2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 12课件

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2020冀教版英语五年级上Lesson 12课件

Unit 2 My Country and English-speaking Countries 冀教版 · 五年级上册 Lesson 12 Review Country Capital city Language Flag China red and yellow Canada Ottawa English French the U.S. Washington, D.C. the U.K. London red, white and blue Beijing Chinese English red and white red, white and blue English Story time Read and fill in the blanks. Where do they live? Language Maddy Maddy’s cousin Maddy’s grandfather Maddy’s aunt Maddy’s uncle Canada English and French Beijing Chinese the U.S. English the U.K. English Australia English Hi! It’s me, Maddy the Monster. My family lives in many different countries. Do you want to see my family photos? 嗨!是我,怪物马迪。我的家人住在许多不同的国家。你想看看我的家庭照吗? This is me. I live in Canada. I speak English and French. 这是我。我住在加拿大。我说英语和法语。 I like to go to Niagara Falls. This is me at Niagara Falls. 我喜欢去尼亚加拉大瀑布。这是我在尼亚加拉大瀑布。 This is my cousin. She lives in Beijing, China. She speaks Chinese. She likes to go to the Great Wall. It is great! 这是我的堂妹。她住在中国北京。她说汉语。她喜欢去长城。那儿很棒! This is my grandfather. Do you know where he lives? Yes! He lives in the U.S. My grandfather likes to see the Statue of Liberty. What do they speak in the U.S.? They speak English. My grandfather speaks English, too. 这是我的爷爷。你知道他住在哪里吗?是的!他住在美国。我的爷爷喜欢去看自由女神像。在美国,他们说什么语言?他们说英语。我的爷爷也说英语。 This is my aunt. She lives in London. Do you know where London is? Yes! It’s in the U.K. It is the capital city of the U.K. My aunt speaks very good English. She likes to have tea with the queen at the palace. 这是我的姑姑。她住在伦敦。你知道伦敦在哪儿吗?是的 ! 它在英国。它是英国的首都。我姑姑英语说得很好。她喜欢跟女王在宫殿里喝茶。 This is my uncle. He lives in Australia. He speaks very good English, too. My uncle likes to go to the beach. How does he go to the beach? By kangaroo. 这是我的叔叔。他住在澳大利亚。他英语也说得很好。我的叔叔喜欢去海滩。他怎么去海滩?骑着袋鼠去。 This is me at Niagara Falls. 这是我在尼亚加拉大瀑布。 本句是表示某人在某地的基本句型,其基本结构为 “ This is + 某人 + at + 某地 . ” 【例句】这是我在长城。 This is me at the Great Wall. Language points Read and talk Where do they live? What do they speak? What do they like to do? Where do they live? What do they speak? Maddy lives in Canada. She speaks English and French. Maddy’s cousin lives in Beijing. She speaks Chinese. Maddy’s grandfather lives in the U.S. He speaks English. Maddy’s aunt lives in the U.K. She speaks English. Maddy’s uncle lives in Australia. He speaks English. What do they like to do? Maddy likes to go to Niagara Falls. Maddy’s cousin likes to go to the Great Wall. Maddy’s grandfather likes to see the Statue of Liberty. Maddy’s aunt likes to have tea with the queen at the palace. Maddy’s uncle likes to go to the beach by kangaroo.

