外研版英语五年级下册Module 1 Unit 1课件

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外研版英语五年级下册Module 1 Unit 1课件

Unit 1 We lived in a small house. Module 1 外研版 五年级下册 lifeschool 生活 New words The lady is watching television. lady 女士;夫人 television 电视机 programme (电视或广播)节目 interviewer 采访者 different 不同的 ago now 以前 change 改变,变化 grandchildren grandchild (外)孙子; (外)孙女 找出不同类的动物,并读出它身上的单词。 agochange lady differentinterviewer programme changetelevision lady lifegrandchildreninterviewer life different televisionprogramme Look, listen and say. Lingling: Look, there are two beautiful cats on the chair. Sam: There is only one now. Lingling: Well, there were two. Make up sentences. There is/ are __________. There is a dog on the ground. Listen, read and act out. Who are the two girls? What are they doing? Amy Lingling They are watching TV. What are they talking about on TV? Watch the video. Who are they in the programme? They are an old lady and an interviewer. What are they talking about on TV? They are talking about ______ in ______. life China Life was very __________ in China many years ago. different What’s the differences? many years ago nowRead the dialogue and answer. Lingling is still in the UK with Sam and Amy. Amy: Look, Lingling! It’s a programme about China. Come and watch! Lingling: I’m coming! still 还,仍然 Old lady: Life was very different in China many years ago. Interviewer: How was it different? Old lady: We lived in a small house.① We didn’t have enough food.② There weren’t many buses.③ There weren’t any televisions.④ enough 足够的 Interviewer : How about now? Old lady: We live in a big house. We’ve got lots of food. There are lots of buses and cars. I watch TV every day. Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren. Interviewer : Thank you for talking to us.⑤ Amy: China is changing. Lingling: I miss China! I miss my grandma!⑥ Life was very different in China many years ago. Many years ago Now We _______ in a _______ house. We _______ in a _______ house. lived small live big Many years ago Now We ____________ enough ________. We ____________ ________________. didn’t have food ’ve got lots of food Many years ago Now There ____________ _________________. There ____________ _________________. weren’t many buses are lots of buses and cars Many years ago Now There ____________ _________________. I _______________ every day. weren’t any televisions watch TV Listen and say. We lived in a small house. There weren’t many buses. We live in a big house. There are lots of buses and cars. Many Years Ago Now Let’s choose 1. There weren’t many buses. 2. We live in a big house. 3. We didn’t have enough food. 4. We lived in a small house. many years ago now 5. We watch TV everyday. 6. There weren’t any televisions. 7. We’ve got lots of food. 8. There are lots of buses and cars. many years ago now Practise. Look and write. Then say. There was a small house four years ago. Now there is a big house. There was only one dog four years ago. Now there are three dogs. There was a small tree four years ago. Now there is a big tree. There was a boy flying a kite four years ago. Now there is a boy listening to music. Free talk ________ years ago, there was/ wasn’t/ were/ weren’t ... Now there is/ are ... For you Life is changing everyday. And we all have a better life than before, please treasure our happy life, because it’s not easy to gain!

