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Unit 5 What Does She Do ? What jobs do you know? A Let's talk What does he do? He is a singer. singer writer TV reporter What does he do? He is an actor. actor What does sh e do? She is an actress. actress artist Let’s say A: What does she / he do? B: She / He is a…. s inger w r iter T V reporter a ctor a ctress ar tist a a a an 看图说词,再用 a , an 填空 p 58 an an A: What’s your hobby? B: I like_______. A : What are you going to be? B : I am going to be a /an _____ . Y o u r d r e a m farmer doctor nurse TV reporter actor actress driver singer artist writer teacher dancer farmer Let’s talk Chen : What does your mother do ? John : She is a TV reporter . What does your father do ? He is a teacher . He teaches English . 回答下面问题: 1 、 Who is the beautiful woman ? She is Wu Yifan’s ___. 2 、 What does she do ? She’s an _______. 3 、 Who is the man ? He’s Wu Yifan’s _________. 4 、 What does he do ? He’s a ________. Let’s read Amy: Who’s she ? Wu: She’s my aunt . Amy: Wow ! She’s really beautiful . What does she do ? Wu: She’s an actress on TV . Amy: Who’s he ? Wu: He is my uncle . Amy: What does he do ? Wu: He is a writer. He writes the TV show for my aunt . Amy: How exciting ! Wu:Sometimes my aunt works here in Beijing , but sometimes she works in Hong Kong . Amy: How does she go to Hong Kong . Wu: She goes to Hong Kong by plane . 回答下面问题: 1 、 Who is the beautiful woman ? She is Wu Yifan’s _aunt__. 2 、 What does she do ? She’s an _actress on TV_. 3 、 Who is the man ? He’s Wu Yifan’s _uncle_. 4 、 What does he do ? He’s a _writer_. Part B Let's learn He’s an engineer 工程师 What does he do? 詹天佑 What does she do? She’s an accountant . 会计 She’s a cleaner 清洁工 What does she do? policeman (男)警察 police woman (女)警察 What does she do? She’s a salesperson . 销售员 Li Wei accountant Tom student Li Juan cleaner Look and say: A : What does he/she do ? B : He/She’s a/an… A : How does he/she go to work/… ? B : He/She goes to work/… by…/ on … 动词 名词 teach 教 teach er 老师 clean clean er 清洁工 sing 唱歌 sing er 歌手 dance 跳舞 dance r 舞者 drive 驾驶 drive r 司机 动词 名词 write 写 write r 作家 report 报道 report er 记者 act 表演 act or 男演员 act 表演 act ress 女演员 art 美术 art ist 画家 Grammar A : What does your mother do ? A : 你妈妈是做什么呢? B : She is an accountant. B : 她是一名会计。 A : Where does she work ? A : 她在哪里工作? B : She works in a car company. B : 她是在一家小汽车公司工作。 A : How does she go to work ? A : 她是怎样去上班的? B : She goes to work by bus. B : 她是乘公交车工作的。 选择填空,将答案的字母编号写在括号里     1. _______ can I get to the museum? A.What B. Where C. How     2. My uncle is __ doctor. My aunt is __ artist.     A. a; a        B. a; an      C. an; a 3. How does he go to school? A. On feet B. By foot C. On foot 4. My mother ________ to work by subway. His mother ________ to work by taxi.         A. go, go    B. goes, goes    C. go, goes 5. Mr. Black is a __________.He _______ computer science.         A. teach, teaches    B. teacher, teach    C. teacher, teaches B C B B C 6. Lisa likes ___________ with numbers.         A. works    B. working    C. work 7. How ____ he go to school?     A. do       B. doing     C. does 8. _________ does your uncle do? A. What B. How C. Where 9. ____________your uncle a baseball player?         A. Is    B. Are    C. Does 10. ______ Ann work at a primary school? A. Are B. Do C. Does B C A C C

