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module 1 ( 三年级起点 ) 外研版四年级英语下册单元全套课件 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级 下册 第一课时 第二 课时 Module 1 Unit 1 She’s a nice teacher. thin fat She is thin . She’s very thin . He is fat . He’s a bit fat . 第 一 课时 tall short The father is tall . His son is short . The father is tall, but his son is short. New Words clever He’s clever . This is Sun Wukong. naughty This is Bajie. He’s naughty . He’s nice . nice This is Sha seng.     shy He’s shy . This is Mr. Tang. Listen, point and say. Look, the elephant is clever. And very naughty too. Listen, point and find “She’s/He’s…” Hello. They are my friends. This is Maomao. She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. This is Ms Smart. She’s a nice teacher. This is Xiaoyong. He’s a clever pupil. And this is Parrot. Can you answer the call now? Parrot is very naughty! But he’s not a bad bird. Ha ha… How many friends does Panpan have? Who a re they? Panpan has four friends. They are Maomao, Ms smart, Xiaoyong and Parrot . Answer the questions. I can do it! Hello, boys and girls. I have a friend. He is tall and thin. He has short hair. His eyes are big. His mouth is small. Who is he? Learn the new words. And he is also clever . c lever My friend’s sister is Maomao. She doesn’t talk too much and is nervous in front of strangers. So she is shy . Learn the new words. shy Xiaoyong’s teacher is Ms Smart. She teaches very well and is good to her students. So she is nice . Learn the new words. nice Xiaoyong has a parrot. He can answer the call. So he is very naughty . Learn the new words. naughty naughty nice shy c lever Learn the new words. One student act out and the other one guess. naughty nice shy c lever Learn the text. Hello. They are my friends. This is Maomao. She’s very nice . But she’s a bit shy . Who is she? What is she like? Who is a bit shy in our class? Learn the text. Who is she? What is she like? Who is nice in our class? This is Ms Smart. She’s a nice teacher. Learn the text. Who is he? What is he like? Who is clever in our class? This is Xiaoyong. He’s a clever pupil. Learn the text. Who is he? What is he like? Who is naughty in our class? And this is Parrot. Can you answer the call now? Parrot is very naughty ! But he’s not a bad bird. Ha ha… nice naughty nice, shy clever Guess, what he/she is like? Hello. They are_________. ______Maomao. She’s________. ____ she’s a ________. ________Ms Smart. She’s____________. _______Xiaoyong. He’s___________. And _______ Parrot. Can you _________now? Parrot is____________! But he’s not a bad bird. Ha ha… Role play. my friends This is very nice But a bit shy This is a nice teacher This is a clever pupil t his is a nswer the call very naughty Hello. They are my friends. This is Maomao. She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. This is Ms Smart. She’s a nice teacher. This is Xiaoyong. He’s a clever pupil. And this is Parrot. Can you answer the call now? Parrot is very naughty! But he’s not a bad bird. Ha ha… Role play. Group work: describe your classmates . Practise the sentences and make new sentences. This is… He’s/She’s very/a bit… This is… He’s/She’s… But she’s/he’s… Guessing game . One student describe the picture. T he other one guess who he/she is. 可以用有特点的班里学生的照片。 汉译 英,注意拼写规则。 害羞的 淘气的 聪明的 友善 的 非常 有一点儿 I can do it! Try to do. 给下列短语选择正确的汉语翻译。 I can do it! ( ) 1. my friends A. 有点儿害羞 ( ) 2. a bit shy B. 一位友好的老师 ( ) 3. a clever pupil C. 一个聪明的学生 ( ) 4. answer the call D. 接电话 ( ) 5. a nice teacher E. 我的朋友们 E A C D B Try to do. 连词成句。 I can do it! 1.are, they, friends, my (.) _______________________ 2.is, clever, she, pupil, a (.) _______________________ 3.you, the, now, can, answer, call (?) _______________________ 4.is, bit, she, a, shy (.) _______________________ 5.is, a, bird, naughty, this (.) _______________________ They are my friends. She is a bit shy. This is a naughty bird. She is a clever pupil . Can you answer the call now? Try to do. Nice, nice. H e’s very nice . Shy, shy . H e’s a bit shy . Clever, clever. He’s very clever . Naughty , naughty. He’s a bit naughty . Let’s chant. Words and phrases Summing up. n ice, clever, shy, naughty, very, a bit, but, answer the call Sentences She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. She’s a nice teacher. He’s a clever pupil. Parrot is very naughty! But he’s not a bad bird. Summing up. A friend in need is a friend indeed . 患难见真情 。 Proverb (谚语) 1. 背 过新词短语 : nice , clever, shy, naughty, a bit, very, but, answer the call 。 2 . 听磁带跟读课文 五 遍,家长签字。 3. 用英语描述你最好的朋友,并贴上好朋友的 照片或画像。 Homework Find and say . This is _____ . She / He is _____ . Ryder smart Xiaowanzi shy naughty nice Hu Tutu Sofia 第 二 课时 Find and say . This is Ryder . He is smart . Ryder smart Xiaowanzi shy naughty nice Hu Tutu Sofia Find and say . This is Xiaowanzi . She is shy . Ryder smart Xiaowanzi shy naughty nice Hu Tutu Sofia Find and say . This is Hu Tutu . He is naughty . Ryder smart Xiaowanzi shy naughty nice Hu Tutu Sofia Find and say . This is Sofia . She is nice . Ryder smart Xiaowanzi shy naughty nice Hu Tutu Sofia Listen and say. This is Maomao. She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. This is Ms Smart. She’s a nice teacher. Practise. A: This is Xiaoyong. B: He’s very clever. Speak out A: This is… B: She’s/He’s… A: This is Maomao. B: She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. A: This is Parrot. B: He’s very naughty. But he’s not a bad bird. A: This is Xiaoyong. B: He’s a clever pupil. A: This is Ms Smart. B: She’s a nice teacher. Group work: Talk about your family. Hi, I’m Peppa Pig. This is my family! This is my father. He is clever. He can drive. Group work: Talk about your family. This is my mother. She is very nice. She likes dancing. Group work: Talk about your family. This is my little brother George. He is naughty but he is cute. This is me. I am a bit shy. I like chocolate cake and juice! We play together ! We are happy! Group work: Talk about your family. I love my family! How about your family? Group work: Talk about your family. I’m… This is my father. He’s… This is my mother. She’s… This is… He’s/She’s…But he’s/she’s… I love my family! Group work: Talk about your family. 选一选。 I can do it! ( ) 1.Ms Smart is _____ very nice teacher. A. a B. the C. / ( ) 2.Parraot is very naughty! _____ he’s not a bad bird. A. And B. But C. So ( ) 3.Ms Smart is my teacher. _____ is very nice. A. It B. He C. She A B C Try to do. 改正错误。 I can do it! ( ) _______ 1. The pupils are my friend . ( ) _______ 2. This’s my teacher. She is very nice . ( ) _______ 3. Can she answers the call now? C A B C A B C A A B C friends This is B answer Try to do. 英汉互译。 I can do it! 1. 毛毛有点害羞。 _______________________ 2.Xiaoyong is a clever pupil. _______________________ 3.Parrot is a naughty bird. _______________________ 4. 斯玛特女士是一名亲切的老师。 _______________________ 5. 鹦鹉可以接电话。 _______________________ Maomao is a bit shy. Ms Smart is a nice teacher. Parrot can answer the call. 小勇 是 一名聪明的学生。 鹦鹉是一 只 淘气的小鸟。 Try to do. This is a girl and this is a boy. She is nice and he is naughty. This is a boy and this is a girl. He is clever and she is shy. Let’s chant. Words and phrases Summing up. n ice, clever, shy, naughty, very, a bit, but, answer the call Sentences She’s very nice. But she’s a bit shy. She’s a nice teacher. He’s a clever pupil. Parrot is very naughty! But he’s not a bad bird. Summing up. A life without friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳。 Proverb (谚语) 用英语写一篇短文,介绍你的家人。并附上你的全家福吧! Homework 外研版 · 英语 · 四年级 下册 第一课时 第二课时 Module 1 Unit 2 He's cool. 第 一 课时 说一说: This is… He/She is… He/She is a… boy/girl. Yixiu clever Hu Tutu naughty Xiaowanzi shy 第 一 课时 说一说: This is… He/She is… He/She is a… boy/girl. my brother cool my sister cute my mother nice Who is she in the photo? She is Ms Smart. What is she like? She is very nice. Look and answer. Listen and chant. This is my mother. She’s a nice teacher. This is my father. He’s very clever. Introduce your family. Listen and say. This is my aunt. She ‘s very nice. This is my uncle. He’s very clever. This is my big brother. He‘s cool. This is my little sister. She’s cute. This is my friend. He’s very naughty. Try to answer. Who is he? He is Panpan’s big brother. What is he like? He’s cool . Who is she? She is Panpan’s little sister. What is she like? She’s cute . This is my aunt. She ‘s very nice. This is my uncle. He’s very clever. This is my big brother. He‘s cool. This is my little sister. She’s cute. This is my friend. He’s very naughty. 当听到关键词 aunt, uncle, brother, sister, friend 时拍手。 Listen and do. This is my aunt. She ‘s very nice. This is my uncle. He’s very clever. This is my big brother. He‘s cool. This is my little sister. She’s cute. This is my friend. He’s very naughty. 当听到关键词 nice, clever, cool, cute, naughty 时拍手。 Listen and do. Panpan's uncle Panpan's aunt Panpan's big brother Panpan's little sister Panpan's friend nice clever cool naughty cute Read and match. cool: 酷的 My brother is very cool. cute: 可爱的 This cat is very cute. little: 幼小的,年幼的 The baby is my little brother. big : 年龄较大的 This is my big sister. 拓展: big 还可以表示物体的形状“大的”。 I have a big cake. aunt: 姨母;姑母;舅母;伯母;婶母 uncle: 伯父;叔父;舅父;姑父;姨夫 Do as I say. Play a game: 根据老师发出的指令,做出相应的动作。 naughty shy clever nice cool cute little big Point and say. He’s a bit shy. 汉译 英。 酷的 _________ 可爱的 _________ 阿姨 __________ 大的 _________ 叔叔 _________ 小 的 _________ I can do it! Try to do. big cute cool little uncle aunt 连词成句。 I can do it! 1.my, This, aunt, is (.) _______________________ 2.is, my, little, This, sister (.) _______________________ 3.big, is, This, brother, my (.) _______________________ 4.a, clever, He’s, pupil (.) _______________________ This is my aunt. He’s a clever pupil.. This is my little sister. This is my big brother. Try to do. Words Summing up. big, little, cool, cute, aunt, uncle, brother, sister Sentences This is my aunt . She’s very nice . This is my uncle . He’s very clever . This is my big brother . He’s cool . This is my little sister . She’s cute . This is my friend . He’s very naughty . Summing up. 1. 熟记本节课所学 的单词和 句型 , 必须会听、说、读、写。 2. 将 Listen and chant. 唱给自己的妈妈听。 3. 将 Listen and say. 朗读流利。 Homework 第二课时 Game time I’m Xiaolan. I’m a bit shy. Xiaolan is a bit shy. I’m Xiaoyong. I’m very naughty. Xiaolan is a bit shy. Xiaoyong is very naughty. I’m… Listen and say. Then chant. This is a little girl, and she has a little curl. And when she is good, she is very, very good. And when she is bad, she is very, very bad! Do and say. Oh, you’re a shy doctor! Make and say. This is Lanlan. She’s my friend. She’s tall and clever. Make an album about your friends and introduce them to the class. 选一选。 I can do it! ( ) 1.This _____ my sister. A. is B. are C. am ( ) 2.This is my ____. He is my mother’s little brother. A. aunt B. uncle C. father ( ) 3.-This is my brother. –Oh, _____ tall and thin. A. he B. she’s C. he’s A B C Try to do. 情景选择 。 I can do it! ( ) 1. 当你向别人介绍你的妈妈时,应该说: ____ ( ) 2. 当你想说她很淘气时,应该说 : _____ ( ) 3. 当你向别人介绍你的朋友时,应该说: _____ ( ) 4. 当你对别人说你的小妹妹很可爱时,应该说: _____ C B Try to do. A. My little sister is very cute. B. This is my mother. C. She is very naughty. D. This is my friend. D A Words Summing up. nice, clever, naughty, shy, bad, big, little, cool, cute, aunt, uncle, brother, sister Sentences This is… He/ She is a bit/ very… Summing up. 1. 打着拍子向家人展示本单元新学的韵句。 2. 向家人展示自己跟读模仿课文录音的情况。 3. 用本课句型介绍家人性格特征。 Homework

