六年级下册英语试题-名校小升初英语模拟卷 有答案 人教PEP版 (2)

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六年级下册英语试题-名校小升初英语模拟卷 有答案 人教PEP版 (2)

名校小升初英语模拟卷二 一.选出下列每组词中划线部分发音不相同的那一个词。‎ ‎( )1.A.cloud B.should C.sprout D.south ‎( )2.A.throw B.farthest C.theater D.through ‎( )3.A.school B.Chinese C.change D.cheap ‎( )4.A.shark B.star C.card D.warm ‎( )5.A.dive B.kite C.live D.Might 二.选出最佳的答案,把编号写在方框内。‎ ‎( )1.Who climbs_______, Jim, Peter or Sam?‎ A.the higher B.higher C.high D.highest ‎( )2.--How often do you go to the park?-__________.‎ A.Once a week B.Ten days C.For six days D.After a month ‎( )3.-Why did you come here so late? -Sorry.I ______ the bus.‎ A.took B.caught C.got on D.missed ‎( )4.Your sister went to the park last week,_______?‎ A.doesn't she B.did she C.didn't she D.was she ‎( )5.People in China like eating moon cakes ______ Mid-Autumn Day.‎ A.in B.on C.at D.of ‎( )6.How about______shopping this afternoon?‎ A.go B.went C.goes D.going ‎( )7.-_______it is today! -Yes,Let's go to the park.‎ A.What a fine date B.What fine day C.How fine D.How cold ‎( )8.I have ______ green apple.‎ A.some B.an C.a D.the ‎( )9.There _______ any meat on plate.‎ A.is B.are C.aren't D.isn't ‎( )10.-Happy birthday! -_________.‎ A.Thank you,Mary B.You are welcome D.You are so kind C.I'm very glad 三. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。‎ Miss Green is very fat and she is very heavy. So she goes to see her doctor. The doctor says, “There isn't anything wrong with you, but you eat too much. I think you must go on a diet. Here's a book for you to read. You must eat the things on page 15. Read it carefully and eat the things for ten days ,and then come to me again." ‎ Miss Green takes the book home and reads it carefully, and begins her diet.‎ Ten days is over now. Miss Green comes to see her doctor again. The doctor finds she is still very fat. So he says,“Do you eat the things on page 15 of that small book now?” “Yes,I do.”Miss Green says. The doctors cannot say anything. ‎ The next day, the doctor goes to see Miss Green in the afternoon. It is teatime. Miss Green is eating potatoes;“Why are you eating potatoes? They're not in your diet.”‎ ‎"But doctor.” Miss Green says,“This is teatime.I eat my diet on breakfast time, lunchtime and suppertime .This diet doesn't tell me anything about my tea.”‎ ‎( )1.The doctor_________.‎ A.is a woman B.is a not man ‎ C.sells books on diet D.ask Miss Green to eat the things on the diet ‎( )2.Miss Green only eats her diet_________.‎ A.at home B.at work C.the doctor's D.at meal-time ‎( )3.The doctor doesn't know_________.‎ A.why she is still very fat before he goes to see her B.where she lives C.how she gets so fat D.what she usually eats in the afternoon ‎( )4.Miss Green eats________.‎ A.twice a day B.three times a day C.four times a day D.potatoes all the time ‎( )5.Miss Green likes________‎ A.eating a lot B.eating a little C.eating nothing D.drinking tea 四.写作部分 ‎ 给你英国的笔友Amy写一个E-mail ,把你的班级好友Jack介绍给她,Jack,11 岁,热爱篮球,游泳。擅长英语和语文,经常帮助你学英语。有关他在这半个学 期的学习和生活情况,日常作息、最喜欢的学科及原因、等等。不少于70个词。  ‎ Dear Amy,    ‎ How are you going? I’d like to tell you something about my classmate, Jack. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 答案 一.BBADC 二.1一5DADCB 6-10DCCDA 三.DDACA

