冀教六年级上UnitLesson Seasons时

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冀教六年级上UnitLesson Seasons时

Lesson 17 Seasons!‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1.知识目标:掌握四会单词winter、spring、summer、fall。‎ ‎3.能力目标:认识ice、snow、sun、wind、rain、等词汇为本单元其他课的讲授打下基础。‎ ‎4、本课的句型: How many seasons are there in a year?‎ There are four seasons in a year。 Winter, spring, summer and fall are seasons. ‎ There are four seasons in a year. ‎ ‎5、语法方面:‎ 感叹句:表示喜怒哀乐等强烈感情的句子叫感叹句。感叹句一般以how 或what 开头,句末常用感叹号,用降调朗读。副词how在感叹句中可修饰形容词、副词、谓语动词等。例如:How beautiful it is! 它多美啊!(修饰形容词beautiful)‎ ‎ How I miss you. 我多么想念你!( 修饰动词miss)‎ 形容词what在感叹句中修饰名词,名词如是单数、其前须用what a/an ...‎ 例如:What a tall boy he is! 他是一个多么高的男孩啊!‎ ‎ What fools they are! 他们多么傻啊!‎ 注意: 如果感叹句部分的名词是复数或不可数名词,只能用what作感叹句。感叹句有省略形式,仅保留感叹部分,例如:How wonderful! What a sunny day!‎ 教学重、难点:四会单词的掌握,以及四季的气候。‎ 教学流程:‎ 一.课前预习 ‎1、本课语音方面: 读一读,写一写。‎ a. tall ball small f ‎ b. sing ring living room spr ‎ c bus cup umbrella s mmer s__n d. in window thin w __ter w___d e. eat pea clean s____son f. fine nice mine __ce g. show row low sn___‎ ‎2.回忆十二个月份看看他们分别属于哪个季节,来试试吧!‎ ‎ Spring___________________________ Summer__________________________‎ ‎ Fall______________________________ Winter____________________________‎ ‎3.译下面的句子,你一定行的,来吧!‎ Snow is white.________________________________________‎ Spring is warm and ranny._______________________________‎ What a hot,sunny day! _______________________________‎ The wind blows the leaves off the trees._____________________‎ 二.课堂流程 ‎1.学习四季单词winter spring summer fall 并提问。‎ ‎2.自己观察四幅图,找出各自的特征,并用英语进行描述。‎ ‎3.用几句话描述一下你最喜欢的季节。‎ ‎4.Play the audio tape 口语与听力。听音填空 This is . Winter is . There is . Snow is . This is spring. Spring is and . The flowers bloom. This is . The summer sun is hot. What a hot !. This is fall. Fall is cool. The wind blows t the leaves off the .‎ ‎5.教师用自编Chant总结四季特征,很好记的,你也可以试着读一读,唱一唱。‎ Winter winter 冬天到,cold cold 实在冷,白白的snow和ice。Winter过后spring来,天气warm和rainy,flower bloom. Summer sun太hot. 来到fall太cool了,wind吹掉了leaves.‎ 四季不同,我记牢。那个季节你最爱。‎ 三.达标测评 ‎1.填空.‎ w___ter spr_____ s_mm___ f___l ‎ w___d sn____ __ce s___son ‎ ‎2按要求写单词。‎ ‎ hot(反义词)_____cool(反义词)_____leaf(复数形式)______sun(形容词)______‎ ‎3.用所给词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎ This ______(be) fall.‎ ‎ Today is ______ (rain), I have to put on my rain boots.‎ ‎ The flowers always _______(bloom) in spring.‎ ‎4.连词成句.‎ white , snow , is ___________________________________ ‎ warm ,spring , and ,is ,rainy ____________________________ ‎ hot ,summer ,is ,the ,sun _______________________________‎ wind, the ,trees, off , the ,the ,blows ,leaves_________________‎ a ,sunny , what , day ,hot _______________________________‎ 四.想一想,你今天能得几颗星?你学会了什么?还有那些不足?‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ 还有那些想对老师说的话?老师很期待你们能跟老师多沟通,多多进步哟!‎ ‎ Welcome you to my heart! ‎

