译林版小学英语6B期中质量检测卷 (33)

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译林版小学英语6B期中质量检测卷 (33)

‎ 6B期中复习 英汉互译 看起来一样 在星期天早晨 去散步 双胞胎姐妹 ‎ 和…一样 你的还是我的 比… 重 想成为守门员 twenty minutes younger 看起来更强壮 在……做得好 在……做得更好 run faster than jump high 做更多的锻炼 某一天 the only child 你的还是我的 want to meet her 变得更强壮 play ball games at weekends ‎ all of us 开始上课 别担心 Would you…, please? 问路 乘5路公交车 ‎ 在北京路 在北京街 一个公交车站 ‎ ‎ show the way 在第二个停车站 想要参观历史博物馆 在第三个十字路口 上车 下车 向左转 向右转 在我的左边 居住在南京 怎样去那里 buy some presents 一个购物中心 一个邮局 一个火车站 每五分钟 ‎ 跑出商店 上周六下午 买一本关于动物的书 steal my purse get my purse back 过来帮忙 抓贼 沿着这条街道走 ‎ 选择题 ‎1 ------ heavier, Tom or Ben? Tom is .‎ ‎ A who B whose C who is D whose is ‎2 Jim is ____ than his brother.‎ ‎ A short B shorter C shorted D shorting ‎3------ ruler is longer,Tom’s or Mike’s?‎ ‎ A who B whose C who is D whose is ‎4 she is as____ as SuYang ‎ A old B older C olding ‎ ‎5 Jack _____ faster than Ben.‎ ‎ A run B is running C runs D ran ‎6 Helen doesn’t ___ slower than YangLing.‎ ‎ A swim B is swimming C swimming ‎7 _______ he jump as far as Jim?‎ ‎ A do B is C are D does ‎8 they _____ good at ________.‎ ‎ A is sing B are sing C is singing D are singing ‎9 Who ______ earlier, you or ben?‎ ‎ A get up B gets up C got up ‎10 _____ your friends fly kites higher than him?‎ ‎ A did B do C does ‎ ‎11 so you’ve ____ a sister.‎ ‎ A get B got C gets ‎12 do you have any brothers _____ sisters?‎ ‎ A or B and C to D with ‎13 listen,they ___________ the books.‎ ‎ A is reading B read C are reading ‎ ‎14 last Sunday, she _______ Helen and _______ a chat.‎ ‎ A meet have B met have C meets had D met had ‎15 he is talking _______ his dad ____ it.‎ ‎ A with about B to with C to about D about to ‎16 you can get off________ the fourth stop.‎ ‎ A in B ON C at D with ‎17 can you tell me the way _____ the post office?‎ ‎ A to B in C on D at ‎18 how many ____ are there?‎ ‎ A thief B thiefs C thieves D thiefes ‎ ‎

