陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 2 Part C 优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 2 Part C 优质课件

Unit 2 I’m Healthy 陕旅六年级上册 Part C Lead-in Talk with your classmates about your healthy life. I drink milk every day. I eat a lot of fruits every day. I play tennis once a week. I sleep nine hours every night. I play ping-pong twice a week. I eat carrots every day. 在做题之前,同学们请先弄清这四个问 句的意思,并浏览一下选项的图片,识 别出课本上所出示的图片信息,做到心 中有数。然后听的时候把注意力集中到 选项的这几个词上,注意听关键词。 Look and circle Once a week twice a week Every day. 1.What does Wu Chen usually drink? A . B . C. 2.How often does Liu Zhaoyang play sports? A . B. C. 3.What does Alice eat every day? A . B. C. A . B. C. 4.What does Kevin play three times a week? 1. A: Hi, Wu Chen! Do you often drink tea? B: No. I usually drink water. 2. A: Do you like sports, Liu Zhaoyang? B: Yes, I do. A: How often do you play sports? B: I play sports twice a week. 听力原文 3. A:Alice, what vegetables do you like? B:I like potatoes. I eat potatoes every day. 4. A:Kevin, how often do you play football? B:Once a week. A:How about tennis? B:I play tennis three times a week. Ask your partner about these question. Then give a speech like this: …usually drinks …. He / She likes…. He /She plays sports ….He eats …every day. 1.What do you usually drink? 3.How often do you play sports? 4.What do you eat every day? 2.What kind of sport do you like? Read and tick 1.I like sports and I eat (good/well), so I am healthy. 2.A:How often(do/does) your father go to work by car? B:Every day. 3.Peter eats a lot of (health/healthy) food. 4.Kitty plays ping-pong with her father (two/twice) a week. 5.We go (boat/boating) in the park once a month. √√ √ √ √ Read and talk Play computer games Go boating Take a walk Play ping-pong You once a week twice a year three times a month every day Colin twice a week once a year every day once a month Read the chart and then answer the questions. How often does Colin play computer games? How often do you go boating? Who doesn’t like play ping-pong? What kind of sport does Colin like most? Twice a week. Twice a year. Colin Take a walk. A:How often do you/does Colin play computer games? B:I play/He plays it… Read the chart and talk with your partner. How often does Colin play take a walk? He takes a walk every day. Look and write I have English classes three times a week. __________________ __________________ I take exercises every day. __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ I go skating once a week. I eat vegetables every day. 请根据下表内容,用英语写一写Alice健康 的生活方式,不少于五句话。 Get up early Learn English Go skating Play Ping-pong Go boating Play tennis Every day Every day Twice a week Three times a week Sunday On the weekend

