人教版(新起点)英语六上《Winter Vacation》单元测试

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人教版(新起点)英语六上《Winter Vacation》单元测试

Unit6 单元测试卷 一、补全单词。 1. d___ ___pling (饺子) 2. b___ ___ng (带来) 3. h___ ___ ___ (听到) 4. b___ ___ken (破坏了的) 5. ___ ___nce (跳舞) 6. s___ ___w (雪) 7. w___ ___ther (天气) 8. p___ ___t (部分) 9. kan___ ___roo (袋鼠) 10. he___ ___thy (健康的) 二、改动一个字母,变成新的单词。 1. get __________ 2. how __________ 3. work __________ 4. kind __________ 5. plane __________ 6. dream __________ 7. would __________ 8. clean __________ 9. fast __________ 10. think __________ 三、选择。 ( ) 1. What are you going ________ this winter vacation? A. do B. to do C. doing D. does ( ) 2. The cat is at ________ bottom of the bed. A. the B. × C. to D. on ( ) 3. I was a little worried ________, ________ I was very excited. A. at the beginning; at last B. at the beginning; but the C. first; then D. at first; but then ( ) 4. My grandma is one hundred ________ three. A. zero B. and C. but D. or ( ) 5. Can you ask ________ questions? A. much B. more C. lots D. little 四、连线。 (1) be late A. 全世界 (2) pen pal B. 迟到 (3) all over the world C. 再一次 (4) Merry Christmas! D. 圣诞快乐! (5) once again E. 笔友 五、找出划线部分错误的一项。 ( ) 1. I didn’t take some photos. __________ A B C ( ) 2. She usually goes to school by foot. __________ A B C ( ) 3. He lives on an apartment. __________ A B C ( ) 4. An robot will do the housework. __________ A B C ( ) 5. Did she always get up at 6:30? __________ A B C 六、连词成句。 1. am, going, classes, skating, to, I (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 2. to, are, radio, listening, the, they (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 3. wonderful, a, vacation, for, is, me, waiting, winter (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 4. looking, he, is, to, forward, them, seeing (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 5. taller, Lily, is, think, I, than, Lucy (.) _____________________________________________________________________ 七、用几句话描述一下你心目中的未来生活。 参考答案 一、 1. dumpling 2. bring 3. hear 4. broken 5. dance 6. snow 7. weather 8. part 9. kangaroo 10. healthy 二、 略 三、 1-5 BADBB 四、 (1)-(5) BEADC 五、 1. B: some→any 2. C: by→on 3. B: on→in 4. A: An→A 5. A: Did→Does 六、 1. I am going to skating classes. 2. They are listening to the radio. 3. A wonderful winter vacation is waiting for me. 4. He is looking forward to seeing them. 5. I think Lucy is taller than Lily. 七、 略

