人教精通版英语五上《Is this your schoolbag》单元测试

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人教精通版英语五上《Is this your schoolbag》单元测试

Unit5 单元测试卷 一、找出与句中画线部分同类的选项。 A. activity book B. this C. goose D. camera E. ruler (1) Is that your umbrella? ___________ (2) That’s my eraser. ___________ (3) Is this your English book? ___________ (4) It’s Jim’s hen. ___________ (5) This is my fan. ___________ 二、用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 1. Is ___________ (these) your hen? 2. This is ___________ (you) notebook. 3. Look at the ___________ (goose). Do you like them? 4. That’s ___________ (Mary) activity book. 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. I need ___________ umbrella. It’s rainy today. A. a B. an C. / ( ) 2. ---___________ is it? ---It’s seven o’clock. A. What class B. What time C. What colour ( ) 3. ---___________ fan is that? ---It’s my fan. A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose ( ) 4. ---Is that your camera? ---No, it isn’t. It’s ___________ camera. A. Ann B. Ann’s C. my 四、选择合适的句子补全对话。 A. It is Peter’s bear. B. Yes. It’s my sheep. C. Is this your bear? D. No, it isn’t. E. Whose goose is this? A: Wow! What a big zoo! B: Look at all the animals! They are so cute. A: Oh. This is a bear. (1) ________________ B: No, it isn’t. (2) ________________ A: Is that your sheep? B: (3) ________________ A: (4) ________________ Is it your goose? B: (5) ________________ It’s Lisa’s goose. 五、阅读并选择正确答案。 Sea horses are small. They don’t have legs or arms. They can’t run. They don’t live on the land, but live in the sea. Their heads look like the heads of horses. So people call them “sea horses”. The sea horses are small fish. They like to live in the warm water. Father sea horses carry the eggs to keep them safe (确保……安全) in their pouches (育儿袋) until they hatch (孵出,出壳). (1) The sea horses are a kind of ___________. A. horse B. fish C. plant (2) The sea horse likes to live ___________. A. on the land B. in the cold water C. in the warm water (3) The sea horse’s head looks like the ___________. A. cat’s B. horse’s C. fish’s (4) A sea horse ___________. A. has legs B. has arms C. can’t run (5) ___________ carry the eggs. A. Father sea horses B. Mother sea horses C. No sea horses. 参考答案: 一、 (1)-(5) BEACD 二、 1. this 2. your 3. geese 4. Mary’s 三、 1-4 BBCB 四、 (1)-(5) CABED 五、 (1)-(5) BCBCA

