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冀教版六年级英语下册课件 Unit 1 Sports Lesson 3 Let’s Play! 教学目标: 教材分析:本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第一单元第三课 . 本节以体育馆为课堂 , 通过实际运动和操作 , 区分 catch, hit, throw 三个动词 , 使学生在动中学 , 乐趣无穷 . 学生分析:六年级学生活泼好动 , 对各种体育运动都报有极大兴趣 . 把学习融入生活中 , 极大提高了学生的学习兴趣 , 使他们对学好英语更有信心 . Jenny is ready to teach Li Ming basketball,and Li Ming is ready to teach Jenny ping-pong ball.but danny wants to learn ,too. Jenny Gym basketball Ping-pang ball Throw balls Ping-pang table Li Ming threw the basketball to danny, but danny didn’t catch it. Danny thought the basketball was too heavy. What ‘s going to happy next? Jenny tought Danny to throw the basketball at the net. Danny thought it’s too hard because the ball is too heavy. If the ball was light,Danny thought he could throw it easily. Is it real? The basketball is heavy,and the ping-pang ball is light. Danny wanted to learn ping-pang ball. heavy light Li Ming tought Danny to play ping-pang . Li Ming said:You hit the ping-pang ball with this paddle. I am hitting the ball to Jenny. But Danny hit his hand. He is so poor. See you

