六年级英语上册Lesson 2课件冀教版

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六年级英语上册Lesson 2课件冀教版

Unit 1 Li Ming goes to Canada 冀教版 · 六年级上册 Lesson 2 Lead-in Where do you live? We live in houses. Now let’s see some beautiful houses . New words house 房屋;房子 study 书房;学习 kitchen 厨房 toilet 坐便器;卫生间 floor 地板;楼层 there 在那里(表示存在或发生) Rooms in Jenny’s house Here is my house, Li Ming! Come in, please ! I’ll show you the rooms in my house. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. This is the living room. This is the kitchen. Here’s the bathroom. There is a toilet . There are four bedrooms and a study on the second floor. This is the study. This is my bedroom. That is your bedroom. Thanks! Language points 1. Here’s my house, Li Ming ! 这是我家,李明! “ here” 是这里的意思。 ( 1 )当你找到一件东西时用 here. 【 例句 】—Where’s my book? 你的书在哪儿? —Your book is here. 你的书在这儿。 ( 2 ) here 指离某人近。 【 例句 】Here is a living room. 这是一间起居室。 2. There is a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom on the first floor. 一楼有一间起居室,一间厨房和一间浴室。 there 的用法: ( 1 ) there 表示 介绍离说话人较远的东西 。 【 例句 】 我的车在那里。 My car is over there. ( 2 ) there be 句型 ,表达“某处有(存在)某人或某物”。有两种用法分别是: A .介绍可数名词单数或者不可数名词, be 动词用 is ; 【 例句 】There is a book on the table. 桌子上有一本书。 There is some water in the cup. 杯子里有一些水。 ( book 为可数名词单数) ( water 为不可数名字) B .介绍可数名词复数, be 动词用 are ; 【 例句 】There are some trees in the park. 公园里有一些树。 ( trees 为可数名词复数) 当 there be 的句子中有几个并列主语时( be 动词后面的名词), be 动词的形式要与其相邻最近的一个主语在“数”上保持一致 ,这个原则称之为“就近原则”。连接词“ and” 只用在最后两个主语之间。 例 句 : There are two apples, a banana and three oranges on the desk. 桌子上有两个苹果,一个香蕉和三个橘子。 There is a banana, two apples and three oranges on the desk. 桌上上有一个香蕉,两个苹果和三个橘子。 Let's do it! 1.Look and write. This is my__________. I do my homework in the_________. house study I make lunch in the _________. The________ is in the bathroom. . kitchen toilet 2.Draw and write. My home _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ There are six rooms. There is a … 范 文: There are six rooms. There is a living room, I watch TV in the living room. There is a kitchen. I make bread in it. There is a bathroom. I wash my hands in it. There is a study. I do my homework and play computer in it. There are two bedrooms. We sleep in them. I love my house very much.

