五年级上册英语课件-Unit 12 The Spring Festival (共20张PPT)

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五年级上册英语课件-Unit 12 The Spring Festival (共20张PPT)

Unit 12 The spring festival Let’s review happy sad shy angry sorry proud excited happy sad shy angry sorry proud excited -How do you feel? -I feel…/I’m … happy sad shy angry sorry proud excited -How does he/she feel? -He/she feels… How does he/she feel? He/she feels… Open your book Welcome , everyone ! 你知道这是歌唱什么的歌曲吗 ? 你每年是怎样过春节的? 你还知道春节的哪些习俗? 如果遇到外国友人你会用英语来描述春节吗? Let’s listen Unit 12 The Spring Festival spring : 春,春天 festival :节日,喜庆日 the S pring F estival: 春节 (专有名词,注意第一个字母大写) eve [iːv] : 前日 ,前夕 eve of the S pring F estival: 除夕 C hristmas E ve : 平安夜 firecracker s : 爆竹,鞭炮 burn : 燃烧,点燃 burn firecracker s 放鞭炮 a lion 一头狮子 lion dance 舞狮 a dragon 一条龙 dragon dance 舞龙 reunion : 相聚,团圆 dinner: 晚餐,正餐 a family reunion dinner 团圆饭 packet : 小包,包装 red packet 红包 eve of the Spring Festival a family reunion dinner lion dance firecrackers red packet A Let’s Listen and say They have great fun . fun : 乐趣 great :好的,伟大的 have great fun: 玩得很开心 他们玩得很开心。 Goodbye!

