六年级上册英语单元测试试题Unit2 Ways to go to school 人教版(PEP)(含答案及解析)

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六年级上册英语单元测试试题Unit2 Ways to go to school 人教版(PEP)(含答案及解析)

‎ ‎ 人教PEP版六年级英语上册单元测试卷 Unit 2 Ways to go to school 一、单选题(共10题)‎ ‎1.—Where's the park?‎ ‎—       ‎ A.Is that far from here? B.It's near the school. C.Let me help you.‎ ‎2.I come to school _______ subway.‎ A.in B.at C.by ‎3.I usually go to school ________, because my home is near the school.‎ A.by plane B.on foot C.by subway ‎4.— How do you ________ to the USA ________ China?‎ ‎— By plane.‎ A.get; from B.leave; for C.fly; to ‎5.— ______ do you go to school?  ‎ ‎— By bike.‎ A.What B.How C.Where ‎6.You can go to the nature park ___________. It's not far.‎ A.by ferry B.by train C.on foot ‎7.In the USA people _________ bikes must wear a helmet.‎ A.on B.in C.at ‎8._______ do you come to school?‎ A.How B.What C.Where ‎9.How many________ to go to school, can you find? ‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ A.way B.ways C.wayes ‎10.We usually go to the park _________. ‎ A.by foot B.on foot C.in foot 二、填空题(共2题)‎ ‎11.句子排序。‎ ‎(________)A. It's two kilometres away.‎ ‎(________)B. Excuse me, how can I get to the cinema?‎ ‎(________)C. You're welcome.‎ ‎(________)D. You can take the No. 1 bus and get off at the second stop.‎ ‎(________)E. How far is it?‎ ‎(________)F. Thank you.‎ ‎12.选出不同项。‎ ‎(________)1. A. far        B. often     C. usually ‎(________)2. A. where     B. who      C. by ‎(________)3. A. subway   B. plane    C. helmet ‎(________)4. A. our       B. I         C. my ‎(________)5. A. fast       B. slow     C. big 三、阅读理解(共2题)‎ ‎13.阅读短文,判断正误。‎ ‎    Jenny is my good friend. She is eleven years old. She comes from America. Usually she goes to school on foot, because her home is near. Jenny's mother is a teacher. She goes to work by subway, because it's fast. What about her father? Her father is ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ a doctor. He goes to work by car. On weekends, Jenny and I often go to the park. Sometimes we have a picnic. It is very funny.‎ ‎(1)Jenny is from the USA. ‎ A.正确 B.错误 ‎(2)Jenny usually walks to school. ‎ A.正确 B.错误 ‎(3)Jenny's father is a teacher. ‎ A.正确 B.错误 ‎(4)Jenny's mother goes to work by car. ‎ A.正确 B.错误 ‎(5)Jenny and I are good friends. ‎ A.正确 B.错误 ‎14.读短文,选择合适的选项。‎ ‎    Jessica is a school girl. She is from Canada and she is now in Hangzhou. She likes Hangzhou very much. On Sunday morning, she goes out. She is going to the zoo and see pandas. But she doesn't know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy.‎ Jessica: Excuse me. I am new in Hangzhou. How can I get to the zoo?‎ Chinese boy: It is not far. Take the No. 514 bus over there. It's fast.‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ Jessica: Thanks a lot.‎ Chinese boy: Look! The bus is coming!‎ Jessica: OK. Bye.‎ Chinese boy: Be careful! Don't go at the red light.‎ Jessica: Oh, right! Thanks. I must pay attention to the traffic lights.‎ Jessica likes beautiful Hangzhou and the Chinese people.‎ ‎(1)Where does Jessica live now? ‎ A.In Beijing. B.In Hangzhou. C.In Canada.‎ ‎(2)What's Jessica going to do on Sunday morning? ‎ A.She's going to the zoo. B.She's going to the hospital. C.She's going to the museum.‎ ‎(3)Which bus will Jessica take? ‎ A.No. 514 bus. B.No. 504 bus. C.No. 415 bus.‎ ‎(4)Jessica must pay attention to the ________. ‎ A.pandas B.Chinese people C.traffic lights ‎(5)How is Hangzhou? ‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ A.It's fast. B.It's beautiful. C.It's small.‎ 四、句型转换(共5题)‎ ‎15.I can take a bus to go there.(改为同义句)‎ I can go there ________ bus.‎ ‎16.I ride my bike to school. (同义句改写)‎ ‎________‎ ‎17.I walk to school. (改写同义句)‎ ‎________‎ ‎18.The park is near my home.(对画线部分提问)‎ ‎________ is the park?‎ ‎19.The boys don't come by car because the car doesn't work.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎________‎ 五、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题)‎ ‎20.阅读短文,填空。‎ His,   is,   new,   always,   by,   go,   far,   goes,   up,   stop,   because,   take ‎    Tom ________ a pupil. He lives in Guangzhou in No.1 Primary School. ________ home is ________ from school. Every day he gets ________ at six o'clock and eats breakfast quickly, ________time is so limited for him. He ________ to school by bus.‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Usually in the morning, many people ________ the bus. The bus ________ is full of people. So, Tom decides to go to school ________ bike .He thinks his parents will agree with him and buy a ________bike for him.‎ 答案部分 第 1 题:‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎【考点】疑问句,情景交际 ‎【解析】【分析】句子意思是: — 公园在哪里? —....... A选项的意思是: 那距离这里远吗? B选项是: 它在学校附近. C选项是: 让我来帮助你. 根据问句, 答案为: B. 【点评】这是考查问答的题目. 根据问句选择合适的回答即可.‎ 第 2 题:‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎【考点】介词 ‎【解析】【分析】“by subway”是固定搭配,因此本题选择C。 【点评】考查介词固定搭配。‎ 第 3 题:‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎【考点】介词 ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【解析】【分析】根据题意,因为我的家离学校很近,可以猜测句子的意思是“我通常走路去上学”,因此本题选择B。 【点评】考查介词词组。‎ 第 4 题:‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎【考点】动词,介词 ‎【解析】【分析】根据题意,可以猜测句子的意思是“你怎样从中国达到美国?”,因此本题选择A。 【点评】考查动词与介词 第 5 题:‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎【考点】疑问句 ‎【解析】【分析】by bike是一种交通方式,询问交通方式使用 How,因此本题选择B。 【点评】考查疑问词词义。‎ 第 6 题:‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎【考点】介词 ‎【解析】【分析】结合句子中的关键词 not far(不远),我们知道可以选择 on foot(步行)这一种交通方式, 因此本题选择C。 【点评】考查介词短语。‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ 第 7 题:‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎【考点】介词 ‎【解析】【分析】在自行车上使用介词 “on”,因此本题选择A。 【点评】考查介词词义。‎ 第 8 题:‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎【考点】疑问句 ‎【解析】【分析】根据题意,可以猜测句子的意思是“你怎样来学校?”,因此本题选择A。 【点评】考查疑问词。‎ 第 9 题:‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎【考点】可数名词 ‎【解析】【分析】句意:去学校有多少......,你能找到吗?跟在How many“多少”后面,用可数名词的复数。A选项是单数,B选项是复数,C选项拼写错误。故答案为:B. 【点评】这是考查名词适当形式的题目。要掌握How many和可数名词的搭配。‎ 第 10 题:‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【考点】介词短语 ‎【解析】【分析】句意:我们通常……去公园。on foot步行,介词短语,故选B. 【点评】本题考查了介词短语,注意平时牢记介词短语用法。‎ 第 11 题:‎ ‎【答案】 4;1;6;2;3;5‎ ‎【考点】问路、指路,语句排序 ‎【解析】【分析】各句的汉语意思是: A. It's two kilometres away. "它有2公里远." B. Excuse me, how can I get to the cinema?"打扰一下, 我如何到达电影院?" C. You're welcome. "不客气." D. You can take the No. 1 bus and get off at the second stop. "你可以乘一路公交车, 在第二站下车." E. How far is it? "有多远?" F. Thank you. "谢谢." 根据汉语意思组成对话: ——B. Excuse me, how can I get to the cinema? ——D. You can take the No. 1 bus and get off at the second stop. ——E. How far is it? ——A. It's two kilometres away. ——F. Thank you. ——C. You're welcome. ‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ 故答案为: 4,1,6,2,3, 5。 【点评】这是考查句子排序的题目. 根据句子的意思组成合适的对话即可.‎ 第 12 题:‎ ‎【答案】 A;C;C;B;C ‎【考点】名词,代词,形容词,介词,副词 ‎【解析】【分析】(1)often"常常"和usually"通常"都是频度副词, 而far"远的"是形容词. 故答案为: A. (2)where"哪里"和who"谁"都是疑问词, 而by"乘......"是介词. 故答案为: C. (3)subway"地铁" 和plane"飞机"都是交通工具, 而helmet"头盔"不是交通工具. 故答案为: C. (4)our"我们的"和my"我的"都是形容词性物主代词, 而I"我"是人称代词主格. 故答案为: B. (5)fast"快的"和slow"慢的"都是和速度有关, 而big"大的"表示形状. 故答案为: C. 【点评】这是考查词汇的题目. 平时要注意总结学过的单词.‎ 第 13 题:‎ ‎【答案】 (1)1 (2)1 (3)详见解析 (4)详见解析 (5)1‎ ‎【考点】阅读理解 ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【解析】【分析】大意:短文讲述了作者的好朋友詹妮和她的父母亲的职业,怎样去上班的。 (1)句意:詹妮来自美国。根据She comes from America.可知詹妮来自美国,故答案为正确。 (2)句意:詹妮通常步行上学。根据Usually she goes to school on foot, because her home is near. 可知詹妮通常步行上学,故答案为正确。 (3)句意:詹妮的父亲是一名教师。根据Her father is a doctor. 可知詹妮的父亲是一名医生,故答案为错误。 (4)句意:詹妮的妈妈开车上班。根据She goes to work by subway, because it's fast. 可知詹妮的妈妈乘地铁上班,故答案为错误。 (5)句意:詹妮和我是好朋友。根据Jenny is my good friend.可知詹妮是我的好朋友,故答案为正确。 【点评】本题考查了阅读理解,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,判断句子正确或错误。‎ 第 14 题:‎ ‎【答案】 (1)B (2)A (3)A (4)C (5)B ‎【考点】阅读理解 ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎【解析】【分析】对话大意: Jessica询问去动物园的路的事情。 (1)根据 she is now in Hangzhou. 可知她现在住在杭州,故选B。 (2)根据 She is going to the zoo and see pandas.可知她打算去动物园。故选A。 (3)根据Take the No. 514 bus over there. 可知乘坐514公交车,故选A。 (4)根据 I must pay attention to the traffic lights.可知她必须注意交通灯,故选C。 (5)根据Jessica likes beautiful Hangzhou and the Chinese people.可知杭州很漂亮,故选B。 【点评】考查对篇章的把握和细节的辨别能力。答题时,紧扣文章中的关键词,做出正确选择。‎ 第 15 题:‎ ‎【答案】 by ‎【考点】句型转换 ‎【解析】【分析】句意:我可以乘公交车去那里。根据提示在同义句中用by bus“乘公交”来代替take a bus“乘公交”。故答案为:by. 【点评】这是考查句型转换的题目。要掌握短语by bus.‎ 第 16 题:‎ ‎【答案】 I go to school by bike.‎ ‎【考点】陈述句 ‎【解析】【分析】根据所给的句子和要求,I ride my bike to school.我骑自行车去上学.骑自行车by bike,去上学go to school.同义句是I go to school by ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ bike.故答案为I go to school by bike. 【点评】此题考查同义句.‎ 第 17 题:‎ ‎【答案】 I go to school on foot.‎ ‎【考点】陈述句 ‎【解析】【分析】句意:我步行去学校.walk的意思是“步行” 等于go----on foot,故答案为:I go to school on foot. 【点评】本题考查句型转换,平时注意单词与短语的积累.‎ 第 18 题:‎ ‎【答案】 Where ‎【考点】句型转换 ‎【解析】【分析】句意:公园在我家附近。划线部分是地点,疑问词用Where“哪里”。故答案为:Where. 【点评】这是考查句型转换的题目。要掌握Where的用法。‎ 第 19 题:‎ ‎【答案】 Why don't the boys come by car?‎ ‎【考点】疑问句 ‎【解析】【分析】句意:男孩子们没有坐车来因为车坏了.就划线部分提问,疑问词是why为什么,就是变成特殊疑问句,其结构是:特殊疑问词+一般疑问句?该句子询问的原因,需要用why引导,首字母大写,句末加问号.故答案为:Why ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ don't the boys come by car? 【点评】本题考查的特殊疑问句,注意句子结构.‎ 第 20 题:‎ ‎【答案】 is;His;far;up;because;goes;take;always;by;new ‎【考点】选词填空 ‎【解析】【分析】(1)句意:汤姆是个小学生。本句主语是第三人称单数,be用is,故答案为is. (2)句意:……家离学校……。根据home是名词,前面用形容词性物主代词修饰,his他的,be far from…离某地很远,固定搭配,far很远,故答案为His,far. (3)句意:他每天六点……,吃早餐很快,……时间对他来说是如此的有限。get up起床,固定搭配,后半句说的是起床早和吃早餐很快的原因,用because因为连接,故答案为up,because. (4)句意:他乘公共汽车……上学。go to school去上学,固定搭配,本句主语是第三人称单数,谓语也用动词单三形式,goes去,故答案为goes. (5)句意:通常在早上,很多人……公共汽车。take the bus乘公共汽车,固定搭配,故答案为take. (6)句意:公共汽车上……挤满了人。频度副词放在be之前,always总是,故答案为always. (7)句意:所以,汤姆决定……自行车上学。by bike骑自行车,固定搭配,故答案为by. ‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(8)句意:他认为他的父母会同意他,并为他买一辆……自行车。根据bike是名词,前面用形容词修饰,new新的,故答案为new. 【点评】本题考查了选词填空,先翻译短文,然后根据短文内容,选出恰当的单词填空,使短文完整。‎ ‎ 1 / 15‎

