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考点精练 1 译林英语 4 年级下册 Unit 6 A 卷 : 课堂点拨题 Story time 1.--Look at my sweater. -- very nice. A. They ’ re B.It ’ s C. It has 2.一双袜子一条牛仔裤 3.(1)--My gloves are so big ,Mum. --. A.Try this ,please. B. Try these,please. C. Try they ,please. (2)His shorts black. A.is B.are C.have (3)Your are under the chair. A.coat B.dress C.trousers 4.(1) 【易错】 The shorts are nice. Try ,Mike. A.this B. these C.those (2) 【易错】你建议海伦试试这条牛仔裤,你说: A.Try these jean,please. B. Try this jeans , please. C. Try these jeans,please. (3) 【易错】 try this dress. A.Do it B.Not C. Don ’t 5. (1) 【易错】你看见床上有件新衬衫,你想知道是谁的,你问: A.Whose is this new shirt ? B. Who ’ s is this new shirt? C. Whose shirt is this new ? (2) 【易错】与 “Whose coat is this ?”意思相同的句子是: A. Whose is this coat ? B. Who ’ s this coat?C. Whose the coat is it ? (3) ---_______dog is it ?--- It ’ s ______. A. What ’ s; Su Hai ’ s B. Whose; Su Hai C.Whose; Su Hai ’s (4)---Whose shorts ______ ?---They ’ re SuYang ’ s. A. is this B. are these C. is it Cartoon time 1.(1)Oh ,my head . A.hurts B. hurt C. hurting (2)-- ? --I ’ m hungry. A.What would you like ? B. What can you do ? C. What ’ s the matter? 2. this a shirt?A.Are B.can C.Is 考点精练 2 B 卷 : 课后巩固题 一.选择 ( )1. 【易错】 -- are these footballs ? -- They are my friends ’ . A. Whose B.What C.How many ( )2.-- ? --They are Mr Green ’ s. A. Whose jeans are these?B. Who ’ s jeans are these?C. Whose is these jeans? ( )3.Here the trousers for you. A.is B.are C./ ( )4. I like your gloves. nice. A.They are B.It ’ s C.You ’ re ( )5. 【易错】你夸你妹妹的连衣裙很漂亮,你说: A.Thank you. B.It ’ s so beautiful. C. It ’ s too beautiful. ( )6.Whose trousers ? A.is it B.they are C.are they ( )7.The shirt is nice. Try ,Mike. A.this B. these C.those 二.填入适当的词 1.who’ s(同音词 ) 2.long( 反义词 )3. all right( 同义词 )4.Su Hai( 名词所有格 ) 5.they(宾格 )6.it( 复数 ) 7.This coat is (Yang Ling). 8.You (be) right. 9.They ’ re my father ’s(手套 ). 10.Whose shorts (be) they? 11.Your dress (be) too long. Try (these). 12.Wang Bing (swim) in summer. 13.She (draw) pictures very well. 三.翻译 1.她的连衣裙 ____________2.他的 T-恤衫 ___________ 3.so beautiful___________4. 太长 _________ 5.谁的裤子 6.I think so. 7. 参加聚会 8.这么大 9.你的裤子 10.一条裤子 11.一副手套 12.这是迈克的裤子。 These trousers. 13.我妹妹的毛衣在卧室里。 My is in the bedroom. 14.它们是我爸爸的。 They are my . 15.【易错】这是艾格尼丝 (Agnes)的吗? -- this ? 16.这是谁的外套?我的。 -- is this ? --It ’ s . 17.你的短裙太小了。 Your skirt short. 18.我也喜欢夏天。 I like . = I like . 19.看,杨玲的手套太大了。 ! Yang Ling ’ s too . 考点精练 3 四.连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点 1.are,shoes,they,sister ’s, my(.) 2.late , for , are, party , we, the(.) 3.sofa,move, you,can,the(?) 4.【易错】 party , fun , very , is, the(.) 5.【易错】 these, father ’s, gloves , are, your(?) 五.改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正) 1.--That ’ smy new trousers. -- Hownice ! 2.--Who’ sis this coat? --It ’ s mybrother ’s. 3.【易错】 -- Whatanicetrousers! --Thank you. 4.Who’ scoatis this? 5.Let ’ sgo and playingbasketball. 6.Whosetrousersis this? 7.Thisgloves are my father. 8.【易错】 --Whose sweater ? --They ’ reHelen ’s. 9.The gloves aremy father. 六 .选择词组完成句子,注意大小写。 too long whose gloves my shorts try this your jacket so funny 1. A: The coat is too big. B: , please. 2. A: Where are ? B: They are on the bag. 3. A: Her trousers are . B: Try those. 4. A: are they? B: They ’ re Tom ’ s. 5. A: Look at her gloves. B: Oh, they are too small. She looks . 6. A: Where ’ s ? B: It ’ s on the bed. 七 .完成对话。 1. A: Look ____ the gloves. B: _____ so big. A: _____ gloves ____ they? B: ____ Mike ’ s. A: Try ____ , please. B: OK. 2. A: Hello, ____ would you like? (内容:西瓜: 30 元) B: I ’ d like ____ watermelons. _____ are very big. _____ _____ are they? A: _____ _____ yuan. 考点精练 4 C 卷 : 复习提高题 一 . 选择 ( )1.--- What’ s this ?---It ’ s _______ ice cream .A.a B. an C. / ( )2. 【易错】 Before eating some ,let ’ s listen to some . A.fish ;english B. fishes;English C. fish ;English ( )3.Time the school party. A.to B.four C.for ( )4.What colour your shoes?A.are B.am C.is ( )5. 【易错】 --Would you like rice? --Yes,please. A.some B.a C.any ( )6.It ’ s time breakfast. A.four B.for C.to 7.选出与其他单词不同类的项 ( )(1) A.too B.so C.cold ( )(2) A.long B.so C.hot ( )(3) A.short B.jeans C.cool ( )(4) A.move B.hair C.swim ( )(5) A.right B.hurt C.move 二 .匹配题 ( )1.Whose sweater is it ? A.No ,it isn ’ t. ( )2.Look at my shirt. B. It ’ s Mike ’ s. ( )3. Whose jeans are they? C.They ’ re my father ’ s. ( )4.Is it Liu Tao ’s? D.My hand hurts. ( )5.What’ s the matter? E.How nice ! ( )6.Nice to see you. F. It ’ s a tiger. ( )7. What’ s this? G. Nice to see you too. 三.句型转换 1.Draw on your book.( 改为否定句 ) 2.【易错】 I ’ d like some coffee.(改为一般疑问句 ) 3.This is Mike ’s jacket. ( 对划线部分提问 ) 4.【易错】 This jacket is Mike ’s.(对划线部分提问 ) 5.My shirt is short.( 改为同义句 ) My shirt . 6.I want a glass of milk.( 改为同义句 ) 7.【易错】 These shoes are my father ’s. (对划线部分提问 ) 考点精练 5 四 .将下列句子重新排序,组成一段合理的对话。 1. OK, but my coat is too big. 2. Mum, my jeans are too short. 3. Don ’ t worry. Here ’ s a jacket for you. Is it OK? 4. Oh, it ’ s nice. Thank you, Mum. 5. Not at all. 6. You can try this long pair. 1.No,you ’ re wrong. My father ’ s shirt is black. 2.Guess! 3.Look at the blue shirt. 4.Yes,you ’ re right. 5.It ’ s nice. Whose shirt is it ? 6.Is it your father ’s? 7. Is it your brother ’s? 五 .根据图片内容,完成对话 A: these your ? B: No, they . A: Look at them. They ’ re . B: Yes, they ’ re my sister ’ s. I can ’ t find my skirt. A: the black trousers. B: Great! you. A: Not at all. 六.根据短文内容判断句子正误,用 TF 表示。 Look at my bedroom. On the bed, that is my new dress. I like it very much. My shoes are under the bed. My jeans are on the chair. They ’ re old. They ’ re too small. I ’ d like a new pair. I have a new sweater from my mum. It ’ s lovely. It ’ s red and yellow. Whereis it? Oh, it ’ s under my bed. () 1. My dress is on the chair. () 2. My shoes are too old and too small. () 3. My new sweater is orange. () 4. I ’d like a new pair of jeans. () 5. I like the new sweater.

