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专项练习(根据中文完成句子)‎ ‎ 姓名______________‎ 1. 王兵正在快乐地唱歌。‎ Wang Bing is .‎ 2. 不要在图书馆里大声说话。‎ Don’t in the .‎ 3. 萨姆往杯子里倒了一些热水,然后把杯子递给了妈妈。‎ Sam some the cup.Then,he it to his mum.‎ ‎4.从那时起,博比和萨姆就成了好朋友。‎ ‎ ,Bobby and Sam good .‎ ‎5.萨姆乒乓球打得好吗?是的。‎ ‎ Sam table tennis ?‎ Yes, .‎ ‎6.格林太太每天睡得早吗?不,但她起床很早。‎ ‎ Mrs Green to bed every day?‎ No,but she up .‎ ‎7.你应该每天早晨读英语。这是个好习惯。‎ You should read English .That is .‎ ‎8.博比正在卧室里整理他的书和玩具。‎ Bobby his books and toys in his .‎ ‎9.杨玲昨天带我们参观了她的新家。‎ Yang Ling her new home yesterday.‎ ‎10.我妈妈经常为我煮些面条。‎ My mother often cooks some for .‎ ‎11.树上有许多苹果,他想摘一些。‎ There are lots of the tree.He to .‎ ‎12.你要来些果汁吗?‎ ‎ you juice?‎ ‎ you juice?‎ ‎13.你不能吃太多的肉。你应该吃些米饭。‎ You eat .You eat .‎ ‎14.海伦有健康的饮食。‎ Helen has .‎ ‎15.今晚我们要去一个派对。‎ We are a this evening.‎ ‎16.你打算在派对上做什么?‎ ‎ are you the party?‎ ‎17.苏海要在派对上讲个故事。‎ Su Hai a story the party.‎ ‎18.谁要去买派对上吃的零食?‎ ‎ to the party?‎ ‎19.孩子们打算在南希家里开圣诞派对。‎ The are have party house.‎ ‎20.我将告诉他们一些有关澳大利亚的事。‎ I you something .‎ ‎21.比例将在网上了解有关烹饪的知识。‎ Billy about on the .‎ ‎22.你明天将做什么?我将要去图书馆。‎ ‎ you do ?‎ I’ll go to the .‎ ‎23.刘涛想要查找更多关于美国的信息。‎ Liu Tao find the US.‎ ‎24.我们正在为暑假做计划,我们感到很兴奋。‎ We our summer .We very .‎ ‎25.你会跟我一起去踢球吗?‎ ‎ you go with me?‎ ‎26.麦克对昨晚的足球赛感到很兴奋。‎ Mike was very the football match night.‎ ‎27.你爸爸怎么去广州?他会坐飞机去。‎ ‎ your father go to Guangzhou?‎ He a .‎ ‎28.博比想环游世界。‎ Bobby wants to .‎ ‎29.你将来想做什么?我想成为一名科学家。‎ ‎ you ?‎ I want a .‎ ‎30.她喜欢唱歌。她这个暑假将上一些唱歌的课程。‎ She .She some lessons this summer holiday.‎ ‎31.警察应该是勇敢且强壮的。‎ A should and .‎ ‎32.我想要在月球上行走。‎ I want on the .‎ ‎32.每个人都有一个梦想。‎ ‎ a dream.‎ ‎33.Yang Ling’s bedroom is (干净又整洁).‎ ‎34.I (刷牙)in the morning and before bedtime ‎35.Wang Bing has a good habit.He (起床早)in the morning.‎ ‎36.Liu Tao did his homework late last night.He (看起来很困)now.‎ ‎37.Danny always finishes his homework (晚饭前).‎ ‎38.Wang Bing (到校)early this morning.‎ ‎39.There are a lot of books and toys (在地板上).‎ ‎40.Nancy always (把她的东西有序地摆放).‎ ‎41.Simon does not (喜欢吃糖).‎ ‎42.Miss Li (和一些茶)every day.‎ ‎43.We should (吃很多蔬菜).They are good for our health.‎ ‎44.You should not (喝过多可乐).‎ ‎45.Mike usually (一次吃很多冰淇淋).‎ ‎46.孩子们打算明天从家里带些水果。‎ The children some furit home.‎ ‎47.我弟弟喜欢弹钢琴。‎ My brother the piano.‎ ‎48.你们打算什么时候去野餐?‎ ‎ are you a ?‎ ‎49.演一部戏怎么样?‎ ‎ about on a play?‎ ‎50王兵将询问他在澳大利亚的朋友。‎ Wang Bing his in .‎ ‎51.你将会在英国发现许多令人兴奋的事。‎ You find things in the UK.‎ ‎52.你喜欢袋鼠嘛?是的,喜欢。‎ ‎ you like ? ,I .‎ ‎53.悉尼的空气很新鲜,它的景色也很美。‎ Sydney .Its is .‎ ‎54.李老师晚饭将做鱼和土豆沙拉。‎ Miss Li fish and a dinner.‎ ‎55.我们昨天晚上讨论了国庆假期计划。‎ We our for the National Dan holiday last night.‎ ‎56.陆先生不久将会回台北。‎ Mr Lu to Taipei soon.‎ ‎57.你下星期坐飞机去上海吗?不是。我坐火车去。‎ ‎ you go to Shanghai by plane ?‎ No,I .I will go .‎ ‎58.迪士尼乐园是个有趣的地方,所有的孩子们都会为之感到兴奋。‎ Disneyland is an place.All children will get it.‎ ‎59.你将在加拿大待多久?‎ ‎ you in ?‎ ‎60.他牙疼的厉害,所以他明天要去看牙医。‎ He has a bad ,so he to see the tomorrow .‎ ‎61.医生应该既仁慈又细心。‎ A doctor kind and .‎ ‎62.我父母问了我的梦想,我告诉了他们我的想法。‎ My parents me my dreams.I them I thought.‎ ‎63.在火星上行走时我的梦想。‎ ‎ on the Mars is my .‎

