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Module 10 2020 秋外研版五年级英语上册优质课件 Unit1~ Unit2 Unit1 目 录 使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。 Unit 2 外研版 · 英语 · 五 年级 上 册 第一课时 第二 课时 Module 10 Unit 1 He was in the kitchen. Let's chant Go to the living room, watch TV. Go to the kitchen, have a snack. Go to the toilet , wash my face. Go to the study, read a book. Go to the bedroom , have a sleep. 第一课时 Guess the room. bedroom sofa They are skipping now . Watch the video. Listen and chant. I'm in the classroom. W here are you? I'm in… I'm … We are in the living room . I'm in the kitchen. What are they doing? They are playing hide-and-seek. Watch the video. Listen, read and act out. Listen and answer the questions. Where is Sam? Where is Tom? Where is John? He is in the bedroom. He is in the living room. He is in the kitchen. Sam : Let’s play hide-and-seek . All : OK. Listen and read. Amy : Now, where is Sam? Oh, there he is! He’s in the bedroom ! Sam : I’m the winner. You found me last . Amy: I found John first. He was in the kitchen . Sam: Where did you find Lingling ? Amy: I found Lingling in the toilet ! All: Ha ha... Ms Smart: Is Tom playing with you? Amy: No, he isn’t. Ms Smart: Well, where is he? Sam: I don’t know. He was in the living room . Sam: Look! He is hiding behind the sofa! Amy: I found Tom last. He won the game. All : Ha ha... −Where did you find Lingling? −I found Lingling in the toilet! 详解:该句用于询问对方过去在何处找到某人 / 某物的,是由 where 引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句,助动词用 do 的过去式 did ,它后面的动词要用其原形。回答时,注意用 find 的过去时 found 。 Where did you find your bag? Where did you find your brother? 例 句型结构:疑问词 + did + 人 / 物 + 动词原形 + 其他? 排 排序 。 1 2 3 4 5 给动画配音。 Retell the text. Sam , Amy and some children are playing ___________. Where is Sam? Oh, he is in the __________ . Where is _______ ? Oh , she is in the toilet. Where is John? Oh, he is in the ________ . Where is Tom? Oh he's in the _________ . He is sleeping there. h ide-and-sick bedroom Lingling kitchen living room 一 、读一读 ,选一选。   You _____ in the bathroom.   You _____  in the living  room.         You _____ in the kitchen.      You _____ in the bedroom.        A.b rush your teeth .  B. talk with  your friends . C. cook meals.  D.m ake the bed .  A B C D Try to do. 二 、按要求写句子。 1 . They found Amy in the living room.( 改为否定句 ) 2 . She is hiding behind the sofa.( 改为一般疑问句 ) 3 . My mother found me in the toilet .( 就画线部分提问 ) They didn't find Amy in the living room. Is she hiding behind the sofa? Where did your mother find you? What have you learnt? 重点词汇 : in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the toilet, in the living room, behind the sofa 重点 句式 : Let’s play hide-and-seek . Where is Sam? Oh , there he is! He’s in the bedroom! I found John first. He was in the kitchen. Sum up. 1. 小组 练习 对话。 2. 和家人玩捉迷藏的游戏。 Homework Let's sing 第二课时 Sam: Where did you find John? Amy: I found John in the kitchen. Sam: Where did you find Lingling? Amy: I found Lingling in the toilet. Listen and say. Guess and say. Hello! I played hide-and –seek with my friend. Where did I find my friend? Guess! She found her friend… She found… It's a/an... Show and say. Find and say. A: Where did you find the schoolbag? B: I found the schoolbag in the living room. Practise. 找宝贝 一 名学生上讲台,面向黑板,老师把物品放 在一 名学生书桌里面。除了讲台上的学生,其他学生 读该物品 的名称。台上的学生下讲台找宝贝,其他学生根据他离宝贝的距离远近,掌握声调 。离宝贝 越远,语调越低,离宝贝越近,语调越高,直到找到宝贝为止, 如果最后 找到了宝贝,其他 同学则问 , Where did you find ...? 找 的同学则回答 I found... 如果没有 找到宝贝,就 换同学 继续找,直到 找到为止 。 Game. 一、 选出与句意相符的图片。 (    ) 1. The dogs are in the kitchen. A. B . (    ) 2. Children like playing hide- and -seek . A. B. A B Try to do. 二、连词成句。 it, in, I, found, kitchen, the ( . ) ______________________________________ find, Where, you, did, the, schoolbag ( ? ) ______________________________________ hide-and-seek, Let’s , play ( . ) ______________________________________ I found it in the kitchen. Where did you find the schoolbag? Let’s play hide-and-seek. 盥洗室与去“100号” 盥(guàn)洗室一词的本意为洗手或洗脸的地方,但其实际含义则是厕所,英国人上厕所时不会直接地说“去上厕所”,在提醒别人时也是如此,都不直接提到“厕所”二字。如果你想要上厕所,可以说“去男人的房间”,或“去女人的房间”,也可以说“请原谅几分钟”或“我想洗手”等等。小孩子们想要大小便时便说“我要去那个地方”。在朋友之间和家庭内部,“100号”则是最常用的说法。 知识之窗 重点句式 : Where did you find somebody/something ? I found somebody/something ... Sum up. Homework 1. 听录音模仿语音语调。 2. 和同桌用日常用品练习 Practise 中内容。 外研版 · 英语 · 五 年级 上 册 第一课时 第二 课时 Module 10 Unit 2 Don’t shout, please! say is do play find 快速说出单词的过去式。 第一课时 What do they mean? Listen and chant. Watch the video. Don’t shout. Don’t walk. “Don't” 意为:禁止、命令、劝告,通常为向听话者发出命令、提出要求或建议。 Don't run. Don't speak. Baby’s mother : Don’ t shout, please! My baby is sleeping. Amy : Sorry. I didn’ t know. Listen and read. Ms Smart : Don’ t climb the tree! It’s dangerous. Sam : Sorry, Mum . Ms Smart : Don’t walk on the grass, Amy ! Amy : Sorry. Let ’ s go and see the pandas, Sam! Sam : Great! Let’s go! Why can't they shout in the zoo? Because the baby is sleeping. Answer the questions. Why can't they climb the tree? Because it's dangerous . 危险的 dangerous Why can't they walk on the grass? Because it will hurt grass. Role play. Don’t…! It’s… Sorry… 自编情景对话 。 A: Don’t… B: Sorry… Don't climb the tree! Don’t walk on the grass! Look and write. Then say. Don’t shout! Don’t swim in the river! 一、 用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. Don’t _______ (climb) the tree! 2. Let’s _______ (go) and _______ (see) the monkeys. 3 . Don’t _______ (shout) please! My baby is ___ _ __ (sleep). climb go see shout sleeping Try to do. 二、找朋友,请找出来他们的英文翻译。 ( ) 1. 婴儿 ( )2. 草地 ( ) 3. 危险 的 ( ) 4. 呼喊,大叫 ( ) 5. 动物园 A. grass B . dangerous C . zoo D . baby E . shout D A B E C 重点句式 : Don't shout , please ! My baby is sleeping. Don't climb the tree! It's dangerous. Don't walk on the grass , Amy . Sum up. 1. 收集一些警示语并在下节课上讨论。 2. 和同桌练习所学对话。 Homework 第二课时 S ay and do. Listen and say. Then chant. Watch the video. “Don’t jump on the bed,” my sister said. “Don’t jump on the bed,” my father said. “Please don’t jump on the bed,” my mother said. But I jumped and I jumped and I jumped on the bed. And then I fell off the bed and I bumped my head. Let's chant. watch TV play chess eat fruits 看图猜词组 。 climb trees walk on the grass do homework do exercise j ump on the bed ride a bike skip sing a song take photos swim =You can ... =Don’t ... Do and say. Classroom Rules Don't sleep in the class. You can do homework. Don't stand on the chair. Make classroom rules. m n ng l w y mum new sing lion warm yes jump fan swimming ruler window year 把相同发音的字母画出来。 Listen and repeat. m n ng l w y m um n ew si ng l ion w arm y es ju m p fa n swimmi ng ru l er w indow y ear 红色字母发什么音? /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /l/ /w/ /j/ 找规律。 m um n ew C D A B A. noodles B. now C. mother D. moon Read and choose. si ng ru l er A E F B C D A. swimming B. list C. lost D. lion E . thing F. doing w arm y ear A D B C A. wall B. young C. your D. warm 英国小学生的生活 大部分英国小学生每天都上网,上网时间在3小时左右。英国孩子的课余活动相当丰富,除了上网,他们还参加体育活动( sport )、音乐和绘画( music and drawing )、参观博物馆( museum )等。他们的作业( homework )负担比中国孩子轻得多,可以尽情参与各类课外活动问。老师还会给学生列出课外阅读的书单,供学生娱乐消遣,增长知识。英国的小学生家长则经答常在周末带着孩子去上各种兴趣班。一般来说,英国孩子16岁时开始打工,周末要工作3个小时。孩子在打工过程中积累的经验及培养的意识和能力,对他们将来真正走上社会很有帮助( help )。 知识之窗 一、连词成句。 jump, Don’t, on, bed, the ( . ) __________________________________ computer, Don’t, games, play ( ! ) __________________________________ go, you, fishing, can ( . ) __________________________________ Don’t jump on the bed. Don’t play computer games! You can go fishing. Try to do. 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Don’t ________ the tree. A climb B climbing C climb ( ) 2. Don’t walk _______ the grass. A in B on C behind ( ) 3. Don’ t _______, please! A shouts B shouting C shout A B C 重点单词: 重点 句式: You can... Don't... Don't sleep in class. m um n ew si ng l ion w arm y es ju m p fa n swimmi ng ru l er w indow y ear Sum up. Homework 1. 用 Don't 说说在课堂中不能做的事情。 2. 用 Don't 说说在家里不能做的事情。

