the teacher (4)Read in groups (5) Read with your partner and recite the words 2. Let’s chant 3. Play a game:Choose your luck number. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.fill in the blank according to Let’s talk. 2.Write and discuss 学生做好练习,教师核对答案。然后教师和一名学生示范对话,最后学生间就此部分信 息展开对话练习,鼓励学生运用所学语言自由发挥,如: T: What does Lee do?? S: He is a doctor.. T: Were does he work? S: He works in a pet hospital. Step5: Sum up 1.这节课我学会了---------------------------------。 2.我会用的句型-----------------------------------。 Step6: Homework(任选其一) 1.If you recite the words,you only write one time ,if you can’t recite,you must write three times.(会背的单词,只写一遍,不会的写三遍) 2.Can you think of any other jobs? Write them on your exercise books.Ask and answer with your classmates.(你能想出一些其他职业吗?在练习本上写下来,并和你的同学问一问 答一答) Writing design: Unit 5 What does he do? fisherman scientist pilot coach university -What does he/she do?? - He/She is a doctor.. - Were does he /she work? -He /She works in /at…. Reflection after class: 上课前,教师和学生复习巩固了上节课所学的知识。在单词教学过程中,教师通过展示 一些比较能引起学生兴趣的电影片段、图片等,激发了学生的学习兴趣,通过巧用拆分法让 学生当堂记住单词能够帮助学生形成形象记忆,这样可以降低学习的难度。作为老师应 要 “授之以渔”,让学生掌握并运用多种学习方法,获取更多的知识,提高学习效率。另外,教 师对各种职业的介绍相当重要,可以让学生了解职业不分高低贵贱,不能因职业不同而歧视 他人,要懂得为社会奉献。这是让学生形成正确人生观、价值观的好机会。 Unit 5 第四课时 总第三十一课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 5 What does he do Part B Let’s talk & Let’s try 课型:对话课 Learning aims: 1. 我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型:Where does he /she work?He works… How does he /she go to work? He goes to work…询问并回答他人的工作地点和乘坐的交通工具。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2.Everyday English: Doing is better than saying! ( 说 到 不 如 做 到 ! ) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Let’s try Listen and circle Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Read the conversation by yourself. If you can’t read or understand the words or sentences ,circle it,then ask. Life,stay, healthy, work hard ,should,study hard 2.Listen and answer: (1)What does Mike’s uncle do? (2) Where does he work? (3)How does he go to work? 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read after the teacher. 5. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 6.Practice the conversation with your partner . 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 7.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1. Fill in the blanks with the right sentences 2. Write the conversation on the exercise-book and show.(P50) Where does your father /mother work? -How does he /she go to work? Step 5:Sum up 这节课我学会的句型有: Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 5 What does he do Part B Let’s talk & Let’s try sea, stay, healthy, work hard ,study hard -Where does he /she work? -He/she works… -How does he /she go to work? -He/She goes to work… Reflection after class: 本课是锻炼学生胆量、口语表达的主战场。有些学生学不好英语是因为胆子小,缺乏自 信,怕说错,课堂上从不举手,而且常存在饶幸心理,希望老师不要叫到自己,而老师们为 了这些学生的“自尊心”和“安全感”,也很少提问他们,久而久之,这样的学生就成了“哑 巴”学生。而对话表演的学习方式给了学生很大的自由空间,它可以更好地激发学生的学习 兴趣,拓宽学生的参与面,调动学生的积极性和主动性,为全体学生提供口语锻炼的机会, 达到良好的教学效果。 Unit 5 第五课时 总第三十二课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 5 What does he do? Part B Read and write Tips for pronunciation 课型:读写课 Learning aims: a.我能通过读前活动的引导回忆与话题相关的背景知识及话题词汇,并能在 语篇中捕捉不同类型的信息回答表格中的问题。(重点) b.我能根据例句在文中找到更多句中停顿现象,并能正确朗读句子。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage List five jobs.Compare with your partner.How many different jobs are there in both lists? Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Read the passage and choose a title for the text. ( )People and their jobs ( )Hobbies and jobs 2. Listen and fill in the table.(P53). 3. Read after the table. 4. At the Real World Camp,children can try to do different jobs.Do you want to go to the camp? Fill in this form.(P53) 5.Show in class. 6.Tips for pronunciation (1)Listen. (2)Repeat. Look at the text on Page 53. Find and say more sentences like these. Step 4:Post- task Stage 反馈检测(Test) Discribe your hobbies and dreams like Page 52. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can write your hobbies and dream, you can get 2 stars. If you can write you and your friends’ hobbies and dreams, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 5 What does he do? Part B Read and write My hobbies: My dreams: Reflection after class: 这节课在课前教师就安排了日常会话练习,这样既起到了很好的巩固旧知、承接新知的作用, 又给了学生开口说英语的机会,让学生展示了自己的口语能力,为他们提供了交流的机会。 教师可让学生自由练习对话,因为学生想到的话题,往往比老师预期的更全面,更精彩。教 师在教学中还要注重因材施教,比如把简单的问题留给后进生,让他们尽量有机会模仿此外 还要注意及时地鼓励和表扬。这样由易到难,由简单到复杂,循序渐进。随着学生会说的内 容越来越多,他们的学习兴趣也越来越浓,学习成绩就会越来越好。小组讨论既是课堂活动 的一种,也能让学生集体交流讨论,使学生学会表达自己的观点时吸取他人好的观点,有利 于学生课后学习更好地开展。 Unit 5 第六课时 总第三十三课时 教学设计 课题:Unit 5 What does he do? Let’s check / Story time 课型:综合技能活动课 Learning aims: a. 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,并完成连线任务。达成率 95%。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1: Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer with teacher. A: What does your father do? B: He’s a ... A: And what does your mother do? B: She is a ... A: Where does he/she work? B: She works at/in/on ... A: How does he/she go to work? B: He/She goes to work . Step 3: While-task Stage 2. Watch the cartoon and answer:What does Zip want to be? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Role play. 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把故事熟练地读下来,你们可以前进两步。 4.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 (2)Listen and match.(P54) (3)Listen again and fill in the blanks.(P54) 2. Let’s wrap it. (1)Fill in the blanks. (2)Play the game“I didn’t hear you”. Step 5:Sum up This class I have learned . Step 6:Homework If you can retell the story, you can get 2 stars. If you can act the story next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 5 What does he do? Part C Story time What do you want to be? What does Zip want to be? Reflection after class: 本课时的重点是故事阅读,重在对学生阅读能力的培养。虽然故事具有一定的吸引力, 但考虑到小学生定力不足,难以长时间全身心地投入阅读中,所以教师采取了多种形式,尽 量让全体学生都投入到课堂学习中,如:分层阅读、小组讨论、示范阅读、分角色阅读等形 式。同时教师在学生遇到难题时进行适当指导、梳理,让学生消除畏难心理,大胆地跟着教 师的方法和思路来。有这样的经历后,学生以后就能够自己慢慢地解决问题,逐渐形成良好 的阅读习惯。教师也应注意,提高学生的自主能动性,不能过于依赖教师,度的把握十分重 要。 Unit 6 How do you feel?课程纲要 ◆课程类型:必修课程 ◆ 教学材料:人民教育出版社 ◆课时安排:6 课时 ◆授课教师::新密市曲梁镇下牛小学 冯桂涛 ◆授课对象:小学六年级 词汇课(Part A、B) 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或录音材料。能在口头表达中发音清楚。语调 达意。能根据拼读的规律,认读所学的词语。能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的 语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1. 我 能 够 借 助 拼 读 规 则 、 图 片 、 听 、 说 、 读 、 写 五 个 有 关 情 绪 的 单 词 : sad,angry,happy,worried,afraid,。达成率 100%。(重点) 2.我能看图完成句子,描述图片,并能正确运用这五个单词描述自己或他人的情绪。(难 点) Part B: 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写五个有关健康和建议的词组:see a doctor,do more exercises,wear more clothes,take a deep breath,count to ten,能正确运用这五个 词组描述身体状况并提出建议。达成率 100%。(重点) 2.我能根据图片提示完成卡片游戏。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,you’re clever... 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:利用拼读规则看图认读新单词。 游戏 目标 2: Make a survey and fill in the form.  Show time 结果纸笔测试:1.Listen and write 2.Write down a sentence according to the pictures. 对话课(Part A、B) 课程标准相关的陈述 能听懂课堂活动中简单的提问。能就日常生活话题做简短的叙述。能正确朗读所学对话 或短文。 能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,写出简短的语句。 学习目标: Part A: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用 be+表示情绪的形容词的结构询问他人的情绪或 描述自己的情绪。(难点) Part B: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型:He should ...Don’t be ...为他人提建议。 (难点) 评价任务:1.激励性评价:口语评价 You’re super,perfect,wonderful. 2.过程性评价:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 学习活动: 目标 1:Listen and answer the question. Read the dialogue Instead the red words to the new words. 目标 2:Make a new dialogue according to the pictures. Pair work. 结果纸笔测试: Listen and choose the best answer. Set new situation and make a new dialogue.First saying out and then write it down . 语篇教学(Part B) 课程标准相关的陈述: 能借助图片读懂简单的故事,并养成按意群阅读的习惯。能正确朗读所学故事或短文。 能在教师的帮助和图片的提示下描述和讲述简单的小故事。 学习目标: Part B: 1.我能通过读前活动的引导回忆与话题相关的背景知识及话题词汇,能在语篇中捕捉不 同类型的信息完成读后排序题,并能根据阅读所获取的信息完成故事提纲和口头复述故事。 (重点) 2.我能根据例句在文段中找到更多“失去爆破”现象,并能正确朗读相关句子。(难点) 评价任务 1.激励性评价:口语评价 good,super,great,... 2.过程性评价:奖励贴纸。 学习活动: 目标 1: Read after the tape. I can retell the text. Read in pairs. 目标 2:I can make a new dialogue according to the real life. 结果纸笔测试:Read and tick or cross. Write down the traffic rules 评价细则:过程表现:倾听、英语角、复习、合作、展示、检测 作业评价:Good Better Best Unit 6 第一课时 总第三十四课时 课题:Unit 6 How do you feel? Part A Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写五个有关情绪的单词: sad,angry,happy,worried,afraid.达成率 100%。(重点) 2.我能看图完成句子,描述图片,并能正确运用这五个单词描述自己或 他人的情绪。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English :No pleasure without pain.(没有苦就没有乐。) 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Presentation of Unit 6.(通过情境设置,引出问题“How is Sarah feeling now?”) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) sad angry happy worried afraid Sarah is ... The cat is ... Sarah and the cat are ... They are ... Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage Write and say. Fill in the blanks according the pictures. ①Wtite by yourselves. ② Show in class and check with your partner. 2.Write the new sentences on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework a.If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars.If you can’t, please copy the words three times.You can get 2 stars. b.Talk about “How is your feeling now?” with your partner and write the sentences on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 6 How do you feel? Part A Let’s learn sad angry happy worried afraid 主语 be 表示心情和感受的形容词. Reflection after class: 本课时重点学习了有关心情或心理状态的单词,学习难度不大,因为心理状态是每一位 学生自己都有体会过的,所以我在教学时需要唤起学生对这些心理状态的体会,那样学生既 能积极参与课堂,学习起来也不会觉得吃力。我运用歌曲 If you’re happy, clap your hands.引入 新课是很好的选择,这样既奠定好了学习的基调,又能够使学生欢快地投入到新课当中。本 课时最大的特点就是表情简笔画的应用,既生动形象,又贴近生活,学生还能自己描绘。如 此一来,学生自然而然地就将精力集中到了课堂中,课堂效果良好。 Unit 6 第二课时 总第三十五课时 课题:Unit 6 How do you feel? Part A Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用 be+表示情绪的形容词的结构询问 他人的情绪或描述自己的情绪。(难点) 学习过程 Step1: Warm-up 5. Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new sentences.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: A: How is Sarah feeling now? B: She is ... A: Why? B: ... Step 3 While-task Stage 1. Listen and answer: Why is the cat angry with the mice? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把对话熟练地读下来,你们可以为小组赢得两颗星,如 果你能和同伴一起把对话表演出来,你们可以为小组赢得四颗星。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) How are you feeling now?Talk with your partner. Model(范例): A: Hello! B: Hello! A: You look so happy.Why? B: Because...You are angry now.Why? A: ...,what should I do? B: Well,first,take a deep breath.Then you should count to ten. After that,you won’t feel so happy. A: OK,thank you. B: You’re welcome. 2. Write the conversation on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 6 How do you feel? Part A Let’s talk A: How is Sarah feeling now? B: She is ... A: Why? B: ... Reflection after class: 本课时的重点是会话练习,重在让学生学会在真实情景中掌握句型,熟练运用。教师将难 点单词从重点句型中挑出来,逐一突破,很好地分散了重难点,符合教学规律和学生的学习 规律。采用情景表演的方式引出难点单词,生动而活泼,再通过播放与课文内容相关的《黑 猫警长》这一卡通片,展现句型,既活跃了课堂氛围,集中了学生的注意力,又有利于学生 主动投入到学习当中,可谓一举两得。在句型的巩固阶段,竞赛形式所营造的快节奏有利于 学生迅速记忆句型,但同时也容易出现反作用,使学生出现畏难心理,没有信心。因此要注 意细心观察学生,积极引导学生顺利完成任务,促进全班学生共同进步。 Unit 6 第三课时 总第三十六课时 课题:Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Let’s learn 课型:词汇课 Learning aims 1.我能够借助拼读规则、图片、听、说、读、写五个有关健康和建议的词组: see a doctor,do more exercises,wear more clothes,take a deep breath, count to ten,能正确运用这五个词组描述身体状况并提出建议。达成率 100%。(重点) 2.我能根据图片提示完成卡片游戏。(难点) 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English . 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2:Pre-task stage Using the pictures to lead out the key words and sentences pattern of this lesson.(通过图 片和熟知的句子,师生以问答的方式引出本节课的生词和重点句子) see a doctor do more exercises wear more clothes take a deep breath count to ten A: I am ...What should I do? B: You should ... Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read the words after the tape. 2.Read after the teacher. 3.Read with your partner and recite the words 4.Using the pictures to practice the sentences. Step 4: Post-task stage 1.Play card games.“What suggestions can you give?” Choose a card and ask your partner“What should I do?” A:What should I do? B:You should ... ①Talk about with your partners. ② Show in class. 2.Sum up 3.Homework a. If you can recite the words, please write once from memory. You can get 3 stars. If you can’t, please copy the words three times. You can get 2 stars. b. Talk about “What suggestions can you give?” with your partner and write the dialogue on your exercise-book, you can get 5 stars. Writing design: Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Let’s learn see a doctor do more exercises wear more clothes take a deep breath count to ten A: I am ...What should I do? B: You should ... Reflection after class: 本课时的重点是短语学习,同时教育学生要学会照顾自己和他人。短语学习的方式有很 多种,比如做动作,反复朗读。教师结合了实际生活情况,在真实的情景中引导学生去思考 具体情况下的建议,更有利于学生理解,并有效地吸收,而不仅仅是停留在短语的学习上, 这一点,很重要。学习与生活息息相关,如果脱离生活去学习,那样我们就只是机械式地学, 并不能将其融会贯通,应用于实际。采用 chant、游戏等方式巩固知识,让学生在轻快的氛围 中快乐地学习,降低了学习难度,学生乐于接受,从而变被动学习为主动学习。 Unit 6 第四课时 总第三十七课时 课题:Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Let’s talk 课型:对话课 Learning aims: 1.我能在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,并回答读后问题。(重点) 2.我能按照正确的语音语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。(重点) 3.我能听、说、读、写,并在情景中运用句型:He should ...Don’t be ... 为他人提建议。(难点) 学习过程 Step1: Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer according the pictures: A: I am ...What should I do? B: You should ... Step 3 While-task Stage 1.Listen and answer: How does Sam feel? What should he do? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Read after the teacher. 4. Role play. (多种方式的练读。) 5.Practice (练习) the conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴). 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Your friends need some help.Call them and give your suggestions. Make (创编) a new conversation (对话) with your partner (同伴) and act with your friends.. Tip 1: 大胆地把你和同伴的对话展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Model(范例): A: Hello!Who’s that? B: Hello!I’m ...I’m ... A: What’s wrong? B: ...What should I do? A: You should ... B: Thank you. A: You’re wwelcome.Bye! B: Bye! 2.Show with your partner. 3.Write the new dialogue on the exercise-book and show. Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework If you can write the conversation in your memory, you can get 2 stars. If you can make a new conversation, you can get 4 stars. If you can act the new conversation next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Let’s talk A: I’m ... B: What’s wrong? A: ...What should I do? B: You should ... Reflection after class: 教有法,教无定法,贵在得法我在本节课中尝试了不同的教学方法,通过创设真实的情 景,自然引入重点句型,让学生在情境中领会句型,这样比突兀地给出句子有意义得多。六 年级的学生已经具有一定的英语学习能力,因此让学生自己总结规律是很有效的学习方法。 小组讨论也能让每一位学生充分思考,发挥主观能动性,从而提高课堂效率,让课堂“活” 起来。运用这些灵活的教学方法,让学生在乐中学,又在学中乐,尤其是对待后进生,采取 鼓励性的评价方式,尽量肯定学生在学习中获得的成功,多采用表扬的方式来鼓励他们,帮 助他们树立自信心。 Unit 6 第五课时 总第三十八课时 课题:Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Read and write 课型:读写课 Learning aims: 1.我能通过读前活动的引导回忆与话题相关的背景知识及话题词汇,能在语 篇中捕捉不同类型的信息完成读后排序题,并能根据阅读所获取的信息完成故事提纲和 口头复述故事。(重点) 2.我能根据例句在文段中找到更多“失去爆破”现象,并能正确朗读相关句 子。(难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s show the new dialogue.(学生两人一组表演上节课的作业。) Step 2: Pre-task Stage Draw faces for each word: afraid,happy,angry,sad Step 3 While-task Stage 2. Read the story and choose a best answer. What does the story tell us? A:We should always be nice to each other. B:We shouldn’t hurt ants. 2. Listen and number the pictures.(P53). 3. Read after the tape. 4. Fill in the blanks . 5.Show in class. 6.Tips for pronunciation (1)Listen. (2)Repeat. Look at the text on Page 62. Find and say more sentences like these. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework If you can read the story to your partner, you can get 2 stars. If you can retell the story, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 6 How do you feel? Part B Read and write The ant is____________. Robin is stuck and __________. The ants are strong.They ______________ Now everyone _____________. Reflection after class: 本课时的重点看似在教学故事,实则是在让学生领会一则哲理:We should always be nice to each other.如若只停留在教学故事表面,则没有达到此课时的目的;如若直接灌输给学生 哲理,学生难以体会或者体会不深刻,难以将书面的东西内化为自我的一种美德。因此本课 时度的掌握很重要。我采用故事表演、小组讨论、学生联系生活实际谈体会等多种形式,能 让学生都积极参与到课堂,加入故事表演中。只有让学生亲身经历,才能深刻理解故事,有 感而发,真正地做到友好待人。把握好了重点,学生学起来就有激情,教师教起来也就有动 力,从而使课堂效率达到最高。 Unit 6 第六课时 总第三十九课时 课题:Unit 6 How do you feel? Let’s check&Let’s wrap it up Part C Story time 课型:综合技能活动课 Learning aims: a. 通过阅读趣味故事,复习巩固本单元所学语言,做到发音清楚,语调达意。达成率 100%。(重点) b.我能从图片信息中推测考查点,做到有目的地听录音,并完成连线任务。达成率 95%。 (难点) 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 1.Greeting. 2. Everyday English. 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. Step 2: Pre-task Stage Ask and answer with teacher. A: Hello! B: Hello!I’m ... A: What’s wrong? B: ...What should I do? A: You should ... B: Thank you. A: You’re wwelcome. Step 3 While-task Stage 3. Watch the cartoon and answer: In the story,how is Zip feeling? 2. Listen and repeat. 3. Role play. 奖励提示:如果你能和同伴一起把故事熟练地读下来,你们可以前进两步。 6.Show time. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1.反馈检测(Test) (1)Retell the story. Tip 1: 大胆地展示出来吧,相信你是最棒的! Tip 2: 语音语调正确,表情自然。 (2)Listen and match.(P64) (3)Listen again and circle the right answer.(P64) 2. Let’s wrap it. (1)Add more words about feeling. (2)Tell your partner how you are feeling now. Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework If you can retell the story, you can get 2 stars. If you can act the story next class, you can get 6 stars. Writing design: Unit 6 How do you feel? Part C Story time A: I’m ...What should I do? B:You should ... Reflection after class: 本课时我通过两个游戏既复习了本单元的重点知识,又提高了学生的故事理解能力。在 教学过程中,我采用片段教学配合小组合作讨论的方法,很好地分散了课时重点,集中了学 生的注意力。通过多样化的教学手段,化难为易,是学生在不知不觉中掌握了所学的知识。 Recycle 2 第一课时 总第四十课时 课题:Recycle 2 Listen and fill in the blanks/listen again 课型:复习课 Learning aims a.我能够在图片的帮助下,听懂情景对话,并填出有关职业的关键信 息,复习相关核心词汇和句型。 b.我能够在图片和语言提示下填出人物的兴趣爱好,复习相关核心词汇 及句型。 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Let’s sing. Step 2:Pre-task stage 1、师生对话: T : Good morning. S1: Good morning. T : What does your father do? S1 : He is a ... T : What does your mother do? S1 : She is a ... T : Thank you very much. S1: You’re welcome. 2、学生两人一组,模仿进行对话。 3、活动:What do I do ? 活动方式:请学生根据教师的描述,猜猜“职业”。如: T : I work in a school. I like sports. S1: A teachder. T : I work in a police office.I like helping people. S2: A police officer. T : I work in a factory. S3 : A factory worker. T : I work in a post office. S4 : A postman. T : I work in a company.I like using computer. S5: A secretary. T : I work at sea. S6: A fisherman. T : I work on a plane. S7 : A pilot. Step 3: While-task stage 1.Listen and fill in the blanks. 2.Listen angin and check. Step 4: Post-task stage Listen again and write down the hobbies for the people. (1)、看图熟悉人物。 (2)、再次播放录音,学生静听并填空。 (3)、请一些学生来回答。 (4)、全班一起对照检查并读句子。 Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework 1、听录音,跟读对话。 2、复习 4---6 单元学过的单词和句型。 Writing design Recycle 2 A:What does ... do? B:... Is he /she a ... A:What are ... hobbies? B:...likes ... Reflection after class: 这节课是一节复习课。复习课的重点是对重点知识进行回顾、巩固与提升,但复习课相 对缺乏新鲜感,学生劲头没那么足,这就需要教师营造轻松活跃的学习氛围,吸引学生融入 课堂,才能提高学习效率。我采用游戏法、小组讨论法等方式。在教学中,还特别关注后进 生,对他们加以个别辅导,引导他们要有耐心,并为他们单独地进行补缺补差,同时要求英 语好的同学多多帮助后进生,使其感受到周围师生的关爱,重新树立起学好英语的信心。 Recycle 2 第二课时 总第四十一课时 课题:Recycle 2 P67 课型:复习课 Learning aims: a. 复习 4---6 单元所学的核心词汇和句子。 b.我能运用句型 He/She is doing ...以及 be+形容词的结构描述图中人物正在做的事情及其 情绪。 学习过程 Step1 Warm-up 6. Greeting. 2. Everyday English 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system. 4. Show the learning aims. Step 2: Pre-task Stage 1.复习有关心情与感受类的单词:happy,sad,worried,angry,afraid. 活动方式:先快速抽读这些单词卡片,接着将这些单词卡片和图片发给学生, 教师读单词 happy,拿到该单词卡片和图片的同学迅速将手中的卡片贴在黑 板上。 2.复习动作类词组:read stories,do kung fu,play sports,play the pipa, sing English songs,draw some pictures , go ice-skating , go for a picnic … 活动方式:先快速抽读这些单词卡片,然后将这些词组卡片发给学生,接着 教师将这些词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师每贴一幅图,持有该图片词组的学 生要将词组贴在相应的图片下方,全班评价其图片贴的是否正确。 3.复习地点类的单词:university,gym, school,hospital,...... 活动方式:先快速抽读这些词组卡片,然后让学生将单词和汉语配对。 Step 3 While-task Stage 4. Peper’s family are on the bus.What are they doing on the bus? 5. Say the sentences according the picture.Like this: Peple’s father is talking. He’s happy. 3.This is Peple’s puzzle.Do you know the answers? 4. Read the sentences and write the answers. Step 4:Post- task Stage 1、给绘本配解说词. 活动方式:教师用图片展示“卖火柴的小女孩”的故事,引导学生一边看一 边说出小女孩的感受,看图填词。 2.活动:给连环画配文。 活动方式:学生四人一组,根据教师提供的一些无字绘本,为这些绘本配文 并配音。看谁配的精彩。如: “卖火柴的小女孩”开始她充满希望(hopeful),逐渐感到疲惫(tried),和饥饿 (hungry),马车飞过时感到害怕(afraid),没了鞋子光着脚丫感到寒冷(cold),担 心火柴没有卖出回去会挨打(worried),最后擦亮火柴看到美食与奶奶感到幸福 (happy)。 Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework a、听录音跟读单词。 b、完成配套练习。 Writing design: Recycle 2 happy, sad, worried, angry talking, reading a book, playing computer games, doing word puzzles, singing, running Reflection after class: 这节课是复习,为了克服复习的枯燥,我制作了单词卡,激发兴趣导入,使学生带着兴 趣投入到复习课中,摒弃了以前复习课就是炒剩饭的错误看法。通过让学生介绍自己的家人, 使学生熟练掌握了如何谈论自己及家人的职业爱好。课堂气氛活跃,教学效果良好。 Recycle 2 第三课时 总第四十二课时 课题:Recycle 1 P68-69 课型:复习课 Learning aims A.我能够读懂故事,复习 4---6 单元所学的词汇和句子。 B.我能学会通过分析故事发生的时间、地点、主要人物及事件,理清故事脉络、结构并 复述故事。 学习过程: Step 1:Warm-up 1. Greeting. 2. Everyday English . 3. Introduce every group name and evaluation system(介绍组名和评价机制) 4. Show the learning aims. 5. Game:“看谁说得快” 活动方式:教师快速呈现一些描述爱好的单词,学生看到词就立即读出。 看谁读得快,读得准。 Step 2:Pre-task stage 1 . 活动:Guessing 活动方式:学生四人一组,大声读出自己得到的谜语内容,并猜出职业名 称。猜对的学生为本组赢得奖励。 A.He helps sick people.(doctor) B.She cleans the streets and keeps them clean.(cleaner) C.She always teaches at school.(teacher) D.He works on the sea and catches lots of fish.(fisherman) E.He sells things to other people.(businessman) F.He trains football player.(coach) G.He works in a factory.(factory worker) H.She sings nice songs.(singer) 2.快速阅读 学生限时圈出故事的主人公。 3.读前预测 教师简要介绍故事内容,请学生预测谁拿到了商人的钱。 Step 3: While-task stage 1.Read and answer How does the fisherman feel after three months? How does he feel at the end? Why? 2.Read angin and circle What does the story tell us? Tick what you agree with. Step 4: Post-task stage 1. Peter likes the story very much.He is going to tell it to his best friend. A story often has a setting(when and where),characters(who) and a plot(what happens).Fill in the blanks for this story.(P69) 2.Now you are Peter.Call your friend and tell the story. eg: There’s a rich old businessman in a small town.One day,he meets thtee men. He gives ... Step 5:.Sum up Step 6:Homework a.复习 4---6 单元学过的单词。 b.完成配套练习。 Writing design: Recycle 2 When:One day Where: Who: What happens: Reflection after class: 这节课是对前面所学知识的一个综合性复习,主要以故事阅读及相关练习呈现,重在提高 学生的阅读能力。在复习中,教师很注重对学生阅读方法的指导。初次阅读文章时,教师提 醒学生画出文中的生词、难词,并通过小组合作讨论的方式共同解决问题,学生干劲十足。 然后通过让学生用自己的话或用原文内容组织的语言回答故事后面的问题,以检验学生是否 对文章有了大概的了解。最后通过列故事提纲来理清文章的思路,让学生根据提纲复述文章, 这样既培养了学生自我学习的能力,又提高了学生的归纳总结能力。 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 Unit1 B Let's learn 教学反思 一.遵循了学生的思维发展规律 小学高年级学生的思维是从形象思维过渡到抽象思维的重要阶段,他们的抽象思维已经 有了一定的发展,但是抽象思维的发展很多时候还要依赖于具体、形象的事物的帮助。本节 课主要让学生学习使用 turn left, turn right, go straight 等语言进行问路、指路,而左转、右转 等空间思维能力正是很多学生有待发展的抽象思维能力。因此,本节课的教学重点不仅只是 让学生学会使用语言,更重要的是发展学生的空间思维能力。在教学中,我先用 touch your left eye, touch your right ear, raise your left hand, stamp your right foot 等语言,让学生在听做中“触 摸左右”;我又用 show me your left hand, turn left, show me your right hand, turn right 等语言, 让学生借助左右手听懂左转、右转的指令并做出正确的动作,我还让学生利用抽象的地图进 行找路、指路等活动。遵循了学生思维由具体到抽象的发展规律,使学生的语言学习和运用 水到渠成。 二.创设了较为真实的语言情景 言语交际是人脑思维对客观情景的反映。言语交际活动总是在一定的情景中进行的,离 开情景交际活动就难以实现。在外语教学中,学生只有在真实的语言情景或模拟情景中才能 更好地理解具体情景中所传递的信息和语言材料,触景生情,激活思维,激发表达思想的欲 望。在本节课的教学中,我着力为学生创设了较为真实的语言情景。学生在较为真实的情景 中学习语言、运用语言,使学生的学习积极性和参与热情发挥到了极致。 三.采用了活动型的教学途径 新课标倡导活动型的教学途径,因为小学生具有活泼好动的特点,通过活动教学,可以 使学生认识语言,领悟语言,激发兴趣,启迪思维;通过活动教学,还可以使学生的认知、 情感、个性、行为等方面得到全面和谐的发展。我在本节课的教学中就采用了活动型的教学 途径。学生乐于参与活动,并愿意在活动中积极表现。学生成为了活动的主体、学习的主体, 他们在活动中学习语言,同时也在活动中运用了语言。 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 Unit3 B Let's talk 教学反思 本 课 主 要 学 习 关 于 书 籍 的 单 词 和 词 组 : postcard, newspaper, magazine, dictionary, comic book.以及在前面三课的基础上学习句型:What are you going to do? I'm going to buy an English book in the bookstore. When are you going ? This afternoon.并且引导学生进行灵活的应运.本课的难点在于单词 dictionary 的读音, 以及灵活运用句型. 由此我设计了以下活动: 1. Let's chant. 首先让学生感受本单元的歌谣, 在这个歌谣中,让学生复习了句型: I'm going to ... We are going to...的用法. 从这个歌谣引申,我让学生来说一说自己 周末的安排和打算. I'm going to .... 学生都能比较流畅地表达. 2. CAI 展示图片. 本课主要学习关于书籍的词汇,所以,通过多媒体直接展示, 既节 约时间,可以把剩下的时间用到下面的操练中,有直截了当让学生明白了词汇的 意思。 3. 听音找答案. 在句子的呈现中,我通过让学生来听一听课文内容,让学生来说说 MIke 要去做什么事情,什么时候去. 让学生在课堂中培养英语听的能力。 4. 情景表演. 把习得的句子进行灵活应用.我设计了"我的书店"这个情景.在询问 学生需要什么书籍之后,请学生到我的书店进行购买. 运用句型:Can I help you? Yes. Do you have ....? Yes, here they are ...等. 学生表现出极高的积极性。 不足的是: 情景表演道具准备得不够充分, 这样表演起来不够真实. 在下一个 班级上课时候应该好好准备一下,这样学生就会更加有激情, 学生就会运用地更 加灵活自如了。 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 Unit4 Read and write 教学反思 本节课是 PEP 六年级上册第四单 read and write 阅读部分,通过阅读四个 notice board 继续学习、巩固有关他人的兴趣、爱好的表达方式,提高学生的综 合语言运用能力。我认为在这节课要处理好以下几个关键点:   一、复习导入,以旧引新。 义务教育阶段小学英语课程的主要目的是为发展学生的综合运用能力打基 础,为他们继续学习创造条件。在这节阅读课的读前活动设计中,通过 chant, brainstorm,free talk, chain game 等活动,对旧知识进行复习巩固,提前解决阅读 中的难点如 We are twins. We look the same, but we don't like the same things.有 效地激活学生大脑中的相关信息,“扫除”学生在阅读上将会面临的障碍,降低 阅读难度,为后面的阅读活动做好准备。   二、对学生的阅读技巧和方法有效地指导。   小学英语阅读课的教学任务是提高学生的阅读能力,而学生的阅读能力 的提高要通过阅读大量的英语资料,积累大量的词汇,学习相关的阅读方法和 技巧来培养的。在本节课 While-reading 环节中,通过观看视频整体感知文本, 带着问题快速读第一个语篇,了解电子邮件书写格式,然后带着任务再次细读 进入文本,捕捉信息,如划关键信息,联系上下文分析处理信息等,注重阅读 技巧的指导和训练,如跳读,略读,细读相结合,养成正确的阅读习惯和用英 语思维的习惯,培养学生自主阅读,合作阅读的能力。在 Post-reading 环节中, 学生将习得的阅读策略运用在拓展阅读语篇和仿写练习中,更进一步强化提高 了学生的语言运用能力。   三、多元化的评价方式,促进学生综合运用语言的能力。   在教学以形成性评价为主,终结性评价为辅。关注学生学习的过程中的 表现和进步,同时对学生的学习效果采用教师评价和学生自评相结合地评价体 系,对学生的学习给予及时、有效地评价。教师评价在贯穿在课堂的始终如: Wonderful! You did a good job! You have a good idea!等等,对学生的学习行为, 学习方法,思维能力等方面给予肯定和表扬,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生 的自信心。同时也让学生参与评价中,评价自我,评价同伴,互帮互助,共同 进步。 PEP 小学英语六年级上册 Unit5Let’s talk 教学反思 一、学科特点: 新的英语课程标准中,是这样阐述课程的基本理念的,它分为以下六个方面, 现就我这节课教学设计所涉及的方面阐述如下几点: 1.注重素质教育,体现语言学习对学生发展的价值。 语言既是交流的工具,也是思维的工具。学习一门外语能够促进人的心智发 展,有助于学生认识世界的多样性。 本节课我大胆地尝试了课堂中进行全英教学,让学生进行英语的交流和思维, 虽然不免在课堂上有些许不足,但可以看出学生的可塑性是很强的。绝大部分 学生能通过我的口语,肢体语言来进行思维,进而进行交流,这是我很欣喜的。 2.整体设计目标,充分考虑语言学习的渐进性的持续性。 语言学习持续时间长,而且需要逐渐积累,对于六年级的学生来说,他们已 积累了一些常用的课堂用语,能听懂教师的课堂指令等一些口语。因此,教师 在课堂上应充分考虑学生的语言水平并依此设计组织教学和评价活动。 3.强调学习过程,重视语言学习的实践性。 主张学生在语境中接触,体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语 言。因此,英语教师要尽可能地为学生创造在真实语境中运用语言的机会。 本节课是 Book 7 介绍职业话题的 B 部分,学生已掌握了一些询问他人职业的 问句及答语,因此在这部分中进行完本节新授的 5 个表示职业的单词及句型后, 我以我家的全家福引出并拓展了这一话题,我先向大家介绍了自己的全家福, 然后请同学们依据我的介绍思路介绍他们的,这一真实的语言话题立刻引起了 学生们的兴趣,他们都愿意说说。这样在不经意间本节课要求掌握的四会单词 及句子,就得到了巩固运用。 最后,我是这样小结的: Your mother and father work hard for you. You should say:I love my mom,I love my dad. 并让学生和我一起说,这样学生的情感态度顺理成章地得到了升华。 4. 优化评价方式,着重评价学生的综合语言运用能力。 要采用多元化的评价方式,并通过评价激发学生的学习兴趣。评价分为:形 成性评价与终结性评价。对于平常沉默的学生我给予鼓励并将较容易的问题机 会给他们,这样他们的积极性有了较大的提高,没想到本节课中的周聪、陈琛 都敢于举手了,我会说:You are better than before. You are a good student 等。 对于基础好的学生,我会从情感方面评价他们,如:本节课中的担任“Tv reporter”这一角色的学生我会这样评价:“You are a good Tv reporter” 。 二. 课前、课中、课后的安排. 1. 课前: 教师:a.研究本单元的各项目标要求,确定本节课的定位。 b.熟知本节课的教学目标的重点、难点,制定详细的教学设计。 c.依据设计制作课件,词卡等教学用具。 学生:a.作对本单元 A 部分的知识准备。 b.准备照片。(感知、理解、巩固、运用) 2.课中:c.见教学设计.(词——句——课文——运用输出) 3.课后:a.素质作业。 b.语言综合运用作业。 不足: 1.由于时间仓促,课件的制作中出现了 2 处错误,这是我的粗心。 2.采访环节拓展的面还应再宽一些。 PEP 小学英语四年级上册 Unit3ALet’s talk 教学反思 这节课讲述第三单元 My friends A Let’s talk,What’s his name? His name is… 是本节课的教学重点也是教学难点,在备课时我设计用学过的句型 What’s your name? 先问一名男同学的名字,在该生回答后再问全班同学 What’s his name? 强调 his 以引出新句型, 但课堂上我发现这两个班学生多数都还不认识,因此我灵机一动改变教学方 案,对学生说:“谁能帮老师个忙?”学生们一听老师有困难,都疑惑的看着 我,又彼此看了看不知道老师所说的困难到底有多难,我接着说:“咱们接触 这么长时间了,但还有不少同学的名字老师没记住,咱们这节课就来熟悉一下, 谁能告诉我你的同学的名字?”一听问题这么简单,学生们全都踊跃举手,我 指着一个男生问:“What’ s his name?”我找了一名学生,他站起来直接说 出了这个学生的名字,我重复了一遍:“His name is….”然后在黑板上板书此句 型,以引起学生的注意。在问了七八个学生后,我看学生基本掌握了答语,就 对学生说:“谁来考考老师,看看老师记住了几个人的名字?”他们更踊跃了, 我找了一名学生,他急急的站起来指着刚才我问到的一个同学,我假装没看见 问:“Who?”他又指了指,我还是问:“Who?”然后我又示意他看黑板,在我 的启发下,他终于问出了:“What’ s his name?”这个句子。其他学生接受 他的教训,站起来不用我再提示直接指着他心目中的的学生问:“What’ s his name?”经过几次这样的练习,难点在不知不觉中轻松的突破了。 这节课我没有像以前那样为了突破教学难点,而反复的领读,学生们也没有 像以前那样正襟危坐的跟老师或录音反复的听、练,教学难点也在愉快的气氛 中被化解了。可见,英语教学中只要我们能把英语与我们的生活相联系,学生 是不会把英语当作一种负担,是会学的很轻松的。

