译林英语6B -1--8单元的 课文填空

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译林英语6B -1--8单元的 课文填空

‎ 6B 课文填空 ‎ Unit 1 ‎ ‎ There was a lion in the f______. He was l______ and s ______. There was a mouse, too. He was s_____ and w______. One day, the mouse w_____ by the lion and w____ him up. The lion was a______. He wanted to e______ the mouse. But the mouse said he would h_____ the lion some day. The lion l_____ at the mouse, and he let the mouse g_____.The next day, two men c_____ the lion w_____ a big net. The lion bit the net with his sharp t_____, but that didn’t work. He was very s_____. Just t_____, the mouse came. He m_____ a big hole in the net.The lion g_____ o_____. He thanked the mouse h_____. At last the lion and the mouse b______ friends.‎ ‎ Sam and Bobby are playing table tennis h______. Sam is g______ at table tennis. He plays very w______. Billy and Willy c______ for them l______. Sam hits the ball h______ and the ball falls i______ a h______ in the ground. The h______ is too d______. Sam can’t r______ it. Finally, Sam has an i______. He b______ some water q______ and p______ it i______ the hole.‎ Unit 2 ‎ ‎ Wang Bing has many good h______. He g______ up e______ and never g______ to bed l______. He b______ his t______ in the morning and b______ bedtime.He p______ his things in o______.He always f______ his homework before d______.‎ Liu Tao l______ to his teachers at school. He also does w______ at home. He k______ his room c______ and t______. He helps his p______. But Liu Tao has some bad h______. He often does his homework l______ at n______ and does not go to bed e______. He sometimes f______ s______ in the morning.‎ ‎ Tina’s f______ come to see her. She s______ them a______ her house. They go i______ the l_______ room. It’s big and c______. Tina’s bedroom is small but n______.‎ ‎ Bobby’s bedroom is m______. There are a l______ of books and t______ on the f______. He should p______ his things in o______.‎ Unit 3 ‎ Mike doesn’t have a h______ diet. He likes e______ sweets, cakes and ice cream. He does not like d______ water and he only d______ a l______ water every day. He has some bread and milk for b______. He has a f______ eggs every week. ‎ ‎ Yang Ling has a h_____ diet. In the morning she has a lot of n______. She has some meat and some v______ for lunch and d______. She likes s______ food too, but she eats a l______ at a t______. She eats some f______ every day.‎ ‎ There is not much food in the f______. So Sam and his mother goo to the s______ to buy some. Sam buys a small b______ of cola. He shouldn’t d______ t______ much cola. Sam’s mother buys a big bag of r______. Sam also buys a big f_____. But it is too h______. Sam can’t carry it. When they are on the bridge, the fish falls into the r______.‎ Unit 4‎ ‎ There are many b______ roads in the city. When we c_____ the road, we must f______ the rules. First, you must l______ for a z______ c______. Then you must look at the t______ l______ and w______ for the green man. To k______ safe, you can wait on the p______ and look o______ for cars and bikes. You must look l______, then r______ and then l______ again. You can also cross the road w______ o______ people. The d______ can see you e______. C______ should not r______ or p______ on the road. It is not safe.‎ ‎ In the UK, Australia, Hong Kong and Macau, people drive on the l______ side of the road. In China, people drive on the r______ side of the road. ‎ 电话用语:‎ ‎1. Hello.‎ ‎2. This is ……(speaking).‎ ‎3. Who’s that/ calling?‎ ‎ Unit 5‎ Children’s Day is on the _______ of ______. The children are going to ______ a party ______ Mike’s house.‎ Su Hai is going to buy some s______ and d______. Wang Bing is going to bring some f_____ from home. Yang Ling is going to bring some toys and play ______ her friends _____ the party. What is Liu Tao going to do ______ the party? He is going to dress up as a c______ and he will bring some b_______.‎ When you go to a W_______ party, you should take a _______. Do not arrive too ______ . You can be a few ______ late.‎ Bobby’s class is going to have a party soon. Billy is going to play the p______. Willy is going to tell a s______. Sam is going to _______ on a play, and Bobby is going to _______ the king. The party is going to b______ at three and it is going to e______ at five in the evening.‎ ‎ Unit 6‎ Australia is an _______ country. The children will ______ about Australia n______ week. They want to f______ out about this country before the l______. Mike’s e-friend will s_____ him some p______. Liu Tao will r______ about Australia on the I______. Yang Ling will go to the l______ and look for books and m______ about Australia.‎ There are many animals in Australia, such as ______ and _______. Sport-lovers like playing ________ football. Sydney is a b_______ city. People in Australia welcome v______ from all over the w_______.‎ Billy likes e______ nice food. He wants to _______ a cook. He wants to read n______ about c______. Bobby is busy in the k_______. He is making a potato s______. Sam and Bobby can’t w______ to have the delicious dinner.‎ ‎ Unit 7‎ The children are ______ about their ______ for the summer holiday. Mike will go ______ to London. He will stay there for a m______. Yang Ling will go to Beijing and v______ her aunt and uncle. She will go there _______ train. Su Hai will go to Hong Kong _______ her f_____. She will go to Disneyland and _______ Park. Liu Tao will go to Taipei with his p______. He will take some p_______ and s______ them to Su Hai.‎ They will have a w_______ summer holiday.‎ Bobby is reading a t_______ book. He wants to ______ a t______ and t_______ around the _______. Bobby is talking about his t_______ plans with Sam. Sam is ______ about Bobby’s plans. But Bobby will take a t_______ to the UK.‎ ‎ Unit 8‎ Miss Li is asking the students about their d_______. Mike wants to ______ a d______. Many children don’t ______ about their _______. He wants to _______ them. Wang Bing wants to ______ an ______. He ‎ wants to fly a _______ to the Moon. Liu Tao wants to ______ a football ______. He wants to play in the ______ Cup some day. Su Hai wants to ______ a d______. D______ makes people _______ and beautiful. Nancy wants to ______ a ______. He wants to writes ______ for children. Yang Ling wants to ______ a p_______. Music makes people _______. Miss Li wants to see their dreams _______ _______.‎ Bobby wants to ______ a s_______. He should study ______. Sam wants to ______ a p______. He wants to h______ people. He should be b_______ and strong. He will do more s______. Willy wants to ______ an _______. He likes p_______. He will have _______ l_______. Billy wants to ______ a c______. He will go to ______ school.‎

