人教新英语六下UNIT how was your holidayRevision

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人教新英语六下UNIT how was your holidayRevision

人教新版六年级英语下课教案 Unit 1 Revision Teaching Time:‎ One lesson Lesson Type :‎ ‎ Revision lesson I Teaching Aims and Demands ‎1 Review the main words and sentences in Unit 1 .‎ ‎2 The ability of Ss’ reading and writing .‎ II Teaching Important and Difficult point ‎1 Understand and Speak out the story .‎ ‎2 Apply the main sentences to the real situation .‎ III Teaching Aids Picture card , recorder , sticker , object .‎ IV Teaching Methods ‎1 Direct Teaching Method ‎2 Listening and Speaking ‎3 Situational Teaching Method V Teaching Affection ‎1 To promote the Ss’ interest and confidence .‎ ‎2 To foster the Ss’ cooperation .‎ ‎3 Develop the Ss’ imagination and innovation .‎ VI Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up Revision (‎5’‎)‎ ‎(1) Sing a song :Where’s my hat ?‎ ‎(2) Greeting .‎ Step 2 Presentation (‎15’‎)‎ ‎(1) T : Hi ! Would you like to help me ? I can’t find my English book . ‎ Where’s my book ? Do you know ? ‎ Ss : --- .‎ ‎(2) T : Hi ! Where’s your pen ? Can you find it ? ‎ ‎ Ss : Oh , I can’t find it . ‎ ‎ T : Where were you this morning afternoon ?‎ ‎ Ss : --- . ‎ T : where did you go then ? Ss : --- . ‎ T : Look , here it is . You can take care of your things . You are good boy !‎ ‎(3) Listen to the story and answer the questions : ‎ Can Micky take care of his things ? Why ?‎ ‎(4) Read the story and answer the questions in your group : ‎ ‎ Where is Micky’s key ? Where was Micky this morning afternoon ? ‎ ‎ Where did Mick go then ?‎ Step 3 Practice (‎10’‎)‎ Act the story .‎ Step 4 Assessment (‎10’‎)‎ Read Story to your group leader .‎ VII The Blackboard Design Unit 1 Revision A : Where’s my key ?‎ B : Where were you this morning afternoon ? Where did you go then ?‎ I was in the --- .‎ VIII Back Courting

