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‎[语音知识] 一、语调 英语语调主要有降调、升调和平调三大类。不同的语调可以表示说话人不同的态度和不同的隐含意思。英语中同一句话采用不同的语调会产生截然不同的语意概念。如“Yes”. 语调具有强烈的感情色彩,它使语言更富有表现力。‎ ㈠ 降调的基本含义是“结束”“肯定”。‎ ‎① 用于陈述句。例句:I have already read that book. ↘‎ That street is two miles long. ↘ Here you are.↘‎ ‎② 用于特殊疑问句。例句:What has happened to him? Which direction is it to the post office? ↘‎ ‎③ 用于命令祈使句。但委婉祈使句(…,please!),要用升调。例句:Do not hesitate to contact me. ↘‎ Go back to your seat! ↘‎ Follow me, please! ↗Please.‎ ‎④ 用于感叹句。例句:‎ What a small world! ↘‎ Oh! My poor Mathilde, how you’ve changed! ↘‎ ‎⑤ 问候用语常用降调,以示真诚:‎ Good↘ morning. Good ↘evening.‎ Good ↘afternoon. How ↘are you?‎ ‎⑥ 感谢用语也常用降调,以表示诚挚的谢意:‎ ‎↘Thank you. Thanks a ↘lot.‎ Thank you very ↘much.‎ ‎⑦ 在并列句中,并列连词and, but等的前后两上分句都用前升后降,表示句子还未说完。如:‎ My fever is gone ↗, but I still have a cough. ↘‎ My major is English ↗, and I like it. ↘‎ I like ↗bananas, but she likes ↘oranges.‎ We come to school by ↗bus and he comes by ↘bike.‎ ‎⑧ 用于选择疑问句中“or”前部分读升调而后部分读降调(前升后降)。如:Do you want to ride↗ or walk? ↘ ‎ Would you like coffee↗ or tea? ↘‎ ㈡ 升调的基本含义是“没有结束”“不肯定”。‎ ‎① 用于一般疑问句。例句:Do you mind if I sit here? ↗‎ Can you hand in your compositions today? ↗‎ ‎② 数数、列举事物或列举一连串的动作时,除最后那个and并列成分用降调外,前面所有的并列成分都要用升调。例句:Let’s count the ↘number. ↗One , ↗ two, ↗three, ↗four, ↘five.‎ I like ↗running, ↗swimming and ↘skating, but I don’t like playing↗ football, ↗basketball or ↘volleyball.‎ For each incomplete sentence, there are four choices marked A↗, B↗, C↗, and D. ↘‎ We study Chinese ↗, history ↗, geography ↗, and English. ↘‎ ‎③ 用于委婉祈使句。例句:‎ Excuse me, sir ↗. Can you help me? ↗‎ ‎④ 用于称呼语。如:‎ Mrs. Smith ↗, this is Tom Jones. ↘‎ ‎⑤ 反意疑问句的语调有两种情况:若说话者对所陈述的内容没有把握,想询问对方是否正确,则陈述句部分用降调,简略问句用升调。如:You are a ↘student, ↗aren’t you?↘No, I am a ↘teacher.‎ You like ↘bananas, ↗don’t you? Yes, I ↘like.‎ 若说话者对所陈述的内容已经很有把握,只是想要对方同意自己的观点,或是想从对方那里得到证实,则前后两部分都用降调。如:She is ↘shy, isn’t ↘she?‎ This story has a happy ↘ ending, hasn’t ↘it? Yes, it ↘ has.‎ ㈢ 平调。用于直接引语后,表示话是谁说的。‎ ‎“We are going to Florida,” she said brightly. →‎ ‎“How do you feel, boy?” I asked him. →‎ 练习一. 判断下列句子句末为升调↗或降调↘。‎ Don’t be sad! ( ) Don’t go! ( ) Amazing! ( )‎ Is your father here today? ( ) Can I help you? ( ) Does she like tea? ( ) Do you go by plane? ( )‎ What should I do? ( ) Where does he work? ( )‎ How do we go there? ( ) It’s half price then. ( )‎ Come here, please. ( ) Wait for me, please. ( )‎ ‎[语音知识] 二、重音 什么是单词重音和重读音节,以及双音节词和多音节词的重音规则?一个英语单词,如果只由一个音节组成,就不存在重音或轻音的问题(单音节词都读重音)。如果由两个或两个以上的音节组成,就产生单词重音的问题,念得特别响的音节,就是单词重音所在,也就是重读音节,其他音节叫非重读音节。英语单词里,除了一些复合词外,一般一个词只有一个重读音节,用“'”符号来表示,如:until  [ən'til]  直到……才 worker  ['wə:kə]  工人 actor ['æktə] 演员 ‎ repeat  [ri'pi:t] 重复 ㈠单词的重音不同是英国音和美国音在发音上最显著的不同:⑴英国标准音只有一个重音, 对于一些多音节词,英国人常把重音放在一个音节而且通常是第一音节上,其它音节弱读。而美国人把重音放在第一音节后还会在其后的某个音节前放上次重音, 一般有两个重音,一个是主重音,另一个是次重音, 次重音(或重音)一般在多音节词倒数第二或第三个音节上。⑵英国英语中有些重音在第二或者第三个音节上,美国发音的重音常在第一个音节上。如: ‎ 英音                      美音 ‎ re'search             ' research    ‎ tele'vision             ' television ‎ ㈡ 双音节词的重音规则,一般有下列6条:‎ ‎⑴ 一般的双音节词,重音都在第一个音节上,如:‎ ‎'sorry ['sɔri]—'sor-ry 抱歉 'study ['stʌdi]—stud-y 学习 ‎'seven ['sevn]—'sev-en 七 'uncle ['ʌŋkl]—'un-cle 叔父 mother ['mʌðə]—'moth-er 母亲 ‎(2)单音节词加上后缀(如:-er, -ly,-ing,-ed,-ful,-est,-less,‎ ‎-ness,-ish,-ress)构成的双音节词,重音在第一个音节上。如:'actress  ['æktris]—'act-ress 女演员 ‎'careless  ['kɛəlis]—'care-less粗心的 ‎'childish  ['tʃaildiʃ]—'child-ish  孩子气的 ‎'interesting  ['intəristiŋ]—'interest-ing 有趣的 ‎'quickly  ['kwikli]—'quick-ly 快 ‎'tallest  ['tɔ:list]—'tall-est 最高的 ‎'teacher  ['ti:tʃə]—'teach-er教师 ‎'useful  ['ju:sfəl]—'use-ful 有用的 ‎⑶单音节词加上前缀(如:a-,be-,com-,con-,de-,dis-, em-, en-, es-, im-, in-, mis-, pre-, per-,pro-,re-,trans-)构成的双音节词,重音往往在第二个音节上,如:‎ a'lone  [ə'ləun]—a-'lone 单独地 be'side  [bi'said]—be-'side在...旁边 com'pare  [kəm'pɛə]—com-'pare比较 con'nect  [kə'nekt]—con-'nect连接 de'mand  [di'mɑ:nd]—de-'mand要求 dis'cuss  [di'skʌs]—dis-'cuss讨论 en'large  [in'lɑ:dʒ]—en-'large扩大 es'cape  [is'keip]—es-'cape 逃跑 ex'plain  [iks'plein]—ex-'plain 解释 im'port  [im'pɔ:t]—im-'port 进口 in'crease   [in'kri:s]—in-'crease增加 mis'take  [mi'steik]—mis-'take 错误 per'mit  [pə'mit]—per-'mit允许 pre'pare  [pri'pɛə]—pre-'pare准备 pro'pose  [prə'pəuz]—pro-'pose建议 re'peat  [ri'pi:t]—re-'peat 重复 trans-late  [træns'leit]—trans-'late 翻译 ‎(4) 以con-,de-,ex-,in-,re-,pre-,pro-等为前缀的双音节词,在作名词用时,重音在第一个音节上,作动词用时重音在第二个音节上,如下列词用作名词和动词时的对比:‎ ‎【con'tent  [kən'tent]v.—con-'tent 满足 ‎'content  ['kɔntənt]n.—'con-tent 内容】‎ ‎【'desert  ['dezət]n.—'des-ert 沙漠 de'sert  [di'zə:t]v.—de-'sert 抛弃】‎ ‎【'export  ['ekspɔ:t]n.—'ex-port  出口 ex'port  [ɪks'pɔ:t]v.—ex-'port 出口】‎ ‎【'insult  ['insʌlt]n.—'in-sult 侮辱 in'sult  [in'sʌlt]v.—in-'sult  (侮辱)】‎ ‎【'present  ['preznt]n.—'pres-ent  礼物 pre'sent  [pri'zent]v.—pre-'sent  呈现】‎ ‎【'produce  ['prɔdju:s]n.—'prod-uce  产品 pro'duce  [prə'dju:s]v.—pro-'duce  生产】‎ ‎【'refuse  ['refju:s]n.—'ref-use 废物 re'fuse  [ri'fju:z]v.—re-'fuse 拒绝】‎ ‎⑸有一些复合词,是带有含意的前缀,如ex-(前任),pre-(前),post-(后),re-(再),un-(不)等构成的双音节词,可以有两个重音。如:‎ ‎'ex'wife  ['eks'waif]—'ex-'wife 前妻 ‎'pre'war  ['pri:'wɔ:]—'pre-'war 战前 ‎'post'war  ['pəust'wɔ:]—'post-'war 战后 ‎'re'build  [ri:'bild]—'re-'build  重建)‎ ‎'re'tell  [ri:'tel]—'re-'tell  (复述)‎ ‎'un'real  ['ʌn'riəl]—'un-'real  不真实 ‎'un'rest  ['ʌn'rest]—'un-'rest 不安 此外,一些英语译名的双音节词,也有两个重音,如:'Pe'king  [pi:'kiŋ]—'Pe-'king  北京 ‎'Chi'nese  ['tʃai'ni:z]—'Chi-'nese  中国的 ‎⑹有些双音节词,并没有前缀,主要是一些从法语借入的词,重音往往落在第二个音节上,如:‎ po'lice  [pə'li:s]—po-'lice 警察 ma'chine  [mə'ʃi:n]—ma-'chine 机器 po'lite  [pə'lait]—po-'lite 有礼貌 ca'nal  [kə'næl]—ca-'nal 运河 ho'tel  [həu'tel]—ho-'tel 旅馆 cam'paign  [kæm'pein]—cam-'paign 运动 ㈢多音节词的重音规则一般有两条:‎ ‎⑴ 三音节词的重音,一般在第一个音节上,如:beautiful  ['bju:təfəl]—'beau-ti-ful  美丽的 ‎'bicycle  ['baisikl]—'bi-cy-cle 自行车 ‎'family  ['fæmili]—'fam-i-ly  家庭 Italy  ['itəli]—'It-a-ly 意大利 ‎'library  ['laibrəri]—'li-bra-ry  图书馆 ‎'Saturday  ['sætədi]—'sat-ur-day  星期六 ‎⑵三个音节以上的多音节词的重音,一般在倒数第三个音节上,如:po'litical  [pə'litikəl]—po-lit-i-cal 政治 bi'ology  [bai'ɔlədʒi]—bi-'ol-o-gy 生物学 de'mocracy  [di'mɔkrəsi]—de-'moc-ra-cy 民主 ge'ography  [dʒi'ɔgrəfi]—ge-'og-ra-phy 地理学 uni'versity  [,ju:ni'və:siti]—u-ni-ver-si-ty 大学 练习二、用“√”或“×”判断下列单词重读是否标识正确。‎ to′night ( ) le′sson ( ) ′hobby ( )‎ ‎′dinner ( ) ′tomorrow ( ) to′gether ( )‎ ‎[语音知识] 三. 意群的停顿 ‎1.句子意群是指根据句子中的语义、语法和语调来划分的。从语义和语法上讲,意群必须是表达某种意义的一个(组)词、一个短语、一个分句、一个主句或者从句。从语调上说,意群必须是可以用降调、升调或平调来朗读的一个语调单位。划分出的各个成分,每一个成分即称为一个意群。意群可以用“/”符号表示。‎ ‎2.在说话和朗读时,意群的作用是:如果感到句子很长,一口气说不下来,可以在意群和意群之间有一个很短的停顿(换气)。正确的停顿应该在意群和意群之间,同一个意群内不应停顿。意群之间的停顿不是固定的,而是灵活的。可以按照个人的需要,可停顿也可不停顿,可多停顿也可少停顿。如:‎ By the time he arrived / he was completely exhausted.‎ When I leave Beijing / I will leave/ with very fond memories / of the city and it's people / and with an increased knowledge of China.‎ Reading aloud / is very important / for beginners.‎ Early to bed / and early to rise / makes a man / healthy, happy, and wise.‎ Jane, / who’s a brilliant swimmer, / represented Britain / at the Olympic Games.‎ After he took his bath, / he dressed in a hurry, / ran to catch the bus, / and got to his appointment / before it was too late.‎ 练习三、用/标出朗读中需要停顿的三处地方。‎ ⑴ If you like sports you can be a coach a sports reporter or a P.E teacher. ‎ ⑵ He is good at football ping-pong and basketball.‎ ⑶ If you like science you can be a scientist or a science teacher.‎ ‎[语音知识] 四.连读 ‎“连读”是在一个意群内进行的,它是在说话较快时自然产生的一种语音连读现象。 在连贯地说话或朗读时,在同一个意群(即短语或从句)中,如果相邻的两个词前者以辅音音素结尾,后者以元音音素开头,就要自然地将辅音和元音相拼,构成一个音节,这就是连读。连读时的音节一般不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可以加音,也不可以读得太重。如:not at all这个短语。连读时听起来就像是一个单词。注意:连读只发生在句子中的同一个意群中。在两个意群之间即使有两个相邻的辅音和元音出现,也不可连读。如:Please take⌒a look⌒at⌒it.这个句子中take a look at it是同一个意群,那么take与a可连读,look与at可连读,at与it可连读。在There is a book(×) in it.一句中book与in往往不连读,因为book与in分别在两个不同的意群中。‎ 连读的条件:相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个意群。连读所构成的音节一般都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重,也不可音。(连读符号:~或⌒)‎ ‎1、以“辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词”型连读。‎ 如果相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这就要将辅音与元音拼起来连读。 如:‎ I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读。We have an English friend.这个句子有两处连读;前一处是have 的尾辅音/v/与an的开头元音/ə/连读为/və /;后一处是an的尾辅音/n/与English的开头音素/i/连读为/ni/。如:‎ I’m⌒an⌒English boy. It⌒is⌒an⌒old book.‎ Let me have⌒a look⌒at⌒it. Not⌒at⌒all.‎ Ms Black worked in⌒an⌒office last⌒yesterday.‎ I called⌒you half⌒an⌒hour⌒ago.‎ Put⌒it⌒on, please. Please pick⌒it⌒up.‎ 注意:以辅音结尾 指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:]niversity前面的不定冠词必须用a 一样。 ‎ ‎2、以“辅音结尾的单词+ h开头的单词”。h不发音,与前面的辅音连读。‎ Tell⌒her I miss⌒her. What wil(l he) [wili]do?‎ Ha(s he) [zi] done~it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go?‎ Can he [ni] do it? Should he [di] ….?‎ Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. ‎ Fo(r him )(连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似) ‎ ‎3、“辅音+半元音”型连读。‎ 英语语音中的/j/和/w/是半元音,如果前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以半元音,特别是/j/开头,此时也要连读。如:Thank⌒you Nice to meet⌒you.‎ Did⌒you get there late⌒again?‎ Would⌒you like⌒a cup⌒of tea?‎ Could⌒you help me, please?‎ ‎⑵音的同化也是一种连读的现象,两个词之间非常平滑的过渡,导致一个音受临音影响而变化。[t] [d] [s] [z]+ [j] 要发生音变。‎ ‎①辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[tʃ]‎ ‎[t] + [j] → [tſ ] ‎ Nice to meet⌒you. Can’t⌒you do it? ‎ Is that⌒your car? No, not⌒yet.‎ I’ll let⌒you know.‎ ‎②辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dʒ]: ‎ ‎[d] + [j] → [dʒ]‎ Did⌒you get there late⌒again? ‎ Would⌒you like⌒a cup⌒of tea? ‎ Could⌒you help me, please? ‎ ‎③辅音[s]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[∫]: ‎ ‎[s] + [j] → [∫] ‎ God bless⌒you. I miss⌒you.‎ Can⌒you dress⌒yourself? ‎ ‎④辅音[z]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[ʒ]: ‎ ‎[z] + [j] → [ʒ] ‎ How was⌒your vacation? He says⌒you’re good.‎ ‎4、“元音+元音”型连读。‎ 如果前一个词以元音结尾,后一个词以元音开头,这两个音往往也要自然而不间断地连读到一起。‎ Do⌒I? You’re [juə] so⌒honest.‎ He⌒is very friendly to me. I⌒am Chinese.‎ She wants to study⌒English.‎ How⌒and why did you come here?‎ She can’t carry⌒it.‎ It’ll take you three⌒hours to walk there.‎ The question is too⌒easy for him to answer.‎ ‎5、以“r/re字母结尾的单词+元音开头的单词时,可将/r/与后面的元音拼读。They’re my father⌒and mother.‎ I looked for⌒it[frit] here⌒and[hirnd] there.‎ There⌒is a football under⌒it.‎ There⌒are some books on the desk.‎ Here⌒is a letter for you.‎ Here⌒are four⌒eggs.‎ But where⌒is my cup?‎ Where⌒are your brother⌒and sister?‎ 注意:如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。如:The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.(nearer与and不可连读)‎ ‎6.“辅音+辅音”型连读。‎ 爆破音/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/ 和摩擦音/f/,/v/,/W/,其中任意2个相临时,前一个音会轻音化,即由相关的发音器官做好这个发音的姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面的音。 如果这些音在词尾,也要轻音化。‎ Si(t) down. contac(t) lens Da(d) told) me goo(d) night The girl in the re(d) coat was on a bla(ck) bike jus(t) now. ‎ The bi(g) bus from the fa(c)tory is full of people. ‎ Wha(t) time does he get up every morning? ‎ This is an ol(d) pi(c)ture of a bi(g) car. ‎ The ol(d) do(c)tor has a ca(t), too. ‎ ‎7.“a & the”型连读。‎ a & the一般与后面的单词连读,并且轻而短。特殊情况“a university”.‎ ‎8. 不可连读的情况。‎ 注意:当短语或从句之间按意群进行停顿时,连读现象只出现在意群内,意群与意群之间的两个相邻单词即使符合上面所讲的两个条件,但也不能连读。因为他们不在同一个意群中。如:I hope it’ll get a little warmer.(这个句子中的hope it就不连读/hupit/,因为主句I hope是一个意群,后面的从句it’ll get a little warmer.是另一个意群)‎ Is⌒it a⌒hat or a cat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)‎ There⌒is⌒a good book in my desk.(book与in之间不可以连读)‎ Can you speak⌒English or French? (English与or之间不可以连读)‎ She opened the door and walked⌒in. (door与and之间不可以连读)‎ Shall we meet at⌒eight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet与 at,eight与or之间不可以连读)‎ 训练一.朗读下列短语,注意连读。‎ the corner_of the street the top_of the mountain ‎ a piece_of cake in_a foreign country ‎ a glass_of water a cup_of tea ‎ such_a short time nice clear_air send_it by mail an_English girl ‎ wait_a moment a nice_idea ‎ a lot_of noise a visit to_India ‎ once_in_a while an_apology a waste_of time have_a rest ‎ 训练二.朗读下列句子,注意连读 。‎ We’re going to work on a farm nex(t) Tuesday. ‎ What would you like, ho(t) tea or bla(ck) coffee?‎ It’s a very col(d) day, but it’s a goo(d) day. ‎ You can put i(t) down in the bi(g) garden. ‎ I bought a chea(p) book, but it’s a goo(d) book. ‎ I wen(t) there alone a(t) nine las(t) night. ‎ ‎-Do you know his bi(ke) number? -Sorry, I don’(t) know.‎ The forty-firs(t) lesson is qui(te) difficult. ‎ He needs a lot o(f) money.‎ 练习三:1. 用上括弧⌒标出下面句子中的两处连读。‎ He works on a farm.‎ ‎2.判断下列词组连读是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误打“×”。‎ ⑴ come⌒and have⌒a look ⑵ what⌒about ‎( ) ( ) ( )‎ ‎⑶ pictures⌒of⌒bikes ⑷ have⌒a good⌒time ‎( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ ‎⑸ go⌒at⌒a green light ⑹ lots⌒of ‎( ) ( ) ( )‎ ‎⑺ learn⌒at⌒ home ‎( ) ( )‎ ‎3. 用上括弧⌒正确标出下列词组和句子的连读。‎ come out look at take it off beat it drop in an orange put on bend over keep on read it stand up one of us half an hour put it on not at all first of all a cup of tea let him in ‎ take it easy back in a minute in an hour pick it up an hour and a half far away after all for example for ever our own a pair of there is ‎ A group of people put on their coats and went out. ‎ Here is a letter for you. Here are four eggs.‎ There are some books on the desk.‎ After all, this is our own home. ‎ There is a football under it.‎ ‎[语音知识] 五、失音(失去爆破音)‎ ‎1.什么是爆破音?爆破音是指发音器官在口腔中形成阻碍,然后气流冲破阻碍而发出的音。这些音有6个爆破音,即/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/和/g/.‎ ‎2.失音规则:当一个爆破音后面紧跟着另一个爆破音时,前面的爆破音只按其发音部位形成阻碍,但不发生爆破。刚要发出时,立即发出第二个爆破音。这种现象称为“不完全爆破”或“失去爆破”。‎ ‎3.失去爆破分以下几种情况: ‎ ‎⑴爆破音+爆破音 ‎ 在爆破音中的任何两个爆破音相邻时,前一爆破音失去爆破,后者则要完全爆破。如a bi(g) car等。并且任何一个爆破音在句尾时,这个爆破音不再发音。如Good night!最后的/t/音便不再发,整句话可读作/gu_nai_/。两个连续的爆破音在词尾,后面紧接着是辅音或半元音[j,w]时,这两个爆破音均不发音。如Picked me up.这句话中picked本来应该发音为/pikd/,但/k/和/d/均为爆破音,而且后面紧接辅音/m/,故这两个爆破音都不再发音。这句话可以发音为:/pi_mi ʌp/。任何一个爆破音后面如果紧接着是一个辅音或者半元音,那么这个爆破音将不再发音,仅空半拍就行。如Good morning!可以发为/gu_'mɔ:niŋ/,/d/这个音并没有发出来,而只是空半拍。再如doctor这个单词,本来应该发音为[dɔktə],但/k/音后面是辅音/t/,故/k/不再发音,即/dɔ_tə/。注意:动词否定结尾的缩写形式 n't 中的[t]失音,无论后一词以元音还是辅音开头。如:‎ You mustn't lose it. He wouldn't overeat. ‎ I don’t-know what-to do. I need-some-more money. ‎ I’d-like-to try on that-shirt. Doesn't she know?‎ What-time is our flight-tomorrow?‎ ‎①同类爆破+同类爆破(爆破音:/p, b, t, d, k, g/) ‎ 相同的两个爆破音相邻时,第一个爆破音省略,只读后面的一个爆破音。‎ goodbye /,gud`bai/ what time /`wɔt taim/ ‎ bed time /`bedtaim/ big kite /`big `kait/ ‎ She’s looking for a part-time job.‎ I’ll take-care-of the problem.‎ ‎②异类爆破+异类爆破 类似的辅音如:[t]–[d];[d]--[t];[k]-- [g];[p]—[t]出现时,同样省前读后。前一词以破音/擦音+ [t] [d]结束,后一词以辅音开头,则其中[t] [d]失音。‎ ‎[pt]+辅音 [kt]+辅音(如完结于skt则脱k而不是t)‎ ‎[tft]+辅音 [bd]+辅音 [gd]+辅音 [dvd]+辅音 ‎[vd]+辅音 [st]+辅音 [ft]+辅音 [nd]+辅音 ‎ ‎[ld]+辅音 [zd]+辅音 [td]+辅音 [wt]+辅音 ‎ ‎[md]+辅音 [nt]+辅音 [lt]+辅音 [vd]+辅音 [xt] +辅 如: last class next day bend back settled there refused both kept quiet swept valley rubbed gently 注:后一词如始于h则[t][d]很少脱落 kept her waiting What do you think?‎ Sorry, I wasn’t listening.‎ The boss has always been very good to her.‎ We had a good time together.‎ You’d better get up a little earlier.‎ How does she get all her los(t) books back? ‎ She sai(d) to herself.‎ ‎⑵ 爆破音+破擦音(/ts, dz, tr, dr, t ∫, dʒ)。 ‎ 爆破音与破擦音相邻时,爆破音失去爆破。例如: ‎ Picture, Do you know 'how do you 'draw a 'picture?‎ There is a bird in tha(t) tree. ‎ The girl in a re(d) dress is my sister. ‎ ‎⑶爆破音+摩擦音(f,h,r, v, ϑ, ð, s, z, ∫, ʒ,)‎ 爆破音后紧跟着的是摩擦音/f, v, ϑ, ð, s, z, ∫, ʒ, h/时,这种辅音组合在语音学里叫做摩擦爆破。例如:‎ ‎'What would you 'advise me to 'do? Who is a(t) the door? ‎ Rea(d) the story, please. 'Keep that in 'mind. ‎ I didn'(t) say so.‎ ‎⑷爆破音+鼻音(m, n, ŋ)‎ 爆破音[t] [d]和鼻辅音[m]与[n] [ŋ] 相邻,爆破音形成阻碍,发生不完全爆破,在词末必须通过鼻腔爆破。例如: /tn/ written at night what next ‎/dn/ hidden wooden good night ‎ ‎/tm/ white mice eight men ‎/dm/ sad music a good many ‎'Good 'morning, sir. 'Good 'night. ‎ a 'good 'mother He 'often 'comes 'home at 'midnight. ‎ Wha(t) nice watches they are! ‎ ‎⑸ 爆破音+舌侧音(/l/) 爆破音与舌侧音相邻时,爆破音失去爆破。爆破音 ‎[t] [d] [k]后面紧跟着的是舌侧音[l]时,这种辅音组合在 语音学里叫做舌边爆破。例如: ‎ ‎/ tl / little / dl / middle Lately, badly, madly, recently, quickly ‎ I have been 'very 'busy 'lately. ‎ It's really a bi(g) library.‎ ‎⑹略音。‎ 前一词以[t] 结束,后一词以[t] 或[d]开头,则前面的[t]往往失音。在以[t][d][k][g][p][b]+以辅音开始的单词时,前面的辅音发音顿息,舌头达到发音部位“点到为止”,但不送气!在正常速度或快速的对话中,字尾有[t][d]时通常不会把[t][d]的发音清楚地念出来,而是快要念出来时,马上憋气顿息,因此字尾[d][t]的发音常常是听不到的。如:I've got to go. ‎ What do you want? Let me try it. ‎ Maybe he’d like to be alone now I might be getting a big raise this month.‎ Not a chance. Is it going to rain tomorrow?‎ I hope not. I want to go to the beach.‎ 训练二、朗读下列句子,注意爆破。‎ pp: ripe pear pb: soap bubble pt: cup tie 英国足球淘汰赛 pd: deep down pk: pipe cleaner烟斗杆子 pg: lamp glass bp: rob Peter bb: rub briskly bt: obtain bd: cab driver bk: Bob came bg: describe Green tp: wet paint tb: pocketbook tt:fast train td: great deal tk: not clean tg: white goose db: card board dt:good time dd: field day dk: red card dg: good girl kp: silk purse kb: ink bottle kt: actor kd: public duty kk: black cat kg: park gate gp: flag pole gb: dog biscuit kg: park gate gp: flag pole gb: dog biscuit gt: rag time gd: dig down ‎ gk: eggcup gg: big girl ‎ 练习五:用“√”选出哪些划线处属于“失去爆破”不需要发音。‎ next day count to ten can’t go to school ‎ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )‎ don’t be can’t do wait me ‎ ( ) ( ) ( )‎ 二.Choose the right answer.(单项选择)‎ ‎( )1.Don’t ______! It’s just a piece of cake.‎ A. worried B. worrying C. worry ‎( )2. I _____ a teacher one day.‎ A. am B. was C. will be ‎( )3. Let _____ help that old woman.‎ A. I B. we C. us ‎( )4. New Year’s Day is coming. I______.‎ A. am going to take a trip B. take a trip C. taking a trip ‎( )5. It’s seven o’clock. Amy _______.‎ A. has breakfast B. is having breakfast ‎ C. have breakfast ‎( )6. On the weekend my dad ______.‎ A. go running B. goes running C. going running ‎( )7. Sam feels cold. Sarah can suggest her brother.‎ A. ‎ of B. with C. about ‎( )8. Sam feels cold. Sarah can suggest her brother:‎ A. Study hard B. Wear warm clothes C. Have some ice-cream.‎ ‎( )9. Wu Yifan is hungry. His mother suggest him:‎ A. Go to the hospital B. Have some bread C. Do word puzzles ‎( )10. If your father feels not well. You may feel_____.‎ ‎ A. happy B. angry C. worried ‎( )11. This Wednesday we’re going to have ______ art lesson.‎ A. a B. an C. the ‎( )12. My grandpa is telling us stories ______ Chang’e.‎ A. on B. with C. about ‎( )13. Amy wants to look _____ some beautiful leaves in the park.‎ A. in B. after C. for ‎( )14. Can Mike ______ today?‎ A. going swim B. going swimming C. going swimming ‎( )15. She has ______ picture books at home.‎ A. ‎ much B. lots of C. lot of ‎( )16._______ are you going to Guangzhou? I’m going by train.‎ A. What B. Where C. How ‎( )17. ________ is your family going for a walk? They’re going next Monday.‎ A. What B. When C. Where ‎( )18. _______ you have storybooks?‎ A. Are B. Do C. Does ‎( )19. What will your family do on Spring Festival?‎ A. Eat mooncakes B. Get together C. Do Kungfu ‎( )20. 售货员看见你会热情地问: ‎ A. Do you want to go shopping? ‎ B. Can I help you? ‎ C. ‎ What are you going to buy?‎ ‎( )21. In China, drivers drive on the _____ side.‎ A. ‎ left B. right C. same ‎( )22. You must wear a life jacket on a ______.‎ A. ‎ ferry B. buy C. horse ‎( )23. In Papa Westray, Scotland, the kids go to school by _______.‎ A. car B. bike C. plane ‎( )24. Walking is good ________.‎ A. exercises B. exercise C. job ‎( )25. How _______ Mr Jones go to work? He _____ by car.‎ A. do, goes B. do, go C. does, goes ‎( )26. Look right, you can see this sign in ______.‎ A. Shantou B. Germany C. Hong Kong ‎( )27. Do you often get _______ there on foot?‎ A. to B. on C. X ‎( )28.— _______ do you go to school by bus?‎ ‎ —______ it’s fast.‎ A. How; Because B. Why; Because C. When; But ‎( )29. I can _____. because I often take a _____ class.‎ A. dance; dance B. dancing; dance C. dance; dancing ‎( )30. When you’re watching films in the cinema, you should _______.‎ A. keep your desk clean B. talk quietly C. keep to the right ‎( )31.‎ ‎( )32.‎ ‎( )33.‎ ‎( )34.‎ ‎( )35.‎ ‎( )36.‎ ‎( )37.‎ ‎( )38.‎ ‎( )39.‎ ‎( )40.‎ ‎( )41.‎ ‎( )42.‎ ‎( )43.‎ ‎( )44.‎ ‎( )45.‎ ‎( )46.‎ ‎( )47.‎ ‎( )48.‎ ‎( )49.‎ ‎( )50.‎ ‎( )1.‎ ‎( )2.‎ ‎( )3.‎ ‎( )4.‎ ‎( )5.‎ ‎( )6.‎ ‎( )7.‎ ‎( )8.‎ ‎( )9.‎ ‎( )10.‎

