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1 小升初专项训练 阅读理解--其他话题 基础题 一、第 I 卷 1.阅读短文,回答问题。正确的写 T, 错误的写 F。 This is an English school. There are children’s paintings on the walls. There are lots of games. English children can have fun at break time. They study hard. They do homework every day. ( ) (1).This is a Chinese school. ( ) (2).There are children’s paintings on the desk. ( ) (3).They study hard. ( ) (4).They do homework every day. ( ) (5).There are lots of books. 2.阅读理解,判断正误。对的打√错的打╳。 There are many teachers in our school. They are all nice. Mr. Wang is our Chinese teacher. Our English teacher is Miss Li. She speaks English well. Our P.E. teacher is a young man. He’s very tall. His name is Wu Jun. ( ) (1). Our Chinese teacher is Mr Wang. ( ) (2). Mrs Li is our English teacher. ( ) (3). Our art teacher is Wu Jun. ( ) (4). Wu Jun isn’t tall. ( ) (5). They are all good teachers. 3.阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I have a happy family. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is a doctor. He likes to eat rice and meat. My mother is a housewife. She likes to eat vegetables. My sister and I are pupils. We like to eat noodles and chicken. ( ) (1). How many people are there in your family? A. Four. B. Five. C. Three. 2 ( ) (2). What does your mother like to eat? A. Vegetables. B.Noodles. C.Rice ( ) (3). What does your father do? A. A driver. B. A doctor. C. A teacher. ( ) (4). What do my sister and I like to eat? A. Noodles. B. Chicken. C. A and B. 4.阅读理解,根据短文内容回答后面的问题。 Hello ! My name is Chen Jie. I have a new English teacher. His name is Tom. He is from China. He is tall and young. He is very kind to us. His favourite colour is black. He often wears black shoes. His class is so funny. H e likes us very much. I also like my English teacher. (1).Who is Chen Jie's new English teacher? _______________________________________ (2).What colour does Tom like? _______________________________________ (3).Is Tom old? _______________________________________ (4).What's Tom like? _______________________________________ (5).Where is Chen Jie's English teacher from? _______________________________________ 5.阅读理解。 This is Billy and his brother’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整 洁). There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between(在……中间)the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs beside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other(另一把)is for his brother. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his brother like their bedroom very much. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误。正确的在括号内写“T”,错误的写“F”。 3 ( ) (1). The bedroom is small, and it’s clean. ( ) (2). There are two desks in the bedroom. ( ) (3). There are some Chinese books on the desk. ( ) (4). There are two maps on the wall. ( ) (5). There isn’t a phone in the bedroom. 6.根据对话提示,找出 bank 的真正位置,并将 bank 这个单词写在相应的位置上。 A:Excuse me.Where's the bank? B:Go straight to the zoo.Turn left. It's between the park and the store. A:Thanks a lot! B:You are we lcome. 7.阅读短文,判断句子的对错,正确的“Y”,错误“N”。 Hello, I’m Lily. Welcome to my home. There is a living room, three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a study and a kitchen in my home. Look, my father and mother are watching TV on the sofa in the living room. Here is my study, you can see many books and a computer in it. My brother and I do homework here. We are all happy! ( )(1). There are four people in my family. ( )(2). There are two bedrooms in my home. ( )(3). You can see many books and a TV in my study. ( )(4). Lily does homework in the living room. ( )(5). We are happy. 8.读对话,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。 I’m Chen Jie. Welcome to my home. This is my living room. There are lots of flowers here. There is a photo above the sofa. The water bottle is beside the sofa. There 4 is a TV in front of the sofa. There is a clock on the wall. Look! This is my bedroom. There is a bed in the room. Near the bed, there is a desk. There are many books on the desk. Where is my cat? Oh, it’s under the bed. ( ) (1). There is a cat in Chen Jie’s bedroom. ( ) (2). There is a clock in Chen Jie’s bedroom. ( ) (3). There is a TV in Chen Jie’s living room. ( ) (4). The photo is above Chen Jie’s bed. ( ) (5). There are lots of flowers in Chen Jie’s home. 9.读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。 Welcome to my home. Look! This is my living room. There are many flowers in it. There is a sofa near the wall. There is a TV on the table. This is my bedroom. It’s small. There is a desk and a bed in my room. There is a Teddy bear on the bed. There are two balls under the desk. I like sports. I can play basketball and play football. There is also a garden in front of my house. There are many plants there. What’s in your home? ( ) (1). There are many flowers in the bedroom. ( ) (2). The sofa is near the window. ( ) (3). There is a desk and a bed in the bedroom. ( ) (4). I like sports. ( ) (5). The Teddy bear is under the bed. 10.阅读理解。 This is the kitchen of my house. It’s big and nice. Look! My mother is cooking in it. There is a big table here. There are many things on it. What are these? Oh, they’re apples. And what are those? They are bananas. Let me have an apple. Mmm, it’s so sweet and delicious. Under the table, there are two toys. I like the yellow one. But my baby brother likes the red one. I’m helpful at home. I often help my mum clean the house in the morning. ( ) (1). There is a big and nice kitchen in my house. ( ) (2). There are some bananas on the table. ( ) (3).The apples is sweet and delicious. 5 ( ) (4). There are two dogs under the table. ( ) (5). My brother often helps my mum at home. 11.读短文,回答下列问题。 I am Amy. My parents and I live in China. Look, this is my house. It’s not big but nice. There are two bedrooms, a bathroom, a kitchen and a living room. There’s a TV, two sofas, a table and four chairs in the living room. Look at my bedroom. It’s small. There is a bed, a desk and a chair in it. Oh, on the desk, there is a computer. I love it. There is also my photo on the wall. The big bedroom is my father and mother’s. It’s nice. We all like our house. (1).Where does Amy live? ___________________________________________ (2). Is the house big? ___________________________________________ (3). What’s in Amy’s bedroom? ____________________________________________ (4). Where’s Amy’s photo? ____________________________________________ (5). Is Amy’s parents’ bedroom big? ____________________________________________ 12.读对话,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。 This is Mike’s new home. There is a photo and a bike in the bedroom. There is a clock in the study. There is a plant in the living room. There is a water bottle in the kitchen. Oh, what’s that? It’s a cat, it’s on the chair. Mike likes his new home very much! ( ) (1). The bike is in the living room. ( ) (2). There is a clock in the study. ( ) (3). There is a water bottle in the kitchen. ( ) (4). There is a photo in the study. ( ) (5). Mike has a new home. 13.读短文,判断下列句子是(T)否(F)正确。 6 Hi, I’m Amy. This is my bedroom. Look, this is my big bed. I like it very much. There is a desk near the bed. There are many books on the desk. Where is my schoolbag? Oh, it’s on the chair. The chair is near the desk. Look, there is a photo of my family. It’s on the wall. I like my bedroom very much! ( ) (1). There is a desk and a chair in Amy’s bedroom. ( ) (2). Amy’s bed isn’t big. ( ) (3). Amy’s schoolbag is on the desk. ( ) (4). The photo is on the desk. ( ) (5). Amy likes her bedroom very much. 14.阅读短文,在括号里正确的用(T),错误的用(F)。 An Old Cat An old woman has a cat. The cat is very ol d now. She cannot run fast, and she cannot eat. One day the old cat sees a mouse, she jumps and catches the mouse. But she cannot eat it, so the mouse gets out of her mouth and run away. Then the old woman becomes very angry(变得非常生气)because the cat cannot kill (杀死)the mouse. She begins to beat(打)the cat. The cat say s to her, “Don’t beat your old servant(仆人). Don’t be hard on the old. When they were young, they could do good work.” (1).( )The cat is very old now. (2).( )One day the old cat sees a snake. (3).( )The cat can kill the mouse. (4).( )The old woman is unkind(不友好) to the cat. (5).( )The mouse cannot run away. 提升题 二、第 II 卷 7 15.An old tiger lives in the forest. He doesn’t want to look for food now. He often tells other animals to get him something to eat. He sees a monkey and says, “I’m hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and get me a fat pig.” “Oh, Tiger,” says the monkey. “I can’t do that now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I will eat him.” “Come with me,” says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river. “Now look down at the river.” Says the monkey. “Do you see it? The tiger?” “Yes, I do.” cries the old tiger. “I will eat him up!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the river. (1). How many tigers and monkeys are there in the story? A. Two tigers and one monkey B. Two tigers and two monkeys C. Only one tiger and one monkey D. Two monkeys and one tiger (2). Why does the tiger tell the other animals to get him food? Because ____________. A. only they can look for some food B. he is old and they are afraid of him C. gets to the bridge with the tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water (3). The monkey _____________________ A. goes to the village to get a pig B. knows there is another tiger C. gets to the bridge with the tiger D. tells the tiger to jump into the water (4). Which of the following is right? __________ A. The monkey eats up the tiger B. The tiger eats up another tiger 8 C. The tiger jumps into the water D. The tiger is clever 16.阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 There is an old tiger in the forest. He does not want to look for food now. He often tells other animals to bring him something to eat. He sees a monkey and says, “I am hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and bring me a fat pig. ” “Oh, tiger,”says the monkey. “I can not do that now. There is another tiger over there. He also wants a fat pig. He doesn’t let anything for others to eat. I am afraid of him. ” “What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I will talk to him. ” “Come with me,”says the monkey. The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge over a river. “Now look down at the river.” says the monkey. “Do you see the head,the white teeth, the large green eyes of a tiger?” “Yes,I do. ”cries the old tiger. “I will eat him up.” With these words, the tiger jumps into the water. ( ) (1). The old tiger wants ________. A. a big pig B. a thin pig C. a fat pig ( ) (2). The monkey and the tiger go to a bridge ________a river. A. on B. in C. over ( ) (3). How many times does the tiger cry? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. ( ) (4). Is there another tiger over there? A. Yes,there is. B. No, there isn’t. C. It doesn't tell. ( ) (5). The monkey is very_________. A. beautiful B. clever C. good 17.下面是两个体育馆贴出的广告,请你根据内容选出正确答案。 9 Green Trees Gym Swimming:Mon-Sun 8:00 am-8:00 pm Bowling:Mon-Sun 8:00 am-(4):00 pm Karate:Mon-Fri (1)0:00 am-6:00 pm Tel:68687325 Email:greentrees@yahoo.com Fish Balls Gym Tennis:Mon-Fri (1)0:00 am-(4):00 pm Soccer:Mon-Fri 8:00 am-(4):00 pm Swimming:Mon-Fri 8:00 am-6:00 pm Tel:59592273 ( )(1). I want to swim on Sunday. Where can I go? A.Green Trees Gym. B.Fish Balls Gym. C.I don't know. ( )(2). Which gym accepts (接受) email from a co mputer? A.Green Balls Gym. B.Green Trees Gym. C.Fish Balls Gym. ( )(3). You want to do karate.You can phone______. A.68687325 B.55992273 C.59592237 ( )(4). You can play tennis from______to______. A.8:00 am;4:00 pm B.10:00 am;4:00 pm C.8:00 am;6:00 pm 18.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 The traffic lights are the same in every country. There are always three lights: red,yellow and green. Red means “Stop”,yellow means “Wait” and green means “Go”.In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car,by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules. ( )(1).There are four lights in every country. ( )(2).In England and China, drivers drive on the left side. ( )(3).Green light means “Wait”. ( )(4).If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules. 19.阅读理解。 A Boy's Dream 10 It was 1957. A boy named Franklin Chang-Diaz stared at the night sky. He was trying to see asatellite named Sputnik. Franklin marveled at the satellite. It was amazing to him. Later, he had a dream. He longed to fly in space. He wanted to be an astronaut. When Franklin grew up, he left his homeland so that he could study science in the United States At first, Franklin was bewildered by life in the United States. But he studied hard and became a top student. In 1980, the United States space program picked him to become an astronaut! Franklin worked hard to become an astronaut. Six years later, his dream finally came true. ( )(1)、The boy’s name is . A. Sputnik B. Franklin Chang-Diaz C. United States ( )(2)、was amazing to him. A. Satellite B. Sputnik C. Space ( )(3)、Franklin was by life in the United States at first. A. happy B. sad C. bewildered ( )(4)、He left his homeland so that he . A. could study science in the United States B. could became a top student C. could grow up ( )(5)、 His dream finally came true in . A. 1957 B. 1986 C. 1980 20.阅读理解。 Mr Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city(城市). He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way. This morning, when he was reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him said "Hello" to him and began to talk to him. "Your life is not interesting, isn't it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.""How do you know all that about me?" Mr Smith said angrily(生 气地). "Because I always sit in the same seat behind you," the man answered. ( )(1)Mr Smith works ______. 11 A. in a village B. in a city C. in a town D. in the country ( )(2)He comes back home from work _____. A . by ship B. by bus C. on foot D. by train ( )(3)When he is on the train, Mr Smith often ______. A. reads books B. reads a newspaper C. talks to others D. listens to others ( )(4)Mr Smith _________. A. likes the man very much B. likes reading books C. doesn't like the man. D. has much money ( )(5)The man knows Mr Smith because ________. A. he is Mr Smith's good friend B. they work in the same factory C. he sits behind Mr Smith on the same train every day D. they live in the same village 12 参考答案 1.【答案】(1). F (2). F (3). T (4). T (5). F 【解析】 (1). 根据 This is an English school. 可知这是一所英语学校而不是中文学校,所以题 干错误。 (2). 根据 There are children’s paintings on the walls. 可知孩子们的画在墙上而不 是桌子上,所以题干错误。 (3). 根据 They study hard. 可知孩子们学习很刻苦,所以题干正确。 (4). 根据 They do homework every day. 可知他们每天都写作业,所以题干正确。 (5). 根据 There are lots of games. 可知学校有很多游戏而不是很多书,所以题干错误。 2.【答案】(1). √ (2). ╳ (3). ╳ (4). ╳ (5). √ 【解析】 (1). 根据 Mr. Wang is our Chinese teacher. 可知王先生是我们的语文老师,所以题干 正确。 (2). 根据 Our English teacher is Miss Li. 可知李小姐而不是李女士是我们英语老师, 所以题干错误。 (3). 根据 Our P.E. teacher is a young man. His name is Wu Jun. 可知 Wu Jun 是我们 体育老师而不是美术老师,所以题干错误。 (4). 根据 He’s very tall. His name is Wu Jun. 可知 Wu Jun 个子很高,所以题干错误。 (5). 根据 They are all nice. 可知老师们都很好,所以题干正确。 3.【答案】(1). A (2).A (3).B (4).C 【解析】 (1).由原文“There are four people in my family. ”可知,答案为 A。 (2).由原文“She likes to eat some vegetables. ”可知,答案为 A。 (3).由原文“My father is a doctor.”可知,答案为 B。 (4).由原文“We like to eat noodles and chicken.”可知,答案为 C。 4.【答案】 (1). Tom is. (2). He likes black. (3). No,he isn’t 13 (4). He is tall. (5). He is from China. 【解析】 (1).根据文中原句 I have a new English teacher. His name is Tom.可以知道答案。 (2).根据文中原句 His favourite colour is black.可以知道答案。 (3).根据文中原句 He is tall and young.可以知道答案。 (4).根据文中原句 He is tall and young.可以知道答案。 (5).根据文中原句 He is from China.可以知道答案。 5.【答案】(1). T (2). F (3). T (4). T (5). F 【解析】 (1). 根据 It’s not very big, but it is tidy(整洁).可知卧室不大但很干净,所以 题干正确。 (2). 根据 There is a desk between the beds. 可知卧室只有一张桌子而不是两张,所以 题干错误。 (3). 根据 There are some books on the desk. ... Some are Chinese books. 可知桌子 上有一些中文书,所以题干正确。 (4). 根据 There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too.可知卧室有一张美国地图和一张世界地图,所以题干正确。 (5). 根据 There is a phone on the desk, too.可知桌子上有一部电话,所以题干错误。 6.【答案】 【解析】 14 根据路线 Go straight to the zoo. 直走到动物园。Turn left. 向左转。It's between the park and the store. 它在公园和商店之间。可知银行的位置如图所标。 7.【答案】(1). T (2). F (3). F (4). F (5). T 【解析】 (1). 根据短文可知 Lily 的家庭成员有爸爸、妈妈和弟弟,共四个人,所以题干正确。 (2). 根据 The re is a living room, three bedrooms ... 可知家里有三个卧室,而不是 两个,所以题干错误。 (3). 根据 you can see many books and a computer in it. 可知书房里有许多书和一台 电脑,没有电视机,所以题干错误。 (4). 根据 Here is my study, ... My brother and I do homework here. 可知 Lily 在书 房写作业,而不是在客厅,所以题干错误。 (5). 根据 We are all happy! 可知题干正确。 8.【答案】(1).T (2).F (3).T (4).F (5).T 【解析】 (1).由原文“This is my bedroom. There is a bed in the room. Near the bed, there is a desk. There are many books on the desk. Where is my cat? Oh, it’s under the bed.” 可知陈杰卧室的床下有一只猫,故答案正确。 (2).由原文“This is my living room. There are lots of flowers here. There is a photo above the sofa. The water bottle is beside the sofa. There is a TV in front of the sofa. There is a clock on the wall. ”可知钟表在客厅里,不在卧室里,故答案错误。 (3).由原文“This is my living room. There are lots of flowers here. There is a photo above the sofa. The water bottle is beside the sofa. There is a TV in front of the sofa. ”可知电视在客厅里,故答案正确。 (4).由原文“There is a photo above the sofa.”可知照片在沙发的上面不在床上面,故 答案错误。 (5).由原文“There are lots of flowers here.”可知答案正确。 9.【答案】(1).F (2).F (3).T (4).T (5).F 【解析】 (1).由原文“This is my living room. There are many flowers in it. ”可知,鲜花在 起居室里,不在卧室里。故答案错误。 15 (2).由原文“There is a sofa near the wall.”可知,沙发在墙的附近,不在窗户的附近。 故答案错误。 (3).由原文“This is my bedroom. It’s small. There is a desk and a bed in my room. ” 可知,答案正确。 (4).由原文“I like sports.”可知,答案正确。 (5).由原文“There is a Teddy bear on the bed. ”可知泰迪熊在床上,不在床下。故答 案错误。 10.【答案】(1).T (2).T (3).T (4).F (4).F 【解析】 (1).由原文“This is the kitchen of my house. It’s big and nice. ”可知答案正确。 (2).由原文“There are many things on it. What are these? Oh, they’re apples. And what are those? They are bananas.”可知,答案正确。 (3).由原文“Let me have an apple. Mmm, it’s so sweet and delicious.”可知答案正 确。 (4).有原文“Under the table, there are two toys. ”可知,在桌子下面的是两个玩具, 而不是两只狗。因此答案错误。 (5).有原文“I often help my mum clean the house in the morning.”可知,帮妈妈打 扫房间的 是“我”,我是弟弟。因此答案错误。 11.【答案】 (1).She lives in China. (2).No, it isn’t. (3).There is a bed, a desk, a chair and a computer. (4).Her photo is on the wall. (5).Yes, it is. 【解析】 (1).由原文“I am Amy. My parents and I live in China.”可知答案。 (2).由原文“Look, this is my house. It’s not big but nice. ”可知答案。 (3).由原文“Look at my bedroom. It’s small. There is a bed, a desk and a chair init. Oh, on the desk, there is a computer.”可知答案。 16 (4).由原文“There is also my photo on the wall.”可知答案。 (5).由原文“The big bedroom is my father and mother’s.”可知答案。 12.【答案】(1).F (2).T (3).T (4).F (5). T 【解析】 (1).由原文“There is a photo and a bike in the bedroom. ”可知,自行车在卧室,不 在客 厅,故答案错误。 (2).由原文“The re is a clock in the study.”可知答案正确。 (3).由原文“There is a water bottle in the kitchen.”可知答案正确。 (4).由原文“There is a photo and a bike in the bedroom. ”可知照片在卧室而不在书 房,故答案错误。 (5).由原文第一句“This is Mike’s new home. ” 这是 Mike 的新房间,可知答案正确。 13.【答案】(1). T (2).F (3).F (4).T 【解析】 (1).由原文“There are many books on the desk. Where is my schoolbag? Oh, it’s on the chair. ”可以判断本题正确。 (2).由原文“Look, this is my big bed.看,这是我的大床。”可以判断 Amy 的床很大, 故本题错误。 (3).由原文“Where is my schoolbag? O h, it’s on the chair. ”可知。她的书包在椅 子上。故本题错误。 (4).由原文“Look, there is a photo of my family. It’s on the wall.”可知,照片 在墙上,不在书桌上。故本题错误。 (5).由原文最后一句“I like my bedroom very much!”可知,本题正确。 14.【答案】(1).T(2).F(3).F(4).T(5).F 【解析】 (1).根据第一行 The cat is very old now. 可知这只猫已经很老了,题干正确,故本题填 T。 (2).根据第二行 One day the old cat sees a mouse. 可知有一天这只猫看到一只老鼠, 而不是蛇,题干错误,故本题填 F。 (3).根据第二行和第四行 But she cannot eat it. ... because the cat cannot kill the mouse. 可知这只老猫不能杀死这只老鼠,题干错误,故本题填 F。 17 (4).根据第五行 She begins to beat(打)the cat. 可知女主人因为猫不能吃老鼠而打它, 所以女主人对猫不好,题干正确,故本题填 T。 (5).根据第二行... the mouse gets out of her mouth and run away. 可知老鼠从猫嘴里 挣脱跑走了,题干错误,故本题填 F。 15.【答案】(1).C(2).B(3).C(4).C 【解析】(1).句意:故事里有几只老虎和猴子?从 An old tiger, a monkey 可知选 C. (2).句意:为什么老虎告诉其它动物给他拿食物?从 He doesn’t want to look for food now. 可知选 B. (3).句意:猴子和老虎到了河边。从 he monkey and the tiger get to the bridge over the river.可知选 C (4).句意:老虎跳进了河里。从 the tiger jumps into the river.可知选 C. 规律总结:本题主要考查学生对细节的理解,只要能在文中找到相关的句子,就能做出正确 的选择。 16.【答案】l. C (2).C (3).B (4).B (5).B 【解析】 思路分析:本题应该先整体的通读文段,然后再通读试题,根据具体题目从文章中得出答案。 名师解析:(1). 由句子:He sees a monkey and says,“I am hungry, Monkey. Go to the village and bring me a fat pig. ” (他看见一只猴子,说:“我饿了,猴子。去村里 给我捉只肥猪来。”)可知答案为 C。 (2). 由句子:The monkey and the tiger get to a bridge over a river. 猴子和老虎到 达了小河上的一座桥。可知答案为 C。 (3). 由句子: ①“What?” cries the old tiger. “Show me that tiger. I will talk to him. ” ②“Yes,I do. ”cries the old tiger. “I will eat him up. ”With these words, the tiger jumps into the water.可知答案为 B。 (4). 由上下文推断可知,猴子口中的 tiger 只不过是水中的倒影,答案为 B。 (5). 文中内容:With these words, the tiger jumps into the water. 说完这些后,老 虎跳入水中。猴子用自己的智慧,不仅没有听老虎的话给老虎找吃的,并把老虎骗人水中, 答案为 B。 易错提示:第(4)、(5)小题原文中没有答案,可以通过分析语境,得出答案。 17.【答案】(1). A (2). B (3). A (4). B 18 【解析】 (1). 根据广告可知 Green Trees Gym 开放游泳时间为周一到周日,Fish Balls Gym 开放游 泳时间为周一到周五,所以如果想周日游泳,只能去 Green Trees Gym。 (2). Green Trees Gym 的联系方式有电话和邮件两种,Fish Balls Gym 只可以电话联系, 所以 Green Trees Gym 可以接受电脑邮件。 (3). Green Trees Gym 开设的项目有 swimming, bowling, karate;Fish Balls Gym 开设 的项目有 tennis, soccer, swimming,所以如果想练习 karate,需要去 Green Trees Gym, 它的联系方式为 68687325。 (4). 根据广告可知打网球需要去 Fish Balls Gym,时间为(1)0:00 am-(4):00 pm。 18.【答案】(1).F (2).F (3).F (4).T 【解析】 (1). 根据 There are always three lights 可知通常交通灯有三个,分别是红黄绿色。而 不是题干中说的四个,故本题答案为 F。 (2). 根据 In China,drivers drive on the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. 可知在中国和美国,司机靠右行驶;在英国和澳大利亚,司 机靠左形式。题干说在中国和英国,司机靠左行驶,与文章不符,故本题答案为 F。 (3). 根据 green means “Go” 绿色代表前行,可知题干与原文不符,故本题答案为 F。 (4). 根据 If you go by car,by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules. 可知题干正确,故本题答案为 T。 19.【答案】(1).B (2).A (3).C (4).A (5).B 【解析】 (1). 根 据 文 中 第 一 行 第 二 句 话 A boy named Franklin Chang-Diaz stared at the night sky.可知,故答案是 B。 (2).第一段第五句话中“It”指的是前面的 satellite。故答案是 A。 (3). 根 据 第 二 段 第 二 句 话 At first, Franklin was bewildered by life in the United States. 可知, 故答案是 C。 (4).根据第二段第一句话 When Franklin grew up, he left his homeland so that he could 19 study science in the United States.可知,故答案是 A。 (5).(1)980 他成为宇航员,Six years later, his dream finally came true.说明 6 年后 他的梦想成真,故答案是(1)986,即 B。 20.【答案】(1)A (2)D (3)B (4)C (5)C 【解析】史密斯先生住在一个小城镇里,但是他在一个大城市工作。他每天乘火车来回上下 班。这天早上,当他在火车上看报纸的时候,他后面的一 个男人向他打招呼,和他说话。 “你对自己的生活不太感兴趣是吗?你每天早上都做同一趟火车,而且你总是坐在同一个位 置上,看同样的报纸。”“你怎么对我了解的这么清楚?”史密斯先生生气地说。 “因为我总是坐在你后面的这个位置上。”这个男人答道。

