六年级上册英语习题课件-情景对话专项 人教pep版(共13张PPT)

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六年级上册英语习题课件-情景对话专项 人教pep版(共13张PPT)

情景对话专项 一、给下列句子选择合适的答语。 ( 一 )Unit 1-Unit 2 A.They’re in the bookstore. B.Oh, you’re right.Thanks. C.Sure. D.Hooray! E.No, he isn’t. F.I usually come on foot. G.You can take the No.8 bus. H.It’s near the cinema. ( C ) 1 .Excuse me.Can you help me? ( A ) 2 .Where are Wu Yifan and Robin? ( E ) 3 .Is your grandpa there? ( H ) 4 .Where is the museum shop? ( G ) 5 .How can we get there? ( F ) 6 .How do you usually come to school? ( D ) 7 .Let’s go to the nature park! ( B ) 8 .Hey! Don’t go at the red light! ( 二 )Unit 3-Unit 4 A.Sure.Why not? B.They’re talking about a pen pal. C.No, he lives in China. D.I’m going to draw some pictures. E.He likes doing kung fu. F.Have a good time! G.I’m writing an email to my cousin. H.He is going to the supermarket. I.I’m going to buy a new comic book. J.I’m going there next Friday. ( B ) 1 .What are they talking about? ( D ) 2 .What are you going to do tomorrow? ( F ) 3 .I’m going to take a trip next week. ( H ) 4 .Where is your father going this Saturday? ( J ) 5 .When are you going to Beijing? ( I ) 6 .What are you going to buy this afternoon? ( E ) 7 .What are Peter’s hobbies? ( C ) 8 .Does he live in Sydney? ( A ) 9 .Can I also be his pen pal? ( G ) 10 .What are you doing now, Mike? ( 三 )Unit 5-Unit 6 A.Because the mice are bad. B.It’s about a cat. C.No, he isn’t. D.She goes to work by car. E.You should do more exercise. F.I’m worried about my English test. G.He’s a businessman. H.She works in a university. I.He’s tall and strong. J.No,I want to be a police officer. ( C ) 1 .Is your father a postman? ( G ) 2 .What does your father do? ( J ) 3 .Do you want to be a head teacher? ( H ) 4 .Where does your mother work? ( I ) 5 .What does your uncle look like? ( D ) 6 .How does your aunt go to work? ( B ) 7 .What’s this cartoon about? ( F ) 8 .What’s wrong, Sarah? ( E ) 9 .What should I do? ( A ) 10 .Why is the cat angry with the mice? 二、选择合适的句子补全对话。 ( 一 ) A.What about your mother? B.No,he doesn’t. C.What are your hobbies? D.Is your father a writer? E.Does she like reading? Sarah: 1 .   C     Mike:I like reading and singing.My father often reads with me. Sarah: 2 .   D     Mike:No,he is a teacher. Sarah:Does he teach Chinese? Mike: 3 .   B   He teaches maths.   Sarah: 4 .   A     Mike:She is a teacher,too. Sarah: 5 .   E     Mike:Yes,she does. ( 二 ) A.You’re welcome. B.Where are you going this afternoon? C.Is it far from here? D.I’m going to buy a new pen for my friend. E.You can go by bus. Sarah: 1 .   B     Amy:I’m going to the supermarket. Sarah:What are you going to buy? Amy: 2 .   D   But how can I get to the supermarket?   Sarah: 3 .   E     Amy:Where is the bus stop? Sarah:It’s next to the bookstore. Amy: 4 .   C     Sarah:No,it’s not far from here. Amy:Thank you. Sarah: 5 .   A     ( 三 ) A.Yes,he does. B.He’s an English teacher. C.No,he isn’t. D.He’s my father. E.He likes playing football and going hiking. A:Who’s that man?   B: 1 .   D     A:What does your father do?   B: 2 .   B     A:What’re your father’s hobbies? B: 3 .   E     A:Is he strict?   B: 4 .   C     A:Does he teach you English? B: 5 .   A    

