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沪教版牛津五年级上册 ‎11.What do you want to be, children? 1.同学们,你们想做什么职业?‎ ‎2.I want to be a pilot. 2.我想成为一名飞行员。‎ I want to fly a plane in the sky. 我想开飞机。‎ ‎3.I want to be a doctor. 3.我想成为一名医生。‎ I want to help people. 我想帮助人们。‎ ‎4.I want to be a teacher. 4.我想成为一名老师。‎ I want to teach English in a school. 我想在一所学校教英语。‎ ‎5.I want to be a cook.5. 我想成为一名厨师。‎ I want to cook nice food. 我想做好吃的食物。‎ ‎2Froggy's new job 青蛙的新工作 ‎1.Froggy wants to be a pilot. 1.青蛙想成为一名飞行员。‎ He wants to fly a plane, but he is afraid of flying. 他想开飞机,但他却害怕飞翔。‎ Help! Help! It's too high! 救命啊!救命啊!这太高了!‎ ‎2.Froggy wants to be a singer, but he is not good at singing. 2.青蛙想成为一名歌手。但他并不擅长唱歌。‎ ‎3.One day, a chick falls into the lake! 3.有一天,一只小鸡落入湖中!‎ Help! A lifeguard jumps into the lake. 救命啊!一位救生员跳入湖中。‎ Froggy jumps into the lake too.青蛙也跳进湖里了。‎ They save the chick.他们救了小鸡。‎ ‎4.You're good at swimming.4.你擅长游泳。‎ Do you want to be a lifeguard?你想成为一名救生员吗?‎ Yes, I do!是的,我想!‎ Froggy becomes a lifeguard.青蛙成为了一名救生员。‎ He likes his new job.他喜欢他的新工作。‎ ‎3How do you come to school, Joe?乔,你怎么去上学?‎ I come to school by bus.我乘公共汽车去上学。‎ I live far from our school.我家离学校很远。‎ How do you come to school, Alice?你怎么去上学,爱丽丝?‎ I come to school on foot.我步行上学。‎ I live near school.我住在学校附近。‎ How do you come to school, Kitty?你怎么去上学,凯蒂?‎ I come to school on foot, too.我也步行上学。‎ Alice and I walk to school together.爱丽丝和我一起走路上学。‎ What about you, Peter?你呢,彼得?‎ How do you come to school?你怎么去上学?‎ I come to school by bus.我乘公共汽车来上学。‎ ‎4Ms Guo's journey to work郭女士的上班旅程 Ms Guo is a teacher at Happy Primary School.郭女士是幸福小学的一名教师。‎ She lives on Green Street.她住在格林街。‎ ‎1.There is an underground station near Ms Guo's home.1.郭女士家的附近有一个地铁站。‎ Ms Guo walks to the station and takes the train.郭女士步行到车站乘坐地铁去上班。‎ ‎2.She gets off the train at Park Street Station.2.她在公园街站下地铁。‎ ‎3.Then she Takes Bus No.12 to Spring Street.3.然后,她乘12路公交车到春街。‎ ‎4.After half an hour, she gets off at Spring Street Bus Stop.4.半小时后,她在春街公共汽车站下车。‎ Then she walks to her school.然后她步行到学校。‎ ‎5Can you come to my birthday party, Joe?乔,你能来参加我的生日聚会吗?‎ Sure. When's your birthday?当然可以。你的生日是什么时候?‎ It's on 26th September.9月26日。‎ What time does the party begin?聚会几点开始?‎ It begins at two o'clock in the afternoon.下午两点钟开始。OK.好吧。‎ Can you bring some orange things to the party? It's an "orange party". Orange is my favouritecolour.你可以带一些橙色的东西来聚会吗?这是一次“橙色聚会”。橙色是我最喜欢的颜色。‎ An "orange party"? That's sounds interesting. I can't wait!一次“橙色聚会”?听起来很有意思。我等不及了!‎ ‎6Happy birthday,Peter!祝你生日快乐,彼得!‎ Thank you! Welcome to my "orange party".谢谢你们!欢迎来到我的“橙色派对”。‎ What orange things do you have?你们有什么橙色的东西呢?‎ I have an orange hat.我有一个橙色的帽子。‎ I have an orange skirt.我有一个橙色的裙子。‎ I have an orange T-shirt.我有一个橙色的T恤。‎ What do you have, Alice?你有什么,爱丽丝?‎ Look, Peter! I have an orange card for you.看,彼得!我为你做了一张橙色的卡片。‎ Thank you so much. Look at the table.非常感谢。看桌子上。‎ Here are some orange things for you.这些是为你们准备的一些橙色的东西。‎ They're oranges, orange juice and an orange cake. Let's have some fun!他们是橘子、橙汁和橙子蛋糕。我们尽情玩吧!‎ ‎7What do you usually do with your grandparents?你通常和你祖父母一起做什么呢?‎ I usually play chess with my grandpa.我通常和我爷爷下棋。‎ My grandparents live in the UK.我的祖父母住在英国。‎ I often write emails to them.我经常写电子邮件给他们。‎ My grandparents live far from my home.我的祖父母住的地方离我家很远。‎ I often visit them at the weekend.我经常周末去拜访他们。‎ We like going to the park together.我们喜欢一起去公园。‎ Do you play sport with your grandparents?你和你的祖父母做运动吗?‎ Yes. I sometimes play table tennis with them.是的。我有时候和他们打乒乓球。‎ ‎8Where is Grandma?奶奶在哪里?‎ ‎1.Mary and John sometimes go shopping with Grandma.1.玛丽和约翰有时和奶奶一起去购物。‎ Hello, Grandma. This is Mary.你好,奶奶。我是玛丽。Hello, Mary.你好,玛丽。‎ Do you want to go shopping with John and me this Saturday?这周六你想陪约翰和我一起去购物吗?‎ Yes, we can meet at the bus stop at twelve o'clock.是的,我们可以在十二点公共汽车站碰面。‎ ‎2.Today is Saturday. Mary and John go to the bus stop, but Grandma is not there.2.今天是星期六。玛丽和约翰到了公共汽车站,但奶奶不在那。‎ Where's Grandma? It's twelve o'clock.奶奶在哪里?现在都十二点了。‎ Grandma is never late.奶奶是从不迟到的。‎ ‎3.Grandma is cooking lunch in the kitchen.3.奶奶在厨房里做午饭。Where's Coco?可可在哪儿?‎ ‎4.Coco runs to the bus stop. She takes Mary and John to Grandma's home.4.可可跑到公共汽车站。她把玛丽和约翰带到了奶奶的家里。‎ Look, that's Coco.看,那是可可。‎ Hello, Mary. Hello, John. Come with me!你好,玛丽。你好,约翰。跟我来!‎ ‎91.I'm Kitty. I have a friend.1.我是凯蒂。我有一个朋友。‎ Her name's Alice. She's clever.她叫爱丽丝。她很聪明。‎ We're in the same class.我们是在同一个班级。‎ ‎2.We both like sport.2.我们都喜欢运动。‎ I like playing table tennis and Alice likes playing volleyball.我喜欢打乒乓球、爱丽丝喜欢打排球。‎ We both love animals.我们都喜欢动物。‎ I have a cat and Alice has a dog.我有一只猫、爱丽丝有一条狗。‎ ‎3.We both like helping people.3.大家都喜欢帮助别人。‎ We sometimes help old people cross the street.我们有时会帮助老人过马路。‎ We also help them carry heavy bags.我们还帮他们提很重的包。‎ ‎4.We like each other. We're good friends.4.我们互相喜欢。我们是很好的朋友。‎ ‎10Oliver feels bored奥利弗觉得无聊 ‎1.Oliver reads some books at home. The books are not interesting.1.奥利弗在家读书。这些书没有趣。‎ ‎2.Then Oliver plays word games, but they are too easy.2.然后奥利弗玩文字游戏,但它们太简单了。‎ ‎3.Oliver's mother is busy in the kitchen. "Mum, I'm bored," says Oliver. “What do you want to do then?" asks his mother. " I don't know," answers Oliver.3.奥利弗的妈妈正在厨房忙活。“妈妈,我觉得无聊,”奥利弗说。“那你想做什么?”他妈妈问道。“我不知道,”奥利弗回答。‎ ‎4."I have an idea!" says Oliver's mother. She makeshift some phone calls. "Hello! This is Oliver's mother. Is that Ken? Can you come to my home?" "Hello!..."4.“我有个主意!”奥利弗的妈妈说。她打了一些电话。“你好!我是奥利弗的妈妈。你是肯吗?你能来我家吗?”“喂!……”‎ ‎5.Soon all Oliver's friends come. Oliver is happy.5.很快奥利弗所有的朋友都来了。奥利弗很高兴。‎ ‎111.Kitty, where are you?1.凯蒂,你在哪里?‎ I'm in the living room. I'm doing my homework.我在客厅。我在做作业。‎ ‎2.Ben, where are you?2.本,你在哪里?‎ I'm in my bedroom. I'm making a model plane.我在我的卧室。我正在做一个飞机模型。‎ ‎3.Where are you, May? Are you in the kitchen?3.梅,你在哪里?你在厨房吗?‎ No. I'm in the bathroom. I'm washing my hair.不,我在浴室里。我在洗头发。‎ ‎4.Dad, where are you?4.爸爸,你在哪里?‎ I'm in the kitchen. I'm cooking dinner. Come and help me, please.我在厨房。我在做晚饭。请过来帮帮我。‎ ‎121.Good evening. It's Earth Hour now.晚上好。现在是地球一小时。‎ Many people turn off their lights.很多人熄灯。‎ ‎2.Hi, I'm Alice. I usually watch TV with my parents in the evening, but now we're looking at the stars.嗨,我是爱丽丝。我晚上通常和我父母看电视,但现在我们正在看星星。‎ ‎3.Hello, my name's Kitty.你好,我的名字叫凯蒂。‎ My brother Ben answer I usually read storybooks before bedtime, but now Grandma is telling us a story.我和我弟弟本通常在睡前读故事书,但现在奶奶正给我们讲故事。‎ ‎4.Hi, I'm Sally. I usually do my homework at night, but now I'm playing word games with my family.嗨,我是莎莉。我通常在晚上写作业,但现在我在和我的家人玩文字游戏。‎ ‎13Brian likes ice cream. He likes bread too.布莱恩喜欢吃冰激凌。他还喜欢吃面包。‎ He puts some ice cream on the bread,他把一些冰激凌抹在面包上,‎ And eats the ice cream with the bread.接着吃冰激凌和面包。‎ Brian likes ice cream. He likes bread too.布莱恩喜欢吃冰激凌。他还喜欢吃面包。‎ He puts some ice cream on the bread,他把一些冰激凌抹在面包上,‎ And eats the ice cream with the bread.接着吃冰激凌和面包。‎ ‎14Today is Saturday, 3rd November. The Browns are on holiday in Sanya. They are at the beach.今天是11月3日,星期六。布朗一家都在三亚度假。他们在海滩上。‎ It is a beautiful day. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. Sally is enjoying the sunshine. Peter is sitting beside Sally. He is reading a book. Mrs Brown and Paul are collecting shells. Mr Brown is swimming in the sea. They are all having a good time.这是美好的一天。蓝天白云。莎莉正在享受阳光。彼得坐在萨莉旁边。他正在看书。布朗夫人和保罗正在收集贝壳。布朗先生正在海里游泳。他们都玩得很开心。‎ Is Paul collecting shells?保罗在收集贝壳吗?Yes, he is.是的。‎ ‎151.Sally is swimming. Let's go swimming too, Peter. It's fun.1.莎莉正在游泳。我们也去游泳吧,彼得。很好玩。‎ Sorry, Paul. I'm busy.对不起,保罗。我很忙。‎ ‎2.Are you doing your homework?2.你在做作业吗?‎ No, I'm not. I'm writing a letter. I want to put it in a bottle.不是。我正在写一封信。我想把它放进一个瓶子里。‎ ‎3.Now let's throw the bottle into the sea.3.现在让我们把瓶子扔进大海。‎ ‎4.Where is it going? Is it going to Australia?4.它将往何处去?它将去澳大利亚吗?‎ I don't know.我不知道。‎ ‎5.Hi, I'm Peter Brown. I'm from the UK.5.你好,我是彼得·布朗。我来自英国。‎ I live in China now. I'm 11 years old. Who are you?我现在住在中国。我11岁。你是谁?‎ You know who I am, Peter. I'm Sally.彼得,你知道我是谁。我是莎莉。‎ ‎16Is Sally playing volleyball?萨利在玩排球吗?Yes, she is. Yes, she is.是的。是的。‎ Sally is playing volleyball on the beach.她正在沙滩上玩排球。‎ Is Paul collecting shells?保罗在捡贝壳吗?‎ No, he isn't. No, he isn't.不是的。不是的。‎ Paul is collecting rubbish on the beach.保罗正在捡沙滩上的垃圾。‎ Is Sally playing volleyball?萨利在玩排球吗?Yes, she is. Yes, she is.是的。是的。‎ Sally is playing volleyball on the beach.她正在沙滩上玩排球。‎ Is Paul collecting shells?保罗在捡贝壳吗?No, he isn't. No, he isn't.不是的。不是的。‎ Paul is collecting rubbish on the beach.保罗正在捡沙滩上的垃圾。‎ ‎171.What are you doing, Peter?1.彼得,你在干什么?‎ I'm reading the map. We're at Green Hill.我在看地图。我们在青山。‎ The Big Stone is on the hill.大石头就在小山上。‎ ‎2.Here's the Big Stone.2.这是块大石头。‎ Look! Here's a letter. Let's read it.看!这有一封信。让我们读读它。‎ It says, "You can find a diamond at the top of Green Hill."信上说:“你可以在青山顶部找到一块钻石。”‎ ‎3.Where's the diamond?3.钻石在哪里?‎ Here's another letter! It says, "Look down and you can see the diamond."这又有一封信!信上说:“向下看,你就能看到钻石。”‎ ‎4.Look! The lake is like a big diamond!4.看!这条湖泊就像一个大钻石!‎ ‎18Alice in Wonderland爱丽丝梦游仙境 ‎1.Alice sees a white rabbit in the garden.1.爱丽丝在公园里看到了一只兔子。‎ The rabbit is wearing a coat!兔子穿着大衣!‎ How funny! What's he doing here?太搞笑了!他在这里干什么?Oh, dear! I'm late!哦,天哪!我迟到了!‎ ‎2.Then the rabbit runs away. Alice runs after him.2.然后兔子就跑了。爱丽丝追着他跑。‎ ‎3.The rabbit jumps into a big hole.3.兔子跳进一个大洞里。‎ Alice jumps into the hole too.爱丽丝也跳进这个洞里。‎ ‎4.Alice finds a small door and a small key.4.爱丽丝发现了一扇小门和一把小钥匙。‎ ‎5.Alice Opens the small door with the key.5.爱丽丝用钥匙打开了这扇小门。‎ She cannot get through the door. "What can I do?" she thinks.但她却进不去。“我该做什么?”她想。‎ ‎19Excuse me. Is the post office far from here?劳驾。邮局离这儿远吗?‎ No, it isn't. It's quite near.不远。相当近。‎ How do I get to the post office?我怎么到邮局?‎ Walk along Winter Street. Turn left at Spring Street.沿着冬街走。左转到春街。‎ Walk straight and you can see the post office on your right.然后直着走,你就能看到在你右边的邮局。‎ It's between the cinema and the flower shop.它是电影院和花店中间。‎ Walk along Winter Street and turn left.沿着冬街走再左转。‎ Then walk along Spring Street. Is that right?然后再沿着春街走。对吗?Yes, it is.对的。‎ Thank you very much.非常感谢。You're welcome.不客气。‎ ‎20The children are looking at a map of the zoo.孩子们正在看动物园的地图。‎ I want to see the bears. What do you want to see?我想看熊。你想看什么动物?‎ I want to see the monkeys.我想看猴子。‎ I want to see the birds. How do we get there?我想看小鸟。我们怎么到那呢?‎ We can walk along Summer Road and then turn right at Spring Road.我们可以沿着Summer路走,然后右转到Spring路。‎ We can see the monkeys on our right.我们就可以看到我们右边的猴子了。‎ Then we can walk along Spring Street Road and see the birds.然后我们可以沿着Spring路看鸟。‎ After that, we can turn left and walk along Winter Road.看完鸟后,我们可以向左转,沿着Winter路走。‎ We can see the bears on our left.我们就可以看到我们左边的熊了。Great! Let's go!太棒了!我们走吧!‎ ‎21Where does water come from?水是从哪里来的?‎ It comes from the sea.它来自海洋。It comes from the rain.它来自雨。It comes from the tap too.它来自水龙头。‎ All of you are right. How do we use water?你们说的都对。我们如何用水呢?‎ We use water to wash our hands. We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too.我们用水来洗手。我们用水来洗蔬菜和衣服。‎ Farmers use water to grow crops. Firemen use water to put out fires.农民用水来种庄稼。消防队员用水灭火。‎ Very good. Water is very useful.很好。水是非常有用的。‎ ‎22The journey of Little Water Drop小水滴的旅行 ‎1.Little Water Drop lives in the sea. It is raining.1.小水滴住在海里。下雨了。‎ ‎"I want to be up in the sky." says Little Water Drop.小水滴说:“我想到天上去。”‎ ‎2.The sun shines and Little Water Drop gets hot.2.阳光照耀,小水滴变得很热。‎ He goes up to the sky. It is cool there.他到了天上。那里很凉爽。‎ Now he is in a cloud. "Hooray! I'm up in the sky," he says happily.现在他在一朵云里。“万岁!我在天上了。”他高兴地说。‎ ‎3.Little Water Drop flies over rivers and mountains.3.小水滴飞过河畔和山脉。‎ One day, he sees some trees.有一天,他看到一些树。‎ ‎"We're thirsty. We need water," say the trees.这些树说:“我们口渴了。我们需要水。”‎ ‎4.Little Water Drop falls down to the ground.4.小水滴降到地面上。‎ A tree drinks him. Now Little Water Drop is inside the tree.一棵树喝了它。现在小水滴在这棵树里面。‎ ‎23The children are playing in the park.孩子们在公园玩耍。‎ They like this swing. They like that slide.他们喜欢这支秋千。他们喜欢那个滑梯。‎ They can swing very high. They can slide very fast.他们可以荡得很高。他们可以滑的很快。‎ The children are playing in the park.孩子们在公园玩耍。‎ They like this swing. They like that slide.他们喜欢这支秋千。他们喜欢那个滑梯。‎ They can swing very high. They can slide very fast.他们可以荡得很高。他们可以滑的很快。‎ ‎241.Fire can burn down a lot of trees.1.火能烧毁很多树木。‎ It can hurt people too. We must be careful with fire.它也会使人受伤。我们必须当心火灾。‎ ‎2.Children, what do you know about fire safety?2.孩子们,你们了解的消防安全知识有哪些?‎ What mustn't we do in the forest or at home?我们在森林里或在家里一定不能做什么?‎ We mustn't smoke in the forest.我们一定不能在森林里吸烟。‎ We mustn't play near fires at home.我们在家一定不能在火附近玩。‎ We mustn't play with matches at home.我们在家一定不能玩火柴。‎ Very good. Safety first.很好。安全第一。‎ ‎25Yaz, the meat and the fireYaz、肉和火 ‎1.Hi, I am Yaz. I live in the Stone Age.1.嗨,我叫Yaz。我生活在石器时代。‎ This is my family. We have a fire. Fire gives us heat and light.这是我的家庭。我们有一个火堆。火给了我们光和热。‎ ‎2.We always eat meat. My parents and my sister like meat, but I hate it.2.我们总是吃生肉。我的父母和我妹妹喜欢吃肉、我却讨厌它。‎ It does not taste good at all.它尝起来一点都不好吃。‎ ‎3.I do not want to eat meat, so I throw other into the fire.3.我不想吃生肉,所以我把肉扔进火里。‎ ‎4.Now the meat smells very nice.4.现在肉的味道闻起来很好。‎ ‎5.We eat the meat. It tastes great!5.我们吃熟肉。它尝起来味道好极了!‎ After that, we cook all over our meat on the fire.从此以后,我们就把所有的肉放在火上烤。‎ ‎26When you see a fire, quickly go outside.当你发现火灾,请迅速撤离到室外。‎ But never use the lift. It is dangerous inside.但是一定不要乘电梯。电梯里面很危险。‎ If it is all smoky, cover your mouth and nose and crawl out very fast.如果到处都是烟雾,捂住口鼻,快速爬行逃离。‎ Never stop for toys or clothes. Now you are outside.勿要留恋玩具,衣物。现在你已经到了室外。‎ You know what to do. Listen to the firemen. Here they are to help you!你知道应该怎么做。听消防员安排。他们来帮助你!‎ 沪教版牛津五年级下册 ‎11. Look at your bedroom. What a mess! Let's tidy it up.1. 看看你的卧室。真是一团糟!让我们把它整理好吧。‎ Sure, Sally.当然好了,萨利。‎ Whose socks are those? Are they yours, Peter?那些是谁的短袜?它们是你的吗,彼得?‎ No, they aren't. They're Paul's.不,它们不是我的。它们是保罗的。‎ Can you put them on his bed?你能把它们放到他床上吗?Sure.当然可以。‎ ‎2. Whose cap is this?2. 这是谁的帽子?It's mine.它是我的。‎ There's a T-shirt. Is this yours too, Peter?这有一件T恤,这也是你的吗,彼得?‎ No. It's Paul's.不是。它是保罗的。‎ Can you put it on his bed?你能把它放到他床上吗?Sure.当然可以。‎ ‎3. The room is now clean and tidy. Thank you for your help, Sally.3. 现在这个房间干净又整洁。谢谢你的帮助,萨利。‎ You're welcome, Peter.不客气,彼得。‎ ‎2A magic stone一块神奇的石头 ‎1.Jimmy sees a small box on the table. It is full of nails.1.吉米看见桌子上放着一个小盒子。盒子里装满了钉子。‎ ‎"Is it yours, Dad?" asks Jimmy.“这是你的吗,爸爸?”吉米问道。‎ ‎"Yes, it's mine," says his father.“是的,它是我的。”他爸爸回答道。‎ ‎2. Jimmy drops the box.2. 吉米把盒子打翻了。‎ All the nails fall on the floor. What a mess!所有的钉子都掉落到地板上了。真是一团糟!‎ ‎3. Jimmy's father gives him a black stone.3. 吉米的爸爸给了他一块黑石头。‎ ‎"This stone can help you, Jimmy. Try it," he says.并说“这块石头能帮你,吉米。试试它。”‎ ‎4. Jimmy puts the stone near the nails.4. 吉米把这块石头放在钉子的旁边。‎ The nails all stick to it.这些钉子都粘在了石头上。‎ In a few seconds, the floor is clean again.几秒钟的功夫,地板又变干净了。‎ ‎"Wow, it's a magic stone, Dad," says Jimmy happily.吉米高兴地说:“哇,这真是一块神奇的石头,爸爸。”‎ ‎3A magic stone一块神奇的石头 ‎1.Jimmy sees a small box on the table. It is full of nails.1.吉米看见桌子上放着一个小盒子。盒子里装满了钉子。‎ ‎"Is it yours, Dad?" asks Jimmy.“这是你的吗,爸爸?”吉米问道。‎ ‎"Yes, it's mine," says his father.“是的,它是我的。”他爸爸回答道。‎ ‎2. Jimmy drops the box.2. 吉米把盒子打翻了。‎ All the nails fall on the floor. What a mess!所有的钉子都掉落到地板上了。真是一团糟!‎ ‎3. Jimmy's father gives him a black stone.3. 吉米的爸爸给了他一块黑石头。‎ ‎"This stone can help you, Jimmy. Try it," he says.并说“这块石头能帮你,吉米。试试它。”‎ ‎4. Jimmy puts the stone near the nails.4. 吉米把这块石头放在钉子的旁边。‎ The nails all stick to it.这些钉子都粘在了石头上。‎ In a few seconds, the floor is clean again.几秒钟的功夫,地板又变干净了。‎ ‎"Wow, it's a magic stone, Dad," says Jimmy happily.吉米高兴地说:“哇,这真是一块神奇的石头,爸爸。”‎ ‎4Mark has a little car.马克有一个汽车。‎ The car is yellow and blue.这个汽车是黄色和蓝色的。‎ He often drives it in the park On sunny afternoons.他经常在晴朗的下午在公园里开它。‎ But he never drives his car When he goes to school.但是当他去学校的时候从来不开汽车。‎ Mark has a little car.马克有一个汽车。‎ The car is yellow and blue.这个汽车是黄色和蓝色的。‎ He often drives it in the park On sunny afternoons.他经常在晴朗的下午在公园里开它。‎ But he never drives his car When he goes to school.但是当他去学校的时候从来不开汽车。‎ ‎5Sally and her dad are at their new home.萨利和她的爸爸在他们的新家。‎ Do you like our new home, Sally?萨利,你喜欢我们的新家吗?Yes. It's nice.喜欢,它很漂亮。‎ I like the living room.我喜欢这个客厅。‎ Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?‎ Because it's so big!因为它是那么的大!‎ What about you, Dad?你呢,爸爸?‎ I like the study.我喜欢这间书房。‎ Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?‎ Because it's quiet.因为它很安静,‎ I can read and write there.我可以在那里读书写作。‎ Where are Peter and Paul?彼得和保罗在哪里?‎ They're in the garden.他们在花园里。‎ They like our new home too.他们也喜欢我们的新家。‎ Do you know why?你知道为什么吗?‎ Why, Sally?为什么,萨利?‎ Because they can play in the garden all day!因为他们可以整天在花园里玩!‎ ‎6Why do wild geese change homes?为什么大雁要搬家?‎ ‎1. Wild geese have busy lives.1 大雁生活很忙碌。‎ They fly from one place to another.它们从一个地方飞到另一个地方。‎ They change homes twice every year.它们每年搬家两次。‎ In spring, they fly north.春天,它们飞向北方。‎ In autumn, they fly south.秋天,它们飞向南方。‎ ‎2. Why do wild geese move around so much?2 为什么大雁要四处搬迁呢?‎ In winter, they cannot find enough food in the north, so they fly south in autumn.冬天,它们在北方找不到足够的食物,因此它们在秋天飞向南方。‎ Then in spring, it is warm in the north, so they fly back.接下来的春天,北方暖和了,因此它们又飞回来。‎ ‎7There is an old woman.有一个老妇人。‎ She lives in a shoe.她住在一只鞋里。‎ She has a big family.她有一个大家庭。‎ And she knows what to do.并且她知道做什么。‎ She gives the children some food,她给孩子们一些食物。‎ And then she says, "It's time to go to bed!"然后说,该上床睡觉了。‎ There is an old woman.有一个老妇人。‎ She lives in a shoe.她住在一只鞋里。‎ She has a big family.她有一个大家庭。‎ And she knows what to do.并且她知道做什么。‎ She gives the children some food,她给孩子们一些食物。‎ And then she says, "It's time to go to bed!"然后说,该上床睡觉了。‎ ‎8Laura wants to buy a new skirt.劳拉想买一件新衬衫。‎ The old one is too small.那件旧的太小了。‎ But she cannot find her purse.但是她找不到她的钱包了。‎ It is not on the door.它没有在门上。‎ ‎"It's over there," says her mum, Just on the floor!"她的妈妈说,“他在那儿。就在地上!”‎ Laura wants to buy a new skirt.劳拉想买一件新衬衫。‎ The old one is too small.那件旧的太小了。‎ But she cannot find her purse.但是她找不到她的钱包了。‎ It is not on the door.它没有在门上。‎ ‎"It's over there," says her mum, Just on the floor!"她的妈妈说,“他在那儿。就在地上!”‎ ‎91. Kitty wants to know about her future.1. 凯蒂想知道她的未来。‎ She stands in front of a magic machine and takes a photo.她站在魔法机器前拍了一张照片。‎ ‎2. Kitty looks at her photo.2. 凯蒂看着她的照片。‎ There are some words on the back.照片的背后写着一些文字。‎ In 15 years,…15年后,......‎ you will not wear glasses.你将来不戴眼镜。‎ you will have big and beautiful eyes.你将拥有又大又美的眼睛。‎ you will live in Beijing.你将住在北京。‎ you will be a teacher.你将成为一名老师。‎ you will love your job.你将热爱你的工作。‎ ‎3. This is me in the future! I won't wear glasses.3. 这就是未来的我!我将来不戴眼镜。‎ I'll have big and beautiful eyes.我将拥有又大又美的眼睛。‎ I'll live in Beijing and I'll be a teacher.我将住在北京并且我将成为一名教师。‎ ‎10Now and future现在和将来 ‎1. My name is Bobby.1. 我的名字叫博比。‎ I am good at Maths, but I am weak in English.我擅长数学,但我不擅长英语。‎ I do not like to get up early, so I have no time for breakfast.我不喜欢早起,因此我没有时间吃早饭。‎ I am often late for school.我经常上学迟到。‎ I do not like sport and I get tired easily.我不喜欢运动而且很容易疲乏。‎ I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。‎ ‎2. In the future, I will study hard and I will read more English books.2. 在将来,我将努力学习并读更多的英语书。‎ I will try to get up early and have breakfast.我将尽力早起、吃早餐。‎ I will not be late for school any more.我将不再上学迟到。‎ I will do exercise every day.我将每天做运动。‎ I will not watch too much TV.我将不会看太多电视。‎ ‎11Mr Bee is having tea蜜蜂先生正在喝茶 With his friend Miss Deer.和他的老朋友鹿先生。‎ Suddenly he falls into the tea,突然他掉进了茶里,‎ And Miss Deer is in tears.鹿先生哭了,‎ ‎"Don't worry," says Mr Bee.“别担心”鹿先生说。‎ ‎"I can swim in tea!"“我能在茶里游泳!”‎ Mr Bee is having tea蜜蜂先生正在喝茶 With his friend Miss Deer.和他的老朋友鹿先生。‎ Suddenly he falls into the tea,突然他掉进了茶里,‎ And Miss Deer is in tears.鹿先生哭了,‎ ‎"Don't worry," says Mr Bee.“别担心”鹿先生说。‎ ‎"I can swim in tea!"“我能在茶里游泳!”‎ ‎121. Look, Alice. There are many storybooks.1. 看,爱丽丝。这有很多故事书。‎ I'm going to buy one.我要买一本。‎ I'm going to look at the picture books over there.我要去那边看图画书。‎ OK.好的。‎ ‎2. Do you like this picture book?2. 你喜欢这本图画书吗?‎ Yes. It's fun. There are many beautiful pictures in it.喜欢,它很有趣。这里面有很多漂亮的图画。‎ What are the pictures about?关于什么的图画?‎ They're pictures of different places in China.它们是中国不同地方的图画。‎ I'm going to visit these places in the future.将来我要去参观这些地方。‎ What are you reading? Is it a storybook?你在读什么?它是一本故事书吗?‎ Yes. It's Stories for Children.是的。它是《儿童故事》。‎ I'm going to read a story every day.我将每天读一个故事。‎ ‎13Book Week读书周 Book Week is coming!读书周要来了!‎ The students in Class 5A are going to make posters about the best stories for children.5A班的学生将要制作关于给《给孩子们最好的故事》的海报。‎ They are going to write about the writers and the stories.他们要写一些关于作者和故事的内容。‎ They are going to take some photos of the books too.他们也要给这些书拍些照片。‎ The boys are going to do a survey about children's favourite books.男生要去做一个关于“孩子们最喜欢的书”的调查。‎ The girls are going to read a play and then act it out.女生要去读一个剧本然后表演。‎ ‎14Mike has nine apple pies.迈克有九个苹果派。‎ He gives me five他给了我五个。‎ And puts four in a line,然后把四个摆成了一行,‎ And says, "These are mine."并说,“这些是我的。”‎ Mike eats his four apple pies.迈克吃了他的四个苹果派。‎ Then he smiles and says, "The apple pies are nice!然后他笑着说,:“苹果派很美味!”‎ Now I want your French fries!"现在我想吃你的炸薯条!‎ Mike has nine apple pies.迈克有九个苹果派。‎ He gives me five他给了我五个。‎ And puts four in a line,然后把四个摆成了一行,‎ And says, "These are mine."并说,“这些是我的。”‎ Mike eats his four apple pies.迈克吃了他的四个苹果派。‎ Then he smiles and says, "The apple pies are nice!然后他笑着说,:“苹果派很美味!”‎ Now I want your French fries!"现在我想吃你的炸薯条!‎ ‎15Children, what are you going to do this weekend?孩子们,这个周末你们要做什么?‎ I'm going to stay at home and watch TV with my grandparents.我将待在家里和祖父母一起看电视。‎ I'm going to play football on Sunday.我周日打算去踢足球。‎ It's my favourite sport.它是我最喜欢的运动。‎ I'm going to see a film with my parents on Saturday afternoon.我打算在周六晚上和父母去看电影。‎ I'm going to row a boat and fly a kite in the park on Sunday.我周日打算去公园划船、放风筝。‎ I don't have any plans for the weekend.我周末没有什么计划安排。‎ Do you want to come with me, Alice?你想要和我一起去吗,爱丽丝?‎ Sure. Thank you, Kitty.当然,谢谢你,凯蒂。‎ ‎16Tomorrow明天 ‎1. It is raining, but Little Monkey does not have a house.1. 天在下雨,但是小猴子没有房子。‎ He sleeps in a tree.他睡在一棵树上。‎ ‎"I need a house," he thinks.“我需要一所房子,”他想。‎ ‎"I'm going to build one tomorrow."“明天我要建一所房子。”‎ The next day is Sunday.第二天是星期日。‎ ‎"It's Sunday today," he thinks. "I'm not going to work."“今天是星期日,”他想:“我不打算去上班。”‎ ‎2. On the third day, he finds a swing.2. 第三天,它找到了一个秋千。‎ ‎"I'm going to play on it today," he says to his friend Little Rabbit.“今天我要玩荡秋千,”他对他的朋友小兔子说。‎ Little Monkey plays every day.小猴子每天都在玩。‎ ‎3. On the sixth day, it is raining again.3. 第六天,天又下雨了。‎ ‎"Oh, no!" Little Monkey cries. "I'm going to build my house tomorrow!"“哦,不!”小猴子哭喊着。“明天我要建造我的房子!”‎ ‎"You should build your house now," says Little Rabbit.“你应该现在就建造你的房子,”小兔子说。‎ ‎"Don't wait until tomorrow."“今日事,今日毕。”‎ ‎17Tomorrow明天 ‎1. It is raining, but Little Monkey does not have a house.1. 天在下雨,但是小猴子没有房子。‎ He sleeps in a tree.他睡在一棵树上。‎ ‎"I need a house," he thinks.“我需要一所房子,”他想。‎ ‎"I'm going to build one tomorrow."“明天我要建一所房子。”‎ The next day is Sunday.第二天是星期日。‎ ‎"It's Sunday today," he thinks. "I'm not going to work."“今天是星期日,”他想:“我不打算去上班。”‎ ‎2. On the third day, he finds a swing.2. 第三天,它找到了一个秋千。‎ ‎"I'm going to play on it today," he says to his friend Little Rabbit.“今天我要玩荡秋千,”他对他的朋友小兔子说。‎ Little Monkey plays every day.小猴子每天都在玩。‎ ‎3. On the sixth day, it is raining again.3. 第六天,天又下雨了。‎ ‎"Oh, no!" Little Monkey cries. "I'm going to build my house tomorrow!"“哦,不!”小猴子哭喊着。“明天我要建造我的房子!”‎ ‎"You should build your house now," says Little Rabbit.“你应该现在就建造你的房子,”小兔子说。‎ ‎"Don't wait until tomorrow."“今日事,今日毕。”‎ ‎18Mum and Dad, what are we going to do this summer?爸爸妈妈,今年夏天我们要去做什么?‎ Let's go to Sanya.我们去三亚吧。‎ It's a wonderful place for a holiday.它是一个度假胜地。‎ Great! How do we get there?太好了!我们怎么去那里?‎ We get there by plane.我们坐飞机去那。‎ Where will we stay?我们将住在哪里?‎ We'll stay in a hotel by the sea.我们将暂住在海边的旅馆里。‎ How long will we stay in Sanya?我们将在三亚住多久?‎ We'll stay there for five days.我们将在那里住五天。‎ What will we do there?我们将在那里做什么?‎ Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water.三亚有清澈的海水和美丽的海滩。‎ We'll go swimming there.我们将在那里游泳。‎ We'll also have seafood.我们也会吃海鲜。‎ The seafood there tastes great!那里的海鲜味道好极了!‎ ‎19Welcome to Sanya!欢迎来三亚!‎ Sanya is on Hainan Island.三亚在海南岛上。‎ It is in the south of China.它在中国的南部。‎ There are many wonderful beaches on the island and the weather is nice all year round.岛上有很多美丽的海滩,全年气候宜人。‎ You can swim under the blue sky and the warm sun.你可以在蓝天暖阳下游泳。‎ Sanya is a great place for families.三亚是全家旅游的好去处。‎ You can visit the Sea World.你可以参观海洋世界。‎ You will love the fish and sea plants there.你将会爱上那里的鱼类和海洋植物。‎ There is a big butterfly park in Sanya too.三亚还有一个大型蝴蝶公园。‎ You will see many beautiful butterflies there.你将在那里看到很多美丽的蝴蝶。‎ Come and visit Sanya now!现在就来参观三亚吧!‎ ‎20We are going to visit Sanya.我们要去三亚参观。‎ It is hot there.那儿很热。‎ What will we wear?我们要穿什么?‎ We will wear T-shirts and shorts.我们要穿T恤和短裤。‎ Then we will not be hot.这样我们就不会太热了。‎ We are going to visit London.我们要去伦敦参观。‎ It is cold there.那儿很冷。‎ What will we wear?我们将要穿什么?‎ We will wear coats and trousers.我们要穿外套和裤子。‎ Then we will be warm enough.然后我们就会很暖和了。‎ We are going to visit Sanya.我们要去三亚参观。‎ It is hot there.那儿很热。‎ What will we wear?我们要穿什么?‎ We will wear T-shirts and shorts.我们要穿T恤和短裤。‎ Then we will not be hot.这样我们就不会太热了。‎ We are going to visit London.我们要去伦敦参观。‎ It is cold there.那儿很冷。‎ What will we wear?我们将要穿什么?‎ We will wear coats and trousers.我们要穿外套和裤子。‎ Then we will be warm enough.然后我们就会很暖和了。‎ ‎21Billy Biggs is a boy.比利·比格是一个男孩。‎ Roy, the tortoise, is a toy.罗伊,是一只乌龟玩具。‎ Billy Biggs has a loud voice.比利·比格嗓门很大。‎ Roy makes no noise.罗伊却不会制造任何噪音。‎ The girls and boys play with Roy,女孩们和男孩们跟罗伊一起晚睡。‎ But Roy still doesn't make any noise!但是罗伊仍旧不制造任何噪音!‎ Billy Biggs is a boy.比利·比格是一个男孩。‎ Roy, the tortoise, is a toy.罗伊,是一只乌龟玩具。‎ Billy Biggs has a loud voice.比利·比格嗓门很大。‎ Roy makes no noise.罗伊却不会制造任何噪音。‎ The girls and boys play with Roy,女孩们和男孩们跟罗伊一起晚睡。‎ But Roy still doesn't make any noise!但是罗伊仍旧不制造任何噪音!‎ ‎22The Open Day is on 30th April.学校的开放日在四月三十号。‎ Ms Guo is asking the children about the day.郭老师正在问孩子们关于那天的问题。‎ Children, your parents will come to our school at two o'clock in the afternoon.孩子们,你们的父母将在下午两点来我们学校。‎ I'll meet them at the school gate.我将会在校门口迎接他们。‎ What will they do first?他们首先要做什么?‎ Can you tell me?你们可以告诉我吗?‎ First, they'll visit our classroom.首先,他们将参观我们的教室。‎ That's right. What will they do next?正确。接下来他们要做什么呢?‎ Next, they'll visit the art room.接下来,他们将参观美术室。‎ Then they'll go to the hall.然后他们将去礼堂。‎ After that, they'll go to the library.随后,他们将参观图书馆。‎ Finally, they'll meet the teachers in the meeting room.最后,他们将在会议室与老师们见面。‎ ‎23School Open Day学校开放日 ‎1. It is two o'clock in the afternoon.1. 现在是下午两点钟。‎ Ms Guo welcomes the parents at the school gate.郭老师在校门口迎接家长们。‎ ‎2. First, Ms Guo takes the parents to the classroom.2. 首先,郭老师将父家长们带到教室里。‎ She tells them about the lessons.她告诉他们有关的课程。‎ ‎3. Next, they go to the art room.3. 接下来,他们去了美术室。‎ The children show their parents some beautiful pictures.孩子们给家长展示了一些漂亮的图画。‎ ‎4. Then they go to the hall.4. 然后他们去礼堂。‎ The children sing for their parents.孩子们唱歌给家长听。‎ ‎5. After that, they go to the library.5. 随后,他们去了图书馆。‎ They look at the homework and projects on the board.他们看板报上的家庭作业和课题。‎ ‎6. Finally, they have tea and cakes with the teachers in the meeting room.6. 最后,他们和老师们在会议室喝茶吃蛋糕。‎ ‎24Can you see the bear, Clare?克雷尔,你能看到熊吗?‎ It has long, brown hair.它有长的棕色的毛。‎ And it's eating a yellow pear.并且它在吃一个黄色的梨。‎ Clare, don't go near that bear!克雷尔,别靠近那只熊!‎ Can you see the bear, Clare?克雷尔,你能看到那只熊吗?‎ It has long, brown hair.它有长的棕色的毛。‎ And it's eating a yellow pear.它正在吃一个黄色的梨。‎ Clare, don't go near that bear!克雷尔,别靠近那只熊!‎ ‎251. Which dress do you like, the blue one or the pink one?1. 你喜欢哪条裙子,蓝色那条还是粉色那条?‎ I like the pink one.我喜欢粉色那条。‎ Pink is my favourite colour.粉色是我最喜欢的颜色。‎ I like the blue one too. It's beautiful.我也喜欢蓝色那条,它很漂亮。‎ You can try both on.你可以两条都试穿。‎ That's great!那太好了!‎ ‎2. Which pair of trousers do you like, the white one or the brown one?2. 你喜欢哪条裤子,白色那条还是棕色那条?‎ I like the brown one.我喜欢棕色那条。‎ Here you are. It's your size.给你。这是你的尺码。‎ OK. I'll try on the trousers.好的。我将试穿这条裤子。‎ ‎26The emperor's new clothes《皇帝的新衣》‎ ‎1. There is an emperor.1. 有一个皇帝,‎ He likes beautiful clothes.他喜欢漂亮的衣服。‎ One day, a man visits him with some nice clothes.一天,一个人带着一些漂亮的衣服来拜访他。‎ ‎"Which shirt do you like?" the man asks.“您喜欢哪件衬衫?”这个人问。‎ ‎"I like the green one," says the emperor.“我喜欢绿色那件,”皇帝说。‎ ‎2. "I also have some magic clothes for you.2. “我还有一些魔法衣服给您。‎ They're in this box," says the man. "Only clever people can see them!"它们在这个盒子里,”这个人说。“只有聪明人才能看到它们!”‎ ‎3. The emperor cannot see any clothes, but he nods with a big smile.3. 皇帝并未看见任何衣服,但他却笑着点头。‎ The man cries, "Oh, the emperor is so clever!"这个人叫喊着:“哦,皇帝真是聪明!”‎ The emperor puts on the "new clothes" and gives the man a lot of money.皇帝穿上了这件“新衣”并赏给了这个人很多钱。‎ ‎4. The emperor walks in the street in his "new clothes".4. 皇帝穿着“新衣”走在大街上。‎ People keep quiet, but a child laughs, "Look! He isn't wearing any clothes!"人们保持安静,但是一个小孩大笑起来:“看!他没穿衣服!”‎ ‎27A tiny little mouse一只小的可爱的老鼠 Is bowing to a cow.正在向一只牛鞠躬。‎ A big brown owl一只大的棕色的猫头鹰 Is flying in the clouds.正在在云中飞翔。‎ The owl wants to Catch the mouse.猫头鹰想要抓住老鼠 It hits the cow它打那只牛。‎ And calls out "Ouch! Ouch!"并且大叫:“哎呦哎呦!”‎ A tiny little mouse一只小的可爱的老鼠 Is bowing to a cow.正在向一只牛鞠躬。‎ A big brown owl一只大的棕色的猫头鹰 Is flying in the clouds.正在在云中飞翔。‎ The owl wants to Catch the mouse.猫头鹰想要抓住老鼠 It hits the cow它打那只牛。‎ And calls out "Ouch! Ouch!"并且大叫:“哎呦哎呦!”‎ ‎28Kitty is not feeling well.凯蒂感觉不舒服。‎ She is ill. Her mum takes her to the hospital.她生病了。她妈妈带她去了医院。‎ What's wrong with you?你哪里不舒服?‎ I have a headache.我头痛。‎ She has a fever too.她也发烧。‎ Let me have a look. Open your mouth and say "Ah …".让我看一看。张开嘴说“啊……”。‎ Ah …啊……‎ You have a cold. You should take some medicine.你感冒了。你应该吃些药。‎ You should also drink a lot of water.你也应该多喝些水。‎ You shouldn't go to bed late.你不应该太晚睡觉。‎ Have a good rest and you'll get well soon.好好休息你很快就会康复的。‎ Thank you, doctor.谢谢你,医生。‎ You're welcome.不客气。‎ ‎29A toothless tiger《一只没有牙的老虎》‎ ‎1. All the animals are afraid of the tiger.1. 所有动物都怕这只老虎。‎ I'm the king of the forest!我是森林之王!‎ Help! Help!救命!救命!‎ ‎2. The animals have a meeting.2. 动物们在开会。‎ A clever fox has a good idea.一只聪明的狐狸想到了一个好主意。‎ What shall we do?我们该怎么办?‎ I have an idea.我有一个主意。‎ ‎3. The fox gives the tiger a lot of candy.3. 狐狸给了老虎很多糖果。‎ The tiger likes the candy very much.老虎非常喜欢糖果。‎ My king, I have a present for you.我的国王,我有一件礼物要送给您。‎ It's the best food in the world.它是世界上最好吃的食物。‎ Really?真的吗?‎ Try it. You'll love it.您试吃下。您会爱上它的。‎ ‎4. The tiger eats the candy every day.4. 老虎每天都吃这些糖果。‎ Soon he has a toothache.不久它就牙痛了。‎ The animals come to help.其他动物们过来帮忙。‎ They pull all the tiger's teeth out.它们把老虎的牙都拔了出来。‎ He becomes a toothless tiger!它变成了一只没有牙的老虎!‎ ‎30Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache.医生,医生,我牙疼。‎ You shouldn't eat so many cakes.你不应该吃太多的蛋糕。‎ Doctor, doctor, I have a fever.医生,医生,我发烧了。‎ You should drink a lot of water.你应该喝很多的水。‎ Doctor, doctor, I have a cold.医生,医生,我感冒了。‎ You should wear warm clothes.你应该穿上暖和的衣服。‎ Doctor, doctor, I have a cough.医生,医生我咳嗽。‎ You should take some medicine.你应该那些药。‎ Doctor, doctor, I have a toothache.医生,医生,我牙疼。‎ You shouldn't eat so many cakes.你不应该吃太多的蛋糕。‎ Doctor, doctor, I have a fever.医生,医生,我发烧了。‎ You should drink a lot of water.你应该喝很多的水。‎ Doctor, doctor, I have a cold.医生,医生,我感冒了。‎ You should wear warm clothes.你应该穿上暖和的衣服。‎ Doctor, doctor, I have a cough.医生,医生我咳嗽。‎ You should take some medicine.你应该那些药。‎ ‎31What's the date today?今天几号?‎ It's the fifth of May.今天是五月五号。‎ It's my birthday today.今天是我的生日。‎ Hooray! Hooray!万岁!万岁!‎ Come and play.来一起玩耍。‎ Come and play.来一起玩耍。‎ I can't wait!我已经迫不及待了!‎ It's a happy day!真是开心的一天!‎ What's the date today?今天几号?‎ It's the fifth of May.今天是五月五号。‎ It's my birthday today.今天是我的生日。‎ Hooray! Hooray!万岁!万岁!‎ Come and play.来一起玩耍。‎ Come and play.来一起玩耍。‎ I can't wait!我已经迫不及待了!‎ It's a happy day!真是开心的一天!‎ ‎32Do you know any great inventions in the world?你知道世界上的一些伟大发明吗?‎ I think paper is a great invention.我认为纸是一项伟大的发明。‎ People can write on it.人们可以在它上面写东西。‎ I think the watch is a great invention.我认为手表是一项伟大发明。‎ People can tell the time anywhere.人们可以随时随地看时间。‎ I think the car is a great invention.我认为汽车是一项伟大发明。‎ People can travel from one place to another very fast.人们可以很快地从一个地方到另一个地方。‎ I think … Well, I'm going to invent something myself.我认为……额,我自己将要发明一些东西。‎ Great! What are you going to invent?好极了!你打算发明什么?‎ I'm going to invent a flying bike!我打算发明一辆会飞的自行车!‎ People can go anywhere with it.人们可以骑着它去任何地方。‎ ‎33A flying machine《一架飞机》‎ Wilbur Wright and Orville Wright are brothers.威尔伯·莱特和奥维尔·莱特是兄弟。‎ They like to invent things.他们喜欢发明东西。‎ One day, they are watching some birds flying in the sky.一天,他们正在观察天上的飞鸟。‎ They want to fly too!他们也想飞!‎ ‎"We should invent a flying machine!" says Wilbur.“我们应该发明一架飞机!”威尔伯说。‎ ‎"Great!" says Orville. "But how?"“好极了!”奥维尔说。“但是怎么发明呢?”‎ ‎"First, we'll watch how the birds fly.“首先,我们将观察鸟是怎么飞的。‎ Next, we'll draw a picture of our flying machine.接下来,我们要画一张飞机的模型图。‎ Then we'll build it.然后我们就开始制造它。‎ Finally, we'll fly like birds!"最后,我们将会像鸟一样飞翔!”‎ ‎34What should I invent today?今天我该发明什么呢?‎ A flying car?一辆飞车?‎ A game to play?一个可以玩儿的游戏?‎ What should I invent for you?我该为你发明什么呢?‎ A special toy?一个特殊的玩具?‎ A funny tool?一个可爱的工具?‎ What should we invent together?我们应该一起发明什么呢?‎ A hat to wear in any weather?一个可以在任何天气里带的帽子?‎ It is so much fun!它太有趣了!‎ Inventions can help everyone!发明能帮助每个人!‎ What should I invent today?今天我该发明什么呢?‎ A flying car?一辆飞车?‎ A game to play?一个可以玩儿的游戏?‎ What should I invent for you?我该为你发明什么呢?‎ A special toy?一个特殊的玩具?‎ A funny tool?一个可爱的工具?‎ What should we invent together?我们应该一起发明什么呢?‎ A hat to wear in any weather?一个可以在任何天气里带的帽子?‎ It is so much fun!它太有趣了!‎ Inventions can help everyone!发明能帮助每个人!‎ ‎351. The Spring Festival comes in January or February every year.1. 春节在每年的一月或二月。‎ It is an important Chinese festival.它是中国的一个重要节日。‎ People also call it Chinese New Year.人们也叫它中国的新年。‎ ‎2. On Chinese New Year's Eve, families have a big dinner together.2. 在中国的除夕夜,家人聚在一起享用丰盛的晚餐。‎ They often eat fish and dumplings.他们通常吃鱼和饺子。‎ ‎3. People visit their friends and relatives.3. 人们拜访他们的亲戚朋友。‎ Children often get red packets with some money in them.孩子们经常得到里面放着钱的红包。‎ ‎4. People also watch fireworks at night.4. 人们也在晚上看烟花。‎ They like the beautiful fireworks very much.他们非常喜欢美丽的烟花。‎ ‎36The story of Nian年兽的故事 ‎1. Nian is a monster.1. 年兽是一个怪物。‎ He lives in the hills.他住在山里。‎ At the end of every year, he goes into the village and eats people!在每年年末,他进入村里吃人!‎ ‎2. One day, an old man comes to the village.2. 一天,一位老人来到这个村里。‎ Nian is afraid of the colour red.年兽害怕红色。‎ ‎3. Soon it is the last day of the year.3. 不久就是这年的最后一天。‎ Nian comes down from the hills.年兽从山上下来。‎ He sees red paper on the doors and windows.他看见门上、窗户上张贴着红纸,‎ He also sees red firecrackers.他也看到红色的爆竹。‎ He feels afraid and runs back into the hills.他感到害怕,就逃回了山里。‎ ‎4. The people in the village never see Nian again.4. 从此村子里的人们再也没见过年兽。‎ They use red things and light firecrackers at the Spring Festival every year.每年春节他们都使用红色的东西并燃放爆竹。‎ ‎37The giant's garden《巨人的花园》‎ ‎1.A giant lives in a big house with a beautiful garden.1.有一个巨人住在一栋带有漂亮花园的大房子里。‎ Children like to play in the garden.孩子们喜欢在花园里玩耍。‎ They have a lot of fun there.他们在那里玩得很开心。‎ ‎2.The giant finds the children in his garden.2.巨人看到孩子们在他的花园里玩耍,‎ He is very angry.他很生气。‎ Get out! Get out!出去!出去!‎ ‎3.The giant builds a tall wall around his garden.3.巨人在花园周围砌了一堵高墙,‎ Now the children cannot play in his garden.现在孩子们不能在他的花园里玩了。‎ ‎4.Soon Miss Spring comes.4.不久春姑娘来了,‎ She brings beautiful flowers and birds, but she does not bring any to the giant's garden.她带来了美丽的鲜花和小鸟。但她没有把任何鲜花和小鸟带到巨人的花园里。‎ ‎5."It's cold here. Where's Miss Spring?"5.“这里太冷了。春姑娘去哪了?”‎ The giant looks at his garden and feels sad.巨人看着他的花园,感到很伤心。‎ ‎6.Miss Spring, Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do not visit the giant.6.春姑娘、夏姑娘和秋姑娘都不来看望巨人。‎ It is always winter in the giant's garden.在巨人的花园里,一直都是冬天。‎ I don't like the giant. He's not kind to children.我不喜欢这个巨人。他对孩子们不友好。‎ No entry!禁止进入!‎ ‎7. One morning, the giant hears some lovely sounds.7. 一天早上,巨人突然听到了动听的歌声。‎ He sees some beautiful flowers too.他也看到了一些美丽的鲜花,‎ The giant is very happy.他非常开心。‎ Hooray! Miss Spring is here!万岁!春姑娘来这了!‎ ‎8. The giant finds some children in his garden.8. 巨人又看到了一些孩子在他的花园里,‎ They are coming through a hole.他们正从围墙的小洞爬进花园里。‎ They bring Miss Spring to his garden!是他们把春姑娘带到他的花园里的!‎ ‎9. The giant knocks down the wall around his garden.9. 巨人推倒了围墙,‎ Miss Spring never comes late again.从此春姑娘再也没有迟到过。‎ Children, you can play in my garden any time.孩子们,你们随时都可以来我的花园玩耍了。‎

