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PEP Book4 Unit 4 At the farm A Let’s talk Fill the blank 我来填填看! I like _________. I like _________. _______I will try. I love to eat __________ . But _______make me cry. tomato es potato es carrot s green bean s onion s Brainstorming Let’s chant I like _________. I like _________. _______I will try. I love to eat __________ . But _______make me cry. tomato es potato es Carrot s green bean s onion s 1. ---What is this ? ---It’s an apple. 2.---What are they ? ---They are apple s . They are red. www.xkb1.com 1. ---What is this ? ---It’s a carrot. 2.---What are they ? ---They are carrot s . They are orange. ---What are these ? ---They are carrot s . They are orange. . Try some, They are good. www.xkb1.com www.xkb1.com H e she w e th e se( 这些) this---these What are these ? . www.xkb1.com 这些是什么? What are these? What are these? What are these? 绿色圃中小学教育网 http://www.lspjy.com ---What are these ? ---They are green bean s . They are green. Are these carrots? No, t hey aren’t. www.xkb1.com Are these tomatoes? Yes, they are. Are these carrots? No, they aren’t. Today, Mike is at a farm ( 在农场) . Let’s go and have a look,OK? www.xkb1.com 自学指导一: 请打开课本 38 页,快速看图,然后回答问题: 1. In the text, how many people? Who are they? 对话中有几个人?他们是谁? 2. What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么? www.xkb1.com 自学指导二: 听录音选择合适的答语: 1 . Are these carrots ? A . Yes, t hey are . B . No, t hey aren’t. 2 .Are these potatoes? A. Yes, t hey are. B. No, t hey aren’t 自学指导三: 1.跟录音朗读对话,注意模仿语音语调. Can you read these words ? look at th e se tr y s o me b u t y u m group work 群学指导: 1 .分角色朗读对话,三分钟后表演对话。 2. 仿照 Let’s talk 编造新对话 。 根据所给提示创编对话 A: Look at these. Are these __? B: Yes, they are. A: Wow! They are so __. C: What are these? D: They’re_____. C: But they are_____. D: Try some! They are good. C: Thanks. Yum. 根据所给提示创编对话 A: Look at these. Are these _____? B: Yes, they are. A: Wow! They are so __. C: What are these? D: They’re_____. C: But they are so____. D: They are tea cup dogs . ( 茶杯犬) Task 2: 我能听懂会说句型:What are these? Are these…? ; 能 通过 多种方式(图片、实物、肢体语言等) 在情境中运用句型询问物品,并进行回答。 What’s this? It’s a carrot. What’s this? It’s a tomato . What’s this? It’s a potato . What are these? They are tomato es . What are these? They are carrots. What are these? They are potato es . What are these? They are green beans. pair work 根据图片,同桌完成对话练习 What are these? They are…. Part 1 . Part 2 Guess: What are these? Are they…? 达标练习 1 、 They are ______. A 、 potato B 、 potatos C 、 potatoes 2 、 —What are these? —_____are tomatoes. A 、 There B 、 They C 、 It’s 3 、 —Are these green beans? ——No , _________. A 、 these aren’t B 、 they are C 、 they aren’t C B C Listen to the tape and read the dialogue 听读对话 运用所学句型,以小组为单位创编英语对话。 Homework Class is over. Thank you!

