六年级-Unit 1 How can I get there?用什么来认路? 人教(PEP)(共13张PPT)

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六年级-Unit 1 How can I get there?用什么来认路? 人教(PEP)(共13张PPT)

Unit 1 How can I get there? Warming up Do you know what can help you find a place? Look! My mother gave me a compass! 知识讲解 I f you are walking in a street, you can use a __________. Let’s talk about map! Now, we can also use our phone to find a place! 知识讲解 I f you are driving a car, you can use a __________. Let’s talk about GPS! What’s the feature of it? 知识讲解 I f you want to know which direction is north, you can use a __________. Let’s talk about compass! 知识讲解 I n the dark, _____can help you find north. Let’s talk about stars! They’re really far away! We can follow the Polari s (北极星) ! 知识讲解 I f you are walking in a street, you can use a map. 如果你正在街上走,你可以用地图。 if 引导条件状语从句,与主句间用逗号连接。 You are walking 的时态是现在进行时,由 am/is/are+doing 构成,表示正在发生的动作。 street 意为“街道”,与“路”有关的其他单词有: road 路 path 小路;小径 avenue 大道 知识讲解 Let’s talk about GPS! What’s the feature of it? 让我们聊聊 GPS! 它的特点是什么? feature 意为“特点;特色”,如: The building’s main feature is its red roof. 这栋楼最主要的特征是它红色的屋顶。 The phone has some new features. 这款手机有几个新特色。 知识讲解 Let’s talk about stars! They’re really far away! 让我们来聊聊星星!它们真的好远! they’re 是 they are 的缩写。 far 意为“远的”,常可以与 far away 替换。 The swimming pool is far away. 游泳池很远。 I s the park far? 公园远吗? 知识讲解 We can follow the Polari s (北极星) ! 我们可以跟着北极星! can 是情态动词,后面跟动词原形,意为“能够;可以”。 动词 follow 意为“跟随;接着”,如: Follow me! 跟着我! 课堂小结 I f you are walking in a street, you can use a map. 如果你正在街上走,你可以用地图。 Let’s talk about GPS! What’s the feature of it? 让我们聊聊 GPS! 它的特点是什么? 课堂小结 Let’s talk about stars! They’re really far away! 让我们来聊聊星星!它们真的好远! We can follow the Polari s (北极星) ! 我们可以跟着北极星! See you~

