译林版牛津英语6B期末试卷哦 (14)

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译林版牛津英语6B期末试卷哦 (14)

六年级英语模拟试卷 听力部分(30分)‎ 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,共10题,每小题1分,计10分)‎ ‎( )1. A. lake B. late C. take ‎( )2. A. music B. museum C. mushroom ‎( )3. A. much B. catch C. match ‎( )4. A. project B. protect C. subject ‎( )5. A. cute B. cousin C. country ‎( )6. A. little B. litter C. letter ‎( )7. A. mountain B. magazine C. machine ‎( )8. A. present B. parent C. public ‎( )9. A. world B. word C. work ‎( )10. A. well B. will C. very 二、 根据所听到的句子,选择合适的答句。(听两遍,共5题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎( )1. A. He has got a cold. B. It has got a cold. C. She has got a hot dog.‎ ‎( )2 A. I’m in the classroom. B. We are in the sitting room. ‎ ‎ C. I was in the reading room.‎ ‎( )3. A. 9:00 B. At eight. C. 1:00‎ ‎( )4. A. He’s my brother. B. She’s from England. C. H’s from the UK .‎ ‎( )5. A. He often plays cards B. H’s watching TV C. H’s going to play football 三、 根据所听到的对话及问题选择正确的答案。(听两遍,共5题,每小题1分,计5分)‎ ‎( )1. A. By bike B. on foot C. By bus ‎( )2. A. Yes, she is B. No, she isn’t C. Yes, she can ‎( )3. A. Tim does B. Jim does C. Tom does ‎( )4. A. Under the bag B. In the bag C. On the way ‎( )5. A. Helen B. Nancy C. Yang Ling 四、 听录音,补全短文,每空一词。(听三遍,每空1分,计10分)‎ ‎ _________ is a _______ for harvest(收获). _______ ______ my classmates and I ______ to a farm. We helped the ________ with their work. We pulled up carrots and ________ a lot of apples there. And we _______ a lot, they were very delicious. I _______ a lot of ______ . I want to go there _______ year.‎ 笔试部分(70分)‎ 五、 选择题。(共15分,每小题1分,计15分)‎ ‎ ( )1. He will ____ painting lessons. ‎ ‎ A. be B. has C. have ‎ ‎ ( )2. There will _____ a football match this afternoon.‎ ‎ A.have B.be C. is ‎ ‎ ( )3. They’re _____ Children’s day.‎ ‎ A. exciting B. exciting about C. excited about ‎ ( )4. He eats a little ____ at a time. ‎ ‎ A. egg B, rice C. water ‎ ( )5. The woman ____ big eyes is my mother.‎ ‎ A. with B. in C. on ‎ ‎ ( )6. She’s ___ her purse, but she can’t ____ it. ‎ ‎ A. seeing, look for B. looking at, see C. looking for, find ‎ ‎ ( )7. Would you like ____ an ice cream?‎ ‎ A. having B. have C. to have ‎ ( )8. Listen, the students ______ in the music room. ‎ ‎ A. singing B. sing C. are singing ‎ ( )9. The teacher is ____ him ____ his dream. ‎ ‎ A. asks , about B. asking , to C. asking , about ‎ ( )10. --Will Su Hai and Su Yang go to Disneyland. --No, ____.‎ ‎ A. she won’t B. they don’t C. they won’t ‎ ( )11. -- _____ Miss Li have lunch at school yesterday ? ‎ ‎ -- Yes, she usually _____ lunch at school. ‎ ‎ A. Does , have B. Does , has C. Did , has ‎ ( )12. It’s _____ today. There’s a lot of _____ in spring. ‎ ‎ A. rainy , rains B. is raining , rain C. rainy , rain ‎ ‎ ( )13. Ten years ago, I ____ used the telephone to ____ . ‎ ‎ A. use , call B. used , called C. used, call ‎ ‎ ( )14. There _____ orange juice in the glass a moment ago. ‎ ‎ A. aren’t any B. isn’t any C. wasn’t any ‎ ‎ ( )15. --Is your birthday _____ March ? --No, it’s _____ the tenth of June. ‎ ‎ A. at , in B. in , on C. of , at ‎ 五、 会话配对。(共8分,每小题1分,计8分)‎ ‎ ( )1. Are they going to play football? A. No, she won’t. ‎ ‎ ( )2. What does your mother do? B. I’d like an ice cream.‎ ‎ ( )3. What will Yang Ling do there? C. Yes, they are.‎ ‎ ( )4. Is your mother a good cook? D. She wants to be a writer.‎ ‎ ( )5. What do you have for breakfast? E. She’s a teacher. ‎ ‎ ( )6. What does she want to be? F. She’ll visit Disneyland. ‎ ‎ ( )7. What would you like? G. Some porridge. ‎ ‎ ( )8. Will she visit her aunt? H. Yes, she is. ‎ 六、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(共8分,每空1分,计8分)‎ ‎ 1. Yang Ling likes ______ ( write ) stories for ______ ( child ).‎ ‎ 2. Miss Li ______ ( go ) to Hong Kong next month. ‎ ‎ 3. Music makes people ______ ( happy ).‎ ‎ 4. Please think _______ ( careful ) before you answer the question.‎ ‎ 5. They’re watching a football game ______ ( excited ). ‎ ‎ 6. My sister likes _______ ( travel ). She always _______ ( visit ) a lot of places. ‎ 七、 按要求改写句子。(共5分,每空0.5分,计5分)‎ ‎ 1. Mr White came to Shanghai two years ago. (对画线部分提问)‎ ‎ ______ did Mr White ______ to Shanghai.‎ ‎ 2. Show them my books. (改为同义句)‎ ‎ Show my _____ to ______ .‎ 3. Liu Tao does well in swimming. (改为同义句) ‎ ‎ Liu Tao ______ ______ at swimming. ‎ ‎4. Su Yang did her homework at school. (改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎ _______ Su Yang ______ her homework at school. ‎ 5. I went for a walk just now. (用tomorrow替换just now)‎ ‎ ______ ______ for a walk tomorrow.‎ 九、 根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词(共10分,每空1分,计10分)‎ ‎ 1. 格林老师正在讲关于国王的故事。‎ ‎ Mr Green’s _______ ______ about the king.‎ ‎ 2. Mike不喜欢每天喝很多水,他喜欢喝可乐。‎ ‎ Mike ______ like having a lot of water every day, he likes ______ cola. ‎ ‎ 3. 三年前,Sam不会踢足球。‎ ‎ Sam ______ ______ football three _____ ago.‎ ‎ 4. 我想看到你们的梦想成真。‎ ‎ I want to see your _______ ______ _______.‎ 十、 完型填空。(共10分,每空1分,计10分)‎ ‎ Every day we 1 a lot of food. But different people in 2 countries eat different kinds of food. My friend Robert 3 from America and he tells me 4 about food in America. 5 Chinese people like to eat pork (猪肉). But beef(牛肉) is more popular in 6 . We often 7 rice or noodles at every meal. But Americans may think hamburgers and apple pies 8 more delicious. Chinese children like to eat ice creams 9 summer. But Americans love ice cream in the dish nearly every 10 . Today Americans eat more than two billion(十亿) ice creams a year. ‎ ‎( ) 1. A. has B. eat C. drink D. bad ‎ ‎( ) 2. A. same B. the same C. different D.the different ‎ ‎( ) 3. A. come B. comes C. be D. are ‎ ‎( ) 4. A. many B. a lot C. a lot of D. lots of ‎( ) 5. A. A lot B. A few C. A little D. Most ‎( ) 6. A. China B. America C. American D. UK ‎( ) 7. A. drink B. bring C. take D. eat ‎( ) 8. A. be B. is C. are D. am ‎ ‎( ) 9. A. in B. on C. at D. with ‎( ) 10. A. meal breakfast C.lunch D. Dinner 十一、 阅读理解。(共10分,每小题1分,计10分)‎ ‎(一)‎ Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. It is about one kilometre away. So Uncle Wang seldom(极少) goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. Today his bike is broken(坏了). He wants to walk there. Now he is having breakfast. He leaves(离开) home at ten to eight. His work starts at half past eight in the morning and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.‎ 根据短文内容选择正确答案。 ‎ ‎( )1. What does Uncle Wang do?‎ ‎ A. He sells books. B. He grows flowers. C. He makes shoes. ‎ ‎( )2. Why does he seldom go to work by bus? ‎ ‎ A. Because there is no bus. ‎ ‎ B. Because his shop is not far from his home. ‎ ‎ C. Because he likes riding a bike. ‎ ‎( )3. How long does it take him to walk to his book shop on foot?‎ ‎ A. Twenty minutes. B. Forty minutes. C. Ten minutes.‎ ‎( )4. When does he leave home today?‎ ‎ A. At seven fifty. B. At eight ten. C. At half past eight. ‎ ‎( )5. He usually gets back home from work by bike at _____ in the afternoon. ‎ ‎ A. 4: 45 B. 5: 25 C. 5: 05‎ ‎(二)‎ Mr White goes to another town. He is ill one day, so he goes to see a doctor. He sits down in the waiting room and looks around. The doctor’s diploma(证书) is hung(挂) on the wall. Suddenly Mr White remembers that there was a classmate with the same name in his class at the college(大学). When he goes to see the doctor, he remembers a young nice student. But now he is sad to see an old man with gray(灰白的) hair. He says to him,“Good morning , Doctor. Did you go to King’s Medical College?” The doctor answers, “Yes, I did. ” “Were you there from 1975 to 1979? ” Mr White asks “Yes, I was. ” the doctor answers. “How do you know? ” Mr White laughs and says, “You were in my class!” “Oh!” the doctor says and looks at him for a few minutes. “What were you teaching?”‎ 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写“T”, 错误的写“F”.‎ ‎( )1. Mr White goes to see a doctor in another town. ‎ ‎( )2. The doctor has a diploma of King’s Medical College. ‎ ‎( )3. The doctor thinks Mr White was his classmate. ‎ ‎( )4. The doctor thinks Mr White is much older. ‎ ‎( )5. Mr White was the Doctor’s teacher. ‎ 九、 书面表达。(共6分)‎ ‎ 同学们,我们即将走出小学的校门,走进一所新的学校。让我们将小学阶段的最后一个暑假安排得更加充实、多彩一些吧!请你用英语写一写你的暑期计划。‎ 要求:1. 用一般将来时。‎ ‎ 2. 词数30词左右(不包括已给的开头和结尾)。‎ ‎ 3. 表达中请勿提及真实校名及本人姓名。‎ ‎ 4. 语句通顺,标点正确,书写工整规范。‎ ‎ I will go to middle school next term. This summer holiday , _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ this is my plan for this summer holiday. ‎

