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[ 人教精通版 ] 六年级英语上册优质课件 [ 教育部审定教材 ] RJ 精通 · 英语 Unit 5 July is the seventh month. Lesson 25 - Lesson 26 Lesson 27 - Lesson 28 Lesson 29 - Lesson 30 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 目 录 Revision 5 Unit 5 July is the seventh month. 精通版 · 六年级上册 Lesson 25 & Lesson 26 Lead-in July and August in our eyes New words July 七月 August 八月 month 月 year 年 Just read and talk July is the seventh month of the year. July 1st is the birthday of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Party members celebrate the day when it was founded. 七月是一年里的第七个月。 7 月 1 日是中国共产党的生日。党员庆祝成立的那一天。 August is the eighth month of the year. The People’s Liberation Army(PLA) Day is on August 1st. In August, school is out. Students have their summer holidays. 八月是一年里的第八个月。中国人民解放军建军节在 8 月 1 日。在八月,学校放假了。学生们放暑假了。 Fill in the blanks. months of the year the seventh month the eighth month festivals When what people do July August the Party’s birthday Army Day July 1st August 1st celebrate the Party’s birthday Students have summer holidays Do you know other festivals in July or August? 7 月 1 日 国际建筑日 International Architecture Day 7 月 11 日 World Population Day 世界人口日 International Film Festival 国际电影节 8 月 6 日 8 月 12 日 International Youth Festival 国际青年节 Just practise July is the seventh month of the year. August is the eighth month of the year. the seventh month of the year 一年里的第七个月 the eighth month of the year 一年里的第八个月 the Party’s birthday 党的生日 Army Day 建军节 Play roles Talk about what you do in July or August. I often swim in August. I eat watermelons in July. I have a happy holiday with my friends in July. I go on a trip with my family in August. Just write July August month year Let’s make and talk 1. Draw your own picture. 2. Write the name of a month. 3. Ask each other questions. 4. See who can do best. It’s August. What festival is in August? Army Day is in August. It’s March. What festival is in March? Tree Planting Day is in March. Play roles It’s January. What festival is in January? New Year’s Day is in January. It’s February. What festival is in February? Spring Festival is in February. It’s April. What festival is in April? Easter is in April. Let’s chant There’re tall trees around. They stand on the ground. Nobody else can be found. Let’s listen to the sound. 四周有高大的树木。 它们矗立在操场上。 没有其他人能被发现。 我们一起来听这声音。 Unit 5 July is the seventh month. 精通版 · 六年级上册 Lesson 27 & Lesson 28 Lead-in Can you say something about it? January It’s the first month of the year. New Year’s Day is in January. February It’s the second month of the year. Spring Festival is in February. March It’s the third month of the year. Tree Planting Day is in March. April It’s the fourth month of the year. Easter is in April. May It’s the fifth month of the year. Labour Day is in May. June July October … New words September 九月 October 十月 Teachers’ Day 教师节 Just read and talk September is the ninth month of the year. Students go back to school. They celebrate Teachers’ Day on September 10th. Look, the students are giving their teachers flowers to show their love. 九月是一年里的第九个月。学生们回到学校。他们在 9 月 10 日庆祝教师节。看,学生们正在给他们的老师赠送鲜花来表达他们的爱。 October is the tenth month of the year. China’s National Day is on October 1st. Look, the children are celebrating National Day. 十月是一年里的第十个月。中国的国庆节在 10 月 1 日。看,孩子们在庆祝国庆节。 Read and answer 1. Which is the ninth month of the year? 2. Which is the tenth month of the year? September October 3. What holiday is in September? When? 4. What holiday is in October? When? Teachers’ Day. It’s on September 10th. China’s National Day. It’s on October 1st. Just practise September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. the ninth month of the year 一年里的第十个月 the tenth month of the year 一年里的第九个月 Teachers’ Day 教师节 National Day 国庆节 Talk about what you do in September or October. I go back to school in September. I give flowers to teachers on September 10th. I always have picnics with my family in October. I climb mountains with my friends in October. Just write September October Teachers’ Day Let’s chant and sing September, September, Is the ninth month. Teachers’ Day, Teachers’ Day, Is on September 10th! October, October, Is the tenth month. National Day, National Day, Is on October 1st! Let’s chant The boy was told, The cat was old. The cat was cold. I kept it in my hold. 这个男孩被告诉, 这只猫老了。 这只猫冷。 我把它抱在怀里。 Unit 5 July is the seventh month. 精通版 · 六年级上册 Lesson 29 & Lesson 30 Listen to the month song New words November 十一月 December 十二月 Just read and talk November is the eleventh month of the year. In America, Thanksgiving Day is on the 4th Thursday of November. In this picture, the family is celebrating Thanksgiving. 十一月是一年里的第十一个月。在美国,感恩节在十一月的第四个星期四。在这张图片里,这家人在庆祝感恩节。 December is the twelfth and last month of the year. Christmas is on December 25th. Look! The children have presents from Santa Claus. 十二月是一年里的第十二个月和最后一个月。圣诞节在 12 月 25 日。看!孩子们得到了来自圣诞老人的礼物。 1. Which is the eleventh month of the year? 2. Which is the twelfth month of the year? Read and answer November December 3. What holiday is in November? When? 4. What holiday is in December? When? Thanksgiving Day. It’s on the 4th Thursday of November. Christmas. It’s on December 25th. Just practise November is the eleventh month of the year. December is the twelfth and last month of the year. the eleventh month of the year 一年里的第十一个月 the twelfth month of the year 一年里的第十二个月 Thanksgiving 感恩节 Christmas 圣诞节 Free talk Which month do you like best? I like June best. I like Children’s Day. Which month do you like best? I like July and August best. I enjoy summer holidays. Just write November December December is last month of the year. Let’s interview How many months are there in a year? What are they? What are some of the festivals in the twelve months? There are twelve months in a year. They are… Names Months Holidays the first January New Year’s Day the second February Spring Festival the third March Tree Planting Day the fourth April Easter the fifth May Labour Day; Mother’s Day the sixth June Children’s Day; Father’s Day Names Months Holidays the seventh July the Party’s birthday the eighth August Army Day the ninth September Teachers’ Day the tenth October National Day the eleventh November Thanksgiving Day the twelfth December Christmas Look and say. It’s Tree Planting Day. It’s in March. March is the third month of the year. It’s Easter. It’s in April. April is the fourth month of the year. It’s National Day. It’s in October. October is the tenth month of the year. Let’s chant At a bright moonlight night, I had a wonderful sight. I saw two birds flying high. One turned left, one turned right. 在一个明亮的月夜, 我看到了美妙的景象。 我看见两只鸟正高飞。 一只转向左边,一只转向右边。 Unit 5 July is the seventh month. 精通版 · 六年级上册 Revision Fun story My favourite holiday is ________________. Mimi’s favourite holiday is on June 1st. She and her friends watch the children dancing and singing. Children’s Day 咪咪最喜爱的假期在 6 月 1 日。她和她的朋友们观看孩子们载歌载舞。 我最喜欢的假期是 _______ 。 儿童节 Let’s give a present to our teacher. In September, the animals go back to school. They are happy. They have a lovely teacher. OK. 我们送我们的老师礼物吧。 好的。 在九月,动物们回到学校。它们很高兴。它们有一位可爱的教师。 It is cool in October and November. The animals have lessons at school. Let’s learn English together.  我们一起学习英语吧。 十月和十一月很凉爽。动物们在学校上课。 One day in December, the rabbit and Mimi go to Micky’s house.  Hi, Micky. Get up. Please open the door. It’s 10 o’clock! 你好,米基。起床。请打开门。 十点了! 十二月的一天,兔子和咪咪去米基的家。 Micky doesn’t know what day it is. The rabbit and Mimi want Micky to celebrate it with them. Let’s have a party. Do you know what day it is today? 我们一起举办一个聚会吧。 你知道今天星期几吗? 米基不知道今天是星期几。兔子和咪咪想要米基和它们一起庆祝。 Look at Mimi’s house. What can you see there? Do you know what day it is? We have presents for everybody. Thanks, Santa. 我们给每个人准备了礼物。 谢谢圣诞老人。 看咪咪的家。在那你能看到什么?你知道是星期几吗? Let’s listen and number 2 1 4 3 6 5 Language focus July is the seventh month of the year. August is the eighth month of the year. September is the ninth month of the year. October is the tenth month of the year. November is the eleventh month of the year. December is the twelfth and last month of the year. the Party’s birthday Army Day National Day Thanksgiving Christmas July August month year September October Teachers’ Day November December December is the last month of the year. SKILLS Listen Speak Read Write Fun Facts Reading for knowledge People eat turkey on Thanksgiving Day in America. Do you know why? Thanksgiving is a day to remember some American people in history. They sailed from Britain to reach America. They called it the New World. It was a long time ago. 在美国 , 人们在感恩节吃火鸡。 你知道为什么吗? 感恩节是为了记住历史上的一些美国人 的一天。他们乘船从英国到达美国。 他们叫它新大陆。那是 在 很久以前。 Americans worked hard to make a new life in the New World, but it was difficult. Many of them died in the winter. But they were successful. In the next autumn, they had a celebration on Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the harvest and other blessings of the past year. 美国人努力在新大陆创造新生活,但是太艰难了。他们中的许多人死在了那个冬天。 然而 他们成功了。在第二年的秋天,他们在感恩节举行了庆祝仪式来 庆祝 过去一年的收获和其他的 庇佑 。 They went to the forest to hunt and they got some turkeys. Then they roasted the turkeys for dinner. Today, people in American still enjoy eating turkeys during Thanksgiving. 他们去森林打猎 捕获 了一些火鸡。然后晚餐他们烤火鸡 吃 。 今天,美国人在感恩节期间仍然喜爱吃火鸡。 Thinking tasks 1. Thanksgiving is an American festival. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? 2. Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving in America? 3. Do a survey in your class about Chinese festivals. What is the favourite festival in your class? 1. Thanksgiving is an American festival. Do you celebrate Thanksgiving? 2. Why do people celebrate Thanksgiving in America? No, I don’t. Because they remember some American people in history. 3. Do a survey in your class about Chinese festivals. What is the favourite festival in your class? Festival Favorite Festival 1. Spring Festival 2. Mid-Autumn Festival 3. Mother’s Day 4. Children’s Day Play roles What is your favourite festival? My favourite festival is Children’s Day. What is your favourite festival? My favourite festival is National Day. 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!

