牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 6 An Interesting country》PPT课件 (1)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Unit 6 An Interesting country》PPT课件 (1)

Unit6 An interesting country Cartoon time, Sound time & Culture time www.xkb1.com Teaching aims 1. 能掌握如何去查找信息的方法。 2. 能了解其他国家的著名景点并能自己查找这些景点的信息。 3. 能正确理解朗读 cartoon time 的短文。 4. 能正确朗读和辨别音素 / eə / 。 What will you find in the country? Warm up weather sports places cities animals www.xkb1.com find look for find out 意思是“找到”、“发现”。强调的是 找的结果 。 意思是“寻找” 。是有目的的找,强调“ 寻找 ”这一动作。 意思是“ 找出、发现、查明 ” 。多指通过调查、寻问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”。 I lost my key. I’m ___________ it. 2. He didn’t _________ his bike. 3. The children want to __________ about Australia before the lessons. looking for find find out Success always belongs to a person who has the preparation. (成功属于有准备的人。) www.xkb1.com Culture time Every country has many scenic spots ( 景点 ). Terracotta Warriors Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园 Stonehenge 巨石阵 Great Barrier Reef 珊瑚礁 Think and Match Where are they? Talk: You’ll find … in … Yellowstone National Park Stonehenge the Great Barrier Reef the Great Wall www.xkb1.com Emotion teaching 做一个文明的游客! Be a civilized tourist! Sound time Where is it? Sydney Opera House It’s in Sydney, Australia. The city has fresh air . Its view is fair . air Cartoon time How does Billy learn about cooking? What will Billy cook for Bobby and Sam? How does Billy’s kitchen look? Do you think Billy is a good cook? Can you give him some suggestions? www.xkb1.com Homework 1.Find more information about the scenic spots on page 63 . 2. Get ready to share( 分享 ) the information. www.xkb1.com

