人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语Recycle课件-Read the chant & Story time (2)

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人教版PEP小学六年级下册英语Recycle课件-Read the chant & Story time (2)

Read the chant Story time A farewell party When? Where? What to eat? What to do? Let’s chant The party is on Friday. It’s time to say goodbye. We won’t sing any sad songs. The party is on Friday. We’ll dance and sing and play. We’ll have a happy , happy day. 我的歌曲,我做主 The party is on… It’s time to say goodbye. We won’t… The party is on… We’ll… Don’t be We’ll have a happy, happy day. Where is Zip going ? Why? What is the good news? Is it the good news to Zoom? What Grade will Zip be in? Good luck! Write soon. Have a good trip! Keep in touch. Take care. Homework 完成相关练习

