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1 / 9 词汇专项突破卷 时间:60 分钟 满分:100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 总分 得分 主题词汇梳理 (英汉互译) 一、名词类。(12 分) 1. 男孩_________ 2. 女孩_________ 3. 女人(单数)________ 4. 女人(复数)______ 5. 男人(单数)______ 6. 男人(复数)______ 7. 婴儿______ 8. 人们______ 9. 孩子(单数)______ 10. 孩子(复数) ______ 11. 妈妈(非正式用语) ______ 12. 爸爸(非正式用语)______ 13. 水 ______ 14. 茶______ 15. 糖果______ 16. 昨天______ 17. 夜晚______ 18. 图画;照片______ 19. 电子邮件______ 20. 想法;主意______ 21. 电脑______ 22. 故事______ 23. 照片______ 24. fun______ 二、形容词类。(7 分) 1. 悲伤的______ 2. 快乐的;高兴的______ 3. 疲劳的;累的______ 4. 害怕,畏惧______ 5. 饥饿的______ 6. 忙碌的______ 7. 亲爱的______ 8. 左边的______ 9. 右边的______ 10. 错误的______ 11. 友好的;体贴的______ 12. 晴朗的;健康的______ 13. 许多的______ 14. easy______ 三、动词类。(16 分) 1. 跑______ 2. 跳;跳跃______ 3. 唱;演唱______ 4. 跳舞______ 5. 坐______ 6. 站立;直立______ 7. 看见;明白;会见______ 8. 看;瞧______ 9. 画______ 10. 哭;喊叫;哭泣______ 11. 讨论;交谈______ 12. 睡觉;入睡______ 13. 说___________________ 14. 救命;帮助___________________ 2 / 9 15. 担心;担忧______________ 16. 乘坐;买下;拍照______________ 17. 是;存在(am, is, are 的动词原形)___________________________________ 18. 觉得;感到________________ 19. 停下;停止____________________ 20. 等待_______________________ 21. 写____________________________ 22. 使用;利用________________ 23. 转向;转弯____________________ 24. 做;干;助动词(do 的过去式) _____________________________________ 25. 有;吃;进行(活动)(have 的过去式)_________________________________ 26. 走;离开(go 的过去式)________ 27. 吃(eat 的过去式)_______________ 28. 是;存在(are 的过去式) ________ 29. 是;存在(am,is 的过去式)______ 30. 买(buy 的过去式)______ 31. 看见(see 的过去式)______ 32. need______ 四、其他类。(5 分) 1. 为……;给…… ______ 2. 谁______ 3. 我们(we 的宾格形式)______ 4. 向下;朝下;沿着______ 5. 向上;在上面______ 6. 现在______ 7. 回原处;向后___________________________________________________ 8. 对不起,不好意思(道歉时用)______________________________________ 9. (与 how 连用以询问数量)多少;很;非常_____________________________ 10. more______ 五、动词短语类。(2 分) 1. 向外看 ______ 2. 看(某人或某物)______ 3. 拍照______ 4. stand up______ 常考题型过关 六、按方框中给出的词给下列单词进行分类,并把单词正确抄写在对应的方框内。 (4 分) People help busy write woman dance sad wrong Idea was kind saw postcard bought turn walked photo hungry sing looked 3 / 9 七、根据图片提示写单词或短语,补全句子。(10 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. —What are you doing? —I am drawing a ____________. 2. He is thirsty. He would like some ____________. 3. __________ is not good for your teeth. Don't eat too much. 4. Be quiet(安静). The baby is ____________. 5. —How do you feel? —I feel very __________. I want to have a rest(休息). 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 6. The girl is____________ of snakes. 7. —Where is the library? —Go straight and turn ____________. 8. —Can I use the____________? —Sure. 9. She is reading a____________ to her child. 10. My little sister is ____________ to go to Beijing. 八、选词填空,补全句子。(选项可重复使用)(10 分) 1. Jenny is looking____________ the window on the train. 2. Turn left__________ the traffic lights. The bookshop is ___________ the right. 3. Danny had gifts ____________ everyone. 4. This is a new dress. Try it ____________. 5. Danny looked____________ 15 shops. 6. I'm coming home to Canada ____________ February 8. 7. I want to send the postcard____________ my cousin. With in at on out of to far from for of 4 / 9 8. This book has a picture ____________ pandas. 9. The cinema is ____________ the park. You can take the No. 5 bus. 10. May I play ____________ you? 九、根据句意,选择正确的单词填空。(10 分) 1. There is ____________(no / not) student in the classroom. 2. I want to send my mother ____________(an /a) email. 3. I need ____________(stamp /stamps) for two postcards to the U. S. 4. I ___________(am /was) on the train ____________(to / of) Xi'an yesterday. 5. The car runs ____________(fast / slow). It's cool. 6. What ____________(are / is) the baby doing? 7. Be careful. Please ____________(wait / waiting). 8. I can't ____________(look / see) the kite in the sky. 9. There ___________(are / is) too __________(many / much) buses on the road. 10. My mother drives ____________(we / us) to the library. 十、用所给词的正确形式填空。(10 分) 1. May I ____________(take) your pictures? 2. These ____________(child) are tall. 3. He is ____________(cry). He feels sad. 4. We ____________(buy) a football yesterday. 5. Tom usually ____________(help) his parents at home. 6. —Who is he? —He is____________(Li Ming) uncle. 7. Would you like some____________(banana) or some____________(candy)? 8. He often________(fly) a kite on Sunday. Last Sunday, he _______(be)at home. 9. I want ____________(go) shopping this Saturday. 10. ____________ you ____________(watch) the film last night? 十一、选词填空,补全短文。(14 分) (一) It's Sunday today. The weather is 1. ____________. Mingming and Don't sees sorry people girls stops fine 5 / 9 Dongdong are in the park. They see many 2. ____________. Some boys are flying kites. Some 3. ____________ are dancing. Mingming is jumping on the ground. Dongdong is walking along the road. He 4. ____________ a girl running after a butterfly on the grass. He says to the girl, “5. ______________ run on the grass. ” The girl 6. ______________ and says, “I'm 7. ____________. ” (二) One day, a monkey walked to the lake. Suddenly, he 1. ____________ a tiger under a tree. The tiger was 2. ____________. He wanted to eat the monkey. The tiger 3. __________ after the monkey. The monkey was 4. ____________. He ran fast and he fell into the lake. The monkey couldn't swim. He shouted,“5. ____________. ”A rabbit came and 6. ____________ into the lake. But he couldn't help the monkey. Luckily, a giraffe came here. He 7. ____________ very tall. He helped the monkey and the rabbit. ran Help hungry jumped was saw afraid 6 / 9 词汇专项突破卷 主题词汇梳理: 一、1. boy 2. girl 3. woman 4. women 5. man 6. men 7. baby 8. people 9. child 10. children 11. mum 12. dad 13. water 14. tea 15. candy 16. yesterday 17. night 18. picture 19. email 20. idea 21. computer 22. story 23. photo 24. 乐趣;快乐 二、1. sad 2. happy 3. tired 4. afraid 5. hungry 6. busy 7. dear 8. left 9. right 10. wrong 11. kind 12. fine 13. many 14. 容易的 三、1. run 2. jump 3. sing 4. dance 5. sit 6. stand 7. see 8. look 9. draw 10. cry 11. talk 12. sleep 13. say 14. help 15. worry 16. take 7 / 9 17. be 18. feel 19. stop 20. wait 21. write 22. use 23. turn 24. did 25. had 26. went 27. ate 28. were 29. was 30. bought 31. saw 32. 需要 四、1. for 2. who 3. us 4. down 5. up 6. now 7. back 8. sorry 9. much 10. 更多;更多的 五、1. look out of 2. look at 3. take a picture 4. 起立 常考题型过关: 六、photo:people woman idea postcard hungry :busy sad wrong kind sing :help write dance turn looked :was saw bought walked 七、1. picture 2. water 3. Candy 4. sleeping 5. tired 6. afraid 7. left 8. computer 9. story 10. happy 八、1. out of 2. at; on 3. for 4. on 5. in 6. on 7. to 8. of 9. far from 10. with 8 / 9 九、1. no 点拨:student 为可数名词单数,需使用 no 修饰。 There is no student…= There is not any students…。 2. an 3. stamps 点拨:根据句中 two postcards 可知 stamp 应该用复数。 4. was; to 5. fast 6. is 7. wait 点拨:这是一个祈使句。 8. see 点拨:look 强调看的动作,see 指看的结果。 9. are; many 10. us 十、1. take 2. children 3. crying 点拨:现在进行时的基本结构:主语+be+doing. 。 4. bought 5. helps 点拨:usually 意为“通常”,和一般现在时态连用。 6. Li Ming's 7. bananas; candy 点拨:banana 为可数名词,candy 为不可数名词。 8. flies; was 9. to go 10. Did; watch 十一、(一)1. fine 2. people 3. girls 4. sees 5. Don't 6. stops 9 / 9 7. sorry (二)1. saw 2. hungry 3. ran 4. afraid 5. Help 6. jumped 7. was

