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The exercises of Grade Five(Unit 4) Name: Class: No: 一、根据提示回答问题。 1、What are you doing ?(画画) ______________________________________________________ 2、What can you do ?(洗衣服) ______________________________________________________ 3、What do you often do on the weekend ?(去购物) ______________________________________________________ 4、What is Amy doing ?(写信) _____________________________________________________ 5、What is John doing ?(写电子邮件) ______________________________________________________ 6、What is your mother doing ?(做饭) _____________________________________________________ 7、What is your dad doing ?(接电话) _____________________________________________________ 8、What can your sister do ?(打扫房间) _____________________________________________________ 9、What can your brother do ?(洗碗碟) ____________________________________________________ 二、补全对话。 A: Hello . B:Hello .____________John ._____________________________? A:Just fine .Dad ____________________ a letter . Brother is _________the room .Sister is _____________________ music .I _______________homework . B: ____________________mom ? ___________________________? A:Sure.Hold on please .She’s cleaning her car .Mom,________________. Mom: I’m coming ._________________________________? A: It’s John . Mom:_____________________________. 三、判断下列各句是否正确。对的打“√”错的打“×”,并把正确的句子写在横 线上。 ( )1、Zhang Peng is cook in the kitchen. ( )2、What are you do now? ( )3、She often go to school at 7:00. ( )4、Are you washing clothes now? ( )5、I likes winter best. ( )6、My mother and father is watch TV at home now. 四、请描写你的家人正在干什么,不少于五句话。 ——————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————————————————— ————————————

