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英语总复习 六年级上册 bike bus plane train subway Unit 1   How do you go there? 乘公共汽车        . 乘自行车        . 乘火车        . 乘飞机        . 乘轮船        . 乘地铁        . 步行        . by bus by bike by train by plane by ship by subway on foot 注意还有其它的表达方式: by bike = on a bike.   by bus=on a bus by plane = on a plane=by air by ship= on a ship= by sea 1 、 Tom 通常乘自行车上学。 Tom usually goes to school . Tom usually goes to school a . 2 、她经常乘公共汽车去上班。 She often goes to work . She often goes to work a . 3 、 Mr Peter 昨天乘飞机去了北京。 Mr Peter went to Beijing . Mr Peter went to Beijing a . by bike on bike by bus on bike by plane on plane 注意其他表达方式: 1 、昨天, Bill 坐五路公共汽车去儿童公园。 Bill went to the Children’s Park the No.5 bus. Bill the No.5 bus the Children’s Park yesterday. 2 、他经常乘飞机去云南。 He often goes to Yunnan . He often Yunnan. 3 、你通常步行上学吗? Do you usually go to school ? Do you usually school? 4 、我叔叔经常乘小汽车上班。 My uncle often goes to work . My uncle often work . by took to by plane flies to on foot walk to by car drives to by bus = take a bus to……. by plane = fly to on foot = walk to by car = drive to go to school . get home . go there . get there go to work . . . go to a park . . . go home . . . by bike by train by plane by bike by train by plane by bike by train by plane by bike by train by plane traffice lights traffic rules 在每个国家里交通灯都是一样的。 The are the same in every country. 2. If you by car, by bike or on foot , you must know the .( 交通规则 ) traffic lights traffic rules red light yellow light green light Traffic light wait 等,等待 wait for……. 等待 …… 1 、请稍等片刻。 2 、 Amy 在那儿等公共汽车。 Amy is a bus over there. 3 、我爷爷每天等待花儿的生长。 My grandfather the flowers to grow every day. Please wait a minute. waiting for waits for get to 到达 …… ( 过去式 ) 注意: 两个词组是不能用“ to” 到家 到达那儿 。 got to get home get there 1 、昨晚,他很晚到家。 He very late last night. 2 、 Tom 总是在七点钟到达学校。 Tom always school at seven. 3 、你打算怎么样到达那儿? . got home gets to How are you going to get there? the same 与 different 它们是一对反义词。 1 、这对双胞胎看起来相同的。 . ( ) 1. The workers come from different . A. air-conditioners factory B. air-conditioner factory C. air-conditioner factories 2 、这些年青的小姐们来自不同的国家。 . The twins look the same. C The young ladies come from different countries. right left 在左边 . 在右边 . on the left on the right must = have to 必须 情态动词后面要保持动词原形。 1 、我们必须努力学习。 We hard. 2 、鱼必须住在水里。 Fish in the water. must study must live find 与 look for find 找到 强调有结果。 2 ) look for 找 强调动作。 ( ) 1. Where are my shoes? I can’t them. A. look for B. find C. look ( )2. What are you doing? I’m my English book. A. looking for B. finding C. look for B A How do you go to school? I go to school….. by subway 就“怎么样” 提问的特殊疑问句: How …… 1 、 Jack 通常怎样上学?他通常步行上学 。 . 2 、昨天,你们怎么样来北京?我们乘飞机来。 . 3 、你们打算怎么样去长城?我们打算坐飞机去。 . 4 、你通常回家?我通常乘自行车回。 . . 5 、 Mr Black 通常怎样上班?他通常坐地铁。 . How do es Jack usually go to school? He usually go es to school on foot. How did you come to Beijing yesterday? We came by plane. How are you going to the Great Wall? We’re going by plane. How do you usually go home? I usually go home by bike. How does Mr Black go to work? He usually go es to work by subway. near = not far 近的, 在 …… 旁边 近的。 There’s a park near our schoo. It’s near. I often walks to work. It’s not far. I often walks to work. Unit 2 library post office bookstore cinema hospital school shoe store 专有名词用大写 : 城市图书馆 人民医院 新华书店 City Library People’s Hospital. Xinhua Bookstore I have a bad cold now. I am going to the People’s ( 医院 ) to see a doctor. 2. When I was a child, My father often took me to Children’s ( 公园 ). Hospital Park Excuse me. 对不起 , 当表示要打扰别人时用 . 1. Excuse me,is there a cinema near here? 2. Excuse me, Can I tell me something about your day? next to 与 …… 相邻 next to = near 电影院与医院相邻。 The cinema is the hospital. The cinema is the hospital. 邮局在哪里?它与我们学校相邻。 Where’s the post office? It’s our school. Where’s the post office? It’s our school. 3. 在假日酒店的旁边有一个公园。 . next to near near next to There is a park next to the Holiday Hotel. far= not near 远 1. It’s . I have to go there by bus. 2. It’s not . I can go there on foot. 3. It’s not . I have to go there by bus. 4. It’s . I can go on foot. far far near near 顺德距离广州不远。 Shunde is not Guangzhou. 香港距离这儿远吗? . 3. 云南距离顺德远吗? . 4. 昆明距离顺德有多远?坐飞机三个小时。 is Yunnan from Shunde? It’s by plane. far from Is Hong Kong far from here? Is Yunnan far from Shunde? How far three hours after school 在放学以后 after…… 在 …… 之后 在下课以后 . 在午饭以后 . 在春天以后 . after class after lunch after spring 在放学后, Jack 经常在操场上做运动。 . 在下课后,我们通常休息。 . 3. 在晚饭后,我爸爸总是在沙发上看报纸。 . . 4. 在假期后,我们回到了学校。 We come back to school . Jack often plays sports on the playground after school. We usually have some rest after class. My father always reads newspaper on the sofa after dinner. after holiday I want + 名词 I want + to do …… 1 、我想要一双凉鞋。 2 、我想要买一双凉鞋。 3 、我想做一个生日卡给我母亲。 I want a pair of sandals. I want to buy a pair of sandals. I want to make a birthday card for my mother. 4. 我想成为一名工程师。 I want an engineer. 5. 她想成为一名女演员。 She to an actress. 6. 你想要成为什么? . 7. 她想要成为什么? . to be wants be What do you want to be? What does she want to be? buy ----- ( 过去式 ) 1 、昨天,我母亲买了一双鞋给我。 My mother a pair of shoes me. My mother a pair of shoes. 2 、我父亲打算买一台新电脑给我。 ( 两种表达 ) . . bought bought for bought me My father is going to buy a new computer for me. My father is going to buy me a new computer. get off 下车 1. 我可以坐三路公共汽车。在图书馆下车。 I can the No.3 bus. . at the library. 2. 他经常帮助老人们下车。 . get on 上车 take Get off He oftern help the old an get off. minute 分钟 60 1. There are minutes in an hour. east of West of South of West of turn 1. 向左边拐 向右拐 turn right turn left 2. 关上 ( 电源 ) turn on turn off 3. 轮流 ( 轮到 ) one’s turn 1 、一直走,在第一个交通灯向左拐。 。 2 、是看电视的时候了。请打开电视。 . 3 、轮到我了。 . Go straight, turn left at the first traffic light It’s time to watch TV. Please turn of the TV. It’s my turn. twelfth 序数词。 My friend Amy live on the floor. take 乘 。。。。 是一个动词 By 乘。。。。 是一个介词。 1. How can you get there? I can the No. 3 bus . 2. I get there . twelfth by bike take ---Where is the library ? --- It’s near the post offic. 电影院在哪里 ? 它在学校旁边 . 书店在哪里 ? 它在图书馆的旁边 . 医院在哪里 ? 它在邮局的旁边 . 就地点提问的特殊疑问句 : Where. Where’s the cinema? It’s next to the school. Where’s the bookstore? It’s next to the library. Where’s the hospital? It’s next to the post office. A: Thank you . B: You’re welcome. get to 到达 …… ( 过去式 ) 注意: 两个词组是不能用“ to” 到家 到达那儿 。 got to get home get there 1 、昨晚,他很晚到家。 He very late last night. 2 、 Tom 总是在七点钟到达学校。 Tom always school at seven. 3 、你打算怎么样到达那儿? . got home gets to How are you going to get there? Unit 3 表达一般将来时的时间状语 : 今天上午 今天下午 . 今天晚上 下周 . 今晚 明天 . this morning this afternoon this evening next week tonight tomorrow 当句子中含有这些时间状语 , 句子要用一般 将来时 . read a magazine go to the cinema take a trip take a trip . read a magazine . go to the cinema . taking a trip takes a trip took a trip reading reads read going goes to the cinema went to the cinema 下周 , 你打算去做什么 ? 我打算去旅行 . What you to do? I’m going to . 2. 这个周末 , 我打算在家阅读杂志 . I’m going to this weekend. 3. 昨晚 , 我们去看电影 . . 4. 去年夏天 , 我们去旅行 . . are going take a trip read a magazine We went to the cinema last night. We took a trip last summer. The Great Wall theme park 专有名词 ( 首个字母要用大写 ) 在长城上 . 我们打算在长城上拍照 . . on the Great Wall We are going to take pictures on the Great Wall. busy 忙碌的 反义词 free. busy = not free free=not busy A: Because my mom is . Would you like to go swimming with me? B: Certainly. What time. A: Because my mom isn’t .Would you like to go swimming with me? busy free comic book postcard newspaper dictionary 可数名词 newspapers dictionaries 在他的书包里面有许多漫画书 . There are many in his bag. 2. 我们的老师每个教师节都得到一些明信片 . Our teacher some every Teachers’ Day. 3. 在新华书店里有许多英语字典 . There are many in Xinhua Bookstore. comic books gets post cards English dictionaries. shop 的用法 : 商店 shoe shop 2) 购买 相当于 buy shopping shopped 区别在于: buy + 名词 shop ( 后面不再接名词 ) My mother ( 买 ) me some dresses. My mother ( 购物 ) every day. buy shops 一般将来时 一般将来时:表示将要、打算做 的事情或动作。 常与时间状语: tomorrow , tonight this morning, this afternoon, soon, later this evening, next week 连用 。 结构: be going to + 动词原形 。 例: 明天我将要去种树。 I am going to plant trees tomorrow 一般将来时的句子结构 : be going to + 动词原形 (am, are, is) 例如 : 明年春天 , 她打算在花园里种树 . 这个星期六 , 我打算和 Bill 在公园里划船 . 今天上午 , 他们打算爬山 . 明天 , 你们将去看花展吗 ? She is going to plant trees nest spring. I am going to row a boat with Bill this Saturday. They are going to climb mountains this morning. Are you going to see a flower show tomorrow? 1 、明天,我打算去做运动。 2 、明天, Jack 打算清洁他的房间。 3 、明天,他们打算去看电影。 4 、明天,我爷爷打算去远足。 I am going to play sports tomorrow. Jack is going to clean his room tomorrow. They are going to the cinema tomorrow. My grandfather is going to go hiking tomorrow. 1 、今晚,我打算去看望祖祖父母。 2 、今晚,她打算在家阅读杂志。 3 、今晚,我妹妹打算弹钢琴。 I am going to visit grandparents tonight. She is going to read a magazine at home tonight. My sister is going to play the piano tonight. 1 、今天晚上, Kate 打算看电视。 2 、今天早上,他们打算去购物。 3 、今天下午,我打算放风筝。 4 、下周,我的祖父母打算去旅行。 Kate is going to watch TV this evening. They are going to go shopping this morning. I am going to fly kites this afternoon. My grandparents going to go hiking next week. come, go, leave. 这些单词 , 常用 现在进行时 代替 一般将来时 . 例如 : 1. 明天 , 我打算去书店 . . 2. 下周 , 她将离开顺德 . . 3. 今天晚上 , 我的英语老师打算来我家 . . 表示按计划或安排即将进行的动作 , 表示这种动作的动词有 :come, go, leave, arrive, start, see 等 , 并常与表示将来时间的状语连用 . 表示按计划或安排即将进行的动作 , 表示这种动作的动词有 :come, go, leave, arrive, start, see 等 , 并常与表示将来时间的状语连用 . I’m going to the bookstore tomorrow. She is leaving Shunde next week. My English teacher is coming to my home this evening. Wu: What are you going to do the weekkend? John: I’m going to my grandparents this weekend. Wu: Is it ? John: Yes, so I’m by train. on visit far going What are you going to do tomorrow? I am going to take a trip What are you going to do this evening? read a magazine What are you going to do this evening? go to the cinema What are you going to do…? tomorrow What are you going to do…? tonight What are you going to do…? this morning What are you going to do…? this afternoon What are you going to do…? this evening What are you going to do…? next week 一般将来时就事情提问特殊疑问句 : What are you going to do on the weekend? I’m going to visit my grandparents this weekend. 今天晚上 , 你打算做什么 ? 我打算做作业 . . 2. 今天下午 , 你叔叔打算做什么 ? 他打算写封信给 我婶婶 . . 3. 今晚 , 这位画家打算做什么 ? 他打算画小鸟画 . . What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to do homework. What’s your uncle going to do this afternoon? What is the artist going to do this evening? He is going to draw pictures of birds. He’s going to write a letter to my aunt. That will be fun! will be + …… 明天顺德的天气将是晴朗和炎热的 . It sunny and hot in Shunde tomorrow. 如果我们赢得了比赛,我们将会很开心。 If we win the game, We will . will be be happy A:When are you going ? B: This afternoon. (I’m going this afternoon.) 注意 : 两种回答都可以。因为可以直接回答 也可以省略回答。 例如: A: When is your brother going to do his homework? B: (今天晚上) 1) He’s going to do his homework this evening. 2) This evening. 考试相关题型:听力最佳应答 ( ) 1. A. This afternoon B. I’m going to go swimming. C. I’m going by bike. When are you going to……? A:When are you going ? B: This afternoon. 时间提问的特殊疑问句 你打算什么时候去看望你的叔叔? . 他们打算什么时候进行体育运动? . 你母亲打算什么时候做家务? . When are you going to visit your uncle? When are they going to play sports? When is your mother going to do housework? 就地点提问特殊疑问句(用于一般将来时) 例如: Where are you going this afternoon? I’m going to the bookstore. 明天,你父母将去哪里? . 明年,你们打算去哪里旅行? . 今天下午, Bill 打算在哪里拍照? . 你计划在哪里滑雪? . Where are your parents going tomorrow? Where are you going to take a trip next year? Where’s Bill going to take pictures this afternoon? Where are you going to ski? I’m going to buy a magazine about plants. 一本关于植物的书 注意区别: a picture of plants (一张植物的照片) a book about plants (一本植物的书) 1 、我将要买一本关于月球的书。 I’m going to a book the moon. 2 、昨天,我在陈村照了许多花儿的照片。 I took many flowers in Chencun. buy about pictures of I want to be a science teacher one day I want to be …… 我想成为 …….. She wants to be …… 她想成为 ……. 你想成为一名老师吗? . 我弟弟想成为一名农民。 . 你想成为什么? . 她想成为什么? . Do you want to be a teacher? My brother wants to be a farmer. What do you want to be? What does she want to be? I want to be a soldier. I’m going to be a soldier. 选择填空 : ( ) 1. He and Peter ___ going to see a film tomorrow. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 2. They are going to ____ basketball after school. A. play B. plays C. playing ( ) 3. I am________ this afternoon. A. going to skating B. going to go skate C. going to going skating ( ) 4. _____ are you going to do? A. What B. Where C. How ( ) 5. _____ are you going ? I am going to the cinema. A. Where B. What C. How ( ) 6. I am going to read books _____ this morning. A. in B. on C. / ( ) 7. What are you going to do ___ next week. A. / B. on C. in ( ) 8. We are going to read _____ this afternoon. A. magazine B. a magaznes C. magazines What are you going to do? I am going to buy… When are you going? This afternoon. Where are you going? I am going to the … Recyecle 1 考试重点: 1) P39 页 If you want to take a bus home . take…to… 注意: take a bus home 与 take a bus there 不可以加“ to”. 昨晚,我坐公共汽车回家。 I a bus yesterday. 2. 我父亲经常带我到那儿。 My father often me . took home takes there Unit 4 What’s your hobby? ride a bike dive play the violin make kites collect stamps ride a bike riding a bike rides a bike rode a bike dive diving dives dove make kites making a kite makes a kite made a kite 你的爱好是什么?我喜欢做风筝。 What’s your hobby? I like . 2. 星期天下午,我父亲将做给我做一个风筝。 My father is going to a kite me Sunday afternoon. 3. 骑自行车是我的爱好。 a is my hobby. making kites make for Riding bike twin (单数) 双胞胎之一 twins ( 复数 ) 双胞胎 这对双胞胎看起来很像。 . The twin always ( 看 ) cartoons on TV in the evening. 3. The twins usually ( 到达 ) home at 5:00 in the afternoon. 4. The twin ( 长着 ) two big eyes and apple face. The twins look the same. watches get has look 看上去 后面常跟形容词。 例如: My friend looks very funny. 我的朋友看上去很滑稽。 1 、你妈妈看上去很年青。 My mother very . 2 、我们的英语老师看上去又强壮又高大。 Our English teacher tall and . looks young looks strong something anything 的区别 相同点:他们都不定代词,都做为第三人称 单数。 不同点: something 一般用于肯定句 anything 一般用于否定句。 ( )1. Please find me        to eat. I'm so hungry. A. anything    B. something    C. everything   解析 此句为肯定句,说 的 是可以充饥 的 东西, 故选 B 。 第三人称单数 teach watch teaches watches My uncle ( 教 ) English at a primary school. 2. My baby sister ( 观看 ) cartoons on TV every evening. teaches watches week 星期 , 周 ( )1. --How many are there in a week? -- Seven. A. hours B. days C. months ( )2. – How many are there in a months? --There’re four. A. days B. hours C. weeks ( ) 3. comes after Wednesday. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday. ( ) 4. What day comes after Tuesday? soon 不久之后 ( 用于一般将来时 ) Alice says her family is going to China soon. 我希望你不久将变好 ( 康复 ) 。 I hope you soon. ( )2. My father went to Shanghai last month and he _______ soon. will be back B. was back C. comes back 3. 不久之后,我将去云南学习民族舞蹈。 I go to Yunnan folk dances soon. will get better A will to learn 询问别人爱好的特殊疑问句: What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps. What’s his/her hobby? He/She likes riding a bike. What are your hobbies? My hobbies are riding a bike, diving, playing the piano. 注意:兴趣,爱好通常使用一般现在时。 1. 我喜欢游泳,跳水和骑自行车。 2 、我双胞妹妹喜欢画画和做风筝。 3 、我喜欢体育,但是她喜欢美术。 4 、 Bill 喜欢做实验。 I like swimming, diving and riding a bike. My twin sister likes drawing pictures and making kites. I like sports, but she likes art. Bill likes doing an experiment. or : and : But : 用于否定句或一般疑问句 用于肯定句 表示转折 I don’t have a sister or brother. Which is heavier, yours or mine? I like listening to music and singing. He doesn’t like swimming , but I do. 一般现在时否定句构成 : 主语不是第三人称单数 , 借助助动词“ do ”. 在“ do” 的后面加上“ not”, 缩写 : don’t. 例如 : 每个星期天,我都不出去。 I don’t go out every Sunday. 2) 主语是第三人称单数,借助助动词“ does ” 在“ does” 的后面加上“ not”, 缩写: doesn’t. 例如: 我母亲通常在晚上不洗衣服。 My mother usually doesn’t wash clothes in the evening. 关键是 doesn’t 后面的动词保持原型 . 在晚上 , 这些学生通常不看电视 . The students usually TV in the evening. 2. Bill 经常不看报纸 . Bill often newspapers. 3. 我的弟弟总是饭前不洗手 . My baby brother always his hands before meals. 4. Kate 和我都不喜欢爬山 . Kate and I climbing mountains. 5. 这位老师不教我们英语 . The teacher us English. 6. 我们通常在周末不上学 . We usually to school on the weekend. don’t watch doesn’t read doesn’t wash don’t like doesn’t teach don’t go 一般现在时一般疑问句构成 : 主语不是第三人称单数 , 借助助动词“ do ”. 例如 : 你经常骑自行车上学吗 ? Do you often go to school by bike? 2) 主语是第三人称单数,借助助动词“ does ” 例如: 这位年青的女士教你们英语吗 ? Does the young lady teach you English? 关键是后面的动词保持原型 . 你住在上海吗 ? . 2. Bill 经常看报纸吗 ? . 3. 你爷爷每天在湖边钓鱼吗 ? . 4. 你奶奶经常起得很早吗 ? . 5. 他经常参观长城吗 ? . 6. 你叔叔乘公共汽车上班 ? . Do you live in Shanghai? Does Bill often read books? 注意动词保持原型 Does your grandfather fish near the lake every day? Does your grandmother get up very early? Does he often visit the Great Wall? Does your uncle go to work by bus? write a letter to sb 写一封信给某人 write an e-mail to sb 写一封电子邮件给某人 你父亲在哪里 ? 他在书房里写一封信给我叔叔 . Where’s your father? He’s a letter . my uncle. 2. 她经常写电子邮件给她的老师吗 ? Does she an e-mail her teachers? writing to write to soon 的用法 : 用于一般将来时 Alice says her family is going to China soon . 不久之后 , 我们将成为一名中学生 . . 2. 不久之后 , 这位伟大的作家将来顺德 . . . 3. 不久之后 , 我们说再见 . . We are going to be a middle school student soon. The great writer is coming to Shunde soon. The great writer will come to Shunde soon. We are going to say goodbye soon. Let’s take care of him. take care of 照顾 , 保管 …… 我妈妈患了重感冒,我必须照顾她。 My mother has a bad cold, I must her. take care of Unit6 accountant writer singer salesperson TV reporter driver baseball player nurse teacher doctor actor actress artist cleaner engineer 注意: an artist actor actress artist engineer accountant company ( 复数 ) factory ( 复数 ) companies factories 在这个城市有许多电脑公司 . There are many in the city. 2. 这些工人来自不同的空调厂 . The workers come from different . computer factories air-conditioner factories help 1) 帮助 ( 名词 ) 2) 帮助 ( 动词 ) 谢谢你的帮助 . . 2. 她经常给我很多的帮助 . . Thanks for your help. She often gives me some help. Amy 经常帮助母亲做家务 . . 2. 我能帮你吗 ? . Amy often helps her mother do housework. Can I help you? 动词短语 : help sb do sth ( ) 1. The old man’s leg hurts. He wants some . A. help B. helps C. helping ( ) 2. The Children often the cleaner the street. help, clean B. helps, cleaning C. help, cleaning A A money 不可数名词 ( ) 1. He has money, but he feels very happy every day. A. few B. little C. many ( ) 2. He has money, but he doesn’t feel very happy every day. A. little B. many C. much ( )3. How money does he have? A. any B. many C. much ( )4. there money on the desk? A. Are, any B. Is, some C. Is, any B C C C well 好 ; 对 ; 满意地 Rose 说英语说得好。 2. 姚明打篮球打得好。 3. 李云迪钢琴钢得好。 Rose speaks English well. Yaoming plays basketball very well. LiYundi plays the piano very well. enjoy 从 …… 获得乐趣 1) enjoy + 名词 2) enjoy + 动名词 Kate enjoys music. Kate enjoys listening to music. 她从帮助人中获得乐趣。 She people. 2. 我从看书中获得乐趣。 I books. 3. 我爷爷从钓鱼中获得乐趣。 My grandfather . enjoys helping enjoys reading enjoys fishing What do you do? I’m a(an)…. What does he/she do? What’s he/she? He/she’s a…… 询问职业的两种特殊疑问句: 1)What do you do? 2)What are you? I’m a(an)…. 1)What does he/she do? 2)What’s he/she? He/she’s a…… 你叔叔是做什么的?他是一名作家。 . . 这位年青人是做什么的?他是一名电脑工程师 . . 3. 你的父母亲是做什么的?他们都是老师。 。 。 4. 你是做什么的?我是一名学生。 。 。 What does your uncle do? He’s a writer. What’s your uncle? He’s a writer. What does the young man do?He’s a computer engineer. What’s the young man? He’s a computer engineer. What do your parents do? They are teachers. What are your parents? They are teachers. What do you do? I’m a student. What are you? I’m a student. 你打算成为什么?我打算成为一名画家。 你想成为什么?我想成为一名好警察。 Kate 打算当什么?她打算当一名伟大作家。 你表弟想成为什么?他想当一名男演员。 What are you going to be? I’m going to be an artist. What do you want to be? I want to be a good policeman. What is Kate going to be? She’s going to a great writer. What does your cousin want to be? He wants to be an Actor. P60 on 1) 表示在 …… 上面(方位介词) on the wall on the floor on the table on the paper 2) 在电视上,在电脑上 你父亲经常在电视上收看足球比赛。 他在电脑上画画。 她是一名电视上的女演员。 My father often watches the football match on TV. He’s drawing pictures on computer. She’s an actress on TV. He write the TV show for my aunt. for 的用法 : 1 ) 为,替,给 a) Bill 的父亲正在为他做风筝。 。 b) 我们打算给妈妈做一张生日卡 . . 2 )表示持续的时间。 a) 每晚, John 做一个小时的作业 . . b) Bill 经常玩电脑游戏长达三个小时。 . Bill’s father is making kites for him. We’re going to make a birthday card for our mother. John does homework for an hour every evening. Bill often plays computer games for three hours. 就“怎么样”提问的特殊疑问句: 1 、你母亲怎么样上班?她通常步行上班。 2 、你怎么样去顺德?我通常乘公共汽车去。 3 、 Miss Green 怎么样上班?她通常骑摩托车去。 4 、他们怎么样去广州?有时他们乘地铁去,有时 坐小汽车去。 How does your mother go to work? She usually Goes to work on foot. How do you usually go to Shunde? I usually go by bus. How does Miss Green go to work? She usually goes to work by motorcycle. How do they go to Guangzhou?Sometimes they go by subway, sometimes,they go by car. 注意:第三人称单数构成特殊疑问句用助动词 does. 就地点提问的特殊疑问句: Where….? 1. 你母亲在哪里工作?她在一间学校工作。 2. 你叔叔在哪里工作?他在人民医院工作。 3. 在星期六, Bill 去哪里?她通常去科学博物馆。 Where does your mother work? She works at a school. Where does your uncle work? He works at People’s Hospital. Where does Bill go on Saturday? She usually goes To the science mesuem. like +ving ( 直接接动名词 ) like + to + V 原型 ( )1. Everyone in our class listen to music. A. like B. likes C. likes to ( )2. My friend Peter doesn’t like , but he likes to today. A. swimming, swim B. swimming, swimming B. swim, swimming. C A 帮助某人做某事 help sb do sth 帮助某人某事 help sb with sth

